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tv   Doznavatel-2  NTV  March 26, 2024 2:40am-3:26am MSK

2:40 am
what are you talking about, yes, pasha, tell me honestly, this machine here is the work of your hands, but mine, i decided to help my wife, she got a job in a company where these machines are, and they need to immediately sell it, a whole large batch, i helped, helped a lot, so that tomorrow his spirit would not be here, why boris borisovich, but because he... worse than the crook, he steals money from people, doesn’t even blush, the crook can be attracted in any case, then, we are now in a struggle with smoking, suddenly tomorrow the headquarters check, and we have a vending machine with cigarettes. pasha, did you at least think about it, okay? ok, ok, i’ll remove him, comrade colonel, just like that, please return the money to the employees, otherwise it’s somehow ugly, pasha, honestly. so, mikhail
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ivanovich, what are you on? oh, hello, pal nikolaevich, what’s here? marinochka, he doesn’t owe you anything, who? well, automatic, but 50 rubles. 50 rub. hold it, how much? pavel nikolaevich, he upset me a lot. hold it, vadik. thank you, kamyanka, the machine gun doesn’t owe you anything, well, it shouldn’t, 50 rubles. yeah, ashut, did you also get hit by a machine gun? yes, pavel nikolaevich, quite a bit, 100 rubles. wow, thank you, but wait a minute, guys, i completely forgot, 50 rubles for lemonade, yeah, what about you? nothing
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will break for you, that’s what asovkin said, you all move away, hold it, thank you, how much, a hundred, nikolaevich fell , thank you, 50, hold it, sasha, come on , come on, stretch me, how much, fifty kopecks, fifty kopecks, come on, well, hello, beauty , how much is 50, 50, 50, please, 50, who else , please, how much, closed my mouth, closed my mouth, i’m telling you, stop whining, uh, well, i’m trying to run away from someone, huh?
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sala, sala, i said, uh, what are you doing, freak, let the girl go, and what, serezhinka, what did he do to you, now, now, wait, now i’m calling an ambulance, be patient, be patient, my great one, be patient, no,
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who beats you like that? kirno, this is a movie. what was it?
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where are you going? i need. fifty kopecks, pour it, uh-huh, can you be more lively? another fifty dollars that i owe, but i don’t need anything, everything is paid, of course, everything is paid, for such nerves, pour another hundred, oh, girls, i
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’ll really like it, thank you for being there! i won’t like it very much, but in general it’s fine, in fact, i really want to drink, oh, me too, listen, and where are we going there, oh, what will you do, cognac, cognac, uh-huh, uh-huh, what a premiere, oh, a very good film, very, yes, kirill, please meet me, this is sergei voronov, my partner is a wonderful artist, very pleasant, no less pleasant, ir , listen, we thought here, i want to celebrate all this in a narrower circle, without critics, without shmitiks, without all these things, so the plan is this, now we’ll stay here for 40 minutes for the
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sake of appearances and move to me, i hope you will join us, i can’t, i need to go to work, what kind of work, you asked for time off, rescue me immediately, very nice. very, uh, with an example, uh, what’s that? yes, i turned off the valve, turned it off, what do you mean it’s gone? and you don’t have another plumber, they are looking for him, a normal day
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has begun. oh, sanya, how are you on time , i got two bubbles here, and my partner passed out, you can help, but you, valery, are completely out of time, we have a flood in the kitchen, we can’t get a plumber , don’t interrupt your boss, in my opinion, you’ve already had enough , keep in mind, we don’t have water, we don’t need water, but don’t wash it down, respect,
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crete, wait, i’m not for you, okay, maria sergeevna, yes, no, the police are working , don’t worry, yes, i, i’m writing the address, yes, go away, go away, sorry, i’m not you, they’re preventing you from working here, yes, that’s it, i understand, thank you, thank you for
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the signal , yes, rebinin, come back, wait, no, but they are waiting for you at kanonerskaya 25, apartment 100, according to the neighbor. there the husband will kill his wife, and husband and wife, one satan, 2,000 rubles. there you will occupy, and i considered you my friend, gunner. 25, apartment 100. kir, are you crazy that you can’t sleep at home? here come the kumachata tovairka, i’ll see how you get enough sleep at home. it’s good if they’re red, otherwise they might be crows. look, oh, the premiere of the season, irka
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, well, this is a movie, but i see that these are not cartoons, well, no , kiryukh, if she had anything with this guy, well, for real, she would hide it, but for show, she’s the one acting, flogged, yeah. she’s acting too convincingly, right now she’s winning an oscar, come on , sash, hi, kolya, we seem to have figured it all out, i told you that...
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i talked to the chief doctor and she was discharged, so what? she just wants to leave her husband, but he finds her, brings her home, beats her, that’s it yesterday he took it from us, he also beat her, by the way, she left the address, now kanonerskaya 25, apartment 100, hold on, don’t, i remember, how do you know that he beat her again, and i left her the phone number, i said, that i have a very good friend who works in the police , okay, we'll sort it out, san, lunch is getting cold, hello, hello, well, i'll go then, if necessary
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, i can give written testimony, sasha, no need, bye, it'll be necessary, we'll get you we’ll call you, sash, but do you remember where to look for me, yeah, sash, why are you so sad? i have a pipe at home it burst, the local plumber disappeared somewhere , now until they find him, i ’ll sit without water, do you want me to buy you mineral water, it’s no laughing matter, but why olya, miritsa came, and olya came up with a fairy tale, and this fairy tale for me she brought it for lunch, they say she has some patient there in the hospital, whose husband is beating her, and neither the patient’s last name nor her name, so you can get through,
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what did i say? hush, hush, that's it. everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, but it’s your own
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fault, you know, you know, look in your eyes, sit down. rest. so you claim that you are alone in apartment? yes, uh-huh, wow, what
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exactly is the matter, huh? “hello, so that means i’m alone? so, this is my wife, everything that happens here is our personal business, i understand, help me, you closed your mouth, girl, you ’re going to go somewhere, i’m not stopping you, we’re with you let’s talk, make sure you don’t regret it later, when, when you go to the case of beating or threatening a policeman, well, the woman never bothered you, or what?” "with my whining that i have to spend time with people like you from morning to night and not go home appear, or the fact that i bring pennies to the house for my work, listen, i earn good money, noticeably, by the way, this fact can alleviate your guilt, now, now, now, yes, child, address, so i was at
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according to them... she herself refused to write a statement, signal, signal, as if i had plenty of free time to indulge in all sorts of drunkenness, she doesn’t have any time left for normal, decent people, it’s not good to beat women.
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marish, get it out of your head already, well, as much as possible, now the prosecutor’s office will give us so much, about you’ll forget everything, thank you, i calmed you down, but maybe everything will be resolved by itself, but in the meantime, look at the problem from all sides, as they say , sleep with her, in any case, don’t get too excited, katyusha, if it only depended on me, i would i would have slept with this problem a long time ago. the tea will be ready now, stas, i just
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washed the floors, but is it really so difficult to think about those around me? i... i think, yeah, you don’t have to worry about tea, relax, and what an irony, all my free time is for you, then for the child, i generally have more, who else, someone has free time, yes , that’s okay, i would be embarrassed to make eyes at men right at the entrance in front of a child, it’s not a shame, the neighbors are all around pointing out what kind of nonsense, stas, you don’t have enough surveillance at work, you’re for me i started, but what does work have to do with it, and besides, i need to be at home more often. then the wife won’t make eyes at other people, why did the captain of the cooks drink, he’s free , you know what, what about the sex, don’t bother, i’ll wipe it up, what? nothing,
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bon appetit, some beer for the cooks! are you kidding me or what? i neither eat nor wash i can’t, let alone the rest. i brush my teeth in a cafe. what do you mean missing? well, he's gone, put him on the wanted list. come on, i'll serve it myself. ah... hello, ashot, hello, why isn’t sashka here yet? no, how are you? what's new? new guy? uh-huh, well - sasha has no
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water at home, there are no plumbers in the apartment , they searched the whole area for 2 days, they couldn’t find him, therefore, sasha is in a bad mood, in general, the atmosphere is not very good, what a horror, yes, maybe i was wrong, but there is a little bit, you know? "a man likes to feel free, even if it's not so. ashot, you’re so smart, no, it was my grandfather who said it, yes, actually, you understood everything wrong, not very correctly, olya, she’s the one who wants to get the relationship back, you know, sasha doesn’t even answer her calls, really, well, of course " "listen, do you think he can apologize to me , that’s right, although sasha is also wrong,
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no, i’m wrong, well, you know better that i work as a sub, and also come home, something’s wrong, that’s impossible, what’s another thing, what’s the boys, this is a gunboat, it seemed fruitful not only for you, hello, sash, great, i tell this guy , what is your apartment number, he says the hundredth, i say , you have to match, and he actually takes out a hundred bucks and gives it to me, puts away his wallet, i say, and the house number, he says, twenty- fifth, i i say, so you have to backtrack twenty times, you understand that you are pouring in, everything was like that, come on, in short, i get 125 bucks, and i check with my neighbor, in short, this guy punishes his wife several times a week, so this is gunner's golden mine, there lived an idiot, sash, what are you doing, nothing, gunnery, you say, gunnery, boys
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, only this is my clearing, of course, yeah, sasha, hi, ah, hi, may, by the way, and shot said that you don’t have water, if you want, you can wash yourself at my place. today, uh-huh, and i also wanted to, now, wait, now, hello, ol, ol, hi, please remind me the address of this, well , the girl who was beaten, kanoonerskaya building 25, apartment 100, yeah, sorry,
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hello, hello , this is tanya from the hospital. “listen, i’m sorry that i’m calling you, i just have nowhere to go, he’ll find me everywhere, yes, thank you very much, yes, yes, yes, i know where it is, that's it, yeah, for now. find her, do you have to find her? you are mistaken,
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i am obliged to protect her from domestic violence, on your part, she is feeling bad now, and i don’t even know where she is. i think that in this situation this is the best thing for her. goodbye. wait, i know your numbers. you need this, but i need a wife, numbers, article 291 of the russian federation, giving a bribe to an official, imprisonment for up to 8 years, these numbers, well, now you’re definitely going to go to bed as nits.
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uh-huh, uh-huh, here, here, here, uh-huh, how our head hurts, okay, everything, doctor, now my friends will come and pick me up, yeah, so, come on, stand up, young man, let's see
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how you meet your guys. i can, if you can and you will rest and no sudden movements, but i have work and objections, let's go, drive, take care of your limbs, god, sasha, what's wrong with you, a bandit's bullet, where are you going, to the seventh velino,
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let's go to the twentieth. she's completely freed up , which means, yes, in a good way, don't worry , i'll talk to the boss, i'll say that he's my relative, don't worry about it, it's bad for you, come on, come on, run, okay, captain, you will be treated like a general, girl, captain of suvar, which ward is he in, and who are you to him, oh, olya, hello, we are almost like relatives to him, yes, but he is in the twentieth, but you can’t go to him... the doctor forbade him, you can’t go to him he, especially in outerwear, needs to put on dressing gowns, well, wow , his own, where are you, yours, i say, well, everyone is in outerwear, why are you,
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oh, help, police, you, where are you from here, what do you need, you called the police, here i am, what do you need, the police, i have a permit for a pistol, what problems do you have, your bastard problems are starting, no forget, i have the right to a lawyer, what? and it's you? no, it’s not me, why did you quit so early? very funny. hello, is lilya
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at home? no, not at home. and who are you? me, oleg? don't you know? i mean, she didn't tell you anything, right? come on, come in, your fee is 760 rubles. yes. yes, of course, order in the future through me, i work in a pharmacy , your wife has my phone number, thank you, change, contact me, contact me, be sure, all the best, all the best, goodbye, lily, hello, wow, how promptly, you tell him i threw a tip, lilya, what about lilya?
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i’m an incorrigible idiot, uh-huh, correctable, look how tenderly i spoke to my boyfriend, i didn’t even have to call soon, uh-huh, let’s go to dinner, atello, let’s go, boots, yes, uh-huh, here i found it, ah, have a snack, right? i don’t understand, why sanyai didn’t spend the night? it’s stupid that you’re sniffing it, you need to drink it, now i’ll help you, wash it all down, i don’t understand, there’s no water, no water, listen, but
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we have two options, either the water has run out, or the sleigh has been blocked. the water can’t run out, then sanya, yes, now i’ll help you, like this.
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i am sergei vladimirovich’s lawyer, all questions to your superiors, what an asshole, i said, they will let me go. listen, ol, excuse me, why didn’t i immediately believe you? yes, all this is nonsense. no, there is no nonsense in our business. thanks for reminding me. by the way, why again? yes, the hospital found out that i
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went to see you for tanya. well, it seems we have already helped tanya. her husband has been in the rvd for an attack on a policeman since yesterday. he was released due to insufficient evidence. for lack. it seems like you have a heart failure it happens. wait, that's it. they let him go, well, that is, your tanya is with him now, no, she’s at my house, but she’s afraid to go to her family and friends, because he’ll find her right away, that’s right , let him look for her, and we’ll also look for her, that’s not let ’s dig up, i promise you, why did they release the man who beat captain suvorov, and major, why do you allow yourself to remain silent? i’m the only one screaming in this office, but he was released because his lawyer was right, there was no witness to the attack, which means there was no attack, and suvorov, what is suvorov? suvorov is an interested person, suvorov, of course, can
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go to a civil court, but even there he has little chance, especially since this cousin is in a mental hospital, so what happens is that if he has a certificate, he can calmly extinguish the police. and if he had killed sashka, firstly, there were no sashkas there, there was a captain of suvorov, who receives a salary, including for taking risks, and secondly, secondly, kirill, well, don’t scratch my soul, but for sure, this cousin has become completely insolent, and suvorov has written up a paper that he allegedly extorted a bribe from him. now you can’t get away with it, you have to carry out official duties, you idiot some kind of, it’s a madhouse in my rvd, you know, just crazy people, tanya, paul, who are you with, tanya,
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don’t worry, this is my friend from the police, i told you about him. sit down, sasha, hello, tatyana, hello, i know your story briefly, can you, yeah, your husband has been beating you for a long time. yes, why didn’t you contact the police? i called, just when they started asking for my information, i was scared, my husband has very good connections , but you already know everything, well, yes, i told you, sash, what’s in your clothes, undress, i won’t be long. did he only beat you at home? no,
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that's when i picked you up from the hospital, right in the middle of the street, and what didn't anyone see? no, we saw, even one man tried to intercede, but anton shot him with a pistol, right in the face, with a pistol, a traumatic pistol, just one minute, hello, stas! forgive me, of course, for my tactlessness , it was just night then, and you’re not quite in that
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state right now, take a good look, are you sure? yes, he is, i can see it perfectly, excuse me, please, but you were there too, of course, you can testify, but what are you talking about, we’ve already filed a statement, so it's very good. and guess what, she’s still going on tour with this boiled stuff, you know. no, kir, you know better, of course, but i heard somewhere that actors are people who portray something, and everyone believes them, it’s very funny, no, wait, i got it all mixed up, it’s the director there was, when he saw that they were portraying it poorly, he just said so, i don’t believe it, but i understood, i understood everything, let’s go. oh, the beast is running towards the catcher, well, what do you
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want from me again, but first, put on this, well, why don’t you have enough problems, well, i’ll drink some juice yours will soon get a call, but you, captain , no one beat you, you gave a bath , it’s clear, we didn’t come to you with this, you crippled a man from your little pupa, we have a statement against you, what kind of person, listen, you’re a freak sick, put it on, he said, sick freak, what are you, cop, don’t you understand with whom? you got in touch, but i’ll buy this man of yours with the bosses, you understand me, and my lawyer will smear you all over the parquet floor, i’ll find my tanya myself and nothing will happen to me for it, but you know why, i’ll cover myself with a certificate, and now you both of them got out of here, stand there, he said, drop the knife, nothing will happen to me, nothing. it won’t work for me, but i don’t believe
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it, that’s it, i’m done, now i have to take irka to the airport, and now i’m tormenting him with reports, i remembered that stanislavsky? so what do you say? well done, high syllable, well , it’s a joke, but now you can’t turn it over, they’re screwed up, you know, mentally. man , you yourself know that they will make a big deal out of this, borya,
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did you want the guys to stand and endure while they were being cut, well, that’s not what we’re talking about, well , he has arms, legs, like a psychic a normal person, i don’t want to shoot , we have a redneck, by the way, who is in fire training , and an excellent student, that one too, but what the hell, so he writes, after kuzin’s attack , he fired a targeted shot in the hand, because of kuzin’s sudden movement to the side, the shot turned out to be fatal. read it, put it away, i don’t even want to look, yes, this matter needs to be hushed up somehow, that’s the point, it needs to be. okay, let's do our best. kubach, of course, is a difficult person, but he is our person, so.
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valerich. found something missing, run to work, whatever you have, you hear, you will do the repairs for the neighbors yourself, i understand, i’m going where we have pain, there is something to knock out,
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no, we have to work. sit down, sit down, just a second, wait, well, you said that you won’t make it, but... bel, kir, listen, well, it’s awkward, somehow, i asked sergei to come over, we need to go to the airport now, so what? , he came in vain, or what? kir, well , let him take me everything after all. kir, are you offended or what? why am i offended? i
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will come soon. that's it, don't sulk, stop. the main thing i’m saying is, guys, we need to increase the staff, increase it, okay, well, how, but how in a different way, well, but he tells me, no, don’t, no, stay alone, now it’s great, san, great, great, how ’s the mood, great, you’ve been here for 24 hours , yeah, that’s good, that means professionals will work , you. yes i am, that’s what scares khamin captain suvorov, yes, but it’s a working day, i’m not at work, i’m olya’s husband, uh, what are you doing, what are you guys, hold him, hold him, sanya, you’re like, we ’re him now we’ll close the cell, you let him go,
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olya, she filed for divorce. and you're a smart one, that's it, stop joking, let's go our separate ways, okay, san, you're like, too, and what kind of olya, great the week ends, in fact, this is what everything was leading to.


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