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tv   Utro  NTV  April 2, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we are clarifying the details of the emergency. we engage first gear. on intv there is a program about an emergency incident in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. a resident of the rostov region, alexey belyaev, knocks on a closed door, so that in the end only one of his apartments remains closed. now the man is trying to understand who should compensate for the repair of property destroyed due to the suspicions of neighbors. they thought that there was a dead man lying in the apartment, a victim of burglars. here is alexey's first thought belyaev, when he received a message from neighbors about an open door. i was about to call the police when i learned that it was under their leadership that the lock was broken. allegedly, neighbors reported that there was a cadaverous smell coming from the apartment. and together with the employees. the fears were not confirmed,
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the source of the stench in the apartment was not found, the door with the broken lock was not fastened and sealed, it is not surprising that when the owners found out about everything and arrived, they were missing household appliances, there is a refrigerator, a gas boiler, there was a washing machine and gas stove, but the washing machine has grown legs, it’s good that the bilyaevs don’t live here, in another apartment, this one is rented out, but it’s still a shame, why before breaking it out? no one contacted him or his wife by phone, this cannot be explained by the police, whom the man himself called about the theft and illegal entry into the house. then, just as the owner of the apartment, as i understand it, they couldn’t find you, but what to look for, there is a general building group, there is a telephone number, i know, i’m not the one who broke it when i go out, it’s clear from according to your order, it turns out that the door was broken down in front of employees from different departments, no one is in a hurry to restore it, the police are sent to the village.
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the employees of the ministry of emergency situations generally did what they were told to do in the presence of law enforcement officers, a vicious circle, especially since the unpleasant smell still appears in the entrance, which means the search for the source was limited to opening only one lock, you walk into the entrance and it stinks, either with the door open there was always a door in the entrance, there are always bags of garbage here, maybe that's why. and on that day a group was gathering at the entrance, barbecuing, it is quite possible that a bag of meat was left somewhere at the entrance, hence the smell, gatherings are held even in the entrance itself, there is a sofa and a special table, in general, sources of unpleasant aromas a lot, one problem, it’s amazing that my wife and i have about 50,000 rubles between us. and i get 25, she gets 30, and now for 5000 i have to fix this door, put a new one, it’s also...
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famous, otherwise the restless household members are overcome, dear, when are you going to hang a shelf? dad, we agreed to look at the board, while there are discounts and so on, everyone needs to answer something convincing, here the car is a place where you can retire, put all questions on pause, a place where you can exhale and lift your spirits a little, and what? not
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without this, that gas-floor is in no case even discussed, is it possible to start the engine if, good question, it seems to me that i was punished, how can i say this, igor is worried in front of the camera, now the only hope is for journalists, i’m for i don't feel guilty since i didn’t violate anything, the minivan is now... at least sell it, or the watchdog, you can move it in, let him live like a person for a year and 8 months, i was deprived of my rights, igor, now a local celebrity, gukovo is a small town, a man has lost his rights, without leaving the cash register, that is, from my own gate, i had a legal day off, a friend of ours came to see us, they sat in our yard, but it’s more fun to sit in the car, i got into the car.
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music was playing in the car so that the battery wouldn’t run out, i decided to start it, here, as they say, either not a drop in your mouth, or not at all centimeter along the road, of course. i wasn’t traveling, i wasn’t planning to go anywhere, the inspectors recorded the procedure on video, but what was the evening like? you agree with the protest with or you do not agree with the protest of the actions in the drug treatment center, illiterate, in my opinion you are only mocking, i’m not mocking,
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we ask you a question, you either answer yes or no, which question, you agree to pass the witness state of stupor i ’m sitting in the narcological clinic in the city of gukov, drinking, and you agree to take your day off. you will undergo a medical examination pass or refuse for what to establish your condition, my condition is drunk, which is unclear, drunk, yes, he doesn’t deny it, i already told him that i, yes, i was drinking, sitting, but i was drinking at home, and i was in the car i wasn’t moving anywhere, i didn’t understand what i had violated, why i had to clear the air, he said he wasn’t driving the car, so i had to undergo a medical examination.
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writes a complaint, they will take me away from this case, and i don’t you understand that if he really needs your help, even as you do, i have a serious conversation with you, this is connected it happened with gabrielov, i’m going to cancel the elections of the legislative assembly, they say it costs a lot of money, i have enough money, there’s only one brother, the murder of my wife is connected with one of her cases, now i see this case, i’ll solve it, find out who killed, black sun, premiere, today 20:00 on ntv. good morning, about the weather for today. in the far east, the synoptic situation is simple. on the continent there is the baikal anticyclone, off the coast of the kamchatka cyclone. true, it’s not just the residents of chukotka
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who experience heavy snowfalls and blizzards there. but on kamchatka in the kuril islands is indeed simpler. precipitation will warm up a little to +5. the further from the coast, the less precipitation and heat will be added during the day. up to +8, tomorrow also near baikal, today it is still about 3°, also in irkutsk, but sunny, precipitation is possible in south-western siberia, and it is also still cool, in novosibirsk +4, noticeable changes with a plus sign begin near the urals, in in the warm sector of the yamal cyclone in the daytime up to +10 without precipitation, and soon the european part will add heat, where the temperature reaches its peak , in the center up to +20 and above, in yoga in some places it’s already +26, that’s the effect of the meeting. very warm air on land, with still unheated sea air, fogs thickened in the sochi area, but only on the coastline and in some places they resembled a huge wave, fortunately it was not a tsunami, and it was not warm either, as the wave would soon subside and the temperature would return to their shores, in the north-west it’s already starting to get colder, in
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pskov it’s still up to +20, in kaliningrad it’s only 11, it won’t do without rain, in the north snow is possible there from zero to -5, in st. petersburg today it’s raining +8, tomorrow everything is + stories with the main road, we write down a useful recipe from sergei malozyomov, we learn about the events of cultural life, not like everyone else, the capital’s driver was deprived of his license because of the state sign. the inspector decided that a square number in a regular place was a violation. where to hang a sign to avoid becoming a pedestrian? alexander lushin sorted it out. here is my car, the inspector says that my license plates
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are not set according to gost standards. alexey bought a purebred japanese honda in vladivostok. a car with a twist, a square number on the front, but not in the center, but to the right. registered the car had no problems, we were especially pleased with the new amendments to the state regulations. i asked: can i go ahead with the square one? they say: yes, just half a month ago rosstandart allowed it to be mounted on the front bumpers.
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which inspector tyomny provided, the judge had no reason not to trust the evidence of antonov’s guilt. lack or rights, although there is also a fine for this. the amendments to gost concern precisely. placing the square sign at the front rather than placing it on the right or left. the amendments indicate that the sign, that
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type 1a sign, the so-called square sign, can be place in front. gost was corrected out of the aspirations of the concerned public and owners of vintage cars, on which the modern rectangular license plate looks ridiculous, but the installation locations of state signs remained the same. it must be installed in accordance with the requirements of this standard, that is, along the asymmetrical symmetry of the vehicle or to the left of the c-axis. in the direction of movement of the vehicle, and if the manufacturer provides a place for a registration plate of type one rectangular on the front bumper of the vehicle, installation of a square registration plate is prohibited. alexey has a right-hand drive japanese car, the place for the license plate is also on the right, but russian traffic cameras may not recognize the sign if it hangs incorrectly, because they are also configured according to the gost, the owner will have to make holes in the bumper to hang the license plate in the center. summer, with some kind of bone sticking out of it, always
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fascinated me as a child, i didn’t see it often, it was more like something from a restaurant, but the taste always turned out to be excellent. the main focus is kiev cutlets; adding butter to chicken meat, of course, is not could have given a different result, but today's dish of the week has other secrets. the first mention of a recipe marked kiev style was found in a magazine for housewives, published in kiev in 1913-14, then minced meat was used, and cauliflower or peas with butter were offered as a side dish. today , they usually use a whole piece of meat, first beat it, and then skillfully wrap butter in it so that the filling does not leak out during the cooking process. but not everyone likes such complex ones... and, for example, food blogger anastasia tyurina makes a lazy version from
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minced chicken and ready-made breadcrumbs. in addition to butter, the filling also contains cheese and herbs for a bright taste. the cutlets are first deep-fried and then placed in the oven for 20 minutes at 200°. why i like to cook this particular version of cutlets is because they are made from chicken breast. a little dry from the minced meat, they are still fattier, especially when you have a lot of men in the house, this is a significant plus. well, for those who don’t want to cook at all, chicken kiev released. in the form of semi-finished products, but how tasty and safe they are for health, we asked technologist dmitry bystrov to analyze the composition of three different manufacturers, and food blogger anastasia tyurina with her son seryozha and friend maria will appreciate the taste. in the first sample for 199 rubles , the expert was confused by the presence of chicken skin. its use is not prohibited, but it makes
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the cutlets fattier. nevertheless, anastasia and maria liked this option, here’s the baby. i refused the tasting, these cutlets are good, they are very tasty, and the minced meat in them it was good, and in general the cutlets were very, very, very decent, the composition of the second sample for 299 rubles. turned out to be longer than the first one. during heat treatment, mm, any meat, it loses moisture, yes, and additives of all kinds, emulsifiers, thickeners, they serve to retain moisture... in the product, and it becomes, as it were , more attractive to the consumer, becomes juicy, soft , in theory it should be so, but tasters found these cutlets to be sour. semi-finished product for 311 rubles. declared as a handmade product, dmitry was pleased with the short composition. the tasters liked it too. although
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they unanimously said that even the lazy version, but prepared independently, still tastes better. apparently because it's fresh. well, what 's the benefit? alas, healthy food. the classic version of kiev cutlets cannot be called. if you look at the classics, they use about 40-50 g of butter per serving. this is quite a lot in terms of calories; our body receives 400 kilocalories from the filling alone due to the oil. it's almost like a full reception. as a result, in one cutlet is approximately 570 kilocalories, with the norm for the whole day for the average woman being no more than 1,500. according to our traffic light system, this is the color red, it is better to eat only occasionally on special occasions. however, there are also dietary recipes. thus, culinary blogger sasha sirova prepares cutlets stuffed with curd cheese; instead of deep-frying, she uses
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oven baking so that no oil is absorbed. according to kiev pp, i usually really... love it, but it has a lot of calories, and i thought for a long time what to replace butter, i thought that curd cheese was an excellent alternative, in fact it is just as fatty, that is, it turns out just as tasty, but less colorful, and the chef of one of the moscow restaurants, alexander shubu , was inspired by the legendary cutlet to create a new dish, he cooks seafood perch kiev style, uses fish fillet instead of chicken fillet. adds the same butter, but with herbs, rolls in breading and deep-fries. sea bass kiev style is a variation on cutlet kiev style, for those who do not eat meat or chicken, but prefers fish, that is , the philosophy is absolutely the same as the cutlet, but to give people variety and a little
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unusual presentation, because we keep the head and tail. our taste buds are pleased, everything is fatty, juicy, meaty, kiev cutlets are irresistibly appetizing, but there is a danger in this, it is difficult to resist, try not to overeat, if after our story you want to cook, order or buy this real masterpiece of world culinary thought. movie musical of the sixties, was not censored in britain, they decided that in the film contains language that is unacceptable for children's ears, and now they can watch this movie only in the presence of their parents, who will help them cope with stress after watching it. exactly which word the british considered offensive and which other famous films of the book were recently recognized as discriminatory is today's
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show business news. the film mary poppins returned to the world box office in honor of itself. films after this office audited the musical before release, it decided to increase the age rating from zero plus to 7 plus, but even for seven-year-olds and those older it is now recommended. the british did not like the fact that the word gatentote was used twice in the film; it is pronounced by admiral boom when he sees chimney sweeps stained with soot. in the 18th century
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, europeans used this name for the khoi-khoi people of southern africa, but this is now perceived as a manifestation of racism. such discriminatory language behavior may upset children, or they may want to repeat it themselves without realizing they are offending someone , the british council said. so parents should stand nearby and explain that this is very bad behavior. mary poppins is not the first to be suspected of having a bad influence on children; before that , other popular children's books were revised in britain, for example, last year the works of roald dahl were republished with serious edits, words were cut out that, in the opinion of the editors, contradicted the ideas inclusion, diversity and equality. so in charlie's book the chocolate factory, incredible. the fat boy turned into a huge one. in the book, the witches no longer accepted the heroines although they were secretaries or cashiers, they turned into leading scientists or businesswomen, and moms and
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dads were replaced by parents. among those who criticized this decision was the writer salman ruzhde, who said that although role dahl was not an angel, this was absurd censorship for which the publishing house should be ashamed. peter pan, a disney cartoon from 1953, is now considered too offensive ; viewers who decide to watch it see warnings that it contains negative images of certain peoples cultures, meaning indians. it is also said that these scenes were deliberately left out so that people would realize how bad it all was. disclaimers about outdated cultural stereotypes accompany other classic disney cartoons. dumbo, lady and the tramp, the jungle book, pinocchio. a classic from 1939 got into the apalla and was blown away by the wind. on the film's page on the official warner brothers website it is written that this work is a product of its time, therefore it depicts russian prejudices that were then common in american society.
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disclaimers had to be added after a column by john ridley, the screenwriter of the film 12 years a slave, was published. he said that gone with the wind glorifies and romanticizes the pre-military south, uses painfully stereotypical images of people of color, and some films have recently done the opposite... encouragement from the same british board of film classification, he lowered the age rating for martin scorsese's action thriller raging bull. fight club by david fincher, as well as aliens and terminator by james cameron, attributed this to an overestimation of the level of violence and language in these films, mary poppins definitely looks much more dangerous. this is the show business news today, marina kazantseva was with you, see you. it's a real pleasure to taste coffee. jardine colombia medellin, made from selected arabica beans
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that reveal their aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion. pleasure to feel, genuine. hmm, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she was real. they recognize, love, remember, appreciate, truly, psb is a bank for real, my brother will quickly figure it out, they won’t give him a summons, he’ll get a verdict straight away, so what to do, just don’t twitch. what 's happened? my friend was killed. do you think one of your own? i find out, he will answer to me. do you need help? to have a full one with him,
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he’s a huckster, he’s accurate in the subject, and he started what kind of war, ruined gordiya and his brigade, so running helped him, hot spot, who ruined this running? tomorrow 22:15 on ntv. black sun, premiere, today at... 0.0 on ntv. buy permanent palet cream paint at a good price in magnit stores. well, credit card debts hanging interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months and conveniently pay them off. making purchases or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with kholva. if you have rice national in your kitchen, it means that uzbek pilaf or japanese sushi is now no one’s national pride. but personally, when the history of the developers is on the surface, the apartments have been verified in the rosreestr, all that remains is, just choose, a transparent choice on aviton real estate. when
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of joints and take care of you as best as possible. similar drugs ambien to active joints , millions of pets throughout russia are protected from fleas and ticks by bars drugs. we are different, but we all trust bars products to protect our pets. among thousands of models with a guarantee of authenticity. look for those same sneakers at sportsmaster. some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many housewives choose gel gloss 3+1, it fights oily skin. an endless country over which the sun never sets, the mesmerizing nature of russia is now in your hands, on the new teincof black cards, hurry up to get a teincof black debit card with a limited design in april, get free service forever, if in your kitchen rice is national,
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it means that uzbek pilaf. italian risotto or your favorite porridge? now it’s not someone ’s national pride, but yours personally. national rice is ours. professional cios staining. permanent cream-dye, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine for colored hair. siès. hair looks like it came out of a salon. stickers 2 are impossible not to slow down, only when purchased with a magnet card. for every 500 rubles in the check. reception. her mother couldn’t stand her, when she turned 13, she asked her to go out with her things, our cat fell out of the window, and it was my fault, they packed my suitcase and put me out on the street, and she also admitted that her adopted daughter had relatives brothers sisters us there were five children, we lived with our grandmother, and the neighbors contacted the guardianship authorities that the grandmother could not cope, for many years the woman searched for her relatives by the last name that
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she had... at birth, i made a request to the orphanage, they sent me an answer , that there is no data on whether a resident of the rostov region will eventually find people related by blood, there was a brother, two sisters, a mother from her first marriage, those children, why didn’t her mother take them with her, her mother gave them to her grandmother, with your mother’s children, did you try to establish a connection , i didn't know anything about it, i'm opening it envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. the morning continues, the best, we check the expiration date with our consumer supervision, we have the right to receive legal advice, we will turn your home into the apartment of your dreams, we will go to an interesting place, we will eat a local dish with federico arnaldi, and risk our health and eat, for example, moldy bread and expired meat, few people
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think of it, but if you believe... these loud headlines leading the media, then washing dishes with an old sponge is the same as eating dangerous foods. scientists from germany carefully studied sponges and found bacteria that cause intestinal disorders, pneumonia and meningitis. we found more than 300 types of bacteria on sponges, and some of them can cause intestinal upset, diarrhea, lung infections, and blood poisoning. but how did dangerous bacteria get into the sponge? how old were the sponges? there is not a word about this in the study. so my team bought a regular sponge for washing dishes, and at the same time a shower sponge made of a similar porous material, a reusable razor and a toothbrush, and also a comb for hair, which, according to dermatologists, is also very important to renew, otherwise goodbye to a dandruff-free head. the producer of the team, our consumer supervision nastya ivanova, will wash dishes with the same sponge for several weeks. correspondent yulia sookolnikova will use this washcloth for a month while taking a shower.
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this new machine will be responsible for the clean-shaven face of another producer vanya sirashtanova. the toothbrush is sent to assistant director vadim smirnov for 3 months, and the comb is sent to administrator andrey. nichaev, then all these samples will go to the laboratory. 2 weeks passed after the start of the experiment, but nastya did not notice that the sponge smelled unpleasant or looked suspicious at all. the only thing i don't like is the food particles stuck inside it and the coffee. and so, in principle, everything is fine. but russian scientists do not share such optimism, because food stuck in the sponge becomes food for bacteria. there are so many pores where food debris actually gets trapped and safely rots and decomposes, here are the results of a laboratory test, microbiologists found colonies of microbes in sponges,
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this is how they look when magnified many times, they found bacteria, escherichia coli itself, this is ishrikhia koli, they found the generic affiliation of seratsiya, this is also... escherichia coli and e. coli. and in this regard , it is worth remembering that ordinary dishwashing detergents, contrary to popular misconception, do not disinfect plates with spoons or kill microorganisms, but only remove surface tension, allowing fat to more easily separate from the dishes, that is, detergents only washed off. but if bacteria multiply inside the sponge, then they can easily infect the dining table, forks, knives all over. if the concentration of these bacteria is high, they can cause stomach diseases, such as gastritis, entoritis, intestinal ulcers, and colitis. yes, the shower sponge also has a porous structure, but it does not
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appear with food dishes, which means that at first glance there is nothing to get stuck in small pores. but correspondent yulia sokolnikova is already dreaming of the end of the experiment. either it’s time to change the sponge, or it just doesn’t suit me, but my skin has improved. it peels off very much, and also, and the sponge is very much has changed, that is, if at the beginning of the experiment it was such a bright green color, now it has become very pale at the edges, even yellowed. fears are justified - dermatologists confirm. the fact is that dead skin particles get clogged into the pores of the washcloth, and human skin is a delicacy for bacterial fungi, which attack after multiplying. the owner of the washcloth himself, fungus, mold are the source, including manifestations of allergic reactions and infection of some rashes, the washcloth was also carefully studied in the laboratory, it was the pathogenic bacillus
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pseudomonosrogenosis, also known as pseudomonas aeruginosa, was discovered; in clinical practice there are known cases when it melts tissues, that is, it does not criticize, it feeds so much. it is so penetrating that a person can lose an organ due to it, it scared me, it honestly scared me, but it’s unpleasant to find out, and i think that a lot of general cleaning awaits me at home, but after a month and a half it became not very convenient to use the razor , vanya admits, but the orange strip is an indicator, which should turn white, according to the manufacturer's instructions, and signal that the machine will... be replaced, everything is just as bright, and this is the most acute moment, because the blades in the machines are so fixed that over time, remnants of hair skin collect between them, they again become food for microbes, as is the case with a sponge, with a washcloth, but
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during shaving the skin loses an important protective barrier, a layer of fat on the surface, plus it receives millions of micro-scratches and larger cuts, it was discovered. her stubble became so fluffy, and much softer, this is what i don’t like, nothing happened to the brush, it remains clean, a closer look shows that
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a white coating has appeared between the bristles, laboratory experts found dangerous bacteria in it, a pathogenic species was found on the toothbrush, staphylococcus aureos , also known as staphylococcus aureus, is pathogenic. this is, of course , a very evil bacterium, it should not be present, but when brushing your teeth , synthetic bristles can scratch the delicate skin of the gums, and hello inflammation and stomatitis, now i will. wash it more often with an antiseptic together with a cover, but maybe at least the comb will be safe, because it is not porous, does not get wet, there is no place for bacteria to live, it has peeled off, the paint has peeled off, cracked, and now scratches the skin, but it is in small cracks that experts see the source of big problems, such microcracks that make it possible for dirt, bacteria, bacteria to become clogged ... this is already a breeding ground for mites, which feed on the remains of cells from
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the scalp, but in the laboratory they did not find a single harmful bacteria on this comb, but they saw many harmless ones, which however, you shouldn’t be afraid, but doctors still advise washing combs and hair brushes at least once a week, if possible, changing them every six months. unfortunately, other items cannot be washed away from germs, so they advise using a dish sponge. weeks, update the shaving machine every month, and use a toothbrush for no longer than three, and dermatologists generally advise abandoning such a washcloth in favor of such bristles, simply rinse it under running water, or you can replace it with a natural scrub made from waste ground coffee, for example this will save both money and health. marina velikova, lawyer. recently
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, a huge number of messages have begun to appear on social networks and telegram channels that from march 1, 2024, it will be prohibited to use vpn services in russia. let's figure out whether this is true or not. indeed, on march 1, 24 , roskomnadzor’s ban on advertising or popularizing means of bypassing blocking, which includes vpn services, came into force. however, this order does not imply prohibitions on use. such services for ordinary nothing changes for users, it is not prohibited to use vpn services in russia, moreover, the minister of digital development of the russian federation directly stated that there are no plans to introduce any liability for users of vpn services. our new bans and new restrictions only concern advertising and the popularization of such applications and such services. on july 31, 2023, the president of the russian federation signed it. a law that prohibits the dissemination of information about
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methods and methods of accessing prohibited information. this applies exactly to popularization of the vpn service. after this , our government published a decree that gives roskomnadzor the right to block such services and sites, well , it was roskomnadzor that developed a new order, which came into force on march 1, 2024. in accordance with this order, the regulator can block.
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march 1, 2024, this began back in 2017, when a law came into force according to which vpn services are required to limit user access to sites banned in russia. for the first time roskomnadzor began block sites starting in 2019. there is also a decree of the government of the russian federation according to. at which vpn services can be recognized as a threat to the stability, security and integrity of the internet in russia. in october 2023 , statistics from roskomnadzor were published, according to which, since 2021 , 167 vpn services and 84 applications have been blocked in the russian federation. based on this, we can conclude that you can use them, but you cannot advertise or popularize them. if you have any questions, send them to our
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email address; remember that you have the right to know your rights. hello, this is a housing issue, i’m oksana kozyreva. our program office is located in one of the most fashionable business districts in moscow. in the 19th century it was a gas plant, and during the first world war hand grenades were made here, so today we will blow up the familiar reality of our heroes, remodel their bedroom, the walls will be... approximately this brick shade, we will be inspired by the creativity of the russian amazons avant-garde, which is as relevant today as it was 100 years ago. for some time, all four of them lived in a one-room apartment, then exchanged with their parents for three rubles, and since all their efforts were spent on arranging the dacha, the housing issue received three
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applications from the kaimakovs for each of the rooms, but most of all, of course, ekaterina and dmitry wants to redo his bedroom with striped wallpaper. they used it somewhere at the dacha, but they decided to stick it in their room, that’s when we already swapped with them and now we live with them again, both of us are being persecuted, the housing issue has begun to prove to the kaimakovs that life. a gypsum-based solution will be easy to breathe in the bedroom; the plaster absorbs excess moisture during the wet period and releases it in the dry, scattered and leveled. in the
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doorway, instead of a standard frame, we install only racks. there is no upper jumper, 10 cm in height for us. we are building a niche for a tv, the desired trajectory is set by sine profiles, they turn in any direction, without losing their rigidity and do not need strengthening. all other elements are familiar, like the assembly diagram itself: guides, racks, drywall, screwdriver, cutter. we also mount this pliable accordion. we carefully fill the gaps with putty without gaps and reinforce them. with a dense façade mesh to prevent the surface from cracking in the future. the same technology was used to build niches for the bed in the built-in wardrobes. we make a rounded cornice according to the fashion of the twenties of the last century. the technology is simple, but difficult to implement.
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let's glaze the loggia. there is less plastic in the new windows, more glass, which means there will be more sveta. we are constructing metal for the cladding. we will paint it too. we use finnish paints of proven quality. they are not capricious in application and will not be picky in life. the ceiling was covered with a cool frost. a warm terracotta wave rose towards him. the resin boundary between heat and cold is now clear. visible we apply elastic parquet glue to the primed base of the floor and lay massive oak planks in a herringbone pattern. prepared niches fit into wardrobe bodies ; they were made in a factory where our heroes visited. our heroine katya dreamed of a workplace; there was not enough space in the bedroom, so
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they used a loggia. here you can sit comfortably, a compact, laconic table, here you can put a laptop, eat. sockets have switches, either gold or brass, with this matte finish, it goes very well with our powdery walls, avant-garde striped clothes are already ready for the rounded niches, this is seamless wallpaper, and this is the main style-forming element, the head of the bed in a one-piece dress by in the fashion of a hundred years ago, the drawer is in soft velvet, the base is orthopedic, like the gas-lift mattress. we mount the door leaf on reinforced italian hinges in black to match the lock handle. the main lighting spots are overhead, since the ceiling is not suspended. local light is interesting and different. for reading at night, hanging balls. the branos
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of the television niche are also round, but flat. in the corner there is a vintage chandelier, washed to a shine, a lightbox with a photograph of yulia galochkina - the very object that the heroes puzzled over , today we were remodeling the bedroom for our heroes, a new phase begins in the life of the kaimakovs, by the way, they are already outside the door, wow,
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my god, how cool, wow, oh, how cool, how cool, i’m not at home, how great, the chair, i sat on it, as if i was in a parallel world. to the bedroom, i don’t even know what to highlight, i just liked everything, from the hem to the floor, i’m also delighted with the workspace, i didn’t expect that it would be possible to organize it on our balcony, because i thought our balcony was cold enough for this, dmitry, you are already sitting in such peace, it’s great, yes, i just want to lie down, turn on the tv, choose a painting, choose a painting, look, it’s very cool, everything is laconic, the color is just ours, yes, our color, yes, it’s so pleasant, it doesn't hurt your eyes.
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well, this, this is incredible, this is generally incredible, this is not the first time i’ve seen something like this, but everything was so musical, tell me if i can try, yes, i can, forget how i called, and call as god pleases you . put it down,
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it was just raining, nature seemed to have also... heard it calmed down, that’s it, knife is over, that's the magic of the bells. the monastery was once the largest and richest in the north caucasus. during the soviet union, much was destroyed, but for more than 20 years there has been a revival. under the leadership of the abbot, hegumen, gerasim. for a long time he worked as a train driver. but at some point he saw a beautiful temple from the train window and his new monastic life began. how does
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your monastery stand out from others? i believe that what makes it so unique is that it was founded by the monks of saphon. then our holy spring, which at a height of 1.0 m here gushes out living and healing water, is unique. i’m telling a joke this way: tourists come to us, and pilgrims come out of here, according to tradition , pilgrims visit holy places, so even if people come here as if without any special purpose, pilgrimage is a holy place, when they get to this place, they seem to be immersed in this atmosphere, they come to the monastery not only for spiritual food. these are the famous pancakes, right? well, for some they may be special, for us they are the most ordinary monastic ones pancakes. i don’t know, i immediately see that yours
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are especially fluffy, not thin, and here there is especially a lot of filling, i see that they are just so healthy. what are they with? it's with cheese. i apologize, i use my hands to feel all the tastes. everything is correct, the airiness of the splendor is amazing, there is a lot of filling. this speaks of the generosity of the monastery, but we try to do everything with all our hearts, dine in the old refectory with the abbot, and even receive parting words from him, this is worth a lot, a person can have everything, but he may not have health, so that's why we we always say, ask god, and god, he is an all-generous giver, he has everything, and he will give everything who asks, do it with faith and love, and we are also his disciples, we also try to imitate him, i think it was as if god’s
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help had come to your cook, because everything here was perfect. delicious in general today everything is so interesting, thank you very much, i got my fill not only from pancakes, but from conversations with you in general, thank you, thank you, i smiled, it means i recognized you, i smiled, it means i’m real, they recognize you, hmm, they love you, they remember you, they truly appreciate you , psb - bank for of the present, i will become, i am already too simple,
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7:27 am meeting point. at 14:00 on ntv. good morning, about the weather for today. there is a synoptic situation in the far east. on the continent there is the baikal anticyclone, off the coast of the kamchatka cyclone, however, it is not just the residents of chukotka who experience heavy snowfalls and blizzards there, but in kamchatka in the kuril islands it is actually easier, precipitation will warm up a little to +5. the further from the coast, the less precipitation and heat will increase during the day up to +8. tomorrow also near lake baikal, today it is still about 3°, also in irkutsk, but sunny, in the south of western siberia precipitation is possible, and it is also still cool, in novosibirsk -4, noticeably. with a plus sign begin near the urals in the warm sector of the yamal cyclone in the daytime up to +10 without precipitation, and soon the european part will add heat, where the temperature reaches its peak , in the center up to +20 and above, in yoga
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in some places it’s already +26, that’s what the effect of the meeting of very warm air on land, with not yet warmed up sea air, in the sochi area fogs thickened, but only on the coastline and in some places they resembled a huge wave, fortunately it was not a tsunami, they... it was warm too, as the wave would soon subside and the temperature would return to its shores. in the north-west it is already starting to get colder, in pskov it is still up to +20, in kaliningrad it is only 11 and it will not happen without rain. in the north, snow is possible there from zero to -5. in st. petersburg today it’s raining and +8, tomorrow it’s only +2. moscow on peka during the day +21 without precipitation. tomorrow is 16 in a day 8. we wish you the best morning. next in the program. we'll take care of it. health with you doctor, prepare a salad with yulia vysotskaya, marvel at the wonderful news with sergei malozyomov, talk one day with the inventor of the mobile phone,
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how much the patient adheres to the doctor’s recommendations, how much... the patient trusts him, a lot depends on the recovery process, but it’s no secret that it can be difficult for a doctor to establish this interaction, what can prevent a doctor from building a good partnership with a patient, and what can help him with this? patient adherence to treatment, we discuss this topic with general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences, alexey, nameless. good morning, the program your doctor is on air, and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right one. interesting topic, it is regional, it has today i would like to talk to you about this attitude towards moscow, you and i live and
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work in moscow, there are a lot of changes in moscow now, changes related to changes in approaches to diagnostics to treatment, to clinics, here such a new topic has appeared, it’s like a new moscow standard. clinics, what is the new standard? why me it seems that this is important, because in many aspects moscow acts as a kind of locomotive in our country, which is first implemented in moscow, this problem or approach is tested in moscow, then, if it turns out to be successful, then little by little they begin to implement either such a system, or let’s say, a similar one. speaking about the standard, which is called the new moscow standard of clinics, of course i would divide it into several categories, this is the category of architectural and interior solutions, that is, this is no longer the old one
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a school-hospital, so to speak, there are several floors without an elevator, unhappy people are climbing to get to a modern , comfortable, bright, cozy building on the ground floor, there is a buffet in the clinic, the smell of coffee, not medicine, is much more pleasant, and adults appreciated this and it’s very nice to see, while in a children’s clinic, how the entrance doors open and children run straight to the box of courage, there is such a box of souvenirs with bracelets, magnets, children really like to come to polyclinics, so - in addition to the architectural... and the logic of the location of the offices, it is very important that the equipment with medical equipment has changed, but the doctors have undergone certain advanced training,
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additional education, with the ability to work on this equipment with the formation of other values, this is a value education aimed at formation of pro... care for the patient and in order to form the patient's trust in medical workers, this is very important, but we are still talking about this for now... level of education, interiors, location offices, one of the main pillars is digitalization, thanks to the unified medical information and analytical system imaas and the eris (ringenological) system, now there is not only a digital twin of the patient, where from birth it is clear what diseases, what risk factors, what calendar. as was previously the case
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with the local principle, it is possible to manage the morbidity or observation of your patients, your local area, you can carry out an analysis to understand whether all patients have received drug therapy, and the name system is very seriously and deeply studied almost all the regions that come... after the state council to moscow, came on excursions to moscow clinics, also the iris system, a unified x-ray information system, it now allows you to remotely analyze and describe images of radiology diagnostics and hospital clinics in one reference center, which is located in moscow on petrovka street, and after a demonstration of artificial intelligence technology. it was decided that
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many regions can for a second doctor opinions, send an image to this renogeological center, this system is open, there is information about this on the website of the reference center, so it is important that when introducing a new standard, these are not only architectural solutions, design, so that information systems work for the benefit of the patient , so that the patient... can conveniently make an appointment using a mobile phone, choose a convenient day and time for himself, see the results of his tests on his mobile phone, the results of visiting a doctor, this is patient awareness, this is very is important, but also for the doctor , the digital platform system also creates convenience, convenience in viewing a retrospective analysis, viewing information about this patient, who he was with
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before, whether or not he called for emergency medical care, whether he is taking the prescribed therapy, what he passed tests, one of these tools, for example, an appointment scheduling chatbot, when a patient makes an appointment with a doctor, questions appear in a dialog box on his mobile phone, at the moment when the patient is worried about something, and what you complaints, when they appeared, they took something, this is something that the patient can forget about later... or two, when he comes to the doctor, the doctor sees the patient’s complaints already pre-filled in his electronic medical record, this significantly reduces the time , which the doctor spends at the appointment to interview the patient and allows the doctor to examine him in more detail, examine him on the couch, if necessary, perform palpation, auscultation, and other research methods. thank you very much, alexey sergeevich.
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and see you again, stay healthy, for the salad i need to dry a couple of tablespoons of pine nuts, dry frying pan, low heat, they burn very quickly, the main thing is not to forget, then i need to make a dressing.
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for dressing mustard, it’s better to take dejon mustard, it’s softer, more tender, a tablespoon, also oil, of course, two tablespoons, i use olive oil, also, of course, either lemon juice or vinegar, and also interestingly, orange juice, if the orange is juicy , half is enough, i want to tell you, you know, here’s a combination of carrots and oranges, i it seems that it’s immediately clear that it’s delicious, yes, and you and i have these carrots, first of all. we season with this dressing, we left it, i have fennel, and i understand that fennel is such a strange thing in our area, but i want to tell you that fennel is very good as a source of fiber, in general
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they give children, for example, in italy, in our country they give dill water, and there they give fennel tea, that is , it is really beneficial, has a beneficial effect on the stomach, helps with nutrition. juicy exactly fruity, fruity and berry, oh, our grains, perfectly roasted, our pine nuts, i also add spinach here, also washed and dried, at the moment
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when the spinach was added, for the spinach the remaining orange, a little oil, salt, pepper, chili, a little hot pepper, a little bit, you can have it fresh, for example, i have one like this , yes, but just like this dry one, which we just rub, is also good, look how beautiful it is, how useful it is, and how it is, well, really , this is unexpected, this is such a very interesting combination and... from the end you just know, there i am i don’t know, a green salad dressed with lemon juice and some kind of oil, but of course, anyone will get tired of it, you need to eat salads every day, so i’m sure that if there is some absolutely, well, not a rule that i
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never change, this is that i eat green salads every day, so here we also add the nuts that you and i dried here, that’s all, well, in general, i wish you and me a bon appetit, they say, when napoleon was offered the idea of ​​a steam-powered ship, he was indignant exclaimed: are you really going to light a fire under deck to make the ship move against the wind, i don’t have time to deal with such nonsense, i wonder what he would say, seeing modern ships and boats, in general, many of them... at one time they had difficulty making their way, but the craftsmen continue to create , who knows how this will end sooner or later. the grandfather of alexander osipovich from the perm region was the same jack of all trades. he passed on his love for technology to his grandson,
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often repeating: the future cannot be predicted, but it can be created. later over the years, alexander achieved such mastery that he digitized his grandfather’s consciousness. grandfather. terminator, as soon as he saw it in alexander dreamed of creating a legendary film from early childhood, grandfather nikolai fedorovich, laureate of the ussr state prize in the field of science and technology, supported his grandson. in 2009 , alexander, by that time already trained as a programmer, began writing code, which later became the brain. then a major technology company sent him the blueprint for the terminator. alexander bought a 3d printer and has since been developing his creation to perfection. the robot, called t-800, is already oriented in space, can maintain a dialogue and learn. the death of his beloved grandfather forced alexander
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to digitize about seven hours of video with his mentor and upload them into the program. now the terminator is able to thoughtfully talk with its creator in the voice of nikolai fedorovich. i know. but alexander emphasizes that the t-800 was not created for conversations. the terminator performs its terminator function, that is, it can guard the specified object or specified target, either attack, that is, clearly or by signs, that is, you can say there is a person in black clothes, for example, or a person who is next to the car, you can also communicate with him, not only by being nearby, you can call him to talk to him, he will report the situation and ask what to do. sandr wants to improve the robot, says that the body is morally outdated, there are not enough movable collarbones for the arms to work, and of course, there are plans to put the t-800 on its feet, here is another designer - from chernogolovka near moscow, his inventions puts it on the wing, in his garage he collects
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american airplanes from the thirties. alexey yablokov is a hereditary aviator, at first he was fond of aircraft models, but for the past 20 years he has been building full-size winged aircraft, he has already assembled four and decided not to sell any of them. we don't make money, we make these planes for the soul, for ourselves. the plane was considered the prerogative of, well, not just wealthy people, but this. higher, man has always dreamed of flying like a bird, but it’s better yet, in my opinion, nothing has been invented, that is the feeling is completely different when you do it with your own hands, a certain euphoria, well, happiness, one might say, a craving for the sky forces alexey to look for drawings and make his own adjustments to them, only the engine of this monoplane is native, alexey boldly replaces the rest with domestic analogues, the chassis is from the russian aircraft, brake cylinders are made in ivanova. the control handles were made by a friend, and aviation fabric, also
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made by us, was stretched over the metal frame. the final cost will be about 12 million rubles. but alexey says that this still cheaper than buying an original plane. when releasing his creations into the sky, he, of course, worries, but in general he is confident in everything, he made and screwed every detail by hand, like other inventors, whose ideas sometimes look strange at the start, but no one can. to say what will be in demand in the future, nothing can be ruled out in technology. one morning on ntv. i, sergey mayorov. hello. in russia, as you know, there are more than enough talented and smart people, but their bright thoughts and ideas do not always find support and implementation by officials. and then the initiative is seized by the enterprising. europeans americans. hundreds of great domestic inventions were appropriated abroad. the first
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incandescent light bulb was invented by alexander ladygin, and it is generally accepted that it was edison. radio was invented by alexander popov, only the world believes that it was tesla or marcone. television, by the way, was also created by natives of the russian empire. the first airplane was created by alexander mazhaisky, and 20 years later his invention was appropriated by the american ride brothers. and even the first electric one. ippolit romanov. how do you like this elon musk? you won’t believe it, but even the first mobile phone appeared in the ussr, thanks to the bright head and golden hands of a graduate of the bauman university, leonid kupriyanovich. about this forgotten fact in our country: the story of alexei kozulin and denis morozov. my phone rang, tick, you’re going to die,
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i want larisa ivanovna, where is the fillet, cut to hell, without waiting for peritonitis, the hostel is listening, call me, today it’s hard to imagine life without communication, destroying space. march 7, 1876 alexander bell received a patent for the invention of the telephone. it will be called the most expensive patent in the history of the world. the date of invention of the mobile phone is considered to be april 3, 1973. then american engineer martin cooper made the first wireless call in the center of new york from a device the size of a brick. the world celebrated the half-century anniversary of the invention
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of the mobile phone, forgetting or deliberately keeping silent about the fact that 16 years before that historic call, moscow engineer leonid kupriyanovich demonstrated the operation of his lk-1 radiotelephone, which was documented on film. hello, i 'm listening to you, how can you hear me? it's great to hear. where are you now? we just passed the lenin state farm, have a nice trip. his phone turned out to be, as they once said about him, in the shadow of his satellite. i mean, what does this mean? the first satellite was launched on october 4, 1957. and then, in 1957 , kupriyanovich’s telephone appeared, but it seemed banal. you know, everyone, well, who doesn't do something from. radio components, yes, they do everything, the satellite is already the future of the ussr, therefore the future in
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you probably haven’t seen them on phones, kupriya’s first device. weighed 3 kg, a year later a prototype weighing 500 g was created, in 1961 the device, which he called a radiophone, weighed only 70 g, which is half the size of a modern smartphone. a copy of leonid ivanovich’s first device can today be seen in the museum of the history of the telephone in moscow, where the world’s largest collection of rare communication devices is collected. i don’t believe my eyes, because, did they really make a copy, yes, exactly like that, why because yes, i, i i have a real wonderful thing at home, we would, we would be very happy if exhibits, originals appeared in our museum, well, well, maybe someday this will happen, as a child i would never have thought that this thing, my father’s phone will become a museum
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exhibit, this thing seemed completely meaningless to me in the seventies... vera sokolova was, perhaps, the only girl in the soviet union who held a cell phone in her hands. the device that her father created never went into serial production. they say that the state security committee was the first to become interested in kupriyanovich’s development. here we can only speculate, because that is why it is secret, so as not to know the exact information. and my father, naturally, didn’t talk much about it. he abandoned these studies because, probably, there were many more things to do, and he thought, why would i , well, for these merits, in general, create problems for myself, and if i can’t spread it, then god with him,
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he had many other ideas, american the inventor of the mobile phone earned tens of millions of dollars, leonid ivanovich abandoned the idea of ​​wireless communication and became interested in the development of medical equipment, the theory of sleep and health homeostasis to maintain the balance of all body systems. here is a father with a patient, with a patient in his room at the institute of occupational hygiene and diseases, here is his electrosleep device. there are wires going to the patient, the father is watching. testimony, some kind of electrical message, i’ll tell you, well, just like the stone age, you know, according to compared to this eastern medicine, you know, how everything is poked and punched with a needle, but it doesn’t take, for me, the intriguing, you know, intriguing facts is that my father
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was negotiating, judging by his correspondence with steve jobs, but already closer towards the end of his life, and this was more related to his theory of homeostasis and maybe to some extent the device of electrosleep, or maybe the creation of certain software for this, this for him was a breath of some kind of fresh air, and maybe if if he had lived longer, he would have i would have taken advantage of these opportunities that had opened up at that time. leonid ivanovich died on january 1, 1996, the great inventor was only 67 years old, but his ideas were ahead of their time and live to this day. for me he was a mysterious person, because i am a humanitarian, well, i probably didn’t even understand what he wanted to tell me, share with me, you know, to be honest, he
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said, well, probably jokingly, it’s a pity that you not a boy, if you were a boy, i would give you everything. said he taught me how to make radio stations, but not fate, but he has a grandson, although he is also not interested in radio stations, but he is a young geneticist, studying at moscow state university, at the faculty of biology in genetics, and i think his grandfather would be proud of him, what kind of people, such stories, i am sergei mayorov , see you on ntv, happily, the best for today, beyond the bounds, in order to get home, the pensioner is forced to climb onto the roof and then jump off the other side, takes a rope with a hook, pulls himself, moves one of the sheferins and climbs there. are you really do you enter your house through the roof? i’m a former climber, all because the gate has long been littered with a mountain of garbage, which is already higher than the roof, there’s a lamppost, some pipes,
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boxes, clothes, leftover food, it’s all on me, because of the fire hazard ... local residents live in constant fear of their rat raids, in the summer when it flares up in the heat, it will be very difficult to extinguish, there are constant threats, they will set everything on fire, there is such a rat with a tail and... smaller, specifically show where the captured rat is on my territory, is there salvation from the mountains of garbage, it’s convenient for you to live like this, it’s absolutely inconvenient to live, but i’m forced to live, it’s beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. the world of bcs investments is limitless; there are those who boldly open it, relying on the support of experts, and strive further to get more. and we have something to offer them. bks. the world of investments. the body of a young girl without a head was found on the river bank in the priozersk region.
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the witness is sure that it was part of the ritual of a satanic sect. this is such nonsense, it only happens in the movies. do you understand that if he will really write a complaint, they will take me away from this case. and i don't need your help. how else are you in need? i have a serious conversation with you. it is connected with gabriye ungurya. elect to law. to the meeting, you'll run for office, they say it costs a lot of money, no, i'm enough, there's only one brother, the murder of my wife is connected to one of her cases, now i see this case, i'll solve it, find out who killed it, black sun, premiere, today in 20:00 on ntv. stars, premieres on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. tabacquette. start a new life without cigarettes. copies are not your style, your uniqueness deserves more, choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at
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trimidate can eliminate the cause of pain and discomfort in the abdomen, targeting spasm or impaired motility. trimet, feel life, not pain in your stomach. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. sausages, dad can. from here, i say, of course, from here, grandpa, but you like fishing or tinkering more, receive your pension from the post bank, of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the post bank and get 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car every month, and this you, receive your pension profitably in postal banks, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue, langidase against prostatitis, magnet - the price is what you need, coca-cola fent street 104,999 when the history of the developers lies on the surface, the apartments have been checked in the russian register, all that remains is to simply choose. transparent choice on avito real estate. rabeprozole is the northern star.
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enjoyment of life without heartburn. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and eliminate toxins, as well as reducing swelling due to. lymph movements. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. your spring update. and now about the weather for today, good morning. in the far east, nenastya concentrates on tickling. there are snowfalls and blizzards. kamchatka and smoked the cyclone are no longer interesting. there the clearing will warm up to +5. the further from the coast, the less precipitation, and the heat will increase. in the south up to +8. only in transbaikalia it is cool. and in the south of siberia, from irkutsk to umsk it is not yet higher than +6. precipitation in places. noticeable warming here
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won't arrive soon. near the urals and in the urals it has already begun, in tyumen +9, in yekaterinburg +11, further on. the temperature in the volga region is getting higher and higher, the center south is reaching the peak of warming. today it is about 200, in crimea in the kuban it is up to 27 everywhere without precipitation. meanwhile , the north-west is moving to the cold side, in pskov it’s still up to +20, on the banks of the niva it’s no longer above 10. and it won’t do without rain. in the north there is snow in places, there from zero to -5. it's raining in st. petersburg and +8, tomorrow it's only +2. moscow during the day +20-22 no precipitation, tomorrow light rain and +16, and a day later +8.
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there is water all around, we are measuring the level of spring floods in russian regions, our people are angry, and the west is beginning to criticize where the path chosen by israeli prime minister netanyahu is leading, the ruble has been abolished, china has abolished it. a 15-year ban on the export of pork from russia, as well as sovereignty and unity, the fruits of centuries-old friendship between russia and belarus. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboysty. hello. the spring flood in the coming days will affect several hundred more residential buildings, dozens of bridges and highways in eleven regions of the central federal district. including the moscow region. experts predict an increase.


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