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tv   Doznavatel-2  NTV  March 24, 2024 3:30am-4:16am MSK

3:30 am
uh-huh, i have nothing else to do but look for the numbers of a comrade lieutenant colonel, by the way , here a challenge has been thrown not only to me, but to our entire team, yes, uh-huh, now the bandits will think that they can rob the police, very funny, very, kirill, this my order, order, yes, yeah, well, informal, but an order. statement by numbers where? what about setrakovich? question for you about russian history? come on, why did alexander suv die? who? commander who? but i don’t know, from old age, but our suvarov died. he’s dying, and what does suvorov have to do with it? you
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gave instructions to block the account? no, of course, why does he need it? don’t overexert yourself, relax, drink some tea, why do you need this? well done, the one who doesn’t want to use his head, his legs hurt, we are preparing for round-the-clock patrolling of the site, comrade lieutenant colonel, i can’t do it today, my wife is waiting for me, i understand. i understand, yesterday my wife also waited for me, waited, waited, waited, and didn’t wait, so take rebinin to look for the villain, nikolaevich, maybe we ’re better off one by one, but it will be more effective, but i’m better off know how it is more effective, yes, cooks, stas, comrade lieutenant colonel knows better,
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allow me to go, free, well guys, let's go, let's go, let's go, see you. tell me, mikhalych, for some time now, dead people have been opening accounts at your bank, and now we’ll find out, now you find out, we’ll find out who’s so clever about us, the card drawer.
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vladimirovich, this is our new manager, although he’s been working like new for three months, but i always knew that he was shady, so if i knew that he was shady, that he didn’t fire him, well, now i can easily deal with him, yeah, and i’ll accept direct and active participation, i didn’t understand, as always, uh-huh, no, kirill, mikhalych, what are you doing? well, just hurry up, god, how boring, come on, stas, wait.
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yes, lily, yes, on duty, again, lilya, i can’t now, i can’t say that i’m not, i don’t know when i’ll be, so, let me come home, lily, please don’t start, lil, lily, i'll come home and talk, please, i'm a rebinin. but i’m cold, i’m frozen, well, let’s go to the store, okay, let’s freeze here without fuel, wait, stas, i have a three percent card, that is, you want to say that i accepted the documents personally from bogdanov, yes, i did everything according to the instructions, but it’s okay that he died within a few minutes. vladimir
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mikhailovich, allow me to continue, please, well, let’s say i didn’t die, but was killed, so i... why are you making a fuss at me? so you killed him, cleaned out the apartment and the documents. will you sit with me? no, i don’t know anything, who knows who who did this, who, who brought this, who is it? i owed money, you know, a lot, but i didn’t have it, they forced me to help them, who brought it to you, who is this, where should i look? olya, you have tea at home, and you ’re somehow frozen, of course, stay here, i
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’ll bring it now, just kidding, let’s go, yeah, bless you, it’s over, maybe we’ll go, i need to go home, we still have be on duty and be on duty, okay, let's go, wait
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a minute, vadik, put it in, can i put it in, what, vadik, wait, hey, man, come on, stand, police, ribinin, what did you do to him, and he'll leave now, i’m half-hearted, what’s the problem, ribinin, so, here’s his passport. here's mine, that's all. who is the car registered to? at her, at her, at my wife, at me. it's clear. well, why were the numbers removed? so as not to stolen? what? rumors spread throughout the area
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that they were stealing. and we were going to egypt for a week. yes. were you planning to? we were going. why should i try to persuade you for another six months? yes? well, let's go with... so that means we're not going anywhere, yes, great, thank you, just wait , commander, maybe we can come to an agreement from this point in more detail, vadik, well, it's a present, and what about the tach, the captain doesn't drink , understood. well, are we flying or not, fly you, witch, wherever you want, that i’m a witch, i’m a witch, oh you, it’s me that’s a witch, now i’m such a witch for you, now look,
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hi hi!
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it’s a beautiful day, maybe we’ll go somewhere for breakfast. sasha, get up , what happened, get dressed, my husband has arrived, what a husband, my husband, he was only supposed to arrive the day after tomorrow, what is today’s date, date, get dressed, oh, weren’t you taught to quickly get up and get dressed. actually, it's high up here, come on already!
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well, how did the patrol not get enough sleep? oh, great , san, great, you’ve had a night without incident, but how can i say, what, but yesterday we got a rebin in a gingerbread, and what didn’t you tell me, you’re at home, but oh, san, no ask, what?
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not negative, right, but where is rebinin? and how do i know, but the red kumach, the red kumach works, works, uh-huh, well, clearly, the man is completely overworked, yes, khamenych, he’s not there, what’s wrong with him?
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what do you need? i would like to see shublova. come in. you're puny, well, i've got what it takes, i need some buddies or need some texs, i can get a couple for a good price, they're stolen in different ways. are illuminated, look for yourself, why are you falling,
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well, stand here, go, what are you doing, lie down! i'll live like the police. well, you decide this way or that way, let me
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help you, come on, come here, well, now inject yourself, to whom i sold bank cards , but to deprive them, but not you, but will you remember everyone, boss, yeah, wrong answer, but, i thought you were smart, a hundred are passing through me, yeah, i didn’t ask all of them for documents, but mikhailovich. what, who did the cameras film? and the weirdo who withdrew the money? well , i’ll be there now, yeah, i’ll clean up and be there, yeah, who cares, where? that's it, come on, yeah, well, i've been patient, let's go in, cooks, i wish you good health,
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yeah, who is it with us? "gang, comrade colonel, here we are with the kumach, we, when did you manage to do this, i half an hour ago i observed the territory, and well, yes, i mean, the kumach took it, and i’m registering it, but it’s clear, now, where we have the kumach, that’s how it works, boris borisovich, yeah, you see, it’s working, learn, cook, yeah.” person- then you can see, like in a movie, and who is this dangerous criminal? dangerous, very dangerous, that is, you have a disclosure, well, yes , well, why, well, come in more often, otherwise it’s boring
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. sasha, are you all right? are you sick? i'm fine, i'm not sick. are you just kind of sad? i'm not sad. you know, if we had good red wine, i i would say something like that. but we don’t have any wine, so i’ll tell you straight, relax. suvora. suvorov, is your printer working? well yes, what? step aside, yes, we need to print out the photo of these kidnappers of yours. give me the disk, i'll just move away already. where is the disk from? camel. oh, what is it? that's how
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i recognize it. oh, it seems, they came, call, yes, captain suvor, and captain, they found my numbers, yeah, and varyuga too, you don’t know his face. vanechka, who's there? don't worry, darling, don't worry, it's for me. well, why do you need all this, my part was cut. the pension is small, my wife is sick at home. something was needed
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think. and you thought of demanding a ransom for stealing license plates. the money is small , the fine is twice as large, it’s easier to pay than fool around with new numbers, no meetings, everything is on a credit card, and they can’t figure me out with it , i didn’t calculate it with a video camera, yes, but why did they come to us, i carried out reconnaissance, i wanted to understand how you would react, i understood, i understood that way. write how it went. yes, stealing numbers from a police lieutenant colonel, and from the rvd himself, is, of course, reconnaissance, i would even say reconnaissance in force. which lieutenant colonel? what ruvd? our ruvd. kir, i don’t know anything about this. write what you know, we’ll figure it out further. okay, sit. well, what's taking so long?
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oh, there's a confession? have lebedevo numbers been returned? give it a try. talk on the phone there, i said, write, come on, i don’t know any lieutenant colonel lepedi, we’ll figure it out, pasha! come on, i'll give you a lift, i'll wait, okay, let's go , i don't care on the way, but i don't want to get used to it, you won't drive me all the time, why
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all the time, the kidnapper was detained, the red-haired man started interrogating him, and you know how he can to get evidence, so i think you’ll soon be on your own wheels, well, let’s go, let me sit, yeah, well, well, well, as you know, my job is to suggest. yes, there is something,
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oh, sash, he came in for a break and took the bottle from you. what did you say? i asked you to come in, okay? what's the problem, or what? oh, yes, no, it’s fine, that’s it, bye, what, well, whatever. he came, uh-huh, that means i’m struggling, running around,
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interrogating, but he’s already found everything, how do you understand suvorov? kira, you got it all wrong, are you taking me for an idiot, and kirill, well, if i hadn’t done this, this no one would be looking for the kidnapper at all, oh, no matter what you did? what does this mean? did you rent lebedev’s license plate yourself? well, you are a snake! kira, well, you understand, i came to you all, you all sent me, so i decided that at least someone would look for him. well, you snake, don’t you want to come to my department? no, i don’t want to, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, and suvorov is wonderful here, you’re drinking again, well, more on that later, eagles, it’ll take me a long time
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to take the metro home, but so, comrade colonel, here you go, now i’ll praise you, now well done, kumach, there are no words , tears are choking, suvorov, learn, take an example, comrade lieutenant colonel, you will, well, i will, ah... i’m in the car, but yes, don’t stay too long, kir, i actually have to go , but i might think it’s not time, sash. sash, how are you here, why don’t you
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pick up the phone, are you offended? no, what should i be offended by? everyone has the right to a husband, well, yes, i’m married and that’s okay, sash. are you just married? well, yes, i’m married, but does that bother us? what are you talking about now? well, that doesn’t stop us from meeting, just meeting, well yes, two captains are better than one, no, ol, i’m not interested, correct, right? or maybe i can’t either, i want simple happiness every day, and not once every six months. sash. or
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maybe i fell in love with you, you’re married, you’re a fool, fuck off with your principles, damn the day i met you. the investigator who in the nineties led the case of the gvozdevo organized crime group did not talk to us , protection racket, extortion - this is only the tip of the iceberg, the archive contains nine volumes and strange coincidences, for some reason everyone who knew viktor gvozdev is either afraid to give interviews, or they can no longer do it. 3 years ago , vitya gvozd was walking in a tattered quilted jacket through a high-security zone. now wearing a coat from italian
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designers, business... viktor gvozdev walks along the streets of st. petersburg, feeling like its owner. why wasn’t he brought under the article of extortion, love for sale, a real nail business and an unsuccessful attempt to buy authority from thieves in law. watch us next thursday, at the same time, bagheera was with you. well, okay, okay, obana, come on, cheers, well done guys, come on, come on, don't be shy. don’t forget, well , bagheera, for you, well done, and no, no, friends, for us, for the ratings, okay, let’s do it for us, okay, well, honestly, honestly, i never understood, really who -we need these ratings, oh, we need them, leshenka, we need them, oh, quietly, quietly, i honestly don’t understand, guys, in my opinion, it worked out well, yes, sergei olegovich, yes, but we celebrate, of course, well, symbolically, like for a new transmission.
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so what happened to us? yes, here’s the answer to the question: ratings there will be no ratings, there will be no transmission, oh my god, don’t be so upset, you bugger. everything will be fine, everything will be fine, yeah, well, that's it, that's it, brothers , sorry, it's time to get things done, that's it, happily, come on, come on, well, let's hang down, let's drink to the excellent material, really, very good material really excellent, for the life of me, i don’t understand, it doesn’t matter how these ratings are calculated, how yes, listen,
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there is a special team, well... which generally deals with this issue, do you remember the numbers? no, bagheera, listen, he wanted to kill you? yes, probably, yes no, probably me that's right, you need to go to the police. kira, look how well, what, it’s normal , i just don’t understand this, listen, but i like how much it costs, 1000, how much, 100, well, okay, expensive, so expensive, no, not like that, so that already, it’s expensive, well , it’s just kind of unsightly, well, we just came here for no reason, right, yeah, we
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just went to the jewelry store? listen, well, i told you that we have a hat soon, what kind of hat? well, you know, when filming ends, the producers make a hat for the entire film crew. drinking, or what? so right away said? well, in your opinion, this is booze, in our opinion, this is a hat. so i wanted to buy something for a new dress. well, well, dear, so thank you very much, girl. no, wait. this, well, wrap it up for us, this is for the hat. kir, yes, okay, well, you don’t have to, i just remembered that you and i have an anniversary soon, it’s like my gift, why are you, okay, okay, what are you, okay, people.
4:01 am
tolya, you only asked for two lumps of sugar, why did you take the whole box, so as not to run three times, why? three times, well, i drink tea morning, noon and evening, well, so you don’t have to run around again, and then you feel sorry for sugar for your comrade in arms, or what? and girl, where are you going? good morning, lieutenant, hello, hello, firstly, senior lieutenant, and secondly, you are from television, i recognized you, are you coming to us again? yes, i need sasha suvorov , he’s here, but wait, you ’ve already filmed a program about suvorov, and we, by the way, have other worthy heroes, i, for example, let’s say i’ll accompany you, sasha, they’ve come to you,
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you i took the sugar, come here, hi, sash, i'm coming you, i won’t, what i won’t, i won’t act in films anymore, last time was enough for me, no, i’m on a different issue, i need help, uh-huh, what happened, they’re following me, threatening me, 2 days ago they tried to kill me, no , well, at first i thought it was just my imagination, yeah, but now they’re calling me on my work phone and threatening me, sasha, i’m afraid, so, well, it’s clear, let’s go in order, first name, last name, patronymic, bagheera, no, you didn’t understand me , first name, last name, patronymic, petrova natalya vyacheslavovna, as
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petrova natalya vyacheslavovna, well, sasha, okay, you work here, i’ll go there and see how the roofing felt is. well, natasha, now tell me who is threatening you there. just come on, sasha, you will call me bogira, i’m more used to it. oh, kirill, from whom, from whom, and from you, i never expected this. what didn't you expect? it turns out you are capable of broad gestures. why is my heart given to someone else? to whom was it given, what was given? i can `t get it.
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khamenko, khamenko, i say, where are you hiding? i’m not hiding anything, my pen fell, give me 500 rubles, well, i told you that i’ll give you back next salary, and last time you told me that you would give it back, well, i said that i would give it back, which means i will give it back, but you still won’t become poor, and who told you that i won’t become poor, but no one said it, he himself turns out to be underground a policeman, i mean, i wanted to say, an underground millionaire, and you reproach me with such small debts, okay? if you ask me for something else, if they wrote about me in the newspapers, i would have forgiven you a long time ago for these unfortunate 500 rubles. the meat should just be put in pieces like this, well, no more
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no less, okay, then there are onion rings , oh, hi, just a note, next time, if you want to buy some beautiful jewelry, just tell me, i’ll introduce you to tigran, he makes it himself, very beautiful , inexpensive, what... i was in shock, so it’s clear, so you think that the people of the nail made an attempt on you? yes, i have a new program on my channel, i am conducting a journalistic investigation, about a nail, about a nail, and why about him, well
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, because our tv viewers are interested in it, and what do you have about him, but i can’t tell you that i can, which means i can’t, but what do you suggest i do? sasha, but everyone has their own job, it’s hard with you, i know, so that means you’re claiming that the assassination attempt happened immediately after leaving. i ordered you in advance, it’s one of your people leaking information to him, but no, of course, this is my team, this is my team, it’s above suspicion, it’s clear, well, i accepted your application, we’ll sort it out, natasha, kira: boris borisovich, did you call?
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here he is our humble worker, our star, socialite, hmm, well, what do you say, hmm, here you are i read this, mm, i don’t read newspapers in the morning, but you read it. read: this is it, this is it, do you even understand what kind of organization you serve in, and there were no journalists there at all, you lose your vigilance, asshole, or maybe they transfer you to the duty room, and as an assistant, khomenka, yeah, who reads this rubbish well, the circulation here is probably funny, funny, yes, maybe it’s nothing terrible, maybe it will calm down on its own, who will calm down? the one who called me today, these won’t calm down on their own,
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by the way, they have questions for us, why does our employee drive such an expensive car, and can an honest policeman buy diamonds in an expensive jewelry store, and i’ll figure it out, this won’t happen anymore, so figure it out in your own interests, by the way, i don’t advertise my capital in the press, yeah, but i just don’t have them, what else is there? this journalist came , like her bagheera, the bagheera who is from television, came to do an interview, yes, very funny, red-kumach, very, in short, this bagheera is threatened, she’s already received a statement, so let’s get involved and sort it out, just by essentially, i’ll figure it out, let me go, yes, i’m free, kira, take the newspaper, cut it out,
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hang it on the wall. pavel nikolaevich, envy, bad feeling, so red, free, i said, after the airing of our program dedicated to the crime boss viktor gvozdev, i had to die, here, in this very place, my administrator. pulled me out from under the wheels of the killer's car , thanks to him, i would have torn my hands off with this flogging, cyrus, i am in the figurative sense of the word, i'm not some kind of beast, although i would have to break a couple of fingers, there she is ours the victim, yes i remember her, you got a bullet because of her last year, oh well, what did you get there, a scratch, a criminal investigation has been launched into the attempted murder of a media representative, which is being conducted better by the investigator of the gvd alexander suvorov. cognizer, gera, film here
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, come on, film, film what you are doing, and i say what you are doing, i would kill you, well, it’s intact , yes, it seems to be intact, such a take was ruined, well, let’s do it again, well, come on again. these cameras show the street, well, where is bagheera, no, my aunt is from izhevsk, listen, that’s right, she’s the same he’s filming in the same place where all this happened yesterday, so, well, there she is, where is she from the camera, but we have one camera, it’s covered, what thoughts, we need to sort it out with the customer, with gvozdev, well, you have someone else on accept there is.
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so, let's hurry up, before the guards come out , come on, here, or something, i would never have thought, come on, oops, yeah, come on, ready, we started, in places not so remote, vityak has been deprived of female affection for many years, obviously he missed her so much that he decided to provide her to others, of course, not for free. this one and more the other three mini-hotels owned by viktor gvozdev are nothing more than brothels. do our police know about this? of course he knows, hello , what are you shaking here, we have the right, dude, yes, i put it on your press, get out of here, hello, turn off the camera, turn off the camera, am i expressing myself unclearly, we are leaving, calm down, camera, yes
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, we’re leaving, we’re leaving, that’s it, that’s it, leave , move, move to move, what kind of idiot is this, come on, take him away , fuck off, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i’m putting it down, i say quietly. dear, san, bring the piece of wood, hold it, i’m counting to
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three, count of three, i hit the glass, one, two, three! well, that’s it, we have a few questions for you, i don’t know anything, and we haven’t asked anything yet, listen, my dears, i ’m already done with crime, now i’m like an honest businessman, call for subpoenas, if you have questions, everything is through my lawyer , i have questions, you made an attempt on bagheera, on whom, on the journalist, on... petrov, you know what they say about such people, the dog barks - the caravan moves on, she is nothing to me, so let him bark, i don’t care, write explanation, nothing i won’t write, write, come on, man, run,
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but why write, there was an article about you in the newspaper, but you have a girlfriend, i have nothing to do with the journalist petrov. well, i read this rubbish, well, why rubbish, in my opinion, it’s a very good article, and you know, it’s very timely, we’re releasing the second season of the track. so this article, in my opinion, is very useful, it might come in handy for you, but they inserted such a cap into me, seriously, everything is just like that, everything is so bad, kiren might work out after all, what are you saying, maybe it will work out,
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smile, quietly, please sit down, calm down, what's the matter, disgrace, police, check, what is it? there’s not a single stranger here at all , a young man, count us in, please, dinner is at the expense of the establishment, have a nice evening, who else is that, well, that’s it, an acquaintance, well , the director of this restaurant, of course.


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