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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 1, 2024 1:25pm-2:00pm MSK

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the wounded man was lucky, the gun was traumatic, he managed to run to the nearest entrance to ask for help. eyewitnesses examined the wounded man and did not leave him until the doctors arrived, to touch and turn him over, they were afraid not to make things worse, rubber bullets hit him in the back and legs, there was little blood loss, the victim remained conscious, we will support you, yes of course, i can stand up,
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there was an attack by a man on a local resident using a traumatic weapon. as a result, the latter suffered bodily injuries that were not dangerous to him. his life. he was hospitalized in a medical facility where he is undergoing treatment. that the victim was previously brought to criminal responsibility, so it is quite possible that the attempted murder has echoes of the criminal past, and probably the victim still knows who shot why, but does not want to say, the investigator will have to overcome this factor, who will interrogate the victim today, in addition other versions of the dark past are also considered, disagreements with friends and acquaintances, debts, love affairs, he is from the third entrance, from this, here from this, you know him, you saw him, maybe not? they say that at night, uh, the day before,
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there was a fight in the third entrance, who fought with whom, well, no one seems to know, but the version, well, as a version, this is such a fact, there was a fight, even if alexander didn’t do something finishes, it is important for investigators to collect the most complete picture of what happened, and here much will depend on the sincerity and interest of the victim, he is responsible not only for his life and health, during the attack random people, pedestrians or... taxi driver, so it was an assassination attempt committed in a generally dangerous manner. daria, natalya popova, alexey birulev and anton lukyanov. ntv. we will monitor the progress of the investigation, as soon as details become known or the shooter is detained, we will definitely tell you on air, in our telegram channel. type "чpntv" in the search bar. subscribe so you don't miss the most interesting news. and to other topics,
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the st. petersburg strangler, as serial killer dmitry voronenko was nicknamed, confessed to the massacre of a twelve-year-old in 2006 year, investigators believe that the death of this girl was the final in a series of terrible crimes, among the victims of the already life -sentenced voronenko, schoolgirls, students , after a loud statement by the polar owl prisoner, were transported to st. petersburg, what else did he say during interrogation, and what is the likelihood that more than five episodes? reporting by diana covando. we have the right. they thought that they would never again meet face to face with the killer of their daughters, that they would never again hear that ominous name of dmitro voronenko on the news. we hoped that sentenced to life in a polar owl will never see the light of day. but the st. petersburg strangler is back in st. petersburg. in a pre-trial detention center, where conditions of detention are an order of magnitude milder than in a special regime colony. a rapist, a maniac, a murderer, ended up there because he gave a sincere confession to the murder of another. the child of twelve-year-old lyuda
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tsapurina, she became his fifth victim, the girl disappeared in september 2006, went for a walk and did not return, former neighbors of her family recall the lines from the orientation; they also took an active part in the search. well there just an industrial zone, where there are trucks , trucks, it’s like a port zone , basically, right behind the bridge, i heard that she went there somewhere, apparently they didn’t follow her, like this is where the child is, where she ’s walking, where what’s going on . they looked for the girl in neighboring yards. in suspicious apartments they even went to the local cemetery, it is nearby, but to no avail, her parents were ready to believe in any version of their daughter’s disappearance, be it even kidnapping for ransom or even worse than slavery, just to know that their people were alive, a family friend recalls . this is the topic which affected her entire family, including her health, after that she could not work for a long time, yeah, and now it’s with pressure every time, a trace of the girl.
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broke off in a coal harbor, this is a port industrial area on the outskirts of st. petersburg, it is now known that a schoolgirl was walking there alone, her parents did not keep track. i know that they looked for the girl for a very long time, they thought that she had run away somewhere.
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once, the last sentence before the series of murders of girls was served for rape, but then his potential victim was lucky to survive, he was released later a year, with the wording, quote, he firmly took the path of correction, described himself only on the good side, less than two years had passed, he began to attack and deal with his victims, each time reducing the time between crimes. dmitry varonenko will spend the entire time the investigation lasts in pre-trial detention, criminologists are preparing to lift old cases from the archives and check him for involvement in... and then, a resident of the rostov region wants to slam the door to close the dispute over compensation for damage to property, but the doors to his , door to
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his apartment is no longer closed, whose fault we’ll tell you after the commercial, don’t switch, you can perform in singles skating. football play with the team. you may be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals because you have real football and a real cup. fonbet - russian football cup. the father of the family is accused of keeping his wife on a chain, beating his five daughters and locking him in a stable. she was his slave there. in slavery? the children were afraid of their father, he is aggressive, he can hit, he can beat. scary rumors about a neighbor with many children had been walking among the residents for a long time. in the village of shikovskoye, all these rubbish that are collected, we don’t have such a thing, the husband punished the children for the purpose of education, well, it’s not murderous, now the man has been detained, he is accused of torturing his own children, the children’s officers arrived, it turned out that they had a refrigerator on castle, and they didn’t feed the children, her daughter
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was also intimidated, someone even approached her, her hands were shaking, but now the wife denies everything, did she really write a statement against her husband under pressure father-in-law... beat her to death in a bathhouse, i wrote a statement out of emotion, there is no such thing as what they are presenting to us, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. an endless country over which the sun never sets, the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands, on the new maps of tenkov black. successful. soon, i won’t be late anymore, there are a lot of vacancies on avito work, you will find not just a job, but your own place, your own savings business for
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kyoto discovered that the japanese eat a unique shellfish. it's called azumopectinide. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 of them. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids from the japanese clam. extend. the youth of your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, and disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese moy product, it... contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration . brain therapy is produced in japan.
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brain aging can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. extend the youth of your brain. 8800 100 exactly 1985. 800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product brain therapy. black sun. premiere. today. at 20:00 on ntv. there's another emergency going on live. we are continuing production. a man who discredited the image of a serviceman was sentenced in a samara court. dmitry training was drunk, aggressive and could not control either his desires or his emotions. having lit a cigarette right in the entrance, as expected, having received a reprimand, he beat the woman in front of her child. to trenin’s characterization that he is also a father himself. there is a surveillance camera recording of the incident, where
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he appeared in all his glory. stills from tamara simy's report. the main anti-hero of this video now all residents of one of the residential areas of samara know. everything that dmitry training did was captured by surveillance cameras. so he runs into the elevator behind a woman with a child, screams, and then attacks her with his fists. she tries to push the offender out, manages to press the button for the desired floor, but he is a rowdy. this does not calm him down, he again enters the cockpit to deliver further blows. after the woman with the crying child finally got to her apartment and called the police, other neighbors began to complain about the drunken brawler in the general chat. training, when he realized that he had been filmed by a camera in the elevator, he tried to first burn it and then trample it, which also hit the doors in the entrance. the reason for such aggressive behavior, as she said. dmitry training came to visit his friend, drank, began to behave
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inappropriately, lay down on the sofa in the entrance and lit a cigarette. seeing this, the woman asked him to stop, to which they started rudely speaking to her and then beat her. the police eventually detained the hooligan and took him to the station, and the victim went with her husband to the emergency room. after trenin sobered up, i realized that i did, what i broke, i will compensate, where to go, it’s my own doing, that’s strictly speaking. well, who did i cause moral damage there, i don’t know, for some reason they all won’t contact me, but i’m ready to apologize, because i myself understand that it was a disgusting act, i shouldn’t have done that, but the victim decided not to put the brakes on, wrote a statement to the police against the rowdy , a criminal case was opened, while the investigation was ongoing, he tried to come to an agreement with olga and change the situation, i met with him, and he apologized, offered compensation there and for the child, well, if you need to go somewhere to get some kind of psychological help , maybe some kind of rehabilitation will be needed there,
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the court took this into account when passing the verdict, as the fact that the victim and the child had to seek help from a psychologist, therefore , in addition to a suspended sentence of 2 years, dmitry trinin will have to pay compensation in the amount of 350 thousand rubles, and also undergo a probationary period of one year. in addition, certain obligations were imposed on the bully, he cannot change the permanent. residence and work without permission from the controlling government agency, as well as any violation of public order, will allow the court to reconsider the decision to replace the suspended sentence with a place in a colony. resident of the rostov region alexey belyaev knocks on a closed door, so that in the end only one door remains closed in his apartment. now the man is trying to understand who should compensate for the repair of property destroyed due to the suspicions of neighbors. they thought that there was a dead man in the apartment, they called the ministry of emergency situations, they broke down the front door,
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the body was not found. there is no trial, as they say, for alexei. the story has just begun; at the initial stage, it seems that it is endless, because no one wants to take responsibility for what happened, ivan gubin found out. he became a victim of apartment thieves, that was the first thought of alexei belyaev, when he received a message from his neighbors about the door being opened, he was about to call the police, when he learned that under their leadership the lock was broken. allegedly, neighbors reported that there was a cadaverous smell from the apartment, and... together with the employees the administration opened the door. the fears were not confirmed; the source of the stench in the apartment was not found. the door with the broken lock was not secured or sealed. it is not surprising that when the owners found out about everything and arrived, they were missing household appliances. no one took care of the safety of things in the apartment. there is a refrigerator, a gas boiler, a washing machine and a gas
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stove. well, the washing machine's legs have grown. and in the family where they grow up. three children are not used to throwing washing machines around, it’s good that the belyaevs don’t live here, in another apartment, this one is being rented out, but it’s still a shame why, before breaking down the door, no one contacted him or his wife by phone; the police, whom the man called himself, cannot explain this about the theft and illegal entry into house, then just as the owner of the apartment, as i understand it, they couldn’t find you, but why look for a general building group, there is a telephone number, i know, i didn’t leave, i’m just explaining to you, i broke the door, well, of course, on your orders, it turns out that the door was broken into in the eyes of employees from different departments , no one is in a hurry to restore, the police are sending them to the village administration, its head asks for time to figure it out, well , i really need to study, you understand, i am an official with one desire, it’s clear, of course, i’m fine i understand that the ministry of emergency situations officers generally did what they were told to do in the presence of law enforcement officers,
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a vicious circle, especially since the unpleasant smell still appears in the entrance, which means the search for the source was limited to opening only one lock, you go to the entrance and it stinks, either with the door open, the entrance is always open, bags of garbage are always placed here, maybe that’s why, and on that day a company was gathering at the entrance, barbecuing, it’s quite possible that a bag of meat was left somewhere at the entrance, hence the smell , get-togethers are held even in the entrance itself, there is a sofa and a special table, in general, there are many sources of unpleasant odors, there is only one problem, it is striking that my wife and i have about 50,000 rubles between us. i get 25, she gets 30, and now for 5000 i need to repair this door, install a new one, and to buy a washing machine, alexey is not going to wait for the decision of officials and departments, he intends to prove through the court that the grounds for the hack were not enough to demand compensation for all losses from those whom the court appoints responsible for
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what happened. for development. earlier, the criminals decided not to give up just like that, they wanted to escape in a car. during the chase, one of the operatives got caught on the car door, the second ended up on the hood. even after this, the suspects did not stop. the police had to go break the windshield to get into the cabin. in accordance with the federal law on police, the policeman fired a warning shot upward and tried
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to pull the key out of the ignition, but at that moment the passenger ... who was in the right front seat struck him several blows on the arm, after which the driver turned sharply and the policeman fell off the hood fell on the ground. the criminals still failed to escape; three suspects were detained; during an inspection, stolen televisions, power tools and things were found in the car. this it’s not over yet - he said after the announcement. the man accused of assault and hooliganism repeated this phrase like a mantra. time will tell what it means, but for now the participants in the process have been given. look at completely different footage, numerous surveillance camera recordings of eyewitnesses, where a clear picture emerges of how javadov, who calls himself an auditor who
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controls the quality of work of local restaurants, actually conducted business, in fact, why he needed a gas pistol, more details about everything stanislav kostikov. at the last meeting alfred javadov tried not to leave the image of a stern consumer supervision inspector, in which he spoke to his subscribers on the internet, but p. this is not a restaurant in which a man usually staged performances, imagining himself as an auditor, here no one would believe in such concerts, realizing this, javadov carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead and tried to console his mother, who seemed to be worried about her son more than he was. . previously, only the owners and employees of those establishments where dzhevadov, a former a participant in one of the television projects, having not gained the love of fame, decided to gain popularity in a different way, became a blogger on... began raids on cafes and stores in search of expired products and disgusting service, filmed everything, here is the national guard, yes, we are home,
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home, we do magic a house, according to the law, a house , so that in fact a house, they typed a house without markings , this is what it should look like, there are no markings here, a family, javadov came up with various pretexts for scandalous content, for example, a camera in one of the restaurants filmed a man half a pizza reaches out with his hands to his face, and then to the rest of the...
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having buried his young daughter, we’ll tell you in a couple of minutes where he managed to fight, where, where, on the street, you can’t feel sorry for your enemies, it’s too dangerous, i don’t feel sorry for them, but for us, i’m afraid that they will come to me again, because of you i’m afraid, i just thought that i shot back. we didn’t start this, i have a murder, zhen, i have a murder, you ’re a grown guy, decide for yourself, just don’t make a mistake, hot spot, today at 22:15 on
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a reliable present . jobs and vacancies - this is good, but finding your place is even better, join the team of one of the best employers in russia, tenki, my sister has disappeared, where can i turn, meet our best operational officer, he will take care of your case, i made some inquiries here you, drunkenness, assault, promiscuous sexual relations, people like you, citizen chagin, have no place in the police, such people don’t lie on the road, at least sober ones, who is this client, his last name? tell me, commander, do you really think that i killed? victoria korlyakova. chakin' this kabi, he’s keeping me in a basement in some village. maxim stoyanov. someone knew that sooner or later you would get involved in this matter. and you will need to slow down somehow. yuri chursin. i won't stop. black sun. premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. live on
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ntv, another emergency incident, we continue the broadcast. and breaking news, the fsb has just released details of a special operation in dagestan that took place last weekend. terrorists who were planning to detonate a homemade device in kaspiyskiy were detained there. it became it is known that they were also responsible for financing and transferring weapons to terrorists from... here is operational surveillance footage, that same white renault drove into a garage cooperative, where machine guns and pistols were loaded into it. it was established that before march 22, two groups of militants communicated remotely several times and met in person one more time in the moscow region. the caspian bandits kept an arsenal, apparently an impressive one; during the arrest they offered active resistance in the apartment where the security forces were hiding; they also found weapons,
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ammunition and ready-to-use... a homemade bomb, when loaded, when loaded, two kollashniks and 460 bullets were found in the apartment, i... the caspian terrorist attack helped to carry out an attack by terrorists who planned to set up a site hall on the croca, they continue to interrogate, it is important to calculate.
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eyewitnesses even took the keys, she got in anyway, threw a tantrum and said that they would get rid of me, i’m not afraid of anyone, yeah, i knocked her down when our girls got out of the car, then they jumped out of the neighboring house, she told them: you didn’t see me, village left, no first aid, drunk kruglov, knocked down she didn’t even try to help the teenage girls, the culprit of the death, sixteen-year-old olya, was soon found, charged and arrested, her mother practically... raised two daughters alone, because her husband died early , she had high hopes for the youngest, she was talented, she drew well the soul of any company. yes, the mother understands that her daughter will not be returned, but she hoped that at least partially justice would be
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restored if irina kruglova from the pre-trial detention center, where she served a year and a half, went to a colony after the verdict. same for this the mother of another girl injured in a drunken accident, sixteen-year-old katya, who is still healing from the consequences, also counted. the defendant irina kruglova, as it turned out in court, also has two minor children, the youngest is 12, although according to neighbors, the mother was never particularly involved in raising them, the father took it upon himself, but nevertheless, it was the children who became the reason for the situation. the court did not go to the colony, but home, while the position of the prosecutor’s office, which asked for more than 7 years in prison for the defendant , was formally taken into account. the court appointed the culprit punishment in the form of imprisonment for 7 years and 1 month in a general regime colony, and
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also recovered 2,700,000 rubles in favor of the victims as compensation for the harm caused. they released kruglovo under the pretext that her youngest child was not yet 14 years old, because, as indicated by her. defender, she has the right to a deferment of execution of the sentence, that is , she must go to a colony in 2 years if she does not give birth to another child. the victims, understanding the prospects and knowing that kruglova’s children can be fully educated father, they intend to file an appeal so that the case is considered in another court, because the mother of the offender once worked in this court. dinar usmanov, ildu solavatulin and oksana goncharenko, ntv television company, nizhny novgorod region. that's it, stay on mtv.


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