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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 1, 2024 4:55am-5:41am MSK

4:55 am
and yet, yuri sergeevich, how can it be, victory day, and you were captured, you managed to guess, everything is written there in the file, citizen-investigator, i am in no way interested in an official, but in private, we were at the front, only in '41, near volokolamsk, in the militia. in 1941 it was one thing, in 1945 it was completely different, it was broadcast on the radio, germany had capitulated, that was it, victory, but we relaxed in joy, there was a german column, flynn was going to the americans to surrender, he woke up in the back of a truck, tied up, two more with me , everyone who remained from our battalion.
4:56 am
well, in the name of the union of soviet socialist republics, the military collegiums of the supreme court of the ussr, having considered in a closed session the case on charges against yuri sergeevich kozyrev, born in 1910, sentenced by the military tribunal of the first belarusian front, under articles 58, part two and fifty-eight, part five of the ukssr , to 15 years in prison. with subsequent
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loss of civil rights for a period of 15 years, ruled. kozyrev, yuri sergeevich, under articles 58, part two and 58, part five ukssr, found not guilty due to the lack of corpus delicti in his actions, released from custody immediately, with restoration of civil rights and military rank, return of state awards and insignia. congratulations, comrade captain, see you off, comrade captain.
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hey, stupid, get out of here, you went, drove from nizhny tagil, what are you, what?
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hands, pincer up the mountain, i say, well, citizen kozyrev, we didn’t have time to free ourselves, i was so drawn to heroic deeds, i had to pass by. the only thing is
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there was no need to do this, it was to expose the lives of civilians to mortal danger, why did you throw a grenade, it was their grenade, i just threw it back, it has a delay of 7 seconds. you might have time to have a smoke break, or maybe you were at the same time with them, what? i decided to remove my accomplices so as not to share, so your version, seeker of justice, still needs to be proven, you need to be proven, sitorov, i told someone to put up a fence. the one who soaked it in his office, where did you get it from? at the front there was a sign that if you have the key to the house with you, then you will return,
5:01 am
you want to say that all this is yours, well, maybe the award books. so why are you so hot? kozyrev, yuri sergeevich, captain, life is like that, well, that’s understandable, and i’m grunin, major, sergei,
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intelligence officer, yes, the first belarusian battalion on reconnaissance, and how many languages ​​i’ve trained, yes, look at yourself, what kind of you are technician to the bathhouse, you’re a wolfhound, you need a war, and we have such fronts here, especially in your petrov,
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they send the whole shushera there from moscow in trains, i’ll think about it, think about it, i’ll give you salaries, of course. i'll seduce her with us not very good, but there are rations, cards, various benefits, and most importantly, the work is real, a man’s job, in general, while you’re still thinking, i’m here for you just in case. i’ll write the directions, my address is in sergey vadimovich petrova, there’s this guy, the head of the department, okay, i’ll go,
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then i have to go another 101 km, yes, yuri, get ready, now i’ll write you a pass. well, there you go, scout, i hope to see you.
5:05 am
hey, come here, you need it, you go, why, stand, good one. you're an idiot, why, run, documents, unfasten the cobra first, before storing it with people, then bear, bear, run here, what happened, but he refuses to show your documents, he insults you, he’s drunk, you yourself are drunk, but you saw that he needs to go to the police station, but wait, lyokha, junior sergeant mikhailo, bring your documents.
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i'm sorry, comrade captain, bear, you're not a pain, he looks like the photo, he's not from the resort, he's on his way. handihook, he has no mind, consider it a collection, he was scared, boss, don’t be afraid, don’t touch your own, the tambov wolf is yours, but how can i say, the claw got all the birds into the abyss, okay, what can you say, the blood has stagnated. here tonight you’ll disperse it, uh-huh, in the evening a train arrives at the station, so, according to the documents
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, cast-iron blanks, well, but one car is special, cargo-manufacturing, uh-huh, dusters, clothes, a persian filter, how did he squeeze in there, dear, but you don’t care, there won’t be any security, work quietly, you’ll leave the cargo in the old place, so, well, it will be very difficult to move such a trailer, how will you pay? after the case you will get 50 pieces, oh well, such a trailer is worth a lemon, or even more, push it yourself, i don’t barter, in short, okay, 100 pieces, 70 that’s all, well throw in a ten, boss, plunder, god willing, the judge will throw in a point, like they gave you a point, okay, break it up, dear, the next day, a meeting of personnel at headquarters, after all this business, speak up, comrade officer.
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mistake, we live here, dad, hello, well, actually, i live here, this is some kind of hello, he says that he lives here, excuse me, in what sense, literally, well , more precisely, he lived before the war. we were told that some woman lived here, but she died 2 years ago, that’s true, i’m her son, that’s it, you you know, we got this area a month ago, we were given a warrant, i’m mikhail goldberg, i’m the chief doctor of the railway hospital, what’s your name? ros'? please go put the kettle on, yes, come on in, sit down, yes, thank you
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, how are we now, uncle will live on our own, i didn’t know, uncle won’t live with you, uncle will leave now, but what about you? it’s okay, don’t worry, goodbye, wait, a second, wait! there are probably some of your beautiful airplane models here somewhere, and there are still some photographs left, i will take the photographs, give me, please, here, please,
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thank you. are you? didn't admit it? didn’t admit it, thank you, god, he calved, is it great, or what, a tramp?
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when the paper came against you from the tribunal, she didn’t even believe it, she said that it was all a mistake, well, it couldn’t be like that, everyone was upset, she even personally wrote to comrade kalinin in moscow, but when the answer came from there, well, in general, a week later they buried him. bitches, who? yes all? or do you think that your sentence has been shortened in the case? to the point, not to the point, what difference does it make to you, what happened, not you will return it. do you remember the bowl of schalov? no, but i seem to have a solid memory. we sat with him at the 7th summer desk, as i remember? i was in the camp, it was only thanks to him that i survived, he
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sent our thieves to our guys, so they protected me. nasty!
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the most important one, through him, she got me into a warm place over there, worse, i ’ll put in a good word because of you, there really are enough women for your lifetime, that’s what you’re thinking of doing , live and work, listen, just live with me , look. there are so many places you can play football, thank you, well, listen, do you have tea? there is tea, well, i have coffee, and there’s no trophy erzas, but by the way, well, natural brazilian, a gift from the second
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front, when you sew on the buttonhole, your hands don’t get around to it, suddenly the bosses, the bosses sleep at night. someone is rustling from the warehouse, sure, let's go check it out, wait, let's go down along the half-bent rails, if something happens, shoot at the legs, just don't hit me, i'm not afraid, i won't confuse my watering hooves with any others, come on , come on, “oh, help, citizens, so what are we loading here, you have documents, but of course, everything is in
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in order, the invoice is the rest of the papers, look, citizen is the boss, so why are you calling me a citizen-boss, he served something, like that, almost every fifth person served something somewhere, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 he turns out to be the fifth, it’s funny, why is the seal smeared, they rolled an egg somewhere, where it can’t be, but stand there, everyone’s hands up the hill, i’m shooting for two counts, one, that there’s a bluster, all the cops need to be guarded, and the blind man’s face , they are calm, i understand, no, well, you yourself said that the nightingale sang to you, that there are no cops here, good bazarich, but i need to tear her pins out of here,
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oh, great, come on, yurok, you’re a penguin, it’s in cold water, i’m only on this one under a machine gun, this is a hellish procedure, this procedure leaked to me in the camp, all the medicine . replaced it, you'll get cold and when it was born, life seems so hopeless, no, this is already
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crap, it's without me, let's better do something, otherwise yesterday i didn't eat anything, it turned off like a light bulb, now i can feel it, you yourself are going to join, no, i’m young, i’m not used to it.
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i’m not used to it this morning, thank you, yes, kozyrev, yuri sergeevich, yes, i see you were in good standing with us. there you have certificates, gratitude from your superiors, two proposals, why didn’t they come to us right away, what did they do after the war, after the war i got a prison term, for which i was unlucky, i was captured, what are you doing, i wonder what we have now you get home, well, what’s the problem, i was acquitted, all rights to the reward were returned, well, if it’s true now, what if? tomorrow something will happen, for example, i don’t know, unlike you, i didn’t surrender into captivity, listen, you, i didn’t surrender into captivity either, and there are dozens of people like you
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the front line was sad, that's what, citizen, you stop your murder, otherwise you should call there now, see you, they will quickly calm you down there, well, now he himself, the mother of a traitor , the motherland, germany! trump, what are you? well,
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i’ve cut the whole taiga, but they’ll finish cutting it without me! hello, mikha! welcome back to our deity! misha, look, this is our officer from yesterday, what kind of friends does he have? no, look, it’s the roan himself, it’s suspicious, swear words!
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let's agree, but no, mikha, we won't agree, not your frame, sorry, of course, for your support in camp, of course, thank you, thank you as much as i can, oh well, forget it, well, now where, yes, it’s clear, it’s getting registered, okay, young fellow, come on, we’ll meet again, we’ll go shopping, yes, you dropped the anchor at the cat’s, how do you know ? i know everything in this city, even more than they do, come on, who is it, yurka kuzyr, a childhood friend, he just sat back, where can you register here , let’s go, i’ll see you through, yes, this
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little guy showed up here . they ask for a meeting, if they ask, bring it, for what we need it, they say he listened to the german policemen, that means the kgb officers they’re hanging on their tail, that’s it, i’ll decide, let’s go, so, kozyrev, come in, yuri sergeevich, yeah, i’ve heard about your exploits, grunin called me from moscow. well, what are you going to do next? while i’m thinking, you’re thinking, after all, go to our authorities, but it’s possible, well, why not? you were acquitted, your criminal record was expunged, your civil rights were restored, your title was returned, awards, judging by them , you’re a fighting guy, we have a tough job , the cat made people cry, although to be honest , this is the first time i ’ve encountered such a situation, and me too. and i see you behind the word
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you can’t get into your pocket, by the way, i knew your mother, she taught history at school, she was a good woman, serafima petrovna, what were you thinking, i don’t know, you don’t know, but i know, because someone has to fight for justice , send all this criminal trash to where she belongs behind bars. so for what purpose does a soviet citizen come to serve in our authorities? well? well let's try it. well, great - until the management order comes out, are you looking like an intern? so, will you pass the medical examination, there are a lot of checks, but will you get it done in a month? on i’ll give you enough food,
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you won’t die of hunger, but as for cash , i’m sorry, kozyrev, our interns don’t get paid, it’s okay, i’ll figure it out somehow, well, you can always earn some extra money, working as a warehouse watchman or unloading wagons, you ask the guys, they ’ll tell you, so it’s not in the state yet, good luck, i understand, now while you go to the station, there was a robbery there at night with a matrukha, they assumed we were ours, the guys are already there, take a closer look, see what’s going on , because everything is the same with us. and it’s not so easy, so here it is for you temporary ksiva, so that they know that you are already in the ranks, well, go ahead, captain, i ’ll tell malov now to give you a lift.
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“i’ll come by in the evening, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, it’s really necessary, nakolnada, come, wait, here,
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wait, bye, who’s with him, great, who did he bring on our heads?” i’ll help, comrade major dokukin personally gave the order, samovychalov’s best friend, and almost got in touch with him, i saw that someone in the gum, dakukin with the roan, have you gone crazy, but this one with the roan itself, but wait, what difference does it make, since vadimovich sent it, it means it’s necessary, but what it’s locked, we’ll figure it out ourselves, hey, bro, come here, hello, hello, hello, senior operative, captain kosin, just a gene, lieutenant roshkov, vasily, just an operative. hmm, captain kozyrev, yuri, i’m still an intern, but it won’t be for long, maybe a month, that’s for sure, that’s how it is with us, entry is a ruble, exit is two, oh well, relax, in general, look, understand, listen, what’s unclear, ask , what’s this, pugachev, go
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tell the man one more time, and while we’re going to go have a bite to eat, otherwise we haven’t been zheramshe since yesterday, hello, by and large, little one, the lads are coming to see you there is nothing to show, the vort is authoritative, unnoticed on the jambs. i was a bitch, i regularly paid the common fund, but the fact that you served for the germans is how to understand, but this is not presented, the meeting will decide, but what to decide, according to the thieves’ law, i am clean, the germans are not garbage, and
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you also let people go to waste according to thieves’ laws, people, red-finned bastard, but i had no choice, either i them, or the germans me, yes, it’s understandable, but according to yours... it turns out that if they lean your garbage against the wall, they will say, either you hand over your buddies, or you die, so you 're bitching, well, you compared, what's the difference, little one, and there’s only one way out, either you live or you die, so you take it, i told you, the meeting will decide, chalay, don’t make gorbatov, you decide everything here, the meeting has nothing to do with it, so speak quickly, take it, no, it’s clear, well, come on, roan, come on, bitch, i think so too, and in general there was no point in talking with him, presenting the bastard with everything here, what are you,
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a people’s court, to crush traitors to the motherland, but that’s all, that’s all, that’s all , that’s all, and i talked with him only so that they wouldn’t show me later that i listened to the crow, and he was like... turn after all, he’s in the law, let the mgb ask the germans for his exploits, the market is over, get me a cap, oh, they’re sniffing, now the bandits definitely can’t escape, either they’ll come running to surrender themselves, or he ’ll take them, well, how’s the success, as i understand it, this is the body of the murdered person marked, right? do you understand correctly, what kind of marks are there? the places where the shell casings fell when he was shooting at the bandits, he blew out the entire clip into the white light, the sniper is a fucking sniper, yeah, and spinkerton is scamming him out, now
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he’s not here to investigate for you. he crashed, who crashed, this one, what are you doing? took it, i said to investigate, you hear, the prosecutor’s office is working here. the expert and the guys have been snooping around here for an hour now, but they didn’t get dusty, so they lay down and dried up, well, what is the conclusion he says, that they walked around the territory from different sides, he was walking from there, heard a noise, ran here, saw the body of his killed partner and the woman leaving car, fired the entire clip after the car, then examined the body, he’s lying like that, and i don’t understand what’s confusing you, there’s fresh vomit there. why would he vomit, hence the conclusion, he was sitting there from the very beginning,
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i saw everything, i heard, i vomited out of fear, i vomited when it was all over, why do you think so? for many people, in a critical situation, the reflex is triggered, or they feel sick or they put it in their pants, i saw this at the front almost every day, just like me before the attack i rinsed it every time and i didn’t get used to it until the end of the war, come on vasek, let’s go talk to this shooter again, let’s go, do you hear? you're an observant reconnaissance hammer, i wouldn't have paid attention, well, someone was vomiting, well, everything passed by, only here they don’t like a lot of smart people, why? yes , everything here is generally very difficult. why are you sitting, got up quickly, smoke for now, i
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’ll hand over this cat of a bitch, then we’ll go, we’ll go for a ride, i’ll show you our farm, you’re not just a pugachev coward, you’re also a nit, and what could i do, five against one, that’s right, against one, did you sit there on the sidelines? yes, while the bandits were cutting out the bells, and then decided to deceive his comrades, well, you pugachev bastard, that means, in your opinion, they should have killed me, it would have been better if they killed you, hand over your id, get out from here. dakukin, yes,
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a whole can, a wad of money, you think, son, okay, i understand, oh, and how, yurev, or was he mistaken, no. i wasn’t mistaken, i’m great, but why did you rewind the deadline so quickly? or an amnesty came out for the enemies of the people, so i didn’t hear something, but no, he didn’t come out, the enemies of the people are sitting and will sit, and i’m no longer an enemy, i’m acquitted, released, reinstated, and well then another calico, and what’s included here? i came to be installed, or what? so, well, where are the people? kozyrev, rozhkov and kosin, where? so at the station, also... who to look for there, kazya
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it’s clear that it’s another hang-up, don’t be afraid , somewhere they’re already sipping beer, but i’m dismissing everyone to hell, so efimov, now you take him and both of you are scratching the drunken mountain, it looks like malyonkin showed up, why is this the one for whom the orientation came from the mgb, he's a police officer, if he's there, sit quietly, watch, don't interfere, of course, i'll call the neighbors and ask. help vadimrich, how do you know, i don’t understand, you have to work with people, then you ’ll know everything, his mother gave 5,000 worth of gold to the pawnshop this morning, the question is, where from? doravishki, yeah, so before he lubricates his skis, let's, let's get it over with, quickly, who is this little guy, but he worked as a policeman somewhere in belarus under the germans, they say he hung the partisans like grapes, oh, what took so long? so how many things are there? i keep thinking, how many
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years will they give you? let them catch you first, you've been running all your life, you're not tired yet, you're tired, mom, she pushed you, so maybe you'll go and repent, they won't give you much, it's not for nothing that they say, a sword won't cut off a guilty man's head, mom too, they won't give you much, to they will put up walls! spanked but why, or are you the only one, you served with the germans, but what did you do there, son, hanged partisans before they became communists, don’t move, mom. nothing, we’ll live for a while, we sold the little gold, oh, completely, i sold it, i sold it, son, they gave 5, not a lot, natal and lombard, mother, i asked you
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to sell it through my friends, but what kind of friends? as soon as they heard about you, they began to shy away from me like the plague, and those who stayed never had any money, it’s time to leave, where are you, son, to run further, mother, where, that’s what, if they talk about me ask, don’t deny, tell me, yes, he was there, but he left, where you don’t know, okay?
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give up, you are surrounded, but i am not resolved. boss stop shooting you, and so and so the tower understood, and i mean the same thing, and so there is at least some chance, now i’ll crush you minegrin, most of all two, so pray, red-faced, brisk, ligai!
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lie down, bright, alive, yes, alive, what will he do to the boar, but no, not about that, you yourself are intact, yes you are intact before him, everything is fine, but as you guessed with this grenade, it’s german, it has a farmer 7 seconds, we are such gifts often we return the frits at the front, here is the cavalry, who fired, he has already fired, sign for receipt, stand up, listen, soldiers.
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what the hell are you doing here? well, you said it yourself, you can’t come to work. you can’t be caught on the phone either, so i had to keep watch here. something happened? already on your own.


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