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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  March 24, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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i can’t see the license plate on the car, okay , we’ll come to the department, i’ll digitize it on the computer and maybe we’ll be able to look at it, that’s what vasily, this is a simple matter, i’ll digitize it myself, you go ahead and make an inventory of all the things here for a quick report, i understand, there were two of them, yes, they drove up to the mikriki, if it weren’t for them, we would have taken the kozbek, then the goytsy intervened. why should i take up a gun myself, i can, i’ll just put you down first, goochie, but he’s somewhere here, the cops are surrounded on all sides, he won’t escape from the city, just give him time, but cops, you’ll also give a deferment, but he’ll pawn us off too, he won’t sneeze, what?
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matter, i asked you not to call, no , that i’ll be there in 5 minutes, my face wasn’t there, yours was there and very distinct, obviously kazbek was watching you, but at the same time i ended up in jail , shivitsa, puppy! gutcha, all this is lyrics, what are we going to do? offer? what can you offer me? i’m paying you a lot of money and it’s not sickly. so, i earned my money in full. and by the way, all this was quietly and carefully hushed up. but if new photos surface. you understand, i’m already on the edge of a knife. if it closes me, it’s not far from you either. are you telling me ? no, the guys in my department are smart, they
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just won’t calm down, so we’ll find a way to calm them down, i’ll need you sharks, well, later i might need a bagheera, an alarm alert, the first operation of a detachment with a new composition and nothing, nothing, they’ll cope , guys. raven, you are there, we know that at least a provocation is being prepared, well, at a maximum, physical elimination, we are talking about a virus that is deadly for one and absolutely harmless to everyone else. center, this is shark 1, the supposed enemy in the building. we need to understand how he wants to use the virus. the russians need a laboratory. i have an explosive chain with a clock mechanism here. urgent need to leave
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the facility, sea devils, distant borders, interesting movie, today at 8:20 on ntv, yes , they called igor, yes, vasya, come in, sit down, well, the inventory is ready, yes, almost finished , what about you, i managed to get through the numbers, but no, it’s dead. you know the number, what kind of cameras, however, we managed to get some information, what exactly, tovach maer, i managed to contact one of mazai’s accomplices, and he is ready to provide information about paris and his connections, but he wants to meet on neutral territory, great, but how to talk to him, that’s the point business , he made an appointment, but i’m the only one who’s afraid, you yourself understand the situation k... uh, maybe
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you can insure, of course, tavisch may, he’s always ready, well then let’s go, right now, i understand, we’re sure that’s here, comrade may , i'm sure, i'm sure, vasya, some strange place, i’m not sure what’s going on here, i doubt it, but don’t doubt it, bosses sometimes need to be... trusted, what do you mean? you have an inquisitive mind, vasya, and i would have worked with you in other conditions, but not now, i’m sorry, i didn’t understand you, touch of may, i don’t recommend it, a familiar rifle, gotcha, you killed paris with it, by the way, glad to see you alive and well, otherwise the police have at least... bad rumors,
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we put the rifle on the ground, we rise well and slowly. i hate, in this, oh you puppy, stand, sailor, lonka, quickly!
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yes, i wish i knew when to control. weapon to the ground, igor valentinovich 2 meters in front of you, quickly, like this, we take out the bracelets and fasten them on, as we were taught at police school, quickly, i prepared for you on my own, it was a pleasure to work, come on, come on!
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hayim sailor. here's the boat, hold him back, and an old friend, the head of the balls.
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guys, i didn’t expect it, i didn’t expect it, anything but this, it’s still good, comrade major, that you put me with him, otherwise he would have... still been protecting the bandits, well, he’s got the keys us, yes, just like, lithmus, where something is wrong, will instantly highlight, to such, hey, yes okay, well, well, this catfish, i can’t believe how he dropped a rat right in front
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of his nose, now, of course, he claims that he honestly solved this case until guchi came to him and offered him money for silence, uh-huh, successful they were silent, yes, one robbed, the other covered his tracks, that’s right... guys, you’re great, well done, unraveling such a mess, it ’s klyuev, i think you won’t get away with one prize, oh, taras sergeevich, i really nothing to do with it, it’s all gleb, he was the first to suspect that gucci lived, okay, okay, simple logic, although of course gucci had a great idea, to run a thieves’ business from the other world, what kind of cover did we break off for him? yes, but now citizens don’t have to worry that their favorite atm will be taken away again, thank you guys again, let’s go, oksan, what are you, this is
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just a statement, we collected it today, we’ll write a new one tomorrow, and the ship, maybe they wanted to go along the golden ring, we’ll take the vouchers, especially since i already have this water, yesterday i swam so much until now... hero, what should i do about the wedding? we will also have to cancel, but why cancel, we’ll bring it for a while, it’s okay, it won’t make us love each other less. that's for sure, aren't you afraid to take the asshole under investigation? son, what are you saying? i'm sure this is a temporary phenomenon. where such confidence? because i have a plan to bring lena out into the open. noticed it's water again? this water lately. what if we thought about a running hike, for example. i disagree . what is this journey like? who is original to anyone.
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i greet everyone who is now watching live on central television, today is saturday, march 23, and tomorrow has been declared a day of mourning in russia. for those who died in a terrible terrorist attack, the likes of which the country has not seen or experienced for many years. almost a day ago, at about 8 pm, a white man suddenly stopped near the crocus cityhall concert complex, armed militants jumped out of it straight from the street, and began shooting through the glass doors of the facade. first to the guards, then to the spectators in the lobby, a moment later they reached concert hall, where innocent people were killed one after another. they killed everyone who came to them. on the way , those who managed to escape from this terrible massacre later said, and this is really important:
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the terrorists did not make any demands and did not even try to take hostages, they killed in cold blood and methodically, shot at anyone they saw through the sights of their machine guns and scattered molotov cocktails on their way. as a result , a strong fire broke out and the publication of kroku shichiho turned into a large fire trap for those who tried to escape the shots. in the building itself, the fire that engulfed the crocus was extinguished, including with the help of helicopters, all
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night, even then investigators and criminologists began working in the building, collecting all kinds of evidence and clues. our reporters are still working at the scene of the tragedy in the hospitals where the wounded were taken, we have collected all currently available information about the progress of the investigation, as well as comments from politicians and experts, in the next hour we will try to understand who is behind this terrorist attack, our reporter ... mikhail bogdanov rushed to the spot tragedy, as soon as the first reports of a terrorist attack appeared on social networks on the feeds of news agencies. they are shooting closer and closer and the people hiding behind the sofas understand that they have only one chance of salvation, but the glass does not break. i see that people on the first floor, behind these glass walls of the crocus, they are hitting their palms there. on the glass and just asking for help and how to get out of there. they fire
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machine gun fire again, closer, closer. faster, mom, mom, faster. these people manage to escape. at this time the terrorists those who could not escape were shot from machine guns. two people are hiding behind a column and will not be noticed. photographer dave primov is one of those who managed to escape. this could be a scam. finally , we gathered in some crowd of such healthy men and broke down one door and through the corridor we were able to get to the stairs to the technical staircase below, because of this open technical door, we ran out in these frames , you can see four terrorists, three with machine guns , all with backpacks in which, as it will become known later, there are containers with fuel, having shot everyone the terrorists move on to the auditorium, they still don’t understand what’s going on, we’re in a concert city, something’s going on here.
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at this time, people are trying to escape from the burning building; there is pandemonium on the stairs; in the faye, people are walking along the same path that the terrorists recently took in the other direction. many, trying to hide from the terrorists, hid in utility rooms, storerooms and toilets; already at two o’clock in the morning information would appear that
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at least 10 people died from carbon monoxide poisoning, unable to get out of such traps, if again they shoot straight to the floor. i’m shooting, people, at first people started running quickly, there was some kind of incomprehensible noise, then i already saw that there were people behind them who were shooting, they quickly, quickly burned through these doors, there were still guards there , there were guards standing, they checked links, tickets , at that moment i went up to the psychiatrist , i ran into the toilet , such a crush had already begun there, it was just some kind of horror, it ’s just horror, it’s very scary there, in fact, they didn’t see anything inside, smoke, i even not i could go down, although there was a flight there today. special services arrive at the scene, videos appear in the media that allow one to reconstruct an approximate picture of the attack; footage from the video recorder shows the car in which the terrorists arrived. they will start shooting almost immediately after getting out of the car, killing people in front of the entrance to the cityhall campus. the buildings have been detached, everywhere the social services near
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the sikhol building lie the bodies of the dead.
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fire, a couple is hugging at the entrance, a woman is sitting next to them, these are the ones who just left the building, we managed to escape and now all the crowd literally rushed to the bridge about 20 minutes ago and the entire bridge was simply filled with people who had simply run their braids, it’s terrible, hundreds of people are running across the bridge to the pavshinskaya floodplain , this is the krasnogorsk region, it’s right across the moscow river, at this time the crocus building the city is burning, there are still people in it, the whole area is shimmering with blue lights from flashing lights of special services. ambulances, police and firefighters are on site. we managed to escape to the utility rooms through the sign exit, and the guard let us into the boiler room, where contains water or fire tanks , there are about 50 people there, they were in the smoke for about 25-30 minutes, they were saved
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by hydrants who worked there, they wet their clothes, they applied it to their faces, the death toll is being clarified, there are children among the wounded and among the dead, they stood there at the exit, no one went, but they saw us, one of them ran back, started hitting people, i fell on the floor, did what, and the girl, in the footage published by the investigative committee, saw a machine gun, horns, cartridges, according to preliminary data, we are talking about five terrorists, the attackers are described as young men with black beards; the car is wanted: a white renault with tver license plates t-668 un. yes, a tragedy occurred, and we are firefighters working here in crocus, the area of ​​the fire is very noticeable. everything else will be clear after the firefighters’ work is completed and accordingly.
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the alarm was raised, all law enforcement agencies , traffic police patrols were inspecting the cars of each squad, and there was angry support from the burning building all this time. continues to evacuate people, now the fireman is starting to extinguish the fire, the building has been burning for 2 hours and 2 hours have passed since the terrorist attack, according to the fsb, after the terrorist attack, four suspects tried to escape in a car to cross the russian-ukrainian border, they will not reach it 100 km, they will be detained in the bryansk region, which did in the crocus , shoot, what did he shoot, yes, whom, why, instructions, people , why, please put him in, for money, on saturday morning he will report to president putin, 11 people were detained, including four direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack. on the weekend of march 23 and 24 in moscow and the moscow region all mass cultural sports are cancelled. and entertainment events, the work of special services continues on the spot, the numbers of dead victims will unfortunately be clarified, apparently, they will only grow. mikhail bogdanov, alexander karlov, anton yanchenko,
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ksenia politaeva, central television. so, four terrorists involved in the attack on kroku city hall were detained in the bryansk region, as we have already said, having thrown away a machine gun on the road, they were still racing in the same white renault towards the border with ukraine, where, according to russian intelligence services , it had already been prepared for them. window. yulia bekhterova has collected all the official information about the progress of the investigation that is known at this moment. yes, vadim, the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov, reported to vladimir putin that a total of 11 suspects were detained, including four terrorists who directly attacked the concert hall and killed people there. according to intelligence services, the terrorist attack was carefully planned, the weapons were hidden in advance in a hiding place. in the footage of the investigative committee, here they are, you can see a large number of cartridges. which the militants did not have time to use, also in the arsenal are body armor vests with chest unloading for magazines. in the morning, the wanted white man was spotted 100 km from the border with
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ukraine. the driver ignored the police’s demands to stop, and then they were forced to open fire on the car. all passengers were detained, one of them said that he agreed to the terrorist attack for money. on the internet, he was promised half a million rubles for killing people. he clarified that... half of the money had already been transferred to his bank card, and the rest was promised to be paid immediately after the attack on the concert hall, at these moments all those detained in the bryansk region are being rushed to moscow, work is underway to identify accomplices, and most importantly, of course, those who ordered this crime, well now from the bryansk region, where the terrorists were detained, let’s return to the scene of the tragedy: the fire the concert hall was extinguished all night almost all day today, well, that’s how it is now... operational service researchers, dozens of emergency vehicles
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are there now, the area is still cordoned off. on the spot, now our reporter tatyana proskurikova works and communicates directly with us. tanya, well, it’s almost exactly one day since the terrorist attack, what’s happening now at the site of the tragedy, i see, judging by what. is happening behind your back, people continue to come to such a spontaneous memorial in memory of the dead? yes, vadim, hello , we are located next to the memorial, it is growing, because people come here all day, leaving flowers, children's toys, this is, without exaggeration, an endless river of people, and people can hardly talk about the tragedy, but nevertheless, these are the thoughts and feelings with which those who come...
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and i think that, of course, these are not the people who did it, planned it and decided to implement it and implemented it, there is no forgiveness for them.
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the territory of kroku city is still cordoned off by fighters, the territory of kroku city is still cordoned off by amon fighters, no one is allowed closer to the building, because rescuers and forensic researchers, employees of the ministry of emergency situations continue to work inside... there are signs that the number of deaths may increase , among the dead at least three children, lists... of the dead are constantly updated and published by the ministry of health of the moscow region. it is known that more than 20 victims of the terrorist attack were found in one of the restrooms, most
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likely they also suffocated. 14 people were found on the evacuation stairs, people were whole families, hugging, but nevertheless there was a feeling that, despite the panic, all the people were trying to help each other. in a separate room in crocus city, the identification of victims of the terrorist attack continues, relatives come here and, of course, many of them need psychological help, they work here psychologists of the ministry of emergency situations. in addition, hot ones are open. telephone lines for psychological help in moscow and the moscow region, this is what the governor of the moscow region also spoke about. rescuers went directly into the concert hall itself, which was completely burned out and there was a very significant collapse. unfortunately, during the first searches , the remains of bodies began to be discovered; a lot of work remains to be done in dismantling them, a lot of engineering work, where it is necessary to ensure both safety and security
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. it is known that machine guns were found here, cartridges for them, also bulletproof vests, other military ammunition, now criminologists are conducting an examination of all the things found, we see that, just in case , riyamobili is on duty at the scene of a terrorist attack, but unfortunately, there are hopes that someone may still be found under the rubble very few are alive. all day long, firefighters continued to water down the building, because there were still pockets of fire somewhere,
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but... now we see that the roof has collapsed, but there is no more smoke, i remind you that as soon as the achp reports appeared, dozens of ambulances arrived here , fire crews, helicopters that took water from the moscow river and extinguished the burning roof from the air, but only by 10 o’clock did they manage to localize this huge fire, only by ten. at 10:00, excuse me, the roof began to collapse, and by about one in the morning they managed to localize the fire, firefighters were able to enter the hall where the main fire was located, only this morning and then the main analysis of the rubble began, i suggest you listen to what they say eyewitnesses, how they got out of the hot building, already when i looked down, also there in the foyer, where it all started, there
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the traces are bloody, that is... it became known that moscow and the moscow region will provide assistance to the victims, the amounts were announced, 3 million will be paid to the relatives of the victims, 1 million to the victims who are in the hospital, and 5,000 will be given to those who received
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outpatient treatment. vadim: tanya, but tell me, is there at least some information about how much more time it will take to clear the rubble, because the final figure of those killed in this monstrous terrorist attack probably depends on this, and could you show , what is still happening behind yours with your back, ask the operator to show us the people who have now come to the scene of the tragedy, yes, but as... i said, work here continues around the clock, more than 700 employees are working to collect the rubble, everyone is trying to do it as quickly as possible, but so far they didn’t give us any specific data, but i suggest we look at what the memorial looks like, there’s a sea of ​​flowers, and people come and often don’t leave, they stay here to honor those who died with a minute of silence. yes, tatyana proskurikova was in touch with us, she is now near the building
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kroku shichiho where. the search for the bodies of the dead continues, the monstrous terrorist attack has already been condemned by the heads of state of politicians of almost dozens of countries, in cities around the world this night , spontaneous memorials continue to appear in memory of the victims of the tragedy in croco city hall, people carry flowers and light candles in riga , berlin, vienna, chisinau, tallinn, paris, that is , even in the capitals of those countries whose leaders, let’s say, have not recently been burning with love for russia. from the first minutes of the tragedy in crocus city hall it was obvious that there will not be and cannot be any defenseless people indifferent to killing anywhere in the world, well, with the possible exception of some frostbitten bloodthirsty ghouls who... came out with their comments on blogs and social networks. and yet, emotions will pass sooner or later and it’s better to figure out what to do, who is to blame and what to do with those who are to blame. but immediately, hot on the heels, this is
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what comes to mind. 2 weeks ago, with the filing of the american embassy, ​​almost all western embassies countries warned their citizens about the danger of terrorist attacks in the russian capital. and they even indicated the approximate location of the future terrorist attack, after all. they warned their citizens about the dangers of attending concerts in moscow, and this precise hit is not at all like a broken clock that shows the correct time simply because it coincided. maybe they knew something, what exactly they didn’t know will also have to be sorted out, our reporter, klim sanatkin, is sure. while the pillars of flame were visible, mkat covered the burning circle with smoke at sitiho, and people are like this.
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came from washington from white house adviser john kirby. obviously there are people in moscow and russia who disagree with the way mr. putin is running the country, but i don't think we can make a connection between the mall attack and the political regime at this point. in the united states they tried to blame the isis organization banned in russia. within a few hours, all the leading western media were trumpeting about it. here's the wall street journal, here. new york times, and this is derspiegel. many of them refer to this statement by isis. this is a fake, because the islamic state has not used such a template for several years, but then who is responsible for this
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stuffing. after a period of relative calm, the islamic state is trying to escalate its external attacks, according to us counterterrorism officials. now even the chapters are already dispelling this fake. here, for example, is the reaction to the terrorist attack by emmanuel macron. france strongly condemns the terrorist attack in moscow, for which it claimed responsibility islamic state. but neither politicians nor journalists have a clear explanation why the banned and defeated isis suddenly decided to remember russia. but, and this is remembered even in the united states, the west is no stranger to fighting russia with the wrong hands. so during the war in afghanistan, washington financed the mujahideen. the united states clearly wanted to divert attention from ukraine. it was in america's interest to say that ukraine was not involved and that the islamic state was. i have no idea why biden hasn't responded, or if he can react? i'm sure biden has been briefed on this and may release a statement. it would be appropriate for him
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to do this. russian diplomacy responded to another message from america, which appeared two weeks ago. the embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans. attack large gatherings in moscow, including concerts, and us citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings for the next 48 hours. the american embassy warned about the threat of terrorist attacks in moscow. moreover, the message clearly indicated the location of a possible terrorist attack, concerts, and, judging by these messages, washington clearly knew something. among the many questions to be found and answered, including this one. how and where did western embassies learn about the impending terrorist attacks? did western intelligence services try to do at least something to prevent this tragedy. a number of countries allied with the united states then issued similar warnings to their citizens. after
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the terrorist attack, the russian foreign ministry said that if the united states there is or was reliable information on the terrorist attack at crocus city hall, it must be immediately transferred to russia. the white house insists that the united states did not have information in advance about what was being prepared... vladimir zelensky disowned the events in the moscow region and ukraine and immediately stated that he had nothing to do with what happened. us national security council spokesman john kirby urged not to attribute the tragedy in ukraine to haste. the global reaction to the event in croc city hall is absolutely unanimous, one country after another condemn the terrorist attack express sympathy. to russians. condolences are now pouring in from all over the world for the victims of the terrorist attack in
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the moscow region. words of support came from belarus, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, armenia, hungary and other countries. the un secretary general also strongly condemned the terrorist attack and expressed sincere condolences to the people of russia, emphasizing the need to bring to justice all the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of the tragedy. representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia maria zakharova thanked the un secretary general. prompt adjustment. previously in the office the secretary general stated that they were only saddened by what had happened and were studying the situation. zakharova called the reaction inappropriate and demanded that the un condemn the terrorist attack. toys bring flowers to the russian embassies of different countries. the countries are unanimous that the brutal terrorist attack in moscow requires strong condemnation. the fight against terrorism must be a commitment of the international community. we encountered more than just carefully. a cynically planned terrorist attack, with
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a prepared and organized mass murder of defenseless civilians. the criminals calmly and purposefully set out to kill, to shoot at point-blank range our citizens, our children. today vladimir putin made a special address, he said that all the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack in kroku city hall were captured when they tried to get into ukraine, where for them there was...
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sporting events are canceled in russian regions, and tv channels are changed, or like ntv tv channels , have already changed their broadcast schedules. we send our condolences to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack in krokule expressed the russian prime minister. mikhail mishustin. this horrendous attack left civilians injured and killed. we mourn for each of them. our thoughts and prayers are with you; today this great grief is shared by millions of people,” the prime minister said in a statement. on the astankino tv tower on all media screens in moscow today there are only candles, the word we mourn and the date - march 22. performances and concerts were cancelled, museums and cinemas were closed, and a number of major universities and many schools were suspended from classes. spontaneous memorial. ustella appeared vladivostok, city military glory, there are now flowers and lamps, in
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crimea, on the main square of simferopol , a spontaneous memorial also appeared, residents bring flowers, the inscription moscow we grieve was laid out with candles, and these are shots from the zaporozhye region, people bring candles and flowers to the memorial complex brotherly cemetery in melitopol . the whole country is mourning those killed in this terrible terrorist attack, so let’s do it right now. a very short respite to continue the story about the events of these difficult days and what preceded them. we'll be back soon broadcast, stay with us. zelensky will be thrown out and discarded. in his place , the terrorist budanov and the female joker are being prepared. great changes await russia.
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i’ll need you sharks, well, later i might need a bagheera, i’m worried about the guys. “the first operation of the detachment in the new composition and nothing is fine, guys, raven, you are in place, we know that at least a provocation is being prepared, well, at a maximum, physical elimination, we are talking about a virus that is deadly for one and absolutely
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harmless for everyone else, the center is shark-1, the supposed enemy in the building, needs to understand how he wants to use it. virus, the russians need a laboratory, i have an explosive chain with a clock mechanism here, we urgently need to leave the facility. sea devils, distant frontiers. interesting movie. today at 8:20 on ntv. this is central television. we continue to work live. and right now i want to quote a message that appeared on the page. former assistant to donald trump, us army colonel douglas mcgregor. the perpetrators of the terrorist attack fled from russia to ukraine. who are they? isis, on my own behalf, i should add that this organization is banned in russia or something else? i have no idea, but there are some suspicions that mi-6 and the cia are involved here.
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this is the opinion, i repeat, of a us army colonel. well, now i would like to say it again. that, according to information disseminated by the fsb public relations center, the terrorists who staged the attack on crocus cityhall had contacts on the ukrainian side, and judging by this and many other statements, the terrorist attack may somehow a ukrainian trace will appear. we will definitely return to the investigation of the terrorist attack in city hall, but right now let’s look at what events in ukraine preceded this terrorist attack. the ukrainian crisis, among other things.
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western tanks or give kiev long-range missiles that can fly from the ukrainian for example, send heavy territories to russian cities to ukraine, or modern nato aircraft, or even send a limited contingent of western troops to ukraine. yes, unacceptable at first it seems like the idea is perceived with hostility, but its very discussion opens that same overton window, that is, a window of opportunity. and we remember very well how this same overton window worked in the case of tanks, missiles and airplanes. when macro announced the hypothetical possibility of sending nato troops to ukraine, he thereby opened this most notorious window for the west. at first, many thought that macron was simply bluffing, or flexing his muscles for the public,
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and this game was designed exclusively for the french electorate or other eu leaders. another one took place in germany on tuesday. already at the ramstein event, in which none of the participants out loud supported macron’s radicalism, but the idea itself continues to be discussed and is being discussed quite vigorously, now the former head of the british ministry of defense ben wallis, in a conversation with journalists, admits that the kingdom’s soldiers will have to fight in ukraine. we, he says, must use this phrase: we cannot exclude this, mr. ben wallis clarifies on air. times radio and thereby make it clear how widely the overton window is currently ajar, they say that diplomats end any war, but it is not generals or soldiers who start the war, politicians give the go-ahead, and the mechanism of preparation for war is launched by industrialists and bankers, although would be because any war simply requires a lot
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of money, and although in european capitals none of the sane politicians took up macron’s idea, there they are already in full...
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seagram is from my home state of south carolina, i know him quite well, thanks to my father, so he's pretty much any despicable adjective i could throw at him, but first and foremost a warmonger, and he means he'll fight in ukraine until all ukrainians die, that's what he means in mind. however , mr. graham’s statement, on the one hand , demonstrates the split within the republican party, on the other hand, emphasizes the idea with which trump is going to the elections. the salvation of ukraine is the work of ukraine itself, and if you help, it will not be for free, but on credit. trump
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says that he is not for russia, but he promises to end the war. remember the meeting between trump and president putin in helsinki. everything was wonderful, the mood was for all kinds of cooperation, the mood was peaceful. do you know why trump did this? trump is a businessman, he is not a politician, he thinks like a person who wants to make money. the war gives many people the opportunity to make money, but not american business. why, according to american documentarian reges tremblay, who moved to crimea and films on the topic of war and peace, kiev's main hopes are now connected with europe, the main stumbling block in the supply of western weapons to ukraine remains the taura missiles, with which kiev can reach the crimean bridge, official berlin says no, while official london comes into play, offering a circular scheme already tested on tanks exchange. the british give ukraine missiles of shorter range, receiving longer missiles from the germans in return. it turns out that kiev. this is even doubly beneficial, because nothing prevents london from transferring the taurus to ukraine already with british registration, without crossing scholz's red lines. another question is that these cruise
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missiles, as the press in germany wrote this week, work only when they are supplied together with the germans, that is, in the hands of the ukrainians, smart weapons will become just a flying piece of explosive iron. if the country wanted to deploy thaur with its special advantages, german soldiers would have to at least help in mission planning. only then will the cruise missile be able to show its qualities and fly across... money ukraine will have enough strength until the end of the year at most , given the level of support that the west is now providing to ukraine, unless it becomes greater, or a default, which the west will try to prevent, will do everything to ensure that ukraine. stopped this war, or they are printing out russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves, so we have a fork until the end
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of this year, either ending the war, or it will go into a long time if they print out the gold and foreign exchange reserves and start transferring it to ukraine. but what if it is scholz’s peacekeeping tactics that allow him to open the window of opportunity even wider ? for the ukrainian conflict, which is slowly but surely moving towards a direct clash between russia and nato, russian intelligence announces that the first french contingent is about to be sent to ukraine.
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well, if you look at the map of the ukrainian conflict, it is crimea that becomes for the west that same bottomless abyss where billions of financial aid and tons of weapons fly away, because it is crimea that could write off all this in the eyes of ordinary europeans and americans. at the same time, it may become for kiev’s allies a kind of point of no return in the confrontation with russia, when there are great risks of falling into this abyss ourselves. among those who are ready to stand on the edge of this abyss, besides the frenchman. this increases the likelihood of escalation, it is important to keep in mind that nato, the french, the poles or the baltic states were required to station troops inside ukraine, if these troops were to engage the russians this would not automatically trigger article 5 of the north atlantic alliance when attacked one country is an attack on all, i think that in a
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sense this is a strengthening of the negotiating position west.
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but maybe in this way moscow is making it clear that it is ready for the west to raise rates, not in words, but in deeds? alexey petrushko, natalya usenko, denis anikin, central television. well, let’s return to the terrorist attack that shocked all of russia and the whole world. almost a day has passed since the terrorist attack, but to this day dozens of people are still looking for their relatives, friends and relatives, who on the fateful
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friday evening went to a concert at crocus cityhall and... was without documents, after that, in general i now call hotlines on friday evening, whole families went to the concert, and now the wives are looking for their missing husbands, and the children are trying to find their parents, this is alexandra sytnikova, she is looking for her grandparents, oleg and lyudmila sytnikov, we are very worried, we really hope that they will return
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home, safe , healthy, everything will be very good with them. the last time we got in touch was last night, just before everything that happened, after that the phones were switched off, without everything it’s just incomprehensible, nothing, we’re sitting and waiting for at least some information, all these people, they tell the stories of their loved ones in a hastily created telegram group and ask for help in finding the missing, under the photographs of their friends, writes ilena kiryushina, i am a friend of the makarsky family, two have disappeared. women , tatyana makarskaya and anna makarskaya, the last time they were in the crocus before the start of the concert, or rather, they called their mother, when the terrorist attack had already begun, or rather, that’s it, apparently, after that we know nothing about their whereabouts, muscovite angelina is looking for someone close to her family, artemy shalaev, he is 12 years old, and his parents, vasily khozin and victoria chingaeva, my mother called and asked
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to call an ambulance and the police, there was heavy shooting, i know that they left the hall. i don't know anything else. while sorting out the rubble, the number of dead is growing every hour, trying to hide from the terrorists, but entire families are found suffocated. dead adults clutch the bodies of children. there was. mom irina aleksandrovna, she can’t get in touch, my younger brother and i are very scared, if there is any information, please tell me, my mother is dead on the list, my brother and i are alone, what do? daughter irina hopes for a miracle, and miracles really do happen, the daughter of cosmonaut ryumin evgenia, who was included in the lists of the dead , actually turned out to be alive, escaping, she lost her passport, mistakenly ended up on the lists of the dead, and this is musician mikhail filippov, he came to the concert with his girlfriend, here he is from crocus addressing his subscribers. "we are on the second floor, help us, call an ambulance quickly, call the firefighters, call the police, call everyone, i beg subscribers, come quickly, help us, we are on the second floor, mikhail’s story will have a happy
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ending, his girlfriend and 10 other people who took refuge in the toilet will be taken out of the concert hall building. we are safe, but they ask , we are in the hospital, now i am very glad that we ran out at that last moment, that we decided, despite the fact that there was a risk." because now we would have stayed there simply, most likely, thank you for reacting in such a way , for helping. near crocus there is a center for the relatives of victims of the terrorist attack, wives and children, mothers, sons, there are those who find their loved ones are on the lists, then this is a great joy, but there are also those who know nothing about theirs. especially for those who have lost contact with family and friends, this morning these hot numbers appeared on all electronic advertising accounts installed on the streets of moscow. using them you can get all the necessary information about the condition of the victims, and you can now see the full list of everyone who is in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region on your screens; it is also published on the official website
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of the ministry of health of the moscow region region, it indicates in which hospitals the victim is located, these are people who were hospitalized directly from the scene of the tragedy, this morning people lined up near blood donation points in moscow and the moscow region...
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fresh updated data from the moscow region debstrav, as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus city 140 people injured, 31 of them are receiving outpatient care, three have been discharged, we work at the gavrilov blood center on shabolovka throughout the day , hundreds of people came here to other centers in moscow, they were not scared by either the long lines or the cold. according to the latest data , more than 2,000 people donated blood in one day in the capital, but this was the data. published in the afternoon, obviously now this figure is much higher, it was a funny feeling, i wanted to go straight to the place yesterday, but i understood that i couldn’t help, when the first news appeared that donation centers were opening and
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that there were a lot of wounded people, i need to think that i need to go help people, what i want to do now is to give my blood, this is essentially the least i can do, but even so, it will be beneficial, and i really want to help, well , everyone realizes that it’s just... necessary, here are the guys, some of them were proactive, they helped, they delivered hot tea, they even went to other places to distribute tea to people, queues, this is also important, we considered it necessary today to help these people who have been standing in line for at least an hour and a half, with warm tea, at least some cookies, so that they can have a snack to warm up while they wait to help people. well, even during the day the fmba of russia reported on the full provision of blood components and all victims, they stated that all requests received from medical institutions are promptly processed. as of this moment
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, there are more than 100 wounded in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region, including children . sergei sobyanin, the mayor of moscow, visited crocus city hall today at the botkin hospital. i also talked with doctors and thanked everyone who saved people yesterday on the ground and continues to save people today. in moscow clinics today there are 80
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people. they stood at the shablovka at the end of the line, this was done so that as many people as possible had time to donate blood today. this is the latest information about the victims of the horrific terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. we continue to monitor developments. vadim. yes, thank you, pasha. it was etv correspondent pavel rybalchenko, who spoke about the work of doctors on this difficult day for all of us. and last. jokes, let's take a break now, we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes literally.
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this is central television, we continue to work live, as the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov literally just said, the identities of more than 50 victims in crocus city hall have already been established, everything is needed.
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a few minutes ago , us secretary of state antony blinken said that the united states strongly condemns the terrorist attack in crocus, but at the same time , the words of white house spokesman john kirby caused a lot of surprise. first of all, he stated that ukraine had nothing to do with the terrorist attack, when asked what exactly the states knew about it attack, kirby said the issue should be directed to the state department. but, as can be seen from the condolences and blinkin, the state debt is also trying to avoid this slippery topic. stated that she sympathizes with the people of russia in well, let's continue, the head of the german foreign ministry berbak , in connection with the terrorist attack in kroku sitiholi , condemns terrorism wherever it occurs. we mourn together with the families of those killed in the attack in moscow, birbak wrote on her page on the social network x. and here it is important to note that there are many bloodthirsty scum in the world that we hate, who are considered bad guys by our former partners.
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the following: we expanded nato to include sweden and norway. well, as you understand, the american president hit the nail on the head with sweden, but with norway he was, as they say, screwed up. let me remind you that this is one of the countries that founded the north atlantic alliance, that is , it has been a member of it, like the united states, since april 1949 . well, biden confused it with another scandinavian country, finland, which actually joined nato along with sweden, this was not so long ago. not needed at all, because it’s much more reliable from everyone conflicts, the united states is protected by the ocean. and yes, he said so, we have a beautiful, big, beautiful ocean. of course, you can’t argue with trump about the size of the beauty of the ocean, but even during the second world war, with ships, missiles and
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airplanes of that era, that is , weapons that were very outdated by the standards of the 21st century, neither the pacific nor the atlantic ocean, the united states could not defended, rather on the contrary, precisely... the oceans were the weak spot where the states received the most sensitive military blows. firstly, we are, of course, talking about severe vulnerability of trade routes and communications. in the waters of the atlantic ocean, which trump now relies on, american trade convoys became easy prey for admiral dönitz’s wolf pack, that is, german submarines. in hollywood, by the way, an excellent film was made about this with the magnificent tom hanks in the role of the captain of the american destroyer. but from'. paralysis of all atlantic trade routes, the states were then saved not by the brave captain ismintsev, but by the nameless workers who, day and night, built dry cargo ships at shipyards with the self-explanatory name liberty, well , that is, freedom, and the legendary battle for the atlantic,
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in fact, it was they who won the battle for freedom, because during the war the americans swung these liberties so quickly in such quantities that the submariners of the german criks mareyna and... simply they didn’t have time to drown, but trump’s history is clearly not very good, because he also skipped the lessons of the battle of the pacific ocean somewhere, and the epic series on this topic, produced by the same tom hanks, together with another legend of world cinema, steven spielberg , trump too, apparently i missed it, otherwise i would have known why the americans fought so desperately with the japanese for midway and the guadal canal, why they clung with all their might to the liquid chain of islands and otolov. but this was their last line of defense against japanese expansion, but rooseville, unlike trump , still understood that cruisers and destroyers needed bases on the shore, airplanes needed runways on land, and did not rely on the fact that from the imperial japanese fleet
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will protect the west coast of the united states, thousands of miles of salt water, here we must give credit to biden, or the people from his administration, which understands that in the future against... the state of the superpowers, the vast expanses of the pacific ocean could become a real curse for america - a weak link in their defense. at the very beginning of world war ii, the main military disaster for the states was not even pearl harbor, but the japanese capture of the philippine archipelago. and while nencia pelosi, as simple as political polena, teased beijing with a trip to taiwan, washington’s real emissaries, the smarter and more cunning ones, flew to the philippines. and it was there on... but what about taiwan, because it was this island for both washington and beijing
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has recently been a line of their military-political confrontation, and this is still the case, but in beijing and still in washington they understand perfectly well, even having gained control over taiwan in... the dented sides are the worst is not yet, this is how the chinese greet the civilian ships of their neighbors. even military lasers, designed specifically to blind the enemy, are included. all this to squeeze the philippines
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out of the south china sea. i think all questions should be asked to the philippine side. why are they provoking china by illegally invading our territorial waters. this is one of the most famous military men in china. look not at the size of those few shoals and archipelagos that are the source of the entire conflict,
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but at the value of the water around them, since a third of world maritime trade passes through the south china sea. the philippines must regularly support the picotine marines who serve on the otolls, supply food and everything else, supply operations have become problematic. the philippines is the only country in the world that has a flag for peaceful time with a blue stripe at the top, and for the military, see? there is a red stripe at the top. this fact itself is the best confirmation that this country is well aware that it will never be left alone, primarily because of its unique geographical location. after all, the philippines is essentially a gateway to china that can either protect or contain it, depending on who controls it. much suggests that the incidents with water cannons and lasers are just the beginning, growing...
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and for many years they did not leave there, they held philippines as a colony and used them to access china. so why exactly are washington afraid that america could lose this region again, as it already did during the second world war? the philippines was then occupied by japan, and the united states missed its imperial ambitions. the japanese behaved quite harshly, but they were real. the filipinos suffered losses when the united states came to liberate the country. manila became the second city after warsaw in terms of
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the scale of destruction. just recently it seemed that america was hated in the philippines. their former president rodrigo duarte called barack obama the son of a whore. and he promised a turn to heaven. i am declaring my separation from the united states. now compare with this chapter. states, may the american nation gain strength and greatness, for only then will there be hope for us poor countries. this is the famous philippine dictator ferdinand marcos, he is considered the world champion in stealing from the people. he stole more than 10 billion from the people, but the united states fully supported his family because he suppressed the communists and bought weapons. when revolution finally broke out in the philippines, american president reagan advised marcos: cut, but cut clean. when the revolution won, he helped marcos and his family escape from nohawai. you ask, what is this for? besides,
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the current president of the philippines is his son. yesterday i told secretary blinken that like any friendship, we go through many cycles. i think this is a new positive stage. there is a theory that ferdinand marcos jr., also known as bong bong marcos, was promised a piece of the oil and gas pie. a huge deposit was found at the bottom of the south china sea. he said, it's a small thing for china, but a big deal for us, so we really need to fight for these resources. but the protests that are now taking place in the country, because bong-bong decided to change the cha-cha, as they call the constitution there, if he succeeds, this will help american corporations gain a foothold in the region, but china is, of course, worried about something else. place for an attack, this will inevitably pose a threat to china, well, in america they continue
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to escalate, us air force general michael minihan said that the united states and china, in his opinion according to the opinion, they will begin to fight by the year twenty-fifth; before that, there were no such close dates in the forecasts. and here the unpredictability of the philippine president comes to the fore, for example, when the beatles flew into the country, he almost buried the liverpool four, they refused to meet with him, then young bong-bong told the whole country that he would like to cut off their hair, it is believed that it was with these words that he provoked the attack on betlov. we heard it was a terrible place, when we got there it was confirmed. perhaps, the man who nearly killed the beatles could actually provoke a big war. anton chichulinsky, oleg baranochnikov, yuri rebokon, central television. well, let's return again to the events of this day, as is currently known.
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attempts to shell russian cities and towns, today in the ssu donetsk and gorlovka were attacked with the help of drones, explosions thundered over belgorod again. ukrainian troops attempted to attack the city using drones and rockets. according to the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov, as a result of the attack , private and apartment buildings were damaged , unfortunately there were no casualties. one civilian was killed and two were injured. well, right now we are returning to the events at crocus city holi. in our studio there are eyewitnesses of this terrorist attack, they were at a concert in crocus, they miraculously managed to escape, these are valeria lebedeva and photographer dev primov, by the way, you could see him in the story of mikhail bogdanov. guys, first of all, of course, the question is how are you, how are you, have you been with someone, are everyone alive?
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healthy, your friends. we had nine people, a whole company. and it turns out we were in the stalls, it’s somewhere in the third row, 75-76 sixth place, and i just saw that everyone was running down, well, screams, but in general initially there was such a slight haze, and i’m still sitting and telling those around me, i think maybe something is wrong, well, in general it’s strange why this haze is there, but i will say that there could be a slight haze - i, yes, i also thought for this very reason, well, i think everything is fine, everything normal, and then the beginning itself didn’t happen, that’s all they started running somewhere down from the balconies and , uh, such a good stampede began, tell me
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, this clarification is important, because i have not met it anywhere, that is, the concert has not yet begun, it has not yet begun, no, no, no. the artists did not come out on stage, no, we did not see a single artist, there was no preparatory program, no one came out on stage, did not perform, did not announce anything. dave, uh, where were you sitting in the audience? i was on the balcony at the back, the outermost part of the hall, that is, we got it - it was the evacuation of ourselves myself in the most remote upper part of the hall, it all started literally 5-7 minutes before the start of the concert, even when... these some shots started, the first emotion was that these were fireworks or salutes, something like that, i’ll interrupt you for a second, that is, did you start filming at that very moment, when you still didn’t understand what was happening, or at the moment when you realized that these were shots from a real weapon? i started filming - here's the video, that's when at the moment when i already realized that these were shots, let's see
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this video. calm, calm , calm, calm, calm, save, you were trying to calm the people around, yes, it happened that way, when the firefight started, when people heard machine gun fire, they just started running, knocking each other down, because the exit there is downstairs upstairs and
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people didn’t... shoot from a machine gun, in fact everything was very calm, there weren’t very many screams, apparently people didn’t understand what was happening at all, there were some kind of dull sounds, and then you just raise your head up and people are running and slightly shouting something, and naturally igor, the young man i was with, he immediately laid me down on top of me, it turns out... that is, we are already below right under the seats themselves, he moved me exactly under this seat and only then, when it turned out, i didn’t see anyone
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behind me, that is, i was just on the floor, let’s say it was a crush , again, someone stepped on me there, so we ended up, let’s say, under the chairs, and then the fire started from behind. and they were fire this is this this the chair caught fire in hall, but from the incendiary mixtures , i didn’t see, i was lying face down on the floor, but igor saw - people behind, it turns out with machine guns, and already - uh, he just started pushing me so that i would crawl further, yeah, you ended up - you got out what are the horror exits in the hall?
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and we already understand that they are literally five rows behind, that is, literally five rows and something is blazing, yeah, and then we already he says: you must definitely run to the stage, lera, listen to me, you must definitely run to the stage, i i just got ready and ran to the stage, the only thing that i was terribly afraid of was that they might... take us off this stage, because we stand up to our full height in order to jump over, let’s say, this pedestal, and it turns out that he pushed me from behind onto this stage, and we were already running out to the street, and why to the stage, here was the information, you will now either confirm or refute it, that the attackers were also from below, that is, from the side of the stage they were shooting from above from the side of the balcony, you know, from above from the side of the balcony only, only behind. just behind me i didn’t see anyone from the side, i just remember the moment when i was climbing the stage , it turns out that the shot was flying straight into the stage, there was some kind of ricochet, as i understand it
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, you only came to your senses and turned on the camera only when you had already run out into the park, when i she was already running into the parking lot, show us these footage, show us these footage, in short they are shooting there, we just ran out, we just ran out in polish... and you say that there were no attackers on the balcony, there were no attackers on the balcony, at that moment, when the shots were already so loud, everyone lay down on the floor, at that moment i looked towards the stage, seeing a machine gun burst there, precisely in this line of fire, along the line of fire i tried to determine where the danger was coming from, where to expect danger, i saw a man with a machine gun who was wearing brown, this... either a bulletproof vest, or some kind of special uniform, then i saw a second man with a machine gun, and their faces were covered, it was too far from the balcony, it was impossible
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to determine, they were approximately in the area of ​​the stage, where are the front rows and i saw what they started just shoot into the crowd, not at the ceiling , not somewhere in the air, these were shots straight into the crowd at people, they were shouting something, this is important, it was impossible to hear, because here people were just talking, someone... there were especially screams at the moments of the shot, when there were shots, everyone started squeaking and yelling , so it was impossible to hear anything, and we tried to get up, but i understood that, uh, we don’t know what’s behind that door upstairs, because that we don’t know how many there are - 5, 10, 50 people, we do it at our own peril and risk climbed these stairs, then, when we came out to the very top of the crocus, we needed to go down somehow, we understand that there is all... danger below, that is , shots came from there, armed people came from there, we started in a large crowd run around, look for technical rooms , some kind of underground areas, and it was dark, we saw
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a guard along the way, who stood absolutely without any emotions, did not say anything, in the end, if we rewind this entire film, then we were able to break it out with a certain number of guys to break down the door through for some time. thanks to which we were able to get onto the stairs and run out into the street, run out into the street, guys, uh, i, of course, don’t know how to find the words, i wish you to quickly forget all these terrible things. minutes and hours, very scary, i probably only slept for an hour or three, and you wake up with a feeling of anxiety, yesterday, but it turns out that since there were nine of us, i stuffed everyone into the car, everyone is alive and well , yes, and we went, i drove them myself, my only condolences are to the relatives of those people, for for whom this was the last day, for those who did not return home yesterday, this is true, thank you
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very much, keep it up! guys, thank you, it was valery and dave, who were in crocus city hall yesterday during the terrorist attack. well , in conclusion, all i have to say is this: march 22 will forever go down in the history of modern russia as a bloody day that took the lives of dozens of people, broke the lives of hundreds, but millions of people who live in russia now, without any doubt, are mentally with those who needs support, millions are not even doubt, the bastards involved in the monstrous terrorist attack from... will answer for everything, millions of people have become even closer to each other, and most importantly much more confident, we cannot be intimidated, we can only be made stronger, see you, see you soon,
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hello on ntv news in the studio dmitry zavoisty. today is a day of mourning in russia, the country mourns the victims of the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus city hall near moscow. according to the latest data, there are 133 names on the list of dead. and most likely, the data is inconclusive. gave 152, including five children, throughout the country state flags are lowered, in moscow, including over the kremlin, the government building, the state duma, there are candles on media facades and billboards, the word is mourning, all entertainment public events are cancelled, the heart of st. petersburg is palace square, it is illuminated with the light of mourning lamps, a memorial inscription was laid out by volunteers, more thousands of people in nizhny novgorod.


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