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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  March 26, 2024 1:25pm-2:00pm MSK

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contacts us directly. diana, what does alisher kasimov do, how is he connected with other defendants in this case. marrat, at first glance, is alisher kasimov, the most ordinary person living an ordinary life. he is 32 years old, he is married, he has four children, the cook used to work in a cafe and delivered food to moscow construction sites, well, in the twenty-first year he registered as an individual entrepreneur and continued. work in the same field of delivery of hot lunches, according to the investigation, it was he, the owner of the eurotreshka in putilkovo, which is a 15-minute drive away car from crocus, in which those accused of the terrorist attack lived and which, apparently, they turned into a base for preparing for the execution of people, he, according to some information, signed rental documents with shamsidin fariduni, he is now called the leader of the terrorists, well, on the internet an advertisement is being circulated that
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is attributed to alisher kasimov, i will now ask you to show it, this advertisement is about renting an apartment, the most important condition was that only russian citizens can live in it, well, in the end, none of them four detained terrorists did not have citizenship of our country, alisher kasimov, judging by the advertisement, rented out this apartment for 60,000 rubles per month, plus utility bills. according to some information, he appeared at the police department himself, insisting that he did not know who he actually rented out the space to, and also in court today he was supported by his relatives, and just yesterday , three more accomplices of terrorists were sent to jail with surname islomov, a father and two sons, according to investigators, they were members of an organized criminal group, were responsible for communications and logistics. the security forces believe that the terrorists recruited dilovar islomov’s younger brother first; it was he, according to investigators. gave the terrorists a white car, in
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which they drove up to crocus city hall, in which they later fled to the bryansk region. we now have a contract for the sale and purchase of this white renault car ; judging by the wording, the deal took place 8 days before the terrorist attack. the buyer was terrorist mirzoev. judging by the data, he purchased the car for 250,000 rubles. perhaps this money are the same prepayment from...
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thank you, diana, let me remind you that ntv correspondent diana kavando was on the air. a muscovite reported to the police about a blogger who is trying to make money from people’s misfortune. this blogger’s name is yuri dekanov, and he introduces himself online as prince yurieel. so this prince reported on his page that his close friend, muscovite dmitry churilov, died during the attack on crocus city and announced a fundraiser at the same time.
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churilov is alive and well, moreover, he has never even heard of the blogger dekanov. dmitriy tried to find the person who buried him alive. pavel kuznetsov will tell you what came of it. what could be more monstrous than trying to make money on someone else's grief. blogger prince yuriel in the world, yuri dekanov, showed subscribers clearly how you can slide to the very bottom. a few hours after the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, he made a tearful stream and asked to transfer money to him. he donates everything to the victims, he gives a tooth as much as he can, at least for about 50 rubles. please, help. to be convincing, prince yuriel, that is, the ordinary yura from blagoveshchensk, used all his artistry, bright presentation, expression, drama, and also told the audience that the tragedy in crocus was his personal grief, so that they would definitely believe that his friend died during the terrorist attack dmitry churilov showed the photo and offered to chip in for a friend’s funeral. who in
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the end turned out to be alive and generally unfamiliar with yuriel. dima. he was 24 years old. we communicated with him throughout. well, a little more than eight years, somewhere from november of the fifteenth year, dmitry churilov was virtually buried, it’s worth saying that i wasn’t at crocus at all at the time of the terrorist attack, but now condolences are pouring in on his page, on the card of a hypocritical blogger, judging by the comments, money, i simply have no words about all this, that’s how so many people would write to me, my friends , friends, i’m kind of a little shocked by this situation, that’s what... i was, roughly speaking, buried, and well, it’s like i just don’t have words. collecting donations, that is, donations from subscribers for any purpose, is common for the dean. here's the jolly prince dances and has fun, a couple of minutes later in the same guise he is already pestering the poor and unfortunate,
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he does not have enough money for food and medicine. i feel very bad now, it hurts. please, help. and after all, the unprincipled yuri dekanov has already become the hero of our broadcasts, give birth to several. underage schoolgirls filed a complaint against him for sending girls obscene photos and videos with explicit messages, and began threatening those who refused him. this man somehow found my contacts and became... threaten to rape my minor daughter, in fact , he did this more than once, since he threatened other people with the same thing. on his page , the blogger seriously talked about his preferences in love, he openly stated that he sees nothing wrong with relationships with schoolgirls, i myself am already over 30. in my opinion, a girl is 15 years old, if we say, a full 15 years old already, well, just a little... almost turned 16, but this can no longer be called pedophilia, this is essentially a girl who has reached puberty, from the age of 12 girls are already having sexual intercourse life. dekanov then managed to lay low
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and leave blagoveshchensk, trying to hide from the police, but ntv journalists managed to find the prince, but not in the throne room, in an ordinary rented one-room apartment near st. petersburg. then we went to visit yuriel along with pavel kuzentsov, natalya popova, alina ilyukhina and alexander tutarinov, ntv. and further, this is not a game in a computer club, a man with a knife burst into the moscow friza and attacked the gamers. everything was captured by surveillance cameras. you will see these shots in a few minutes. she
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she cried and begged for mercy, but the seven-month pregnant woman continued to beat her. mom says there were six of them, they lured me, she says to go for a walk. she said that she would kill my child. what was happening was filmed by a guy who had previously been accused of rape by a beaten girl, four more young people calmly watched the execution, she grabs me like that, just like that, right there, she’s shaking all over, they want to kill me, i can’t imagine what they need to be creatures to arrange something like this, that this is a woman’s revenge or a desire to achieve justice, such messages from this girl that
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the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, but with age we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, and disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese product brainterapy, it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan for brain aging. you can turn it back and it will serve you faithfully again , prolong the youth of your brain 800
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100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese brain therapy product 5 minutes of silence new season today at 20:00 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air and we continue our broadcast. details of the incident that happened in the moscow region fryazina. now the police are carefully studying it; surveillance cameras captured what happened at the local computer club. now it remains to find out the reasons for the conflict, which almost ended in tragedy. a man dressed in all black came to the club and began stabbing visitors with a kitchen knife, and not selectively at all. tamara simonova reports from the scene. the cyber club where the attack on two visitors took place is now temporarily closed, fenced off with tape
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while the investigation is ongoing, and law enforcement officers are communicating with its employees. everything, that happened in the establishment and surveillance cameras were filmed near it; it can be seen how a man, having clearly chosen a target, confidently walks to a group of young people standing at the entrance. those, suspecting something was wrong at the last moment , try to enter the room, but not everyone succeeds. a man attacks one of the club's customers directly. hits with a knife in front of the door, the victim at some point manages to break free and run away, then the debashir enters the room in search of a second victim, that’s it, he flies in, flies, so he ran out, here he is, what’s suitable, here he is, he chose the guy, here, here, here, here, waving a knife, the man rushed at everyone who got in his way, so as not to interfere with finding the one he was catching up with, running into the room with computers , he attacked one of the clients, knocked him to the floor and began to strike, after why he ran out into the street and disappeared, the wounded man was able
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to get up in a state of shock, but at that time, near a nearby store, passers-by were providing medical assistance to the first victim and were waiting for an ambulance, eyewitnesses say they were afraid that he would not live until the doctors arrived, we just didn’t understand where he was coming from ran out, he just rounded the corner like that he ran out covered in blood, he just started to lose consciousness, we put him there on the step, that’s it, two victims were one... of them a minor, the second twenty-two-year-old parvis muhammad was taken to the hospital, their lives are not in danger now, the men were discharged after stitches, the attacker was a drunken thirty-four-year-old maxim... savuet was found and detained. according to the investigation, on march 25, 2024, the suspect, walking past a computer club located in the city of fryazino, saw the entrance of a citizen of a foreign country. after because of this, being in a state of alcoholic intoxication, he approached him for personal trouble and inflicted a knife wound. next, the defendant entered the premises, where he also stabbed a minor foreign
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citizen and fled the scene. according to local residents, before the attack on the clients of the gaming club... the criminal case , large-scale searches were carried out in the country estates of officials, as it turned out, the accused were in collusion with stavropol entrepreneurs, deprived of business, businessmen they did not like, and profit divided among themselves, it is obvious that the defendants did not complain about poverty, they built themselves real palaces with decorations made of mahogany and gilding, a premium fleet of
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cars and servants, according to the investigation, detained for the sake of one businessman, they put pressure on others to abandon their enterprises in their benefits, for example, the owners of izminvod enterprises demanded 50% of shares worth 70 million rubles. the goal was to illegally seize the production capacity of an organization that was engaged in the extraction of mineral water on the territory of the field in the stavropol territory. at the same time, they interfered with the production activities of the organization, damaging the automobile road leading to it... in addition, law enforcement officers became aware of the facts of the theft of natural gas by the accused on a particularly large scale from one of the regional companies. this will be another episode in the criminal case, all the defendants were sent into custody. a novosibirsk pensioner caused an accident in the courtyard of his house, a seventy-year-old
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man hit an elderly couple in his suv, a woman is in serious condition, doctors they don't take it. while making no predictions, alexander gusev, and he was the one driving, cannot explain how this happened, while the examination confirmed that he was drunk and felt quite normal. ivan gubin figured it out. intercom camera recording, an elderly couple comes out of the entrance, a few meters away from them, an suv is warming up in the parking lot, a second later it takes off. the pensioner didn’t have a single chance to dodge; the car didn’t just roll, it rushed at a speed so high that the woman she just pressed it against the entrance door, the door from the intercom was simply blown off its hinges, twisted , and it’s good that the ambulance arrived quickly, the police arrived quickly, as far as i know, they
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immediately gave her a painkiller injection, you said to the neighbors that she either seriously injured or tore off my leg. now the condition of tatyana, that ’s the name of the victim, is assessed by doctors as a serious woman in intensive care, the fact that she was able to survive is already a miracle, the doctors do not give any further forecasts, but relatives, friends and neighbors do not lose hope. we all really hope that a person will survive, but everything else, i just don’t understand, i’m a driver myself, for about 17 years now, not alexander gusev, it was he who was driving a foreign car, obviously he also has an impressive driving experience, but this, as it turned out, is not a guarantee, judging by in all, gusev made two mistakes at once, mixed up both the gear and the pedals, although, as it turned out, he was of sound mind and good memory. the driver was examined for the state of the charge on the spot, but the state of the charge was not confirmed. this fact is being
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investigated. the version that gusev felt bad for the steering wheel was also shallow; after the accident he did not complain about his health. the man feels bad now, as his wife says, he is very worried about what happened, you know , i won’t make excuses, he understands everything perfectly well that he has brought grief to people in this, so here’s how, how it will be, so it will be, he was sober, all the tests showed that there were no drugs, there was nothing, the reasons for what happened will be thoroughly studied in court, under what articles the driver will be charged directly depends on whether tatyana survives. ivan gubin, oksana goncharenko and alexandra ermakova, ntv television company. but that is not all. see below. it didn't work out. without witchcraft, a capital pensioner told the police about a gang of swindlers who left her without an apartment. in addition, the pensioner assures that this group has a full-time
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psychic. you will find out how he affects his victims, but after a short advertisement. my sister has disappeared, where can i turn? meet our best operational officer, he will take care of yours. and you will need to slow down somehow. yuri chursin. i won't stop. black sun. premiere. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. at
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and we with gifts, where did this come from? you’re all retired, vtb pensioners have a rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account up to 18% , together everything will work out, you set the house on fire, there were boys, one was bald, and one was so small, it’s them, it turns out, you pinned the tail of the beck, it turns out like this, this is the case, it won’t be possible to fight, try hard, did you sell the trunks, if? you got the kalaj, so you’re preparing it, well , you’ll shoot everyone else, there’s no need to drag a war here, zhenya, you’ve fed me up with this war, i’m back to live, it’s clear, it’s hot full stop, today at 22:10 on ntv, there is another emergency on ntv live and we
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continue our broadcast, 5 years after the tragedy in the capital's maternity hospital, the trial of the rotations began, which, according to the investigation, are guilty of the death of the baby. anastasia sheptovitskaya, the mother of a boy who lived only a day, also blames the doctors. she remembers very well the day when she was left in the ward completely alone; the obstetricians, while she called for help, were drinking tea in the resident’s room. why did the trial begin only now and what punishment does the guilty face? yulia bletsova will tell you.
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shaptovitskaya was brought to the hospital with signs of abnormal heartbeat in the baby and hypoxia at the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, but for some reason the doctors...
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she should have a ctg on her stomach, the baby’s heartbeat is being monitored, a ctg tape is written, the midwife, the doctor does not leave, but what she had it, they did it to her, they left. experts established that after the manipulation they did not approach anastasia shaptovitskaya for more than two hours; the case file contains the testimony of a witness, one of the employees of the institution. kolad reacted quite strangely to my requests, he said, this is the fourth birth, she will give birth herself, don’t worry, kalaji himself was drinking tea in the resident’s room at the indicated time, she screams in pain for the doctors, no one comes, she restrains the child with all her strength, fearing that he is in our chair , he will fall to the floor, there is no one, he is screaming, calling, as a result of complications that have arisen, the woman went into rapid labor, the obstetricians realized it only at the moment when it became obvious that the light appeared, the boy was not breathing, resuscitation, let's resuscitation , fast, cut off, resuscitation, quickly, quickly, urgently resuscitation, here's my suitcase, oxygen, according to
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the examination. the child was born in an extremely serious condition, the hemoglobin level was 24 g/l, these are critically low values ​​when the norm is more than 160, there were no professionals nearby who could competently assess the situation, a young non-anatologist tried to resuscitate the baby on her own and committed a number of gross errors, further aggravating the condition of the newborn, experts found. sasha died as a result of acute asphyxia, after which doctors tried to make it look like the child died due to a severe form of infection. investigators have established.
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for you, the life of a child means something at all, there is no need to push me, behave calmly, despite the criminal case, georgiy koladze continues to deliver babies, four health workers are accused of providing services that do not meet safety requirements. georgiy koladze was charged with another charge: falsification of documents in order to conceal a crime. for parents who have lost their son, it is important not to the statute of limitations expired, and the doctors did not escape punishment. yulia oletsova, nadezhda zybkina, natalya popova and mikhail odinokov, television company. ntv. a capital pensioner contacted the police and the prosecutor's office. a woman complains that she has become a victim of scammers. he says that they are looking for lonely old people and deceiving them to take their housing. interestingly,
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this group supposedly has its own magician or psychic who manipulates victims. first things first dareevizovaya. to his future, yakovshnirson, mack and the sorcerer, as he calls himself. saw definitely happy, comfortable, once a decade i can look at my future and predict it a little descendant of a clairvoyant grandmother healer , of course it couldn’t be otherwise, as it turned out, she shows her abilities not only in the field of the occult, she actively uses the gift of persuasion, says pensioner yulia gorbaneva. the medium appeared in her life when an elderly woman was left without an apartment; without suspecting it, she transferred her to his friend elena ivanyuk, and thought that she was concluding there is a rent agreement with her. after signing, a conflict occurred, during which, as yulia evgenievna assures, her ex-girlfriend almost tried to run her over with a car, she pulled herself together, i realized that i needed it, if i don’t get up now, i’ll lie down, then she’ll just be there now it was easy to iron me with this
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machine, and i got up, left my bag, basically at home, i don’t know if i could crawl, and i crawled, in general, to the places that were located between the machines, just at the moment when yulia was passing.
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that’s how much the pensioner sees him on social media networks, dancing to inspiring music, the psychic makes it clear that the topic of real estate is not his strong point, and he does not intend to discuss it. girl, if i consider it necessary to interview you, interview you and listen to your opinion about this issue, we will communicate. according to some information, yakovshnierson is not the real name of the self-proclaimed magician on the internet; some users recognized him as a former moscow school teacher, anatoly zolotaika. who was expelled from the educational institution with a scandal, too suspicious the pensioner thinks that this surname is similar to the data of the new owner of the apartment; by the way , the lawyers who were hired by caring neighbors for yulia gorbaneva are right now trying, as they say, to reveal all the cards.
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within the framework of the law, they found out that schnierson had a long trail of suspicious real estate transactions, but somehow he managed to remain an actively practicing, highly paid and completely free medium. mysticism is not. goodbye and good luck to you, today in our program right away. the question is who it's profitable? difficult questions. vladimir putin called for finding the true masterminds of the terrorist attack in crocus.


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