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tv   DNK  NTV  April 2, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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i’m getting rid of it with a pure heart, with a light soul, otherwise, like a lost swamp, i have an enchanted kingdom here, he will lie and maintain order, the owner promises, i want to express my gratitude to the program beyond the borders for providing me with strong support, i undertake not to litter the territory in the future , to put it in normal order, as it was before, on the fourth day of cleaning the pensioner is already taken out from the site...
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the third cargo container. valery's neighbors came to check how the work was going. thank you very much in the program beyond. finally, the third container of garbage has already been removed. we 've been waiting for this for a long, long time. thank you for fitting into our problem. we hope that valery will fulfill all his promises and will no longer accumulate garbage. tomorrow in the program beyond. a lonely man was found dead in his own apartment with money.
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this is complete nonsense, i’m telling you right away, this is complete nonsense, my wife doesn’t argue with anyone, most likely, this is a setup from this fellow villager who handed her a burden, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. at the age of 13, her adoptive mother kicked her out the door, handing her adoption certificate. this is how she found out her last name, which she used to look for blood relatives. in our studio maria ovsyanikova. hello maria, hello. your foster mother kicked you out of the house. yes, she told me, she blamed me for all the troubles, well, whatever happened, it was my fault. we always had quarrels, over all sorts of little things, that is, for no reason. did she offend you? yes, i
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regularly stood in the corner with a hose and a wire, in general, she always said, i would like you to be like me, but you, that is, did not match her ideals, yes, i did not correspond to her ideals, she treated you like that from the very beginning, no, when we lived in leningrad, then it was leningrad, everything was very good, we had a two-room apartment, i had a separate room. we lived there, well, quite happily, so to speak, everything was very good, i finished first grade, and we moved to volgodonsk, when we moved to volgodonsk, she was not given an apartment, and we wandered from one hostel to another, in in general, they moved there, then to one, then to another, then to a third, then to they didn’t give me a communal apartment, they didn’t give me an apartment, that is, it’s been... well, about four years,
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and we were moving all the time, when she kicked you out of the house, what was the quarrel about? well , it happened like this, our cat fell out of a window, from the ninth floor and crashed, and i was to blame for this, that is, you were accused of the death of the cat, but my father and i went fishing, and i found a small kitten, it was very beautiful, i wanted him, so, well, we... took him home, and the cats were playing, during the game the cat fell out of the window, my kitten was guilty of dying her cat, with these words they kicked you out , took your suitcase and put you out on the street, handed you a certificate about your daughter, handed you a certificate about your daughter, but by that time you knew that you were not my own, i always knew that i was not my own, i was 5 years when i was adopted, i remember how they adopted me, they came in. to the group, i was in the group,
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the teachers came in and said: get ready, your parents have come for you, but i didn’t want to be adopted, and why you didn’t want to, i don’t know, maybe... i could have been waiting for someone, i i don’t remember, i said, i don’t have parents, i’m not going anywhere i’ll go, well, who asked me, and naturally, there was a meeting, they changed me, like they dressed a doll, everything was very wonderful, we went to some, i don’t know, museums, cinemas, not cinemas, in general, i really remember the moment when they they bought me cotton candy, i remember right now,
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the neighbors - they contacted the guardianship authorities, saying that my grandmother could not cope with the children, only the younger ones were gathered, and the older brother stayed with the grandmother, well, sort of to help, that is, they took four children, yes, that's it. this conversation with the adoptive mother, it took place when you, well, probably at the age of 11, maybe at 13, i... find it difficult to answer, well, everything is already at that age, that is, that is, at the age of 11-13 you already knew that you had brothers and sisters, but not i had a desire to somehow find them, to find out something , there was always a desire, always, it’s just that i was little then, then i, when i was already
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married, and programs appeared that search for people, i started writing there, but no answers. .. it wasn’t, then the internet appeared, social networks, i wrote a lot to everyone with the same name, i wrote a lot, someone answered, hold on, don’t give up, continue, strangers supported, yes, there was a lot of support, there was a lot of support, but there were no specifics, you never felt this same support from your adoptive mother, no, my mother never hugged me in my life, i didn’t at all... you knew what affection was, that children should be loved by people, but how did your adoptive father treat you? very good, i can’t say anything bad about him, because well, i spent most of my time with him, fishing, picking mushrooms,
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that is, i even rode a bicycle to work with him there, well, in general he was good man, how did he allow it then? for your adoptive mother to kick you out, he was a very gentle person, he couldn’t cope with her, where did you go at the age of 13 after your mother drove you in? well, first in the attics, in the basements, they will feed me, i ’ll go to my classmates there, i’ll eat there, i’ll eat there, then one family, my classmate, asked their mother for me to stay with them. and her mother accepted me as a member of the family, bought me things, that is, i was on an equal footing with her children, i was the fourth child, and your adoptive mother, she i didn’t try to get you back, my adoptive father came, there were vouchers then, i had to
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go to school, he paid with his vouchers . where did you live? i met a guy, his parents were not delighted, because i was very young, he was 7 years older than me, they wanted his wife to be a little older, well, then this mother-in-law quickly changed her opinion everything, that is, everything it was very good, she loved me, loves me and we still communicate, but after a while? improve relationships with adoptive parents? no, with mom? no, i haven’t seen her for 18 years,
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she came to me 18 years ago, and i say: why did she come? she says, yes, i’ve come to help you, i say: thank you, at 25 i don’t need your help. do you communicate with your father? your father, unfortunately, disappeared without... lime in 2002, and your adoptive mother knows that you decided to find your blood relatives? no, but when i communicated with her, that is, for some times we communicated a little, not exactly, i had a son, we still communicated a little, not everything is so critical, but she didn’t perceive us, we arrived once, she lathered... her face with snow because he had scattered coal in the snow, his nose was
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bleeding, did your foster mother do this to your son? yes, we had a terrible scandal, just a terrible scandal, and we were in a snowstorm, it was winter, frost, and we walked 7 km to the bus. maria, what do you think, your mother was a cruel person, a very cruel person, you didn’t forgive her, no, that’s why you hope, what? she lived in the perm region, and her eldest son
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was raised by his grandmother. in the studio vasily novozhelov. hello, hello, vasily, tell us a little about yourself, about your childhood? i was raised with my mother, my grandmother, my grandfather, and we had a brother. two sisters, it turns out we have them from my mother’s first marriage, it turns out that you, your brother and sisters, were always raised with your mother, at first yes, then your mother married a second time and left all four of the children with their grandmother, left all four of them, alone i just ran away, it was winter, so they were crossing the kama on horseback, and i caught up with them. i really feel like i should be sorry i took me with me where you came, in the end
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, my mother and i moved to the perem region, this is the village of branchinova, then they already had their own children, and those children who remained with their grandmother, why didn’t my mother take it with her , apparently they decided to send it to an orphanage , oleg, here’s my older brother knows that he grew up with his grandmother and... we poked around in them, but then more children appeared, then they had
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children together, mikhail, victor, sister svetlana and kolya, there was no such thing that they were loved more than you, he paid more attention to me than to others you told me, and how your mother treated you, your brothers and sisters, your mother, as it were, well, in strictness of course, grew up from her on her part. he didn’t really treat us like that, he was softer, mom was strict, and you remember that mom communicated with her children from her first marriage. maybe i didn’t even want to remember it, how easy it was to just take it and erase it from life, when such questions arose, i changed the topic immediately, i don’t know, i never went to see them in all that time, i went once only to the funeral of my grandfather, that’s brother oleg was there, all of you and you went with your mother, you and your mother went together and
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you never saw those children again, i was 19 years old, i came on leave from the army, i had a sister at home visiting me, this one, who lives in perm, i understood how name? natasha, maybe for a day, she swam all the time, went back, and how did life turn out for brother oleg? oleg, he worked with us in the berezniki mine, so he came to visit us once. after that i didn’t see him again and didn’t receive any letters or anything, then there was some kind of disaster at this mine, and after this is short of an accident, well, my wife and i started looking for oleg, we didn’t tell him on social networks, well, also to no avail, alive, not alive, not in the know, that is, you are afraid that then he could have died in the mine, maybe, but about
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hope you know something, i just heard that they allegedly installed it. or somewhere in germany? who told you this? this, this is what my grandmother told me. i would like to introduce you to maria. maria's adoptive parents took her from an orphanage, where the girl was taken from her grandmother. yes. the guardianship authorities left her with her only my older brother and my grandmother. yes. maria's adoption certificate has the same last name as yours. novozhilova, yeah, very nice, maria, tell vasily, why are you looking for your relatives? well, i would like to have, or rather, communicate with blood people, well, with brothers, i have been looking for brothers
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and sisters for a very long time, i knew that there were five of them, that there were five of us, well... i would like to communicate, find out, the matter is that at one time maria was adopted, but unfortunately, she did not receive parental love and a happy childhood, and now it is very important for maria to find loved ones and relatives. maria, you looked at vasily very carefully, listened to his story, that you noticed whether you were similar to him, well, there was no particular similarity. vasily, do you notice any external similarities between you? i don’t even know, maybe there’s something about my grandmother, what can you say about the external resemblance? it seems to me that the shape of the eyes is similar, the shape of the cheekbones is similar, they are not similar at all, they have different body constitutions, he has two such dimples on his face, a completely
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different face even, relatives look alike friend, please tell me, you and your... and the brothers and sisters with whom you lived in the second family, you communicate now, maintain family ties, there is only one brother left, well, you are a sister, but he died - and two brothers too, first - kolya jr. - died, then svetlana and then victor literally, well, a few months, six months, maybe it didn’t pass, he also died, well... due to illness, victor, how he died, mikhail also stopped communicating when your brothers and sisters were alive, you communicated with them, i left there, left them as if behind to look after my parents, but they didn’t do this, that’s why i stopped communicating with them, what about my parents, did your parents die when your mother passed away, in 2002, and why, and
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why did your father die a year earlier, did you have a hard time with their departure? of course she survived, they reported it too late, they flew in that they were late for the funeral, when did you see mikhail for the last time, in 2002, in 2002, more than 20 years ago, yes, who else came to meet maria and what was the fate of her supposed biological mother, all the most interesting things are after a short advertisement, don’t do it like that, it needs to be like this. okay, okay, i understand, that ’s how there’s a charcoal grill at the megamarket for only 2,290 rubles. stickers 2 are impossible not to notice, only when purchased with a card there is a magnet for every 500 rubles in the receipt. this is a show duel star denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go, against philip kirkorov, so i’m
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the dna program. tired of endless scandals with her adoptive mother, maria ovsyannikova wondered: what was the fate of her blood relatives? vasily’s younger brother grew up with his mother, but he cannot say how many children she had. mikhail spends a long time in the studio. hello, mikhail. hello. what kind of a child are you, mikhail? it turns out that vasya, the elder brother, was born in seventy-five, vitya was born in eighty-two, then i come, svetlana was born in eighty-five, and nikolai was born in eighty- seven, and you and your brother, vasily, had a good relationship, well, at the time when we were young and lived together in the same house, of course we had a wonderful relationship, he took care of us, that is, he was older, in 1993 he joined the army, in 1994 he came, got married, had
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a daughter, ksyusha, etc. .. was already living his own life, but why didn’t we communicate, why did communication stop over time? well, why, he is an adult, he has a family, what do we live with with my mother, with my father, well, he went to another city, that is, he devoted little time to us, that is , he did not come to visit, that is, he had his own life, and you are offended by this, well, perhaps yes, it ’s just that vasily also has some thoughts about the conflict between you, why did it happen? conflict, yes, i think at his age, i hope he will understand what he did in his time, if something has changed for him somewhere, maybe somewhere from the subconscious, that he really realizes that he is at that moment abandoned us and is to blame for this, vasily simply says that he asked you to take care of your parents, how can he ask an adult
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to take care of children... his parents, we took care, we, when my father was dying, for 5 years, excuse me, we cleaned up after him, in 2000, yes, my mother was dying, she was 40 kg, i looked after her, he was not around, where was victor, victor , in the same place as you, how can a child take care of children, even about parents, that is, she died in my arms, that is... i buried her, he was not there, it turned out as it happened, we can’t fix anything , you know where your mother is buried, no, your father, no, who raised you, where your brother is buried, where your sister is buried, where he will bury third brother, well, victor, it’s your anniversary in may, may 16, that is, you have no interest in our life, you know, but i didn’t go, you know, when you call you, you say, that is, you’re starting your own,
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you know, i wonder why i will bury him, who will bury him, what happened to him, you don’t have this interest, you know, well, he died, okay, to hell with him, that’s right, the main thing is not to interfere with my life, i’ll figure it out myself somehow, well , it turned out, how it turned out, well, it turned out, how it turned out, but this is not the answer. vasily, and maybe it’s that you didn’t feel like a member of this family, so maybe that’s where all your detachment comes from? no, there was no such thing, maternal, paternal love, it was indivisible, that is, we lived very friendly, everything that was purchased for home, yes, that is, he was sent to the army, he was met by his mother and father, yes, it turns out, not relatives, they played a wedding for him, that is, when he left, he already had ksyusha, that is, my niece, that is, we changed her diapers there, that is, we looked after her, that is, he should not have that moment of some kind of resentment towards his parents,
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he had so much love, it seems to me, well, inseparable in general, when your parents passed away, how did life turn out for your brothers and sister? well, we talked, well, not with guardianship, with the authorities, that is, that in 3 months i will be 18, it makes no sense for me to send my brother and sister there to an orphanage, i say, i have 5 km there was an orphanage from me and i say, we will go there every morning, check in and, as it were, go back home, well, we have our own housing and we went that's every day.
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a head start for him, that is, an example, but a month later my brother returned and said that vasily did not give him this, right? yes, we didn’t succeed there - with its design, yeah. to school, not there, but with your wife, in short, there was a rift, and you just sent your brother home, yes, you sent him home, venus and your wife, she ’s not your wife, you know that she came there, but such a woman angry, well, not ready for family life, especially here, when vasily arrived, that is , my first impression of this woman was there is - that is, she doesn’t need anyone but him there and she had a child there.
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well, we sat down, sat, she stayed with us for a couple of days, we, she invited us to visit her for the first time, svetlana and i went to visit her for a week, visited, then we all came back, after my mother’s funeral i left, well, to see my girlfriend there, at that time she came, that is , to visit us there with gifts, but she was already informed that, well, her mother was no longer alive, and you know how many children your mother can have, i don’t know, i picked up the house register. that is, mom has a medal and this is it motherhood, that is, there are a lot of people registered there, 11-12 people, that is, i asked my mother who these people were, that is, she says that these are your brothers and sisters, all 11 brothers and sisters, and you tried, maybe something... then
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find out about your brothers and sisters, well , two or three months ago we had a conversation with my wife, that is, i asked her, well, in addition to the fact that vasya and i talked on the phone, i asked her... to go somewhere turned, well, after i buried the last, well, brother, you see, and i asked, i say, if possible, write somewhere, so that you can find your relatives, whether someone stayed or not, at least it is known for sure that your mother left three children with their grandmother, oleg, oleg, natalya , who found you later, you met, uh-huh, and another girl, right? i don’t know, unfortunately, i didn’t even, i didn’t even know that natalya lived with oleg, and you saw natasha at all, yes, when i left the army, when i arrived, i came on vacation, we had her , she
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left through the orphanage, right, i don’t know, i don’t know at all, i don’t know, today in our studio there is a woman who may turn out to be your sister mikhail and vasily. who do you think i'm talking about? woman, how does she resemble anyone, well, like her mother, if only her facial features, maybe she’s sleeping, this is maria, and maria is looking for her biological family, because she grew up in foster care, yeah, maria, you listened for a long time, there was an opportunity to look at mikhail , what do you say, i think that we are similar to him, some facial features, these are their... character, i have the same character, a very strong character, like him, like vasily, no there are no similarities either in this way or in character, you know,
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in this whole conversation, it seems to me that my first impression was that he was so kind, but when this whole conversation went on, i realized that he was just as cruel as my mother, that's all, have a brother and not communicate for 22 years. but my heart would just bleed, i wouldn’t be able to, under any circumstances , you grew up together, how is that possible, he’s just very cruel, he didn’t apologize, he just needed to just say, nerd, sorry, no, that didn’t happen , i was expecting that he will do it, but he didn’t do it, i don’t know, my brothers, not mine, but myself... the situation just really impressed me very
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much, i’m 44 years old, i’m looking for blood, here to have blood and not communicate, i can’t understand, everything needed to be said there, bro, i’m sorry, that’s it, we can’t fix anything, maria, and what kind of person did you imagine your biological mother to be, i don’t know, i think they look like me, well, just, well... in life anything can happen, life is like this now, but then there was, well, you never know some kind of difficult situation in life when i was young, of course, i was very angry, because i ended up in such a terrible family, i thought if i saw her, i would tear her apart, just tear everything apart, then over the years i realized that life is not so simple, do not renounce either the sum or the prison, as they say, that’s why i have no... resentment for everything that happened to me, but
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i would like you to see a photograph of vasily mikhailov’s mother, i really, i really want to see the photograph, please show us this photograph, i really looks like, this is the person i imagined, well, there are facial features, yes vasily. see the similarities there is something, natalya, that you will say, it’s like a retro photograph of maria, like a different hairstyle, and i don’t know how old mom is here, it looks like she’s about the same age, well, wow, anastasia, what do you see your opinion, first glance, when the photographs appeared, they are very similar, now i ’m looking at them, and if they turn out to be not related, i also admit it, because... on the one hand they are very similar, but on the other hand,
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if they turn out to be not related, then you can find some difference and you know, i even have the ears are the same as mine, i just wanted to say, even the ears are similar, and the mouth, that’s all, yes, the shape of the lips is very similar, the shape of the eyes, in my opinion, this is vasily, one of three mothers or namesake, it turns out whether marianikova is the sister of vasily novozhilov and mikhail dolgov, we will find out the truth and the result. tnk test in just a couple of minutes. star of the nineties, singer lika star. god, what a beauty. i tried to. reveals the deepest secrets of russian show business. i knew for sure that i was on everyone’s black list. why her added allagachev to the list of personal enemies? revenge, it’s good, it’s cold, so it was very cold. what connected her with vladimir presnyakov and fyodor bondarchuk? jump under the curtain, take off your clothes. how did she give up everything to marry an italian? he
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effect, returning joy to life. triple power of phongaril. sometimes you expect one thing, but you get it. it’s completely different, you dream about something beautiful, but what you get is not what it is, and it happens that you are just waiting for a convenient office, but you get the best, alfabank, in every office there is the best bank, young man, you are her son, she urgently needs an operation, money, what a bandit, i want to take my share, and me, zhen, you’re not taking it into account at all, tonight the loyka was killed, well... it’s me, no, someone else will come in his place, believe me, we killed them because we were defending ourselves, and now we’re just like them, please , don’t leave me alone, i’m very scared, zhen, there will be no more lawlessness in our city, i’m telling you this, a hot spot, today at 22:15 on ntv, this is the dna program, forty-four-year-old
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maria ovsyanikova tried to find it herself. from the orphanage she ended up in a foster family, where her mother insulted her, beat her and blamed her for all your troubles. my father was a very kind person, he treated me very well, he never refused me anything, my mother was the complete opposite, but... she was very cruel, she had some kind of internal grievances against the whole world, which she simply took it out on me. when maria turned 13, her adoptive mother kicked her out of the house and gave her an adoption certificate. maria spent the night in the basements in the attics, and then moved in with her classmate. a few years later she
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got married and decided to find her blood relatives whom she knew about from the words of her adoptive mother. we were with my grandmother, there were five of us children. they took away all the younger ones, except the eldest, the eldest was the eldest, which means i have a brother, 5 years older than me, well , approximately, in our studio maria met her supposed brothers, vasily novozhilov spent his childhood in the perm region, until he was 4 years old he lived in the city of usolye with my mother, grandmother, grandfather, brother and two sisters, but then my mother decided to start a new life with a man from the village of baranchinovo.
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he cannot forgive his older brother for after the death of his parents, he did not help his loved ones, leaving everyone without support, including his younger brother kolya. well, in general, he tried, he wanted to take him for himself, to give him some kind of new life, but he didn’t succeed, because you came and he seemed dissatisfied, he said that he would not live there, he would live with me. maria, in case of a positive...dna is ready to maintain relations with both vasily and mikhail; she herself leads a calm, peaceful life in the city of volgodski, rostov region. they have my husband has a good house and a plot of land. measuring seven acres, where every spring, with the onset of warm sunny weather , work begins to boil. there are potatoes here,
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we plant a few potatoes there, in the greenhouse there are mainly tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, pears, and cherries. maria works on the coast of the tsimlyansk reservoir, together with her husband she is engaged in fishing and preparing fishing nets. now about this photo captured the moment, which means the sprinkle of nets. that is, for this fishing, in principle, this is our main job, such beauty, such a tsemlyanskaya sea, guests are always welcome in her house, says maria, meetings with loved ones and ordinary family dinners take place in this kitchen, in a cozy homely environment, today we will have pasta and cutlets for dinner, all this will be with gravy, very tasty, well, we’re terrible...
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please vent, hello everyone, how did you meet maria? after the army , boys and girls often came to our house, my son came from the army, they tell me that among this group there is your future daughter-in-law, but no one showed it to me, about two weeks passed, evening, my son comes, brings a girl with him, well, i put them away, i say, son, andryushka, what happened? this is my future wife, i look at her and think, my god, what kind of wife is she, i turned on my future mother-in-law and
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said, what are you doing, what kind of wife is she? in general, i reprimanded them for several minutes, she gets up, he tells her: sit down, he sits down, then the conversation goes on, he chimes three times, she gets up again to leave, in general, in short, we sat her down - well, in general, conversation it’s over, my vocabulary has dried up, and i ’m getting ready, leaving, i say, well , see my girlfriend off, i’ve calmed down, i think i’ve persuaded them, everything’s fine, two weeks pass, i come home, my youngest daughter meets me and says, mom, andryushka has left, i say where he went, what do i know, he took the pillows, took the pots, took the logs and spoons, the squirrels, that is, the scarp, he left, i ask the boys, boys, where he went, where did he go, they
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say, and he got along with a branch, they rented an apartment, with maria, with maria, i don’t like this name, because my own mother gave it to me, and which brought me a lot of grief, according to my passport i stayed with maria, but in life my name is svetlana, you like svetlana more, love, and what next, we rented an apartment, although we have... a one-room apartment, especially for him, but i’m against it, in general, in short, after a certain period of time , my husband and i found where they lived, came to them early in the morning and we needed andryushka for some kind of help, and you know, there was a moment when masha, well, we were probably captivated by the morning, and not having breakfast, a frying pan, scrambled eggs. with sausage, she stands there, spins this sausage like this and says, there’s one piece left,
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i’ll leave it to andryushka, that’s it, she amazed me, she and her husband came home, i said, well, you see, the girl doesn’t seem to be bad, she cares, take the keys, open the apartment , let them live, we need to formalize all this somehow, we decided, according to tradition, to go to her parents. they started talking, they told us, there can’t be any conversation, goodbye, we turned around and left, ira
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’s mother is such a character. is it explosive? there was a moment, but it was later, that we needed to go to volgograd, the guys left for work, and we had some very important business in volgograd; our son was already a boy, he was 4 years old, honey, we had nowhere to put him, volgograd was a long way to go, the child was small, and i was already telling him: listen , well, let's try, we'll call ira, the grandson can sit for 4 days, she... and we rush there, we expected that we'll pick him up in 4 days, no later, well, we open it, we knock, we open it, she takes him out by the scruff of the neck and said: " here he calls yours, more so that i don’t see you, neither him nor her, what’s the matter,
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but he was a hooligan there for 4 years"? then she ate something of him there, threw up too much, that is, she had to mess with him, so i’m telling you, she did it like that, more so that i didn’t see either the child or you here, you and your adoptive mother maria didn’t communicate anymore, you were once, in general, they had some problems at home there, she came to our house, well, i met her, we started talking to her, what’s what and how ...cries that it’s hard for her to live, let me live with the guys, because i have nowhere to live, well, mom, i allow it, they were just a little, they then became a little indignant, but scandals began, she is the mistress there, they must obey her, she builds them, the son came and said, i can’t, mom,
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what is this, i say, solve these problems yourself, i i understand that the woman is a heavy, difficult woman, it is very difficult to find contact with her, there was a moment when she kicked them out in a storm with a child, kicked them out in a winter storm, they came and lived there for a while, and for a day or two, or something, and again she didn’t like it, she straightened him out, that is, masha tried to improve relationship, i once came to her with my son. and we met halfway, you see, yes, but like this, and she herself explained why she decided to take the child? well, she said that she had no children, she wanted a child, we went to the orphanage, took the girl, she dressed her up like a doll, i went, she knitted knitted suits for her, at that time it was such a rarity, she had
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such a gang, well, such beauty, but... it was a doll dressed up, unless she obeyed, well, a 4-year-old child, there’s something in the same corner, there’s a belt, there’s everything, whatever, she took her as a doll, and not as a child, right now i understand that it is so important for maria to find blood relatives, yes, of course, she dreamed about it, i remember, we are... sitting in the hall, she remembers her mother, how i wish i could find it, we talked a lot with her on this topic, she tried, but you see how long this process lasted, finally, maybe we’ll see something on your show, for love, now in this studio there are two supposed brothers of maria, in your opinion, the brothers should generally look like maria,
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of course, probably so, i think so, well... depending on how the genetics work out, but in principle, yes, yes, this is vasily’s supposed brother, mikhail, well, there seems to be a little something here, in the shape of the eyes, the forehead, yes, the forehead, yeah, maybe the chin, but look here like me, please, i don’t see anything here, it’s very similar, maria,
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to the walls, but it’s all fixable - the man says, you need to first prime the walls, then cover it with finishing putty, and then stick the wallpaper, until you get around to it, in the evening... after work, vasily likes to relax on the sofa in front of the tv, here he prepares a simple dinner for himself and the child, i mostly prepare soups, but if he needs a second course, i’ll prepare a second course, pilaf, stewed potatoes, there ’s something like that, well, what he likes, the novozhilovs also eat, whoever where i like who eats here, who eats here, there are even traces, you can see from the plates, where it’s convenient, there and... while vasily was divorcing his wife and preparing for a bachelor’s life, his younger brother mikhail dolgiy moved with his family to his new apartment in the village of yaeva, perm territory, and furnished the rooms. now
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everything is almost ready. we are now in the children's room, where our daughter, eldest and youngest son live. here we also made more or less some repairs for them, so that they could live in the first place. suspended ceilings, wallpaper, linoleum, everything changed. soon changes will affect the living room, where mikhail and his wife tatyana like to spend time together, the tv is here, the bed is here, that is, here we live with her. in the meantime, mikhail is busy improving the family nest, tatyana is making sure that her husband and children do not stay hungry. i am responsible for all the cooking, i always prepare food, lunch, lunch for work. dinners, when misha spoils me with breakfast on the weekend, mikhail spoils him not only with breakfast, but with attention, he spends all his free time with his wife and children, tatyana is even a little offended that their one and a half year old son
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danil loves his father more than his mother when he is sick special forces, and he always puts me aside like this, like, you can’t, my dad, my dad’s son, that’s 100%, he’s more somehow attached to his father, but misha, like a father, he... does everything for so that the son is his, so that he is with him, he spends time, he plays, even more than me, maria, love, share, now with us, what they whispered about while we were watching the story, we looked at who looked like, so and came to the same conclusion that he is similar, similar and very similar, that your maria is similar to mikhail, similar, i am similar to him, to vasily, well, maybe something. maria, you will be glad if you have nephews, i will be delighted, glad - it will be simple, to put it mildly, if you turn out to be my brothers, i am for each of you i’ll come to visit you, invite me,
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definitely, ready to find out if you’re going to invite your family, yes, i’m ready, i’m inviting yulia severtseva, our expert in forensic medicine, candidate of medical sciences, to the studio. will maria find blood brothers today or will she have to continue her search? we will find out the result of the genetic examination after a short advertisement. watch at 19:00 on ntv. on the eve of easter, the federal antimonopoly service will check the cost of eggs in larger quantities. retail networks. earlier, to stabilize prices for eggs, import duties on them have been abolished in russia. how did this measure work, or should we wait for a new price increase for the holiday?
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a driver who was traveling from kiev through several european countries tried to smuggle icons stuffed with explosives into russia. was 70 kg of hexagen really not noticed by any european border guard and who was destined for the deadly cargo? main news of the day: at 19. black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. an endless country over which the sun never sets, fascinating nature russia is now in your hands, on the new maps of tinkov black. hurry up to get a teinkov black debit card with a limited design in april and get free service forever. sokolov and you shine, it’s time to fulfill precious desires, please yourself and your loved ones, jewelry, watches, cosmetics bags at attractive prices on
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today maria ovsyannikova from the rostov region came to the dna program studio. until she was 5 years old , she lived in one of the orphanages in the perm region, and then the girl was adopted, but her adoptive mother was never able to fall in love with maria.
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when the girl was 13 years old, she kicked her out of the house and handed her an adoption certificate. so maria found out that at birth she had surname novozhilova and began to look for her blood relatives. in the studio, maria met with vasily novozhilov and mikhail dolgiy. they were raised in a large family from the perm region. maria, are you ready to find out if you are? alleged sister, maria ovsyannikova, alleged brothers, vasily novozhilov and mikhail dolgiy. the probability that you are all truly children of the same mother is
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99.9%. let's start with the elders, i'm very happy, very, i had no doubt, honestly, i'm glad and happy that her dream has finally come true, such a long one, i'm very i'm glad, thank you very much. if you also need a genetic examination, write or call our program, and we will return tomorrow with a new dna test result. i consider one of
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the most significant and responsible projects of gazprom to be the expanded social gasification program, and now it.
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shrines made of blood and hexagen, ukraine tried to carry out a terrorist attack in russia using explosives disguised as circus paraphernalia. report by roman sobol. denunciations of ukrainians against russian athletes, discrediting the brix games and working to disrupt them friendship games, what else is the international olympic committee doing? its head is thomas. he told vavan and lexus from the bottom of his heart; nikita korson followed the conversation with enthusiasm. russian pork to china after 15 years of ban, how will chinese restaurants and supermarkets get rich and what will be the benefit for our country? about this, mikhail chibanenko.


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