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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 2, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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they won’t just leave on their own, that is, if they feel good, if they are provided with conditions for food, and if this food is obtained easily, then they will calmly stay and live together next to us, especially since the macaque population is growing exponentially and there is simply no place left for people in labbour, the robbers have already paralyzed local business, tourists are coming less and less willingly on short excursions, so the hotels have closed, the shops, left without revenue , are also closing. local residents are forced tightly lock the windows and doors, but what if at this rate lubburri becomes the first city in which rapidly evolving primates win the fight with homo sapiens is a debatable question. diana kovando, erika ovagyan, natalya popova and anna samburova. ntv. and that's all for us, thank you for your attention.
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today on our program: russia has been interfering in the democratic processes of europe for several years now. the elusive avengers, the legendary agents petrov and bashirov are again on the pages of western newspapers. what a fake american intelligence has cooked up this time. officers intelligence officers are wounded by a secret weapon that shoots a laser beam. tests: the olympic committee admitted that their task is to prevent russians from participating in competitions. who became the champion of slandering our athletes? we invited the ukrainians to provide us with information. not renounce loving. alla kugacheva, who left russia, was taken into custody by the prosecutor's office. why does the public demand that foreign agents recognize the premadonna? oh, what does that smell like? watch it now.
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hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. this morning, urgent news came from several regions of our country, from the lipetsk region, where an air threat regime was temporarily introduced there. well, as the regional authorities explained later. all air defense forces managed to detect and forcefully land a ukrainian drone, an aircraft-type drone, everything there went without casualties and without destruction, unfortunately, i can’t say anything similar about the episodes in tatarstan, there were several of them, but in general tatarstan first time was subjected to drone attacks during a special military operation, now a separate question is the one that needs to be answered, how it arrived, and well... we have some
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explanations, which, by the way, the ukrainian side itself gave, well, let me i'll tell you a little more. so, three ukrainian drones attacked the territory of the alabuga special economic zone. one hit an enterprise, two more hit a student dormitory. here you see just the footage that was published on social networks, you can see like an enemy drone, it also looks more like a light aircraft, flies over the sleeping buildings and falls into the territory. and the damage. glazing of nearby buildings was covered, seven were injured, three of them were hospitalized, while, according to local authorities, the technological process at the enterprises of the special economic zone was not disrupted. also in the morning , an oil refinery in the city of nizhnekamsk came under attack from a drone; it is located not far from yelabuga. as the mayor of the city ramil mulin said, the drone was neutralized by the electronic warfare system, it did not cause destruction,
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a short-term fire broke out on the territory of the enterprise, which was already extinguished quickly, no one was injured in the end, the investigative committee is now investigating all the circumstances of these night attacks. it didn’t take long to look for the masterminds of these terrorist attacks; the rbc ukraine publication reports that the main intelligence department of ukraine is behind the attack on yelaboga and nizhnekamsk; they do not specify where exactly the launch came from, but emphasize that... between the zone strike by tatarstan and the border with ukraine with ukraine a thousand (even more than 100 km) literally the day before, the minister of digital transformation of ukraine mikhail fedorov gave an interview to the german publication welt and boasted that the ukrainian armed forces have just such drones in their arsenal that are capable of covering such a distance. ukraine has significantly increased its production of long-range drones in 2024 compared to last year. majority. drones that attacked russian
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targets have a range of 700 to 1.00 km, but now there are models that can fly more than a thousand km. they are carefully monitoring the attacks of ukrainian drones on... russian territory in the western press, so from the cnn publication it follows that without the help of the west these attacks simply could not have happened, because ukraine alone, of course, does not have the technical capabilities to organize all this. to carry out such attacks , ukraine requires a huge amount of western technology, and russia is not easy to resist. they have this thing called machine vision, which is a type of artificial intelligence. everything, that. you need to take a model, put it on a chip and train it to identify an image, geography and target. this also allows for a high degree of hitting accuracy. ukrainian terrorist activity is not limited to drones alone. the russian federal security service reported that
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a car with a shipment of icons and church utensils, in which explosives were hidden, was intercepted in the pskov region. here you see operational footage, this explosive would be enough to blow up an entire one. 70 kg explosives found in a car that crossed the border between russia and latvia, also in georgia, there were 27 explosive devices and electric detonators camouflaged as icons, judging by the footage, here you see them, the explosives were attached to the frame on the back of the icons, explosive cargo was in transit to our border traveled through several european union countries, including hungary and slovakia. he said that the loading into his car took place in romania, the destination was moscow. according to the man, when crossing country borders european union, his customs documents were checked, the cargo was inspected, but
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was released further without hindrance. i was searched and checked, no problems were identified, after which i entered the schengen zone to follow. in the direction of russia, traveling to slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, where there was no obstacle. finally, another manifestation of ukrainian terrorism is direct threats to opinion leaders and famous people. so, the head of the rti tv channel, margarita simonyan, reported an impending attempt on her life. previously, the sbu charged her with accusations in absentia, attention, of genocide , an attack on the territorial integrity of ukraine. simonyan herself. in response to all these threats, she stated that this is how kiev is trying to provide itself with media justification in case of her murder, and added that despite such pressure and threats, it does not intend to stop working. so with the terrorist activity of ukraine, well, yes, we would like to continue about
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media support for all these terrorist outrages that ivan was talking about now, because every hour this information attack on our country, it is intensifying, this is now... in recent days it is obvious, because, you know, there is such an avalanche of accusations that are being brought against us, there is nothing we do, well, traditionally we interfere in elections, now there are many elections coming up everywhere, including general elections to the european parliament, so we interfere there, bribing future members of parliament, that is, now they are not yet members of parliament, and we are bribing them, when they are elected, they will work for us. we, uh, that means, we organize attacks on personal, on different people, using there are different magic weapons against them, some have a headache after this, and some begin to develop oncology, this is all absolutely serious, now we will tell you about it, there are of course a lot of dreamers there,
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here is one of our foreign agents, such a former actor arthur smolyaninov, he now loves to always tell in interviews that putin, he once met with vladimir vladimovich many years ago. with the help of the sbu, they would uncover a certain russian network of influence in the european union, which was allegedly engaged in propaganda and bribery of politicians, reported the newspaper denich n. according to the czechs, it was possible to influence the opinion of europeans thanks to the voice of europe news website, and
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viktor medvedchuk, a former member of the ardep of ukraine, was in charge of the kremlin propaganda. victor vladimirovich medvedchuk. viktor medvedchuk is personally connected with vladimir putin. he managed russian influence networks operating in the czech republic. voice of europe. the activities of this group of persons extend beyond the borders of the czech republic. this demonstrates russia's long-term efforts to interfere in democratic processes in europe. example of russian influence, in in particular, they considered the interview of two german deputies from the alternative for germany party, in which they harshly criticized the migration and gas policies of the german authorities. the intelligence service claims that the deputies were bribed by the russians. spiegel magazine suggested that the bribe amounted to several hundred thousand euros. in addition to the germans, politicians from belgium, france, hungary, the netherlands and poland are suspected of pro-russian propaganda in europe. according to our information, large sums of money were sent to european politicians from six countries, including germany.
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the money was received either in person during a meeting in prague, or by transfers in cryptocurrency. after the article was published, belgian prime minister alexander de croo immediately called a press conference on security. he has nothing to do with the czech intelligence services and the spiegel magazine, but he also suddenly realized that russia was paying members of the european parliament for propaganda. members of the european union about malicious actors trying to influence
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decision-making in the european union ahead of the june elections. the president is aware of the charges brought and is considering specific accusations. the british newspaper telegraph fears that if the politicians bribed by russia cannot be identified, they will be able to enter the new composition of the european parliament, then its work will be paralyzed. parties such as the german alternative for germany. “the hungarian fidas and the austrian freedom party do not have weight, but together they can veto eu foreign policy decisions. some experts suggest that they could form the third largest bloc of parties in brussels. alexandrevich, you are with european politicians in general, we communicated repeatedly, for many years, when we came to pas, they really are so easy to bribe."
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so-called persecutory delusion, that is , suspicion, and much more, i won’t scare you now, write it down ivan, this is a very good term, so, the point is that in fact this is an example of the well-known double standards, that is, when western mainstream publications are different, which are 90% controlled by...
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however, the truth is supposedly pressure or an attempt to influence the western audience , after all sometimes a person who actually has a psychiatric diagnosis, but in general gives the impression of being sane and efficient, they can really create some kind of conditions when part of, let's call them, sensible european politicians who criticize the current situation business but they will somehow be - not allowed to participate in elections, i don’t know, somehow
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limited in these of their own, i would advise what their colleagues did in the middle ages, western european politicians in the middle ages and church politicians in the middle ages , they undressed, we suspected, they looked to see if there was a ponytail or not, there was a ponytail, that meant a witch , that meant at the stake, so i think, probably, some old methods will now be raised, all the burned women have ponytails there were, to be sorry, how much, in any case, probably like... some signs, signs, birthmarks and much more, so in general, speaking seriously, speaking seriously, now there is nothing but harm to one’s own political process.
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yes, in any case, this reprint, that is, in this version is present in the information field , it needs to be interrupted with something, so they constantly find new, new, new russia bought our deputies, here is the most important thing, here they are using a completely pragmatic goal, the point is that they are pursuing, the point is that soon this year there will be elections to the european parliament, they, their analysts write
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that in at least nine countries, they are afraid that eurosceptics will win, and out of twenty, they are seriously afraid. reorganization of the political landscape, political representation in the european parliament, what they do, they immediately tie, hang up labels, even if this will never be proven, as is the case with interference in the united states, they immediately say that everyone who speaks speaks towards russia, everyone who is called eurosceptics directly by the adc party, for example, here or some other party there, these are all actually potentially bought by russia, in this way they scare their potential voter, well , i mean the population, that no matter how you support this, it’s all conditional.
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yes, there are dozens of ways she can do this, but why is she somehow not really advocating for us, why does she support her own, but she won’t support, she’s not a fool, she’s a smart woman, she’s organizing now , so from june 6-9, of course, there are elections, they are very important for europe, precisely because the european parliament is still good, and if you do, it’s easy. i want to understand, but everyone knows , do i understand correctly, that this scheme, with the possible, as you describe, bribery, one way or another, of future current members of the european parliament, this is the scheme that is used everyone, the united states, what large european organizations, that is, even if we do this, we have no evidence, but you tell us, this is already an argument, this is an absolutely
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normal thing on the european field, we are simply joining what everyone else is doing i'll give you one last example. farmer protests, while hungary financed these protests through its structure in brissel, they were, now they are not, no, that’s all, money, no money, no more, it’s not us, the hungarians paid, it’s not us, but the hungarians who gave money, and hungarians, hungarians they paid their own money, this, they had their own interests, what do you remember, the neighboring collective farm was eating manure, we can help our interest, can i add, add a grain,
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we had some field training, he came, that means we were there winged his mother , then went there to do his own business, which means the rangefinder was deployed in his ass and they shot him,
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that is, in principle, the story with some kind of ray weapon, with which they run through the fields and shoot at different ones, it happened 100 years ago, because i served at eighty, it was in eighty-six, andrei vladimirovich, you don’t have to take everything i say so seriously, oh my, let’s get the plot already, let’s see the plot. on sunday , the new york times published details of the murder of the traitorous pilot maxim kuzminov, who hijacked a russian mi-8 into ukraine in august. with reference to the spanish police, the newspaper reports that kuzminov was shot six times, and then the body was run over in a car, but most importantly, at the scene of the murder, investigators found cartridge cases for a makarov pistol, which, of course, immediately leads the investigation to the right trace. according to investigators, these cartridges are the key to unraveling the identity of the killers. this is standard ammunition from the former communist bloc. the
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spanish police department said this is a clear signal. another story about the all-powerful russian special services was published the day before by two western publications. the german newspaper der spiegel, the american television channel cbs, conducted a joint investigation into a mysterious russian weapon that causes havana syndrome, some unidentified... mysterious disease in which the eyes and head begin to get sick due to exposure to electromagnetic waves. the information was allegedly passed on to the journalists by american intelligence agents; they even gave a detailed interview to the cbs television channel, but asked them to wear makeup and put on a wig in order to remain unrecognized. we are dealing with energy weapons, they are not going away. look how effective it is, this is a new generation weapon, and we, unfortunately, are the ones, agentess told cbs that russian electromagnetic activity is not just an isolated incident, but 1,500 episodes around the world,
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they say there is no need to go far, at last year’s summit in lithuania, the insidious russians and the jesuits irradiated a high-ranking pentagon employee, and his head hurt precisely from the damned waves, and not because of three glasses of whiskey in the lobby bar, it is noteworthy that 2 years ago the boss burns reported to all american intelligence: there is no evidence of russia’s involvement in cases of govan syndrome, and the syndrome itself is rather a fiction. the intelligence community is inclined to believe that today there is no accurate explanation for the condition of more than a thousand of our employees around the world. we have no information about the involvement of another state in these attacks or the use of any special equipment against them. now, new evidence has allegedly emerged of the use of secret weapons and russia’s involvement in what was happening. they even found agents who are pursuing american diplomats around the world, armed with energy guns, among them, again, allegedly the same petrov from the couple petrov and bashirov, a connoisseur
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of the spire in saltsbury, allegedly the movements of him and six other people coincide with the movements american intelligence officers and diplomats, moreover, over the course of 10 years, these elusive seven with energy blasters have bitten out, quote: 10% of the best employees of the intelligence agency. state secrets, but maybe you can wink at me with your right eye, if we can do that? you know, today spring has begun, so i’m not changing, i’m just blindsided.
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always reacts to this kind of tricks, they do it from year to year, they forget for several years, when i was still a junior opera, i was on duty at the moscow administration, and to me came, every night people came in these very same, in tinfoil hats, tinfoil hats, they kept saying that they were being irradiated, and this always coincided with the scandals that the american embassy caused, that they were also allegedly being irradiated, well, i i’ll be honest, i have a hard time imagining it...
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but this needs to be clearly distinguished, that when it’s one thing, when the state approves or puts forward this or that opinion, or when it’s the media, i’ll remind you that, for example, this is of course the united states is not alone in that's the point, i think that russia is outsmarting america in this area, let me remind you that there are a lot, the list is huge, when those and...
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any, any new virus, coronavirus, hiv, with coronavirus i wouldn’t leave like that, virus, what questions to ask, swine the virus, this is still the first, the first thing, this thing would be right, because who is sowing depravity in the world, the americans, that’s why the birds, the pigs all fucked with each other, they started it, isn’t that right, i think, in principle,
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look, it means that if they confirm this to us. that we are bribing some deputies there the words are just about the fact that we are some kind of logic has the right to exist since you are accusing us, we can accuse you of two accusations about mukhachkala, the intervention there of the west of ukraine, everything else today, i just ask even the journalists who are listening to us, to pay attention , go to the times website, accordingly there is a wonderful article there, just a sincere recognition of the ukrainian side.
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european deputies is pointless, because a they decide little and b - they are outbid, therefore from the point of view of emissions it makes no sense for us to rent european deputies; there are people there who will defend their own. interests as conditionally the same as the hungarians, well, about the fairy tales that hungary financed massive farmer protests throughout europe, i won’t comment, the only thing you can tell me is where did hungary get so much money that it doesn’t have, and what about russia gave, yes of course, it gave it to hungary, and hungary has already financed it, that you work widely, you think somehow down to earth, well, yes, we also have nowhere to put the money, that is, we ourselves convinced the europeans farmers that their incomes have collapsed and that their incomes have increased sharply.
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as for training, well, i’ll say this, how should we respond? we need to react very simply: we urgently need to increase the export of foil to the united states, then we will at least have sanctions on grade aluminum indirectly through the pipeline. what do you think, in general, these are all the versions, there is not even a version, in fact it all looks like an axiom, for europeans, is it really an axiom or is it still necessary to prove it as a theorem that the russians are to blame, the russians are to blame for everything, it’s boring and... not funny anymore, but for the simple reason that we were talking about paranoia, no, i rather agree with anton, yeah, there’s no paranoia there, there’s just an attempt, as always, from time to time influence your own
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public opinion, this usually happens in each individual western european country as some kind of elections are about to take place there, now is simply the moment when there are general european union elections. well, accordingly , there’s more talk about this, i just want you to let me remind you, this is around 2000-2001, which means that in 2001 there were elections in italy, yeah, and by the way, there was a center-left government, and berlusconi won, so in 2001, yeah, what did they come up with, they came up with the so -called dossier mitrokhin, it was some kind of archivist from the kgb, something like that in general, well, not the kgb. you understand and that’s all , by the way, the journalist who sort of promoted this whole thing got a place as a deputy in the berluscon party, this is about what kind of friends of putin they are there and
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so on, well, the elections passed, everyone successfully forgot about mitrokhin and everything else, now we see again, specifically about the european elections and about the russian trace. i ’m on all the unfriendly italian channels, every time i have to fight back, this already started somewhere last spring, so soon a year, now a year, this is all gradually growing, now this is practically the main topic, that is, you don’t want russians, as always, yes, the red army on white horses, that means in the vatican, there and so on, not want this. “then vote correctly, okay, lord, then let ’s take a short pause now, and then we ’ll talk a little more in detail about these strange events in the british royal family, because for them this is really the number one topic,
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remember, when everything happened in crocus, i said that the tragedy in the moscow region is everywhere on all covers, except for the british, they have their own history there, but all these terrible things that are happening there, they , well...” for a couple of days they seemed to have no address, a now the address of who it is has appeared , well, naturally, yes, and we are to blame for all this, a short break, the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives warmth, warms hearts, uniting the whole family, princess nuri tea is the magic of warmth, and what to dangle before didn’t start, but i... had a musical score, ruzil minikaev, although there will be war soon, leon kemstach, i see zak in the area, nikita kologrivy, don’t you understand that they are now going to catch us all one by one, anna peresilt, help , anton vasiliev, we
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are now creating a new management, behind us now force, we will hand over all of you in 2 weeks, sergei burunov, for which i became the father of a bandit, ivan. yankovsky, they are sharpening their teeth on us, no one likes that we are a force in ourselves, a boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, a boy’s word is only for boys? this is just the beginning. the most anticipated television premiere of the year. april 15 on ntv. black sun. premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. we woke up, stretched, shook off the winter and shook ourselves off. during the spring sale we change clothes and shoes. we also transform ourselves with cool things and buy them. i like this update. wake up, sale on ozone. adidas tracksuit for 3,499,
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this is due to the israeli attack on the consulate. iran in damascus. in general, a deliberate attack by the army of one state on the invasion of a second on the territory of a third is a very rare story, and it is written that this is the first time israel has decided to take such a daring step. an air raid by israeli f-35 fighters hit the diplomatic quarter of damascus. in addition to the iranian embassy and consulate, the usual houses are located there. 11 people, among them iranian generals and military advisers. israel did not comment on the strike on damascus, however, apparently fearing the consequences, it stepped up measures security in their embassies around the world. the first street to react to what happened was in tehran, people came out to a protest rally, here is a picture from there: hundreds of people are burning
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the american flag and the israeli flag, the british flags were also trampled on. then the official reaction followed; it didn’t have to wait long. the permanent mission of iran to the un calls the israeli air force strike a terrorist attack, the iranian foreign ministry says that the israeli attack violates international law and adds that iran has the right to respond, and now it will decide how it is best to punish the aggressor. the islamic republic of iran has never left the crime of the zionist regime unanswered, of course the zionist regime and its allies know that they must wait for iran's proportionate response to this villain.
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usa about this strike? once again, we are gathering information, i have no comment on the strike at this time. it seems to me that you can watch forever how state department representative matthew miller collects information about some event, and then about the british
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royal family and what we are in they are to blame, well, they all really got sick, they got seriously ill, that’s how... the operation was successful, but tests showed that i had cancer. doctors advised me to undergo chemotherapy, and now i am at
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the initial stage of treatment. but these shots did not convince the public; particularly inquisitive members of the royal family said that. fake on behalf of the royal family, they were already caught forgery in march, when a seemingly fresh photo of kate surrounded by children turned out to be so crudely retouched that news agencies and publications even deleted it from their publications. but for photoshop it was not buckingham palace that got it, but for some reason russia. russia, china and iran
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are spreading misinformation about kate middleton's health in an attempt to destabilize the uk. british officials fear that... unfriendly states are behind the spread of wild conspiracy theories and rumors on the internet regarding the health of the princess of wales. along with the scandal around kate, another dramatic story developed: the public buried king charles ii. the reason was this document was published on social networks and tabloid publications on buckingham palace letterhead, the sudden death of the monarch. the paper turned out to be fake, but they believed in it because karl had been previously diagnosed. researchers in the uk have said the disinformation operation was fueled by russia and
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is designed to stoke divisions, a sense of public chaos and undermine trust in the royal family and the press. britain's strong support for ukraine and london's long-standing antagonism with moscow have made it a tempting target for the russians. kindling for the sake of kindling. that means once again, a video appears, presented as official, in which the princess says that she has oncology, and accuses russia of spreading misinformation, lagging behind her health, the same with the king, andrei vladimorovich, since you know absolutely everything about everyone, i have colleagues before the program today they said that you even know kate midlilton, she literally sat on your lap as a little girl, well, stop laughing at god, let me work in peace, this is the real one here. or are we really coming up with these videos for what concerns the king, then it’s us, what are we, we launched this whole story, the russian media
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launched this whole story that the king died, what is the meaning, the meaning is very simple, really, to create, someone, i think, made money on this on the stock exchange and so on, i think that there was a commercial interest, like in its time with the story of waterloo, when they made money on this in britain, explain the commercial interest, how does it work? because if, if someone from the highest ranks dies, then naturally the situation on the stock exchange becomes critical, they fall, that with all due respect , king charles ii is such an influential comrade, of course, but what do you want, sorry, i don’t want anything, i have that he is completely , the head of great britain, well, excuse me, the king of great britain is still a very large significant figure, kate is very important, the princess is smaller, but with the princess in general there is a very complicated story, so... because indeed there are several times, but this just not our story, the king is ours history, that is , it blames us to the fullest, yes to the heap, the princess
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has nothing to do with it, and now these are not our fakes, not ours, well, it’s there that the british are playing their own games now around the throne, around the return of prince gary, and so on further and so on, look, andrei vach even knows this, this king is ours, well, really, we only published this, how can he be on... explain, you are now inventing some things divorced from reality, i i’m telling you how it was, the story with the fake about king charles ii lived in information space for at most 20 minutes , i followed this almost live, moreover, for this event to somehow influence the stock exchange, this event about the death of king charles needs to go beyond the runet, so at the moment when this publication was supposedly about death.
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or god forbid the russian media writes about this, guys, do normal information coverage of events in the royal family,
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that is, you yourself create suspense, you yourself create intrigue, and then you are surprised that some other media begins to think, what about this is happening, why are they keeping this silent to us, create a normal information support for the story with the royal family, there won’t be any problems, alexander georevich, but we have, if we have time for some other department or division, which... well, i’m not saying about charles ii, again, i’m asking you about the dos and don’ts, who is engaged in some special operations in the information space, maybe burying someone ahead of time, or maybe resurrecting someone, something like that, i i think so far our services are no longer lowered to the level of burying someone or resurrecting someone, because there are more serious things, but in general it must be said that fighting such misinformation is probably still necessary and sufficient.
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because apparently he couldn’t figure out how to tie russia to the shelling by israel and the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus, russia doesn’t get tied here, let ’s stop already, we need to change the subject, a short pause and we’ll continue, the body of a young girl without a head and hands, was discovered on
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bank of the river in the priozersk region. i have a serious conversation with you, it has to do with gabriet, elections to the legislative assembly , will you run, they say it costs a lot of money, no, i’m enough, there’s only one brother, the murder of my wife is connected to one of her cases, now i’m leading this case, i'll reveal it and find out who killed him. black sun, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. kirkorov vs. dorokhov. stars on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. there are so many things to do, we can handle it, because i have complivit. just one tablet a day for support health, performance and well-being. complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex of 21
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rhythm or cardiac arrest at rest are signs of cardiovascular disease, just undergo a medical examination for free. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, and before we continue , i want to remind you, dear viewers, that my meetings with you outside the television broadcast, a concert program, a different format for moskvich, who managed to buy tickets, continue , will watch breakfast at the magnus locus club, and on saturday the sixth i will bring her to tambov, i invite you to the center for the development of folk arts ivushka, may 25 pyatigorsk palace of culture sofia, june 22 omsk concert hall, 29 - sochi winter theater, this is our schedule for the warm season, as i said at the beginning, if you remember that
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we will return to foreign agents a little later, this is the time we have now is coming, we will now talk about foreign agents, both current and future, but first, a story about how thomas bach talked with african officials, in detail. to find a reason to exclude them from the olympic games under the pretext that sport is outside of politics, to such painstaking work for greater efficiency. attracted the ukrainian side. we also invited the ukrainian side, and not only offered, but also asked, to provide us with their information about the behavior of such athletes or officials. in
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this case, they will not be able to participate. at the same time, we punish those who are responsible for the annexation. there can be no anthem. the russian anthem cannot be performed. the russian flag cannot be raised. the same bang who just told us that sport is outside of politics. admitted that the international olympic committee took care that sports games within the brix bloc should not have a wide resonance in the world, while ioc functionaries, according to bach, are quite frightened by the world friendship games, which should open this summer; bach calls their holding a risk for the entire sports system , well, apparently for him personally, he promises to involve the campaigns, upon their condemnation, with heavy artillery from the countries of the european union. the president. macron will fully support this, as well as all other eu countries. there is no doubt, that is why i say that the easiest way is for the european the commission expressed this opinion on behalf of the members of the european union. you could protect the integrity
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of the sport and convey to african athletes at a higher political level that the games are being presented by russia as the games of the russian president. well, the russian olympic committee noticed that the head of mok ignored the openly russophobic. the sport of extrapolitics, the sport of extrapolitics, sport , that’s it, but i’m sorry, if
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kate middleton has been on the front pages lately in the british media, then for the russian media, and especially for social networks even more so, in recent days there have been people number one, well maybe number two, okay, this is alla borisovna pugacheva, what’s the matter, the discussion is that alla pugacheva. should be recognized as a foreign agent in our country or , accordingly, should not, she somehow took off like a rocket right now, everyone speaks out about this, argues, well, in principle, this is not surprising. because probably in terms of scale for our stage , hardly anyone can compare with pugacheva, although she hasn’t performed for a long time, so, but nevertheless, somehow gossip about her fate is apparently interested, well, we approach this issue a little differently, nevertheless, we, probably, perhaps, for the first time in the entire existence of our program, want to devote a fairly large chunk of our airtime to alya bugacheva, immediately after the story. ..
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oh, it’s me, the hairless singer, old allagawa, normal people are not going to return there, so go ahead, make money while you can. professional complainant vitaly borodin perceived these words of the artist as an insult to the homeland and said that the prosecutor general's office is obliged to check pugachev for foreign influence and recognize her as a foreign agent. the prosecutor's office has already sent information to borodin.
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when she sang her own songs under the pseudonym boris garbanos, there was such a story, well, you see how much you can tell about pugacheva, lena grigorievna, and why is everyone so worried about pugacheva? i don’t care why, how do you manage to not be drawn into this kind of thing? in general, this story of a witch hunt really scares me, and you think we’re starting to catch famous people who are in fact, it’s like maybe
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they don’t love us, but they didn’t break the law, because why didn’t they love us, because there is a law, she broke the law, they admit it, she didn’t break it, i don’t recognize it, if she breaks it or he ... not the law , well, some standards of behavior, well, if we mean standards of behavior, then for me, for example, it is a great grief that she betrayed our people , went to israel, you know, decided that her homeland was there, although we loved her so much songs, her herself, jokes were written about her and, so to speak, she was loved by the people, and this of course it’s disappointment, it’s disappointment, it’s personal, just like that. on the part of the state, this persecution does not deserve, well, it does not deserve, yes, because on the part of the state there can only be legal persecution and nothing else. elena grigorievna, let’s say, on some friday, on fridays the ministry of justice updates the register of foreign agents, somewhere closer to the evening, at dinner, so you start
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having dinner on friday, and this message arrives, suddenly in the register under the following number allasavna pugacheva, a people's artist, was also included in my opinion, the last of the soviet union, but here i am not so much.
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you feel in advance and then you may not consider yourself part of the audience that liked it, which al borisovna named.
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under such and such a number in the register of foreign agents, this is from the point of view of symbolism, this is from the point of view of symbolism, that
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there are no untouchables, that even special people who are some kind of kings of the stage, they can get theirs if they really fight against a huge part society, i will not say the whole society, but against a huge part society, consider this society somehow different, somehow sick, as you said here, on the other hand, when chubais is recognized as a foreign agent, i agree with you. a couple of times there he just said something very delicately, here vitalich is absolutely right, it’s as if she’s raising the ante, because she has several.
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they invited her, loved her, kissed her hands, gave her gifts, so to speak, and i think that she, well,
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really has some, some information, wait here, what kind of information could there be, that is, here it is, i tell you i’ll tell you, i came to a corporate event of such and such a company, and they brought me a suitcase of money, they said, here’s al borisovna, they didn’t pay taxes, here’s to you from the heart, from the soul, i think that, well, her status allowed me to sit with them at the same table .
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here is the key question, for me it is dubious to grant this status to an ordinary individual, well, really, well, well, this is very doubtful, and also the opaque wording of foreign influence, what this professional, not an informer, is charging her with, but how are you he was called, complainant, this means that this is what he imputes, this is foreign influence, let us figure it out, mr. borodin, this is a separate issue. the opacity of the wording makes it possible to give this status to anyone who is pointed at by me, or borodin, or people like borodin, that’s what the problem is, i want here i, slana grigorievna, agree that everything was proven according to the law, some kind of foreign
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funding and so on and so forth, its influence on the country when vitaly indicates that she is involved in political life. listen, i live in 24/7, so in the news on telegram channels, except for the patriotic z-channels , which let us know that brodin intends, that means that’s it, i have a big request, so i’m calling borodin’s last name, we no longer remember today, i don’t go to a page on a forbidden instagram or other social network by the way, to pugacheva, quietly, quietly, firstly about the one mentioned. banned instagram something now we have something to say let’s talk and i just thought that this phrase that i’m talking about, i have something to say, and as you explained the technology, it just seems to me that and there’s also something to be said about her, so let me remind you once again about voting, please don’t forget, continue
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to express your opinion, we ’ll be back on air in a few minutes, not all of our guests have spoken yet. this is a show duel star denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go against philip kirkorov, i’m actually a singer, and i’m a taxi driver for the soul, while there are no concerts, nature bent me live and deprived me of beauty and growth, ugly, contorted and.. i sent the term into the living world, that’s how i see luntik, it’s a housing issue, yeah, it’s a secret on million, all my ex-women, began with the letter a, amen, where are you going, i don’t want to start, why is the project so cruel, because
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to touch her, and i’m also glad that she didn’t see that brutal night and doesn’t see how in response to drunken atrocity, the law is public torture, i’m sorry, i’m very sorry for you i love you, alla borisovna, but pugachev’s husband, parodist and foreign agent maxim galkin, unlike his wife, published a post with public condolences, although he also suffered for it, pro-ukrainian people came into the comments.
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we even turn mourning into a reason for blessing executions in russia. actor foreign agent anatoly vaisman, known as bely, wrote several posts about the reaction in crocus. at first. expressed condolences to the families of the victims, where they wrote to him, just like to agent galkin, that russia itself was to blame. then weissman returned to his usual tone, writing that hell is going on in russia and that those who support the svo will face a finale like in a crocus. another foreign agent, musician andrei makarevich, also mourns with reservations. firstly, i consider publicly pulling out one’s own hair on the internet to be the most vulgar activity. can you help, help, don’t give up
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necessary. secondly, of course, i sympathize. david alekseevich, i ask you to look at this from two sides: first, why people who left, no matter what political stories they are haunted in their heads, cannot simply express condolences without any asterisks, reservations, and so on, and on the other hand, why is it important for us, the people who remain here, for some reason, what these people will say, how they will show themselves in these condolences, we look at them very closely, so try to evaluate this from both sides, you know, i...
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who took and transferred a million rubles to the guy who led 100 people out of the burning crocus, he did not speak, he simply transferred a million rubles 14, recorded a video, recorded a video on this, recorded a video, he recorded a video after that, to grieve in my soul, but i would have accepted this, if the person did not run social networks, well, it would have been somehow.
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express some kind of grief or don’t express it regarding the terrorist attack in crocus, some kind of hairpin is always inserted, she didn’t insert anything, she said it’s not necessary to grieve instagram, in the shower, she didn’t insert anything.
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alla borisovna does not live in russia, she was grieving, that is, you need to express sympathy only to those citizens of the country where you live, so dmitry vladimirovich, come on now, well , everything is completely obvious here , there was a terrorist attack that shocked our society, shocked us all absolutely, and a normal human reaction in any person will express itself painfully, not at all to express in some way now, to somehow express your shock, but public people, they are obliged to do this, because... there is a different demand from them, they set certain standards of behavior, now this citizen, there is such an expression to show off, she understands everything perfectly, understands everything perfectly, if she wanted, she would express her behavior directly and specifically, maybe the whole point is that she is there intentionally or unintentionally, no longer meets this standard of behavior, so what? of course, she meets a different standard, in my opinion, in my humble opinion, she fully meets the foreign agent standard, which is not a punishment, but simply a designation,
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this is... one shift after another, so against this background, no, there will be some kind of public epiphany after that, some kind of catharsis . we live in an era of tectonic shifts, we have a massive one, after that, could, no, another
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a logical step, now, of course, no special impression, it will simply be stated, in my opinion, again, this is my personal opinion, no fact will be stated, society will step over it and move on, why, then, that it is necessary.
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sees how this man, naturally, due to his employment, due to status , due to security, they will take him out of line , he will lay flowers, they will come up to him there, he will start saying something like that, that is , a public person has no right at all to come at such a moment, so they public people, andrey, well, probably, of course , because someone will say, and he is promoting himself, look, at the same time he is promoting himself, probably someone is promoting himself, it’s not for me to judge them, i’m just saying that’s when. ..
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it’s not allowed here, yeah, but israel is october 7, sorry, this is special, here we are not in front of everyone we can’t make excuses, this is special for us , here we will allow ourselves such expressions, even in relation to the palestinians, which we will never allow in relation, we will not allow in relation to the russians, here, although i understand, now i am very subtle i’m entering the ice, but they also need to understand that the same rules that apply to us in relation to...
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i want to take my share, but you don’t take me into consideration at all, tonight they killed loika, you think it’s me , no, another will come in his place, believe me, we killed them, because we defended ourselves, and now we are just like them, please don’t leave me alone , i’m very scared, zhen, there will be no more lawlessness in our city, i’m telling you this, hot spot, today at 22:15 on ntv. black sun, premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. an endless country on which the sun never sets. the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands. on the new maps of tenkov black. hurry up to get
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ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, our voting continues, it looks like we have a record today you are very active, this is of course wonderful, very nice, there are more than 10 thousand voters , i would like to draw your attention to this, we will show you later, there, well, we offer you different answer options, but... you have this opportunity, because you leave your opinion, your answer option in the comments, then here now our colleagues told us during the commercial break that this is their option in the comments, there is a clear leader there, that is, what to do with pugacheva, forget, that is, this is the option, give her oblivion and in general, why am i paying attention to this, we just have a story about it, this is the soviet experience, which maxim anatolyevich began to remember, and we suspended him, let’s take this as an example now...
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they didn’t allow him, then he decided on a political gesture and sent a letter to the president of the united states, former actor ronald reagan. it was called, like an artist, to an artist. after that, kramorov was released from the soviet union on all four sides and the artist moved to los angeles, where he starred in tiny episodes, always in the role of a stupid russian. but in his homeland, despite the total ban on films with his participation, in the memory of the audience, he remained great actor. after your departure, many paintings.
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he married a foreigner and emigrated to yugoslavia, and later moved to the united states.
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in the third year, she and her husband emigrated to germany, where she was unable to achieve success, even remotely comparable to what she had in the soviet union, and although for many years her name was not mentioned here, and the soundtracks were not played, in 2000 mondrus again turned out to be desirable guests on various russian tv shows, where she eagerly told that she left the country for good reason. somewhere i felt that a time was brewing that i had to accept some decision, and my egel, my husband.
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remembers, but i want to tell you that i am sorry that today we spent an entire hour of airtime discussing something on which nothing depends; today nothing depends on opinion in russia, neither in the kremlin, nor in the store, nor
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in the market , you know, what about her people, wait, what once depended on her opinion, there was a time when fate depended on her.
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let's hurry up, i'll show you no, what i mean is that let's be aware that we don't live in the 19th century or the 20th, we live in an era social networks all these stars that i am.
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creativity, its scale, we evaluate the political position, society is really politically split, and this split is getting worse, and we hang our assessments because of political preferences, forgetting that now is the easter, pre-easter period, fasting, yes, how it ended, for for the jews there 2000 years ago, yes, christ, so to speak, was no one when they asked, when ponti pilate asked people what was wrong with him. this is important, no need to interrupt, no need to interrupt, when ponti pilate asked the people we will release, a criminal or
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a person who spoke out with criticism, means the authorities then, whereas, as in the telegram, 8.00 people voted at that time, crucify christ, you need to look after yourself, and not shy away from social networks and not you , if you are grieving, grieve on your own , don’t look for it, come on vladimirich, i... how i just lost it before speaking, how can you compare at all, now now, wait, now there is a hybrid war, analogies with the soviet era are inappropriate, then people left for long ruble, for fame, almost no one does anything i didn’t achieve it, but nevertheless, now there is a hybrid war, there are ours and there are not ours, these people are going over to the enemy’s side and are now being used, in this game, please turn into a choir, they won’t be heard, which is much more valuable artist.
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let's see what you think, what do you think, in order to get home, a pensioner is forced to climb onto the roof, and then jump off the other side, takes a rope with a hook , pulls himself, moves one of the slates and climbs there, and you actually get into your house through roof, i'm a former climber, that's it because the gate has long been covered with a mountain of garbage, which is already higher than the roof, a lamppost lies, some pipes, boxes. clothes, leftover food, these are all slander, slander against me, because of the fire danger in the neighborhood of rat raids , local residents live in constant fear,
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in the summer in the heat it will flare up, it will be very difficult to extinguish, there are direct threats that they will set it on fire, such a rat is coming with tail and three smaller ones, specifically show where the rat was captured on my territory, is there any salvation from the garbage mountains, is it convenient for you to live like this, absolutely it’s inconvenient to live, well, i’m... forced to live, it’s beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. black sun. premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. how's that? you make all payments on time, and tinkov recalculates the rate. when you close a loan, it's like a holiday. and on holidays it is customary to give gifts. and tinkov is a great gift for you. apply for a credit card before the end of april, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate
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the sports club for perseverance and achievement in recreational gymnastics. it’s so nice to see people’s happy faces, what is happiness? happiness is in simple things, in childhood memories, in spending time with loved ones, in the fact that you can improve at any age. today, anyone can order cacs packaging, bypassing all trade markups. but that's not all. attention, only today you have an unprecedented opportunity save 3,500 rubles. and receive hot active joint cream as a gift.
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so he walks through the location of this unit , gets acquainted with these possessions, sees, this is where the parade ground is, there is a bench, a bench, and next to it a sentry, he comes up and says: what are you doing here, soldier? he says: i’m guarding the bench, sir, but why? order from the commander, sir, i didn’t give such an order, that’s right, sir, this is the order of your predecessor, well, he became so interested, especially since he is still communicating with this predecessor, taking over matters, he then he asks why did you say to install a post near the bench, he says: i didn’t say anything like that, it happened before me. the former commander, well, he says, listen , why should he, let’s call, we can establish a connection, we can, we called this one, he says, this is also, he says, it’s not me, this is not my order, it was before me. well, in general , they were all somehow puzzled, what kind of nonsense, the sentry near the bench, in general, they reached the very first one along the chain, an old 90 -year-old retired general, who generally formed this unit, which means the caller,
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general grant, yes, this is colonel thompson, i was appointed commander of the unit that you created 50 years ago, you then gave the order to establish a post with a sentry near the bench next to the parade ground, and you can explain to us why we need to guard the bench, there there’s such a pause, then the general says: why isn’t the paint on it dry yet? it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. 70 kg of hexogen, fsb officers launched a series of terrorist attacks on russian territory. 190 group and two massive strikes per month chapter the ministry of defense reported on the progress of the special operation.


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