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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  March 28, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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into another bus, surveillance cameras filmed this from several angles, these shots are in the report by stanislav kostikov. looking at these shots from the car recorder, it is not difficult to imagine the horror that gripped the passengers of the bus, which, demolishing everything in its path, rushed in a completely unpredictable direction, rammed cars along the way and inexorably approached the stop, where at that moment dozens of people were boarding another bus. seeing the out-of-control liaz, the passengers began to run away, but not all of them made it in time. only a powerful blow and another bus was stopped by lias, thanks to this, people on the sidewalk were not injured, but those who were in the salons had a hard time, look what is happening, his brakes failed, roll, the shocked eyewitnesses did not have time to come to their senses, when there was an explosion, two cars that were on the way the movement hit a bus, flared up, the flames engulfed the utility workers' uaz car in a matter of seconds, the car burned down, wow
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, firefighters put out the flames, doctors provided first aid to the victims, 10 people were hospitalized with injuries of varying severity, two of them were children. oh my, my this is complete trash. the out-of-control bus rammed eight cars, alexander budyonny was in one of them. the man says everything happened so quickly that he didn’t have time to figure out how to avoid the collision. i only saw in the mirror that a green bus was flying, further on. a strong blow back, one car is on fire, behind me chiario is all soft-boiled, only by a miracle he did not fall under the wheels of the bus sergei roganin, lyas rushed a meter from the man when he was crossing the roadway, my friend and i were just crossing this crossing, first from one, right where the accident happened, we heard, first a bang, we looked, it was a bus going in free fall. as if without brakes, this is
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understandable. the damage caused to numerous participants in the accident is determined by insurers. investigators are currently working at the scene of a large-scale accident. they already have a lot of questions for the employees of the transport company that owns the bus. a criminal case has been opened regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. currently investigative actions are being carried out in the case aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. it was established that liaz was not the most experienced driver at the wheel; he was only 23 years old. he was hospitalized with serious injuries and is now unable to testify. the main, but still preliminary , version of the cause of the accident is brake failure. if it is confirmed, then the main defendants in the criminal case will be those who released the faulty vehicle onto the line. stanislav kostikov, oksana goncharenko and nikita zabrodin, ntv television company. kursk primure turned yellow-orange, similar to a sandstorm, a cyclone covered the region with atmospheric whirlwinds. sand particles came from
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the countries of mongolia and china. forecasters say that the cyclone is quite large, moving rapidly, and along with sand and dust, it brought the first rains to blagoveshchensk. unusual footage in the report by yulia oleytsova. a storm that came to the far east from the gobbi desert covered the amur region. the sky was filled with thick clouds of dust and sand. this is what blagoveshchensk looks like, where the day turned into night. it was getting darker every hour. what was happening around me began to remind me. visibility in some places is almost zero, for drivers , the strong wind blows the sand hundreds of kilometers away; the storm caught them on the way; they had to move off the road so as not to lose orientation ; the dusty storms make it hard to breathe; doctors recommended that residents not go out without...
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above ours area is the yellow or orange color of the clouds, this is due to the fact that along the route through the territory of mongolia and china, air currents raise dust, sand, particles of soil from those territories that are not yet secured by grass cover. the sand instantly covered the streets, houses, cars, everything around. the sky over blagoveshchensk, if not cleared, then at least ceased to be yellow, as it was around 15 in the morning, when the echoes of the storm came, because it darkened within 5 minutes, precipitation began. with
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sand from mongolia, as the specialists of the amur hydrometeorological center say, the sand is so fine, you can directly draw on the car, the car was clean, literally 2 days i washed it back, and now it’s all in this natural state. today i felt something strange here in blagoveshchensk, i don’t know how many tons of sand fell on us, well, all the neighbors’ cars look like this now, everything just covered us, we have to wash our clothes and boots from the dirt, after a sandstorm hit the region dirty rain with sleet, according to meteorologists, there is a possibility that the natural anomaly will reach the primorye territory, with the next cyclone, residents of the amur region are advised to stay at home until then...
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man and went home. the whole punishment boils down to the fact that the doctor must report to the inspectors from time to time; he did not even stop working, although if his clients saw what the sochi beauty looks like now, they would most likely think twice. sergey potyukov will continue. at the announcement of the verdict, plastic surgeon andrei komarov, who disfigured the patient beyond recognition, came, oddly enough, without a bag with things, as if he knew that he would leave the hall. bars straight home to take care of your urgent matters, so actually it turned out that komarov, of course, is to blame, this is what the now former model yulia tarasevich looked like after his operation, but the statute of limitations has expired, so he is free, he ruined my face, i have to live with this for the rest of my life, but he, well, he will survive she will take
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antidepressants there for six months and will continue to live a quiet life. yulia tarosevich now communicates with the outside world only by phone, she didn’t even come to the sentencing, she’s ashamed with a disfigured face. during the announcement of the court verdict, komarov looked his best, successful, intelligent, and it’s even more offensive that the doctor still for months she assured me that it was her own fault, i want to say that my position remains the same, i consider myself innocent, i ask the court to acquit me, such simple things as smiling or closing her eyes are still inaccessible to her, it would seem that everything is obvious, the doctor is carrying answer.
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i need a complex facelift surgery. after the operation, she began to experience tissue necrosis, severe swelling, and her eyes festered. andrei komarov, according to the girl, injected some kind of decongestant, the swelling really went down, but it became even worse when the scale the problems became horrific, doctors stopped communicating. the patient is to blame here, that is, her health, i determine this, absolutely, the investigation determines this. everything went without any problems. but something went wrong, well , during the operation everything was absolutely the same, and after or before, i don’t know, i can’t comment, omar holet, by the way, avoided responsibility, in the trial he was recognized only as a witness, since according to all the documents he served as a surgeon’s assistant and did not directly participate in the operation,
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also, yulia’s lawyers demanded that the clinic compensate for damages, initially the claim was 35 million, but the doctors appealed it, it was a separate civil case, the court of first instance awarded compensation to yulia. in the amount of 5 million rubles. however, the krasnodar regional court , for reasons unknown to us, reduced it to 2 million rubles. the amount of 2 million is clearly not enough to cover the cost of treatment in july, while all these months the former model was trying to regain at least her lost, but healthy appearance, at her own expense, dr. komarov and her lawyers constantly asked reschedule the meeting, either due to illness or because of work. experts are sure that this is a common technical technique to delay the process and, therefore, avoid punishment. upon expiration of the statute of limitations. the story of yulia tarasevich, unfortunately, is not the only one. in this category of cases, under part two of article eighteen, this is , unfortunately, a fairly common situation, because in general such cases, i cannot say that they take too long to be investigated, yes, but they are
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often associated with an examination, due to workload of expert institutions, the examination can indeed take quite a long time. andrei komarov was released, but with a criminal record. i have a court sentence of 3 years of restriction of freedom in my pocket. lawyers explain that yuli tarasevich, unfortunately, is pointless in going to court again. and it will no longer be possible to attract a plastic surgeon in any case. state. in my life i was involved in drug trafficking, more details after the advertisement, we have a call, we have to go
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, what do you have, because i’m a rescuer, any bullshit can happen at any moment, come with me to catch ghosts, who, if not me, the most important expert on ghosts? of course, bloggers, be thrice wrong. 5 minutes of silence, new season, you see what a difficult life our commanders have, today at 20:00 on ntv. at bigfest bighit for 115 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account? then open a business account on we wake up. during the spring
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sale we dress up and renew ourselves. wake up sale on ozone. discounts up to 50% on the new reebok collection. discounts up to 60% on wi-fi equipment polaris. sometimes desires are clear without words. asia roll with shrimp? juicy shrimp, bright and delicious. and spicy asian sauce. new asia roll with shrimp and a whole asia menu in rostix restaurants. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. but not all tinder is in the right place, rub in the right
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changes occur, brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 of them. this is how a product from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. prolong the youth of your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985
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800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy.
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iskander approached the prohibited business very seriously, hired people, set up sales, how the actress was detained, why she decided to earn money this way - diana kovando will tell you; now this is the only possible role for the honored artist of russia. iskander, and she deserved it too. on the dock, wrapped in a coat behind her tousled hair, she doesn’t look at all like the one who smiled at theater posters just a few years ago. however , she didn’t get tired of the boys, she was invited to red carpets less and less, apparently, so she decided that something needed to be changed in her life, she plunged headlong into the shadow business of selling prohibited substances, for which she is now being judged. friends and
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colleagues on the theater stage can’t find words, everyone is in shock. well, all sorts of things happened , after all, this is the dormitory of the institute... and our people had a lot of fun and all sorts of things happened, but ramelya never took alcohol at all in her life, didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, what if changed in the life of a seemingly accomplished theater and film star, iskander is also an actress dubbing popular foreign films , unknown to anyone, she lived in an estate near moscow, and according to investigators, she was selling drugs planned in penza, found two accomplices, they were good enough to be sons, trade started, they appeared... the first orders in her country cottage, security forces found more than 2.5 kg of miphidron, packaged in bags. according to the investigation, no later than january 1 , 2023, a resident of the city of moscow, through an internet messenger, agreed with her acquaintance, located in the city of penza, to create an online store for the illegal sale of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the city of penza. but
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she didn’t have time to complete the criminal plan, she was detained when the first products began to appear on the online storefront of her drug shop. she moved to moscow from a small village in the chelyabinsk region when she was very young and served for a year at the stanislavsky theater, then went to the russian academic youth theater, in her portfolio there are about a hundred popular films and video games in which she voiced the main roles, there is something crawling there that this is for, i’m almost trying to eat, i opened it, hurry, hurry, isaac, run, but at some point something changed in iskander and friends realized that the artist was not who she thought she was betrays, shares the secrets of the acting backstage , her...
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decided to rob a store, ran in, took what he needed, tried to run away, the seller decided to stop the criminal, but he was determined with his fists and attacked her with his fists on the customers, footage that became
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the main evidence in a criminal case in the story of ivan gubin. stolen chocolates, this supermarket visitor was ready to fight to the end, first with the workers who asked to return the stolen goods to the shelf, and then, having received rebuff from the women, he switched to his rivals weaker pensioners in line at the cash register, and he came up and immediately hit me on the right side , i naturally fell from such force, and i couldn’t even get up, he kicked everything on the right side with all his might, and beat everything with his fists until... this woman did not come up, and he began to beat her, galina vasilievna asked not to show her face, she had not yet told her relatives about what happened, they were worried about their nerves, the doctors advised the elderly woman now more for...
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the force had just begun to pay for groceries, now he goes out into the street with apprehensively, so now i’m walking and looking around, what if he meets again, i’m afraid maybe his relatives, there are plenty of them here, as i understand it, what prevented other visitors who were suddenly attacked by thirty-three-year-old alexey tsoi, it’s unclear, he has three convictions for sale of drugs, theft, causing grievous bodily harm, the probably drunk tsoi used all his criminal skills this time.
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but that’s not all, see below, the obvious and incredible in st. petersburg for a man who, in front of witnesses, seemed to killed his wife, they were acquitted, it turned out that the cause of death was not blows with a cast-iron frying pan, but covid, how is this possible, you will find out, but after a short advertisement. and you don’t know what’s going on here, well, the police are rushing around, helicopters are flying, khasanova was shot, zhen, you don’t know who could have done this, you have connections, are you talking about bandits, or something, this is
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bad for you, with no matter, running now sets its own rules here, you have little choice, either they give you or you give them. war again, hot spot, today at 22:10 on ntv. hey, guy, are you sure that you chose this hairstyle yourself, or did the hairdresser say that it’s fashionable now? at bigfest you definitely choose a big hit for 115 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, it’s delicious, period. hearts sounded in unison, the melody of love played, what a pity, but
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black sun premieres from monday 20:00 on ntv. live on ntv. in an emergency and we continue our release. the amazing ending of a criminal case of murder in st. petersburg in the cultural capital of pavel iskandarov was tried by according to the original version, he killed his wife in front of his children with several blows from a cast-iron frying pan. it would seem that all the evidence is clear, the witnesses also confirmed it, but iskandarov was acquitted as a murderer, it was not him who was recognized, but covid. dinar usmanov will now tell us how this is possible. according to official statistics, verdicts
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are handed down less often than acquittals, and in order to acquit the person whom the victim pointed out before death, and several other witnesses, such cases are, perhaps, generally one in a million, to acquit pavel iskandar palovich's indictment for committing a crime is provided for by part four 1011 of its actions as elements of a crime on the basis of paragraph three of part 21-302 of the right to rehabilitation, that is, pavel iskandarov now also has several hundred. rubles will have to be paid from the state budget, if not more, as compensation, because he was arrested back in 2020, then it seemed that all the evidence was available, they added to the case, for example, a video recording made by the relatives of the deceased and neighbors, frightened children ran to them and reported that dad seems to have killed mom. in that at that moment, lydia kukha was still showing signs of life; she lay there for 5 hours after her husband left, as investigators later established,
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and was already having difficulty answering questions. but the authors of the video made a quite obvious conclusion , why did he behave like that, well, okay, what did he beat himself with, well, look, her whole face is messed up, her legs are messed up, lydia died in the hospital a few hours after hospitalization, so along with her life her painful marriage with pavel iskandarov, which lasted 12 years, ended; they once worked together in the same cafe, she a waitress, he is a security guard, the life of a large family is not cloudless... quarrels with beatings happened regularly, but she always took statements from the police and forgave her husband. the cause of scandals was most often money, which was not enough. pavel loved a fun life, and lydia could not give him all the child benefits, which became the main source of income. according to the investigation, the last quarrel followed the usual scenario, all this, according to the testimony of witnesses, was observed by children, they saw everything, yes, it was all before their eyes
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about... they saw how her mother was dying , they told how he beat her with a frying pan, bludgeoned her, hit her in the head with a cast-iron frying pan, grandparents are now raising five grandchildren, they had to go through a long stage of rehabilitation, because, as police experts established, immediately after death lydia’s children were also beaten, descriptions of their fresh injuries were also added to the case file, but most of all the wounds were mental, all the elders were mortally afraid of their father to the point of panic attacks and did not understand what to do now that he was free again, he killed our mother and then more like wanted to kill us, well, because usually there are always witnesses... with such an abundance of evidence , the case in court quickly went to a denouement, but then iskandarov got a paid lawyer, which surprised the victim, because the accused never had money, almost immediately after at this point, the course of the process changed, it began to drag on, the defender of the domestic terran
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began to demand additional examinations, all of them dragged on for a very long time, in the end the accused was released from the pre-trial detention center because the terms of detention had expired, in ultimately, the court decided that... kukha died not from the injuries inflicted on her by her husband, but from covid, which she contracted before the beating. these were the experts’ arguments presented by iskandarov’s lawyer; at the final stage of the trial, the defendant himself began to completely deny even the very fact of the beating. i did not commit the crime of which i am accused. yes. well, what happened? my ex-wife, a common-law woman, fell ill with double pneumonia and also used drugs. that's all. it turns out that they were hit on the head with a cast-iron frying pan and beaten for many hours before that. were non-lethal. numerous facts of systematic abuse in the past are not relevant, and the fact that pavel left, leaving his wife in a dying state, without calling
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an ambulance, was only because he did not understand that she was dying. the victim, the sister and brother of the deceased lydia, who for more than three years had been counting on receiving at least some consolation after the verdicts, were in complete shock, and now they are especially worried about their fate.
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kilometers from home, he left it in the fall , according to his custom, to go fishing, alarm his wife was beaten when her husband did not return on the appointed date; as survivors said, his food supplies had long since run out and he had to eat the remains of his catch and tree bark. if they hadn’t arrived, 3-4 days, i wouldn’t have wiped it anymore. thanks a lot. thank you very much, god bless you, everything, well, now the fisherman is on increased home nutrition, restoring strength, the gear is obviously stored for a long time. by this time i have everything,
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goodbye, good luck to you. today in our program: legitimate goals. vladimir putin promised to shoot down all western aviation used to help the ukrainian armed forces when american planes start falling from the sky. we will destroy their planes just as we destroy their tanks today. soldiers of failure. nato was overwhelmed by a wave of sudden deaths. high-ranking officers, how russia is destroying western military personnel in ukraine, who will be next? god's punishment: in israel, the houses of terrorists are mercilessly demolished, depriving and...


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