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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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and the meeting place, ask the president of brazil to be more careful, because such events, you know, are different, a gay wedding, the guests at some point got completely confused and stole the groom, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday broadcasts ntv, goodbye. pumping up nazi ideology, as in ukraine they trained militants forbidden in russia, the azov formation. a massive anti-government rally took place in israel against the current policy. threshold for duty-free purchase of goods from abroad decreased by five times. details in business news.
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fsb officers detained criminals involved, among other things, in the terrorist attack in kroku sveti holli. the cell operated on the territory of dagestan. it included four people, all foreign citizens. it was established that the detainees financed the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack, and also supplied them with weapons and ammunition. in addition, the criminals planned to carry out another terrorist attack, this time in dagestan , the caspian explosion could thunder on the city embankment, it is known that he was detained, conducted reconnaissance of the area and will manufacture it.
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homemade explosives and purchased automatic weapons, immediately after the militants planned to flee the country, they managed to stop the group’s activities thanks to the professional actions of the security forces. the investigative committee began an investigation following a request from state duma deputies about the organization of terrorist attacks in russia by the united states and ukraine. based on the results of consideration of the appeal of state duma deputies andrei krasov, nikolai kharitonov, yana lantratova and public figures alexander dugin and andrei derkach. regarding the need to investigate the organization, financing and conduct of terrorist acts by the united states, ukraine and other western countries directed against russia, a procedural check was organized in the central office of the investigative committee of the russian federation. the deputies' appeal concerns the organization and financing of the undermining of northern flows, as well as terrorist attacks on the territory of our country, such as the murder of daria dugina, ladlen tatarsky, pokushenin, zakhar prilepin, and rocket attacks. and others. the day before
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the russian foreign ministry demanded that the ukrainian authorities arrest and extradite all those involved in the terrorist attacks in our country, in particular the head of the sbu vasily malyuk, who publicly admitted to organizing the bombing of the crimean bridge. but in accordance with the conventions on combating terrorist bombings and combating the financing of terrorism, russian diplomats conveyed this to kiev through minsk. against this background, a statement was issued by the russian foreign intelligence service. the department reported that washington is intensifying efforts to create a distorted picture of the terrorist attack in crocus. usa by according to the svr, it is trying to remove from the world community any suspicions about kiev’s involvement in the crime. otherwise , the white house’s plans to increase support for ukraine will be thwarted, since the terrorist nature of zelensky’s regime will become clear to everyone. former militants of the azov battalion, banned in russia, are waiting to be sent from pre-trial detention centers to colonies convicted of crimes. and even despite sentences ranging from 25 years in prison to life imprisonment, some. still hoping for an exchange.
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is there a chance for ukrainian punitive forces to return? home - ilya usheninin found out. the walls of one of the donetsk insulators are the best place to understand everything, say dpr officials. it is here that the militants of the banned azov, who were recently sentenced, are waiting to be sent to the colonies. the conditions are the most severe. left. artyom stupnitsky, a former personnel officer of one of the neo-nazi units, was captured during the fighting in mariupol. sentenced. to 25 years of strict regime, now he says that the commander forced him to kill a civilian, he himself, of course, did not want to, so he told me - finish this man, here i am, because i was afraid to disobey the senior officer, this is an old-time officer, so i hit him - i took him three times, there was a knife on the table, and i took this knife and hit this man three times in... in area of ​​the abdomen, here came three blows,
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the man fell to his knees, on his side, and stopped moving, according to stupnitsky, even before the start of hostilities they were pumped up with nazi ideology, for this...
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i will be there. her mission in donbass is to save animals. anastasia and her humanitarian veterinary team have already traveled to the northern military district zone 35 times. the team includes 40 veterinarians from different cities of russia. today is work again in mariupol, surgical day. we also have a lot of dogs brought to us whose
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legs have failed. we'll take x-rays. on the first trip i had practically nothing with me except the desire to help. 20 doses of vaccine and 40 kg of feed, and the scope of work is immense. in those destroyed by battle. she was a skeleton, but it also happens that an ordinary apartment can become a refuge; hungry and wounded animals, as soon as the shelling subsides, are collected by compassionate people pensioners, we could only heat part of it, because we had a small room , we locked the rest as best we could in other sheds, rooms, stole all the warm
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things, veterinarians take help, food and medicine to where it is most needed now, in only that the liberated territories are announced in advance about their visit, local residents with their pets come from all over. if you do not vaccinate or treat animals, then these diseases will be transmitted to humans, this will be dangerous, so we also provide help, protect people from outbreaks. the humanitarian team includes surgeons, oncologists, and virologists. vasily kuznetsov is one of the country's leading veterinary neurologists. in particular, we operated on a dog with... a fracture of the femur, we performed it in a private house, in the private sector, the house was full of bullet holes, there was a hole in the roof, and during the operation our lights were turned off, the temperature was about zero , a business trip here is always a risk to life, sometimes you have to operate in bulletproof vests, to the sound of air defense, this
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a good sign, i agree, these are drones, so that this gives, since the beginning of the special operation in donbass , volunteers have carried out 850 operations. four-legged animals, and there are already more than 6,000 of them under our care. 2 years ago, the team managed to win two presidential grants, but even when they are penniless, they still go to help take care of pets and... free up their property and not interfere with transport, the activists did not obey, then the security forces cleared the highway with the help of water cannons.
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prime minister netanyahu himself made an address in which he explained why early elections will not be. calls for elections now, in the midst of a war, just before victory, will paralyze israel, according to my estimates, for at least six, or even 8 months. they will paralyze negotiations for the release of our hostages, they will end the war before it is achieved.
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russian buyers have lost the benefit in online stores that has worked for the last 2 years. from today, the threshold for duty-free import of goods from abroad has sharply dropped from the level of 1.00 euros to 200, which means that if goods are imported more than 200 euros, then the amount that exceeds the limit you will have to pay a duty of 15%, but not less than 2 euros per kilogram. his position, as recounted by the vedomosti newspaper, is this: the russian market is already saturated with imported goods. russian marketplaces have a different opinion, as rbc writes, the service notes that with... the search for
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the seizure of the macfa company in favor of the state seized assets worth 100 trillion rubles. the amount could easily pass for an april fool's joke, if not for the official nature of the source of information. the bailiff's order, as reported by the tas agency, states that the accounts have been frozen and assets of relatives of the former deputy. they are now on the international wanted list. the leading lawyer in this case, igor trunov , confirmed the authenticity of the bailiff’s decree, which states 100 trillion, but noted that he was also confused by the amount. maybe it’s a mistake, after all, 100 trillion is three russian budgets. but, continues igor trunov. this amount appears everywhere in the document, quote. the defense believes that the statute of limitations in
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this case has already expired. that week it became known that the prosecutor general's office demanded to convert makfe's shares into state income, the corrupt origin of the business was cited as the reason. over the past weekend, the film the flying ship, created with the participation of ntv, collected almost 254 million rubles in cinemas. this is data from a unified automated information system. in terms of box office receipts for the period from march 228 to march 31, the flying ship was about six times ahead of the film abnormal and anegina, which ranks second in box office over the weekend, which is in third place. according to the same unified automated information system, the total fees for the flying ship have already amounted to more than 600 million rubles. this film was directed by ilya uchitel based on the 1979 soviet cartoon of the same name, starring alexander metselkin, ksenia traister, leonid yarmolnik, andrei burkovsky, fyodor dobrondravov, sergei garmash. and others, everything is bright, the colors are good, well, a well-known story from our childhood
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, well, we give it an a out of five, that is, it was very good, beautiful, the russian stock market is starting april in the black, investors are buying shares for dividends, and oil and gold are now are becoming more expensive, today the moscow exchange announced that from may 15 it will allow yandex shares to be traded, or rather its... new parent company, which is registered on oktyabrsky island in the kaliningrad region, but the previous parent company, the netherlands yandex&v, is expected to leave the moscow exchange. he doesn’t see the ruble yet. big events, neither positive nor negative for oneself, performs something called consolidation, usually, the dollar in these minutes is 92.37, the euro is 99.61. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev, with economic review. vladimir putin today held a working meeting in the kremlin with
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the acting governor of the vologda region georgy filimonov. we agreed with you that we will see each other when. there are preliminary results, i and my colleagues have prepared 22 programs that i am launching this year, these programs are designed for a five-year period, in total, from the regional budget for the implementation of these projects, we are allocating 28... 5 billion rubles for this year, also this concerns issues in the housing and communal services complex, this year alone, having allocated 6 billion rubles for these needs, we are going to relay 84 km of networks. vladimir putin asked georgy filimonov not to reduce attention to the families
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of the special operation participants; according to the president, the work must be continued without lowering the bar. we discussed the development of tourism in the region, special attention.
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regions in the central part of the country. in moscow, and we will continue our broadcast for others in the altai territory, where due to floods there is a state of emergency, the authorities have announced the evacuation of residents, more are ready to receive people than in thirty temporary stay centers. about 200 people, including children, have already fled their homes. tales, water flooded half a thousand houses and a thousand household plots in the region. it’s a difficult situation; other regions are now dealing with floods in the orenburg, samara, saratov, kaluga, and ulyanovsk regions. rescuers there are building protective dams and pumping out. the most difficult flood situation is in the altai territory, almost 500 houses are flooded, people are being evacuated, an emergency regime has been introduced in the region, water-filling dams have been deployed, road services are filling up the soil, the microdistrict, losikhin island is going under water,
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ice jams are being broken on the river with the help of heavy equipment, yesterday, when they began... building the dam, the water began to go away, less went down, today it started to rise again, therefore , we hoped that the ice would melt away and open up, but unfortunately not, so the decision was made to dig out this jam with excavators right now. eight roads have been blocked and temporary accommodation centers have been set up. in the altai territory, the peak period of meltwater flow, work efforts to stabilize the situation are ongoing, targeted assistance is provided to citizens in a variety of situations, and rescuers provide assistance to people.
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in the orenburg region, there were problems with electricity, an electrical substation flooded , it had to be turned off, mobile generators were delivered to populated areas, the only road to the village was flooded, due to the rise of the or river, the village of oshchebutak was flooded, some residents had to leave their homes. well done guys, well done in general, it’s a nightmare, there’s already water in the house, yes, this is what a cottage community looks like now in the city of orsk, neighbors are hosting residents of flooded houses. warming is expected in orenburg this week, along with the peak of the flood. a high alert regime has been introduced in the region. food and medicine are being delivered all the time.
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equipment and specialists from the ministry of emergency situations from samara were sent to help local rescuers. alexander tankikh, igor akimov, svetlana zakharova ikserina kostyukevich. ntv television company. british journalists are increasingly talking about the systemic crisis in the kingdom’s medicine. according to the national health service, which reported by skynews tv channel. every week , 250 people across the country died in emergency departments without waiting for help from doctors. some patients were left to their own devices for more than 12 hours, with almost 45,000 in england in february alone. and against this background , the scandal has caused a new draft law, which is being discussed in the scottish parliament, where they want to allow euthanasia. traditionally, the church, as well as some parties and public organizations, are against it. here the author of the document calls his initiative caring for the incurable patients who have the right not to suffer anymore.
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avoid euthanasia for terminally ill patients over 16 years of age, whose diagnosis has been confirmed by two doctors without mental illness and without signs of being forced to end their life. to exclude suicide tourism from england, the applicant must live in scotland. in the past, as it now seems, happier times, people from england ran across the border to get married, young lovers in scotland then married peers of romeo and juliet without the consent of their parents. scotland.
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this is the party's primary proposal working people to working people. personally, i am in favor of changing the law, for people who are currently going through this or have the chance of being in this situation in the next months or year, it makes a big difference and any delay only prolongs the fire. covid affected the british medical system as if it were a weakened organism; it barely survived it and is still suffocating. queues for surgeries in britain could reach 8 million people by the summer.
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opponents of the euthanasia law consider it only a way to resolve issues that are not a broken medical service can solve this. this bill is similar to the canadian law, and we see that there people are inclined towards euthanasia because they are simply lonely, because they do not have the help that they need. according to some parameters, they may fit the medical requirements, but most of their problems are existential, they need to be solved in a different way. the story of poor man amir fasud has made a splash in canada. he stated that the prospect of becoming homeless causes him unbearable psychological suffering, which means he falls within the parameters defined by canadian laws for the suicide league. the noise saved him. tv viewers raised money and he withdrew the application. the church, both anglican and ...
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the country, to get assistance in suicide, you need to become a lifelong member of a closed club, pay a fee, then undergo medical examinations, formalities, the result of which is a glass of poison. the procedure costs from 10 thousand pounds. last year , 1,500 britons became members of the swiss club. it is clear that it is cheaper for the state to get rid of a citizen whose treatment is costly for the future returns to work are low. a glass of poison costs several pounds, and... about humanism
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and will return to pagan principles, such as in ancient sparta, where few promising members of society were thrown off a cliff. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and valeria polukhina, tv component. london. and that’s what we’ll talk about further in our issue. a resort tax has been introduced in st. petersburg, how much will need to be paid for each tourist and where this money will go. stratosphere to the north pole, russian parachutists are preparing to jump from a height of 10,000 m. sergey and marina realized that it was better to try durian before buying. it’s good that in tincof investments you can first try to invest and only then invest your money. open an account with
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tencop investments. and receive a starting 50,000 rubles from the bank. you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses. with tenkov investments you quickly get the hang of it. tinkov, let’s do this again, and now let’s use cattle? any other ideas? of course, let's pay for it. yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb-on the camera itself everything counts. vtb.
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she didn't know what was happening. smartphone huawei nova y91 for only 15,999 an endless country over which the sun never sets, the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands on the new tinkov black maps, hurry up apply for a ti debit card with a limited design in april and get free service forever. tinkov. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. allergy, i wanted to ignore it. i am a zodok, i help adults and children up to 24 hours. available on yandex market. it's just space. the taste of ham with pork ham from cherkizov’s own farms.
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compare website or app. it's free, and we 'll select the most profitable loan based on your current payments and credit history. i found out, compared, chose. compare, on your side. black sun, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv, this is the program today, we continue our release. today , several important innovations are coming into force in russia: from april 1, they will increase by 7.5%. social pensions, payments are received by disabled people, those with little work experience and those who have lost their breadwinner. there will now be penalties for selling tobacco and cigarettes without labeling or to minors. pay a fine of up to one million rubles. touch on innovation and the so-called liqueurs on the first floors of residential buildings. previously , such points were often disguised as catering. now regional authorities will be able to prohibit the sale of alcohol when providing catering services in apartment buildings in the adjacent territories. now it will become
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it’s more difficult to move a doorway or remove a built-in closet in an apartment. any redevelopment, change in living space and its boundaries, construction of new partitions will require approval. apartment owners will also have to carefully choose a tenant. now, if a tenant disturbs neighbors and violates their rights, the landlord will be responsible for this. also, it will be possible to rent out housing only if it is equipped with all meters. from april 1, the standards for driving license exams will also change. now the amount of penalty points for failing to pass a grade will increase from five to seven. instructors are now permitted to be behind the redundant pedals in the vehicle during the practical exam. after three unsuccessful attempts, driver candidates will be able to pass four. and a subsequent retake at the gi no earlier than six months and no later than 9 months from the date of the previous exam. a trip to st. petersburg will now become more expensive for arseians. on april 1, the authorities introduced a resort tax in the northern capital. you will have to pay 100 rubles.
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for every day you stay in the city, not counting the day of arrival. hotels and hotels will charge a fee. the city plans to use the collected money to repair and improve the tourism infrastructure. how the guests of st. petersburg greeted the news, who from the trip. “you will still be able to save money by going to st. petersburg,” nikolai bulkin found out. to all the usual expenses of a tourist in st. petersburg, be it a ticket to the armitage, crumpets with coffee and a night walk under the raised bridges, a resort fee is also added, 100 rubles per day for the development of tourism infrastructure. welcome to the legendary luxury hermitage. the hotel is on a car wash next to the pushkin apartment museum and the palace square. the high season is still ahead, but the innovation is already greeting tourists. from the doorstep, we have a resort fee, there is no additional tax to pay for children, we are talking only about adult citizens, both foreigners and russians, only those who check into hotels and hostels, or apartments,
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pay officially from entrepreneurs. the procedure is that the amount of the resort fee is not paid in advance and is not included in the price of stay, guests upon arrival, filling out the registration form, also pay an additional amount of the resort fee. fee 100 rub. this is for. every day with the exception of the first, but there are those who will not pay at all, these are veterans, people with disabilities, students who study at st. petersburg universities, large families, and so on. the atelier has prepared a special program, through which the money will immediately go to the city budget, they will be specially marked, additional the tax will be used to improve the tourism infrastructure, which the city’s guests themselves use or admire. for 9 months of the experiment this year from april 1. the budget of st. petersburg can receive about 300 million rubles. and the public council considered options on how to properly and effectively spend the funds
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raised through the collection for the benefit of both the city and the guests of st. petersburg. an example of a solution is a triumphal arch in honor of russian victories on the road from the airport to the city center. money for its restoration will be sent directly from the resort collection, and there are also plans for these. irina and her son gleb arrived in st. petersburg from barnaul for a few days. resort fees have long been introduced in the altai territory, where they are from, where the money collected improves the famous resort of belokurikha, so guests of st. petersburg understand the value of such a personal contribution. you know, this is probably a small amount for the resort fee, but it’s probably still like gratitude or thank you. in this city, the travel company expects that the money will be used for new excursion routes. we have the petrograd country has vasilievsky island, not only its main embankment, but the very middle, passage yards, front doors, all this is in great demand.
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last year, the city was visited by more than 8 million tourists; the collection, confident in the market, will not scare off new guests. well, yes, let it be, why are we everywhere, we were in sochi, they also collect this payment there. guests of hostels may have a different attitude towards paying 100 rubles per day. people react differently, of course, for a hostel this is a significant increase in cost, considering the average cost of a room in low season 500-600 rubles. but the law excludes preferential categories. experiment, now in five regions of russia, but in the future it may turn into a tourist attraction and will affect everyone. what tourists may really regret is that the resort does not guarantee clear sunny weather for an additional fee. in st. petersburg, it is possible to pay for this, many would agree. nikolai bulkin, victor khude, lydia svishchenko, ekaterina erokhova,
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sergei preobrazhesky, ntv. saint petersburg. in several russian regions there is preparation for the world's first parachute jump from the stratosphere to the north pole. it will take place in april. three participants will rise to a height of 10 km and land at the russian polar station of borneo. the jump involves testing high-altitude equipment, since no one has done this before. it is necessary to take into account dozens, if not hundreds of nuances. what will happen in such extreme conditions? people with ammunition, with equipment. alexander akonevich saw how the training took place. this is what landing from a height of 6 km looks like. this the most important stage of preparation for the world's first stratospheric jump to the north pole. before making it, all parachutists underwent special training in the pressure chamber of the cosmonaut training center. task.
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navigation, that is, what works at the north pole, and what will work at an altitude of 10-11 km, and what equipment is needed to survive these stratospheric conditions, temperatures of -50, do you think it will break the glass, no? i think not, we’ll check on the six. the same il-76 a few days later
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must deliver parachutists to the drop point at the north pole. on a training flight in the ivanovo region, they practiced interaction with everyone who will help them during the record jump. after opening the cargo hatch of the plane, the future stratonauts remain on board for almost a minute and begin to jump together with the instructor only after the releaser’s command. all participants in the training are wearing special beacons, and they will also be worn during the landing at the north pole, so that the ground team can detect everyone as as quickly as possible. when jumping from the stratosphere , the free fall will last 2.5-3 minutes, during training the conditions are different, but without it it would be impossible to understand what else needs to be taken into account and improved, you need to get out well, that’s the speed. it will be about 500 km/h, the temperature
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is much lower, which is now, now i already understand that you will need to protect your hands, a little differently, and this and other nuances have already been taken into account at this point, so that nothing will interfere with the day of the record jump carry out our plans and now the main thing is that the weather does not let me down. alexander kanevich, anastasia medvedeva, artemy chenkov, alinurov and vladimirin ntv television company. now the weather in the capital region has become much warmer. another day, on wednesday the start of cold changes. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit promotes cleansing. well, in the meantime
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, central russia is reaching the peak of warming, tomorrow we expect +20 more, in the black earth region up to +25, even higher to 27 in crimea in the kuban. only in the volga region it is still fresh, but even there the rise in nizhny novgorod will be +16 tomorrow, and in a day 18 there will be no precipitation everywhere. what awaits us? then the north-west clearly demonstrates, today it is also a record holder, tomorrow in pskov there will be about twenty more, on the banks of the neva no higher than ten, then there is even less precipitation with a steamy wind, the north is cool, looks at all these changes, there without... special fluctuations during the day from 0 to -5 and snow in places about the weather in the capitals in st. petersburg tomorrow from time to time rain and in the daytime +8 in a day, only +2 in moscow, even the coming night +10°, and in the daytime +20 +22, simply unthinkable in early april, all this is 12° above normal while there is no precipitation. on wednesday
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there will be light rain, the wind will pick up, in the daytime it will be +16, and in another day +8. and by friday night frosts will return. thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. that 's all for now, go to, see you. finding a job is good, finding a dream job is even better, one where you can work in the office, or right from home, where you have everything opportunities for... thousands of jobs and vacancies is good, but finding your place is even better, join the team of one of the best employers in russia, tinkov, and we are with gifts, where does all this come from, you are retired,
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