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tv   Kvartirnik NTV u Margulisa  NTV  March 30, 2024 11:20pm-12:25am MSK

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in his free time from touring on naets , vladimir politov puts on a camouflage suit instead of shiny underpants, takes up a gun or spinning rod instead of a microphone, hunting and fishing has been his passion since childhood. here the shore is steep and a little narrow, let's go further. the star companions follow politov like a leader, because he probably knows where the best fishing spot is and is certainly the first to take the catch off the hook. this is the dream fish. the first fish must be released, right now politov is admitting how he has ruined his health over the years in nana. what's wrong with your joints? volodya? with the joints, well, thank god , everything is fine now, the iron doesn’t hurt, i had an operation on minisk, on two knees at once in 1997, there’s a doctor in the picture.
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looked, and said, you need to get prosthetics in the near future, but in the near future he told me, probably three years, but i went through another 13 years without why the joint was destroyed, yes, because there were a lot of jumps, from the scenery there with scene, somewhere apparently he didn’t land, landed incorrectly, the doctors said that there were cracks, these were the femoral joint, due to the fact that the muscles were strong, well, everything held up, but why wasn’t the crack healed? it has grown together, but the blood supply to the joint is disrupted , and the head of the joint begins to collapse, and my leg began to ache, so i had to saw off the bone , select which bone to saw off the joint in the thigh, this bone itself is the femur, so they saw it off for jellied meat, insert it there a metal joint, the entire joint up to the knee, why not, well, it’s probably 15 centimeters there, how much did you restore the owl? listen, with the first leg, probably
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a month, a month, with the second also, yes, a month, then they changed your joint, yeah, and a month later you were jumping, i didn’t jump, that i carefully went out on stage on crutches, gave the crutches, held on to the microphone stand, and so are you scaring me, there was someone to jump, what are you doing there? jump, you learn to walk again, but after a month you went on crutches, yes, yes, rehabilitation takes a very long time. it’s been a month for me, but i still can’t bend, it’s not the same thing, well, that is, i too for now, well, it will have to be difficult, because the muscles atrophy without, but now i have all this rehabilitation has started, but in general i never thought that this would be such a nightmare, you know, let’s pump it up, i guess? let's find out
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the correct answer and it's in our story: vladimir, as a hunter with forty years of experience, you know that the meat of wild animals is different from the pork and beef we are used to. cutlets number one are made from kasuli meat, number two are made from elk meat. the third number is cutlets made from bear meat, the fourth cutlets are made from boar meat, cutlets number five are made from deer meat. 20,000 rub. v your bank. great. you approach the final of the program with a winnings of 170,000 rubles. volodya, well, first of all, thank you very much for our frank conversation. you introduced the country to your mother with your brother. you finally brought your young wife out of the golden cage and showed your long-awaited son artyom for the first time. but do you have more? one secret, it's in this envelope.
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volodya, please take the envelope, open it, read the question, if you are ready to answer it, we will turn on the light and continue our conversation. volodya, are you ready to reveal your secret million? you know, ler, i live with this secret. i’ve been thinking about this for many years now, every time i fall asleep, i think that let this secret stay with me, and i won’t reveal it even for a million, that’s your right.
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your winnings amounted to 170,000 rubles. what are you up to? will you spend it? i think i'll spend it on charity. volodya, thank you very much, it was a pleasure to talk to you and see you. and a new portion of stellar revelations awaits you in exactly a week on ntv. is it possible to play on the screen of the shredding hall,
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is it possible to jump from the screen directly into the table, no. and if we entered the screen, and the visual itself, and even if we heard that this is not possible, so
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they say, it’s a disaster, it’s a disaster, it’s like that. ey, first you will forgive us, friends, today is an apartment party dedicated to the release of the film the flying ship on the ntv stage, vioproletarian tanga, creative association petra valentinovich,
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thank you very much, thank you very much, an apartment party dedicated to the benefit of the film the flying ship on the ntv stage, nadezhda vasilyeva, the person who made all these costumes, and maxim dunoevsky, who
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wrote this magnificent music. this year, this cartoon turns 45 years old, i am very happy that this cartoon... which delighted many years ago, in general, the entire younger generation, came out as a full-fledged, very good film, thank you, thank you, can i make a comment , of course, your program is wonderful, you have an amazing flair for good cinema, you always invite only those who will make a good film, i hope that we are included in this number or will be. thank you, thank you very much, alexey is a teacher, a small house, a russian stove, a wooden floor, a candle bench, a cat, a purr, a hard-working husband, this is happiness, there is nothing
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sweeter, now i want to invite anya peresi to this stage. who performed the role of fun in this film, anna overpowered, where are you young talent. what unfortunate princesses we are, we are forbidden by law to love in the royal families, this is the ancient order of convenience, we have to get married, but i don’t want to, i don’t want to do so for convenience, but i do it out of love. and i want freedom, freedom, give me freedom, i’m a bird
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i’m flying all over, we tsars have to live in captivity, our youth is wasted, we need to think about the throne all the time, fulfilling the will of the tsar’s father, but i don’t want, i don’t want, but... the field, and i’m in love, but i want love, freedom , freedom, i want freedom, i ’ll catch you like a bird, but i don’t... i don’t want it, i don’t want it out of calculation, but out of love, out of love i want freedom, freedom,
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give me freedom, i'll fly up like a bird, i'll fly up like a bird, i'll fly up like a bird, anna, fall, record orchestra! winline presents unique betting races where you compete with other players, choose tournaments that you like, place more bets , beat your opponents, take the maximum from the prize pool, betting races only on vinline, vinline makes the difference, winline gives 300 without conditions,
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ok, everything is fine, wait, very high , but what about oh, i promised you musical animation, well, well, then let me ask you a question, how did you react when you found out that your daughter sings in the film, well, first of all , i i’m just glad that they have some kind of contact with lya, this generally happened
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regardless of all of us, they agreed among themselves, there were auditions, there was... casting, and then they just presented me with a fait accompli, but i’m very glad, i even came to the set once, saw this incredible beauty, i must also say that the cameraman of this film is marat abdel-fattah, with whom i myself have worked many times, i really love him and generally adore being in his frame, so i haven’t seen the whole film but i'm glad that some kind of cool company is forming inside, so we are waiting for the results and... we will come to the premiere, and you, as a singing mother, take part in the musical, acting education of your daughter, or, in fact , we are still discussing some things , we take advice, it’s just that anya and masha have her own opinion on everything, and often my opinion is subject to great doubts, and the fact that i
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don’t understand something is already looking towards the old farts, so in this case they are independent. well, of course, like a singing mother, it’s funny, i’m anyway, i work with music as an actress , so i probably talk more about the lyrics, that anyway, every song should have a meaning, so it’s probably about the fact that i could talk to her about something, but she’s there she goes to music school, studies, she is already much more educated in this sense than i am, well then what can i offer you? plants. and the accordion, oh, come on, sing some little songs,
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grandma, yeshka, sing, don’t talk.
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the most harmful of people is a villain storyteller, he’s so biting, he’s delicious, you don’t tasty, but it is tasteless, accordion
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actresses of the theater of nations, yulia peressiv, elena nikolaeva, natalya nazdrena, guys, how do you like our choreography? thank you, thank you, yes, hello, thank you, stage, creative association, pyotr valentinovich, give us a song. and
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a small house, a russian stove, a wooden floor , a candle bench, a purring cat, a hard-working husband, that ’s happiness, it couldn’t be sweeter if you... that was my dream, what kind of life would come when, if michka lived, such a life when we conceived, i was without support. get married somehow, just to a woman to get married, her house, so that the cup is full, this is happiness, take off my half porridge, oh,
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if only my dream came true, a dream, what kind of life would come, yes. if the dream came true, such a life, then it would begin, i’m from the city, there’s fun nearby, new lands, new fame, new money, new connections, that’s happiness. in a prince made of dirt, oh, if only my dream would come true.
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children in the arab's house, this is happiness, true, fun, oh, if only my dream would come true, and when it appeared, we would sing.
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song, creative association pyotr valentinovich in the apartment building, dedicated to the exit film the flying ship, thank you very much, thank you guys, max, what complex music you write, the three chords would be these a minor, a seven remino.
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is quite reluctant to accept a new reading in music, it doesn’t break you, no , well, first of all, what sounds today is not a new reading, it’s just really arranging for the ensemble, for new other instruments, it still remains in line the same reading, but when there really are new readings, these are things that are very difficult for composers, a thing to hear your own in a completely different key, i have a positive attitude towards this, because i believe
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that this is the life of a song, like... yes, another generation does it in its own way, the next generation in its own way, and if they do it, then bravo, that means everything worked out, i’m a merman, i’m a merman, no one is following me, inside me, it’s being introduced, well, why bother with something like that, nay. unique betting races where you compete with other players, choose tournaments that you like, place more bets, beat your opponents, take the maximum from the prize pool, betting races only on winline, vinline does.
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complivit every day at an affordable price. let's play and sing! but it’s like 7 days, a small number, but, after all , it knows all the music, all of it, but it seems like nothing, but the whole world sings. oh, they are humbled, and they are sad, seven happy legs, if all the wires, telephone and electrical wires, as well as trolleybus, tram 100,000 strings rang in then, the city of the orchestra we
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became fantastic and the conductor was a simple pedestrian, music, seven amazing but, words for all days, a small number.
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laugh and be sad, happy feet to all. to everyone who sings the quest, you dare to your friends, everyone is happy but, everyone is happy in but, everyone is happy in but.
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creative association valentinovich, thank you, brothers , well done, thank you, finally i have a question for ilya the teacher, i talked with a lot of famous musicians, already elderly like me, and naturally, i asked the question, what stuck with me in childhood, because fact, the music that you heard at an early age will always stay with you throughout life, you took on such a big project , apparently, your dad didn’t show you any films , there was only a cassette with this cartoon, i also had a second train made of daisies, but in principle your disco is normal, why did you take on such a complex project, i i looked at the teaser, and of course, well...
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there are a little more of them, we took a slightly different path, because we clearly understood that we would not write the same hits as in the cartoon, and we took well-known hits that have already become just as popular and tried to weave them into the story, i hope that something worked out, well, i want to wish you creative success in general, in principle, i personally will be waiting for the second part of this film called the train from romashkov. “we are ready, ilya the teacher
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, we will only take it if you play a driver , a locomotive, a driver, in your film i am ready, yes, yes, we have known each other for many years, i persuaded lyosha to cast me, but in all of his by and large , there were no roles for me in films, that is, the best thing that was offered to me, of course, i refused, was the director.” yes, absolutely. good evening.
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i don’t understand why, it happens when the cold weather comes. so the warmth ends, after winter there is spring, after spring there is summer, and then again sima. it’s very strange,
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the gamers flew in, and behind them the pigeons, the brothers at home on the stove, i’m flocking by the road, after... winter is spring, all spring is summer. and then it’s winter again , it’s very sad!
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it’s very strange, yuri pasternak, i am a proletarian tago, now i want to invite dmitry koronevsky to this stage, this is the leader of the proletarian tang. flying ship, dmitry koronevsky, thank you, everyone good evening, maxim isakovich, i have a question for you, uh, there’s a song in the film, and i ’m going, going, going, somewhere a step that was in no, i can say right away, no, this, this is from the musical , which was also made based on a cartoon , which is shown in fifty theaters in russia, but you didn’t give it to the film, no, no one
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asked me, they didn’t ask me, did you miss it, it was very expensive, it was expensive, yes, well, that is, it was enough for someone, not for you, right? in fact, i was supposed to participate in the musical flying ship, not in the film, i wasn’t there they called, what are so many people today who we didn’t invite, excuse me, please, now i ’ll come up so you can see better, but in the play egor druzhinin, who composed the play, but that’s not about that, a wonderful song, ivan’s song, come on, oh yes. i’m a simple person, and i’ll say without hiding that i’ve never seen such beauty, spending money, and now i can’t live without you, i must have fallen in love with the tsar’s daughter, but
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they say love, i’m not an expert, you me.. .sorry, if something is wrong, i’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to talk in vain, if i need something, i don’t mind i’ll help, just blink your eye, i’ll hasten to help, i’m head over heels in love with the tsar’s daughter
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, i want to ask a question to alexey uchitel, there were rumors, alexey efeimovich, that the director, he’s your son, didn’t let you on the set. well these are rumors. are a little exaggerated, i’m just not really needed there, in general one might get the feeling that
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there is some kind of family contract in this movie, but this is not so, although another child, i won’t name yet, participated in this film, i i think i'm really not needed because that the role of a producer, i ’ll tell you this in general, it was my dream to actually make such a movie... based on such a wonderful cartoon with modern technologies, and i myself thought, of course, about directing, but i realized that this is exactly what a movie is it must be done with such enthusiasm, with such energy, and i think that ilya just created this wonderful atmosphere, because in addition to the graphics of everything else, you also need to put some kind of soul into everyone who participates, and the group was huge, there there were probably 500 people, we...
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but it gets, well, i can’t say, i hope that ilya will have another of the same level, let’s say, but in general it’s great, great, i really just envy those who come to the cinema, because it’s for everyone, literally, and for old, young, parents, children , anyone, i’m not exaggerating, i think that these songs will take on a wonderful new life, in a truly new arrangement, and it will be a slightly different performance than today, but it... will be really great , fun, with love, i hope that you all really enjoy this, creators
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film flying ship, alexey uchitel, ilya uchitel, nadezhda vasilyeva, maxim dunoevsky, thank you, now i want to invite my favorites to this stage, the record orchestra! i adore this group, in fact , if anyone has seen, in almost all our big projects the recording orchestra is always present, firstly, they are cool, secondly, they are tactful, thirdly, and importantly, they know how to play , record orchestra. wait, don't sigh, but i don't sigh. to be honest, i only watched this cartoon for the sake of this song, which we are about to sing, are you composer you say such things, no , i’m real, this was actually my main top, not
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a very worthy song, it’s cool in general, it’s the most complex, max, write simple songs, first of all, i don’t know what song you ’re talking about, it doesn’t matter , you don’t have a single simple song, well, the people sing, this is the most important thing, i think that the people sing like some kind of truncated versions, here i am... sizes, but about hares, remember, this is generally understandable it’s impossible, how can you come up with this, genius, i ’m a waterman, i’m a waterman, who would talk to me, otherwise my girlfriends, leeches and frogs, ugh, what disgusting! oh, my life is a tin can, well, it’s in a swamp, i live like a toadstool, and
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i have to fly, and i have to fly, and i want to fly, there are things inside me, well, why don’t we hang around, it’s
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disgusting, eh, life! i’m a wall, and i have her in the linen, i live like a toadstool, and i have to fly, and i have to fly, and i have to fly, i want to fly,
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there is exactly that touch that yes, but i was just indignant, indignant at this and said that how maybe it’s his, all his people, all these leeches, all these frogs, he can’t tell them, ugh, what disgusting, i said, why are they disgusting leeches , disgusting frogs, everything is absolutely normal, you are a genius, let’s count how many times you say it, i will get up every time and say thank you, that...
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101 pockets, and there are girlfriends inside, it’s clear who? if anything, private lessons, skype, add, add to social networks. my life is a tin, i’ll give it to the swamp, i live like a toadstool, and i have to fly, and i have to fly, and i have to fly, i want to hunt, and now, of course, i want
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to give hope. as a producer, they stole the costumes for themselves, or what? yes, no, it's all about the mannequins, not at all what kind of platforms they are not, they will not look good on hangers, no, let you come , and i will do everything for you, okay, in general, i am grateful to alexey, the teacher, who said that go to them, to these young people, they
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need someone an adult, ilyusha, a student, said, okay , let's take it, he asked only three things, so that it was joyful, colorful and that there was no red color, i fulfilled everything, it seems that i’m embarrassed to ask the red one, this was a wish not only for nadya , but also to the artists who make the scenery, because we wanted to make sure that it wasn’t another fairy tale that everyone has already seen with the huts, with all these things, the red red color, and nadya really listened and made multi-colored costumes, but when we came to the decoration of the throne room, it all turned out to be red, but we were able to highlight it like that, in the end, everything really came together, so i was completely wrong, because the artists themselves must harmonize all the colors among themselves and then everything will turn out very beautiful,
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the main thing is that the directors do not interfere. zheniya, regarding the exhibition, i want to say that of course, such costumes, but i think that we are present in any museum, in any place, of course, it would be great, we will try to do it. we'll try. the flying ship is a romantic fairy tale. we always dream about romance. therefore, i want to invite angelina sergeeva to this stage. in the film, this song is sung by annie peresilt and feduk. and we have angelina sergeeva and timofey kopylov. give me a dream, as valery milanovich syudkin says. small house, russian stove, wooden floor, candle paw, cat, muruika, hard-working husband, here
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it is happiness, there is nothing sweeter than it, oh, if only my dream would come true. what a life would begin then, oh, if the dream came true, what a life would begin then, a small house, a russian stove, a wooden floor. melting candle and children in arava's house, this is happiness, really, angelina sergeeva, really, timofey
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kopylov, there is nothing sweeter, oh, if my dream came true, what kind of life would come? then, if the dream came true, what kind of life would then begin. and skaski won in but good, but evil
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was insidious and cunning, if it was always like that. life would come, what kind of life would come, what kind of life would come then, angelina sergeeva, record orchestra! apartment building dedicated to the film flying ship, come to us,
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