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tv   Pasechnik-2  NTV  March 24, 2024 4:55am-6:31am MSK

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year, has several reports to the police, was registered in the children's room of the police as a difficult teenager, it seems that this is really our client, olya, take off his mobile phone, maybe it’s alexei’s phone, or maybe it’s just the great flash who lost his path, drove off the road and scratched himself tree branches, or your mythical drunkard can confirm this story, so maybe i filmed the video, see for yourself. listen, something is not visible, but can i look, it’s him, it’s my phone, that’s right, olya, the client identified his phone, hang it up this flash beacon, we’ll take it when he ’s left alone, now we won’t risk it, hmm, new girl, where did she go, but give me the mobile phone, it’s not yours?
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wow, where are we so impudent from, from the police, what a nerd, garbage, yes, what is going on, what is your employee doing, rushing towards her dismissal, olya, stop, don’t chase him, he ’s in my hands, you have the phone in your hands , which we are interested in, now you are carrying it from a client, come back now,
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thank you, i almost forgot, i beg your pardon, excuse me, it’s in cash, access code bills , you know, i just got one, well, i won’t detain you , time, as they say, is money, maybe a ride for you is not worth it, i’ll call a taxi, besides , your employee so effectively dispersed all the scoundrels, all the best, to dates. i would even say affectively, because i started to lose my hearing and brain in a state of passion, dowling, yes, i heard everything, i just didn’t have time to check the card in my phone or not, so i went for a flash drive in case he had it , what was important to the client was not the device itself, but the key card, strangely, only why didn’t the client even check the presence of this key? well, out of joy that they returned
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the payment, you want me to connect to his phone and check if the memory card slot is occupied and , in fact, what i’m doing, you forget that alexey has an untraceable, tuned phone, and you completely forget that i myself am a tuned hacker , which means i don’t have to know where exactly the phone we need is located, the main thing is that it is within the range of our minibus’s repeater, then connect quickly before ... the taxi leaves, and you’re done! so, gentlemen detectives, what do i have to tell you? firstly, the memory card slot of alexey’s phone is occupied, but by a very ordinary memory card, which is completely impossible to use as a key. secondly, friends, despite our client’s assurance, this phone is not tuned in any way, the word is absolute, and even the gps module is in place, but thirdly, what?
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it didn’t slow down in any way and didn’t have any effect at all , so the first thing to do was to delete it, that ’s how it looks like we were simply used, oh, it’s a pity that when the flash showed me the recording, i looked at the phone instead of look at the video recordings, there is probably something important there, now you can only guess, that is, you don’t turn it on, i mean, you have a video from... alexey’s phone is not there yet,
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only a virtual copy of his phone’s memory, but restore it for her a video file is a piece of cake for me. in general, friends, i won’t burden you. details, in short, dear experts, pay attention to the screen, pasha, and you can establish when this video was filmed, of course, it was filmed between 9 and 10 o’clock in the morning, yesterday, it turns out that the flash i filmed my videos at the same time when alexey was attacked, but this is clearly not parks. “so alexei was not robbed by a flash, or no one robbed him at all, look here, but he has no
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reaction at all, he is drunk, dead, and in my opinion he is dead dead, apparently, this phone was needed in order to.. "evidence of a particularly serious crime, probably murder, and we helped him with this, we won’t leave it just like that, you can be sure we won’t leave it, pasha, on what floor of the building is alexey’s office, they occupy the last three floors, and what else did we manage to find out about our former client, but actually. the complete dossier is already on your screen. alexey yuryevich kozlov. 40 years. the son of wealthy parents, he received an excellent business education from the age of 20 and was completely financially independent of his parents. he invested all the funds he had in
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his own business, which he organized together with his classmate yuri kantimirov. and it burned out, not at all. otrik company, which means kantimirov goats. consulting, is market leading and thriving, and that yuri knows about this, so yuri, yuri kansimirov, alexey’s classmate and best friend, they are both workaholics, obsessed with their business, work 20 hours a day, 350 days a year, and the remaining 15, of course, rest, they are not made of iron. they also relax together, but it’s not quite there, if they have the same passion in their work, then their hobbies are different, alexey prefers to go mushroom hunting, and yuriy loves fishing. pavlik, can you launch the quadcopter in alexey’s office, i need to know what he is doing at the
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moment, of course i can launch it, but there there is a special double-glazed window, we still won’t see or hear anything. i don’t understand why we need this quadcopter at all, it doesn’t see or hear anything, then it can’t be controlled because the building is shielded, in general, i went all by myself, then you ’ll miss everything, because i’ve already hacked corporate network 3k and connected to the webcam on alexey’s laptop, the quadcopter is nothing, it’s bright,
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voalya, the scene of the action is the yakhroma reservoir. i have an idea. pasha, can you take a photo of yuri and compare it with the person the flash came across? easily. we were lucky that flash filmed his trick in high definition. every little detail is well detailed. and what happened in the end? it turned out that during his trick, flash came across yuri's corpse. it’s just not clear what this has to do with it. alexey, this is what we will find out now. pavlik, you can send alexey a message via the corporate network from his deceased partner. text, come on. you 're sure you buried me well. what the na?
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but if i calculated everything correctly, now alexey should lead us to the place where yuri is hidden. looks like the fish bit. alexey, don’t do something stupid, i’m not alone here
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, it was you who did something stupid for coming here, stand there, is it possible to do that with a girl, drop the shovel, alexey, you won’t need it anymore, that’s right, now we ’ll wait for the police to arrive and you tell them how and under what conditions... in general, i was going to move to the united states, not really, but there, to open my own
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business, initial capital is needed, but i decided to sell our company, yura was against it, so you and i didn’t kill him, we quarreled, a fight broke out, he spoke up , hit his head on a stone, he himself, yeah, so we believed you, so i also thought that the police wouldn’t believe me, so i decided to hide the body . he was filming his phone, so you decided to find him and destroy the recording on his phone, so
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you came to us, yes, well, apparently, this is yours, my? igor, since he’s not guilty of anything, why did he run away from olga? according to you, i’m not guilty of anything, but she said that the police have been looking for me for a long time, for what? for my videos, my tricks, they, well... are always legal, so i fled, well, you’re just lucky that we didn’t launch a quadrocopter, and if it weren’t for your
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housewife, you definitely wouldn’t have fled from me, i would have done you without smoke, although you're skating really cool, you'll have time to come and hang out sometime, no, i don't skate anymore, there's an opinion that it's unsafe, you might unexpectedly bump into pipes, that's for sure, okay, do you have any other questions for me? do i care? feel free to listen, can i have a final question, since you are in my debts, maybe still, lend me a quadcopter with a cool camera for a while.
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if purely theoretically, where would you like to go on your honeymoon, and what is our budget ? ok, i understand you, well, after all, if it’s less theoretical, that is, closer to
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our budget, yes, then i want to go to suzdal, oh, when i was in school, our class went there... i went on an excursion, and i i got sick and had to stay home i still regret staying, oh, it’s a pity , the day is over, listen, childhood dreams should come true, yeah, really, but if you wave the golden ring, imagine, suzdol, vladimir, yaroslav, i like it, vadim, i think, too... i like it, but it’s expensive, oh well, not more expensive than money , frozen, yes, what will you be, i’m a plombir,
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mm, yeah, your bus, yes, delicious, and you liked it, yeah, when you go, call, bye bye.
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yes, i’m listening, i’m still sleeping, yes, accurate major. yes
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, i understand, now, i’ll be there now, boris, well, are we going to take it now or what? wait, let them drive away, we’ll drive the dead end, spread it all over, we’ll be there soon, a bunch, well, what have you got there? does it look like there's a tail behind us? when did the message arrive? half an hour ago, the experts were already at it. well done! promptly arrived, meet major of justice, legendary personality, igor valentinovich somov, you will go with him to the call, you will be on hand. hello, igor valentinovich, glad
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to work with you. hello, fighter, i hope you will please me too. yes sir. although taras, why did you pull him on an average night? i would like it myself. nothing, nothing. i know your soul. truto i'm naked. so, colleagues, this is the third robbery in a week. yes. how much in total? and i don’t want to count, i don’t have enough fingers. the matter has been taken under control, so klyuev , i ask you, don’t let me down, there is, well, let’s go, success , sorry, gleb, it’s not up to you, piri, now i’m definitely sure, the cops, i don’t know, it’s unlikely, it seems these are in again holes, timo, drive, let's disperse.
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i wish you good health, great, well, where the atm was, over there, hello, hello, what’s up here, we found a czech, we just arrived, and i understood that, i wish you good health, great, well, let’s take it apart. show me, igor valentinovich, well , as i understand it, there are no witnesses and there won’t be any, it’s night outside, and what’s the use of witnesses, i once had a witness with retrograde amnesia, okay, i ’ll tell you later, well what, let's go take a look at the epicenter of events, great, hi, wow, let's have a blast, don't follow me either. whom cosbeg , maybe there was no one, maybe there wasn’t, hey , he’s back, look, vasily, how
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the guys work, roughly, without imagination, they took the cable from the car, threw it on the atm, and, like in a fairy tale about a little girl, they pulled , pulled and pulled out. how much does this atm weigh? what problems? three or four healthy men at once threw him into the car. the main thing here is to rip off the fastenings? ok, but what about atm protection? what protection? well, did you pull out the wires together? do we have protection? designed for law-abiding citizens. what about the camera in the atm? well, she left with them, i understand, are you thinking correctly? well, here's the external camera. she ’s working, it can’t be, never take a fool for a fool, okay, let’s go see what
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she wrote down there, if she wrote at all, oh, petrovich, great, you’re out of bed too they pulled it out, and don’t tell me, igor valentinovich, the night didn’t go well, when will we go fishing, and what kind of fishing, let’s come to my place and look at the cameras, well, yes, well, yes, let’s go. shaitan, where is this guy from here? cover the run, shoot them! this is approximately the beginning
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of the performance, yeah, well, that’s all, you ’re a spectator, but they came up with a brilliant idea, and i told you, don’t consider the thief a fool, simple and tasteful. so, well, what do we have, the balls, the disappeared atm, everything, yes, not a lot, that’s why we haven’t taken them yet, so, well, where are the balls, when we entered, i didn’t see them, and vasily’s balls are in the sky, great , guys, gleb, where are you from here, i’m, in fact, a victim witness in one bottle, so what, did you report a robbery, and where were you, did the patrolmen give you a lift?
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let's get out of here! what the hell, an ambush, a bug, sorry, everything went wrong, i listened carefully, in general, i was so pressured that later there was no time for active participation in the process, well, when
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i recovered, then what happened? but then there was no trace of them, while the patrol called, i tried to call you, by the way, you hung up, that’s how they called me, how did i know that so okay, okay, don’t start everything, gleb , he did it all correctly and there was no point in pretending to be a tough nut to crack, you remembered something, it was dark, they were wearing masks and that’s it, that’s it, but no, i remembered the car number, why are you silent? we had to start with this, so write down the car number, we ’ll run through the database, and at the same time we’ll look at this caucasian of yours in the card index, maybe he showed up somewhere, yeah, how did you, a herd of freaks couldn’t get away in two cars, we split up, i thought they will follow me, hucha, if it weren’t for the dead end, we would have pulled away, dimon, my bad, it’s like in war
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, he’ll catch... lead, that means he’s been asked, i ’m worried about another question, where are my grandmothers, who cheated me, i’m asking you, i recognized someone there, it’s anton, he works for paris, again the puppy ran across on its way, and now it started to fight, it was necessary to quietly strangle it. while he was still in my sixes, i need to finish him off before it reaches the point of redistribution, i’ll ask you when i have to, better tell me how this dog’s offal managed to get on your tail, you got it from the atm, why are you silent, you decided sew on a beard, i think fraer, don’t take me to the checkpoint, i ’m not stupid, why should i try to turn you in , i don’t have any luck, i answer you, goof, that’s it, don’t hiss, okay, we’ve hushed up the topic for now,
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now we’ll get to it in a short time paris' health, dimon's peace, give me a glass, paris will answer for me. “arrange for me a meeting with this puppy, a rope, i couldn’t steal it from him, here’s a lighter, just his fingers are there, that’s the thing, now i’m jumping, your share, we don’t have a market, what’s wrong, we don’t need money , blood is on them, you said no casualties, but your man dimon was free.
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well, forgive me, it so happened that i didn’t sign up to set up my guys, they were only talking about gucci , i remember everything, only our goal is such that we won’t be able to get our fingers dirty, go and drink to your luck, we’ll all need it later when we'll send the stuff to the trash, take it, nothing, come on, why are you depressed, why are we sitting, screw, pour some more? well, how can you calm down when everywhere you look, there are bandits or scammers all around, in the bunker petrovna, you and i will never measure the pressure, that’s it, i’m silent, i’m silent, he neighbor, i went to withdraw money, but the atm was tight, avdotya petrovna, during the blood pressure measurement procedure, you need to, you can’t speak, i know, i’m silent, i’m silent. 150 to 90, i mean, you
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said an atm, so it was stolen? is there a telephone address? yes, everything is there, but it won’t give us anything. the minibus is listed as stolen. well, that’s what you needed to prove? in terms of? the bandits work according to the same scheme: they steal a car, commit a robbery with it, and then leave it somewhere in
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a very visible place. deftly, that is, to track them through the car without options. and if on the other sides to go in regarding thefts, have you tried to identify the hijackers? well, you think we, young pioneers, don’t understand anything, that’s what i think. didn’t say, well, of course, gleb tried, but all the victims sing unison, that the car keys were in place, the alarm did not go off. perepelets says that about three years ago there was a craftsman here, gucci, a master of disabling alarms, well, quail. i also remembered, guchi died in one of the showdowns, yes, perhaps some new self-taught genius, klimova , showed up, or should he imitate? okay, we will work, gleb, thank you, and you,
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vasily, since borisenko appointed you to my subordination, i’m waiting for you tomorrow at ten, that ’s right, 42 years ago i was taken from our mother and given away. dear parents, so you and i are twins, brothers, let’s get to know each other, i served in the gru, in the last six months this is the third operation that has not gone according to plan, i think that there is a sample running in the circuit, well, let’s go for a ride, beauty, what a brother, i myself i saw you get into the car, it exploded, and now you ’re here, as if nothing had happened, and that’s what the thing is that it was my brother, the twin, who got into the car , not me, it was he who died, use this situation as a cover, no... this is an order, your main task is to maintain cover and find the mole, where did you pick this up, oyster artichokes , i don’t recognize you, but which one do you like better, the old one or the new one, you
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’ve changed a lot lately, you probably need to have a serious conversation, when did i learn to shoot like that, yes, i always knew how to do it, i just hid it carefully, i have to tell them the truth. who are you? listen, i'm already confused about who i am, but i know one thing for sure, i’m the one who’s going to screw you now. gemini, today at 20:15 on ntv. can you come in, hello, hello, have a seat, do you know each other? oh, yes, of course,
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len, hello. voevodina, oksana valerievna, is that you? yes you. tell me, oksana valerievna, this recipe was written by your hand. my stamp under. it seems like it’s mine too, but what happened? well, what should i ask, but i almost died by your grace? as a result of taking this drug, the patient experienced anaphylactic shock, which almost cost her life. wait, wait, i couldn't prescribe this drug. i know very well that lena is allergic to penicillin antibiotics . this is a very interesting question. len, well, based on your words, i wrote it down on the map, where? how do i know what you wrote for me there? look, i tore the recipe stub out of the card, you want my death, but live in peace, she, she’s just jealous of me from my ex-husband, wait, that’s what i mean, aksana valerievna, please, this is the summons, sign it, please, right here,
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here is the date, time and place where you are going must come for questioning. well, how about a fighting mood, but no, i don’t even understand what to do, train the brain muscle, that there are such things, right?
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yes, it seems like everything, a gang, thefts, atms, everything, but the balls, they got them somewhere, bought them somewhere, i realized something, well, theoretically, you can track the store, the bandits through it, that’s a great idea, well that’s it’s unrealistic, you go ahead, sometimes criminal geniuses fall for such details.
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whom i see, he himself became a guchavo from hell, this is all for the sake of my modest person, well, not so modest, my young friend, maybe you’ll come out, let's talk like human beings. you guys, calm down, otherwise it won’t work out like a human being, i’m listening to you, what’s the problem? quite serious, i understand , it’s a young matter, the blood is boiling, but there are rules, and you break them, and this is not the first time your guys have entered my territory, i understand, you don’t have enough brains to come up with them. your own way to get rich, but to kill my
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man is complete chaos, so that’s why you’re so tense, but i didn’t start it, what do you mean, who was the first to go through the lawlessness and killed mozai before he threw it bazaar, filter, if we don’t agree now, there will be a war, as i understand it, i have no options, no, well, what kind of agreement will there be, damn, where am i going with this, the conditions are simple, we divide the territory equally, you and me , quietly, peacefully, and you will return the stolen money, why? such unearthly generosity
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, but i don’t want to fight, otherwise i’ll have to come out of the shadows, as you understand, there’s no reason for me , i see you know how to reprimand people, okay , i admit, i was wrong, i promise to handle everything, i’ll have to wait with the dough, i’ll now already in i released oboro, i give 2 days and i ask you to be. fortunately it’s reasonable, well, that’s it, but this. without calculating the drive, no more than an hour there and back, and rubtsovo
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, there’s also a supermarket there, it’s logical, then like this, and within these boundaries we’ll look for stores that sell balls, that’s right, yes, well, it’s as easy as shelling pears, now wait a second, well , it’s not quite that simple, there are so many of them, a holiday to order, congratulations, let’s make a holiday, yeah, that’s not even counting the stalls and newsstands, they also sell balloons, the latter doesn’t count, why just balloons flew away, which means they were filled with a special gas, which means we are interested in places not only where... they sell balloons, but also where they inflate them, or sell cylinders, and these are usually the same stores, that ’s how it is, in general , the disposition is this: you and the quail have four hands, four ears between you, sit down on the phone and call all the stores on the list for wholesale purchases of balloons, and you and i are on a special assignment with
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a travel agency, it’s nearby, not far, i’ll be right back and i'll join you, yeah. perepelets, there’s only one phone, so take it dial, but we studied in the same class, then take a sandwich and dial the number, thank you, 3.32. give me some cognac, there’s a problem , gucha has shown up, he wants peace, well, what
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’s the problem, but i don’t want peace, and i don’t believe in poverty, he started the ointment, he quietly merged with me. it won’t be, you think, something is bothering you, why did you come out then, but you’ve been fooling around for so many years, suddenly, hello , you think he’s dead, that’s what infuriates me the most , because to be in a war, paris, you thought well, why didn’t you you see that the guys are not ready for war, okay, listen, i just so he said, worry, worry, worry, good, come to your senses, good, you will always have time for the golden ring, but for your honeymoon i suggest you choose something more interesting, exciting, so that you will remember it for the rest of your life. let's do it in a way that won't be remembered at any cost. well, by the way, look, i can offer you a trip to thailand, sharks, palm trees, tiger park, the famous
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thai body massage, massage, massage - this is good, but what’s so special about it? naked girl? shows you off with her body, and after such a massage you will have to get a divorce, no i think, let’s do it this way, without temptation, just according to ours, along the golden ring, well , take at least a tour on a boat, sunrises, sunsets on the river, but everything is not as boring as on a bus, sunrises, sunsets, great, check it out, i have i have one more request for you, yeah, try to carefully feel the hump. on the topic , i’m interested in knowing what he really thinks about me, i’d also like to know that, okay, not you, but in any case, one of you knows about his plans, you’re a lone wolf, and you’re better off you know, although there is one option,
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call him to openness, make him angry, well, make him so angry, these smeshariki balls will be in your dreams at night. don’t tell me, this is not klimovo, but some kind of just a global carnival center. well , how are you doing? why did you come to you? yes, because i have two phones, and you have one, well, we ran out of sandwiches, well, of course, let’s get down to business, well, in general, i ordered a large batch of balloons, on the eve of one of the robberies, so i wrote down the address, polar street, house, and, well, so on, uh-huh, that means there’s a clue, uh-huh, gleb, customer online stores, look. the same number is repeated here several times, the names are different, just one second, the numbers are repeated first, eighth, eleventh, different names, interesting, get over it, is this phone
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by any chance from your batch of balloons? no, there ’s a different number listed there, i understand that i need to check both options, or maybe i’ll go to polar street, no need. it’s very harmless, well, thank god it’s dangerous, but maybe, finally, well , i’ll run into some criminals, i have these grannies’ complaints, already in where why not, but let he’ll go, but without any arrogance, he sniffed around and left, yes, yes, but in the meantime i ’ll meet this guy who changes names, i don’t know, well, that’s right, well, we had the injured person rowing, and in the literal sense, by the way, no , no need, what if this is a real bandit? calm down, vasya, i am dubrovsky. come on. dubrovsky. good afternoon, this is ekaterina from
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the online store, congratulations, you made an order with us, we recalculated and want to return your money, but then i write the address, see you, i took it, well, you too max, what are you doing? learn, fighters, gucha, there’s one thing i can’t do understand, it’s good for you, there’s only one thing you can’t understand, the kid almost shit his pants, we pestered him so much that we could have taken him while he was still lukewarm, he cut us off, dimon freed him, why should we give him half, according to the concept, he is supposed to wear a wooden jacket, but why are you harnessing my troubles, i’m just offended by the matter. and don’t make noise, it’s not the point, these are my graters, i know how to sort them out, i need to gain time, and then we’ll see, your job is
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to drive two holes again, i left, of course, i so, yes, he went rotten, but i won’t fight with him, i’ll remove him quietly, and i have such a little man. yes, you were right, he has someone, follow him, find out who it is? yes, i understand.
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hello, what did you lose? yes , i left a lighter somewhere, and without it i’m like without hands, excuse me, it’s not a trophy, you won’t disdain it, but don’t smoke, you know, i just played it in my hands, it’s a habit.
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who will remove whom quietly? igor valentinovich, i’m holding up the guys, yes, yes, come in, what’s this? yes, we are introducing new methods of work. by the way, your friend, how him, are you looking at talking? yes, yes, gleb, he gave me a good idea. but what if, instead of guchi, his imitator acts. somehow i didn’t pay attention right away, but then thought about it in this direction. and so what happens, who is it? paris, in the world, parshchikov, anatoly ivanovich, born in 79, has
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a history of robberies and assaults, but something else is interesting: about five years ago, this paris was among gucci’s sixes. well, what happened to us, it happened a long time ago, you’re right, but my informant reports that paris has become very active lately. wants to crush the entire territory under itself and acts in the style of gucci, and i’ll say more, the fingers of this paris were found at the scene of one of the thefts, the victim resisted, paris grabbed the phone, crushed it, but paris’s fingers were found on one of the fragments, and this is the car it was on this machine that they pulled one of the atms, we immediately found fragments of the phone, but only now... i thought of checking my fingers, yeah, that is, this paris has adopted gucci’s methods
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, and they use them very successfully, well , of course, this is just a guess. it’s like this, you’ll just take it, leave, stay, be a guest, at least eat like a human being, you’re always hungry there in the police, well, what is there
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, that is, yes, hello, hello, you’re vlad, aka max, aka serge, are you like that aunt who called me on the phone about bonuses, she herself, stop! well, tell me, why did you buy the balloons? i have nothing to do with it at all, i asked who, first name, last name, address, well, some guy, he didn’t introduce himself, i posted it in the ad, he says that work is needed, i’m like, yeah, what, what should i do, he says, well, you’ll order the balloons along with the cylinder, then
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you’ll meet the courier and deliver it to me, and you agreed. well, isn’t this some kind of drug? how did you get involved with this guy? he called and said that we needed to place an order. phone number. he called from new phones every time. fine. well, can you at least describe this guy’s appearance? yes i can. did he have a mustache? no, it seems it wasn't. am i going to go to jail now? otherwise, if you don’t remember a special sign. he was bald, bald, and his eyes so big, round, hello everyone , there are some people buzzing in the corridor , where are you from, and all these balloons, we’re great, in general, the restaurant turned out to be at the address, oh, a man was celebrating an anniversary, the hero of the day, ordered these balloons, two gas cylinders, in general, they fed me,
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gave me something to drink, i’ll drink some water, are you crazy? perepelets, listen, how long can this be, but remove this minibus, it’s blocked the road, it’s impossible to drive into the yard, what ’s wrong? comrades, let's sort it all out, let's sort it out, straighten out the furashka!
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you know, there is definitely some kind of mistake, mistake, not an error, let me decide what is an error and what is not, but what do you write? i’m asking the questions here, and you, please answer them clearly, okay, i’ve already answered, you still suspect me, which means i have a reason, you made a medical mistake, you have the courage to admit it.
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that there was a corpse there, yes, i knew it, last year near the boiler room too, just a minute, andrevich, look, because these balls are already causing me some kind of nonsense. this is not nonsense, quail, call klyuev, or better immediately directly to somov, there is, well, citizen, we are ready to act as witnesses, yes, of course, of course, of course, so oksana valerievna, please sign here, you are prohibited from leaving the city until the end of the trial. “please sign here, you too, it seems to me that this is the same minibus
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that you were talking about, the bandits committed a robbery on it and abandoned it in the courtyards, yes, it looks like it, we need to open it somehow, so now wait a minute, i'll think of something, oh, just what you need, gleb andreevich, please hold on, now i , oh, oh, how cleverly, my childhood was not easy, i’ve gotten the hang of it, well, yes, well, yes, ah, gleb, while you figure out the atm, i’ll just... rummage around in front, a familiar thing , where did you get this from? they took it out of the minibus, i don’t understand, and
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judging by the license plates, this is the minibus on which your guys pulled the atm, by the way, the atm was in the mikrika, only without any money, and there is your lighter in the most visible place, "so paris bargained for time to set me up, but everything was done correctly i calculated that if this little thing had been found before me , your fingers would have been in the police a long time ago, our whole story in order to turn the arrows on him would not have played a role, the guy was no mistake , he jumped around the turn, the question is where did he get this lighter from. do you remember the last time you held it in your hands,
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that’s enough, well, enlightenment has come, gucha, forgive me, gucha, i have only one question, why? paris, paris is a bad man, he wanted to kill me, then he forced me to work for him, get him up on his knees, don’t, don’t, something will have to be done,
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where does the information come from? gucci has some kind of closure in the shopping center, i don’t know exactly when the money will be deposited, the atms are packed to capacity, and tomorrow is a day off, so people will be rushing around shopping. so the management came to the rescue. this night. there is a reason to intercept the loot before him. we have to hurry. what is your interest? lately he's become a lot greedy about the dough. i hope you'll be a little more generous. this is yesterday. he will soon be finished. but the money won't hurt us. but you will come with us. as a result of the examination, it was the type of device used to hack the atm was discovered. kuval, yes, i know, but
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what did the doctyloscopy show? unfortunately, nothing, on the steering wheel braid, there are only the prints of the owner of the car, the bandits probably worked with gloves. yes, and what about the atm? the prints have been erased, the same situation throughout the cabin. everything seems quiet, let's go! police, i want to report a robbery, it’s an infection , i thought at least there would be some kind of clue here, yes, so, i understand, the robbery of an atm on marxist street, well, vasya, if we miss the chance here, where is the armored vehicle? to the duty room,
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as a result of the operation, the leader of the militants, a bandit nicknamed paris, also known as parshchikov, anatoly ivanovich, was killed while trying to escape, paris’s detained accomplices testify, well, what can i say, only one thing, well done, i praise you, right?
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such a case was solved, after all, comrade major, this is all igor valentinovich, his merit. well, okay, okay, vasil, don’t be modest, by the way, he also showed himself with dignity, he was almost wounded in battle. it’s good that you said, put on a bulletproof vest, my chest hurts, i have a bruise, so, well, i think that’s unnecessary to speak, yes, vasily, firstly, i will raise the question of your award with the management, yes, well, igor valentinovich is with you, as usual, right?
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at all the posts, he doesn’t have long to run around, well, yes, well, work, yes, and you, vasily, don’t take care of the manual, don’t, as long as it’s good, i understand, that’s it, work, i ’m sorry, i noticed another chest here with the grandmothers, cool down, it’s not time yet, it’s not time yet,
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i don’t need him alive, yes, yes, they called, he called. called, for this reason, yes, by the way, you yourself know all this fuss with a criminal case, but there is no case , there are only false accusations, no direct evidence, i understand, but the investigators will not just look for it, yes, no, no,
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oksana valerievna, i in no way think that you are here somehow- then they’re to blame, well, you just know, that’s how they love us, so what do you want from me? well, until everything settles down, oksana valerievna, it would be nice for you to take a vacation at your own expense, but fire me, well, of course not, but no, it’s just - in the current situation, it’s better for you not to appear for a while work, it will be useful for you, it’s good for us, and it’s simply better. i understand, excuse me, our potatoes are the best, don’t even doubt it, it’s 90 rubles. i’m sorry, we come over, don’t be shy, we buy cucumbers , tomatoes, carrots, hello, but
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he showed up, he didn’t get dusty, kobelino, he was found by his women , now he’s come to eat, i just can’t see what else is there for you, whoa to me, the whole bit what's wrong with you, light, look, go love. come on, come with me, lord, what is it, girl, what do you need, take some cucumbers, again, this is for the mood, but this is a boat tour along the golden ring, sunsets, sunrises, we are not going anywhere, gleb, why, because lena, your statement was written against me, the police have a case. they started charging me, oh , my god, the loader lives here, he ’s gone home now, so no one will find you here, thank you, that’s it, darling, lord, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, you think, kozbek, who
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else, he i gave a tip to the atm, and what should i do now? i need to get out of here before the cops grab me, but first i need to pay off ... please, before i should have paid my own i still have to look for the meaning, glib, there’s no need to deal with women with their exes, with their future ones, minutes, my wife, what’s the point of being jealous of her? i don’t need to, i understand you, gleb , i understand perfectly well, oksana might not have written out this prescription on purpose, she might have made a mistake, but in
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any case, this mistake was not worth a human life, yet, i don’t understand, i don’t understand how she could have prescribed this drug, but she knew that it should not be prescribed. well, after all, she wrote it down and, by the way, recognized her handwriting, handwriting? well, maybe not the whole point, a graphological examination did you do? gleb, i beg you, what’s the point , if she has already admitted that the recipe was written by her hand, still let me look at the materials, please, let’s not return to this question later, but now i’m busy, that’s it, okay, until dates. well, you sucker, where did you hide yours? what the hell, why should i explain, where is the kozbek? everything’s fine, grandma,
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everything’s fine, i won’t come for lunch. a lot, that's it, come on, great, why are you so gloomy, lena wrote a statement against oksana, accusing her of negligence, borisenko opened a case, found crime of the century, okay, i heard something about it, but didn’t believe it, okay, by the way , here’s the conclusion of ballistics experts, yeah, there’s something strange here, and what’s strange, in their opinion, paris was killed with a sniper rifle. but i don’t remember that a sniper worked when detaining bandits. well, that’s right, we were covered by auto drivers, we fired pistols, but somov didn’t pay attention to this discrepancy? yes, like no, didn’t say anything, listen, wait, wait, what happens is that there was someone else we didn’t noticed, let's go to the place
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, i have one thought, wait, then let me warn somogo, no need, we'll check it ourselves, in case i'm wrong, now i'll put the conclusion in the safe, let me warm up the car, well, look, it's a bullet got here, you see the trail , ricocheted at kozbek, wounded him, there are traces of blood and he could only go there, but before that, here i caught him, knocked him down, tried to twist him, took out handcuffs, but then a bullet hit me, they shot me, i lost consciousness, uh-huh, what else, what else, we they appeared from there themselves, from here the operatives appeared, from here the riot police, there was a car of the bandits, in which they wanted to pull out this atm, well, that’s all, but where was paris? at first paris was sitting in the car , and then he was shot, over there, you see the pools of blood, well... let's go, well, look , he ran from there, there's a bed of blood, vasya, can you
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picture how the body lay, well, how, uh, this is how my back is supposed to lie down, or what? in this case, the truth requires sacrifice, let's get comfortable, well, come on, come on, come on, like this. then like this, well like this, where the bullet entered, like this, here, that means he fled from there, yes, well, how long will it take, what’s hard, well , i’m not made of iron, okay, get up, now you and i will have to play carlosno, i mean, they were clearly shooting from a hill in the affected sector, i’m wondering, he... on the roof , let’s go, i was afraid of heights, it’s okay
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, i’ll insure you, i’m kidding, let’s go, i ’ll insure you myself, come on, you stubborn cow, i bit my fingers, like, well... they ambushed paris, at that time someone ambushed at us, i don’t know, but it’s a bit high , what are you doing, you’re not afraid, okay, okay, i caught you, come here, it’s neat here, yeah , look, gun stands are following, a sniper, yes, shoot from that distance
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it was impossible from the hands, so he shot from a point-blank range, and with recoil the stand left a mark on the parabit , he prepared well, cleared everything for himself, in sniper jargon this place is called lyoshka, yes, it turns out fine, someone slammed a paris and before our eyes, setup. "here she is dear, but we are not a professional, well, it’s clear that she is not a professional, with herself took it, most likely a former military man, he doesn’t care about such little things, we live interestingly, someone knew about our operation, leaked information, this someone really wants us to think that the gang has been neutralized, but who could it be, or maybe he himself cook?" "
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we'll wait here so as not to be exposed, he may have already left the city, how long will we wait for him? are you in a hurry? we will wait as long as necessary. there's a chick, let's wait, right?
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why am i the last to find out about everything, why wasn’t the results of the examination reported to me in a timely manner, well, we first wanted check everything, what to check, well, if someone else fired, it means there was a leak. they knew about our ambush , what kind of nonsense are you talking about, what kind of leak, who knew, we found a rifle casing, what does this mean, nothing good, i ran to the experts and showed the casing, here is the preliminary conclusion, the casing corresponds to the bullet that killed paris , the type of rifle from which they were shot has not yet been established, but most likely a composite one, a cartridge case
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from a 7.62 cartridge, experts found characteristic marks on it. the shot from the roof was made by a former military man, excellent version, just one drawback: gucha is dead, personally, i now very much doubt it. what does it do?
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from the bandits themselves, let’s go and have a drink, wait, wait, it’s strange , i just realized this, when i was hit in the armored car, it was like that, our people were behind, one bandit ran away, two were tied up, paris was killed immediately, i saw it myself, someone shot at me, and if they didn’t shoot at you, maybe they shot at the bandit who ran away, maybe, as his nickname somov said, something connected with the mountain, kozbek, yeah , that means, either kazbek was hit by you, and that means, and that means, if we find kazbek, we identify the shooter, well, where should we look for this kazbek, well, if i were him, i’d go far away, that’s for sure, let’s go, screw, you're
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right, kozbeka haza, let's go kill this bastard, stop! and what else? let's wait until it comes out, but you are freaks, freaks that i can't trust, we will find him, i promise you, we will find him, interesting, how will you do it now? well, i have one address, we ’ll try, well, look, if you don’t find it, you will find it cops, or maybe he himself has already approached them? why is this even necessary? now he doesn’t have a lot of choice, he’s not a fool, he understands perfectly well that we will get him out of the ground, and the cops will willingly accept him. kozbek has a lot to tell, but then i don’t envy you and me, guys.
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let's go, there were only technical noises, eh!
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stand, oh you! pull to the side of the road, i order, pull to the side of the road immediately.
6:21 am
pride in full carriages, golden carriages from the south. they are wondering, the young ones, because tearing apart the clouds in a shred, they did not forget the senders from home, mother and not last love, and running across the sky, you see someone’s footprints, it could be you, it could be me, it could be they are waiting for us, it could be they are singing to us. arseniy robok, alexander nosik
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, hot spot, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv, well, happily, go ahead and... gleb, maybe it wasn’t worth digging at all, but if you had handed over this case , you would have slept peacefully, you would have slept , no , of course, we found the cartridge case and lyoshka too, now vasya, you’ve already begun to reason like a real professional, it’s like when everything around you couldn’t be better, the cats will hide your soul, and as vysotsky said, after all something is wrong, for sure, i just need to understand what exactly is wrong. let's go home, we'll think about it until tomorrow, turn around, maybe some thought will come to mind, come on,
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just don't scream like azubeg, hands, hands! i came to surrender, why did you get into the car, why didn’t you come to the police station? the safest place is your car, your boss is in the way there, somov, what does mine have to do with it? first, i want to tell you something about him, just not here, hands on the back, i’ll call my friend, your friend can be trusted, my friend can be trusted, okay, i’ll call on the way.
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hi, hi, come on, i’ll help, help, you’ve done it and you’re bored, but you don’t let me get bored, but what the hell is this, and you know oksana, you know how responsible she is, it’s clear, now you’ll ask me to... took the statement, i would be very grateful to you, or maybe you will offer me some more money, but to hush everything up, this is a trifling matter with the police, gleb, why do you defend her all the time, can’t you imagine that she at least once in my life, maybe i’m to blame, i understand the situation is unpleasant, but anything is possible to decide humanly, no, it won’t be possible humanly, why? because my health is too expensive, and more specifically, if you transfer the apartment to me, then i will withdraw
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the application. what a fool i am, it’s not a mistake, oksana, you set it all up , prove it, i’ll prove it , now you know everything, and it was all for real... in fact, yes, they laid you out beautifully, i can’t believe it, bags, he controlled everything, one might say, he had his finger on the pulse, he believed him like a boy, how could you not believe him, he’s your boss for a minute, although i didn’t like his face right away, when the bet was collected everything was decided
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, long before, here are the photos, i took them in the park when i was watching, for sure, at first i didn’t understand what kind of guy, and then, when i saw you at the cops, then everything worked out, and you came to me, maybe i’ll join you, do you have a kind face? okay, i have another question, why didn’t you come earlier? i had a boring agreement, then he put me on treason, now i ordered a campaign, but i held on, when i didn’t love my love there in the market, on the one hand i i’m glad that there are a lot of shivas, as you said, on the other hand, it’s not clear what
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to do in this situation. i think i know. igor valentselovitch, sorry for disturbing you. yes, vasya, come in, what do you have? but did the signal come from kozbek? what signal? well, popesniks saw him in the southern region and identified him by his orientation. i immediately rang through the database, kozbek really lived in this area, the only thing was in the next block. by the way, there was a shootout there at night. do you have the exact address where he lived? poppy, house. do you think he is? here to think, kozbek is on the run, i need to check, maybe he ’s hiding at his old address, maybe so.
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wait here for me, okay.
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looks like we were late comrade mayer , i told you to wait outside, why are you so nervous, i wanted to help, it ’s so burning, exactly, yes, this is an old photo, the wine is from kozbek’s personal archive, no, no, judging by date on the photo, it’s fresh, which means, as
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we expected, gucha is alive, i wonder who it is there next to him, it’s a pity i can’t see the license plate on the car, okay, we’ll come to the department, i’ll digitize it on the computer, her maybe it will be possible to consider it, that’s what, vasily, this is not a tricky matter, i myself. yours , let’s make an inventory of all the things here for a quick report, i understand, there were two of them, yes, they drove up to the mikriki, if it weren’t for them, we would have taken kazbek, then the goytsy intervened, why should i take up the gun myself, i because i can, only i’ll put you down first, yes, he’s somewhere here , the cops are surrounded on all sides, he won’t escape from the city, just give him time, and with the cops, you ’ll also end up with a reprieve, and he ’ll put us in jail too , it won’t itch, what?


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