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tv   Smotr  NTV  March 30, 2024 7:25am-8:00am MSK

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historical heritage of the russian federation. air, water and land unmanned vehicles of various types and purposes today play a huge role in armed struggle. combat operations not only on land, but at sea, are impossible to imagine without unmanned aerial vehicles. cadets of the higher naval engineering school are actively engaged in these extremely pressing issues.
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another development also has a direct practical focus; this is a comprehensive training simulator for shipborne radar operators. stations. the relevance of such a simulator is associated with the need to create a radar situation on several devices simultaneously. for conducting practical training both at the scale of the institute and the ship. the device can be
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used in conjunction with other computer simulators. by linking them into a common network, it is possible to form a unified radar situation in a certain area and practice the implementation of various tactical tasks. another interesting and relevant work is the electronic audience and interactive guide. developed on...
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which we cannot show to cadets in practical classes in general, that is, this is a fully developed prototype of the devices. with the help of an electronic classroom, cadets can use not only the school library, but also other repositories of educational scientific information. everything shown is only a small part of the developments of the military scientific society. cadets, you can get acquainted with many interesting developments of future naval officers and their teachers at the annual international military-technical army forum. we try and select the most interesting exhibits that are in every military educational institution. naturally, first of all, we give preference to those exhibits, those developments, those training systems in whose creation, development or improvement we took part. the cadets themselves, that is
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, everything that was created both by the hands of teachers and by the hands of cadets, all the best that exists, it is selected, the most interesting exhibits are presented here in our section. on display. composition of the main steam turbine. the main elements of a steam turbine are the casing, which consists of the upper part of the cover and the lower part of the frame. the turbine rotor, which
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is the driving part of the steam turbine. the main power plant of a surface or underwater ship is a source of mechanical energy that ensures its movement; it is the school graduates who will be responsible for the clear and rhythmic work of the ship’s heart. in the last program we talked about training specialists in the operation of diesel units. today energy the installations of most modern surface ships are equipped with gas turbine engines. training of officers, engineers, mechanics of this profile is carried out to... capable of operating ship gas turbine power plants, boiler turbine power plants. graduates of the department
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serve in various parts of the navy, performing tasks as part of the crews of a wide variety of classes and types of naval ships. its chronicle includes the period when the russian navy was steam powered, to the present day the department combines two specializations, steam power and gas turbine. the cadets perfectly
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understand the importance of their chosen specialty. i chose my specialty based on the fact that a mechanic is probably like, as we were taught, as we are told, without it. a ship is just a target, warhead number five is the largest warhead on a ship, while the engine is running, especially on a voyage, you need to monitor many parameters, not only the engine parts, but also the modular parts that help the ship function from, probably the galley, supplying hot water there until the ship moves, preparing an officer, on whom so much depends on the ship, is extremely difficult. the main professional educational program for training mechanical engineers in the operation of parapower and gas turbine power plants combines both fundamental sciences and practical skills. the development of the system
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of training specialists in the world's oldest military school of its profile keeps pace with the times, and in some ways is ahead of it. digital transformation. our education , it is inevitable, everything related to e-learning, the development of an electronic information educational environment, of course, has not passed by military education, we have to keep up with the times, create educational workplaces with the latest technology, equip them with automated workers in some places, the main shaman of russia says and predicts, why do what to him? helps the missing in hopeless situations, help, i ask you, and that on difficult days
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he says how he heals from ailments, looks for trials, he will predict for all of us, enemies cannot be spared, a special expedition to the main shaman of russia tomorrow at 6 pm on... tv. black sun, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. buy a kitforрд coffee kettle or a kitforрд steam cleaner with discounts. up to 26%. home is where the family is, in the bank house of the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family, again profitable, not again, every day, profitable on the price tag, which means low price, sprats in oil 144.99 , five helps out, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, here movet, yes
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they called me from st. petersburg and ordered me to fire you yesterday. i don’t play by the rules anymore, it was a pleasure to work with you , come on, what do you think, i jumped off, crap, black sun, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv, at the department you can clearly see
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how much teaching methods are being reformatted today, impressive ... or electronic simulators, hardware and software simulators, they significantly increase the efficiency of the educational process, provide deeper knowledge , allow high-quality development of certain practical skills and bring the cadet to the point where he has confidence, there is no fear when working with control panels, directly with equipment, and so on, on such during training , the tension is no less than in naval exercises, the left afterburner engine is ready to start, the left afterburner engine is ready to start, start the left afterburner, start the left afterburner, there is the electromass engine is turned on, the electromass engine is turned on, there is a speed of high pressure, the air transfer belt is open, there is pressure from the fuel
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injectors, there is pressure from the oil going into the engine, there is pressure from the oil going into the gearbox. teachers closely monitor the sequence of actions of cadets and the correct execution of commands. if necessary, indicate errors and inaccuracies. correcting errors and shortcomings during training on simulators allows you to act quickly, clearly and competently in the most difficult real-life situations. based on data in simulators we simulate the launch of afterburning and sustainer engines and prepare them for launch. we look at the parameters, well , in principle, the operation of the engine in various modes, the simulator allows you to practice various introductory, some emergency situations that can happen on a ship, for example, when the engine goes into overdrive, this is one of the most dangerous problems on a ship, the capabilities of modern training
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complexes are huge, but training on real products... they will not replace. it is these classes that provide the most practical result. the educational and material base of the school has a real gas turbine unit, analogues of which are installed on warships of a number of projects. the cadets are immersed in the atmosphere of the ship's engine room. they say here: an engineer can do anything. maybe because knowledge is skills. which are given at the school, allow its graduates to solve not only ordinary, but also the most non-standard problems. the formation of engineering thinking is of great importance for this. when faced with some kind of emergency situation on the ship, this undoubtedly helps them quickly
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develop some non-standard solutions to prevent some or other, including emergencies. situations. next to the specialists responsible for the movement of the ship, those who perform tasks related to its energy supply serve. well, in general, it’s hard to imagine the life of a modern person without electricity, including lighting, numerous household appliances, cars, airplanes, and even more so any ship, if we take it, it’s hard to imagine its life without officers or... a modern ship it is impossible to imagine without electricity, electrical and electronic equipment, without power supply, not sending shells and missiles for firing, not turning artillery towers and torpedo tubes, locators and antennas, navigational instruments and many other
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equipment will not function. specialists ensuring the uninterrupted operation of dozens and hundreds of ship systems. study at the department of electric power systems, well, the main task of the department is to train highly qualified personnel for navy, the department is unique and trains all specialists, electricians for naval surface ships , nuclear submarines and non-nuclear submarines. in addition, specialists are trained here to operate onshore power supply systems. professionals on whom much depends in the fleet. many graduates of the department serve in other law enforcement agencies and structures. modern electric power industry. innovative, rapidly developing field of technology, changes accordingly and specialist training system. the method
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of training cadets has become close to the method of combat training in the navy; our graduates are already joining the fleet, ready to perform official duties in the primary officer position. theoretical knowledge obtained at the department. strengthened by practical training in modern training complexes, of which there are many. in this room we have a simulator that allows us to practice all modes, including emergency modes of the electrical power system of ships project 22350, 20380, software is loaded that allows you to solve the assigned tasks, power supply to consumers 220.
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the main distribution brushes are exactly the same as on the ship, it was ordered from us at the manufacturer’s plant in the same way, it is installed exactly the same as on the ship. here you can simulate any emergency situation that the cadets must promptly and competently eliminate during training. western launch gas turbine generator number.
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those processes that occur in the electrical power system of the ship, it is impossible to control it, and even more so it is impossible to act correctly in case of accidents or combat emergency damage. communicating with the cadets, we see... how difficult it is for them to learn the specialty of naval electrical engineer and at the same time, we have no doubt that they chose it consciously. an important aspect
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of our life is electricity, in principle, so many things are built on it, i am very interested in understanding how this process works and directly managing it, of course, my choice was influenced by my father, he... higher naval engineering school named after dzerzhinsky. the choice of such specialties is often based on family traditions. dynasties of defenders of the fatherland, officers, and naval engineers continue to take shape. my father advised me to enroll in this department, since he is a specialist. i talked to him and came. studying at the department of radiation,
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chemical and biological protection. when entering the school, they passed a rather difficult exam in chemistry. i would like to say thank you very much teacher who was able to instill in me a love for the discipline of chemistry. well, i have a family of military personnel, i am for myself. well, i decided that i would become a specialist in military matters. the traditional chemical biological protection of the ship, naval forces, house bombs, hand flamethrower, cadets in protective suits and gas masks with gas analyzers and dosimeters depend on specialists. the activities we observe at one of the training sites will seem far from...
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the use of flamethrowers to the uninitiated. significance it is difficult to overestimate these specialists for the russian navy for the defense and security of the country. for the fleet, it is very important to ensure the habitability of ships and radiation safety, especially on a long voyage, when the submarine is under water for a long time. at this time, it is necessary to ensure the gas composition of the air and radiation safety. personnel in various types of situations developing on the ship. cadets study not only the means of radiation, chemical and biological protection. at the department they receive very deep fundamental training. in particular, they must know hydraulics, heat engineering, higher mathematics, chemistry, electronics, electrical engineering, because the main direction of training for our
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cadets. this is training in the operation of automatic control systems for habitability support for nuclear submarines . a lot of class time is devoted to practical exercises. cadets undergo training on so-called hot simulators. these are multipurpose complexes radiation and dosimetric monitoring of nuclear submarines. we also have the latest electrochemical regeneration systems. air, well, all the dosimetry equipment. today , radiation-chemical and biological protection specialists are not only defenders on the battlefield, on a ship or submarine. the realities of our time have clearly demonstrated their importance not only for the navy. in the recent past, nbc protection specialists, hand in hand with doctors, fought
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the pandemic. the end of the story about one of the the most important units of the naval academy, the higher naval engineering school, see our next program. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. france sends its military instructors to ukraine and trains soldiers in the ssu. our task is to force soldiers to overcome their fear. france sends its engineers to kiev and builds military factories in ukraine. france is deploying its air defense system near odessa. well, finally, france is sending in troops and getting directly involved into conflict. in paris, they continue to discuss all sorts of scenarios about what macron and the french generals are actually planning. russia cannot and should not win this war. which of these scenarios could become a reality in the near future? this will be your central television. today at 19:00
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on... vladimir politov, a million-dollar secret, today at 21:20 on ntv. buy a kitforрд coffee kettle or a kitforрд steam cleaner with discounts of up to 26%. we are going on vacation, and we are going. third year, so open it vtb savings account, rate 16%. save up quickly, i’m already flying for you. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection.
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you, only in the top five. global village - ripe for your table. pyaterochka helps out. the watch program says goodbye to you for a week, see you on the ntv channel.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. let's start with news from the fsb. in the stavropol territory, a terrorist attack was prevented in a crowded place. it was prepared by three citizens from central asia. the criminals were detained. during the searches , a homemade explosive device and destructive chemicals were confiscated from them. a criminal case has been opened. today is the ninth day since the tera. throughout the country , mourning events are held in memory of the victims. according to the latest data, 144 people became victims.


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