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tv   DNK  NTV  April 4, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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but the walls will reduce the volume of the stomach, that is, we inflate it and see how much water fits there, usually 4-5 liters fit, that is, she can eat 4-5 kg ​​at a time, you know, in fact, when our large patients say, yes, we eat little, this is not true, we will also cut off 2 m of the small intestine from digestion so that less is absorbed, she will already lose 50 kilograms in a year, but alexander, i want you to talk about the risks.
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hall, if she doesn’t follow all our recommendations, that’s it, that’s if she continues there is everything that she eats now, after the operation, the stomach will stretch again, for the first 5 years she will not be able to eat much, but after 5 years the stomach will grow a little in any case, well, that is, lilya, it’s up to you to decide here, assessing all the risks, if are you ready to go into battle, i’m ready to help you, elen, can you, for your part, give lily practical advice? naturally, this is all solvable. natalya, what about lilia’s emotional experiences? can you work with her? of course, lilya, i will be happy to take you and we will find you this room, which is locked with these locks. this is all very solvable. the fact that you have taken on me will help you, but i will try. “i will lose weight so i can have
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surgery, i want to be healthy and not leave my children without a mother, i want to change my life completely, we believe you, remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, we we will continue on monday, right now there is a new dna test. my brother is looking for his sister lena, whom he has never seen. alexey shuvaev and his wife nargiza came to us for a dna test. hello, hello, hello. alexey, if you have never seen your sister, how do you even know that she exists? how do i remember this?
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her sister, oksana, told us, did she tell you personally? no, she told my wife, i looked after and lived when my husband was serving in the army under a contract, i lived in oksana’s glazanovka, well, she was sick, well , with cancer, so she speaks in argiz, i would like to collect my relatives, tell your brother, guys... why did she tell you at such a moment, and not earlier, maybe to her to her brother, for example, she thought that he wouldn’t look for anyone anyway, because of this , he handed me over, norgiz, you’re already living, well, we’ve already been living together for 16 years, that’s the point, well, i persuaded her, let’s die at least in the next world, let her at least find out that they at least did something, because she always did everything good for
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alexei to gather everyone, to find everyone, yes, how did oksana even know that there was more sister, not their mother, when oksana was young, her mother said there was a sister, another one, but they adopted her, her name was lena, but they didn’t see this one no one girl, maybe some details, she also told about her sister leni, from the third generation she seems to live in volgograd, her name is lena, and that’s all you know, it turns out that there were three children in your family , they have a lot of family, well , a lot of children - that’s how many, well, 12 children, as she told me, 12 children in your family, yes, i know, 11, my dear. nikolai, tolik, oksana, gena,
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natasha, i am the seventh in the family, tanya, ina, and also this kingdom of heaven. like how i heard from these stories that she bathed her at killed the well, at the water pump, she became very ill and died, she bathed the child, she died, this child was small, she was still small, this sister we are looking for, lena, and from lena, you think, mom gave up immediately after birth, of course, if she gave up on everyone, did she also give up on her? how did she refuse everyone? aren’t you all together, from everyone, yes, everyone, everyone, all the children, everyone went through boarding school, everything. but do you just remember your life, starting from the orphanage or life before, remember too? no, i don't know anything i remember when i was in nekrasovka,
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my mother came to see me, they didn’t let me go with her, maybe she came on a date, maybe she came the next day after drinking... the next day my father came to see me, they calmly let me go on vacation with him, that’s when she brought me home, i remember this, i remember there was a barn, they had rabbits, that’s all, they fed the rabbits, i remember that well, we went for peas, this is it, i have all this memory, now your mother alive, dead, keep, we didn’t keep her, we were very embittered at they were offended, covered up, no one told us, of course, who told you? natasha, my sister, yes, said that my mother had died, we just spat , we were very angry and we didn’t go.
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alexey, did you tell the other brothers and sisters about leni’s unknown sister? yes, i told the guys that there is. they, too, did not know before how many children there were in the family, but now they were completely confused, in the studio there were twin brothers, nikolai perelygin and gennady shuvaev. hello, nikolai gennadievich, hello, please come in have a seat. what options do you have regarding the number of siblings?
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well, of course, it would be interesting to know all this, because this is the story we have, how they brought us to the boarding school, we grew up in different boarding schools, as they say, we were scattered all over russia, when you were brought to the boarding school, well, i i was, i don’t remember how old, but i was little, and alexey, in my opinion, was already there in a boarding school. gennady and i were told: here is your brother, and you will be raised together. maybe you know the reason why did you end up in an orphanage? well, according to people’s conversations, when my mother
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gave birth to us last year, she left us there , she left us there, she ran away from home, that is , it turns out that your mother abandoned both of you. they didn’t even take you away at birth, no, but have you ever seen your mother? yes, we saw it once, we have nikolai, he is also nikolai, like my name, he died with us, he is older, yes, older than us, he, well, the funeral was all held with us, when all of our relatives stayed in the same apartment during the wake there were, and oksana, our sister, to her too the kingdom of heaven. she says: so, guys, do you want to see your mom? well, well, of course, we want to see, at least once in our lives, who she is, and where she comes from, what? she ordered a taxi, and we went to where she lives, we approached this
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house, and my mother was sitting on a bench, as if she was waiting for you, no, she was not waiting for us, she was not in the right state, well, we all approached her, and we say, you know that your... son has died, her first phrases were, well, pour it, but at least she asked which son, which one we told her that kolya yes. well, her first phrases were “pour it in”, and we all immediately turned around, got into our cars and just drove away and that’s it, we lost everything interesting with this woman, of course, yes, i kind of wanted to see my mother, just to look her in the face, i just wanted to seem, yes, it turned out like this, we just, if we had known that she was in such a state, we would not even have gone, of course, from where, but we saw it all, that’s all, we turned around and left. we didn’t communicate anymore , we didn’t communicate anymore, we didn’t dare to do this anymore.
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nikolai, when you and your brother found out that you have not just a lot of brothers and sisters, but a lot, oksana told us all this, what we have, lyosha, well, when we were still, when i graduated from college, alexey introduced us with oksana, nikolai, your brother, alexey, ever told you about the dream that
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your sister, oksana, had, oksana had a very big dream, of course, to gather everyone in one pile, but of course, she also had a dream that she would have a dad and a mom , well, the whole family would be natural, with elder brother anatoly, how did you meet, i saw tolik once, he came to... my house, well, somehow this meeting happened quickly, we looked at each other somehow, either he was late for the train, or where, i somehow quickly met, it happened, you don’t remember the same thing, anatoly, well , yes, because i was 19 years old, it was your only meeting, this was the only meeting, because well, this meeting was fleeting, it all happened quickly and somehow you know, it hasn’t even settled in my memory, alexey, what do you know about the brothers? the last time i saw him, yes, i had already graduated from college, we all talked, and he just
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worked on a collective farm, earned money for the trip, earned everything, left, that’s it, we communicate on the phone, there hello-hello, that’s how we see each other haven’t seen each other, he ’s been dreaming of hugging his beloved brothers and sisters for more than 20 years, your older brother anatoly shuvaev is in the studio. gennady! they immediately recognized the brothers, of course, they look alike, but why haven’t you seen each other for so long? well, fate turned out that way, i just have a lot of work and i haven’t had time to come since your last meeting. the brothers have changed a lot, but i don’t think so, but you, anatoly, what kind of child are you in the family? so,
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our eldest lyubasha, nikolai is the kingdom of heaven, oksana is the kingdom of heaven, and then me, and do you know how many children my mother had? no, i don’t know, i don’t even have a clue, to be honest, because there were rumors like that, something that i even left somewhere on them, but in reality, what am i... no idea what your mother’s name was, vera aleksandrovna, shulaeva, and i won’t pour out a lot of dirty things to my mother at all, because i don’t want to stir it up the past, well, of course there were moments that were kind, well, mostly you don’t remember good, little, it offended you, well, how it offended you, of course, but in principle no, your father didn’t give it, and where did you live with your parents , in the village, new freedom. in the oryol district, that is, you had a house, yes, there was a farm,
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i remember, yes, there were pigs, there were poultry, my father always kept rabbits, but then somehow at one moment it all went away, and when did you see your parents the last time, in 1987, my mother and i left, my father saw us off, it was the last meeting where you were leaving, oh, it’s awkward to talk about this, but... i was leaving the court, i was tried as a minor, and why didn’t i see my father again? my father at 87 died in september on my sister’s birthday, and... he died, and my mother, my mother, i didn’t even hear from her anymore, well, i heard that my sister called, that she had gone to another village, another family she, i never saw her again, her husband, i don’t know how they were painted, they were, they weren’t painted, she had a daughter, she raised this man’s daughter, yes, yes, yes, but she doesn’t have her own, but
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there are none of our own, my brother told me that she was no longer alive, my brother didn’t tell me, my sister oksana told me about it. nargiza really wants to continue the work of oksana, for whom it was very important to gather the family at least once, so that everyone could get to know each other and look into each other’s eyes. have you heard anything about the existence of sister lena? yes, i only recently found out about this. lyubasha, the eldest told me. alexey, nikolay, gennady, do you think your sister should be like you? well, i think yes, of course. already, of course, it should, of course, yes, i think, if from the father and the mother, of course, should also have the same face, just like you all, should be a copy of yours, should have blue eyes, eyebrows, they look like each other, there are more than one of them, just like at least oksana or natasha should look like, your sisters, oksana, natasha, everyone has such
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bright blue eyes, we all have blue eyes, from early childhood she dreamed that... her mother, vera, would come to the orphanage, but in 2020 she received a notice about her death. in the studio elena shuvaeva. hello, elena. hello. where did you come to us from? tell me? i came from the city volzhsky, volgograd region. have you always lived there? no, i was born. arev city, in what year? i was born in 1973, i am a child, and you know how you ended up in an orphanage, i don’t know, but when i was in court, when i was dealing with housing, the judge told me that i spent 2 years in the hospital, according to
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for what reason, well, for me... my mother left me, so she was probably afraid to raise me, because i have infantile central paralysis, when i entered this in an orphanage in bolkhovets, i stayed there until i was 5 years old, then i was sent to sent to volgodovskaya for 5 years orphanage, volgograd region, i asked the teacher, valentina ivanovna, to find me my relatives, mother and... dad, i will always sit, i never sit here, near the window, i wait, the gate opens, suddenly my mother will come for me, “no, lenochka, your mother will come for you,
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your father will not come, she left you, then valentin ivanov, she taught us, i asked her to find my relatives, so she took my case, she came across my address, and my mother lived in barracks, her name is vera aleksandrovna shuvaeva, so she told me that your mother’s name is shuvaeva vera aleksandrovna. i recognized her, what was her name before, i didn’t know what my mother’s name was, then we wrote to her at this address, there was no answer, then she wrote to the police, she wrote then a month later , a letter came to me addressed to my last name, elena sergeevna shuvaeva, in short, they gave us a different address
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where she lives in a village in the oryol region , she lived there. then i turned 18 years old, i was sent to another boarding school, i’ve been in this boarding school since 1995, i was also looking for my mom and dad, so i wrote affectionate i really appreciate these letters, mommy, i really appreciate you, don’t cry! calm down, i asked her to take me. boarding school, then i say: mom, please tell me, i have brothers, sisters, i want my brother and sisters to find my relatives so that i have blood, and
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in short, there was no answer, then after two months or after 3 months the answer came from my stepfather, who lived with my mother, his name is volodya, i remember this well, in the first letter he wrote to me that... children, well, then he sends me another letter, already a big letter, there were photographs , even with photographs, yes, of my own mother, lyuba, sister, it seems, brother seryozha, but he said, these were not all photographers, he also wrote to me that i have a twin sister, yes, you have a twin sister, her name is natasha, you said that you wrote a lot of children, that’s a lot, elena, how many is that? everyone sit, there were 13 children, then i
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wrote to him, then he didn’t answer me, and then after how many months a neighbor sent me, she said: “elena, i want to ask you not to write to your mother, because you have a mother ved'. such a way of life, and that you stopped write? no, i wrote and wrote, but there were no answers for me, and then i gave up looking for everyone, because i have hope, well, i have hope, i always wanted it, so that i could have at least a handful of brothers and sisters, i understand , that i am disabled, you are all alone, it turns out, yes, i am alone, here you, elena, said that they wrote to you thirteen brothers,
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in his words, all these words are his words in a letter, but of course i don’t have photographs of these letters , because i had a girlfriend, she was angry at me about them i tried pieces, but i hoped that... at least from these photographs, but i ’ve been looking for all sorts of networks lately, and i’ve been looking for all sorts of networks, well, maybe someone will be found, well , you know how many of them have come out, i don’t then i stopped looking, because there was no longer any hope that elena, who told you that my mother was no longer here, i had a trial, i needed... to know whether my mother was alive or not, but so that i was recognized as an orphan, but i was not recognized as an orphan, in these courts, uh, they
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needed documents, i wrote in bolkhovitsa, where i i was in orphanages, then i wrote to the zaksa, and the zaksa wrote to me that i needed to get... elena, the shuvaev brothers turned to us for help. they really want to find their sister lena,
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whom they have never seen. the shuvaev brothers in our studio, alexey, nikolay, gennady, anatoly. maybe he notices some common traits with you? eyes, she said eyes, i notice she has a resemblance, she has a resemblance to her older sister, lyuba, and she has a slight resemblance to tanya, to you, her eyes are similar, they look like ina, even, yes, her eyes are also blue, so the same as ours, well, it looks similar to natasha, there is still a similarity, well, there is a similarity, natasha.
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i don’t know, i’ve never seen one, but there’s a resemblance to natasha, yes, here’s mom, there’s no mom, no, no, they didn’t see mom, that she was once a mom, but mom has nothing here, but the heart, what do you care? prompts, in front of you is your sister, and god forbid that it would be so, anyway , i would still like to know who are relatives and who are not relatives, i would like, yes, i would like, i would really like to, nena, what do you say, as for me? so they are all so different, that’s all, i really want to be wrong, i really want to, so that you are family, but i don’t see any similarity at all. yurievich, what do you say? you know, if, well, i’d probably met all five of them in life, like this, let’s say, like this, and i would never have thought that these were family members, i don’t see any similarities, you know, at first glance, they are of course everyone is different, but the lips and chin.
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well, there’s something in common, look, lips, chin, i just see a little bit of foreignness in her, as i said, and i love her a little, well, you heard what elena said, yes, i heard that natalya should be elena’s twin, if of course, they’re all brothers and sisters, yes, i heard, here’s your natasha, what year was she born, she’s older than me, seventy-five, seventy-five, but is something wrong? that is, your years of birth are different and you get older, but you admit that that same vladimir could have been mistaken, yes, i admit, alexey, in your family there is only natasha, i only know one natasha, we have everything, well, there are two nikolai, maybe there was the same story here, well, he said 13, but it turns out 13, maybe there was someone else with her, i don’t know.
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immediately after the advertisement, the brothers are in for a big and pleasant surprise, which we will see together in a few minutes, and of course, ahead is an envelope with the coveted dna test result. stickers 2 is impossible not to slow down only when purchasing. a magnet for every 500 rubles in the check, this is a show of stars, duels, denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go, against philip kirkorov, so i’m actually a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, nature bent me alive i was endowed with beauty and height, the ugly one was distorted, and before my time i sent my belly into the world.
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he will definitely find happiness. we give children without parental care a chance to get on the big stage and change their lives. believe in yourself because you are great. fill out applications on the website this is the dna program. the children of one mother learned that they had another sister, elena, whom none of them had ever seen. before her death, her mother admitted to her that she didn’t know how much. she has children, natalya shuvaeva is in the studio. hello, we recognize everyone brothers? yes, they haven’t changed much, they have changed.
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how many years have you not seen your brothers? i think it’s almost like since childhood, we haven’t seen each other since childhood, well, when i finished school, then i just met them, that... kolya came, then my dad worked as a blacksmith, he had tuberculosis, and they took me away, i remember , to this first to fourth orphanage, and oksana was taken to the first
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orphanage, i remember oksana and i ran away from there, from this grandfather, from this one, we hid in the bushes from cars, from the police, so as not to be found, then from i remember us in the nursery home. no, there is a commission to distribute this, which house the children will end up in, exactly oksana, i don’t know where, but i know that oksana studied at volodarka on optukha, and... and i was sent to the nekrasov boarding school, well i came to school here, my brother tolik, well, of course i was his angel there, i was his too, well, he was like a mother to me there at school, helped me in everything, stood up for me, how we met other brothers, came to me nekrasovka was brought in, so i remember lyosha well, i looked after him there, that is, you are doughy grew up next to each other only with...
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oksana, the older sister, she brought us all together, she had a dream that we would all get along with each other, keep in touch, so you respect this dream, and also...
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meeting with you all your life mom, but this never happened, her roommate, mom, wrote that she has a twin sister, natalya, have you ever heard anything like that, natalya, no, i haven’t even heard that, that there is a sister nata , if only i knew from oksana’s words that there is a sister lena, but i haven’t even heard about natalya, you are natalya the only one. when he wrote to me when
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i was in the boarding school, i kept looking for it, looking for it, that’s when i got this letter, i’m sure, because i even got help from workers twice, i re-read it myself, and twice there were even photographs written, and maybe he was mistaken, i might be mistaken, maybe they were mistaken...
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this is the same sister elena that you have only heard about. would you be interested to know how her life goes? of course, i would like to, of course, i would like to learn from scratch. despite the problems with health, elena leads a very active lifestyle. let's see, we have a plot. the life of elena shuvaeva is difficult, but full of pleasant events. six months ago, she moved to her new one-room apartment in the city of volzhsk and the volgograd region, which... she received from the state as an orphan, this is
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my home, i got an apartment, furnished myself, bought myself this sofa, bought myself a plec system, bought own freezer, a woman shares her living space with her four-legged neighbors, the dog zhora and cat haze, when i got the apartment, i got this beauty, my favorite. she is my most beautiful girl, i adore her, so i buy everything for her, this is my favorite breed, i really love the belly, very much for...
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i speak russian, so we started learning this on september 1 , then like this, we are slowly recording, recording, after studying elena is waiting for training, twice a year she goes to the olympics, from where she always returns with medals, i throw the cannonball, then we throw darts for the wheelchair race, well, there’s a coach for us, that’s all explains, we train for this, to go to these competitions, to take places, i tried it, and i was fascinated by it, look what your supposed sister is like, there is a great resemblance to your mother, as far as i remember my mother, there is a very
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strong similarity in the plot they saw this, my mother doesn’t see anything, but... i would still like to do all this dna and i would, if he said that this is our sister, i would be very happy and satisfied. elena, it would be interesting for you to see a photograph of vera shuvaev, yes. colleagues, please show us this photo. yes. how old is she here? well, somewhere, probably 25, maybe somewhere around thirty, like that. she's young here. elena, the woman in this photo looks like the woman in the photo that your mother’s partner sent you, well, she didn’t photograph it for me for long, i don’t remember, but the heart that your mother tells you is mine, she looks like me, a little,
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until the end of april, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the rate in cash, we will approve your plans. tinkov, in the dna program studio children of the same mother met, who themselves do not know. how many of them did she have? nikolai, do you have a feeling that today the same sister lena was found, whom some have heard of, some have not even heard of, well , there was a photograph of her mother, i don’t see any similarities, yes, i don’t see gennady, what do you think, what do you think, i really agree with nikolai, what he said is that there really is no resemblance to the mother, it doesn’t look like it at all, maybe we really all took after our father, and not after our mother, that’s what my father just
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no, no one has particularly preserved photographs, well, everyone talks more about their father , natalya, but do you remember your mother only from photographs? no, when i graduated from school, nekrasovka, and my grandmother came, well, who, well , who will need our grandfather’s children, and the grandmother says: we need to look for the mother. well, i found my mother through the passport office, came to my grandmother, i said, grandmother, i found my mother, she says, well, she says, get ready to go to her, well , i came to this putimets, where to go, i don’t know, it’s winter even more so , and there’s a club nearby, i come up guys and say, please tell me where vera aleksandrovna is waiting for shuvay, well , the guys explained to me, i was walking through these snowdrifts, went up, well, i found this house, knocked, a girl opened the door, vera aleksandrovna shuvayeva, she says, she lives here, she says, mom, mom, she says , lives here, but
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she speaks at work, i honestly was shocked when she called her mom, well, mom, she tells me, what’s your name, i say natasha, she says, and i say i know you , my mother says she told me about you, and what was the girl’s name, natasha too, this is the man she’s with lived, the mother on... this is his own daughter, that is , this is not your mother’s daughter, no, no, she remembers bringing me to the farm, a woman is walking, i don’t know how it could be that i felt my heart, i recognized her immediately, immediately i recognized her, she came up to me, screamed, fell at my feet, let’s ask for an apology from me, i just looked at her like that, she said, let’s go, she says, i’m telling you i’ll meet my husband. well, she introduced me to uncle borya, in the morning my mother went to work and uncle borya told me, get ready, let’s go, he says at the post office, they came to me at the post office and
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at that time he withdrew 150 rubles from the book, well, there i put on my shoes, got dressed, well, started to live, everything is fine, everything is fine, that is, they helped, well , for a while, for a while she didn’t drink, maybe these days, maybe two weeks, she didn’t mind it at all when you arrived , showed up, yes, yes, and then she started to get crazy again. she kicked me out of the house, and in the winter i slept in the barn, and went and took bread from the trash heap, and so, how did you stay around? well, i met a guy there, started living with him, uncle borya died, so i can’t tell you what year, he had pneumonia, uncle borya died, his mother died in 2006, and his liver was raw, yes, i looked after her, i looked after her, i fed her with a spoon. well, i just treated her humanely, she died, none of the brothers came to the funeral, because i understand them very well,
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they are evil, but she is nothing to them, they did not consider her mother. and you were able to forgive her, it turns out, well, well, humanly, yes, and after he died, this same boris, your mother still had men, no, there was no one at all, and you, elena, received letters from vladimir, yes, there were none, there were none at all, because she lived not far from us, she came to visit us all the time, among the children, vladimir was not there, no, well, i know, here, here, who is present here, no, i don’t know any, elena received a letter with a photograph, in this photograph a certain uncle vova, yes, wrote that there is a sister briznets, natasha, and in general it was uncle vova who wrote more than one letter, two , i don’t know, i don’t know, do you
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remember approximately the year, elena, when these letters arrived? so you know in ninety-seven so, in the ninety-first year i left nekrasovka, in the ninety-seventh you probably already lived there next to your mother, yes, i already lived with my mother, yes, yes, the ninety-first i am me and i left school and found this mother and lived with her mother, you don’t remember any vladimir, no, in general, in general, in general, no, no, no, this is the first time i’ve heard this name, this is the first time i’ve heard this name, or maybe i just didn’t mention the name? called himself by a different name, you have, and maybe this could happen, and there could also be a situation, elena, that you wrote your mother’s roommate, another faith shuvaeva, maybe not the same faith shuvaeva, who is the mother of the brothers and sister present here, maybe, maybe, for some reason i’m sure that all these people, they are siblings, they similar, and this is
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one family. elena, would you like to know more about the lives of your supposed brothers and sister? yes, then watch the story. fate scattered the children of vera shuvaeva to different cities. alexey and his wife nargiza live in orel, in a rented apartment. in 2 months they will celebrate their topaz wedding, 16 years life together. and alexei’s younger brother, gennady, introduced them. god gave me to live with a man, now i live, well, thank god. this year i will be exactly 50 years old, but i have two children of my own and one grandson, four granddaughters . he is lucky with his wife, alexey is happy, because his nargiza is a wonderful woman and an excellent housewife, there is no speck of dust at home, the kitchen is always tidy, there is delicious food on the table. this is my favorite cuisine, i love this place, i love to cook salad, my favorite
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food and mine. satisfied, his twin brother nikolai perelygin settled in letkarino near moscow, the eldest of the brothers, anatoly shuvaev , left for stavropol, where he is now engaged in construction, but sister natalya does not plan to leave her native oryol region, she works at one of the local enterprises, as a sorter, she lives with her husband, well, with her boyfriend, they have been together for how many years they live together, natasha also doesn’t have a roof, members
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of a large family don’t often get together for... i also remember my, my students, high school students, i put poles under the skis so that oksana the first would come to the finish line, it so happened, oksana came first to the finish line she received first place, and here in the cemetery of the village of putimets, oryol region , vera shuvaeva is buried, there is no monument on her grave, only a wooden cross without a photograph and a fence, none of the children
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care for their mother’s grave, and there are no plans to change anything here, i tell her only in one thing... dna will confirm your relationship, will you go to visit your mother’s grave? yes, yes, i will go, because i wanted to find out where her grave is. natalya, do you think you will have another sister today? yes, my eyes and lips don’t give me peace, it seems there are, it doesn’t matter, i i’ve been living here for 16 years, but i still know gena and kolya.
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i invite yulia severtseva, our expert in forensic medicine, candidate of medical sciences, to the studio. sister or not sister? we will know the long-awaited result of the dna test in a couple of minutes. watch at 19:00 on ntv. ukraine has become an openly terrorist state, said sergei lavrov. kiev's involvement in the bloody tragedy at crucus city hall and many other terrorist attacks in the territory. no one doubts russia anymore. nato countries must supply weapons to ukraine - said general secretary jens stoltenberg on the day of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the alliance. how
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to work with me, no violence, we missed out, or rather, i missed it, but i don’t understand, are you so correct in nature, in nature, black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv, anatoly, alexey, gennady, natalya shuvaev and nikolai perelygin. they themselves do not know how many children there were in their family today.
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they met with their supposed sister elena shuvaeva, whose existence they did not suspect until their sister oksana told about her before her death. elena also always dreamed of finding her brothers and sisters, of whom, according to her information, she has 13. this envelope contains the answer to the question: her did elena's family find her?
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on the one hand, siblings: anatoly shuvaev, alexey shuvaev, gennady shuvaev, natalya shuvaeva and nikolai perelygin. on the other hand, their alleged sister elena shuvaeva. the probability that you are all children of the same mother is. 99.9%.
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everyone didn’t gather, who told the truth, my dream came true, all my life i wanted to have brothers and sisters, your
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loneliness is over, elena, thank god, now you have so many brothers and sisters, and you’re rich. thank you for helping i need to unite us all together after so many years, thank you very much, now i will hold them tightly, i will not let go, the dna test works wonders, if you need genetic examination, contact us and we will help you. tomorrow on ntv, new test, dna.
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i consider one of gazprom’s most significant and responsible projects to be the expanded social gasification program. now it is extended not only to residential buildings, but to socially significant objects.
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increasing wages for citizens, modernizing the economy, maintaining the unity of society, o what else did the president of the federation of independent trade unions say in inna osipova’s report? finding a dream before it comes true. the trajectory of your own success can now be built in one of sixteen year-round educational centers for youth. then, as the president launched the work of new points of attraction, nikita korzun watched. konstantinovka, kleshcheevka, andreevka, chasov yar! alexey ivliev found out what objects our artillerymen were working on in the artyomovsky direction that night. 75 years since the founding of nato, why was created?


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