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tv   Goryachaya tochka  NTV  April 2, 2024 10:15pm-11:13pm MSK

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yes, now, vitya, vitya, wake up, call me, come on, come on, get up, from the prosecutor’s office, yes, i’m listening, yes, of course, let’s just not have you or me, on neutral territory. well, let's go to the restaurant, we agreed, yeah, he's afraid to call you home, he thinks they're watching him, i don't know, we'll check, okay, look at your mail, what they dug up there, and then i'll go to bragin, finding out that this is the kind of fruit, this one is made from honeycombs,
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great, great, hello, zhen, hello, what did you write out, yes, congratulations, you're going to see your mother, yeah, what's wrong with her, heart, something serious, yes, she i need to have an operation, but she doesn’t want to, okay, i won’t burden you, come on guys, wait for the car, zhek! what's happening? nothing, i see, listen, if someone asks, confirm that we drank until 12 yesterday, okay, yes, no problem, maybe you can still tell me what happened, i don’t want to get you involved, you have your own concerns, okay , let's.
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are you a taranov, young man, are you a toranov? i'm going to moray, that is, yes, to ram. can i see you for a minute? are you her son? yes. uh, you see, your mother has a very negative attitude towards operational intervention. well, to put it simply, she urgently needs it. she doesn’t want an operation, yes, i know, i spoke with her husband, in my opinion, he does not quite adequately assess the seriousness of the situation, maybe you can persuade her, and you will perform the operation, no, no, that we don’t have conditions with all the desire, of course, but i have connections, she can be placed in a very good cardio center, it all depends on her consent, and on certain financial capabilities, and how much will it cost? in
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moscow, and why must it be in moscow, tell me how much, i’m not ready to answer your question right away, yeah, you can find out before tomorrow, yes, i’ll try, thank you, mom, hi, hi, son, well, somehow, okay, i even went today. you are in vain, you yourself are in vain, what does it smell like to you, did you drink or something? yes, yesterday i said the rosary with ruslan, okay, i just talked to your doctor? oh, now you’re going to start this song again about my operation, i’ve already heard it. listen, by the way, i saw your doctor, what’s her name? tanya, or what? yes, tanya, she was kind of upset.
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i think she even cried, some maybe there are troubles at work, maybe someone offended you, you should talk to her, it’s a pity, she’s a good girl, why don’t you like her at all, mom, i’m not starting, well, don’t start, anything is better than your drug addict, mom, that's enough, that's enough, she hasn't already pierced all her brains, and you're still running around with her, as if you owe her, yes you do, why is that, because... he ran away, it's a good thing, run away to war , yes, if i hadn’t left, she wouldn’t have gotten hooked, we would have wanted to get married, back then, now you’ve grown up, and a fool is a fool stayed, that's how you don't understand that a woman will never do what she doesn't want, a drug addict, she, because she likes it, you can't change her, if she wanted, she would never let you go to war, and you wanted your father to go to afghanistan, you’ll say the same, then there
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was such a time... that they didn’t ask anyone? yes, the first time no one asked me anything either, okay. i have to go, bye, go, and the doctor is good, and she likes you, i know what i’m saying, viktor anatolyevich, it’s me with you talked to me, i thought you were older,
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again, where is the treasurer, have you seen the treasurer? no, i haven’t, and you ’re leaving right now, right now, so what? nothing, call if anything happens. well, how are we going to live? and, depending on why the bald man suddenly didn’t want to live, he chatted a lot, with the wrong people, so you helped, he’s been knocking on you for a long time, now what’s the difference? listen, if i
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'm asking, it means there's a difference. from the very beginning, and so that bad thoughts don’t enter your head, i dashed off a letter to the prosecutor’s office, while i’m alive and well, it lies with a reliable man, he has furnished himself competently, yeah, but i forgot to write about myself there, and i don’t care, so i’m asking you how to live, for starters, we’ll have half a hundred green pieces , tens a month, wow! the crack won’t crack, i can handle it, we’ll see, yes, don’t rush with your money, i can wait until tomorrow, criminal scum, it’s
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a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee, jardine columbia medellin, from selected arabica beans, which revealed the aroma in the author’s roasting, filled with colombian passion, the pleasure of feeling authentic, jardin columbia medalin. a lone man from the tyumen region was killed with one knife blow directly to the heart. my uncle was very kind and never got involved in conflicts. and a few hours before, an acquaintance of the deceased argued with a friend that her hand would not waver to kill a person. there was a dispute, relatives of the accused are sure she had nothing to do with it. and if anyone had a motive for killing a man, then it was his relatives, this is complete nonsense, my wife does not argue with anyone, then who could have done this, most likely this is a setup for this a fellow villager who handed her a knife, but the first thing the woman did when she returned home was tell her son where she threw the knife, what did you do with this knife? i took him in
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my hands, well, out of fear and for my mother, because of myself, as if i threw him out, so who struck the blow in the heart, the girl took the blame on herself out of love, this is beyond tomorrow. 16:45 on ntv. black sun, premiere. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. afabazold with a gradual release of the active substance allows you to take only one tablet per day. and in abazol, anxiety can and should be treated. grandfather, do you have more? fishing or crafting, i like to receive a pension at the post bank, of course, because there are great benefits there, transfer your pension to the post bank and get 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car, receive your pension profitably at the post bank, bright, laconic, romantic, new spring,
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a plus. call or order on our website the stars aligned on sunday immediately after musk’s show on ntv. the similarities between the victims will not be noticed only by blind. i think the girls became victims of a satanic sect. these are not snotty teenagers. most likely these are people with money. with connections, including those in power, i came up with something and i really like this idea, very kindly, but i didn’t ask you for this, i solve my problems myself, i’m here because you became my problem, you left through the roof, i understand, i’m coming to you, no, where, it’s your job to command, i still think that with your methods you have no place in the police, where did this dried fruit on my head come from, black sun, premiere tomorrow in 20:00 on ntv. what does it smell like? be patient, it was bragen who
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treated me to ointment for joints. yes. well , tell me. izotov knows the guards from the zone. gordeev stole money there and is now demanding money. and shares in the business, clearly, but i think that prouder not only came from otrich, look who it is, well, one of gordeev’s brothers, i printed it out for you myself, well, what ’s special about him, this is not just a brother, you know, considers kovalevsky almost his adopted son. and even a successor, such is the old man’s blash, so this,
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kubanov was his personal bodyguard, uh-huh, so you think that the second person who burned in the car was kovalevsky, well, i’m not an expert, i can’t tell you for sure who he is? oh, listen, is the master helping? stop, that means they come here first.
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it’s strange here, if gordey sends his guys to attack izotov, but here he takes their lives, you understand why he leaves izotov alive, does not avenge his son, well, only in one case, if he is absolutely sure that izotov nothing to do with it, which means people came proudly on another issue, and we are sailing again to version that kovalevsky and gubanov... came to kill boris khasanov, that is, they sailed nowhere.
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and zhek, great, hi, come in, no, i didn’t want to for a while, what i wanted, you didn’t say, i didn’t see you today, yesterday, i caught that i already complained, no, i didn’t complain, although maybe i wanted to, so i wanted to warn you, i’m rushing towards her, okay, hard, yes, hard, because she asked me for help, not you. how does it turn out, she asked you for help, we had to shoot, cleverly, because we could have done without shooting, are you serious? and you to me tell me, peacemaker, why didn’t you warn me earlier? and how would you then break up with this body, whom you strangled, maybe you would apologize to him, or you drank the peace, well, zhen, i’m sorry, let’s leave
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it from... he said, you’re on nerves, i’m on my nerves, my mother i was, i just spoke to the doctor from her, i also spoke, he should tell you tomorrow how much the operation in moscow will cost, we should now break your mother for the operation, that’s for sure, money, what about bandosov, i want to take my share, mother for surgery, and but you don’t take me into account at all? why? you decide for yourself, i decide for myself. you shouldn’t be doing this, zhenya, you really shouldn’t. why aren’t we going to touch the bodies’ money? i brought the cars, we’ll take them from there for the operation. what cars?
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muscovites? i mean, did you have to burn it like that? you? zhen, we are a family now, i will be glad if we stand for each other, really,
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they called, come in, sit down. why are you always away from work? i’m there, well, i came in, you weren’t there, i probably went to the department, what’s the matter? tatyana, i need to talk to you very seriously. what you and fryazin? nothing, why are you interested? and everything interests me. what 's going on in my team? igor valentinovich was going on an unscheduled vacation, yesterday he wasn’t going anywhere, but today
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let him go almost with a knife to his throat. i have no relation to anyone. really, why are your eyes wet in the morning? just like that, or what? do you have any complaints about my work? not yet. and it won’t, the rest doesn’t concern you. i was driving, but the mussar didn’t sit anywhere for more than 2 hours and rushed here, what should i do, further to graze him, i understood everything, then i
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’ll go to the boys, we’ll remember the bald one, heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven, oh, so, hello, why didn’t you wait for me, i’ll come in now?
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the owner is there, he is not there, the owner is in the hospital, what do you want? tell the owner, there is an option to open your shop. and what’s the option, donate money, no, you can buy a decommissioned sprinkler for cheap, install it here, fill it with water and work as long as you like, here ’s the address. let me ask, if you go to the forest, so
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what? so they examined the bald man, well, i mean kobuzev, there are no scratches on him, they took the skin for analysis, but it’s not him, 100%, but what are you reporting to me? what about khasanov? so yegor pavlovich, what does he even understand about our business, but they still know why they put him in charge here, well , don’t take this for a fool eduard, he understands the real business no worse than you, even though he’s a daddy’s boy, so what? then he took on these girls, would look for those who ordered his father, he said everything, no. here in the field hole, koguzev’s head, the experts have some questions, come on, they, of course, they doubt it, but it’s unlikely he could
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shoot under that. “so good people helped, you keep me informed of the matter, i understand why i have to open the door all the time, is it really difficult for us to hire a maid, i don’t need extra ears in the house, what do you need?” male cop, i don’t know, he doesn’t look like him, come out, i didn’t let you in, why was it harmful, and what, i can’t just dress nicely?
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hello, anton alekseevich, who are you? and i, sasha. don’t remember, i worked as a security guard for izotov. so what do you want? don't you have a job? my dad is sick. why did izotov kick you? yes they attacked him, and he decided to get back at us. who am i so daring? muscovites? the whole brigade. well, come in, let's talk. vinline presents batrace. unique betting races where you compete with other players. choose tournaments that you like. place more bets.
10:43 pm
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people. the brochki are young, you’ve seen enough of the three musketeers and you think they’re all for one. and they die according to the law of the streets. well, what got you there? forgive me, the boys don't apologize. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated television premiere of the year. april 15, on ntv. black sun, premiere. tomorrow at 20:00. on ntv. at bikfest you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank. delicious, period. we wake up. in the spring sale we transform. wake up sale on ozone. kalyaev jacket for 2,699. set of glasses zwizerl glass for 999. vernel fabric softener for 399. find a job well. and find a job. dreams are even
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thought you had already forgotten the way here. you'll forget it here. as a wife? buy yourself a new thing, what do you need, but i beg you, please don’t drink, you ’re causing trouble, i know you, thank you, commander, i thought you forgot, no, the fever,
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i didn’t forget, so this guy is dressed, the rest of what they took, let him lie there for now, well, until everything calms down, okay, i almost forgot myself, then this bloke fireman came, what did they do? - the rear one was turned on. he says, buy an old vole, install it and you can work, they even gave you an address where you can buy it cheaper, that they’re the ones who got bored, but they didn’t, they turned on their brains, okay, i’ll go, zhor, this is your job, yeah, i found a can of paint , there was nothing to do, i like it, yes, i like it very much, you know, it’s so fresh and... yes, it’s painted very high quality, just ask next time, okay, with the color, i didn’t guess
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who, zhen, it’s me, hello, hello, come in, leonid is sleeping, he left, what tell you, but i didn’t have time, okay, i’ll go then, listen, uh, i talked to him, he won’t touch you anymore. i'm sorry this happened, who will you talk to? i’m trying, the man freaked out, but you’re not paying attention to what’s wrong, you feel bad, no, no, i’m sorry, i’ll go, so wait, come on, come in, tell me, come on, come on.
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well, let's see what kind of worker he is, give me a manicure, and anton, hi. what's the matter? i have a question for you, right? uh -huh, i gave you a letter for the cops, where is it? which letter? where is the letter? i don't know anything, where is the letter? i don’t know, it’s better to give it yourself! i don't, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know.
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of course, you shouldn’t have told me about this freak right away, you don’t have to accompany me further, no, now just to the apartment, let’s go, zhenya, well , igor left, well, i’ll just check whether he left or not, or you don’t believe me either... , i believe, then let's go, that's it, here we come,
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thank you very much, now, wait, what are you doing? so just in case, well, maybe he got in on me, he’s not some kind of superman, he’s crazy, and this is the same thing, zhen, but is it true that your valya is pregnant, fyaz told you, right?
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lock yourself up properly, bye. are you going to have dinner? no i do not want. “you have changed a lot, yes, because of what
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is written there, and you read, no, why? well, dad said this only for you, and why do you always do as he says, he does everything to you “what does edik want, yes, edik, do you want?” it’s not disgusting, but he’s my husband, well read it! no, i don’t want it, let me take it away, well, i’ll take it away, as if i didn’t give it to you, it will be better for everyone, believe me, who is it, i don’t
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come in, let’s quickly,
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have a drink, yes, well. what did i want to run? i don’t know, it’s some kind of nonsense, says the letter that motya left me? who is motya? matvey, your colonel, or what? i thought they were going to kill me, but i didn’t send it at all, no, come on! wave, calm down, tell me in order.
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kostya, why, can i stay with you, what else, i won’t pester... honestly, you don’t even dare think about it, why don’t you you know what long tongues people have, i won’t give such gifts to cancer, it’s clear to you, but if they come looking for me, let’s go out, i’ll take you, thank you.
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yes, tanya, are you awake? i'll be there now.
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quiet, quiet, quiet, where is he, how did he get here, i don’t know, i have him. i threw it, there’s a rope,
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let’s go, i shied away, yes, i’m keeping the jewelry for me, you ’ll come over, yes, i’m calling the police, like the police, i broke my skull, you defended yourself , nothing will happen to you, call.
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well, somehow, i wanted to leave, although it’s the same everywhere , some kind of curse, yes, there are freaks everywhere enough, never mind. “tomorrow the whole city will know, you live as if under a microscope, you care, i don’t know, download the application, get a good luck bonus from the betting league, five deuces, go to green, this is a show of stars! duels, today denis dorokhov and denis dorokhov will meet face to face philip kirkorov, this will be a most interesting duel, flogging against the asses
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that him? no, this is a friend, he just arrived, he is there, i have the documents, i have the documents, here in the woman, doctor, do you know, or what? well , of course, he pulled my dad out of his drinking binge, get the document. untie his hands, why are you acting weird, doctor, guys, you've gone through family matters, we'll figure it out ourselves, what family matter, i was sleeping, he entered the apartment, attacked me, how did he get into the apartment, i have the key, tanya herself gave it to me that you are lying,
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what is the key, yes, we both know each other, it’s necessary immediately. we work together, you can check, yes, we work, but i never gave him any keys. eh, tanya, tanya, what are you doing? now she can say anything. the younger woman found that yes, stop, calm down, you ’re registered at a different address, you’ll have to come with us, we’ll figure it out there, and what ’s left here, let’s go, let’s go. and you where? will i go? no, please don’t leave me alone, i’m very scared, zhen, he said that i gave him the key, yes, i heard
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that’s not true, he stole it, probably made a duplicate, probably, zhen, stay.


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