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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 24, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, on ntv news, today is a day of mourning in russia, the country is mourning the victims of a monstrous terrorist attack in crocus city hall near moscow; according to the latest data, there are 133 names on the list of victims, and most likely this number is not final. all over the country , national flags are lowered , candles on media facades and billboards are filled with the words we mourn , mass entertainment events have been cancelled , spontaneous memorials in all regions, those who come say one thing: a terrible tragedy in krasnogorsk, one pain for all, but the terrorists will not be able to intimidate the russians. myself i personally visited crocus with my wife on sunday last year, so of course this is a shock and tragedy for us. our whole family is grieving.
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in his address, the head of state specifically focused on those responsible for this tragedy, punishment for everyone is inevitable , there is no justification for terrorism , volunteers, donors, and everyone who could not stay away from russian railways and russian airlines continue to respond to the tragedy in the form of free tickets to moscow and back for the relatives of the victims and victims. large banks have already announced that they will write off loans will settle the debts of everyone affected by this disaster. search. rescue
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operation, clearing the rubble after the terrorist attack did not stop in crocus all night ; the ministry of emergency situations employees received heavy equipment at the disposal of the destroyed building, a crane has already been deployed to lift multi-ton metal structures. the owners of the building visited the site and talked about the future of the concert hall. we will find out what is happening inside and around the crocus live from nahid babayev. nahid, we are waiting for all the latest information. close to burnt they don’t let us into the building, but we can hear the equipment working. at night there was information that work had stopped due to darkness, but this is not entirely true. they explained to us that yes, the entire staff of the ministry of emergency situations of the publication was withdrawn, but not because there was not enough light, because the heavy equipment was still working. now an important task is to create an opening at the end of the building, this will facilitate access to the concert hall. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov said that this is no longer a rescue operation, only a search operation.
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and the visitors to the concert, before the start of which there was a terrorist attack, they will be able to pick up their cars and personal belongings today. we must provide a convenient scheme that will allow us to transfer property, including a car. our task is to start transferring cars somewhere around 19:00 in the evening.
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the company that owns crocus cityhall has already announced that it will restore the building. also on their official website, they expressed condolences to the victims and added that they would assist the work of law enforcement agencies. separately, the holding thanked the kroku city team, which worked professionally, clearly and heroically. this saved the lives of hundreds of people. a terrible tragedy occurred. and it has already been said that nothing like this has happened over the past 20 years.
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of course, from the point of view of universal human values , it is inexplicable. head of the investigative committee alexander. islam has helped hundreds of people and there are many such stories; those who managed not to panic were helped to get out of a building engulfed in fire. the spontaneous memorial that appeared the day before at kroku city hall is literally buried in flowers, people light candles, carry soft toys, leaving notes, there are quite
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a lot of people here, just a few minutes ago volunteers came and are handing out hot tea. dima, yes, your whole inclusion has been screwed up, i see that people are coming up in an endless stream and... thank you, by the way, i want to note that it became known that eighth-grader islam khalilov, who, despite his young age, was not confused during the shooting, was saved it was decided to reward hundreds of spectators. according to the latest data, the number of victims of the terrorist attack has reached 152 people, according to the ministry of emergency situations. in medical 114 wounded remain in institutions, including four children. all yesterday, muscovites and residents of the region came to donor centers to donate blood. our correspondent.
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on polikarpov street, it opened today at 8:00 am, and the queue is not as long as yesterday, but you can still see a lot of people, there are blue buses in front of the entrance so that people can warm up. and here they are given tea and coffee so that they don’t freeze, today we talked to different people, there were students here, people over 40, some parents came with their children and teenagers as an act of solidarity, teenagers , of course, cannot donate blood, this option is only available to people over 18 years old, we heard different stories today, many of those who came here today had friends and acquaintances in the crocus, let's listen: there were acquaintances , there were acquaintances, what did they say, it turns out that before everyone entered the hall, unknown people burst in, they started shooting at everyone just point-blank, unfortunately, a lot of people died, unfortunately, they are now there are still a lot
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they are still finding the body, how did your friends manage to get out, when they saw that they all went to the hall, they were able to get out of it all, it’s like... they gave 400 people in the moscow region, and 3,000, the blood center worked on the treadmill yesterday until midnight, and today it looks like they are planning to work the same way, but at the same time the doctors say that there is never enough blood, you can donate it today tomorrow, and on all days it will definitely
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be useful to the victims. victims, quite often after such terrorist attacks require long-term treatment, repeated operations, sometimes these... well, now a little about the issue that is of human interest to those who came here to other moscow and moscow region centers, yesterday i helped. could their blood save the life of any of the victims? short answer: not yet, but it can save someone ’s life, tomorrow, today at the center on the treadmill they told us that the blood is collected before being sent to the hospital, in
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the evening, the blood collected yesterday will go to the expeditionary service, it will be send, if necessary, to those hospitals where he is located the victim, while the transfusion is being given to them using the blood that... was collected in advance even before the attack, this is how cycles work in medicine, in any case , the victims will need help in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region, there are still more than 100 people. yes, thank you, alena repina, for the work of blood collection points in moscow and the endless queue for caring citizens. fifteen-year-old islam khalilov, a cloakroom attendant, about whom my colleague nakhit babaev spoke live and who, despite young age of hundreds of spectators during the terrorist attack, says he was just doing his job. dozens of such stories, when in the most extreme situations people show their best qualities, occurred against the backdrop of the terrorist attack , and some of them - edmund dzholbynov. we have quite a big crush going on in the locker room right now, dear athletes, you don’t have to worry at all
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and don’t leave the territory of our grounds. in just a few moments we will continue to enjoy the performance of the athletes on the floor. crocus expo - adjacent building to croco city hall, connected to it by a corridor. 8 pm, friday, at this moment the life of dozens of people was interrupted, for the rest it was divided into before and after. anastasia is a participant in those same dance competitions that were not destined to reveal a winner. i was on the floor, i was dancing to the finals in my category, when we left the floor to change clothes for the latin american program, ah, snatches of conversations and shouts began to be heard that something was happening outside below, which seemed to crocus was shot at, well , we didn’t have any information, that is , i learned about the shootout from the internet, and there was a moment when a crowd of people panicked... they just ran across the entire locker room to the opposite corner of crocus, screaming, they’re here, they
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are shooting, everyone run, the warning system, according to the girl, did not work there, so first the athletes went up to the top floor, but at the top the door was locked, then they returned back to the parquet floors in panic, many in light dance dresses ran out the building was already through emergency exits; fortunately, none of them encountered militants on the street. anastasia found her car in the underground parking lot at 20:40 and drove away safely. that everything would end exactly like this, at that moment she no longer believed it, and she did not decide to tell her mother about everything right away, no, no, my mother found out from me, i wrote to her that everything was fine, we were alive, we got out , she says, she took some place, i say, mom, she says, my broadcast froze, i say, mom, we have a terrorist attack, just a few minutes before the start of the concert... and before the terrorist attack. this video was shot by cameramen who were preparing for a completely different shoot, filming a symphony
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orchestra accompanying the picnic group. but these shots were the last ones shot on professional cameras. in 5 minutes , punctual guests will begin to be shot in the hall, and in a few hours the dome will collapse directly on these chairs. mikhail, who flew from arkhangelsk with his wife and two daughters especially for this concert, shows in this frame where all four of them would sit, if not for one thing. that evening they were late everywhere. i'm already before the exit, just before the actual exit. i saw that i forgot my watch and my bracelet, i don’t know, maybe now it should be called a talisman, our seats, firstly, should have been right 3-4 m from the terrorist; fortunately, ekaterina also didn’t have time to enter the hall , concert photographer kropus sitijo, she entered the building through the service entrance at 19:58, at that moment the militants were already shooting at the central one, but it so happened that the unsuspecting girl went to meet them halfway, she was delayed because a colleague left her a gift. in the official cloakroom, and this delay may have given ekaterina life, with my right ear
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i heard that behind this door, which was precisely on a magnetic key, such, you know, some kind of impending noise, at that moment our girls began to run out, well, they started shouting at us, shooting, shooter, shooters, run, save yourself, they were one of the first to run out together with their colleagues and just who they met along the way, they asked to run in the opposite direction, of course, not everyone who planned... i was so lucky to be in this room. elena is one of those who was already in her place waiting for the concert to start. she is currently in intensive care due to carbon monoxide poisoning, but can talk. we managed to talk on the phone. we looked a lot for where we could, where we could find a way out, but there was no way because they were shooting on the first floor, we were from the second floor, we were in the women's toilet, we broke the wall inside the toilet, then...
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it was thick, there was no digging that even from the phone the flashlight did not illuminate anything, it was absolutely impossible to see where to go, because the light in the second hall went out. we tried to leave the toilet, but we realized that after walking 2 meters away from the door, we were all simply lost, at the same time sergei and his family were upstairs trying to find a way out. we were lucky that we didn’t go into the hall right away, and apparently the criminals also thought that it would already start at eight, but in fact the 8th hall was half empty,
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well, i looked into the hall, nothing was clear, that is... and these are just a few stories of those hundreds of people whose lives, thanks to luck, well-coordinated actions or an open door at the right time, were not interrupted at 20:00 on march 22, each of them had their own way to the street to freedom, but they are united by one thing, they survived, dozens of people who bought tickets to the concert of their favorite band did not even manage to leave the hall that day, all four suspected of committing terrorist attacks were already brought to moscow , investigators and migration units work with them together with the fsb, systematizing all the circumstances of each detainee’s stay in russia. all four face life imprisonment. alexey kvashenkin visited the place where the operation to detain them took place. this is 376 kilometers
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highway m3 ukraine. right here. the pursuit of the white car in which the terrorists left moscow ended, now everything has been removed here, but we found this fragment of a white bumper, also gloves, a balaclava, a tape measure, and also based on scattered pieces of information, we will try to reconstruct the chain of events that happened after that how the militants left the scene of the terrorist attack, the four attackers left in the same car in which they arrived at crocus, a testimony was published from the family who deliberately hit white sedan, leaving the parking lot, they received injuries of varying severity, an 11-year-old child is now in the hospital with broken bones. a photograph has appeared from a traffic camera, in which you can see the car itself, a white renault simvol with a black roof and its license plate and the faces of two people, the front passenger drivers. traffic on the m3 highway was limited, an interception plan was introduced, then there was a pause of several
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hours, filled only with assumptions: is it really possible to drive up to the concert venue like that and shoot? people can escape with impunity, so look to it took us 6 hours just to get from moscow to the place where the actual pursuit of the terrorists’ car began, it happened here, here is the traffic police post of the bryansk region, not far from the partisan clearing, the employees already had an orientation, but naturally the terrorists ignored the demand to stop, it began the chase lasted about 10 km and the militants opened fire back, but... they managed to shoot in the front wheel and the car turned over the roof, one person remained in the car, his eye was knocked out, he is no longer could have escaped, the rest fled into the forest. and this is the very place where the denouement came, as they say, our sources in law enforcement agencies, in general, they say, it’s good that it all ended right here, the place is remote, you can’t run far
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, there’s no one to take hostage, there are no people to the nearest the settlement was several kilometers away, soon, perhaps, all the power resources of the bryansk region were available here. the police went in a chain, combing the forest, found one fugitive on a tree, and soon found the rest. they have weapons with them was no longer there. i’ll show you now, in these footage the last of the detainees is being taken out of the forest. videos of interrogations of all four attackers on crocus, first of twenty-three-year-old shamsuddin faridun, have now been published. he said he was recruited on social media because he listened to lectures by an islamic preacher. and he agreed to shoot people for money, what did he do in crocus, did he shoot, what did he shoot? people, why, put on, for money, a second interrogation, its director arti margarta simonyan published it reported, that this is the leader of the terrorists, he communicated through translators, said that less than a month ago
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he rented cheap housing in moscow, and the third thirty-year-old rajab alezadeu bought a car to work as a taxi driver. in ukraine, president vladimir putin also said that a window for withdrawal could be prepared on that side of the border. who is behind this attack? there are only assumptions. information. terrorists was published by a news agency associated with the islamic state organization banned in russia. yesterday it published photographs, there are four people in it.


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