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tv   DNK  NTV  March 29, 2024 4:50pm-5:56pm MSK

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to find out if he was right, evgeniy mitkov came to us. hello, evgeniy, hello, why do you think that your ex-wife gave birth to a child from her ex-husband? well, 9 years ago this situation began, that they met with their ex- husband very often. since they have a common child, polina. did you know that she was dating him? of course, i knew, that is, i did not prohibit it. what started to confuse me was that before, it was as if everything was out in the open, well, that is, i knew about it, about their trips there. well, the last time of life began like this, that they hid it all from me. i learned about these concealments, i learned this from my daughter, from polina. here they are, for example, somewhere. they’re leaving, they
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’ve been gone for a long time, i ask polina, i say, where have you been? she says to me: we were at dad’s, wife’s, and what were you doing there? well , i say, i played there with my grandmother, not with my grandmother, my dad and mom often spent time in bed, kissing, hugging, something might have been wrong, i might have misunderstood, well, everything is possible, but again anastasia asked me a question. well, more precisely, i asked her a question, i say, like this so anastasia is your ex-wife, but to which nastya answered me that well, yes , why do you believe the child, and do i understand correctly that just after that the wife told you that she was pregnant, this is literally in two weeks was how you reacted to this, initially i reacted, i was glad , of course, that i would become a father, i wanted to come to terms with the fact that maybe the child was really wrong about something, at that time you and anastasia were ? no, she
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was already pregnant, it was about two weeks ago it turned out that she got into an accident, was riding a bike, crossed the road, got into an accident, i came to see her at the hospital, she complained to me that this is who needs me now, she’s all in pain, in wounds, well i forgot about all the other problems and proposed to her, she literally left the hospital and after 2 days we got married. how long did your marriage last? not for long, probably about two months, after which you decided to get a divorce, when it became systematic, that is, her trips, that is, she could get ready at night, go to pharmacy, supposedly she felt bad there, then she had a toothache there , or a headache, there was such a case in my life, we met with my friend, well , that is, my friend, i she, we decided to celebrate a holiday, and i decided to check for honesty in general, although he... i kind of already
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had suspicions before this, that she slept with him, i offered sex, well, how can i put it, a threesome, to which she seemed to agree, i didn’t participate i began to accept this, and they continued, that was the point, of course, that’s all, if the woman seemed to lie under the man, under my friend, especially before my eyes, maybe she did , considering that...
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before evgeniy, that is, i no longer had any close ones at all, especially since i didn’t have a close relationship with her, after the divorce you and your ex-wife often met , after the divorce , well, just like, well, she came there to see her daughter, the fact is that your daughter herself told evgeniy that when she was walking with her grandmother, you and your mother were lying in bed, i even thought about this it doesn’t even flash through my mind, i
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can’t even imagine, but you told evgeniy, that this can’t be, i told everyone this , for kiril, i tell him, well, you shouldn’t be like that, kiryukha, well, you’re the spitting image of... what a handsome guy, snotty, evgeniy says that his ex-wife hid meetings with you from him , and what kind of meetings, there were no secret meetings, everything was, i don’t know, she also came when all the parents were at home, we had a conflict, a conflict when i arrived, and you also lived on the first floor on this, on mechurino, on mechurino, yes, it may be before the new year, yes, when i left, when yes, then there is when there we went out with an ax and a knife, that is. what kind of ax do you have the knife with, well, i was just cutting this onion with a knife, that is , they hid the fact that she was there, i knocked the knife out of his hand, and you didn’t come together, he climbed again, no, she was there i don’t know about you, he went for the knife again, i pulled the knife out, the neighbors already jumped out,
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i seemed to take nastya out of there, evgeniya, you asked anastasia then why she ended up with her ex-husband, it was the new year, well, it started disappear even before pregnancy polina, my daughter, there was some little man who came from nizhnevartovsk and came to novokuznetsk to study with us. i don’t know how she met him, in general, maybe through some social networks, but she often began to disappear on zapsib, well, our area is like that, she spent the night with this little man there, she said
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that it was just like friendly relations there, she started having headaches there, yes, but for me only an overnight pharmacy will save me, the pharmacy repeats, so i went to your pharmacy too, but it all started, probably. are you sure from me that polina your daughter? mine, because she is curly , like me in the nursery, and as you think, kirill is like evgeniy’s son, in some ways he looks like him, so i told zhenya, even let’s say, that kirill is mine, i am his said, zhen , this is not so, not at all, but maybe it’s not yours, and not evgeniy’s, but someone else’s, and this may be, after those incidents that affected... me, in what way be. alexander, do you think evgeny mitko has reason to doubt that his son is his own by blood? i believe that there is a reason, as a repeated case pharmacies, repeated strangers' men , repeated excuses
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, repeated disappearances at night, these are all reasons to think that there is and one can even assume that there is a fifth candidate, not only the friend with whom the three of us proposed, but there may be more. evgenia, why didn’t you undergo a genetic examination with kirill earlier? well , somehow, until she filed for alimony, we somehow still, no, no, we met, we saw each other somehow, so, and then this started happening, that she filed for alimony started calling me before kirill then i’m dad, then i’m uncle, that is , she herself began to confuse the child, who am i even for him, that is, the question became blunt, how...
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i want to pay both, and so that it was, well, my children, and i wanted i wish i could ask nastya as much as i can, i say, well, since i’m paying, yes , well, how will i pay some alimony, i want, of course, to see my child communicate more often, but she doesn’t let me, it turns out, she doesn’t let me , your common ex-wife knows exactly which of you is kiril’s father, our guest is anastasia velichko, anastasia, hello, you are back again position? yes, hello, who is the lucky father? yurien ivan viktorovich, is this your new husband? yes, official? no unfortunately.
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how many months pregnant are you now? on the fourth. and somehow your child turns out. and the third one from whom? and the third one is also from the third man. ivan, tell me. doubts his children, no, no one else doubts, god willing, but the fact that evgeniy mitko doubts confuses you, well, in general, yes, i think that he has no reason for that...
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i just hear. anastasia, tell us the story of how you met evgeniy. mitko. when we established a relationship with evgeniy velichko, we no longer lived together. i rented a room, lived alone, that is , it was like my daughter lived with evgeniy velichko, because i was constantly working, that is , my schedule was such that i did not have the opportunity to pick up, and we agreed with him, verbally agreed that his daughter will stay with him for now. until i restore some of these living conditions, that is, well, they agreed, he
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lived with his mother, with his stepfathers, well, after some time, evgeniy wrote to me on social networks, hello, i immediately told him, i say, i’m married, well, as if i was officially married, that is, well, how i would like to push him away from me right away, well , so as not to get involved, nevertheless he says, i want after all, for us to be here, well, at least let’s talk about...
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with my daughter, i had to pick up a blouse there, i asked him to cut my bangs, so we kissed goodbye, my daughter stood there and saw everything, then we told him that that was it, well, we said goodbye to everything, well, my daughter and i went, then we came to evgeniy metko where he worked, my daughter went to swing on the swing, and i went to get into the car, he went to get my daughter, pick her up from the swing, and go there too... an enraged man comes up to me at home, gets into the car and starts
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telling me about that i’m so whippy, i walk around, looking for affection, love on the side, that i ’m missing something in my life, that i’m all so bad, i say what happened, he says, i just asked polina where were you, you, she told me that you were with your first husband, i said, okay, okay, well, i i really hid this fact from him because i didn’t want to upset him.
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when we met him, i was very young, i was still a student , i found myself in a difficult life situation, he, oh, as one might say, caressed me there, and without seeing this, i didn’t... parental love, apparently , i melted from this, trusted him and didn’t look at the fact that he wasn’t leading a very healthy lifestyle, yeah, how many years have you been married? 5 years passed in marriage, i couldn’t get pregnant for 2 years, after 2 years i still i got pregnant, just graduated from school there , and found out that in my situation,
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unfortunately, i couldn’t get a job because i had very severe toxicosis. i didn’t have an abortion either, i consulted with evgeniy velichko, he said we’ll keep the child, that is, it’s like it’s mine, the child says, i say, it’s your child, i say, you’ll see, that is, that was the question, but everyone asks this question, do you remember this moment when you signed the divorce petition, yes, i remember, this happened already in a relationship with evgeniy michko, i came to evgeny velichko after another quarrel with evgeny mitko, evgeny mitko called me. asked where i was, i honestly said that i was with my ex-husband, he knew where he lived, because he had already come there before, to find out the relationship with him is still what it would be like, ask him if she is needed you at all or not, evgeny velichko said that he didn’t need me, and then i came up with the reason that i supposedly came to see my daughter, so evgenia mitko called and
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asked where i came, by car arrived, stood up. under the window of this apartment , he said that he loves me very much, that he doesn’t want to lose me, that he wants everything to be fine with us, that i will be very happy with him, that i will be right, i won’t regret it at all, that i now i’ll stay with him, well, he said something so that i would trust him, that you wrote this statement right then, yes, he said then, he says, he’s only saying, in order for us to start this relationship with you clean slate, please divorce him. right here now, he says, so that i can see, and there is a window right on the first floor of the apartment, right now, he says, just so that i can see, well, i took a piece of paper and started writing that i was going to court, and did you know how to write an application for divorce, well, a few days before that , evgeniy and i went to court, and i wrote a draft, yeah, this was already the second application for divorce
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that you wrote, well, it doesn’t count as a draft, it was just that i wrote it off, roughly speaking, the stand folded it up so i put it in and you had it with you, it turns out, well, for a while, yes, it was with you me with her, well, so that evgeniy mitko would be calm, that i seemed to agree to get a divorce, i was still at that moment, of course, tossing around, so she says so touchingly, you know, i want to believe, you know, touchingly, sincerely, but how she’s easy -going, and once she went to one, once she’ll go back to another, you know, i don’t believe you, well , i’m accusing you that he’s to blame. this one is to blame, the third one, the one you are with now, for some reason i am 100% sure that you will succeed exactly the same as with your previous husbands, unfortunately, it won’t work out that way, because there is no official marriage, not just an official marriage, in general, that is, that’s not even the point, evgeniy really married me after the birth of his daughter, this happened when he
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got a job, at work he they said that if you get married... then you will receive a gift for the child, and for the sake of a gift at work, he decided to marry you, for a gift at work, he got married, tell me what kind of gift it was, well, an ordinary sweet gift from the company, new year's gift, yes, why are you still now bear the name of your first ex-husband, because evgeny mitko asked me to take a car loan from a car dealership, i came to this car dealership, they approved the loan, i... bought him a car, but i bought , of course, a car, it turns out, for myself , but i don’t have a license, but evgeniy mitko has a license, and he drove this car, in which he later left me, since the ptska was in the bank under the name velichko, because when we bought the car, we were not yet married, i left a lot
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during a divorce, because when i thought that i would still pay off this car loan, when i come to the bank for... when a child is born, in a month you must register this child, if you do not register him, you will be given a fine . i come to register my son, kirill, they tell me: i need a dad , i say, the dad is in another city altogether, can you imagine, the dad doesn’t have one, i stand, roar in this place where children are registered, and they
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tell me, we won’t register without a father , i just got hysterical, i'm going to get there tomorrow for a fine, i don’t have money , i rent an apartment, i have nothing to live on, you gave birth in marriage, i had to give birth in marriage, well, that means you were officially married, officially the child must be registered as the father, well, they demanded his passport, but i don’t have... neither him nor his passport, he was in another city with another woman, she was already there, he got into the car, took her and left altogether, i didn’t even know where he was, nor his phone number, i i didn’t know him, nothing at all, evgenia, explain how this happened, it turns out you had already a new love, you yourself had a new love in your marriage, you accuse me of starting a relationship with you when i was married, i mean, but you didn’t divorce me right away either, let’s not do it, after these ones. .. the fact that you are your partying and you were walking , yes, i found another woman, got ready and yes, i left for the city of krasnoyarsk, and what she says is that she didn’t know, that i am there
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, this lies, she knew that i was in krasnoyarsk, she wrote a report for car theft, they found me there, i came here, brought the car, gave me the keys, gave everything, all the documents, this is ours, no punishment for you for theft? no matter how many times i paid for all this and how i delivered the car, but when anastasia went to fill out documents for the child, you were in another city with another woman, i may have already been here, at the moment you are officially kirill’s father, at the moment yes, i’m officially kirill’s father, anastasia? yes, but is evgeniy only the official father or the biological father too? and the biological father too. so who is nine-year-old kirill’s dad? his official father, his mother’s first husband, or
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a third man? genetic examination will answer all questions immediately after advertising. all the fans of the group nana dreamed of marrying him. oh, what a shame, what a shame. is it the first time to go out in shorts? he hid his chosen one for 5 years, he is a fairly private person, and for a woman it sounds like, well, he doesn’t need me, can he cope with the role of a young father, he was always in touch , they sent the video right away, another half was not cut, why ran away from mom to bari alibasov, that’s it will you change your mind when you don’t know where he is and don’t know what’s wrong with him? i understand that i was wicked in this situation. and who broke his eldest daughter's heart? it so happened that i fell in love with a boy from the moscow region, abandoned him and moved to russia. vladimir
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be on the site, one day tomorrow at 14:05 on ntv. this is dna, and today in our studio evgeny mitko from novokuznetsk decided find out whether his official son is his own by blood, to whom he has not paid child support for 9 years. evgeny, have you seen your son lately? i saw him a year ago, why? what "why? well, you saw him only a year ago, and you won’t let me see him, let’s start, you promised in the summer that you would take the kids to the park, i made him happy, i say, your dad called, i say, yours, i say, your real dad, i i don’t tell him that uncle zhenya is there, or something else, i say, your real dad called, you sing beautifully here, when it comes to this case, you start, then you have only problems, then others , but the last time we saw each other was when you came to school
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and asked me to come with him, was there when i received textbooks and all that, that was all our meeting, and then it starts for you, then you don’t have time, anything else, you think that kirill’s appearance doesn’t look like you, well, i don’t know, for me his appearance doesn’t look like him, again, we don’t see each other much, that’s why i have a photograph, we also have him photograph, let's look at it all together, there's nothing special about mine, the worst thing is that genetics... was completely passed on, he does not raise the child , he does not communicate with the child, but the child completely copies his facial expressions, his movement, this is generally simple, that is, the child looks like evgeniy mitko, yes, yulia, that’s who you think kirill looks like, evgeniy mitko or evgeniy velichko, but for me they look like evgeniy mitko, eyes, nose and lips, all the features of the eyebrows, the men
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are similar to each other. yes, for me it will change that i, through the court or in some way, i want him, i have no prohibitions on seeing him, there will be only one prohibition, this is your unhealthy lifestyle, i never prevented him from meeting his son, but only when he called me in a healthy lifestyle, how could i let the child go for a walk, knowing that the child... was very afraid of him in this state, we just had this fact , i received alimony, the bailiffs, because they seized his account, i received alimony, on the eve of the new year, i don’t remember how much, how old kiryushka was, he
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was probably six or seven years old, alimony came, i mean to the kids: money, let's go, we'll buy you gifts for the new year, there, i tell you, from dad, i say, the money has arrived , i say, i received an advance payment there, i say , i’ll buy these polinochkas there for my daughter, and i’ll buy them for you, kiyush, i say, there’s a great opportunity here, i say, to give you a good gift there, which you in general, you want this for the new year, we got ready, went to the shopping center, bought a gift, evgeniy mitko called me and asked what you were doing there, well , because his money was written off, i need to clarify, i told him that we are now going to the mall to buy gifts for the children. for the new year with the same money that just came from him, he says, okay, he says, it’s possible, he says, i ’ll come too, i say, of course. i say , i don’t mind, we met there in a shopping center, he began to rush at me, grabbed me, began to threaten me so that i would take the executive, so that money would stop being written off from him, that i was spending it in the wrong place, in the wrong place at all, where it should be, we just
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quietly said that we were going to the toilet, i said, let’s go to the toilet now, and there we escaped through the back exit of the shopping center, this a lie, it’s not a lie, it’s the pure truth, it ’s a lie, this has never happened and... the fact that you constantly turn kirill against me, yes. anastasia, did you file for alimony immediately after the divorce? immediately, as soon as i divorced him, i first filed for alimony. when the writ of execution lay with the bailiffs for literally what, six months, evgenia mitku turned to me with a plea that i take it, because his ex-wife left him, kicked him out, said that she was asking for his child, which she gave birth to him, well, from the second marriage, that’s when we still. then they got married and he married again, his second son, timur, was born in the same year in which i gave birth to kirill, in the fifteenth year this woman finds herself another man and declares that this child whom she
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gave birth to from evgeniy myatko is not for her needed , she asks him to take him, he takes him, well, as if he needs it too, so that he can work, and support a small child, and somewhere on... he can live, because his own home he doesn't have it, he sold it, he he had a corner in the apartment, that is, he took the child, and you took the writ of execution? he called me and said: listen, i have such a deplorable situation, he says: nastya, i say, i’m literally surviving, he says, my dear, he says, please, he says, at least now, he says, let me breathe, let me, he says , please , raise the child, you say, after all , there is a man with whom you live, i say, as far as possible, i will help you with something there, just please, take it and do it. deprived him of parental rights, the third woman who gave birth to a son from him,
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she didn’t even register him as his father, she is now raising this child by his father, he also saw that he leads an interesting lifestyle, not because of this , that is, it turns out that you have three children, i have three, and sons, but at the same time you are deprived of parental rights for one, well...
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you are the father of kirill, today he also came to us, in the ivan yurin studio. hello! hello, how long have you been together with anastasia? well, about 9 years already we live. why haven't you gotten married yet? anything can happen, our relationship is so complicated. she refused at one time, i refused. we literally met him when kiryushka was six months old, that is, at first i divorced evgeniy and only then started a relationship with ivan, although i met him a little earlier, while still married. i met him, but we had nothing,
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we just corresponded with him also on the internet, there he seemed to say that i liked you, come on, and i, so as not to to repeat that experience of those relationships in the past, i told him, i say, i have, he says, now i’m saying, i’m saying so many problems, come on, i’m saying, i’m saying now, at least i’ll solve some of my problems, and if you don’t change your mind about contacting me, i still have two young children, i live in a rented apartment, as if, well , i essentially don’t have my own home, there’s a house in the village. doesn’t count at all, it’s impossible to live there, that is, some other nuances arose there, there’s really no work, i say, if you’re you’re not afraid of everything, then please , come on, that’s it, i got divorced only then we started a relationship with ivan, literally a year later he proposes to me, and i understand, god forbid again, something like this will have to get divorced, i’m generally i’m not ready for this, we actually discussed in our plans that we would do this, over time, at least until the children grow up or something else, i don’t know,
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ivan, why you didn’t sign up your son for yourself, well also they were quarreling, just at that moment, when they were quarreling, she registered myself, it turns out that if i registered ilya as ivan, then if we separated, then i would have to apply for alimony again, only this is the reason for your reluctance, you... well, i have a house in the village, i’ll sell it, i’ll want to buy myself something better, ivan, to meet another woman, that is, it will be a joint property, and for the same reason he refused to register with me when he bought an apartment, because he was afraid that he wouldn’t god forbid we have to share it, here is ivan, you have another baby is about to be born. are you even sure that you are the father? yes, of course
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, i’m sure, but this is my copy, evgeniy’s doubts about his joy with kirill, you know? yes, they seem to be similar to each other, what doubt can there be? in your relationship, did anastasia never go to the pharmacy at night or to one of her ex-husbands? there was a thing, they, well , evgeniy... called her there to return this family, as if she would take it for him, then some time passed, this faith disappeared somewhere, that is, it turns out you were breaking up, anastasia she left you back to evgeniy mitko, just as she once left evgeniy metko for evgeniy velichko, well, that is , why did she try this, because the children are like their own father, who was, who was the original. that the second case, that is , to be with your father, with your own, here
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evgeny, what kind of relationship did you have with anastasia, when anastasia left ivan for you, to restore the family, everything was fine, a day, one day, a day or two, that’s all , and then she, well, for a day or two you lived as spouses fully, normally, yes, yes, that is, not that’s why i left you, that you simply demanded intimacy from me, and i said that i was not ready, because i did not end my relationship with ivan. no, guess what, it wasn’t like that , you got up in the morning, went to work, i cooked in the morning, wait, why should i go to work when i had to cross the road, i went to take him to kindergarten, yes i went, i prepared food there -here, that is, i was still kind of waiting for her, and well, vanya arrived, she arrived already with a gazelle, with movers, they were already loading all the things back, moving away from me, anastasia, how are things going for you now?
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well, somewhere, of course, we swear, we quarrel against the backdrop of the fact that the kids don’t listen, that they should still, well, they’re probably just that old now, well, i come there tired from work, no one sleeps there, so what? well, these are the nuances, of course, even during pregnancy, i became very hysterical , probably just like that, because i want everything to be perfect, it doesn’t work out perfectly, so we...
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changes, but not with anyone, but with her first husband, evgeniy velichko. the ex-spouses met often, and the man was burning with curiosity, what they do. the answer that they were connected only by their common daughter polina did not suit him. as a result, it was from polina that evgeniy learned a number of interesting details. polina herself said that mom and dad slept, kissed, hugged. and, of course, after that i started to feel jealous. anastasia assures me it was. just a farewell kiss and nothing more, although she does not hide the thought of returning to the man who was her first love and whose last name she now
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bears, visited more than once, that's just then she decided that it was better for them to remain friends, because i wanted a better life for myself, for my daughter, for my future children that we were planning. the second husband , evgeniy metko, proposed to her exactly a month after he learned about her pregnancy, anastasia recalls, but he did not show up for discharge from the maternity hospital, then, when she needed help with her newborn son, evgeniy had the audacity to come to the child with her new passion, the woman is indignant. we had a quarrel, and after that, of course, i stopped with call him on the phone, communicate with him, in general, i dropped him, ignored him, there’s something like that, when kiryushka was six months old, i met ivan. anastasia gave birth to a son, ilya, from ivan, and now again. from the child , a joyful smile never leaves her face, the children are happy, she is happy too, kirill and polina are already accustomed to calling ivan dad,
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because he does so much for them, somewhere to create some kind of comfort, to offer something there , to restore order there, and together we consult there, that is, basically ivan there, when he buys wallpaper there, he offers it there there, let’s take such and such, i say there, well, let’s at least, let’s do everything together, choose something, sort of, yes, let’s choose and do it together. because you are a professional. polina and kirill also don’t shy away from housework. when little ilya grows up, his mother will find something for him to do. my daughter helps with cleaning, my son goes and buys bread, milk, that ’s it, somehow it happened that this is part of his duties, well, the nearby people go to the stores, it’s like, money is allocated to him, he goes and buys everything, that is, everything seems to be like... everything task, yes, everyone has their own responsibilities, brother and sister have one room for two, small, but everything they need is there, two
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beds, each has their own desk, and for kirill, mom and ivan also set up a horizontal bar, i like to study sports, well , for example, when i’m bored, i go in for sports, do push-ups, pull-ups, do abs, kirill has been asking his mother for a long time to enroll him in sports. i called him, i said that i want to enroll my child in the section, but unfortunately, since i pay the mortgage, that is, i still have a lot other expenses besides my mortgage, i say , the child still needs to develop somehow , go to study there, he says: i didn’t go, didn’t study, didn’t develop, my father didn’t pay me child support either... when i was growing up , so i won’t do this either, grow up as you want, but kirill still continues
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to wait for his dad, his wife, that’s what the boy calls him...
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evgeniy, what will happen if today there is a positive result of a genetic examination? at least, i think so, it will be easier for me to go to court, it would be easier to set a time for me when i can see my son, how can i spend this time with him, the order of communication, the order of communication, yes, that’s how it works out, it seems like i should, but they don’t let me see him, alimony , you will always pay alimony.
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these are the section’s bills, these are some bills for the phone, there are these small expenses somewhere, she pays in full for large purchases, well, these are the ones to go buy a down jacket, i don’t know how evgenia velichka is involved in this issue , so when so this year i called evgeny velichko, asked him to take his daughter to visit him for a few days, i say, because my daughter wants to communicate with you, she came to see him there.
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all the time for all these 9 years that he gave his son what he specifically conveyed, for all 9 years he brought me one sweet gift for a child from work, when he asks for a birth certificate for him, i never refuse him, i he didn’t refuse any help, he called me, asked me for money while i could, i did it after giving birth having taken out a mortgage for my third child, i was no longer able to bear such financial difficulties, and even just that. when he calls me and asks for 100-200 rubles, i can’t transfer them, because i’d rather go and buy a pack of buckwheat with these 100-200 rubles, they ask you, he asks me for money, having arrears in alimony, yes , he asked for that , and he is ready to pay half a million rubles, the person who is talking about me, i am ready to pay alimony for my child, yes i am, evgeniy, what do you think the result of the dna test will be, i’m kind of with
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on the one hand, i want this to be my child, on the other hand... i don’t want to, because i didn’t have anything good in this life with this person, there wasn’t, there wasn’t, anastasia, evgeniy mitko, the father of your son kirill, yes, evgeny, definitely not you, definitely not me, i invite professor, doctor of biological sciences, sergei kiselyov to the studio. sergey lvovich, the floor is yours. in my hands are two envelopes with the results of genetic examinations, which will answer the question of which of anastasia velichko’s ex-husbands gave birth to her son kirill. evgenia mitko remembers when her relationship with anastasia had just begun; she was still married to evgeniy velichko, but
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she believed in the seriousness of her intentions.
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people who turn to us for help do not always know where to look for their relatives. they may be on the other side of the globe, or they may be walking along the same streets. at the age of 13, irina learned from her parents that she was adopted. when they arrived
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at the orphanage, they liked me, but the fact is that i was not alone there, since then i have been dreaming of finding my sister, and she is my dear, youngest, when i am in the city, i walk somewhere and... to me it seems that she is somewhere nearby, as well as the story of polina, who is looking for her biological mother in order to save her own daughter. 13 years old, the geneticist called me and said, tell me your tree, that is, i am an adopted child in the family, i couldn’t tell you anything, for you this search is a matter of life and death, wait for me today at 17:55 on ntv. black. the sun premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. new big special barbecue bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. loratricin is able to alleviate even severe
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sunday at 20:20 on ntv. six months ago, on the body of a girl was found on the river bank, but the examination claims that the body and hands belong to different victims. i think this is nonsense, it only happens in movies. innocent victims. let me go, please. the three girls are all like sisters, similar to cristina ungureanu. ghosts of the past. my wife was involved in a similar case in st. petersburg, but she was killed. 2 months ago i told your wife everything and gave this damn diary, literally a day later they found me, the enemies who are nearby, what are you hinting at, someone doesn’t want me to keep this is the case, i will find the killer, i swear to you, and the investigation, for which i will have to do anything, fuck you, black sun, quiet, quiet, quiet, wow, i smacked you so good. era from monday at 20:00 on ntv.
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right now, a genetic examination will answer the question: is the father of nine-year-old kirill midko in our studio today? the joy with which his official dad decided to check. second envelope please. a genetic test has just denied the relationship between the nine-year-old. and first husband his mother, next in line is an envelope with the result of a dna test between the boy and his official father, evgeniy midko, who refuses to pay child support to his son until a dna test confirms his relationship with him. evgeniy, are you ready to find out if your cover is native to you?


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