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tv   Za granyu  NTV  April 2, 2024 4:45pm-5:50pm MSK

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and you have a form, for baking, for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but for the copy subscription you have a vtb savings account, regularly replenish it, you will save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s twist for a long time, we’ll save up quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%, vtb, together everything will work out, magnet, caribbean mixture miratork 1599. magnet - the price is what you need. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. how's that? you make all payments on time, and tinkov recalculates the rate. when you close a loan is like a holiday. and on holidays it is customary to give gifts. and tinkov is a great gift for you, money. apply for a loan with tenkov before the end of april, make all payments on time. and we will return 5% of the rate in money,
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we approve your plans. tinkov, beyond. from the window, the residents of the mineral estates can see the mountain ranges, but elbrus has nothing to do with it, it was the neighbor who brought in the garbage. hello, evgeniy, hello, you have been living with this view from your window for a long time, 2 and a half years, when you just bought the plot, there was no garbage heap under the windows yet, there was a garbage heap, but much lower than his house, it was visible, but i didn’t attach much importance to it, because my house is located further away, and i decided that there wouldn’t be any problems with it, well, as it turned out, i was wrong, that’s when they realized , what were you wrong? it was in the summer
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of 2023, i went out to water the garden, suddenly i saw something rustling in the bushes, and a rat ran out, like this somewhere, well, 25-30 centimeters, probably i don’t count the tail, very big, ran away from me towards the neighbor’s plot, exactly in a heap, after that i saw rats in my place two more times, how they calmly walked around my garden, in addition, i also saw snakes in my place, there is an assumption that... perhaps under this heap there may be nests and more than one, under the heap of garbage that is on the site, why is there conditions are quite good for them, this is humidity, darkness and food, rats and mice, and you are absolutely sure that all these misfortunes are coming to you from the neighbor’s property, of course, because our whole area is quite clean, so rats can only escape from one big garbage heap, and what kind of garbage heap is there, when i looked, there were various children’s things lying around there.
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car seats, counted six wooden doors, boards, even found there, in my opinion, a lamp post lies, some pipes, boxes, clothes, children's toys, bags, i don't know what with them, cellophane, packed, lying one on top of the other, mosquito nets , leftover food, looks like a landfill, it turns out that your neighbor’s entire property is filled with this garbage, yes, he’s even near my fence, the pile itself is as tall as his house, we have footage of these garbage lands, let’s take a look, nothing to myself, i didn’t even immediately understand what was what, where the house was, where the garbage was, the poor neighbors, i feel sorry for them, it’s just that people are nearby, people, this means that a person has no feelings, but some kind of attitude towards the people with whom you live nearby, well, i’m generally surprised how he gets out of there, that, in my opinion, it’s even impossible
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to leave the house, right there next to the house, you see garbage piled up, he climbs over it, he always rides a bicycle and, by the way, here’s an interesting thing, so you can always tell a bicycle whether it’s at home; if it’s lying on a garbage heap, it means the bike is on top lies in a garbage heap when he is at home, yes, here he is, it’s very high, it’s very high, he climbs up the pile of garbage, yes, he climbs up, takes a rope with a hook, hooks up a bicycle and pulls it himself. then he lays it there, lays out the garbage, sorts it, because my house is visible there, i watched this from the second floor quite often, sorted the garbage, everything, then goes upstairs, moves one of the shelves and climbs in there, he the house passes through the roof, yes, and it exits the house in the same way, exactly the same age as he is, somewhere up to sixty, every day he gets home like this, still picking up his bicycle, and he every day, and this is more than once, he rides all day with... he collects garbage and carries
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it all day long until the evening, homeless animals are probably flocking to it in search of food, of course there are cats and dogs there, i suppose the smell is appropriate, yes, yes, there are dead people there. animals are on the territory of this garbage heap, so in the summer, especially in extreme heat, there is a corpse smell. and how do the neighbors endure, who, well, with this man common fence. they have been fighting him for 10 years, but he does not react to them, they are already on the verge. but if you are tired of enduring such a neighborhood, and you haven’t thought about selling the plot or moving? so who will buy such a plot now? or you 'll have to sell it. house at a reduced price. yul, evgeniy is right: the cost of such a plot is probably meager? it is very meager, because when people buy a plot of land for residential buildings, people look not only at what is in this residential building, namely, what is next to the land plot, even photographs,
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which you post somewhere, they will not provide, when the client comes he will see this, it’s really scary. evgeniy, haven’t you talked to your neighbor himself? they didn’t try to find out why he lives like this, to come to an agreement, i didn’t want to, i talked to the neighbors, uh, they are good people, they told me everything about him, after all, they live here all their lives, and what they told him, he started collecting garbage even before he got married, his wife’s family, father and mother, used to live in this house, when they died, his wife tried to somehow restrain him, so that he would not collect garbage, but then she became seriously ill. fell ill and could no longer prevent this, but when she died, he went all out, he was left alone and began to construct this huge pile of garbage, no, the neighbors said that he still had two daughters and even a grandson, but they they don’t come to him, his grandson lived with him for some time, you didn’t
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talk directly with this person, the neighbors tried to communicate somehow to solve the problem, and they tried repeatedly, but he always blames everyone, but not himself, and you contacted the city .
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hello, valery, hello, valery, you know that the neighbors are dissatisfied with your way of life, i have no idea, no one has approached me with this question, i am your neighbor, your fence will overlap with mine, all your
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garbage lies under my wall , how did you start the construction, you started to seize my land, you put it, where did you put your shed on... and i built this, i already bought this territory like this, why are you treating me like that, you bought it, someone built, but they put this fence on the boundary, on one side the fence was erected, on the other side they snatched away another meter and a half from me again, the neighbor on the other side wants to put up a fence, and you have papers that prove all this, of course there is, i have this plan, a plan for the land plot, listen, i thought that we have gathered here to talk about garbage, it turns out that valery has his own complaints,
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repeat, you have raw materials, you have more toys there, you have toys there, boards , some six doors, valery, but your neighbor says that there is a terrible smell coming from... your area, he makes up an idea there’s nothing to go there, it’s not garbage, if there’s foliage from a tree that’s fallen from a tree, it’s just rotting, there’s nothing that smells there, foliage, if there’s rotting foliage, then i remove it, but it’s not rotting foliage that stinks, why are you talking about what kind of smell, i when i looked in, i looked where the smell was coming from, i thought, maybe i looked at something, and there was a dead cat lying there, so they throw me a cat, but i mean they threw it, why, who gives you why, tell me, how... i can see if i arrive and i have it lying on the road crushed by a car cat, for everyone, on the road or on your
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property? on the site, i didn’t see why you are talking, except for the cat, the neighbors threw something on your site, from under the dogs it was stinking, from under the cats they scooped up bags, poured leaves and everything else, brought it to my site and openly say this, this not a figure of speech, that is, they do this, and those neighbors can confirm this. they tossed me up, but why discredit me, and not want to evict me, they should somehow get rid of this pile, what kind of land is there, what kind of fences are there, i don’t understand this, that is, you don’t believe it, galina, the fact that this cannot be, just take away half a meter, when in front of the windows there is a stinking heap of incomprehensible something lies, well, what are you talking about, from your side rats are moving towards me, when i scared them away... they ran towards your pile, so you scared on your part, pay attention,
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the neighbor who raises chickens is your neighbor with your fence, their whole territory there is clean, they have cleaned it many times, the territory is clean, no need to say, the neighbors are cultured people , everyone’s everything is clean, only mine is trash, garbage, but these are secondary raw materials, what questions for me, that is, valery, you claim that you don’t have any other living creature, rats, in general, you have order, i think that i have. i don’t think i can get any animals, i have technological raw materials lying around, and you ’ve never seen snakes in your place either, what kind of snakes, these are all slander, slander against me, i’m not slandering, why, specifically show me where the captured rat is on my territory , where is the slithering snake, where is this rest of such a heap of garbage, maybe it’s going to stagnate, you yourself invited me to the pestanza, where is your act of astation, valery, let’s sort it out fairly with the question that concerns you too. evgeniy, did you really chop off part of the plot from valery? i bought what was already there according to
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the documents, i absolutely could not chop something off from him, you have no plans for the neighbor’s plot, so absolutely, the version is absolutely incorrect, because the border was removed, removed, i have left to right cut off two more plots, one also silently, so the neighbor, kind and clean, cut off the boundary insolently. with your gambalas, sons, wait, but you, in turn , did not contact the law enforcement agencies, if a plot is taken away from you, i did not address this issue, because this land is a registered inheritance, the shared inheritance of the house is registered for three, after the death of my wife, she was a spouse, my wife died unexpectedly for us in the hospital, 10 years have passed , here we are literally up to...
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to the rosregister for registration of property rights, even if it is shared ownership, or personally everything, well , depending on the legal grounds on which this land plot will be accepted, and it can be fully registered as ownership, if there are any red lines, it is someone else’s land that is being used, this will be reflected on this plan, then only if a controversial conflict situation needs to be resolved either peacefully, or go to court and then determine whether it is a cadastral error or some other issues. what about the fact that he thinks that his
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land was seized, and i will, as they say, dump this garbage, let’s get to the garbage and go back, valery, we saw that your house is just littered with heaps, it’s convenient for you yourself to live, it is absolutely inconvenient to live, but i am forced to live, because this is my livelihood, i am a pensioner, how old are you? i’m 77, how do you make money with the help of garbage, tell me, i work in a gortop, as i introduce myself, we trample the city, we earn our bread, this is a piece of iron. by the way, that is, in addition to the pension, you receive money for delivering these raw materials, as you say, i cannot pay off the utilities, with the time that was entrusted to me, i have a decent pension, but i have debts, how talking about half or bailiffs from pyatigorsk i receive debts for what for
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utilities utilities are my children, debts for this house debts for renting housing, rented housing, they abandoned me, when my wife died, they abandoned this house, and you tell them all they need money, why are you helping them? yes, absolutely right, that’s why i’m doing this, how much debt do you have for utilities? 700, probably, for that house and for this one are all on me, how much is withheld from your pension payment for a long time 50%, and
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how much pension in total? well, my pension has now become 32, that is, i have 16 left to live on . because i don’t have gas there, although the utility workers demand to pay according to the amount registered on this in this house, the electricity is turned off, the refrigerators don’t work, nothing works, that is, in your in the house there is no gas, no electricity, water is supplied to the gas, i have... one stove and a four-burner , one gas burner works on it, on this one-gas burner i only boil the kettle in the morning and evening, but you don’t cook food, no, there is no way in the refrigerator products are not save, that’s why i feed the canteen, margaritas and how should valeria deal with such a situation,
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well, for starters, valeria has the opportunity to file a lawsuit against her youngest surviving daughter. we found alimony for the maintenance of the father, this is the first, second, 50%, in fact, this is the maximum amount of deduction from the pension, the bailiffs are doing everything correctly, valery, but your daughter is withholding something from her salary, i don’t know there , grandchildren, no, only you pay for these debts , the rest of my youngest daughter has made loans for herself, as they say, and i’m still with her i’m acting as a guarantor, she gave it, wrote down my phone number in... the contract, she got so many loans from different banks, she has no funds, no job, but the children pay, as if they wouldn’t take everything away from them if she doesn’t repay this loan, because both the recipient of the loan and the one who is the guarantor bear joint responsibility, i just didn’t understand one thing, one daughter dies, yes, the daughter leaves behind a son or two sons, and how
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old are the children, well, the oldest is 25 years old, so he can pay too, then i don’t understand why is that a problem? you, but how can he help when he is resting in remote places, how unlucky you are, valery, that is, there is no help from your daughter, there is no support from your grandchildren, you are completely alone in the fight against these debts. this delivery of waste, not waste, as you say, raw materials, it is the delivery of raw materials here that supports my existence, and how much do you earn from this raw material, how much does a kilogram of metal cost, well, 20 rubles a kilogram. is it colored or black? i'm talking about black non-ferrous - this is now a shortage of ferrous metal, how many kilograms of scrap metal can you hand over in a week? well, 200-300 kilograms. what else besides metal? plastic, 6 rubles per kilogram, how much do you rent per week , approximately, about 20 kg. what else do you rent besides plastic, polyethylene film, which costs 15 rubles. it costs a kilogram, but it’s light, there’s
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also a lot of it, but the volume is large, the volume is large , well, for example, over the past month. valery, how much did you earn from this, in the range of 5-6 thousand, which are additional per month, per month, why are children not allowed to go to the street alone and do not risk repairing the fence bordering the garbage mountain. new unpleasant details after a very short advertisement. it’s not necessary like this, it’s like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this, there’s an ironing system at the megamarket for 29,990 rubles. meet the secret weapon of star brightness, shampoo, mask. horsepower on the air of the show mask, they didn’t answer for long, don’t catch up with me, i look like a wolf. i want to watch you, listen to you endlessly, i will become a waterfall, a fall from a height, brilliant, only she could do this, on
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was a normal approach, i didn’t need it to keep warm, in order to keep the house warm, so that i could survive in these conditions are bestial, in fact, in no other way, abandoned by everyone, there is no heat in the house, i overwintered that winter, this winter i was going to overwinter in an army sleeping bag, covering myself with skins, that is, you don’t have a bed, i even sleep on the sofa in an army one. sleeping bags, do you have a bathroom or toilet? it was there once, but in my absence you tore apart my gas water heater, which has a lot of copper, someone just twisted it in the middle of the day, the neighbors may have seen it, but where do you wash, where do you go to the toilet? i have a toilet right below the neighbor’s fence, it’s there, i mean, it’s officially registered there, it’s drawn in the project, kept from
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my parents, well, there’s a cabin there. yes, a cubicle, everything is decorated, but where do you wash? i went to petigorsk every week, i have the keys to my apartment, why don’t i go, i don’t rent it there, and you really get into your house through the roof, and along with the bicycle, i have a refrigerator through which i climb up, i walk along the fence, through up, through everest, which all the neighbors are watching, he says, you have a lot of garbage there, through it, i’m a former climber, as they say, this is what i’m leading to, because you described not the road home, but some kind of obstacle course. let's see how this happens: every day, seventy-seven-year-old valery shestopalov conquers the peaks. this is not a hobby, this is his life. the front door to the man's house is securely walled with compacted trash, so to get there, he first climbs a mountain of trash. this is my everest, as i called it, so that everyone can see
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how i live. then he squeezes between boxes, boards, bags and suitcases, and then through a small hole in the roof he descends into his home, this is the entrance to the lair, called a house, in the lair the owner always has a supply of flashlights, because there is no electricity, the water in the bathroom flows in a thin stream, there is no heating , he’s warming up, drying valeria’s clothes using the only working burner on...
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head, his house is in disrepair, valery sighs, the ceiling has collapsed in places, the walls are lopsided, but he’s still trying to make it cozy: he decorated the bedroom with oil paintings, amulets and an african mask, his favorite books lie on a makeshift table, i either read politics or literature, i have plenty of books, and there’s no other way than a radio, there’s a tv over there that doesn’t work, there’s no electricity, before plunging into the embrace of morpheus, pensioner... pulls on a fur coat, climbs into a sleeping bag, here it is, a normal, good-quality, army one, we cover ourselves with fur coats, here is a good, solid fur coat, people throw it away, and it keeps me warm, after resting according to the proven scheme, valery deftly lowers a bicycle from his everest to take the next batch of raw materials to the tor for processing, a man stores cardboard plastic right
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in front of the house, cardboard. plastic, film, it ’s all prepared, i prepared it today to take it away, it’s not rubbish i have, it’s just a technological site, i have a slight tetanus from everything i saw, this is something, on the one hand it’s something strange, on the other hand, probably, if a person is used to this, then so to speak, maybe he simply does not want to change his image life, we can probably understand him from his side, in the sense from his position in the yard, as they say in the 20th century, suddenly we see this cave existence and state of mind and head, and this is the fact that a person is satisfied with this, if not it suited him, would he really continue to live in such conditions, especially since he has an apartment, okay, an apartment, he has a daughter, he has grandchildren,
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yes, yes, an elder. you say 25 years old, but how old are the other two guys? two adults, one, i already said that in places not far away, the other just returned from... to a healthy forehead, just returned from the army, come, unload, unload, help your grandfather, your grandfather will leave you an apartment, in the end they will leave you a house, i’m sincerely sorry, valeria, well, neighbors, really, in 10 years you couldn’t somehow find a common language talk to valery, well, purely humanly, well, come and talk, maybe it was even possible somehow. help, i don’t know, well, let alone bring everything out, well, at least help there with documentation, with some advice, but help there, i don’t even know, well, well, chip in, well, come up with something, well, lord, well sit here and wait to watch how a person just dies,
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the house collapses, the wall falls, where i sleep, the brick wall is already leaning towards me like that, a little more and my grandfather will be slammed, and this is so that my heirs will be ashamed. after me, well, after all, there is resentment towards those who surround me, i , to be honest, don’t believe valery, because even the version that he voices, that he collects it all, takes it away, it doesn’t stand up in general , critics, because why set up a warehouse on your site, this is absolutely inappropriate use of land, what to do in this situation, you need to go first of all now through the administrative line, and add additional pressure, not just write something there to wait.
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the decomposition of bioorganic waste attracts animals, insects that are carriers of plague, typhus, paratyphoid and so on, this list goes on and on, and of course, our beloved cats,
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dogs, which can be carriers of both parasites and protozoa or rabies, the following, as it were, is a direct path directly from the very, probably already more inorganic garbage, this is plastic there and so on, of course, it will decompose, releasing a carcinogen, but the carcinogen also accumulates in the body, it is not excreted anywhere, where is the proof that the empi station took air samples, everything else, these are general words, why are you behaving like this , i understand, here - excuse me, the raw materials are yours, that’s all. yes, it’s become cleaner to breathe in the city, the city has changed, it’s clean, but compared to the problems of the city, you have just a disaster, who will think of you, but no one helps me, they come up to me, they drive up in cars, grandfather, please, we will take you out, but my driver wants
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to eat, and i want to pay, but where will i pay when i only earn enough to feed me once a day, evgeniy, valery is talking about how he seems to have broken up. i took everything out, handed it over, no need, valery, the neighbors say, they suggested you take everything out, no one offered, why absolutely not, let’s say objects, you say only recyclable materials, here is your house, soft toys,
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these are recyclable raw materials, they don't give up to attract everyone's attention, why people's attention, believe that people's attention is to you attracted from my home, they take selfies and then post them on the internet, they make money from me, look, what’s here? where is the second raw material, continue, cardboard, plastic boxes, this wet cardboard can be handed over, but no, that’s why it remained upstairs, and why did it remain on your site when it should be in the trash? it’s just blown there by the wind from bottom to top, it’s clear, it’s clear, then the neighbors, then the wind, here’s the bicycle, there’s a small area where i have cellophane bags, and these are the cellophanes that the wind brought on, by the wind, it wasn’t you who brought it, no, of course, children’s car seats, here you go, this is for the purpose, it’s all for the purpose, you see, here are the radiators, metal pipes, there’s plastic, everything, and this is covered, so that it’s covered, that is, this called.
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not only because they left me in this world, abandoned me, and generalization is the whole world, does not inspire confidence in me, they left, not only because they were not helped, that is, i am already offended not only by what is unfair, neighbors who chop off pieces, people whom i can attract there, i i don’t trust them, let’s put it this way, yes, valeria doesn’t trust people, because people...
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your tone is wonderful, amazing, i like it, yes, that is, he looks good in such a different way, which is probably in his physical shape, he’s in mountains, he is in the gorges, he is there, as if in a sleeping bag, that is, he has created for himself some kind of world in which he survives and a world in which he gives strength to continue living, you said correctly, psychologically, i close myself off, yes, i i can’t break out of this rush, but it’s not enough that this garbage of mine oppresses me, i’m on... how can a court be organized by decision
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of the administration, i paid two fines for this, that there is rubbish under the window for a thousand rubles. how to save people from a dangerous neighborhood who stood up to defend valery, we will soon find out, the body of a young girl without a head of hands was discovered on the bank of a river in the priozersk region. the witness is sure that it was part of a ritual of a satanic sect, i thought such nonsense only happens in movies. how else are you in need? i have a serious conversation with you, it is connected with gabriela unguryan, legislative elections meeting, you will run for office, they say it costs a lot of money, i have enough money, there is only one brother, the murder of my wife is connected with one of her cases, now i see this case, i will solve it, i will find out who killed, black sun, premiere, today at 20:00: 00 on ntv. stars. premiere on saturday at 21:20 on ntv.
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pyaterochka helps out, beyond the bounds, this is beyond the limits. rats, a cadaverous smell, a pensioner has so filled his house with garbage that he now has to enter through the roof. elshan, how do you think valery will really be able to part with these things, okay, let’s call them that, and most importantly, we understand what danger this poses for valery, and what danger it poses to his neighbors, at least exacerbation of chronic diseases, disease of the bronchopulmonary system, yes, all this is in the summer, so you noticed that in the summer it smells stronger and stronger.
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hello, hello, olga, the rats have become a real disaster for you, a shock, because we were sitting one evening, resting, not even in the evening, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon we were resting at we look in the yard, so five steps like you, need four family there is such a rat with a tail and three smaller ones,
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of course, well, it turns out, your grandchildren can’t take a walk there in their own area, no, they can’t, it’s creepy, rats can attack a child, a driven rat if you drive her into a corner, defending herself, she, in principle, can jump, it’s better to let her run away, she will calmly run away, and they can jump up to about a meter high on average, wow, that is , just like that, well, listen, well and if the rat itself is 25 cm, of course it can jump, but it jumps... for the sake of protection, in principle, to jump, to scare you with it , run away somewhere, hide, and what to do if a rat attacks, you need to go to the doctor, get all the tests done, because it can also carry rabies and.. .and the plague, and, by the way, a rat can squeeze its jaw very tightly, so it can not only bite, even tear off a piece of skin from you, oh
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, olga, your site is far from valeria’s site, but, well, no , garbage, we can see it clearly when there is a little breeze, there is a specific smell from there, there is a smell, of course, if the sun will shine and the breeze will blow. then excuse me, there is a smell there, you have been living next door to valery for a long time, by the age of 50, wow, well, that is, you probably knew him before he became interested in collecting, yes, i knew his wife well, i communicated with her and his wife valery , communicated, she was a very good, friendly, clean woman, that is, with her there were no such warehouses on the site, no, well, the young man too... worked and worked very well, i know that he checked the alarm system at the bank, he walked around clean ,
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neat, i know that, but tell me how valerie’s family lived, well, i know that he has two daughters, his wife died, his daughters left, they abandoned him, just recently i saw my grandson, but of course he’s not a good guy either, but for now was valeria's wife? but there was no conflict with the neighbors, i didn’t hear it, she was a very friendly woman, but why do you think valery ended up at this point in his life? well, probably loneliness pushed him to do all this, as he says, he found himself a job, but you don’t consider this work, but for god’s sake, this work poking around in the trash can, this is unthinkable, what measures were taken to resolve this conflict?
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seventy-five-year-old vladimir kravchenko lives next door to valery shestopalov. for 15 years now, a man has been trying to fight an intractable pensioner who has filled his house from the inside with rubbish all the way to the roof. this is my fence that i made. to all my requests, well, at least move a little. no answer when the wind blows, this whole, this whole dump. flies here, i have to clean up after him, the owner admits, he is ashamed to invite guests to his place, because because of the stinking dump in the whole area he can’t
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breathe, in addition, rats run towards him from the dump, sometimes rats from there will come running here, well , to profit from something, i have a dog and barks, just pay attention , well, some are caught, they will strangle, they will help, the report, it’s not like rats, a crocodile. the neighbor on the other side of valery's house, oleg topalov, is afraid that the trash of his non-parental neighbor is about to end up on his property; the fence is already lopsided from the weight of the trash. i would have already leveled the fence and put it up everything is normal, where to put it, it’s piled up on the other side, look, and the refrigerator is there and whatever else is there, i don’t know what else is under it. galilin, well , it’s clear that people are already on the brink, even if it’s not visible, you can feel it. the intonation of the conversation, i sympathize with the neighbors, when there is a whole bunch of everything, well, i don’t know, it’s patience, it
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takes wild patience, people can sue over a problematic fence, or you have to wait for the fence to fall so that there is fact, no matter how, unfortunately, people are not given such an opportunity, it can local government bodies or the administration, you need to force them, let’s say so, the administration, so that it comes out with some kind of claims. he did it, the posts tore up the fences , that's how the fifty-year-old also says the roof , they noticed her geese and chickens are still living. it’s a rat running from his side, from him, of course, and the other neighbors who also complained about you, they complain to me, not one
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told me, this is also insolent. new young wife with a dog, he came with a shepherd dog, the wife is standing, throwing the dog at me without a muzzle, you don’t recognize the claims, but there is another alarming moment in this situation, the captured land, you didn’t think about it, that’s what, you’re not afraid that it will all catch fire one day, so there are direct threats that they’ll set it on fire, neighbors, yes , you have no reason to believe that all this will burn for you through your fault, well, why burn, there’s nothing to burn? he is a former firefighter himself, so he understands the danger all the neighbors' houses are in. david zakaidza in the studio. neighbor on the left, neighbor
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on the right, and this is now a neighbor. i live from his house a long time ago, you see, since 1999, we moved with our parents, we were so small, yes, yes, such a big-tongued, silent neighbor, your parents got along with valery, my parents got along with his family, and there was even such a moment, when even his mother, well, had a good, close relationship with his wife, well, she was a good woman, and it seems to me that basically she restrained him from such collecting, well , remember the moment when this garbage appeared, it gradually appeared, yes, it appeared gradually, and well, about four years ago i i have already noticed that he has almost begun to reach the beginning of the roof, now he is already above the roof, yes, today he is almost reaching the top, and what in such a neighborhood
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worries you most, worries me most, of course, first of all the fire hazard of all this, that is, valery says: there is nothing to burn, he is mistaken, there are a lot of all sorts of bags and various chemicals, that if it ever catches fire, for example, in the heat of the summer it will flare up, then it will be very difficult to put it out, plus it’s all dumped the gas pipe that passes through it is directly blocked, that is, a fire can occur, the whole thing can ignite itself, this is not necessary. set it on fire or do something else, it can catch fire on its own, from the heat, from the hot weather, and why don’t you think valery realizes this and doesn’t make contact with his neighbors, it seems to me that the neighbors never talked to him normally, just immediately contacted some services, but you tried it yourself, no, i never tried to talk to him, why did you we are not opposed to valery, i feel very sorry
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for valery, i understand that this is his only income, that is, throughout his entire life this is all he earns, i think that he has no other income. what do you see as a way out of the situation? first of all , we need to clear it all out; who will do this? if valery asks, we will all help. if everyone agrees. peter, how can this conflict be resolved? we can get together and come to an agreement. another thing is that will what they agree on be fulfilled? let's assume we clean everything up there together. why do i suspect here, yes, that when they agree, valery will begin. well, maybe out of five containers, one may be loaded like this, but all the rest will remain empty, well, if this happens, what should the neighbors do through the administration, through all sorts of authorities , try to get them to go to court after all, maybe they will have such a trump card in their hands, so we proposed, but let there be a court verdict,
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which will already be carried out. can you accompany your neighbors on this long path? v in the order of oral consultations, i am, of course, ready to provide assistance. margarita, can valery count on some kind of social support? how can he get all this? if you put this issue in direct dependence between the actions of the social services of the administration and the regional and city administration, plus the guardianship authorities, plus the deputy whose district it is, he will also get involved, you have the right to additional subsidies.
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the neighbor-gatherer's plot will be transformed, we'll see in a few minutes, the adoptive mother couldn't stand her. request to the orphanage, they sent me an answer that there is no data on whether a resident of the rostov region will eventually find people related by blood, there was a brother, two sisters, a mother of her first marriage,
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those children, why didn’t her mother take her with her, she gave her mother to her grandmother, with your mother’s children, you tried to establish a connection, i i didn’t know anything about this, i’m opening the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. mask, new season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. vascular disorders, blood clots, varicose veins. poor blood vessels may be the cause of these health problems. the drug angian helps improve microcirculation, reducing the risk of blood clots, relieving inflammation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angionm. keep your blood vessels normal. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? are you retired? and at vtb pensions the rate for pensioners is to save up. vtb account up to 18% together , everything will work out; wake up to the spring sale; transform; wake up; sale on ozone. horsepower shampoo for 339. jelica t-shirt for 299.
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exactly 1985 8800 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product brainterapy black sun premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the border, instead of beautiful mountain landscapes, residents of mineral waters are forced to see a heap of garbage. valery, are you ready to change your life. if we help you, if we remove all this garbage from your site, will you allow it? with ease, with pleasure. it's joyful hear. ekaterin, do you have
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any advice, any suggestions for valeria? if the program helps organize video communication, then we could hold a series of meetings and solve the problems that exist inside, that haunt us. i survive in this world that has turned its back on me. valery, technically contact ekaterina, we will help you, you are ready to accept help from her, why not accept this, well, i’m generally feminine. with our help on your site, your neighbors will no longer have any complaints against it? no, no, no, of course, but in this case, if valery keeps his promises, you can provide him with neighborly support in the future, we’ll offer, we all live nearby, if you need help, we’ll even... pick you up and i’m even
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ready to take part in the showdown for a couple of days i don’t know this, this, this mountain. you see how many kind people there are around you who are sincerely ready to help you from the depths of their souls; your sympathy lifts your spirits. thank you everyone for listening to my plight. i really hope that you will keep your word and not give up ours, i would like believe that you really are not doing all this out of malice. you are really a person who just found yourself in a difficult life situation, and i really hope that all these people who expressed a sincere desire to help you today will help you, everything will be fine with you, well, i’m very glad, very glad, as soon as valery returned from moscow, a huge cargo container was immediately brought to his house and workers arrived to remove all the trash, the owner immediately got involved in the cleaning, first of all it was necessary.
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owner, i want to express my gratitude to the program beyond the bounds that she showed me strength , he will maintain order, promises support, i undertake not to litter the territory in the future, to bring it into normal order, as it was before. on the fourth day of cleaning, the pensioner is already taken out of the site...


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