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tv   Doznavatel-2  NTV  March 31, 2024 2:35am-3:16am MSK

2:35 am
was it you who called me? apparently me. where did you get my phone address? am i a cop? and what do you have to do with me? cop? i'll sit down. they say you 're looking for a police captain. information about where he is, is he willing to pay 100 grand, and where is he? where is the money? do you like money, cop? who doesn't love them? dzhambulat, here. for 100 pieces you don’t have to count,
2:36 am
grandma said, trust, but check, money loves the account, where is it, where is it, have a piece of paper with a pen, write it down. well, he's the only one watching tv there, that's weird. he will say, let's go,
2:37 am
hands up, hands up, he said, we met again, i hope for the last time, do you hear? what's the matter, take them away, let's go, let's pass, my son died of an overdose, i understand, i wasn't very nice here, if you want, i'll order you another one, you can put me in the office instead of you, order it for yourself, what's a good idea? well, san, on your own,
2:38 am
where are you going, now kharitonov is coming, and kukharkov is waiting, we have an important matter, hello, well, they brought the money, i brought it, could you not rush, you have almost a week left. i don't like to procrastinate long box, and rightly so, i am also a supporter of this maxim, you will count it, maybe there are a lot of curious people in my car, drowned.
2:39 am
so who are you, why are you here? what's the matter here? and the main thing is not to twitch, otherwise i ’ll get nervous and there will be brains all over the cabin, so i won’t twitch, well then tell me in detail who came up with the divorce scheme and how it all happened, well, don’t slow down, otherwise i’m starting to get upset, it’s me and my friend. my friend works at the morgue, so he and i came up with the idea, well, they’re a corpse in africa, what do they need? it will happen, here we are, he came up with the idea of ​​throwing them under the wheels of drunken drivers, i looked after them, and he threw them, well, they were drunk, so they got scared, they immediately ran away, they never checked, and how can you check, they were hit by a drunk , so they were leaving, and then we ransacked them using their car numbers and... finished them off, well,
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they blackmailed them, cheated them out of money, the name and address of a friend, quickly! polya, sasha, no, santa claus, who is this? why do you care? i’m a free girl, you ’re hanging around somewhere, you don’t call me, who is this? wait, this is yurik, meet me, more questions yes, no, good luck, yurik, sasha, sasha,
2:41 am
do you hear, it’s your own fault, you disappeared, you didn’t even call, i thought you left me. get in, should i go there too? come on, come on, it will be more fun together, let's go, thank you, kir, now it turns out that you saved my life, one thing i can’t understand is how you realized that this was a setup, that this was a scam? but because i’m smart, and you still have to study, study, study. a pop-frame with a cctv camera is different from an ordinary photograph, uh-huh, oh, i still really need to give the money, don’t forget, give it, give it, i regret one thing, what, that these 3 million will be used as evidence, but they could
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become millionaires, well, yes, but what worries me is that i hit a person, fled the scene of a crime, got scared, and if it was really blocked, well, what cares, now... you need to think, what should i tell the investigators, yes, yes, call suvorov, he will thank you personally, i’ll go see him today, come on, busy, and i’m going to you, and you’re here, sit down, come on, where do you want to go, home, stas, ah, ah you could really sell me out for rusakov’s money, so i sold you out for money, oh
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well, you know what i mean, listen, san, stop it, but so that i don’t hear this again, friends are not sold, even for a million, as buratina said. it was papa carlo, yes, uh-huh, what's the difference, thank you, stas, yes, you're welcome. what, maybe give me a hundred? no, sanya, that’s enough, listen, but you don’t have any tea, we’ll look for it, i’m parking now, wait, what, i put sasha in the room, who is this, this, my daughter
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valeriyich, and so let’s go to me, i have a hut it's free, the sofa is big, you can lie there. let's go, please, oh, here's the fish, thank you, please, excuse me now, where are you going, what that's it, i'll just be a second, i'll be right back , hello, you should,
2:45 am
and from here, calmly, take your hands off me, let's go out, fuck off, i said, pash, what 's going on, oh, the slut has come, you'll leave me, that's it, that's it, quiet, you what are you doing?
2:46 am
2:47 am
lord, you scared me, how, sorry, yes, turn away, i need to change clothes, i’ll go out. i’m listening, hello, sanya, hello, when will you be in the department, tomorrow is like tomorrow, why tomorrow, sanya, it’s necessary today, it’s necessary right now, but i have a legal day off, are you completely crazy in the department, sanya, this is the case here , is yours zubov's friend is in our monkey barn, and what is he doing there? last night you were detained for fighting, we tried to call you.
2:48 am
you see, sash, this is the situation, well, in general, yes, i’m coming back, but it’s clear, don’t worry, i’ll move back to my father ’s room today, there’s no problem, you’ve already done a lot for me, thank you , uh-huh, you'll still excuse me, but... not everything in life turns out the way we would like it, uh-huh, well, she's a fool, who? well, the one
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you left, okay, i still need to pack my things, bye, bye. so, the murdered victoria aleksandrovna soboleva, a lawyer, by the way, is a lawyer? it’s a pity, why is it a pity that he’s a lawyer? she's beautiful, that's a shame. yeah, they checked the locks on the front door. there are no signs of an autopsy. perhaps the girl knew her killer and let him in. herself, let's say, let's say the approximate time of death is 10 pm, yeah,
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but we'll find out more precisely after the autopsy. stasik, oh, well, did the neighbors see or hear anything? we’ve just received the change, there’s an old woman living next door who is deaf and senile, the body was only discovered in the morning, the neighbor went for a walk with the dog, well i saw that the door was open, i decided to see what and how they had strangled me, it looked like a noose. bad, bad, what’s bad, yes, it’s bad that there are no witnesses, that the criminal didn’t leave his fingers, experts say that he erased them before leaving, yes, then everything is really bad, travel, you’ll say that we ’re ruining all his indicators, detection rate, and so on , okay, let's go to the lawyer's office, we'll go and see what kind of clients she has there, yeah, she's beautiful, thank you, i wanted to eat like a dog all night, well, the vomit appears, he sees her
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and calls her a whore. well, i couldn’t stand it, i punched him in the face, but you wouldn’t have given it? yes, i understand, i understand , listen, what, let's go, let's go out for a few words, let's go, and you eat, eat, san, stronger, there's nothing, wash it down with something, uh-huh, now we're rushing for cognac, listen, but something , this thing needs to be put on hold somehow, how do you imagine it, they destroyed the floor of the restaurant?
2:52 am
who are you? what exactly is the matter? and who are we?
2:53 am
yes. we have a couple of questions for you, find out, well , this is our employee, soboleva, a brilliant lawyer, by the way, but what’s the matter, her killed, that is, how they killed, with particular cruelty, when did you... last see , i saw her yesterday at 2-3:00 in the afternoon, then she left the office and she had to attend one trial, she , by the way,
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i won, i don’t know what else to tell you, you have a question. sobolev, who were her clients and which employees, lately she had developed a relationship with her , they didn’t notice any strange things, well, she was fine with it, what do you mean, one big strange thing, but how they killed her, strangled her in your own apartment. i jumped, how can it be that this is a flattering lawyer and a fool, from now on , in more detail, who is this selantik,
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my former business partner, and why a former, and because i had two, brushwood in the deselant. you know, they shot him, and selantev is a rat, he was hiding large sums of money, well, my security service dug up evidence on him, they sat down calmly, signed everything, left the business, the main thing is that i didn’t file a lawsuit with him, i would be sitting somewhere right now - i didn't care, i was a bastard for about five years, hmm, what the you had a business, yes, we are building townhouses near st. petersburg, i am the only one in charge, there are many in this market, and i am the only one with problems, what problems do you have, and the fact that someone is actually digging for one, okay, go ahead, thank you , what you pulled out, we’ll call you , how are you, by the way, what’s wrong, we broke up,
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you turned out to be right, about her, your instincts didn’t let you down, it’s clear, but don’t be upset, everything will work out, it’ll work out, it’ll work out, let’s go , come on, bye, bye, thank you. so, what we have: this one earned decent money and was very promiscuous life, went to the same bar, where , according to colleagues, she met different men, judging by the destruction of the apartment, they were looking for money, so it’s unlikely to be one of her colleagues, definitely in... she could meet anyone, she met , brought her home, the killer sees, the girl lives alone, the apartment is packed, which means there is something to profit from, well, in general, everything fits together, yes, boris borievich, yes, we are working,
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we are going to the kabak, but no, we are going for work, i understand, i understand, we’ll be there soon, hmm, osokin calls me to the carpet, in my opinion, i shouldn’t tell him about the dog i'll blurt out. sasha, sash, wait, let's talk, sash, listen. it happens to everyone, well, you got carried away, i behaved like a fool, we are adults, it doesn’t happen to anyone, ol, maybe that’s enough, the situation was absolutely clear,
2:58 am
i picked up a guy in a tavern, in general, i behaved like an ordinary prostitute, let’s go you, hi, sasha, excuse me, i saw everything. what doesn't stick? what doesn't stick? personal life, well, yeah, yeah, it’s not going well, for me too, oh well, who would say, you have men lying around in stacks, what are you talking about, you know that’s all this is not serious. not serious, somehow, nothing works out for me, and where are you going, you’re in the other direction, this is not your stop at all, yes, i decided not to meet
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near ruvd anymore, it seems to me that this scares suitors, well, yes, man these days the shy one went, but this one doesn’t seem to be bad, he’s calling me to the restaurant, okay, so long as i go, bye. hi, hi, how beautiful!
3:00 am
i need the package, yes, yes, there is a card, i'm off, bye, val, wait, come here, please, are you a fool, wait, put down your purse, are you a complete fool, quiet, quiet, i said, i put my purse down, listen, let me in, okay. let me go, do you hear, you have no right? no, i have. so, what do you have here? i caught the thief. valya, what's the matter? i did not do anything. then give me the bag. come on, come on. call the police, it’s not mine, it’s not my money, call the police, we’ll sort it out now.
3:01 am
“whose money is this, i swear, i didn’t take it, we had shortfalls in the cash register before, so i asked our security guard to look into it, so to speak, there were suspicions, now they were confirmed, valush, this is your money, no, not mine, but how the money was in your purse, i really don’t know how they ended up there, close the family, but she doesn’t know, we counted the cash register, exactly 1000 was missing from the cash register, but it’s obvious that the money..." she’s doing, well, such coincidences don’t happen, you can prove that the money missing from the cash register is the same money that was found in your cashier’s purse, well, how can i prove this to you, that ’s it, so don’t rush into accusations, the fact that the girl took this money still needs to be proven, so prove it, here you and the police are, the cctv cameras in the store are working, working, that is, now
3:02 am
not working, already... some kind of technical glitch, great, just great, yes, yes, i remember her, she regularly meets with different men, a prostitute, a lawyer, yes, okay, a lawyer, a prostitute, no, just a lawyer, hmm, i don’t know, to be honest, she behaved like a prostitute, when you last saw her, with whom, just recently, three days ago, though with whom, i absolutely don’t know. with some guy, to be honest, i know many of the clients by sight, although i don’t specifically follow them, well, because i have my own worries enough, well, as usual, they came, he treated her, well, they sat somewhere for an hour, and then they left together, who’s working, who’s the camera, yes, of course, the camera is working, well, here they are, stop,
3:03 am
you know? who is this? no, i'm afraid not, is it possible to set the card number? yes, of course, you can try now. stas, uh-huh, you'll punch the card number, uh-huh, let's go to the friend? is it really that simple, let's see. and what will happen to me? i don't know, the court decides. i didn't do anything. i didn’t steal anything, that still needs to be clarified, we took your fingerprints, let's compare them with the fingerprints on the bills taken from you, and if they were planted on you, then you have nothing to fear, right? no, it’s not like that, if it’s money from the cash register, then you held it in your hands, but during the shift, i mean, well then
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you have something to be afraid of. and that i will stay here, i will be detained here, well , there is no need for this, your identity has been established by me, i will call you as soon as i need you, what is the amount there? passes 10,000, but in principle it’s not much, i bought laminate flooring for my dacha, so i want to say that this laminate cost me like, well, i want to say that a little 10,000, a little, yeah, but there the director followed the principle, in the statement he wrote that the amount of damage he considered significant for himself, sasha, you talk to this director again, maybe they will somehow make peace with each other, no, i don’t
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insist, if you think that the case should be sent to court, let it be up to you to decide, just don’t delay with this matter, this is not the case to delve into it, after all in plain sight, we have two to three such cases, the main thing is to make the right decision, okay, okay, i understand, yeah, so what did the investigator tell you, he said that the court would decide, not him... and also, when i was leaving, he asked if i had a good lawyer? lord, lyra, i don’t know what to do, what if they really put me in prison, ler, i don’t want to go to prison, ler, i’m afraid.
3:06 am
it seems like here, the fourth floor, and where are you going, on foot, on foot, stasik. maxim valerievich, smernitsky, hello,
3:07 am
who are you? tira, he's downstairs. oh my goodness. damn, by the way, who will recognize him, how long can you run, stand, what did you do? not me, who am i? uh, maxim valerievich, do you hear, uh, alive, why did you fall, guys, don’t hit me, please, no, no, no, don’t hit me, how much he paid, and i’ll give you more, really, really,
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i have a wife, children, really, i’ll pay more, i have, guys, what are you talking about, what is he talking about, i have no idea, you know him sable, sable me, victoria, remember, you met her in a bar, well, i met her in a bar, i didn’t know that she was dead, really, what does she have to do with it, they killed her 2 days ago? killed? i don’t know, you see, valya and i have known each other since childhood, we lived next door together, moved to st. petersburg, also together, we rent a one-room apartment for two, it’s cheaper, valya’s mother is sick, and everything is very bad there, valya, honestly girl, it was just awkward to say that she had such problems, it was embarrassing , you see, so, valya hid something from me, yes, the fact is that abramov persuaded her to have sex. in general, he pesters many people in the store, she refused him, the last time he said that if she refuses him again, he will give her trouble, here they are, this trouble, they planted this money on her, you know, they planted it on her,
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the guard detained her on purpose, i am 100% sure of this. so, why didn’t your friend quit right away, since she had such problems at work, but it’s easy to tell you where now an honest girl can find a job quickly, the tavizh colonel will decide, yes, come in,
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sit down, as i understand it, that’s all , what do we have, and kumach, what do you say, this means that’s all we have? there is this photo identikit of the man with whom the deceased left in the car, and then from the words of that guy, but in general, yes, they left the cafe, i called sobolev, here this man, she got into his car, apparently they had known each other for a long time, well, a dark foreign car, he naturally didn’t remember the license plate number, but why then was this maxim running away from you, if he was not guilty of anything, he thought... now problems at work with the customer, this one is that we came to collect debts from him, we built a house for him, he was dissatisfied, demanded the money back, promised to involve the police, but he mistook us for them, funny, very funny, you’ll just laugh out loud, i a new
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capercaillie is not needed on my land, wherever you want find this guy, dig the ground, but get him for me, you understand me, kumach, that’s right, let me go, come on. come on, work, stasik, i didn’t understand something! why are you here, and who will investigate the murder? kir, i’m working, it’s just that uvorov and i have an important matter that needs to be resolved, san, can i see you for a second? now, what happened? listen, what is your business with colonel nazdryov from glavka, they say you were seen together, but what? yes, that’s okay, you just need to be more careful with him, he’s not a simpleton, in other words, he’s a bastard, and you how do you know? well, the question is incorrect. i just wanted to warn you, you know, in our system there are people who
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howl at the moon at night, he’s one of those, he understood the allegory, suvorov, life is moving, let’s go, now, tas, thank you, kir, what? come on girl, you can do whatever you need, you and i seem to have already decided everything, i wanted to ask you, for god’s sake, sit down, well, please take the statement from the police, but what is this all of a sudden? you know that i didn’t take this money, who did? maybe the guard
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put it in your purse, maybe he put it, what the difference, valush, you are free, but help, sit so calmly, forgive me, at attention, what is going on here? he wanted to rape me, mommy, but he’s lying, she undressed us herself, shut up, you freak, you tried to rape a girl in front of witnesses, you know what they do in prison with rapists, well, now you should probably withdraw your statement of theft, do you hear? , you’ll pick it up, i’ll pick it up, i’ll pick it up, like that. i don’t know how to thank you, nothing,
3:14 am
he won’t appear in the store anymore, thank you, it’s still nice to help people, san, yeah, let's go to the department, let's go.
3:15 am
smatic, marishka, we’ll give you a ride, no need, let’s go, okay, i noticed that marinka is at the parade, and the work day is still going on, by the way, she has a date, yes, at the bus stop, but no, the boyfriend is new, she’s encrypted, no wants... the investigator, by the way, well, yes, the investigator, there was one lawyer, and she didn’t figure it out, they strangled her, there’s a folder, look, an identikit of the suspect, unfold, i mean, come on, the girl is an adult, she'll figure it out on her own, unfold it, i say, i'm with this guy i saw marina. crap!


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