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tv   Za granyu  NTV  March 27, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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but she herself is someone who doesn’t do this same thing with children, where does she waste her money, i don’t know, i see that you just have a cry from the heart, please sit down, why is it dangerous for your grandchildren to stay with your daughter, but because she takes care of itself, they don’t go to kindergarten, they can’t write or read , they live in a mess, how old are the children, the boy is 5 years old, ulyanka is four, and the little girl is 11 months old,
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why doesn't she send them to kindergarten? yes, i would also like to know this question, does your daughter receive child support? she gets it, i don’t see it, what does she spend it on? yourself, who buys everything the children need? i buy with my own money, i work, it’s in a hospital, i buy 2 supplies from me, but who do you work for? nurse, are the children in normal conditions? yes, they are dressed, they have shoes, there is some in the refrigerator, because i work, i am in a dumplings store, and sausage.
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instead of words of gratitude from a daughter, an insult, every mother raises children that’s how she can, and of course, when the children are grown up, she wants to hear pleasant words from them, and not an insult, besides, if love is so involved in raising children, then even more so love, if you work, children don’t go to kindergarten, who do they stay with, when neither you nor mom are there, she comes and i call, come, what happened... because i
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walk to work, i have a hospital nearby, that is, when you go to work, she still sits with the children, yes, well, friends and comrades also sit, and you live with her in one apartment, yes, we have one apartment , well, 20 square meters, probably, and who does this living space belong to according to the documents, me, your daughter lives in your apartment, allows herself to make trouble with you, beat you, which is why you didn’t please her so much, but because i'm raising her, what? she needs to clean, she needs to cook, she needs to take care of the children in kindergarten, based on your words, she is busy with herself, probably because she doesn’t have a husband, most likely, it often happens that women giving birth to children when they don’t have spouses, they they think that life is probably ended, but we need to continue it and they are doing this to the detriment of their own children, she had her first husband, you probably snelidov’s killer, you heard, this is her first husband, two children from him. love, have you always
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had such a bad relationship with your daughter? no, when she was growing up, there were some problems as a weakly intelligent child, she cooked, now after prison she has changed, but how many years did she spend in prison? she was in prison for 4 years, when your daughter ended up in places not so remote, she already had children, she left prison already 4 months pregnant, with her first child, and yours daughter, she has always treated her children this way, she loves them, as a mother, i wouldn’t say they... love, they kiss her feet, mommy is good, grandma is bad, she doesn’t help her paternal grandmother take care of the children, the first one started taking him, a boy and a girl, when they were 4-5 years old, she just started taking them, but she takes them for a while, and if
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she doesn’t want to take them at all, of course, saturday, sunday, but why does she need them? but you have more serious intentions, if you would give me the children, i would gladly take them, that is, you want to deprive her parental rights to obtain guardianship over her grandchildren. why haven't you done this yet? i’ve had ecstasy for 65 years, they will give it, they won’t give it, you know, i also have fears, so help me, if they deprive me, i will do everything for them. tatyana, how do you like this impulse for your grandmother? well, i see that the grandmother is very active, well, well, in her condition, even, yes, physically strong, and the most important thing is that she loves her grandchildren and wants to take care of them, money doesn’t matter to me, for money, let them transfer this money to them for books, i will educate them. sergey, what can you say about the situation, which developed in a family of love. the story that love told is beyond good and evil. this is one big disaster if everything she says is true. secondly, i thank her very much
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for taking an active part in raising, so to speak, her grandchildren, and this is actually very important, because few grandparents behave like this. here you need to pay attention. on this problem, that means, the local head of your district and the investigative committee, because the children are actually in danger, the eleven-month-old i would like to draw your attention, child, when you are at work, according to your words , it is not clear what she is doing, she is left alone, she remains in danger, and this is of course the subject of a separate, so to speak, investigation of the attention of the state, the grandmother does not go to work for her own pleasure walks, and in order to provide for these same children, you see grounds for depriving her daughter of parental rights.' transfer of guardianship here is love, if they are recorded, so to speak, non -fulfillment of parental responsibilities, others grounds, then of course she will be deprived of her human rights in the future, of course, i have a big question, because we see the result of raising love, will it turn out that you will raise them the same way as your daughter, because
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it is not so easy to deprive her of parental rights, what is needed is malicious evasion of parental responsibilities, but here, as far as i understand, she is returning home, i have a feeling that you simply don’t... give her the opportunity to feel like an adult, she was ideal before prison, but after prison, what’s wrong she became, i don’t know, then are you sure that you will be able to raise your grandchildren correctly and well? of course, love worries very much, because it sees that children lack maternal warmth and maternal care, especially at this age now when they need maximum attention, and considering that her daughter doesn’t work, doesn’t give...
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what love said, they live in five of them , registered in twenty in a one-room twenty-meter apartment, either a communal apartment, or a one-room apartment, this is a hostel, a hostel even more so, that is, attention is a question , where at that moment the local commission for juvenile affairs ended up, so to speak, guardianship, that they had long ago passed the standards for providing living quarters, they should, in their interests, guardianship, the state, the municipality, register them as in need of improved housing conditions, there is in the end after all, it’s a flexible fund, because i’m more than sure what to provide for each child.
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to tell the truth, she’s not interested, and you want to take custody of your grandchildren yourself, of course, and if your daughter does improve, i, of course, also hope, i’m like mother, i hope that she will improve, your daughter admitted to us that she is tired of the constant visits from the guardianship authorities, because she considers herself an exemplary mother, in the studio aleftina silnova, aleftyan, hello! your mother told us how your children live, is it true that you leave them with someone unknown?
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no, it’s not true, at the moment the children are with her and another grandmother, when the grandmother works, a woman lives on the fifth floor, that is, who helps, why don’t your children go to kindergarten, ulyana, i’m because of, well we need surgery on our fingers, why does a child have six fingers? it’s genetic on our father’s side. with her to the hospital, that is, my mother -in-law with a child in her arms, that is, i can’t climb well , i have to go on vacation for a month, and that is, how would she plan an operation, only your daughter does not have such a feature, the eldest also has a prenatal the center immediately agreed with the hospital, as if with surgery. yes, yes, yes, that is, on the third day we were immediately admitted to surgery, and the older boy, why doesn’t he go to kindergarten, well, because i just can’t,
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well, no, i’m not able to get up and take one child to kindergarten, that is , then i have to gather three children , that is, go to kindergarten with them, in the kindergarten the children socialize, they have friends there, and they have classes, training, why are you depriving your children of all this, why do i have adapted, normal children, they also communicate, they also go where... to relax in the cinema, to go to the theater, to go to the puppet theater, my children are not deprived of either toys or clothes, they well, they get full communication, i work with them, that is, well, they know how to count, they draw, that is, they have the same toys as they say, they don’t know how to count at all, but what should they write to you, years or eva should learn to write to you in a year, i don’t understand until ten they can count one to two. that this is normal for four and five year olds, aleftina, but where do you spend child benefits?
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for children, that is, i spend on toys, that is, i buy them expensive toys, they want toys there for 5.00, i buy them for 5.00, that is, i buy my children what they want, and how much do they spend on toys per month? , for example, well, thousands they spend 20, let's say not so much on clothes, because they have a lot of clothes, my mother-in-law helps very well in terms of things and food , how much does it cost per day, at least a thousand i spend, not counting what is required. complementary feeding of some small mixture, porridge, and what do you buy as food for children, well, besides the main thing, vegetables, fruits, chocolate, maybe sweets, i buy, indulge, yes, small beef, i buy, turkey, that is, well, these little jars, they too, that is, your children eat well, are not deprived of anything, of course, there is no need to rot god, it is not necessary that they eat, love, she laid out the expenses quite specifically.
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the very next year she came with a child, and he immediately left you, found another replacement, and where
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he found another, in the same place, she worked in the archives at the prison, he was preparing for parole, she helped him with documents, how many months have you been married? 7 was, a year, it turns out that you met a man, became pregnant from him, without being married, the first, yes, but she left pregnant, lord, aleftina, what was your gestational age when you got married they left for about 6-7 months, he... cheated on you, when you gave birth to your second child, the divorce process was already underway, that is, well, i’m also pregnant, that is, we had already separated, but he still came, as if he helped, how the father of the children returned to prison again, he... killed his mistress, his daughter, how old was the girl he killed? 13 or 14 years old, why did he do this? i understood that he pulled her scarf and didn’t calculate the force, as if he strangled her, yes, where was her mother at that moment, she was in the hospital for safekeeping, she was from him i’m pregnant, but you can’t miscarry there for the second or
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third time, after this murder, he still came to you, i knew that he came to tver, that he was looking for me, but then he came. and he was caught here, that is, i didn’t see him anymore, but it’s not scary now to realize that the killers were looking for you, no, he would n’t have done anything to me, but you really loved him, of course, i have two beautiful children from him , when he went to prison for the second time for murder, how long did he stay there, well , a month, probably two, just like that, but what what happened later, how did you react to it, you understand what he did was terrible, i understand everything, but this is the father of my children, when you were pregnant with him, with your first child... was in a colony, who met you then from the maternity hospital? friends , that is, they always helped me , they met me the first time, they also came the second time, how many, and how many did i give birth at home, at our home, yes, i had a quick birth, that is, i had contractions, well, within 40 minutes passed with the birth, that is, she soon arrived and
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even me, but she managed to arrive soon, she managed to arrive soon, who helped you anyway, where did you give birth to your third child? also at home? from the mother to the child, yes, definitely, yes. aleftina, you said that two of your children have six fingers, and the third child has a normal number, even from the other one , me, and zulfiya, but what are the consequences if you don’t remove them in time? by the way, when these fingers need to be removed, they are usually removed , if it is a skin growth, then the first month of the child’s life,
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right in the maternity hospital, if there are bone structures, tendon or cartilage, then... after the child turns one year old, you can come under compulsory medical insurance to operate , it occurred to me to ask the mother, what have you been doing for 3 years, you didn’t hear me, that i signed up, i i was tested, but we fell under the coronavirus, the coronavirus was 3 years ago, so it interfered, i can’t burst with a baby, you didn’t have a baby 2 years ago, 11 months ago you didn’t have a baby, the sixth toe. these shoes are impossible to buy, but this means an incorrect gait will develop, there may it’s inconvenient to walk, you can’t find the right shoes, it’s like a person ’s gait will be awkward, and so on and so on, yes, now my mother- in-law is going on vacation, she’s taking volodya for a month, as if she’s going to put him in kindergarten, that is, drive him, and i’m calm i’ll go to the hospital with the child, i wonder, firstly, where will you take the baby when you go to bed with your middle
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daughter in the hospital, well, in general, it’s like this grandmother promised to help, well, you see, everything is changing with us. this is your mother, this is not this grandmother, this is your mother, if i may, i i ask you very much, treat your mother with a little respect, at least publicly , no matter what kind of relationship you have at home, you allow yourself to address such phrases, glances and messages to your mother, god bless her with health , what do you know, well, this causes a certain thing, so to speak some kind of concern for you, no one took into account that in front of us is not just a person, a traumatized person with a difficult fate, she was in prison for 4 years, she met a person. who turned out to be a criminal and she definitely needs support now, including from her mothers, so i believe that if we return to the children, while i do not see a family dispute here, i see the problem of interpersonal relationships between mother and daughter, which must certainly be resolved not yet by legal means, because there are no grounds for
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deprivation of parental rights or restrictions on parental rights rights, definitely not. does aleftina have conditions for her two daughters and son to grow up in comfort? we'll find out after a short ad. people who turn to us for help do not always know where to look for their relatives. they might be on the other end the globe, but can walk along the same streets. at the age of 13, irina learned from her parents that she was adopted. when they arrived at the orphanage, they liked me, but the fact is that i was not alone there. and since then... he dreams of finding his sister, and she is my dear, youngest, when i am in the city, i walk somewhere, and it seems to me that she is somewhere nearby, and also... the story of polina, who is looking for his biological mother in order to save his own daughter. 13 years old, the geneticist called me and said,
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hand, 5 minutes. sergey, where can aleftina turn to decide which of them is better for her three children to stay with? did they help her resolve this situation? so to speak, i have a small child, the eldest there is one that needs to be looked after, an average one that needs to be looked after. urgent operation, what to do, help, she would have been helped, i have no doubt about it, in our country any citizen from the far east to kaliningrad can get to the best clinics in the country under compulsory medical insurance, a person comes to the local clinic, or in extreme cases comes to an appointment with the head physician , explains the situation, receives the appropriate referral, goes either to the regional hospital there or to the republican one, or to moscow hospitals they are sent from the regions without any problems, especially since the federal medical-biological system the agency accepts such people on
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referrals from the regions. i only have to collect tests almost every month so that they give me permission, the anesthesiologist, so that he gives permission for the operation, within a couple of days you can collect all the tests, financially it may not be profitable, but what can be done quickly, even for a fee, a clinic can be done for free, you say, that you don’t have time for your own daughter, i’m not saying, you have time when you need to ask your mother for time off, that i don’t have time, tell me, that there is no time, i have five children, i
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have enough time for each of them, there are not enough of them. with everything, but she thinks that she can ride on me, that is, i’m good only when i give money, i borrow everything from stores, i pay off these debts, when was the last time you paid, but what and what? i recently gave you 10,000, what were you up to? 250,000,
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i’m trying to do something there so that there are some conditions for children there, because i have a two-story house, which i personally built, everything was equipped there, we are there with we lived as children, but at one point she for some reason decided that again it was all for nothing, she began to run around and simply not give me life, and you bought this house with maternity capital? no, she took out a mortgage, i was 1,200, i kind of sold her this house, it turns out that i paid off 500,000 of them all at once for loans, so that she
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had nothing else besides this mortgage, i kept 700,000 for myself, well, you do it yourself.. .this is a two-story house, just bare walls, no polo, what is 7000? you spent all this money on home improvement, i also there were a lot of people in there, i just put everything in there, that is, the house was ready for housing , we blocked off the second floor, as if on the first floor, well, we lived with the children, well, at one point she decided that again it was all hers, i had to go to a rented apartment, i’m a shoemaker without boots, your mother said that you lived with her in the same apartment for some time, why did you leave there, we live in the same apartment, because it ’s impossible to live? she believes that she put up, raised me alone, because i should also put my whole life on the child, on her, to drag her, that is, i owe it to her, i help as much as i can, but i’m also not made of iron, love, and i buy them everything your daughter wants, 35 years have already passed, he came and started to rage, i kicked him out, he is alive now, he died, aleftina, but it’s true that you are raising your hand against your mother, no, it’s not true, this mother is raising her hand against me, well, you see. for which
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, give a specific example, i don’t know how to say an example of iron, that is, you can drop a child and fly at me just with your fists and a shovel. now i just run out under the camera so that it can be seen, yeah, that i’m not touching her, and even if i somehow defend myself, it’s just no, i want to listen to you, i give back, she hits me, and i’ll stand, she’ll drop me it’s pulling, now who do you trust more nightmare, nightmare, unfortunately, to my surprise, in our modern world there are a lot of people, god, at least someone, that is, these are parents, as a rule, that is, we know how you need it. no judgments, no advice needed, you don’t ask, but they give you a whole kilogram, just do it like this, she has a completely different task, she herself has the right to decide how she wants to raise children, if she wants, she will ask her mother for advice, she will say, mom, i’m like this, like that, i don’t understand, you can help, you can’t help, but if
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she doesn’t ask, there’s no need to judge her , there’s no smoke without fire, and what aleftina says, her tears, i understand perfectly well that our mother is really not like that, that’s how we imagined her in a different image. takes on powers such that i’m in charge, i decide, i need money, and i’ll be there with some little girl, that i should be with her and i should live the way she wants, and my children must, she cannot influence me, because i don’t want the way she wants, she
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spoils me, spoils my children, it’s too late to rebuild an adult daughter, because her mother may i didn’t show it once, i didn’t give it my whole childhood, you don’t understand, i was beaten all my childhood, of course, my mother beat me all my childhood, i think that my grandmother is a heroine, and there is no smoke without fire, i don’t feel sorry at all, aleftina, i’ll explain why, the child has not yet had an operation, one, the children are not in kindergarten, two, if you you have a conflict with your mother, it means that you are like two adults, go and solve it, because children are suffering, become an adult and realize, you three are still trying to communicate with her somehow, i understand that this is my mother, my children don't want to.
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she doesn’t need any of these children , she needs an allowance, of course, i won’t give my children to anyone , no one can explain to us how you spend time with your children, we draw, play, go to playrooms, we do everything, just like now it would not be very convenient with a baby because they like to ride in cars there, in playrooms there to go to trampolines, what do you usually cook for the kids for breakfast, vova maybe there are sausages and sandwiches there, as if he just doesn’t like porridge very much, he likes pasta and potatoes, our favorite is with chicken. ulka loves pancakes, just as she loves semolina porridge , but you teach your children to read, write , little by little, of course, of course, of course , little by little, i just don’t push myself, like grandma wants them to write in the copybook, i don’t i can force them there, so we think, of course, there are english words, vovka
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slowly study eugene, you see, things are exactly as aleftina tells us, there is no reason to deprive parental rights, there is no reason, i also think so, in addition, i would like to point out, i have not heard any... specific actions namely grandmothers in relation to the pressing issue of a child’s operation , of placing children in kindergarten, well, supposedly a dysfunctional daughter, what is stopping you from helping her with the operation, with placement in kindergarten, or your daughter is now being disingenuous, deceiving us, or she is not doing everything that's about tell colorful stories, don’t work with children, don’t read fairy tales, don’t teach foreign languages, with friends. at first, lyubov said that they live in a twenty-meter room in a dormitory, but now we hear a story about a house, but where is the house? there is, but why can’t you live in a house with your family, so as not to huddle in this one, my grandmother won’t let us live there, because it’s all wrong, everything doesn’t make sense,
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it’s like the direct owner of this house , she’s like she’s in a mortgage, but i did everything there, love, why don’t you daughters you let me live in this house, there are all the conditions there, but there are no conditions there? this is your house , because i built it while she was in prison, lyubov, in this house there are no conditions for children and for living, none, we went for 2 years, i lived there there were conditions, now there are no conditions, i only bought a gas system. that is, now we need to pay for the electricity, i just didn’t do it on principle, when she stops yelling that it’s all hers, that is, because i, aleksina, built this house from scratch, and you you work, now you don’t , but i’ve worked all my life, i worked in a store, as a plant operator, as an inspection controller, what kind of education do you have, i have a nine-grade education , but i graduated from two schools, i’m a part-time drilling equipment operator, that is, i’m in you finished prison, then you have a profession and you can provide a decent existence for yourself and your children. then why do the guardianship authorities visit you, because
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it comes to me from time to time, she doesn’t like something about me, i did something wrong to her, i didn’t please her, that’s it, so it starts, she calls the police , starts to carry a little, then the children are not running naked on the grass, they are in fact already calling for guardianship, that is, guardianship is already, but you are registered with the guardianship authorities, there is no house, by the way, this is where she is claims that it is impossible to live in which i lived for 2 years, so the social security and protective services went there, the last time, aleftina, when they checked you, just recently, in connection with this , they came home, to their mother, what the commission made the conclusions, everything is fine, everything is fine, of course, that is, now you are not registered you are a member, they come, because she started again for the second time , she didn’t like something there, she started calling again, they come, she says, lord, we just deregistered you, i say, well... again, that is , well, everyone knows my situation perfectly well.
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your friend, aleftina, wonders why your own mother took up arms against you so much. our guest is roman kurakin. hello roman. hello. how did you meet aleftina? one might say it was an accident, but it was probably fate that brought it together. we met an acquaintance on the street and chatted while running. closer later closer. well, that is, i know you. we met from an acquaintance roman , what a housewife leftina is, well, i’ve seen very few housewives like her, she’s good, well, there’s just no words , they clean, they cook absolutely, but like a mother, she ’s like a mother, she’s too caring, too much, well, let her where it’s needed tougher, she ’s a little here, well, there i turn on normally , they control me, they control me, children, yes there are, but if you praise like that. why does her own mother think so differently? we all
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have conflicts with our mothers, that is, when you live very closely, it’s all the same with your mother in any case there will be graters, or maybe you think that she may not love her daughter, but no , it’s unlikely, why do the neighbors consider aleftina a bad mother and how do they feel about the grandmother’s intention to get custody of the children, all the most interesting things in a couple of minutes , everything you are interested in is now in the vk video application. mask, anniversary fifth season. on sunday at
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concentration of 5%. trust of millions. six months ago, the body of a girl was found. some people don't want me to. this is the case, let's go out, i won't stop, black sun, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the limits, this is beyond the limits, a sixty-five-year-old resident of tver turned to our program with a plea for help, the woman wants to take away three children from her own daughter, because she considers her a bad mother. roman, do you personally know aleftina’s mother? of course, hello.
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a mother of many children assures that her children are hungry they don’t sit, she always has a supply of food in the refrigerator, the children have food, we prepare everything, like porridge, milk, butter, sausage, purisa, i always cook, the first is a must, the second, the little one has everything, complementary foods, well,
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sweets are a must , there is also enough space for everyone. here is a large living room, the woman shows, there is a tv, several wardrobes and two sofas here. here is our room, there are two sofas in it, volodya and ulyana are on one, there is light, the little one and i are on the other, there is also a balcony, well, that’s enough for us for now. for the children, says aleftina, she bought play tent, books and coloring books. five-year-old vova loves to play ball and watch cartoons, and his younger sisters ulyana and evangelina love to draw. draw mom not so beautiful, mom, the head is square, a wonderful family, i noticed...
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she’s in a mood, she looks at him differently and responds well, by the way, this also says a lot, it says that she
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she sees him in this family and she wants him in this family, so i think that you just need to sit down in an amicable way, talk, forget everything, don’t have these arguments about who is who whatever you owe, give them the house , and you will come to this house, and the children will feel good, and they will need you, you will help them, and you will untie their hands, but they are probably present in the diet every day, and i also noticed that children have excess body weight, that is, in the future,
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well, this can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system, i would also like to say about surgical treatment as a general surgeon, but the operation lasts on average from 45 minutes to an hour, in this case, the mother can come with the child to the hospital after operation. yes, on the same day they can be sent home for 3 days to undergo bandages, here is the first, second about the tests, well, indeed alftina says that the novel helps her, but i’m sure that love yes, my grandmother will also help, yes with the rest of the children, until she goes to the hospital for an operation, that is, you are calling for the operation to be carried out, because if it happened that they did not operate, but postponed it until later, then this ...
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to medical workers, which is not with whom to leave the rest of the children, then the medical workers in the hospital calmly provide beds for the rest, yes, for the rest of the children, that is, they can’t refuse surgical treatment, well, they can’t, so many years have passed, but...
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they will evaluate the living conditions of the children, you watched the story , how do you like it? i also have everything, aleftina’s former neighbors believe that she only needs children in order to receive child benefits for them and spend them on herself. in the studio elena tamonchuk and milana novikova. hello, hello, hello, elena, how long have you known aleftina? with 2015, i know her. how did you meet her? in places of deprivation of liberty, you served your sentence together, yes, that’s right, and then you lived in the same house that she and i went there very often, my daughter
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milana lived there, and repeatedly observed the whole situation that... like aleftina treated your children? well, she’s not a good mother, the children were constantly abandoned, they were always with someone, with neighbors, with friends, but liftina can go, where can she go, but liftina has a moral way of life, she’s happy with her personal life, with whom she’s with children this moment, we were repeatedly with my daughter, because she lives on the fifth floor, and in the same building, i observed what eva ate at 10 months, everything that they wouldn’t give her, and a bun, and sausage, it doesn’t matter, because it feels like the child was always hungry, what will they give? then he eats. milan, how often did aleftina leave the children with you? well, if she comes, she’ll say, i leave it at the store once a week, well , it depends, well, how will we cross paths there, she’s been gone for a long time, there i’ll say, i’m getting groceries, and it could have been there for a few hours, for one, a day, this has never happened, well, that is
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, well, it wasn’t there for a day, yes, it could have been there for 10 hours. i see that he weighs almost 50 kg, this is unhealthy, which is probably me, based on my these, how am i an obese child, ulyana, a 4-year-old girl, six extra fingers, well , there’s a girl on her arms and legs, here’s eva, i’ll say, i don’t know, maybe it was two weeks ago. i came with her , milana was sitting and i tried to talk to the baby with rattles there, somehow the child does not react, the baby is deaf, well, the girl deaf 2 weeks ago when , just so you understand, i no longer lived there aleftina and she has some problems with her senses, no problems with hearing, she hears perfectly, she dances music perfectly, everything and you visit the pediatrician monthly, well, you had an audio screening, ent
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, the doctor checked your hearing, well of course, well, probably. ok, great, words checked. elena, do you think that children will be better off with their grandmother than with their mother, of course, this is unambiguous, but the grandmother’s health condition, how long can she last with the children? the kids are small, this is all understandable , but i think it’s my opinion, but in any case, aleftina needs to have parental rights, well, aleftina is categorically determined, why is she fighting so hard for her children, if she doesn’t need them, what does she have to live on? then, what are you talking about, she will be absolutely children.
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things are scattered in this apartment, how long have the children lived? no, how long have you all been living, so you wanted to say that this mess appeared there in a month and your children lived there, answer the question, the stove became like this in a month, changed good rooms, in similar unfortunately, a huge number of people in our country live in similar conditions.
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unfortunately, a huge number of people in the country live in similar conditions.
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gali was 3 years old, and kolya was there for several months, i arrive one day, and they tell me that her father took her, she could not become a mother for this girl, because she was taken from the orphanage to... another foster family, and i decided to find galya, she was adopted in 1992, but why does the alleged biological mother deny that she gave birth to a son at all? i was born dali, neither apartment, no work, good people lived with us, i think i left them and left, tell me, did galina by any chance have a brother, nikolai? no, will the secret of the separated brother and sister be revealed? i was about 15 years old, i...... my uncle told me that i was not my own, that i had a younger brother, i was hiding the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. at
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tankali premium right now for free, find out how by calling 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. black sun, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. this is abroad, a mother with many children from tver is fighting for the right to raise her daughters and son, and her mother insists that for the sake of the children’s future, her daughter must be deprived of parental rights.
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of course not, but i’m interested in something else, they came from the words of the program participants to this apartment, if organs were allowed to live there, then it was possible to live there. evgenia, who do you think has more chances for raising these children? the grandmother most likely has very little chance, yes, she cannot deprive her daughter of parental rights directly, since the law stipulates that such applications are submitted either to the second parents or to the guardianship authorities...
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contact you with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities , there is a mediator, there is a psychologist, they are doing very well now, of course, i am talking about reconciliation of the parties, because the legal problem in this situation is acute, i don’t see it, karina, with whom do you think it would be better for the children to be more reliable? for the child, of course it will always be good with my mother, because it is my own blood, but in this case, unfortunately, i do not believe either side or the other. therefore, for my part, i would very much like to take this matter under personal control and not for some short period, but rather until the children there reach a certain age, plus not only will there be control over the fact that the children there are healthy, up to the point that children still receive the necessary medical care, that is, karina, you want to act exclusively in in the interests of children, in the interests of children, i am not interested in adults, i am interested in children.
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well, with all the desire today to show herself as a good mother, she still hasn’t explained why the girl still hasn’t had the operation she needs, an operation that should have been done a long time ago, i know that you have some kind of proposal for this girl, my colleagues and i are ready to offer you help in organizing this issue, everything is no problem at all, dalga, what to do with the relationship between...
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and work on your relationship, yes, love, and you, i am always there for them


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