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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 2, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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there is water all around, we are measuring the level of spring floods in russian regions, our people are angry, and the west is beginning to criticize where the path chosen by israeli prime minister netanyahu leads. a ruble for a nickel. china has lifted a 15-year ban on pork exports from russia. well, also sovereignty and unity are the fruits of the centuries-old friendship between russia and belarus. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboisty. hello. the spring flood in the coming days will affect several hundred more residential buildings, dozens of bridges and roads in 11 regions of the central federal district, including the moscow region. experts predict.
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spring flood is now observed in that flooded area, the ministry of emergency situations has taken special control of the situation. the active phase is also in the bryansk, tverdsk and orenburg regions. a large-scale flood threatens residents of karelia, the vologda and leningrad regions. difficult situation in the altai region. there, more than fifty settlements have already suffered from the high water, and the village of the rocket has completely turned into an island, cut off from the big world. the entire region is flooded. almost 500 houses and more than a thousand household plots, temporary accommodation centers with several thousand beds have been set up for residents, not only people are being evacuated from flooded houses, pets are also being rescued along with them. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are now trying to eliminate the consequences of the flood, they are pumping water out of the premises, clearing drainage systems and storm drains, erecting protective dams and organizing crossings, as well as providing targeted assistance.
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fraternal peoples with a centuries-old history of friendship, reliable neighbors and respectable partners. russia and belarus are celebrating unity day today. on april 2, 1996 , the presidents of the two states signed an agreement, which marked the beginning of mutual integration, and consolidated this process of creating a union state in 1999.
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this will allow the enterprise to produce new types of unique products, most of which will be exported to russia. sergei savin found out exactly what and how the reconstruction is happening. at first glance it is large, either a music disk or a computer disk, but no, this is a technological top, a silicon wafer, on here, as they say, they grow crystals for microcircuits. appearance is deceiving; to obtain it requires more than 300 complex operations. each plate has different metals, gold, on the back, it all just depends on what type of substrate the crystal will be planted into. and yes, size matters, in minsk they are now working with a diameter of 200 mm, this is an opportunity to place more crystals on one carrier, and several such wafers cover the annual need of a conventional machine-building plant. size of elements on the chip - more more unique characteristic. world leaders in manufacturing reach an incredible 4.6 nnom. belarusians still feel confident at 0.35 micrometers. at the same time,
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for skeptics, belarusian chips are actively bought by the same china. the clean zone is the main area where wafers are created and crystals are then placed on them. the maximum frequency class is one - these are strict, almost ultimatum requirements for temperature , humidity and air circulation, triple purification, somewhere, like, for example, here there is exclusively yellow light. and graphite everywhere floor. strange as it may seem, the main threat to product technology is man himself, the carrier of dust and static electricity. integral clearly understands its technological capabilities and precisely positions itself in the market. the enterprise will not be able to produce telephone super gadgets in the next decades, and does not intend to. another niche since the time of the union with a margin of reliability and phenomenal capabilities according to the conditions of use from -60 to +125. until now , a significant share of products with dual-use markings for russia are automotive, avionics, space, nuclear energy, communications and...
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within 2 years, the next bar to be taken will decrease and reach the level of 18-25 nm. these are the design standards that are currently being used, well, probably, according to various estimates, two-thirds of enterprises around the world work with these design standards. the new site and its equipment are a closed topic; this is part of the anti-sanctions prevention already familiar to the enterprise. the less they know about your kitchen, the easier it is to work. besides. belarusians are investing in highly specialized, high-tech , but not core areas for ourselves , firstly, this is medical equipment, including high -resolution monitors with a touch screen, and moreover, we will offer a modular design of these
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monitors, and secondly , a headache for the russian auto industry, critical components of auto electronics and semiconductors, the union program for the development of highly intelligent and technological systems for special dual-use vehicles. the most pressing issue was replacement intelligent systems, these are sensors, information display systems, things that were not produced in russia, belarus, the post-soviet space, things that were purchased imported. currently , new systems are being developed that will cover the need for this equipment. the operational modernization of integral will provide a technical basis for at least a decade. at the same time , russia will be the consumer of the lion's share of products. sergey savin, tigram tavmosyan, dmitry davidenko, ntv. minsk. belarus. now it's urgent message from the fsb. its employees prevented a major terrorist attack, perhaps more than one, that
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the kiev regime planned to organize on russian territory. reportedly, a truck carrying a batch of foreign- made explosives was stopped in the pskov region. according to the documents. the car was heading from kiev through romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania and latvia to moscow. it is noteworthy that the dangerous cargo was hidden in windows and church candlesticks. the perpetrators probably chose this blasphemous method so as not to arouse suspicion. the guard dogs of the border guards sensed something was wrong. in addition to explosives , 27 ready-to-use homemade bombs were found in the van. the driver is already giving evidence; it is known that he has dual citizenship of russia and ukraine. today, the sabbe zone will meet at russia’s request for an emergency meeting in connection with israel’s strike on the iranian embassy in syria. as a result of the raid , according to the iranian armed forces, two
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generals and five officers were killed and more than a dozen were wounded. our diplomats called this strike a flagrant violation of international law and syrian sovereignty in iran'. declared that israel had broken all diplomatic boundaries. the authorities of the islamic republic emphasized that they reserve the right to respond in any way they see fit. spontaneous rallies do not stop around the israeli embassy in tehran, people are burning israeli and american flags, accusing tel aviv of unwillingness to resolve the palestinian issue through negotiations and demanding an end to the killing of civilians in gaza. the israelis are launching new attacks on the sector, as a result of one of the latter died. four employees of an international humanitarian organization, including a briton, an irishman, a pole and an australian citizen. the protracted idf operation has not yet achieved results, the hostages still have not been released, and a peaceful solution with the palestinians is not even visible on the horizon. and
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more and more israelis themselves are asking the question: where is their country heading? thousands of people are already demanding a change in government. a tent camp of dissatisfied people is growing around the israeli parliament. protesters want early elections, but benjamin netanyahu does not intend to resign, despite the fact that he is losing the support of both his fellow citizens and traditional foreign allies. will continue. the largest rally against the netanyahu government since the beginning of the conflict in gaza continues. having started a military operation back in october, the israeli prime minister wanted to free the hostages, but six months have passed and there are still more than 100 of them, and now the israelis themselves want to free themselves from netanyahu. we cannot imagine netanyahu not being removed because he is leading us to the abyss unless good people come to power leaders, we are doomed. first the government failed to protect the civilian population, then they failed to solve the gas problems,
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a monumental failure. we demand that this government be replaced. on other posters of the protesters there are photographs of hostages on each call: return home immediately. during the doha negotiations, the netanyahu government prefers the military option, but this path turned out to be a dead end. we still have 134 hostages in gaza. we call on this government to resign, they are simply neglecting us. "we want each of the hostages to return home alive. if that means a ceasefire, we will do it." in jerusalem, protesters again spent the night in a tent camp outside the parliament walls, thereby demonstrating that they will not retreat until netanyahu gives in the israeli prime minister himself, who had a pacemaker installed in the summer, has now undergone surgery to remove a hernia , is now recovering from anesthesia and from protests. will he, upon returning to office, be able to successfully remove protest tumors as well? which are growing. throughout israel, for him it is a matter of life and death, in a political sense for sure, especially considering that
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the level of dissatisfaction with the policies of the israeli prime minister is growing overseas. i have known prime minister netanyahu for a very long time. i believe he has lost his way by allowing the interests of his political survival to prevail over the interests of israel. as a result, he is willing to tolerate civilian deaths in gaza. and this has led to historic support for israel around the world. chuck schumer, leader democratic majority in the us senate, by the way, an ethnic jew, condemned netanyahu back in mid-march. according to him, the prime minister no longer meets the needs of the israelis, and, apparently , the needs of the states too, since the americans no longer hesitate to say that it will be much easier for them to work with the new government, and they are now shouting about the same thing in jerusalem and tel aviv. your time is up,
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pork producers are discovering china. official beijing gave our farmers
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a pass to its huge domestic market after 15 years of ban. what benefits will our livestock farming receive from this and will domestic consumers suffer from this? mikhail chebanenko found out. pork in the chinese sense is not even meat, ears, paws, cartilage, what we call soup products and are usually sent for scrap to china.
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eat beef and it got to the point that if someone ate or killed cows, and it even went as far as death penalties, plus the chinese believe that pork is much healthier and more valuable than beef in terms of health in terms of simply getting enough, eat, in china, if they say the word meat , they mean pork, and russian producers have long been known as suppliers. here we have prepared a new warehouse for storing and shipping finished products to china. and most importantly, our market will not suffer from chinese appetites. capacity of farms and meat processing plants in russian regions. designed for wide sales, so, thanks to negotiations at the government level and diplomacy, we are again sending pork to china. the opening of the chinese market is of great importance for our industry, pig breeding in russia. china is a huge country, 1.4 billion people, the question is not only the population, how much pork consumption is in the culture, if in russia
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it is 30 kg per person per year, then in china it is already 40. russia has done a lot to fight the infection , and now our meat is one of the safest in the world, and given the demands of china, the population’s love for pork products and economic indicators will soar. the chinese market is the largest market in the world, both in terms of production, consumption, imports, and accordingly, having finally gained access to this market, we have the opportunity to obtain further investments.
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the final battle and there was also a scene with a contract being signed at a wedding and the main villain’s nose was broken, it looked really good, admiration, because the actors played their role very well and also the performance was very high level, the film flying ship was created with the participation of ntv based on the soviet cartoon of the same name. director ilya uchitel starring alexander metelkin and ksenia traister, as well as leonid vermolnik, fedor dobronravov, sergei garmash and polina gagarina. you know how many miracles there are. this concludes the program for viewers in the central part of russia. thank you for being with us. all methods are good when you want to be
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a bank for the present, good morning, about the weather for today, in the far east the synoptic situation is simple: the baikal anticyclone is on the continent, the kamchatka cyclone is off the coast. true, with him it’s not just the residents of chukotka who go there there are heavy snowfalls and blizzards, but in kamchatka in the kuril islands it is actually easier, precipitation will warm up a little to +5. the further from the coast, the less precipitation and heat will increase during the day up to +8. tomorrow also near baikal, today it’s still about 3°. also in irkutsk, but sunny, in the south of western siberia precipitation is possible, and it is also still cool. in novosibirsk -4. noticeable changes with a plus sign begin near the urals. in the warm sector of yamal. clones during the day up to +10° without precipitation, and soon the european part will add heat, where the temperature reaches its peak take-off, in the center up to +20 and above, in yoga in some places it’s already +26, this is the effect of the meeting
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of very warm air on land with still unheated sea air, fogs thickened in the sochi area, but only on the coastline and in some places they resembled a huge wave , fortunately, this is not a tsunami, but unprecedented warmth, too, as the wave will soon subside and the temperature will return to its shores. in the north-west it is already starting to get colder, in pskov it is still up to +20, in kaliningrad it is only 11, it will not happen without rain. in the north, snow is possible there from 0 to -5. in st. petersburg today rain and +8, tomorrow only +2. moscow on peka during the day +21 without precipitation, tomorrow 16 in a day 8.
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karosatά dear! it’s you, nastya, well, let’s agree, let’s go, there’s one more left.


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