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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  March 28, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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today in our program: legitimate goals. vladimir putin promised to shoot down all western aircraft used to help the ukrainian armed forces when american planes begin to fall from the sky. we will. deaths of high-ranking officers, how russia is destroying western military personnel in ukraine, who will be next? god's punishment in israel mercilessly demolishes the houses of terrorists, depriving their families of shelter, should there be collective responsibility for such crimes?
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will be to continue demolishing the houses of terrorists, watch now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i’m andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we’re working live, today we want to start with a few fragments from yesterday’s working trip of the president, he talked there with...
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look with cultural workers, visited the russian historical and ethnographic museum, with local residents, and so on, and now here’s what’s most interesting to us on today’s topic, which means that at night putin arrived at the base of the legendary berkuts, this is a combat deployment center , flight crew ministry of defense, in the ninety-second year , the world’s only aerobatic team on combat helicopters was formed there, so putin inspected the equipment, combat mi-8, mi-20. 8 sat at the helm in the cockpit of a pilot simulator, so the president was shown the missiles that are used in the north military district zone, in particular , charizontema, one of the pilots and interlocutors of the president, said that these are the missiles that tear off the turrets of ukrainian tanks, well , then putin was there conversation with pilots and widows of russian heroes who died in the zone nwo, and the conversation naturally turned to...
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about the fact that everyone else here is strangers, we will ruin the country, and the main victims will be the russian people, so we need to treat this component very much like adults, seriously, not to wave with his hands and wagging his tongue, but to think when pronouncing... german chancellor olaf scholz made an interesting statement, he said that his country and its intelligence services knew nothing at all about the preparation of a terrorist attack in moscow and, unlike the americans, did not have any information , so if there is... that
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the united states warned kiev about the inadmissibility of attacks on russian territory. the us position on this issue has been unchanged since the beginning of the conflict. the united states does not support ukrainian strikes outside its territory. this is our long-standing policy, which we explained to the ukrainian government. so it's not something they might not know about. at the same time , kirill budanov, the head of the gura and a person introduced, shows amazing awareness of the preparation of a terrorist act in crocus. country on the list of extremists and terrorists. he is a week after the tragedy gave the first detailed comment on this case. let me remind you that, hot on the heels, not budanov himself, but his department declared that the attack was allegedly organized by the russian special services themselves in order to organize a total
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mobilization in russia. now budanov has changed his shoes and says that the terrorist attack, in which at least 143 people were killed, was prepared by islamists. according to him , two countries were involved in the operation, which he did not specify.
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send these aasm bombs to ukraine and adapt them for ukrainian aviation aircraft; they weigh 400 kg, their flight range in the area of ​​70 km. for the restless french, and in general for everyone else too. vladimir putin the day before once again explained all the talk about a possible russian attack on poland and the baltic states, for all these worried czechs, this is all absolute and utter nonsense. moreover, putin recalled, the military. the united states and russia are not comparable, because in 2022 putin took this year for comparison, the military budget of the united states is $811 billion, our military budget is $72 billion, that is, there is a difference almost even 10 times more,
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but this does not mean that our country will allow ukraine’s nato allies to act with impunity, so the president was asked what we will do if the f-16 planes, which they promise to transfer to ukraine, take off. from nato airfields, we will destroy their aircraft in the same way as we destroy their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment today, including the airborne organ system, but of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries, they become legitimate for us targets, no matter where they are. and f16 are also carriers of nuclear weapons, and we will also have to take this into account when organizing my work, if this signal is not considered andrei vladivich, i don’t even know what other signal is needed, this is just another fragment from putin’s trip ,
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to which we wanted to draw attention, because here is this moment, what will happen if an f-16 plane takes off on a combat mission from an airfield somewhere, say, in poland or romania. you know, we've talked and argued about this a million times here. alexey sergeevich, putin closed this discussion, what do you think? yes, of course, you understand here , i think that western countries understand perfectly well that if there are planes, planes that will carry ukrainian insignia, will participate in hostilities on the side of ukraine, will take off from nato airfields, then these airfields are essentially those airfields that take part in these military clashes, so here i have...
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in the beginning we didn’t even discuss the direct clash between russia and nato, now we we are discussing how exactly russia and nato can counteract each other without entering into a direct armed conflict. we have already understood from business customs that the transfer of equipment to ukraine does not constitute direct participation in a conflict that will entail attacks on nato infrastructure. the equipment has been transferred for 2 years now, there have been no attacks on nato infrastructure. now we are saying: okay, it’s clear, you will apparently transfer the planes, yes, nothing can be done about it, but if you... transfer it to ukraine, that’s one thing, but if you allow it to be used your airfields, then these will already be attacks on
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you, that is, we are now rolling out this specific plan for nato on how you can avoid falling under our attacks, planes, to hell with you, nothing can be done here, but don’t you dare imagine airfields, it seems to me that it’s just that you and i see the specific contours of interaction and avoidance of war with nato, which , at the same time, again emphasizes to us that we are not going to attack nato. but andrei vladimirovich fedorov, who is absent here, andrei nikolaevich, to you, regularly told us that nato plans include , among other things, the use of nato airfields to support ukraine, because despite all the statements, we will not dare, now, now putin’s words were heard, there is, van, there is a dark side of power, there is a light side of power, and andrei vladimirovich represents the side of the force, that’s all of him...
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he says that this is about a spontaneous explosion, well, the rocket did not fly, the airfield spontaneously exploded and continues to operate such a game, you know, well, i admit that it may not be so it is something some kind of thing, well, why not if you really want to, you know, they’ve already learned that they died there to the french so that nothing would come to them, no, well, to whom to them, if we’re talking about the americans, to nothing will fly to them, and the poles, romanians, these are also forced people, just like the ukrainians, you know, the ukrainians probably also initially wanted nothing to fly to them.
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that... the loss of brigadier general adam marczyk, chief of staff of the european union operations command althea in mons. in a statement for in describing the general's death , the term "unexpected death" was used, indicating that his death occurred from natural causes during non-working hours. another mysterious
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death that is still hotly discussed online is the death of us army general anthony potts last july. according to the official version, the general was the victim of a plane crash in the state of maryland, it seems that he was alone on board the plane, and was considered almost the best pilot. the news itself about potts’ death came exactly after the arrival of the russian missiles hit the sbu building in dnepropetrovsk. before that. the general just showed up at an american base in poland. fire officials said the call came in around 8:00 p.m. when firefighters arrived on the scene. discovered the wreckage of the plane and reported that the pilot had died as a result of the crash; in august , the death of a french army general, jean-loup-georgeleno, was reported. allegedly, a seventy- four-year-old military man went alone for a walk in the alps and fell off a cliff, and the general died immediately after our strike on chernigov, where a military council was held, disguised as a drone festival.
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farewells to the fallen general were celebrated throughout the country. i lived not by honor, but by hope. he had a goal, and his life ended before he achieved it. but all great things require a portion of effort that is not always rewarded. a series of absurd deaths in the west also overwhelmed the junior command staff. last summer, four australian officers allegedly crashed in a helicopter off the coast of queensland. the bodies and wreckage of the helicopter were never found. and soon 23 us marines also disappeared there, seemingly during the same period.
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you always say that you are surprised by the level of misunderstanding of our actions, our policies, look, it has now reached the point where the president says openly that if a plane takes off from there. we’re fucking around this airfield, this level of misunderstanding, that’s it, it’s already reached the limit there, or again i don’t understand, you used a very apt expression today about the fact that we live in the scenario of an absolutely fucking world, well, more or less, they don't believe, they believe that putin will stop, that there are things he won’t dare, there are no such things.
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is not happening, well, you always said that it was as if everyone there had fallen into the trap of what was happening, it was a completely alien stratum, they took berlin also on german territory, but for protection, well, it’s about the same logic, yeah, the logic is the same, only the germans had reached the volga before that, it was necessary , it was necessary for the enemy to reach the volga, so that we would have moral and other reasons to get there later, in short, wait.
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how can we react them great the quantity and beauty of what putin said is that he did not close the discussion , on the contrary, he opened this discussion, including for those nato generals and
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state leadership, so that they think with their heads and consult among themselves, because when we speak that these airports will become a legitimate target, we have many legitimate targets, but it is not at all necessary that we will hit them all, there is a prioritization of targets, that is, we say, guys, we... open up this opportunity for ourselves, then we will decide yourself when why hit, whether to hit or not to hit, and you’re sitting there, you understand that it can come to you, not necessarily now, not necessarily tomorrow, maybe in a week, maybe it won’t fly here at all , it will fly to another place, relaxes the other side, they it’s depressing, when they hang you up like this, when there is no certainty, it doesn’t relax, on the contrary, they basically , it seems to me, it’s...
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having moved from another bench, that they don’t understand something there, they’re all there, all understand perfectly well, but what we, and what we see and hear in mocking speeches, is already for the public for their explanations , for voters, the bosses all understand that if there is a step a, there will be a step b, another thing is that they sit and lay out whether they are ready to take this risk further or not ready to take, we need our step b , they understand that after a step a first step will be taken.
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east, yes, and there is the sumy region, the sumy region borders the bryansk, belgorod and kurssk regions, president zelensky was in the city of sumy yesterday, he checked the military infrastructure, how fortifications are being built, he carried out meeting and so on and so on, he president zelensky says to president putin: here i am, here i am in sumy, what did you talk about some kind of sanitary zone, buffer zone and so on and so on,
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here i am, you see i am a hero and... the heads of the security service and the heads of the gura service and indeed, but i will tell you that even i, understanding the psychology of today's ukraine, i was shocked, because the next day the head of the security service of ukraine literally comes out to the whole world and holds a séance disassembly, says: i killed, i killed, i’m a terrorist, i’m a terrorist, of course, just like the minister of foreign affairs of poland, he says, i can’t say this publicly, he said that we don’t officially
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recognize anything, but i’ll give you the details now. you see, my eyes are burning, that is, it’s still half a step to really tell them that i am against terrorism, but you said: keep quiet, don’t speak to the end, but they can’t , they will speak out, and then after these statements, the russian federation, maybe i don't want. state and after that russia will launch a counter-terrorist operation, where, where it will it start? they are talking at all, i understand
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becomes clear, we continue this part too, let's start with messages from the ministry of emergency situations there.
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information about their location and death does not correspond to reality, and another fake that is now spreading across the network, moreover, we even found it in our telegram channel, here is this video, it was filmed in the center of sakharovo, this is the center where foreigners receive patents and all kinds of work permits. this video is now they are trying to pass it off as footage from domodedovo airport, supposedly this is what it looks like now, here is the hall where passengers check in, look, people from central asia are rapidly leaving russia, but i ask you not to fall for these fakes, because if you look closely, you can even see , in fact, where all this is happening and where all this was filmed, a huge inscription on the wall, that’s right, a huge inscription on the wall, andre leach, you are absolutely right, today it became known that the prosecutor general’s office, the ministry of digital development and roskomnadzor are preparing a bill expanding. technical the possibility of blocking illegal
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content, vice speaker of the federation council inna svetenko told the tas agency, she has not yet given the details of this document and how it will all be formalized. at the same time, the state duma proposes to develop a mechanism for automatically blocking telegram channels, telegram channels that recruit terrorists. this was a proposal from deputy oleg morozov, and by many it was perceived as a discussion of the possibility of blocking. becomes a tool in the hands of terrorists,
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are used for terrorist purposes, so now we can return to discussing legitimate goals about legitimate goals, which means we settled on what vasily dmitrovich said that god forbid the sbu and gur there and something else will be declared terrorist organizations by us, yes, because that this would bring a big war one step closer, but here, as we know, the head of the fsb, alexander... mortnikov has already said that budanov, while it was said about him, that he is our legitimate target, and in general he is alive, well, for the time being, there now we will show you this dialogue, and as for the head of the sbu malyuk, he was officially arrested in absentia, well, let 's see, last tuesday, the head of the fsb alexander bortnikov said that the head of military intelligence of ukraine, terrorist kirill budanov, together with his superiors other ukrainian special services, are legitimate targets for russia, just like...
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representatives of the kiev regime do not hide that they are plotting terrorist attacks in russia and even admit to already committed atrocities, so the same terrorist budanov spoke about support for the rdk group, banned in russia, which is like this.
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i would like the scale to be much larger, so that much more of the border territories of the russian federation would be involved, so that russia would feel what war is like in the 20th century, they will live at home in bomb shelters and constantly hear
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sirens, so vasilich, after all explain why you see such a connection, here you go. so that the citizens of russia first of all understand, if, if, if when the head of the fsb says, everything is in the future, he said so, everything ahead, everything is ahead, now, and where will the contrasting operation of the special services of the russian federation take place on the territory of ukraine, on what territory of ukraine, in
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the kharkov region, kiev, if as a result of this operation the threat to your life, to the life of spiridon, is eliminated.
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in germany and so on, you need to understand how to work here now, because these guys and budans and so on, they are not just threatening, they will be and yes, then i’ll just ask andrey nikolaevich, the work here, with us has already been named, to what extent i understand, a legitimate goal, or such a hint was made, the terrorist zelensky, his immediate
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superior, our legitimate goal, not yet, well, here the question of decision does not depend on me, whether i would determine it, i said a long time ago that i... with an absolutely legitimate goal for the russian, because he commands the operations, because he has not condemned a single terrorist act, and accordingly he takes full responsibility for the terrorist activities of his subordinates. from this point of view, vladimir zelensky is certainly a legitimate target of the russian federation, it cannot be any other way. now the second question: regarding the terrorist activity that mr. butanov can develop on the territory of the russian federation. vasil, excuse me, but in the 1990s we already saw this throughout the russian federation. who carried out terrorist activities in our country, if such a thing is carried out, accordingly, certain frameworks that existed in terms of the liquidation of both special services or something else, and, accordingly, specific individuals, this is not necessarily some kind of military operation, to eliminate budanov there is no need to carry out military operations, how to eliminate him and how he can be eliminated
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even right now, you know, the experience of the intelligence services of different countries of the world is very diverse, for this you just need a command, a directive. and well, for some time it seems to me that we need to finally bring the novice to mind, because from the novice they published an excellent map of how fast our zirconech rocket flies, how fast our circus rocket flies, to lviv 3 from sweat, to kiev there is a little less two, why a beginner, much more effective and a larger area, zelensky is a legitimate target, was saddam hussein a legitimate target for the americans?
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building, anton valerevich, gur, sbu building , at the height of the working day, when we know that a meeting is taking place there, they also sit there in the verkhovna rada, for example, too, well, if i’m not mistaken, i just don’t want to say right now some kind of stupidity, but in my opinion we were in certain buildings where they did such things, purposefully, yes, but perhaps this guru is now his remnants working in some other place, the question is, let’s do this at first it’s correct, that’s what alexey said , that indeed the israeli prime minister, the former one, said that at one time... zelensky crawled out of the bunker under a personal guarantee that, accordingly, no one would do it to him personally. and zelensky , in fact, still, based on our official
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statements, that is, we do not say that he is a legitimate military target, while we do not call him for obvious reasons, while his entire senior leadership felt until now very much like would be so calm, calm, because it moved onto the line the front moved because we didn’t hit, what bortnik said, he didn’t just say it, it’s just that such things are not spoken to such people now. a new milestone, now several people, including budanov , have been named as a legitimate target, they have been suspended again, the same budanov will now constantly turn around to understand that they might come for him, and they might even fly in, as for the arrival at a specific building, you know , everything should have a meaning, not just emotions, meaning, if, of course, it is proven there, that, well, or rather, there will be information that specifically budanov is sitting in a specific building, that he is a legitimate military target, it makes sense to hit there, perhaps a question will fly in, what if there is in that specific building. budanov is not there, but his apparatus is there, his advisers, the people who bring him documents every day, the people who make him tea every day, this is our legitimate
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goal, if, look, i say again, there must be some kind of logic , there must be some kind of symbolism, maybe too, leave it this person without retinue and information, if it has military significance, if it has military significance, why do you think that it has no military significance?
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schools and kindergartens, just open a map of kiev and look, so if this decision is made, it should have some kind of military or military-political effect, for the sake of just how...
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on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. so, we continue, so this is how it is an absolute evil, like international terrorism, should be punished in such a way as to get rid of it, so that it... in fact, you were talking about absolute evil in relation to the investigation of this absolute evil. in the basmanny court of moscow today , one of the suspects suspected of aiding and abetting the terrorists who attacked crocus cityhall, amenchon
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islomov, appealed his arrest. he does not admit his guilt in joining a criminal group in january and in helping terrorists. amin chon, along with his brother and father, was arrested for 2 months until the end of may last monday. investigators believe: their accomplices , accomplices of the terrorists who attacked crocus city hall, in particular the islomov brothers and their father, as the head of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin previously stated, provided the terrorists with an apartment, transport helped transport money, aminchon denies this, in that document, which he is filing an appeal, he asks to be released from custody, and today it became known about the discovery of a kalashnikov assault rifle abandoned by terrorists on the m3 ukraine highway. how the newspaper reports that traffic police officers in the kaluga region found it, the telegram channel baza, citing its sources in law enforcement agencies , reports that along the route of the terrorists they allegedly found a whole cache of weapons in
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a special place 4 meters from the highway, and the same channel the base claims that six ammunition fuses were hidden there, and the place where this very cache was discovered was cordoned off, but the tas agency reports that in the blood of the arrested militants... traces of a powerful psychotropic substance were found, it changes consciousness and suppresses the feeling of fear. previously , experts suspected that the terrorists used some such substances or even drugs during the attack on crocus city hall. now these suspicions are confirmed. but the tajik press reported the detention of relatives of the terrorist fariduni shamsiddin, one of the participants in the attack on crocus city hall. they write that the terrorist’s relatives have been interrogated by security forces in... dushanbe for several days. among those detained are not only those who lived in tajikistan, but also those deported from russia, sister of this shimseddin. also on the internet they are wondering why the terrorist’s relatives did not have suspicions when he
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suddenly changed his name from the usual tajik fariduni to such an original muslim name. experts say this could be one of the signs of adherence to religious fundamentalism. well, let's talk about punishment.
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after the terrorist attack on police officers in grozny, in particular, kadyrov stated that the families of the militants would be expelled from the republic and their houses would be demolished. we have already made sure that that everyone who came to the city, they were connected with their parents, they were helped, they were blessed, so they tell us one thing, and they tell their children another, they are involved in a crime, indeed, several houses, families of underground participants and radicals in chechnya 2014 would have
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been included in the law since 1967. at first , only those houses that were used as headquarters for preparing terrorist attacks were destroyed. but later the law was expanded. over 4 years, during the first intifada in israel, almost 500 houses were destroyed. by according to the authorities, tough measures should have prevented further terrorist attacks. the logic is simple: if suicide bombers don’t care about their own lives, then perhaps the suffering of their family can stop them. however, in rare cases the courts stand up. i think this is
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a huge mistake, i am asking for a further hearing, my policy as prime minister will be to continue demolishing terrorists' houses, this is part of our war. by the way , it was not the israelis, the british, who came up with this practice. the british first used it at the end of the 19th century. centuries in south africa against local saboteurs, and later began to be used in palestine. destruction of houses , i’ll honestly tell you that i certainly don’t understand what the point is in this, that is, it turns out that in the laws of the state of israel this norm appeared a year before i was born, the question is: has the state of israel defeated terrorism, damn it, well, it ’s clear , that there are some other people on death row who, well, that’s what i’m telling you, that this doesn’t stop anyone, so gegor valeevich, some kind of collective responsibility for terrorism, your attitude, well, in israel this rule applies, which is just land.
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the society is archaic, deeply archaic, in it a crime, roughly speaking, a family member committing a crime by default has the support of their relatives, but in archaic societies this could theoretically make some sense somewhere else, in urban societies, especially in those urbanizing modern societies, where we , on the contrary, are trying to split these large families and make it so that a person is no longer responsible for himself, there is no no clan systems. there was a clear
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dominance of the state and so on, in this society it is impossible to introduce such norms, look at the logic, as far as i understand it, a person who decides to become a terrorist must understand that this choice will affect not only his life , perhaps he already said goodbye to her somehow or so on, but for all the relatives he knows, his sister, his mother, his father, and this may be the same deterrent, i’m not saying,
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so, maxim, the most important thing here is efficiency, he may not be afraid, but his family members will be afraid, the same father, having learned, felt the floor there. a hint that maybe the son is cooking something, and he has a beloved daughter there, he understands that not only this son will suffer, maybe he doesn’t love him, but the daughter is loved, and someone else, he will go and hand him over to his own special services tajik, will pass , will pass, because he doesn’t want, doesn’t want two examples of these, because what you
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just said would be great, but based on the events in crocus, that means that’s how much i i saw, well, relatives there , they give interviews, everyone says, oh, he says, there is our boy, our nephew,
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who was expressed by a colleague, namely, that this tool can influence not so much the terrorist himself, not so much his family, his immediate circle , how much for such a phenomenon as the diaspora. it is very well known that within these structures, no matter the dzhikslikh
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or some other nationality, there are very good internal relationships, there is a hierarchy, there are leaders, there are economic first turn interests. what is happening on their territory , conditionally, let’s say, in their community, and it would be more timely to broadcast, create their own intelligence networks inside, they already have them, but force these networks to work for the interests of the state, including
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because if the russian federation now cannot refuse the services of migrants for objective economic reasons, but how can we get from the leaders of diasporas, let’s call them, this greater activity, because...
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a country in the last century that spread collective responsibility on the entire people, this country is called nazi germany, period, now further, when we begin to condemn the idea collectively. from the point of view of benefits, i feel ashamed of those who give examples, the whole world history shows that this topic is generally raised, because, well,
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firstly, from a practical point of view, all this doesn’t work at all, everything that happens in israel, does not help them in any way to avoid terrorist attacks, then there would not have been the terrorist attack that hamas carried out at the end of the past, at the end last year, in the united states, prisons in which were sentenced for the united states, in which torture...
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shook ourselves off. during the spring sale , we change clothes, change shoes, and also transform ourselves. we're shopping for cool things, i like this update, wake up, sale on ozone, a set of tifaly frying pans for 2,499, kremlin candies and dried fruits for 299, melik face mask for 299. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue . let's not talk about the possibility of punishing some families or relatives of terrorists, but directly about themselves, which countries, what punishments are used for terrorists, the range is very wide, from the most harsh and cruel, to northern europe, where the punishment for a terrorist can be so lenient that you don’t even believe that a terrorist punished. in february last year, a law on the death
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penalty for terrorists was adopted in israel, the death penalty threatens those who act intentionally or maliciously. does not scare radical militants. allahu akbar! allahu akbar! execute for terrorism can occur in the united states. back in 2015, dzhakhar tsarnaev was sentenced to death for the boston marathon bombing. however, tsarnaev is still challenging the court’s decision, and his case has been reviewed more than once. at the same time, the majority of those convicted of terrorism in the united states are sent to prison, and especially dangerous criminals were sent to guantana. this maximum security prison is known for its secretive torture of prisoners. there, often without trial, they are deprived of food and sleep, and also tortured with water; mock executions are also practiced. from 2002 through guantano we passed almost 800 criminals. now, according to the pentagon, there are about three
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dozen prisoners there. they tore all our clothes off, threw mud at us, beat us with their fists and humiliated us in ways that are hard to describe even now. they wanted to deprive us of our sense of individualism and humanity and assign each of us our own number. and we will remember our numbers to this day. how things are in tolerant europe, where even outright radicals can, as they say, pump up rights. so the organizer of the terrorist attack in the paris bataclan concert hall, salah abdyslam, demanded that he be transferred to serve his life sentence in belgium. according to his lawyer, the terrorist grew up there and has family ties. after lengthy proceedings, he was finally sent to a french prison. lawyers come to his defense, essentially downplaying his role in the paris attacks. they characterize him more as a follower than a leader. the defense insists on... a fair trial, but the norwegian terrorist anders breivik, who shot 77 people, is kept in a three-room cell with a separate a bedroom, an office and a personal gym
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, the inmate also has a library at his disposal, the opportunity to correspond and walk in the yard, however, even such royal conditions do not suit him: in 2014, breibik threatened to go on a hunger strike if he was not given the latest game console, while the conditions of his detention calls, quote, sadistic. throughout... some of his truly twisted theories and ideologies. vladimirich, since these news regularly come about breivik, they didn’t give me a stupid stake, that’s literally the day before yesterday, when you were discussing this, somewhere they told you: how
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do they really treat him in norway? he was given a sentence of 21 years, with the possibility of extending the sentence, let me remind you that he has the possibility of parole a year ago, and he was refused, so to think that everything is very wonderful there, no, another question is that compared, for example, to an afghan prison where they throw you, there is no prison as such, there is a pit where everyone throws you. i forget about you, here, of course, the conditions are completely different, i it seems, vanya, he wasn’t asking a question about the conditions, but about the fact that after breivik
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there was nothing like that in norway, no such terrorist attacks, but let’s say in israel, where right there they continue all the time, well, it’s difficult to compare israel, so say norway, simply because in one place they are more ideological. strong terrorists, on the other side are less ideologues, well, breivik is some kind of crazy, probably there, and the hamas people there were sentenced to withdraw, certain deviations in the psyche were established, well, but nevertheless he got that the punishment he received is unlikely to come out of it, then the question is the inevitability of punishment, that is, society should, but if the terrorist is not afraid of this punishment, you know, the intolerance of society, we were just told that family members should report: " unfortunately , the bodies of the federal security service are extremely sparing and rarely inform us about those detected, prevented, and there are a huge number of them,
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well, relatively speaking, so to speak, 148 last year, that is, if we could, where did this information come from, this is from the nearest those surrounding people who are ready to do something, caring people, from among families, from the immediate environment, report this, it’s normal.
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an executive system has been formed, yes , quite humanely from the side of the law and quite harsh in relation to the separation of such non-humans from society, because we cannot kill them for one simple reason, because we ourselves become murderers, but we can take their lives in prison, in prison life imprisonment, believe me, the prisons that
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are provided for such people. not people, without torture, with some psychological pressure, everything within the framework of the law, calmly for a year they deprive this non-fiend of his personality and a component of life in general as such, and so on for the rest of his life , but repentance is not necessary, why, and for one simple reason, neither the relatives of this repentance feel good will not be, nor will society be able to accept a unit that has accepted itself. i repeat once again, this is not a person, it is impossible to contact him, it is like a cancerous disease, you will touch him, you yourself will get sick, so you need it as much as possible separate from society, separate so that this cancer does not spread to your neighbors, you stayed with us, yes, look, i suggest
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being honest with yourself, if we are talking about the punishment system that exists in the russian federation, of course, this is not about correction, not about possible repentance in the long run, it is certainly all about retribution , this concerns not only, this is bad, but i ’ll return it now, this is a question for all of us, is this good or bad, our system is structured rather strangely, that is, for example, torture is prohibited by law, but now show they are not embarrassed, according to the law. there is no death penalty, but bad people die in prisons , there are terrorists there, like salman raduev, we have a lot of things, there is no collective responsibility, but would you have seen the tajiks in my store after this terrible terrorist attack, well, that is, they understood, that they will already come to them, that is, there is no collective responsibility, but it exists, in our case it has largely come in their heads, perhaps, but they clearly knew that
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they would come for them. they will ask persistently and scaredly, why? because those worked the mechanisms that maria sergeevna spoke about are within the diaspora, that is, we don’t have a lot of things, but in fact we do, and sometimes a thought creeps into my head that perhaps this is just adequate to the conditions in which we find ourselves, well then this is good, on the one hand it’s good.
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if you look at the public, the same telegram, they write about the increase in sales of all kinds of psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, because of course people are scared, people are traumatized, so...
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the conversation has gone a little off topic, let's correct it terrorist, we won’t correct the terrorist , in fact it’s not so important, if he ’s already detained in the hands of law enforcement agencies, then in principle, well, we’re already on the right path, but these people who are accused of terrorism or already convicted under this article, it is necessary to study not only investigators, but first of all, a psychologist and psychiatrist, and there should be the most competent work in this direction. such double terrorist attacks, when the organizer is abroad and under the guise telephone scammers absolutely come from
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the other end, as a rule, coming through a person’s financial problems, even through personal ones, how they get this information is a separate question, they are disoriented people, with low intelligence, with high intelligence... but everything has a mechanism , we need to decompose this scheme from the inside, it needs to be studied, now , when we talk about low intelligence and everything else, we are just making a diagnosis, but we need to understand the whole thing, everything, everything , it’s been numb there for a long time, i probably wanted to say today ,
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to respond to the position on diasporas that under no circumstances should any power be delegated to diasporas, because otherwise it would be double government, not power, but a kind of duty. when there are performers in russia and customers conditionally abroad, here’s the question of punishment, but if you look from the point of view of elementary banal efficiency, will we be able to reduce to zero or to a certain minimum the number of idiots within the country who will be caught for these fraudulent ...can be up to minimum, but idiots react well to such a feeling as fear, if they had fear, but how many times and how many of our officials have already said in plain text that for setting fire to conventional real cabinets so many years in prison, no, we still don’t work,
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therefore, unfortunately, the punishment of only the customers works here, here we return to extrajudicial actions, we return to the issue of liquidating people... we must definitely punish the perpetrators, but the effect of this will be minimal, i just don’t know whether they or idiots or some very smart people and believe that this will not happen to them, because this is what some person heard, probably saw a lot of such examples, knows how it will end, still does the same thing, because he is sure that this will not happen to him, the phone is recording itself, let’s take a pause , we need to do it. but we will continue in a few minutes with calcium detrinic for the health of hair, nails and teeth, so artists
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for me there were some heroes, khatab, there was shamil bassai, i thought, that’s it, oh, damn it, when they was shown on tv, when i already went there myself, i already saw it all myself, i think , well, yes, it’s not that there is general chaos there, in 2006, nurpasha kulaev, the only surviving militant who participated in the seizure of the school in beslan , he received the highest penalty in russia - life imprisonment, several years ago he tried to apply for a review of the sentence, but the court rejected his request, before that i had not heard about him, about beslanok, nothing, at school he was talking when they will fulfill our first demand, in short, in short, we will release the hostages immediately. chechen terrorist salauddin temerbululatov will also spend the rest of his life in prison. he
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was convicted in 2001 under 30 articles of the criminal code, including murder, kidnapping and hostage-taking. timir bulatov. called one of the most brutal chechen militants. taking into account the circumstances, the court sentenced timerguvatov to be found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment . however, often convicted terrorists in prison do not live to old age. salman died in custody 4 years ago temirbulatov, who was sentenced to 20 years in 2004 for participation in illegal gangs. according to the investigation, he acted under the personal control of shemil basayev. in 2002 , militant salman raduev died in prison from chronic diseases a year after his imprisonment. he was a former commander of the terrorist dudayev’s army and called for war with russia. and his most famous terrorist attack was the attack on a hospital and maternity hospital in kizlyari in 1996. andrey borisevich,
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you said that this absolute evil, yes, must absolutely be destroyed. yuri alexandrovich, in general, probably. it turns out that i supported you when i said that , in general, we don’t need any repentance from them, but you see, in some episodes, those who receive a life sentence, they then begin to ask for pardon, that is , apparently or not, nothing really happened to them there, it’s all a fiction, you know , two people are fighting in me, well, probably, like in every russian person, god belongs to god, and to caesar what belongs to caesar, it is written in scripture,
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that they have the right to kill innocent people, that's when they showed these terrorists, for some reason i remembered the azov people, yes, the azov people, who were arrested by the vassals, who hid behind civilians, who blew up the drama theater, and you know, they were all beaten like that, when they were taken prisoner, they all repented so much, they were all just like that , and then suddenly, when they were exchanged, they became completely.
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to analyze, if indeed, how, there were publications that people were simply blackmailed,
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they are victims to some extent, we need to understand and maybe the state should even show mercy and condescension towards them, so that now they something has already been really blown up, it needs to be sorted out every time, there’s no need to do this with murderers, with non-humans, i ’m listening to you correctly, they said that next time they’ll blow up something, which they actually blew up.
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the only thing that upsets these people is fear for their own lives, they feel sorry for themselves that they are being sent to prison, that they cannot live a full life for their own skin, it’s scary, but for a very long time they are not afraid for their own skin , yes, they are not afraid when they do everything, but then when they fall into the hands of the industry, we continue to communicate about the fact that we must fight internally about something, why fight here, we have a law, are those convicted of this?
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a little more than one square meter per animal, then you take a step, and it’s a different animal, but you can’t see them there at all, the neighbors don’t sleep at night because of the loud barking, they are suffocated by the smell of cat and dog excrement, they howl, they fight among themselves, the same rags are hung after the dogs, the residents of the house are afraid that one day the neighbor's dogs will tear them to pieces, they began to rush at me, i i was very... very scared whether the owner would hear the neighbors’ pleas behind the dog, she’s pissing right here and will come up with a special idea, before this story i only felt sorry for the neighbors, now
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i feel sorry for the animals, they could get together, say, nat, maybe something for you help, they do not have the right to go to court and you will have to pay moral damages in this court, this is beyond the bounds, today is 16:45 on ntv, black sun, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv, credit. sbirkart is beneficial in any situation. interest free period of 120 days starts every month and service notice free forever. this is why the zber credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. bright, laconic, romantic. new spring. new you. choose your look with a spring mood on ozone. want? for life to remain
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somewhat a method by which some people realize their goals, and in order to , then let’s not punish them at all, if it is pointless, no, it is necessary to punish, but this is more likely retribution rather than prevention in this case, and in order to there was less terrorism, it is necessary to deprive those socio-economic and other problems that underlie the fact that people choose such methods, for the girl, well, i want to say that the question is not severity, but inevitability, that is, punishment should be borne not only by the performers whom we see. on tv, but all those accomplices and certainly organizers, then we have a chance that we can really overcome, yeah, anton valerievich, completely overcome terrorism, like any other crime, it’s impossible, it can be minimized, which means , as for inevitability, it is completely inevitability, but the only thing is that punishment is not the only tool for combating terrorism
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and minimizing it, and not even the most important one, here is preventive work, if we understand , terrorism could not be dealt with normally, the difference was that in the nineties and two thousand in the northern caucasus there was work below, in addition to the work of the security forces, that is , clarification, explanation, work with people, and russian... the empire at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries acted only in a forceful manner, feel the difference, so it’s better, i didn’t understand you, then the problem was solved for some time, then the problem was not
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solved in the russian empire the problem was not solved, it was driven into a corner and came out to us later, we all remember why, i’m afraid that this problem, yes, it is not yet very clear how to solve it, not in any country, at any time, so, today we we finish the meeting place on ntv, weekdays 14:00 that's it. it is very important for us that children do not end up in institutions, so that we immediately work out family arrangements. the commissioner for children's rights spoke about how they will help children left orphans after the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. deliveries of f-16 will not change anything, but...


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