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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 4, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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they imposed eight days of administrative arrest; the victims of the pick-up artist’s dangerous tackles and the qualifications of the punishment are considered unfair. the girls are sure that this man is mentally unstable and will go out on the street again. i'm afraid. i'm actually very afraid of this. it’s not even that we will meet him again, because this is a 1 in a million chance, but i’m scared that he will continue to attack others. it seems to me that when he comes out, he will be even angrier and... things will probably get worse. however, arrest is only start. now law enforcement officers are looking for anyone who was unlucky enough to catch the eye of dmitry grebenkin. it is possible that the collected episodes may form the basis of a criminal case. hoping to avoid this, the detained pick-up artist assures that he will no longer meet girls, but his mother was advised to arrange a consultation with a specialist immediately after the end of the administrative arrest. ivan gubin, oksana goncharenko and anna samburova, ntv television company. and that's
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all for now, thank you for being with us, today in our program: people are fleeing kharkov, leaving kharkov. kharkov operation, residents of a city of a million are leaving for ssu. are preparing to build fortified fortifications, and is it true that only macron is rushing to the aid of the nazis? this is of no interest to either the united states or its ally. a stalwart defender. german troops are going to defend themselves against russia with white umbrellas. why did berlin decide to arm itself? thermal imagers will have no chance of detecting us. fantastic beasts. they are trying to put the writer jk rowling on trial for insulting transgender people. how deep.
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ideological split in the west, being gay is not a crime, it is a human condition, watch right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague, ivan trushkin, we are working live , let's start with the main sensation with an evening call from paris, no, it's...
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a french call since october '22, that is, it turns out, with my calculations, for about a year and a half, no one called us from france, and besides one moment, this call took place on an urgent basis at the request of paris, let ’s look at the statement of our ministry of defense in a little more detail. this means that part of the conversation between the two ministers was devoted to the ukrainian conflict, in particular, the minister noted their readiness for dialogue on ukraine, which could be based on the istanbul peace agreement.
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commenting on the preparations for the geneva meeting on the so-called peace formula, but stated that without the participation of our country, holding this summit is pointless. regarding plans in paris to send a military contingent to ukraine, the russian minister made it clear that the practical implementation of this plan will create problems for france itself. well, it’s interesting to see how this conversation is officially presented by the french side. paris claims that the main topic of the conversation was the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. paris claims that the doctor, firstly, expressed condolences, but most importantly, in connection with the tragedy, he insistently assured that the french have no information about the involvement of the ukrainian special services in the attack on crocus cityhall. shaigu's answer can be understood from the comments of our ministry of defense, by the way, this is the only quote, not a retelling, as is usually the case in masonry, that’s exactly the quote in this statement from the ministry of defense. the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators.
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we read that in this case the french intelligence services are not behind this. it is noteworthy that the french minister decided to call moscow immediately after the russian foreign ministry received new information about what france was collecting. will send his soldiers to ukraine, and everything could happen in the near future, but let me not retell this, let’s maria zakharova let's listen better. the command of the french foreign legion in early march approved the composition of a battalion tactical group of about 1,500 people. it is expected that in april the group will be brought to a state of full combat readiness for an operational rush to the ukrainian theater of military operations. paris did not officially confirm these data, but at the same time.
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don’t expect anything good, yes, yes, about kharkov, we really want to talk in more detail today because lately , and probably for several weeks now, the name of this city. kharkov is present in the information field, probably, some cities appear more often than others, is this related to the situation at the front? it seems to me that yes, because even according to our program you can easily remember that what cities we discussed before, bakhmud,
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once upon a time, avdeevka, relatively recently, and now lately all the time, kharkov, we haven’t talked about it yet they said, but he’s basically everywhere on telegram channels, on social networks. let's see what's actually going on there. from the end of march, in as a result of russian strikes, kharkov lost two key energy facilities at once: zmeevskaya tets and kharkovskaya tets, the first was completely destroyed. this is a big loss for ukraine, since these stations also provided electricity to the neighboring regions, sumy and poltava. the power plants were taken out of service in order to disrupt the work of the ukrainian defense industry, in particular the factories for repairing ukrainian armed forces equipment in kharkov. along with the enterprises, the residential sector was de-energized, there were officially more than a million people in the city, the light was warm everywhere. later light began to be submitted on schedule, but for complete restoration, according to the mayor,
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several months and $10 billion are needed. the activity of the russian aerospace forces gave rise to rumors among kharkov residents that fighting was about to begin in the city and residents were leaving kharkov en masse. there are many kilometers of traffic jams on the roads, even the oncoming lanes are occupied, in general there is a pipe, everything is all from kharkov, the kharkov authorities assure that nothing special is happening, the day before they reported on the renaming of streets as part of decommonization, for example, evgeniy enin street appeared, in honor the deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine who crashed in a helicopter near kiev last year, the mayor of kharkov explained that although the plan for evacuating the population.
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this defense is being strengthened, our partners know what we lack, you and i understand that we need to push the russians back to a greater distance, otherwise it will be very difficult to completely protect kharkov. vasily dmirovich, maybe you have some information from the city, from yours there in ukraine, now , well, lately there have been no such wonderful programs as, for example, yours, there are no such studios, we have a single marathon in ukraine, yes, this is...
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the main idea is one: no, we will not surrender to kharkov. kharkov needs to be defended, kharkov needs to be delivered, what is the novelty of the position compared to the same bakhmut, savdeevka, and others, because you showed, well , i won’t do this bald guy, there is another one like arestovich, he’s practically hairless now, although he is abroad, he says no, russia will not take kharkov, but it is not beneficial for russia to take kharkov now.
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in fact, after the shameful flight from avdeevka, which they, by the way, also declared the day before, and bakhmud, which has now returned its name back to artyomovsk. i also don’t really understand how vanya speaks, so what can we talk about on this topic, well , because in order not to harm, yes, that means there are a million 300,000 people, but actually less, well, now it’s less, taking into account those who left, this means that
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putin not so long ago, just in my opinion, well , around the same time, when he was talking about the sanitary zone, he said this: the phrase that after the next shelling of our territories, we can’t act the way they, of course, can, but we won’t do that, now come on, try to explain to me somehow, this huge city, which, apparently, they will try to strengthen, just like other smaller cities, there is no doubt that they will use residential areas to place, i don’t know, air defense or artillery, tanks, that is, they will be covered.
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i was traveling with my family on the train, and i was traveling from crimea to kiev and then we passed there to zhytomyr.
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half an hour ago a moskal train passed, a moscow train passed, and this was a ukrainian, a moskal train passed, i sold it to the muscovites there for some amount more, for some reason she decided that if we were traveling in ukrainian, then everything was fine with valuables everywhere, so andrey vyacheslavich, what do you say, i’m just interested in how we will be there, i don’t know, bypass it, block it, because it’s obvious that creating this sanitary, buffer, any zones without the liberation of kharkov, well, it’s probably not ... and maybe i ’ll add to the question, now all the time information is coming from different parts of the front that we are putting pressure on, but one way or another, this cannot be called some kind of breakthrough, but we are putting pressure on, yes, how close is this pressure to moving on to some kind of, well, tangible breakthrough action, that’s what the situation there, you said correctly, let’s just say that the russian army
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is not yet giving it its full strength, it is putting pressure, it is advancing, it is demoralizing them. they have moments of panic, they naturally retreat, we, for our part , seize new territories, and as for again, kharkov, as was rightly said, take it head on, it will be useless, it will be stupid, and you need to act through the environment, but let’s not forget one of the points, that yes, there we suppress, here, if a command suddenly comes and we will go to kharkov, we will create this buffer gray zone, a breakthrough can happen at any point on the front, that is...
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not in a queue, where they are concentrated, so this is serious pressure, maybe we can somehow, well, let’s do it now let's move here, then bogdania, that means here's about everything.
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took it and they simply blocked the roads, blocked the access roads to the city, that’s what they were doing, but then bogdan anatolyevich, because you were just before
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the interview, let me show you everything later, you directly connected this in the pre-interview there kharkov, belgorod, putin’s statement, yes of course, but the fact is that kharkov is the key to belgorod, accordingly, here is the failed offensive of a full-fledged military group, which was carried out during the elections practically here in russia, it obviously led to the decision to create.
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both documents are components of a large law on mobilization, which the verkhovna rada still cannot adopt in its entirety. and so they decided to saw it up. the first law is to reduce
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the age of those mobilized from 27 to 25 years. the paper was sent to terrorist zelensky for signature back in june last year, but he only signed it now. deputies, sensing popular discontent, are trying to calm them down. according to legal norms. according to legal norms, the most recent law is in force. which was accepted in in this case, this bill will be in force, but i think that if there is a decision 27 or 25, most likely there will be a veto of the president on this item. immediately , the terrorist zelensky signed the second law, and now in ukraine men are divided into only two categories: fit and unfit for military service. those who were considered to be of limited fitness will have to undergo a second medical examination in the coming months; it is clear that not everyone will receive a deferment. when asked how many recruits they expect to be called up, zelensky refused to answer, but thanked the new one commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky for successful work. we won't need half a million. as for
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the quantity, how many will be mobilized. but i can say that russia is preparing to mobilize 3,000 of its troops on june 1, while the western press is describing a gloomy picture on the front line, and some officers are themselves looking for recruits. they complained to the new york times that military conscripts are often elderly people who don't want to fight, so commanders try to take matters into their own hands. in recent months, savvy recruitment companies, filled with nationalist fervor, they became ubiquitous in kiev and other cities of ukraine. this is the initiative of the brigades who took matters into their own hands, avoiding the official mobilization system. they say the official recruitment company is too aggressive and mired in soviet bureaucracy and corruption. well, regarding these rumors, which zelensky is also spreading, regarding june 1, 3000 mobilization in
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russia, even the kremlin is already commenting on all this. at night, alexandrich, their mobilization is a reaction to that situation at the front, oh which we spoke there 5-7 minutes ago, i understand correctly, they see, they feel that the front at any point can fail somewhere, they are urgently looking for, excuse me, you know, this is their new round of mobilization related to what they are talking about we spoke 15 and 20 minutes ago, because discussions about kharkov, about sums, this is an even bigger
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strategic game, where with one... the country is from the company of information, on the other - disinformation, here is a simple example, and alexander grigorievich lukashenko said that there, if you want peace, prepare for war, instant comment, no touch those brigades that stand on the border with belarus, that is, just one statement, but the supreme commander-in-chief, when it is said at a high level, this is serious, kharkov maybe, maybe the zaporozhye direction, kherson, all officials were evacuated from kherson, for example, yeah , yes, that too is. so this is a big game, they don’t have enough people, a colleague has already said, their front is cracking, they are moving the same brigades back and forth in this in this horseshoe, they just need to put people in, listen, they have this law, vanya said, the rada just can’t pass it, well, in general, he’s been jealous for several months now, now that means they’ll pass it after all, but i think just the opposite, these two decrees zelensky will be allowed to blur that law.
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because no one wants to vote for him, because they know that they will remember him later, but he adopted two decrees, one on the direct orders of london, by the way, for 25 years, they were already told by the generals in london that these two decrees are enough for that , that they they closed this hole in the number, well, this is a significant number of people, firstly, on the first point, 2 years is a long time, and now they will make almost all those of limited fitness fit, put them in headquarters and send staff officers to the front. this is quite a lot - maybe sashka, here according to official data of ukraine, ukrainian official data, it’s about 150,000, but if the age is reduced by 25 years, then somewhere in terms of number there should be 150,000 people, this is how to approach, if you approach creatively, that's how hashish yes it’s like this, if so, then it’s not even what they took, that it will stop at this, but nothing will stop, no, i mean every day, but you read schweikag.
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that kharkov needs to be bombed, this is where you are a little different, you said this, no one here says it, but of course, they gave us the example of the bombing of the gas sector at this moment, well, or there are some examples from the second world war, that’s it, but that’s not the case in this, then, firstly, regarding the answers about the fact that there are people there who are waiting,
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as far as i understand.
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well, here you can argue about the sanity of these people, other qualities, they left and did the right thing, that’s what people are leaving from kharkov now, well, we have to give, wait, but you can, you said about the intuition of a historian, so try to answer my question precisely based on your professional experience, if we are talking about the conduct of certain military campaigns, look, there is this... this is the city of kharkov, this is the region that we currently have, for us it really poses a threat, because what is stationed there are constant attacks on the belgorod region, and how do you think
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the company can develop if russian troops occupy kharkov, and after that there is a collapse, as if the front is here, everything begins to crumble, or on the contrary, some new stage is beginning.
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kashin told ipolit, but it seems to me that it will not be destroyed, bogdan anatolyevich, then why, why take it to destroy it, these are gigantic reputational and image losses, the point is not to capture city ​​of kharkov, the point is to seize
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the territory, and kharkov can, please, like a capsule with these azov people successfully stew there for a long time, so they will come to manually turn the dynamos at these defense factories in order to do something, the point is to creating a sanitary buffer zone makes sense too. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week, seeds of death, vegetables that do not exist in nature and unpredictable plants, mutants in the garden beds, this spring scammers open hunting season for russian summer residents. the story of the most incredible deception, how, with promises of fabulous harvests, you can be sold, at best, an ordinary dummy, at worst, quiet but very dangerous killers, whose poison can turn out to be a fatal cobra bite. is this still just an ordinary deception or a real
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umbrella , don't you think it's really a white umbrella, but it's a white umbrella, it's such a secret german weapon, let me explain, what is it: soldiers of the elite units of the bundeswehr are armed with white umbrellas, right now they are participating in maneuvers as part of the exercises nato stalwart defender, this is the north of norway. according to the military, the latest development is capable of protecting against enemy thermal imagers, in other words, making soldiers invisible to... the enemy, that is , open an umbrella, and you are as if in the house, in a pinch, with the help of such an accessory you can save yourself from the rain, and the minister pistorius is delighted. from targeted western developments, let's move on to larger scale ones, well it’s clear, monetary plans, so the politician’s publication tried to understand the loud proposal of the secretary general of nat jans stoltenberg about 100 billion fund for the needs
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of ukraine, we remember, i told you about this the day before, so the newspapermen believe that this figure of 100 billion for the allies is unaffordable according to the publication . many of the nato ministers, i quote here, rolled their eyes when they heard this amount and were extremely surprised where the secretary general got it from. the ministers did not understand whether these 100 billion would be taken from existing programs support for ukraine, or new, additional funds will have to be allocated. the initiative ultimately did not receive unanimous support following the first day of the summit. well, terrible news was brought to the kiev house and the bloomberg agency, where they found out that the long-awaited vote was taking place. the united states on the issue, remember, that same ill-fated package of aid to ukraine may again be postponed, and postponed indefinitely . it is reported that all this is connected with the attempts of the speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson to soften the republicans, who are taking an increasingly tough and tough position on the allocation of aid to ukraine. previously, this
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johnson proposed providing kiev with a loan or using frozen russian assets of the final decision to help ukraine. johnson’s team has not yet come up with an idea; as the agency writes, it has not even decided what concessions under the bill it will require from the biden administration. well, some of the republicans are so categorical that speaker johnson himself could suffer, so the congresswoman, marjarie taylor greene has already invited johnson to remove him from the post of speaker if he brings to a vote an unprepared, that is, such an uncoordinated bill. she was interviewed by journalist tucker carlson and explained. why is it unacceptable to support ukraine? this is completely contrary to our christian faith, contrary to the principles that the bible teaches us: fund murder every single day, fund a war, pay for it, continue it. our cia is present in ukraine and advises them on the ground. we haven't shown tucker for a long time,
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i’ve already lost the habit of seeing his eternally surprised face. come on, yeah, come on. it’s interesting, if what we are now discussing around kharkov, yes, really takes place, this is how nato members will treat this faster, reach some agreements there, i don’t know, slower? let's look at the plot first: nato secretary general en stoltenberg, at a brussels meeting with the foreign ministers of the countries belonging to
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the alliance, was noticeably nervous, spoke emotionally, waved his arms, even shook, promised that someday ukraine will definitely become...
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the behavior of the french leader emmanuel macron, who is impatient to send a military contingent to ukraine, sent the head of
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the us state department to paris to clarify the situation. president joe biden's policy is very clear: there will be no us troops on ukrainian territory. this is something that would bring a direct conflict with russia closer, and we want to avoid that. this is not in the interests of either the united states or nato allies. meanwhile, a nato newcomer, the president, arrived in kiev. in finland alexander stub, he signed a bilateral defense agreement with the terrorists zelensky, which the ukrainian authorities habitually call security guarantees. in fact , there are no guarantees in the contract, there is only a promise to help as best we can. the finnish leader has already promised a new aid package worth almost 200 million euros. this is mainly military assistance. there are air defense systems there, as well as large-caliber artillery ammunition, among other things. and this is our support.
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is that people leave kharkov, the more they leave, the less they will have hostages, so our information
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company, we periodically support the idea that we will now go to kharkov, let it continue, let people leave wherever they want , and we will not provoke our information company so that these guys will stop swearing , now they will agree and you have contradictions in the west, like you showed me in donetsk then this wonder waffle or something else that you remember all these conversations there. the western coalition is already irreversible and they will not be able to agree, every time there will be some kind of white defense that will interfere with the final agreement, if they bring these decisions under the nato hat, then two things arise here, the first one you pointed out is how nato will deal with its own and these are what they call participants, members, no, dissidents, yeah, dissenters, but there is the other side of the coin,
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if nato exists, it will be the nato office that will organize the supply of weapons to ukraine, this is a complete change of paradigm, nato has never participated, nato, nato didn’t even send berets to ukraine, that’s just countries ravstein has 52 countries, if nato takes it.
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these are all these things, i’m talking about the attitude towards ukraine, and you, dear presenter, are talking about how they give money, although less, but this money is stolen, this money is stolen, you look at the publications in ukraine, in ukrainian media, when i ask for forgiveness, grab a forester, a forester, well, they took him there with a bribe, they come to his home, open his suitcases, and there in euros there is, you know, 4,000 euros, the guy is just some kind of head of a forestry department. stores this money, and how much does he keep in the bank, when, when they talk about customs officers, let’s say, the lvov military commissar, yes, the lviv
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military commissar, his wife bought several apartments in kiev in a year and that’s all. falls out, where does this money come from? this is what is eating ukraine from the inside and zelensky’s entire power, so he said 100 billion dollars, let’s break it up over 5 years, let’s break it down into monthly periods, even if there was that kind of money, it’s only 1.5 billion euros a month, we’ll have time , i'll try very briefly, look, last week i told you, that crocus looks like a cynical attempt to strengthen the negotiating position, so expect messengers in the near future.
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the meeting place at ntv, we will now continue. we will now have a conversation about what else is splitting the friendly western family, besides this dispute about necessity. providing urgent assistance to ukraine, there they really have other reasons to argue, so let me briefly remind our viewers in tambov, please don’t forget, on saturday you still have the opportunity to purchase a ticket and we will meet you at the ivushka folk arts development center at 18 o’clock, here are the rest of the concerts next, go to the website andrenor.rf, there is all the detailed information, now we have several news from belgorod, as i understand it, this entire block is about the belgorod region, yes yes yes, or those... who live there and so on. so, let's start with the following news: students of schools located in border areas were exempted from taking unified state exam and oge. as the governor of the region, vyacheslav
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glodkov, explained, ninth-graders can finish their studies based on the results of their current performance, eleventh-grade graduates will be able to enter universities either based on the results of entrance exams, or still pass the unified state exam, but they themselves will be able to decide and choose. i remember. the order of the ministry of education has been signed and is being registered with the ministry of justice of the russian federation. we hope that in the near future it will be assigned a number and it will come into force. the exam format is the same as last year for ninth and eleventh grades. the governor too. he said about the children evacuated from the belgorod region, there are already 9,000 of them, they were sent to different russian regions due to the increasing frequency of shelling from ukrainian territory. the next such group, about 400 people,
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was brought to volgograd the day before. the children, according to glodkov, are provided with everything they need and are under constant supervision. heads and heads of regions actively respond to requests from parents children who left. in crimea, for example, they accepted young people. i didn’t hold out, it’s cold here, but everyone is very warm, everyone greeted us very warmly, so the residents of the city of grayvoron in the belgorod region that came under fire were sent to
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a temporary accommodation center in borisovka, the so-called health train began operating there, this is a mobile medical complex, where you can undergo the necessary examinations and receive free, of course , consultations with doctors, and proven health. from a very good side, and of course, after we will examine all krivoron residents, they will go to work according to their schedule in remote rural settlements. so for belgorod i have everything, andrei vach, yes, we now have examples of exactly the opposite nature, and i said that there are many factors tearing apart this beautiful, bright european family living in this garden called europe, in general , it turns out that somehow all these good intentions lead to such sad consequences, let’s say a certain bill appears, and maybe even already...
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case and a real prison sentence of up to 7 years, and it is considered an insult, for example, if someone suddenly calls a transgender person who considers himself a woman a man. writer jk rowling, author of the harry potter books, decided to go against the system. in her social networks , rowling immediately called 10 transgender people men and suggested that the scottish police arrest her for this. freedom of expression in scotland will come to an end if accurately describing one's biological sex is made a crime. i am currently abroad, but am waiting to be arrested when i return to the birthplace of scottish enlightenment. rowling is known for her long-standing and open struggle against excessive tolerance. she defends the biological laws of nature. so, a few years ago, the writer was skeptical about the proposal to call women people who menstruate, expressed concern about the increasing number of transgender people among teenagers, and also argued that a person’s gender is given at birth, and nothing else. because of.
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in britain they have already refused to cooperate with her, the publishing house and her name have been removed from the credits of several films, based on her books, jhan rowling has been under investigation for a month now; the first british transgender tv presenter complained to the police about her. j. k. rowling knows, whether she admits it or not, that i am legally a woman and that i don't just copy women, yet she posted this tweet that humiliates and exposes me to ridicule. i...
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another major stumbling block is gender-neutral toilets in schools. about a dozen north american conservative states have passed laws banning the consolidation of restrooms and locker rooms. for boys and girls. the first was oklahoma state. no one wants to share intimate spaces, be it toilets, locker rooms or showers, with members of the opposite sex.
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in cyclocross in chicago, the first two places were taken by transgender people; in the jiu jitsu competition, trans won four gold medals; he weighed 30 kg more than the other participants. female athletes simply refuse such competitions. for those of us who have trained for years to come here to potentially get what we have. selected by men who are larger and stronger than us, this is madness. the resistance movement against transgender people is already growing. among supporters of the democratic party, which has traditionally championed lgbt rights. people of color in america have always supported democrats, but a recent gelop poll showed that blacks. and hispanic voters in the united states are turning away from the democratic party; they are drawn to the republicans because of the family values ​​they stand for. i want to repeat the question that i asked here in in our story, a tv presenter of one of the channels,
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we don’t know, i don’t know what kind of channel, what’s his name, that’s not the point, who says slovaks, yes, yes, yes, yes, but you can replace the word toilet here, he said, why do the authorities continue? and those who want to stay in power, they pander to the minority, that is, obviously a smaller part of their voters, the majority says: damn, you’re tired of all this crap of yours, and they continue to impose it, i don’t understand why, what in
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what's the point of this? yes, it makes sense, it's kind of like that contradicts the accepted mechanism, well , i’ll quote, that’s it, i see that you both have already shook your heads, i already said that sometimes i look like an idiot, but let me. to quote the classic: a ghost is haunting europe, the ghost of communism. the thing is - i'll explain what's the matter. the fact is that these are the consequences of the rampant leftist ideas and precisely marxism. i'll explain what's going on. we are accustomed to perceiving marxism classically, as it was perceived in the soviet union, that there is a bourgeoisie, there is a proletariat, and the proletariat must, as it were, overcome the bourgeoisie. after the further development of marxism led to the fact that in europe now, in the usa there is neo-marxism and post-marxism. what does it say? that you do not have the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, that you have some oppressed who must overcome their oppressors, we have a constant search for the oppressed, blacks, gays, transgenders, you know how, for example, now some left-wing activists in the usa call pedophiles, people who are attracted to children, that is, they
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are trying to normalize even this, and we see how now, in essence, from a good life in western europe and the usa, they begin a constant search for the oppressed, who needs to be saved, who needs to be helped out. whom these wonderful gentlemen from london mansions should, as it were, raise to the top of history, so we see that our society is already beginning to not accept these people, i mean, it’s actually normal that society doesn’t accept them, because in in any free , seemingly normal country where there is a discussion, the current situation, the current situation is always some kind of fixation of a compromise at a given moment that this is possible, let’s say, people there who love, that is, same-sex love, can marry, right? some, but you can’t, for example, promote it, as it’s done in russia, or you can’t, for example, go into these different toilets for safety, that is, well, there’s a process going on as a result of which there will be obscurantists, can i get in, because why are you talking about marxism,
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this is a fundamental story, there are many oppressed in classical marxist history, there is much less oppression, here the oppressed must join hands to eat these oppressors.
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i said, well, it’s not so much you here, but, dear colleague, look, this is not about marxism as such and not about, i don’t know,
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the excesses of marxism, here is just the normal, ordinary, natural evolution of western liberalism in the absence of ideological competition, then there is when there is a certain idea to win, explain to me again why there is such an aggressive flow of ideas from the minority, it is obvious that the majority is against, no, this is all being promoted. how are they imagine how it will be in the elections later, you consider this situation from an electoral point of view from others, so this raises a question in your mind, try to look from a different point of view, from a sectarian point of view, that is, this is all ultra-liberalism, this is a sect, when you have a certain sect, you are a minority, but a sincerely believing minority, you yourself defend yourself by any means from others, courts, authorities, there are actions, and so on and so on.
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listen, well, first of all, society is not some kind of integrity that has common
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some ideas, common values ​​and so on, moreover, values, somehow this also seems to me to have not been mentioned, values ​​change, for example, there were even studies in the united states, if we take some examples so close in time , at the beginning of the presidency of george w. bush there in 2000, and there 2/3 of americans were against the legalization of same-sex marriage and 1/3 was for, at the end, that is, in 2008 and through. just 8 years, the situation has completely changed, the majority, that is , 2/3 were for legalization, respectively, and 1/3 remained against legalization, so when we talk about the fact that people there now perceive lgbt people differently or perceive differently some of these phenomena that are criticized here, well, yes, the whole thing is really changing, politicians use it, of course they use it, here michael said absolutely correctly, but really, the point is not that there are transgender voters, there are so many of them that they can turn in one direction or another,
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we need it specifically there, maybe try on the united states, well, what will it lead to, what kind of care for minorities , contrary to the wishes of the majority, can lead to, first look at the customers who want it, and this is interesting, now there are
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transgender people, this is the fighting part of the lgbt, they are really street fighters.
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here over the past 24 years in american society, which i saw with my own eyes, as you can see, a traditionally conservative american, and they immediately tried to explain to people that you see, we still have injustice towards the indians, but no one took any measures to compensate indians for everything that was taken from them, but who
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will give such federal lands to shem, this is out of the question, also in relation to african americans regarding...
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incredible, this is your best performance this season, mask - anniversary fifth season, on
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sunday, 20 :20 on ntv. black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen at an affordable price. and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. sergey and marina realized that it was better to try durian before purchase. it’s good that you can first try investing in tinkof investments and only then invest your money. open an account with tenki investments and receive a starting 50,000 rubles from the bank. you take the income from this amount for yourself. and if it doesn’t exist, then there is no need to compensate for losses. with tenkov investments you quickly get the hang of it. tinkov. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pentalgin extragel contains
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of april, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash! we approve your plans! tinkov! this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and how promised, transgender people and all that stuff, we put it aside while we look at another issue, which in the same way splits western societies, here i can’t say that this is some kind of sectarianism, it’s something else, but the issue is very painful, we are talking about problems with migrants in one way or another, different, but it all comes down to a very large public ignition. at the end of march , the us supreme court allowed the state of texas to pass its own anti-immigrant law. texans are going to forcibly expel everyone from the state illegal immigrants. however, a few hours later
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the appeals court in washington blocked the decision. the fight over this law split america. literally in two parts. 25 governors supported texas in its anti-immigrant fight. and more and more people are saying that the central washington authorities are not telling them in this matter. others call it a harbinger of civil war. the citizens of america, the so-called western forces of texas and california, suffered a very major defeat at the hands of the united states military. claims to migration policy authorities.
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paris before the olympics and send them to the countryside, the already irritated and rebellious farmers getting even angrier. the migrants are given a free hotel allowance, the peasants are given nothing. according to a survey by the french newspaper figaro, almost 80%
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of the french. are dissatisfied with the migration policy of their country, and 3/4 are asleep and see how migrants are sent to asvoyas, including children. the french work for me, you get up at 6 am and work for me while i sleep, every month i receive 600 euros from the fund, 300 euros from charitable missions, 300 euros housing allowance, i have free travel on public transport, every month i have 600 euros left. i do nothing, sleep until noon. french, work harder. residents of germany, now their number has exceeded half, they are afraid of a lack of housing in megacities, clashes between locals and visitors, while migrants are becoming more and more numerous, last year their flow increased by 10%, the majority came from syria, turkey and afghanistan, they bother us, yes, because we are no longer in security, we can no longer let our children visit friends in the evenings, we are
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a village. we have always been safe and we want our safety back. anton valerievich, before this whole texas story and the appearance of armed patrols, it seemed to me that the story about the civil war in the united states was such a lyric, and i would never see this. and here, well, i don’t know if this is really such a movie, you will see such a sore subject, but again they can tell. respect serge, i will definitely i’ll answer this question, but if i may , i do n’t think there’s an answer to your question in the first half.
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such 282 we also have incitement to hatred , hostility based on gender, nationally , everything else, we have had this for a long time, it’s just a matter of law enforcement, but if they go too far there, then accordingly those who will oppose transgender people will be there for less, which means clamping down, i think that srawling won't do anything, she can afford it only because she's a famous type and doesn't attract attention at all to this problem or not, i mean that nothing will happen to her because she is famous and someone simpler can, according to this law, but in general. the issue of law enforcement, we have approximately the same norm. now, regarding your question about the minority actually, why and how they are in the elections, but because it’s a mistake, there hasn’t been any minority there for a long time, even sociologists will now give a figure: americans consider themselves to be in the age category from 18 to 23 years old, they are not loyal , but consider themselves to be part of the lgbt community already about 16% of young people, this is a minority, it is still a minority, that this is growth and a disaster, and they count themselves,
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they do not. if we look at attitudes towards lgbt people, such as the fact that they can have equal rights, that they need to be protected, this number is much larger, moreover, we believe that the republicans are against it, but excuse me, when same-sex marriage was legalized, influential republicans signed up for this case, weren’t you, anton valerievich, telling us that young people don’t go to the polls in europe, in in the united states, young people do not make decisions, so maybe this 16% is what happens.
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in my opinion, which shows interesting films, so smart, it means that the first responses from critics to this film are positive, but again i want to tell you exactly the following, let’s not be goldfish, one way or another the topic is a split along the lines of migrants, it has arisen in the information space over the past 10 years four or five times in europe and in the united states, the united states is now.
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his program, a very tough program against illegal immigrants, he has already created this plan, that is, special camps will be built, millions of emigrants will be deported, yes, the democrats will grumble, they will be against this, again for reasons of humanity, progressiveness, they will be against, but this will not lead to civil war, if biden becomes president and he continues, to one degree or another, his liberal policies and this...
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more, more, more rights, i specifically looked, for example, if in seventy-two in the united states of america there were up to 90% christians, almost 90, well, that means by 2020 there will still be more than in russia, although there 64, 64% draw, we see how morals are changing, values ​​are changing, indeed liberalization leads to cultural liberalization, and this in turn leads to opposition , what happened in europe, exactly the same story with...
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“listen, a riddle, a man returned, he hadn’t been to the city for 10 years, he came to his mother’s grave, in its place the owner of a meat processing plant was buried, with a monument, the question is, who got the money? , what kind of justice is this, zhenya murian, your mother won’t forgive you, but do you really think that i didn’t take precautions, i don’t like these dances on the graves, they killed him with my hands.” pressed, you want you to fight on his side, it’s you who will ruin him, i told
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the truth , then you can do what you want, arseny robok, hot spot, new season, soon on ntv. mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. an endless country over which the sun never sets, the fascinating nature of russia is now in in your hands, on new tenkov cards. black: hurry up to get a ting of debit card black with a limited design in april , get free service forever. tinkov. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work, i lead a sedentary lifestyle . artneo. just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month. and service and notifications are free. always, which is why the credit
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spaces. an electric motor with copper winding has a fairly high power for such a little one. this saw's chain has been designed to...cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue. this means that we have considered the issues of the minority, there are migration issues, there are all these rainbow people, another example, about god, forgive me, nothing i’ll say at the beginning, everything is in the plot, on the eve of catholic easter, us president biden decided to combine this holiday with the day
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of transgender visibility, he congratulated them on the holiday on social networks, calling them part of the fabric of the nation. the biden administration has banned its use. religious imagery in egg decorations at a traditional easter event at the white house. all this caused discontent among the christian population. he could have announced this on any day other than easter sunday. this is an insult to the bible and an insult human nature. meanwhile, in the main catholic church in new york, st. patrick's cathedral in manhattan, a funeral service was held for the notorious transgender activist, who became famous for...
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all three topics that we have united today are actually united by one problem, a problem when people try to try on their ideology in real life. if you look, we all, i am sure, all our tv viewers, share many liberal values, we are convinced that men are created equal, that there is no race of slaves, and no races and gentlemen, that everyone deserves to live as he wants with whomever he wants, but then problems begin, these people who are depicted here, who say that shiriah will conquer the whole world, and freedom can burn water, we kind of need them or are not needed, can we call?
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well, about the same bible, let’s say, for many years, many countries, many people believed that this is the basis, here everything is written in this book, how you should behave, what you have no right to do , well, now it turns out that this is also put under doubt, this is being questioned, because we have left god, the whole civilization has left god, we are not building our own state today, as it is written in the bible or as it is written in the koran, and that is, we are today.
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judaism and islam are there. but one second, let me tell you, we have absolutely correct norms of brotherhood, equality, love your neighbor, everything else, this is in every normal religion in buddhism, in hinduism, now we see one thing, as i said earlier, a targeted attack on traditional institutions , why because who started this attack, you said about the customer, but somehow it’s a little vague about the customer’s democrats, if we look. yes, large transnational financial and industrial groups of their shareholders, their so-called investor holders, we see
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the following, why do big transnationals need this, because big business, such groups understood a long time ago, for them the biggest threat is power, you can have power take everything away, not a crowd, you can protect yourself from a crowd by a squad there or a pmc, so these groups began to control power, buy up politicians, political parties. sects, as i will continue to call ultra-liberals, are the most terrible enemy, christianity, on the one hand, no matter who
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said there that the bible was written, compiled by emperor constantine, it doesn’t matter, during these almost 2.0 years of existence, christianity, on the one hand, has acquired some grandiose authority from the point of view of the moral standards of human behavior, on the other hand, unlike islam, it went through a period of reformation and became not so aggressive, not so involved in politics. absolutely crap, tick yes, that's it, let's stop, now we'll sum it up,
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she's afraid that the sofa under her is about to break, i couldn't stand any furniture at all, because even a centimeter tape is not enough to measure her immense waist, on people look at me, sometimes they point with their fingers, laugh, a woman passing on the street told me how fat... the family was very offensive to me, is it really the fault of the ancestors, the mighty vikings, she took a gene test, and it turned out that very like that big, massive people in our family, or a woman simply eats stress after lightning killed her mother before her eyes, ball lightning flew in, killed her right away, i saw this lightning, the ball, when it fell, it touched her sister with her hand, her... black sun premieres
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will return 5% money bets. we approve your plans. mask, new season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. sinoden - ease of movement. oh, our terminator is running. petrovna, wait, where are you going this time? my grandson took me to music, i’ll drop by home, now i’ll feed the cat and back for grandchildren. look, the record is being set, the grandson's morning in the garden. then to social security, then to the post office, grandson from the garden, to music, evening scandinavian walking, i also got this cat, you know what she called it, sinoden, what kind of joints do you need to have to live on the fifth floor without an elevator, to run so briskly, an exact terminator, liquid, an ordinary person’s legs would have been broken long ago,
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the sinoden course directly from the manufacturer. now according to the number on your screen, without any assessments or commissions, remember, delivery is also at our expense. sinaden - ease of movement. beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. ntv is the meeting place, this is the current confrontation between conservatives, traditionalists and...
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this confrontation will grow, but it will grow in terms of civilization, for example, russia and the other traditional world, and accordingly the west with its ultra-liberal values, but nothing will grow inside western countries, it will all come out like steam during the elections, stanislav olegovich, the clash of different points of view is not a tank, it’s feature of any democracy, starting starting. translating into russian, this is not a disease, this is precisely the central part, this is the advantage of any democracy, including that democracy where there is an opportunity to come out, everything will change, everything will turn into the norm, thesis, antithesis, synthesis, all this will unite , the ordinary people will win, the ordinary people will win seriously, because now you even look at the statistics of divorces, weddings in europe, which is depressing
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, it is still higher, well, better than the situation in russia this is why. i recently read an article, interesting, yes, yes, where they looked at how the beginnings of feminism were discussed in society, when women tried to get the right to work, the right to vote, the right to take off a dress and put on at least trousers, not to mention a miniskirt , then the conversations were very similar, that this is the end, that this is sectarianism, that everything is going to hell, it hasn’t gone away , i want, i want to see that we won’t go to hell this time, georgia admitted that... and when translating books about the adventures of harry potter there have been copyright violations by jk rowling. it turned out that the magic spells that were used. the heroes received new inconsistent names. sapiravi, khvanchkara, kinzmarauli. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv. goodbye.
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recruitment and financing, employees. sat three more suspects were detained for involvement in the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. for crocus city, one enemy will become fire. night is not an obstacle to combat work. how russian artillerymen work in the dark. 75 years of nato. how many times during this time did the warrior unleash a supposedly exclusively defensive alliance? about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorov.


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