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tv   Dalnoboishchik  NTV  March 31, 2024 4:50am-6:31am MSK

4:50 am
i’m going west on 22nd, who’s in the canal, what’s wrong with the road? yes, it’s okay, that’s it, you’ll fly by like a whistle, brothers, i dropped off a student here, she wants to tell you. well, go ahead, talk already, student, i want to say thank you to all the truck drivers who gave me a lift, for free, to everyone who can hear me now, thank you so much, what a bastard, and judging by the tone, it looks like a fidy, yes, well- come on, tell us all. why is she a creep? yes, because
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she’s a freeloader, people like that infuriate me, if you don’t have money, you sit at home, or go out and earn money, no, they're trying for free, they're freaks, listen, little guy, if she's pretty, you won't take it, but just like that, straight up, they're pretty, they drive around in their boomers! for free in the trucks there are only terrible bastards, do you hear, sheep, you yourself, what do you think, you are pretty, shut up, now, khan , you fidyunchik, i understand, and the brute, when i see you, i’ll clean your snout, it’s a hassle for that.
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my dear, oh, i wish i could take you. yes, there is the edge of the distance, everything is suing me, my dear, take it, it’s nothing, oh well, that i didn’t see there, don’t, i’m shy, shy yet, no need, fed, no need, fed, well, not
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now, fed, i eat porridge before the flight. you pretend to live together, but you yourself can’t remember simple things, the flight is for you, not to make your candies in a factory, this is my flight, they pay me money for it, everything is very important here, an example of little things. different, do
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n’t shave before the border, have porridge for breakfast, fet, well, it’s also porridge, eggs, i haven’t had it for 2 days, two, and what have you done here, hung all sorts of rubbish, well, it’s not rubbish, it’s for comfort, in short , clean up here, put everything in its place, as it was here, understood? yes, of course, fedya, you, drive carefully, okay, take care of yourself. fedya, when will you return from your flight? you
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'll call me, won't you? what's wrong with work, dima, come on, come on, look for what kind of circus, oh, brother, he's healthy, think about it, maza, the customs officers wrote off the dog for retirement, i took it, so they also marked it, chic, chic, she knows, that she’s retired, that she’s a lady, you know me , i checked her bag myself as a son, that means we don’t pay customs, yes, yes, we pay, we pay, where are we going? well, what are you sniffing here, you’ve created a fool’s corner here nafidyun, did you have a fight with your sheep again, i’m in the hole by a certain time, and you still haven’t loaded me up, and if we run into a special operation, do what you want, fidyun, well, we’ll quickly load it up and go,
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fidyun, work, don’t go be nervous, oh, well done, oh, you saw it, and if you ran into it, yes, yeah, why rewind this, yeah, i see, the little face is completely ugly, listen, kavan, well , you explain to me, well, what are the he has such virtues that you drag oil all the way for him, place, and such mikhailovich that i give him now i’m loading a truck, ours are worth five lyams, and tomorrow, if necessary, redheads and pebbles,
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you’re ready, fidyun, papiran, that one was pulling, mineral fertilizer, half a hundred in bags, and this is for arva, lunka, you’ll have time tomorrow from lunch, fool your arva, we’ve already offered to reset the bill 100 times, but he still demands cash, what can you do, old man, dunya, what’s wrong with you? there’s nothing wrong with me, everything ’s fine, i’m not arguing with anyone, not with any sheep, what did you get to the bottom of?
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we'll see there,
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hello, i'm healthy and alive. weapons, drugs, other prohibited items, yes no, everything is in order, as usual, the documents for the cargo match, the documents are papiran in the car, there under the visor, that’s the climax.
5:00 am
hello, how are you there, fedya, are you fine, but it was raining heavily, i was worried, tell me, have you already left the apartment? yes, i really miss you, that’s why you’re calling me, right? well, yes, and when i was leaving home, they called you on landline from the nursing home, asking you to come over, but who do you have there, did they call you? why did you pick up the phone? this isn't your home, right? who, no one, and no way to call you.
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well, i stole an antelope, i got the loot, i got it, but why is he so gloomy, everything is fine on the route, it’s yours, he started joking, so what, he’s joking, it’s fidyun, not philosophy, not yours. why? well, because you’re not a philosopher, you’re a driver, a smart driver, a quickie sum, to each his own, i understand, i understand that it’s not clear here, listen, fiudin, what happened, and the fact that your sheep doesn’t catch mice at all doesn’t make you happy, yes, what kind of sheep did you get to the bottom of, i don’t have any sheep, i’m alone, well, since there’s no one, then blow quickly on base? there is a point, don’t make a face,
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but what a face, a bandit, a boar, there was no one more decent. no complaints, i answer, you answer with your head, boar, eggs, everything else, it’s clear, go.
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well, you have one task: to get the cows into the hole with a slipper on the floor, otherwise he will be gone for 2 days, and our cargo will soon spoil, we pull something like organic fertilizers, but with a double bass, and hityan, organic matter, little man. meat, don’t be afraid of this live weight, i’m telling you, the mountains are stirring up the start-up business, they call it refugees, we need a channel. get along, otherwise your competitors will come running, you won’t shoot back, and why are you bothering with me? so the first time, it’s an important matter, you never know, especially since you understand that everything has to be chick-cheek, passengers are not allowed to play the double bass, it will be accepted, but i’m not your passenger.
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how they beat me, i want for a cloud share, i ’ll score something, we’re standing there for a long time, so what if you blocked the ventilation with this, and if i start to choke, they’ll lift you up, they’re wild people, i won’t choke. they'll be patient, the next batch is ours, we're the first, oops, fidyunya, let's go, poor thing, let's go, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, yes, i understand. now
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we’ll decide, i told you, i can’t take passengers, i said, now there’s going to be an exit onto a dirt road, let’s take it, we’ll break through the forest, i have a truck, not a tank, we see, this is not philosophy. nice place, beautiful, oh, horde, get out,
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here we come.
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what the hell? well, are you staring? let's help. damn it, what should you do if there’s such an ambush, why don’t you settle them? are you crazy? these are people, did you shoot them? i didn't sign up for this. yes, i shot them, killed them, did all the dirty work for you so that you have hands they were clean, why are you looking like an animal,
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go ahead, you little snitches, go, you’re a saint among us. only you drive drugs with a double bass, he will say that under duress, they will believe you, i will understand, so maybe it’s easier, go ahead, help. in short, fedm, disappear for 3 days and don’t shine. surprise, a bonus for you from the boss.
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good, hear, good, i say, hear, intercessor, maybe you’re at the same time with him, what, what do you hear, i can’t hear, well, okay, look, we’ll have a camera.
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listen, boy, let's go, wash yourself, come on. hey kid, are you alive there? or what, or maybe you take me to the hospital? no, you don’t need to go to the hospital, i’m sure, dude, slow down, what? yes, my business is quickly good. will you wait? come on.
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oh, you're already here, yeah, let's go, let's go. so you stole after all, well done, cool, otherwise,
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here’s your bonus, and also the reception, they would have killed me, but you saved me, konstantin, kostya, where are you going? there's a motel nearby, you can make some money there. will you stop at a gas station? why don’t i want to eat? ok, well, shall i go? yeah, come on, yeah.
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the bastard cleaned it out, and the bonuses, choke, are a puppy. they would have
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killed you, i saved you, fought for you, and i they work on the same roads, i am for you, and you robbed me, you bastard! well, there are some things, in the end, this is chaos, understand?
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why are you crying? they killed you when you didn’t roar, held on, i even began to respect you. well, why are you crying, from life, i need someone like that, a stolen one without money, excuse me, my friend, but you have to struggle for money, cough up blood, and if you don’t get it, you’ll trample
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the good old one. and you’re sitting there, kid, i don’t come from money, i need my mother, what are you scratching at me, what kind of mother, money can’t buy my mother, i need my mother she gave it to her grandfather temporarily, because she has debts, she will pay them back. will take me, i wanted to quickly, yes, yes, mom, cruzi, someone else over there, what do you want, he took the money, get out, no, i didn’t take it, he
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took everything that was mine, huh? the rest is for moral damage, although, guess what, what do you think, you can buy your mother’s love with stolen loot, in general i didn’t have to steal if it’s with yours. hello, fyodor ivanovich, yes, i, rodar ivanovich, are bothering you from home with labor veteran number
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six, restrictions are possible here. you know, your mother was transferred to me because she asked me to tell you that she really wants to see you, understandable, understandable. and that she didn’t want to see me when i was little? now you’re not little anymore, you probably don’t understand, your mother, yes, i understand everything, i understand everything, your mother, everything is clear, where did you get my phone number, although i know that too , sorry, probably, probably.
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what do you need? you're a fool, you stand here at night, vote, they'll shoot you down, they'll bury you, no one will remember, what difference does it make to you, let's go. i'll take you to your mother, but i won't go, well of course, the stump is clear, you need to steal, squander a lie, but i didn’t lie, i just
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don’t have enough money, that i’ll go to her without money, nothing, with mine, don’t be afraid, that’s enough, for now... let’s go, thank you, thank you , idiot! fedyunchik, get up, breakfast has started, get up, little one, come on, it's time to go, come on , well, get up, fidyunchik, come on, come on, we need to have breakfast, get up already, look how
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beautiful it is, what are you saying, i say, tomorrow until 9, in my grandfather’s house it’s also until nine, but they eat all the delicious things right away, well, we’re at home, in a motel, what’s the difference... breakfast is already it started, get up, if you do it again, i’ll kill you, close the door, what? and i don't like it. don't love, be silent. and i
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want a cola hamburger. well, there's sausage, eat some bread. you know, the sandwich will work. and i want a chipped hamburger. did they give you hamburgers in the orphanage? well, no, i thought they would give food here, this is a motel, well, you don’t want to eat khadi when you’re hungry, you’re not used to it, that is, in your opinion, i’m oliver twist, yeah, why not, let’s go. you're always so gloomy when they ask idiotic questions, how long do we
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have to go to the next stop, just here there’s a store and a cafe nearby, maybe we’ll stop, is that a taxi driver? you know, actually i’m hungry, fat. fucking pasta, i won't. what are you asking the price for? what difference does it make to you, how do you like it?
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high power, the ability to fly even in windy weather, the price is certainly not small, but come on, little idiot, what did you want to become as a child, do you have verbal diarrhea, come on , tell me, or are you shy, no, they dream. losers, that's why you drive a truck, yeah, what,
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a normal job, by the way, yeah, well, it's kind of boring, what's the point, the point, is that i can buy myself such a thing, but you can’t, you pinch bad ones at gas stations, you know, i won’t always have such a life, i ’ll find myself a good, interesting job. with my salary, i’ll get rich, i’ll buy my mother a huge house, yeah, dream, dreamer, here’s a sheep, the marriage is underway, it doesn’t work, come on, it doesn’t work, i’m telling you, well, there he is, how he flies, look, high. it’s flying, whether you like it or not, i’d be like a fool with a child’s toy,
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so you try to handle it, but oh well, to hell with you, come on, oops, come on, be careful, don’t push so hard, why don’t you turn the steering wheel, well, where are you going, damn it, i ’ll get it. how will you get it? wait, i ’ll give you a ride, well, give you a ride, i’ll give you a ride , come on, but that’s it, wait, wait, you won’t get it, now i’m running for... a stick, it’s better to use a stick, wait, and uh, uh,
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kid, do you hear alive in general, bone, now, now, now, wait, a second, now i'm telling you, now, now, do you hear, hold on, yours, whatever, everything is fine, do n't worry, he has a chest bruise, and it's not scary, are you the father or who, i'm going to his mother i’m taking you, so you say, everything is fine, everything is fine, i can pick up the boy, um, no, how can i pick it up? if you are nobody to him, he is not
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an adult, only relatives, so he left the house, well then custody, we will inform the police, they will deliver him, what are you talking about, what kind of police, i’m telling you, the boy needs to go to his mother, is it really not clear , man, why are you making trouble, what’s incomprehensible, visiting at certain hours, found out, that’s it, go, he’s still looking, no one himself, give him the boy, how do i know who you are, maybe a pedophile, go to... you sheep, i told you i say, i’m taking him to his mother, don’t you understand that you’re my guard?
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be heard, do not repeat this. think of something, something bad somehow, snowball, grass, no, the girls are decent, there is, there is. that you sat down as if you were a guest, take off your clothes, wait, tell me, why are you doing this, what? well, with this, everyone, you’re
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a pollster, but no, i drove, that one. i drive different bars for money, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, my son is sick, i don’t have a normal job, but i have a body, so far, i haven’t looked after my son, now i’m looking after my body, it feeds us, okay? well, of course, son, kick, well , where is he in the orphanage, are you a fool or what, at your mother’s, are you going to undress, why did you
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come here, to rub for your life, but no. i’m sick in my soul, and i’m your psychoanalyst, fuck you, you fool, what’s your name, fidyunchik, fedor, and i’m tom, let’s at least drink some tea, fidyunchik, don’t think about it, i’ll pay you. i didn’t say a word to you about money,
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tell me, was there really no work at all in the decent city. i mean shameless, well, yes, you have children, no, then you won’t understand me, but try i’m capable of explaining, so imagine a little person who depends on you. well, completely, he believes you, you think that a decent profession like a cashier or a dishwasher could provide him with medicine and good doctors on time, but what will happen
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if he grows up and understands that his mother is a whore, what do you think, he will say thank you , will fall at your feet. i wouldn’t have fallen, no, fidyunchik, you didn’t understand anything, i don’t need his thanks, i need my son to live, and i will do everything for this, even if he hates you, it’s better if he hates me, why did i... surprise myself or what? take me out of work before you change your mind, well , take it, who are you anyway, a pedophile or something,
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you have to buy children, what a pedophile, i ’m telling you, i’m taking him to his mother, so what, ask him, if not believe me, don’t fool me, you came on your own, and since you gave it to the orphanage, that means it’s necessary, who needs it, well , who needs it, well, he has a summer camp, take the money, you need it more. do you need to feed your children, or do they not know the cat? well , listen, well, it’s still simple, well, you didn’t see me, i didn’t see you, you don’t care you don’t earn that much, well, the fifth ward down the corridor to the left, thank you.
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i hear there was a nurse here, where is she? zina, well, she already is. she left, and the boy from the fifth ward, you don’t know where he is, the one from dedoma, well, he ran away this morning and we called the police, motherfucker! but he left in the morning and didn’t see where he went.
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fir-trees, hello, how did you get here, yes, the night chambers are closed to her. i walked by quietly, come on, damn it, an artist, so, we’ll go to mom, i got into the cabin, i locked it, yes, this is bullshit, there’s someone in me there i taught you to open the orphanage, so we’ll go, listen, maybe you need to rest in the hospital for a couple of days, you’re hurt after all, i don’t need shell shock, if you’re tired of me, tell me, or maybe... do you feel sorry for money or time? no, boy, you cost me too much, now
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i’ll just hand it over to my mother. do you have a mother ? if you don't want to, don't say it. dunchik, what else? let me steer you, you’re stunned, what? no, i won't. well, nothing, the snout didn’t come out. you don’t need a lot of intelligence, but this fool weighs 17 tons without a load, understand? well, what's so difficult about it? he speed stuck it in, gave everything to the gas, well, please, give it, and fuck off, schumacher, these, what, what, i
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don’t take freeloaders, what if he needs a funeral, but doesn’t have money, what kind of funeral, they ’ll screw you like three boxes, just i would like to go for free, why are you like that, huh? what, you don’t trust anyone, well, after all, people are assholes, but how do you know, i just know, people, they’re just assholes, in general, you yourself are an asshole, i have nothing to talk to you about, are you talking about an asshole? fine.
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guys, guys, take nikolshkov, please, take it, my guy died, an old aunt is sitting there alone, going crazy, but she has no one but me, please, take it, okay, sit down, i’ll give you a ride, what’s your name? what? what's your name? and natasha. i'm kostya. this is a fidyunchik. cool.
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i want to eat something, there’s gingerbread in the glove compartment, natasha, you’ll be there, natasha, you’ll be there, come on. it’s a pity there’s nothing else, but maybe we’ll stop for burgers? come on, no-no-no, guys, we’re almost there, well, my aunt is writing, she’s really crying, we need to get to
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her quickly. “listen, natasha, aren’t you afraid that we will rape you, roast you and eat you, but what, yes, no, no, nothing, don’t worry, we’ll take you to your aunt, stop!
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you’re silent, your mouth didn’t close all the way, now i’ve swallowed my tongue, i’m silent, well, shut up, shut up, yes i understand, all people are assholes, you were right, but i ’m wrong, am i satisfied? well, are you going to be there for a long time, or are you going for a record,
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water-drinker, you know, leave me alone. you’re distracting me, next time before the gas station you’ll have to endure the fact that you’ve been shot there, it’s a matter of minutes, the trees are winding, great guys, and tell your wild boar, this is our road, no one rides here for free, let’s go baron,
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fidyunchik. fedyunchik, you're alive, fedyunchik, no wait, who were they, and because of the frost, they knocked out the fare, quietly. you, quietly, they knocked you out, don’t worry, there was a little bit there, the main thing is that you have all your main capital with you, and for some reason i completely relaxed with you, you weren’t wounded, i heard the shot. damn, the radiator was shot through, the christmas trees are like kabanovsky chmekkas, the repair kit was stolen, bitches.
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why are we going to live here, don’t mutter, but let me think, i thought, i need to call the boar. but you don’t want to, what kind of boar, what difference does it make to you, call him, i’ll tell him that i went to see your mother, and what not?
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hello, what kind of people, well, everything seems to be ready, horse, give him money, yeah, otherwise i don’t have it, screw you, good luck on the roads. where are you going, let's drive, come on, come on!
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well, why are you dragging along, you're like a snail , give it gas, come on, here, come on, clutch, straighten the steering wheel, hold it, well done, man, this is not a toy helicopter for you, well, at least i won't crash into villages, huh? clutch, third, let's go, go, go, gasul.
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high five, well done, thank you. well, i’m probably at work, well, i need
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to call her, otherwise we’ll sit for so long, maybe she’s on a business trip, but i don’t have her number, and the phone was taken from the orphanage, well, you can ask the neighbors. no, no, it’s better to have a surprise, look, mom! mom, mom, mom, mom , mom, mom, mom, hi, vetya, what happened? no, i’m
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just calling. how are you? hello, i'm fine, will you be back soon? i’ll be back soon, yes, i ’ll dial this for you, then, go ahead, otherwise we have to go, bye, yeah. boy, what are you doing?
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what are you doing, sheep, boy, i drove half a thousand kilometers to see you, now he’s sitting and roaring outside the house, you, who are you anyway, are you a mother or are you the last creature, he can’t live here, you’re sick or something, is he the one who can’t live at home? i started stealing because of you, well, this is all for you, i dreamed of a house, build it for you, and you, boy, that means you can drive, money, difficulties, deputy, sit, something is crap packed, you have a car cool, standing by the fence, is that you? for god's sake, he can't
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live here, why? and what? what do you want to hear now? regret, excuse? you will make excuses to yourself later, tell me why you, women of your own are you throwing your children away like garbage? you won’t be able to understand this, of course, everyone is smart, i’m the only one stupid, stupid, who are you, husband, and who are you, and why are you gathering dust in my house, you brought the boy, over there. mother, i saw him on the street under
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the fence, he’s fine, we’ll need them, yes, mother, why are you just sitting there, let’s get lost, and take the kid with you, we don’t need bastards here, here. yours, the legitimate ones, are on the way, you ’re his mother, why are you chasing the boy away? you'll find the door, or help me, that's enough, he still can't... can't live here, why, explain to me,
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why, because i love him and him, but that means he’s gone. i have a family, but he doesn’t, so take the money. and go away, you rubbish.
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on the way out, that oglo, you’ll screw me too, in short, you’re tired of sitting, come.
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you can, no. yes, bullshit, i’ll teach you, it always bites here, even with crumbs, you make a bait of approximately this size and on a hook, you have to slobber, you cast with such a movement, look, there. energytulin, here is the reel latch, hold it, that’s all
6:00 am
the fishing. victoria korlyakova, let me go, maxim stoyanov, someone knew that sooner or later you if you get involved in this matter, yuri chursin, i will find the killer, i swear to you, black sun, premiere, tomorrow. 20:00 on ntv. mask - new season. today at 20:20 on ntv. we wake up. during the spring sale, we are transforming ourselves. wake up sale on ozone. mixit scrub set for 619. bombar protein bars
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for 469. loafer and women's ultimate shop for 899. home is where the family is. and in the bank house of the russian federation 16.2% per annum on the deposit. for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family, woke up, stretched, shook off winter and shook off, spring sale we change clothes, change shoes, and also transform ourselves with cool things, we buy, i like this update, wake up, sale on ozone, vernel fabric conditioner for 399, seltex dress for 799, imaginarium board game for 999 everything. everyone wants to win millions, but not everyone rubs in the right places, rubs in the right places, play the instant lottery with toloto and win a super prize, 35 million, only in stoloto brand stores, hundred lotto, woke up,
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stretched, shook off the winter, in spring sale we change clothes, change shoes, and we’re also transforming ourselves with cool things , we’re shopping, i like this update, wake up, there’s a sale on ozone, an adidas tracksuit for 3,499, a children’s zigzag bike for 8.99, absolute coffee capsules for 2.99, buddy, hello, as promised, today we’re preparing a flow , hey, hey, oil is not the first thing, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer from btbon, it’s faster and more convenient, thanks for teaching me. this is who else taught whom vtb, together everything will work out, wake up, spring sale, transform yourself, wake up, sale on ozone. horsepower shampoo for 339. jelika t-shirt for 299, a set of good and good containers for 559, if the rice in your kitchen
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is national, this means that uzbek pilaf or japanese sushi is now not someone’s national pride, but yours personally, on -na-na-na-na, on ozone, 65% discount on omega-3 from ocean fish from gollden apotheka, write benefits in the search bar azun, look for various discounts, woke up, stretched, shook off winter and shook off. during the spring sale , we change clothes, change shoes, and also transform ourselves with cool things and buy, i like this update, wake up, sale on ozone, vivyen sabo mascara for 229, women's trousers and fadjo for 839, diapers, panties and pickles for 949, your own savings business for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about clients, comparison of indicators with competitors, search for the best. place for a retail outlet, open an account in sberbank , use useful services for free forever business, wake up to a spring
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sale, get a makeover, wake up to a sale on ozone. kalyaev jacket for 2,699, a set of zwiesel eye glasses for 999, vernel fabric softener for 399. we are going on vacation and we are going for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up. faster, we woke up, stretched, from winter and shook ourselves off, during the spring sale we change clothes, change shoes, and also transform ourselves with cool things , we buy, i like this update, wake up sale for ozone, a set of mixik scrubs for 619, bombard protein bars for 469, women's ultimate loafers shop for 899, guardian angel, looks like i'll fall asleep. one driver pushed a cyclist and ran over another. which
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of them will be convicted? girl on the highway. and he told me, let’s stop for coffee, dad, it’s very nice to see such girls from the moscow office behind the wheel of a road train. what's wrong with that head with the cute pigtails? it's time to change your shoes. i never tried to catch. difference in driving on different brands of tires. alexey kulyachkov leaves moscow to conduct the test. first broadcast, today at 10:20 on ntv. what's this? a toy or her new son. there were a lot of them in the bag, so i stole it, why not?
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i know, i’m her son too, hey, hello, are you planning to have kids again? no, i see how a woman is blowing snot, just think, i also grew up alone, nothing, i live, why, why live like this, why, i got to the bottom of everything... you need meaning, you need to live in order to live, i understand,
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i understand . hey kid, do you hear me?
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hello, morus, can you come? fed, who is this boy? ah, i'm worried. well, now
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everything is normal, that you, he is your son, no, no, what kind of parent am i, no, i was on a flight, i was walking, look, from the cold, they were beating the boy, well, in general, i saved him, that’s it. fedya, i'm pregnant
6:11 am
damn, exactly. 6 weeks, i was at the doctor, and why were you silent before? well, well, well, is he mine? of course, dear. well , that's okay, are you happy? kostya, kostya, koska,
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where are you, koska? come back, i won’t leave you, hear? fedenka, but don’t worry so much, this is his age, he will sulk and return back to where he will return, his own mother drove him away, and you say, he hasn’t even thought of anything for himself,
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but you are not his father. i don’t care, i’m responsible for him, fedya! damn, yes, hello, where are you, you're drinking , get ready, quickly, go to the base, winder trees, boar, you told me to rest, 3 days haven’t passed yet, well, well, what, it’s my fault that the forest boss brought in a new batch of double bass, come on, come on, in short, boar, i can’t do this, i have... business here, that’s all you you can, let's quickly get ready, i'm coming here, boar, don't you hear, i 'm telling you, i have one thing, it's urgent, i can't,
6:14 am
so, i don't understand, little guy, do you want to quit, there's a lot of money, so you tell me, i ’ll find a driver for once, okay, okay, come on, i’ll be there soon. well done, he arrived on time, what's wrong with your face, what happened, nothing, okay, let's go faster, he's waiting, why, don’t worry, the news is good, just wait, but we don’t need to drive the truck, load it, don’t think about it, let’s go. what's hotter for you? fell,
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fell? well, i don’t like you at first, but well done, you coped with it, the situation was not standard. i behaved competently, the wild boar told me everything, the business is growing, people have left, i’m taking five more trucks, and you’ll be watching, good pubs. and most importantly, there is no need to travel, yes, for the last time, make sure everything
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is just right, businessmen, they suck. we are growing up, ratella, where we managed to fight, where, where, on the street, you can’t spare your enemies, this too dangerous, i don’t feel sorry for them, but for us, i ’m afraid that they will come to me again, i ’m afraid for you, i just think that i shot back, we didn’t start this, i have a murder, zhenya the sun
6:17 am
premieres tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. we wake up and are transformed into the spring sale. wake up sale on ozone. vernet fabric conditioner for 399. seltex dress for 799.
6:18 am
for 339, jelika t-shirt for 299, set of good and good containers for 559, liv 52 cleanses, restores, protects the liver. liv 52, cleansing restoration expert liver. wake up, spring sale, transform, wake up, ozone sale. shark dress - for 599. karmi dog food for 629. heldi hair set for 369. if you have national rice in your kitchen, does that mean uzbek pilaf or your favorite porridge? now it’s not someone’s national pride, but
6:19 am
yours personally. let's wake up! we're getting a makeover for the spring sale! wake up sale on ozone! mazobrick construction set for 2699. maina liba washing gel for 699, women's sneakers both for 829. hello buddy! as promised, today we are preparing a flop! hey hey, no oil first day! oh, i need to transfer money home! by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtbon, it’s faster and more convenient! thank you for teaching, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, wake up, spring sale, transform, wake up, sale on ozone, licata face serum for 279, women's jeans families for 729, infinity nada set for 1.399, what do you want to do when you get enough sleep, go to swelson sports, you can fall asleep in 20 minutes, to enter the new day full of energy,
6:20 am
you fall asleep volson. let's wake up! in the spring sale let's transform! wake up sale on ozone! adidas tracksuit for 3499. children's bicycle zigzag for 8.99. coffee in absolute capsules for 2.99. deposit the best interest rate up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. let's wake up! in the spring sale, let's transform! wake up, sale on ozone! mix scrub set for 619! protein bars! bombar for 469, women's loafer ultimate shop for 899, wake up, get a makeover during the spring sale, wake up, sale for ozone, kalyaev jacket for 2,699, set of tswizel glas glasses for 999, vernel fabric conditioner for 399, wake up, spring sale, transform, wake up, sale for ozone, viven sabo mascara for 229, women's trousers.
6:21 am
ifa for 839, diapers, panties and picul for 949. fidyun slow down on our dirt road and taxi. to lubok, we weren’t going there according to the schedule that we were driving then, don’t worry, turn, come on, it’s time, stop, car.
6:22 am
what are you doing, the flow is coming, but the border has not been charged, well, don’t waste the money, there are still living people there, what are you saying, these are not cattle to just be led to slaughter. fedyunya, you i started worrying about people a long time ago, but wait!
6:23 am
vidyun, just think, no one ever came here, they were just lying under a bush , just a spare tire, let’s do everything quickly, help with one hand, this won’t happen, what won’t happen, we see, nothing will happen, all this won’t happen will there be some money to lose or something? “let’s quickly register them all, the next game will be easy, i ’m telling you, i give it to you, fidyunnik, promise me, i told you, this won’t happen.”
6:24 am
i don't want this anymore. let's go out, we haven't gotten there yet, say thank you for getting there, come on, come on, live,
6:25 am
as you were a stupid driver, you stayed like that, but you had a choice: sit, go through the forest, i ’ll just go in your furi, what the hell?
6:26 am
yes, i just got into the car and then covered myself with a blanket, how are you, how am i without you? open your eyes, open, get up, you bastard, get up, well!
6:27 am
that you decided to steal the truck, that you’re struggling, come on, drag it, that it’s so heavy, come on, how much do you weigh, let’s help,
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at least, what, look tomorrow, admit it. well, today we will definitely talk about the investigation into the terrorist attack in croc city hall, we will also tell incredible stories of people, miracles.
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air defense systems, and finally, france is sending troops to paris, continues to discuss all sorts of scenarios about what macron and the french generals are actually planning, which of them could become a reality in the near future? the 5 minutes that brought down the baltimore bridge could bury the ratings of biden and trump, but who will then be the next president of the united states, or the collapsed bridge will turn out to be an alarming omen, and the elections will turn out to be a disaster for the candidates as well and for... the whole country, a new deadly
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mutant virus, its appearance was expected in the poor slums of africa or the favelas of latin america, in the exotic markets of china or in secret laboratories, and it appeared where no one expected it, in one of the most rich and prosperous countries of europe, and now every fourth resident of great britain is a secret carrier of infection, which can easily kill a person, how to relieve the family budget of utility costs, make sure that... he tells the rich how he cures the disease.


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