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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 5, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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andrei chibis thanks the russian national guard for quickly detaining the attacker and doctors for saving lives. the case of the assassination attempt on the governor of the murmansk region has been transferred. central office of the investigative committee. nikita korzun is monitoring the investigation. the investigative committee reported new evidence of a ukrainian trace in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. photographic evidence was found in the terrorists' phones. the feat of private maksimov about how a fighter from yakutia, despite being wounded, held his position for two days. mikhail chernov. viktor orban and milorat dudik are probably the two most brutal politicians in the balkans today.
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andrey shamin appreciated the historical accuracy and graphics. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is nikolaeva and igor politaev. the governor of the murmansk region was today transferred to the regional hospital from the city of apatity, where an attempt was made on his life. andrei chibis was stabbed in the stomach when leaving the cultural center after a meeting with locals. nikita korzun has summarized
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the information up to this hour. at the central house culture of the city of apatity on lenin street 24, where the day before the governor of the morman region met with townspeople, today it is unusually deserted. the building is completely at the mercy of the operatives. investigative actions have not stopped since the night of the assassination attempt on the head of the region. a knife was found here, which was... but wounded, along with a handle wrapped in blue electrical tape , a sharpened blade 20 cm long and a black toyota corolla, a ninth generation hatchback, that is, he is at least 17 years old, the suspect was driving this car. andrey chibis was taken to the apatity-kirov central city hospital, having regained consciousness, he recorded an appeal. dear friends, i came to my senses after the operation, i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors who saved me and did everything quickly and clearly. and rightly so, and of course to all
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of you for worrying and supporting, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue into the battle, only forward, as soon as the attack on vapatite from murmonsk became known - this is a 2 and a half hour fast drive, a team of doctors rushed to headed by the minister of health dmitry panychev, he spoke about the first aid that was provided to the governor in terms that described a strip operation, a serious condition, stable condition, assistance. laparatomy, revision, hemostasis, and suturing of wounds of damaged organs were provided to the required extent. the operation went well, thanks to the professionalism of apatity surgeons and resuscitators, although they themselves modestly point to the luck factor of the head of the region. in fact, he was a little lucky that his aorta was not damaged, so further treatment will take place in intensive care. the dynamics of the governor’s condition made it possible to transfer him to murmansk. now andrei chibis is already in the regional hospital, where he was taken. by helicopter of the regional center
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for disaster medicine, and already accompanied by security, and in general, residents of the region know him as a leader who never hid behind the backs of bodyguards, he regularly drove himself around the municipality of the kola arctic, so on april 2, in his personal telegram channel, the governor chibis announced his visit to apatity, i will meet with the residents in the evening, so come to meet us, well, if you have any questions, write in advance in the comments to this post. april 4 at around 7:00 pm chibiska. promised, started a meeting with residents, it lasted several hours, at 22:20 the governor was attacked on the square in front of the house of culture. an employee of the national guard, he was in the crowd of people following andrei chibes, reacted quickly, first threw the attacker away, and when he tried to resist, he used his service weapon, wounding the criminal in the leg. there will be a russian guard member presented for a reward, the attacker was also sent to the hospital. on april 6, right in the ward at an exit hearing, the court will determine a preventive measure for him. according to sources close to
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the investigation, the suspect is a resident of apatity, alexander bydanov. he is 42 and worked as a mechanic on the railway. he was brought to administrative responsibility several times , including for road accidents. but. the narcologist did not see a psychiatrist, although he allegedly said that he was prompted to commit the attempt by voices in his head. however, the incentive now it is no longer even the murmansk department that is being sorted out, but the central apparatus of the investigative committee, where the case of attempted murder in connection with official activities was transferred. nikita korzun, konstantin kharlamov, anna chigrova, elena terikhova and vladimir zabnin, ntv. today in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus. the ukrainian trace was confirmed, investigators were able to study the contents of the mobile phones that the detainees tried to destroy, they were able to establish a connection between the terrorist attack and the special operation and the details of how a concert hall in krasnogorsk near moscow was chosen as a place for a terrorist attack. on the morning of february 24, 2024, that
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is, on the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, one of the accomplices, at the direction of the curator, found it on the internet. 144 people were killed and more than 500 were injured. today, the ministry of defense reported the results of a series of precision strikes that russian troops carried out against targets in ukraine over the course of this week. from march 31 to april 5, in response to attempts by the kiev regime
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to damage oil and gas industry facilities and russian energy sector, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 39 group strikes with long -range precision weapons. ground-based airborne vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, facilities in the energy industry of ukraine, as well as enterprises of the military-industrial complex, air defense systems, an arsenal, fuel depots, a temporary deployment point for ukrainian units, foreign mercenaries, the targets of the strikes were achieved, all designated targets were hit, according to the data set for the week was destroyed six combat aircraft of the ukrainian air force and more than a thousand. groups covering the state border launched strikes on the positions of terrorist groups on the territory of ukraine in the area bordering the belgorod region. fire missions were carried out by crews of d-30 howitzers. the fighters work
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as quickly as possible, regardless of the time of day. having received the coordinates of the target, they spend only a few minutes to aim the gun and fire a shot. crews cover command posts.
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and the enemy, trying to recapture a strategically important strong point, used artillery, drones and tanks. when the commander was wounded, private maksimov took control of the detachment himself, although he himself received numerous shrapnel wounds. now he is recovering his health, but is determined to return to duty. video footage of that battle in the report by mikhail chernov. when you are not afraid at all in battle, but like when you are milking, before the battle, when you are waiting, then you are cheestra.
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the enemy clearly did not expect such a rapid attack on the ukrainian positions; they took them quickly, but the most difficult thing was not to take, but to hold the grenade. then everything worked for them, grenade launchers, attack drones, storm groups were thrown with grenades, to top it off a tank, it’s good that the dugout turned out to be deep, the tank drove up, delirium. i don’t know how many people were there, it’s just hard to see from us, it’s clearly visible from above, it turns out there are about a dozen who came too, this video was filmed from a copter, the fighters shot one ukrainian assault group at point-blank range, then a second, on the third the cartridges began to fire end, firing from a heavy machine gun taken from the enemy, the commander was wounded almost immediately, private maksimov had to take control of himself, ukrainian attack drones were constantly circling in the sky, recalls radimir, when the old woman. for us, it was very scary, he also flew under us and
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didn’t throw it off, well then i prayed, said, well, i thought, i asked my relatives there, my father, my grandmother, my grandfather, my mother, please save it, the doctors later counted five shrapnel wounds on him, four in the back, one in the left leg, but even in this state radimir was able to run for ammunition, there i was without stopped and ran across the field.
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it was planned to install two aircraft guns on them, but these turrets, like those on pre-revolutionary armored cars, do not rotate, a dead-end branch in tank building , the soviet union abandoned multi-turret tanks in the forties, the last vehicle was tested and never entered service. the armor was thick, but at such an angle that it would not even be pierced by a shell, but by a light shrapnel. they hung several cameras on azovets, but they were the kind that are usually installed in entrances, so visibility close to zero. and most importantly, the weight of the colossus has increased by one and a half times, but the engine is still the same, an old diesel engine, from the t-64 tank. specialists from the repair battalion return almost any damaged damaged equipment to service, but nothing worked with azovets. i doubt that it could somehow move at all; on asphalt it might still
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be possible, yes, but not on heavy soils, such as our coals and sand. the azovets will go down in military history as one of the heaviest tanks, weighing 50 tons, that is, slightly less than american abrams, but at the same time azovets not only did not take part in hostilities, but also did not reach factory tests, but it all started very beautifully, azovets was presented as the top of the ukrainian. the officials of the kiev regime stopped talking, and our azovites were discovered underground. in the liberated territories, a local resident showed us that in such and such a place something was buried by the nationalists, our repair and evacuation units arrived there, dug up this car, experts say, when with the creation of azovets, the kiev authorities were counting on a double effect and to extract money from western
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patrons to declare themselves as a major tank-building power, the whole fiasco ended. the tire is huge, high, impassable, heavy, and you can really compare it with the abrams tank, which is just talked about a lot, and, as has already been shown, its efficiency is practically, well, not zero, but very low, this vehicle has zero efficiency at all , she never took part in any battle, they tried to hide it altogether the process of its creation, how many similar monsters were created and whether there are more buried underground, there is no answer yet, but it is certain that our fighters... fit the azovets project, after unsuccessful tests this combat vehicle was literally buried in a cache, now its future fate will be decided by russian specialists. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, ekaterina kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, donbass.
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the fight against organized crime was discussed today in the kremlin. vladimir putin. dear colleagues, good afternoon, our main issue today is increasing the efficiency of working with manifestations, crime in general, speaker, minister of the interior, bells, let's start working, please, the us national security archive has published a document. their meeting in moscow took place shortly after the collapse of the ussr and werner assured khazbullatov
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that nato had the best intentions towards moscow, he promised, i quote, that the alliance did not plan to interfere. into the internal affairs of russia, as well as into the internal affairs other sovereign countries, members of the cis. end of quote. us secretary of state james baker made similar promises to mikhail gorbachev, assuring that the alliance would not advance at all to the east. but since that time , the number of nato countries has doubled, the military infrastructure of the bloc has come close to the russian borders and is being built up more and more. the nato leadership is calling for preparations for mass mobilization and war with russia in the coming years. on april 5, 1991 , an agreement on friendship and cooperation was signed between the ussr and romania, in which the parties pledged not to join hostile military blocs and not to contribute to the aggressive actions of third parties. the ussr soon collapsed and the treaty did not come into force, but today romania is a member of nato, and its territory is widely used by the alliance in a hybrid
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war against russia. against the backdrop of the ukrainian crisis, bucharest intensified its efforts aimed at absorbing moldova. the romanian authorities have prepared a draft law that would allow troops to be sent into a neighboring country under the pretext of protecting its citizens, and the head of the romanian government said that moldova's accession to the eu will allow it to join romania. roman sobol about the ambitions of bucharest and how nato uses them for their own purposes. in moldova , joint exercises with american and romanian special forces are gaining momentum. for 3 weeks , guns will roar, fighters in... defense will crawl along pipes dug into the ground and pose for european reporters. the stated goal is to develop operational interaction. the goal achieved, the romanian soldiers were able to feel what it was like, the moldavian land under their boots. now the romanian parliament is working on a law
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allowing the president to send troops to other countries for, quote: protection. romanian citizens who are abroad are involuntarily reminded of moldova, where every third person has a romanian passport, at least to make it easier to travel to europe to earn money. it is possible that, under the guise of protecting them, bucharest will decide to do what the romanian rulers have been dreaming of for a long time, to annex bessarabia to its territory; it did not work out well to attack by force. i am still i believe in the unification of moldova and romania, this will happen.
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to give both chisinau and greater romania to the romanian allies, this is when hitler promised odessa and nikolaev, it is very likely that now, in the event of the collapse of ukraine, romania will hasten to claim its rights, at least in transcarpathia, and so what if bukhari is now. kiev allies. romania doesn't often keep its word. exactly 33 years ago, for example, she signed an agreement with moscow on unbreakable friendship. russia and romania, apart from general obligations of friendship, no attacks, and so on. it was that including a statement that the parties will refrain from joining military-political organizations. romania, as you know, then joined nato. in fairness, it must be said that romania signed the document, but later did not ratify it, and it also said
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that the parties would not provide their territories for the deployment of weapons of other countries, especially in the event of an armed conflict. and now romania has stationed f16 fighters at its airfields, the same ones on which ukrainian pilots train, perhaps, which already... in july will be transferred to ukraine for striking donbass and novorussia. if they deliver the f-16, they talk about it, like they are training pilots, i think you understand this better than anyone else, it won’t change the situation on the field, and we will destroy their planes the same way we destroy them today their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment. including the business system, but of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries,
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they become a legitimate target for us, where if they weren't there. the allies of the ponata, by and large, set up romania, playing on its dreams of past greatness. the expansion of the alliance to the east through ukraine was stopped with the beginning of the northern military district, only in this direction. the us wants to drag it into the alliance with the help of romania, but there is a catch. i would say this, transnistria plays the role of a nail in the seat of the chair on which nato gathers in the black sea region. that is, as long as transnistria exists, there will be a serious development of military-political influence.
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will the us dare to start another conflict in this region? the question is open, it is clear that washington does not care about the fate of the transnistrian people, the moldovans, or the romanians themselves, whose imperial ambitions the americans are spurring. to bani luka to support the bosnian serb leader in his fight against western-imposed external governance of bosnia and herzegovina. sergei kholoshevsky observed the visit of viktor orban. rumors about
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an impending assassination attempt on melorad dodik began to spread just before viktor orban’s visit. a figure too inconvenient for the west recently became the president of the republika srpska. in response, out of habit, he trolled western politicians, but increased security. today there were machine gunners standing in front of his office building.
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his current enemy, western appointee christian schmidt. under the subton agreement of 1995, bosnia should be governed by a high representative, or in simple terms, an overseer, the mandate of the current vaughn was not approved, neither russia nor china, and dodik calls him a german tourist. he is a common liar, behind whom stands the most unsuccessful german government in recent times. years. i ask schmidt, what are you german doing here? do you want a repeat of 1941-1945, when your germans killed serbs in concentration camps? that is why it is very important for us that russia completes its special operation, this is necessary in order to permanently strengthen the position of russia and its allies, and so that here in the balkans no one can tear the serbian republic
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apart. in this fight. with the west, hungary is on the side of the bosnian serbs, or rather on the side of reason, as one of the latter says adequate european ministers. a politician's right to reason is the right of the voter, that is , the people who elected him, so when a duly elected politician is threatened, it is a serious violation of democracy and disrespect for the will of the people of this country. the hungarians, with their special view of the ukrainian conflict, although they are part of nato, are blocking everything possible in the alliance, starting with supplies. weapons and ending with the latest initiative to collect the next billions for kiev. orban, according to the western press, has long been the kremlin’s trojan horse, so together with they have nothing to lose with dodik. look, the eu is spending billions on war, we should be developing the balkans. the last thing they came up with was to send another 50 billion euros to the ukrainians, and this despite the fact that they say everywhere that there is no money for anything, just imagine what we could do with this
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money here in bosnia, this war on. .. to finish, we understand perfectly well that the interests of western countries stand behind kiev, at the same time we understand that russia has been and will remain our partner, this has happened historically, and this does not depend on the current situation. all in all, two balkan countries are trying to somehow survive amid the general chaos, as dodik said in an interview, they are holding us by the throat, but we are still breathing. sergei kholoshevsky, natalya markevich, lada radoichich and boris filchikov. european bureau of ntv, bathhouse luka, republic of sebskaya. this is the program later in our issue, it’s still a luxury. the ministry of industry and trade has expanded the list of cars for which you will have to pay a tax three times higher than usual. denis talalaev talks about this. the first russian rpg - the game troubles - came out on personal screens computers, historical accuracy and graphics were appreciated by andrey shamin.
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everything for your looks at even more attractive prices with the promo code vesna. among a dozen brands and thousands of models with a guarantee of authenticity, find those same sneakers, those same sneakers at sportsmaster. look for it in a sportsmaster. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalase is a modern drug for early treatment of prostate adenoma. the stars aligned on sunday immediately after musk's show. on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. mikhail mishustin announced today additional support for the regions that border ukraine. we are talking about the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions. at a
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government meeting, they discussed the spread of a free economic zone there, which provides tariff and tax benefits for investors. our entrepreneurs will be able to register or open branches on such. territories for 10 years , investors in this area will not be charged income tax to the federal budget, a discount is provided for payments to the regional budget, also these businessmen, by decision of the subject, are exempted for 3 years from paying land tax and, of course , uniform reduced insurance rates are established for them contributions, all customs procedures will be carried out taking into account the special legal regime, and passers-by.
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in a chinese suite, wow, and we are with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, retired vtb rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum. vtb together everything will work out. there are more cars in russia that are officially considered luxury. the ministry of industry and trade has increased the list of models that are subject to increased transport tax. compared to last year, 68 models were added and now there are 517 positions in the list. the expansion of chinese cars in the russian car market, not even creeping, but quite briskly driving, has reached the luxurious list of the ministry of trade, among already familiar words like rolls-royce, mercedes-benz, bmw, lexus, lamborghini, land rover, maserati,
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porsche, yaguar and jeep, this year the chinese car brands hongzi, lixiang, vaya zicar appeared for the first time , and mhero 917 is on the list of luxury cars, kommersant magazine. the pilot calls it the most expensive suv officially sold in russia. it has three electric motors, one gasoline, to charge the batteries, and it costs from 16 million rubles. the list of the ministry of industry and trade has expanded. presence of the domestic automobile industry, not only aurus senate and limousine are now considered luxurious, but also a commandant. the first tax on luxury cars was established in russia in 1914. at first it was valid for cars priced from 3 million rubles. but then prices rose, the list included cars that not everyone considers luxury, so from 2023 the threshold was raised to 10 million. owners of such cars pay transport tax three times more than usual. today, the arbitration court of the chelyabinsk region satisfied the demands
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of the prosecutor general's office and recovered from the former owners of the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant plant 105 billion rubles. this is exactly the amount that businessman yuri antipov and his family were charged with, as this is officially formulated as unjust enrichment. this 105 billion includes, for example, the assets of the ariant group of companies, which is russia’s largest wine producer. by court decision, all this wine production is confiscated from the previous owners and given away. by the state. the prosecutor general's office challenged the decision of the ural-siberian metallurgical company to forgive the debt to yuri antipov. the department insisted that the deal was not economically expediently harmed the public interest. previously, the family of yuri antipov lost the factories of the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant. on february 26, the court transferred them to state ownership. the prosecutor general's office argued that more than 30 years ago these factories were illegally transferred to private ownership. news about the expansion of the lists came today
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not only from the ministry of industry and trade, but also from japan. she banned the export of another 164 categories of goods to russia. from april 17 this will apply, for example, to motor oils, lithium -ion batteries, hand power tools, photos of optical equipment, steel products such as pipes for oil and gas transportation, as well as yachts and other recreational sports vessels. in addition, as of may 10, japan prohibits. import of non-industrial diamonds of russian origin. back in march 2022, japan banned the export to russia of new and used cars worth more than 6 million euros, which is approximately 3.6000 rubles. and in august last year, the same ban affected new used cars with an engine capacity of more than 1.9 liters. before this, according to autostat, half of all used cars that were imported to russia came from japan. about two hours ago
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, an earthquake of magnitude 4.8 occurred in new york. authorities are calling it the largest earthquake to hit the east coast in 100 years. but american stock indices, as we see, look quite stable, because they are supported by good employment statistics in the us in march. the russian stock market made a correction after 9 days of growth. the ruble also fell a little before the weekend. 250 euros based on the results of today's trading 100 rubles. 16 kopecks the zimbabwean authorities decided to surgically stop the collapse of the national currency and announced today that the country will have a new currency, called zimbabwean gold. the abbreviation sounds peculiar: zig, but this is from english, because g is gold. the zig will replace the zimbabwean dollar from april 8. actually, everything. zimbabwe's history since independence in 1980 has been one of
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economic decline. in the 37 years that robert mugabe ruled the country, zimbabwe has come a long way from one of the strongest economies in africa to the complete destruction of the national currency and a catastrophic rise in prices. in the fall of 2008 , annual inflation in zimbabwe reached 489 billion. and according to some estimates, it amounted to 90 sextillion percent. this is when you go to work in the morning for one price on the bus, come back in the evening, and the ticket is much more expensive. in 2009, the authorities introduced a banknote of 100 trillion zimbabwean dollars into circulation, because it was somehow not very convenient for the population to go shopping with bags full of money. and soon zimbabwe actually abandoned the national currency and switched to payments in american dollars, south african rands and batswan pools. the last attempt to somehow revive the zimbabwean dollar was in 2021, but little happened; since the beginning of this year
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, the zimbabwean dollar has fallen in price by 80%. zimbabwe's new currency will reportedly be backed by the country's gold reserves, but financiers have serious doubts that the economic model will work. everything about the economy, thank you, denis talolaev with economics review of the day. today a festival dedicated to the dramatic events of 1612 opened in nizhny novgorod.
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sit on a throne in the game, here you can find out what not only a field kitchen is, but a field forge, it turns out there were such things in those days, but we forge a knife for household needs, a very good, cool tool, and for the militia, of course, it will come in handy, it is irreplaceable, and for the militia there are also arrowheads and hatchets.
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the institute for internet development has allocated state investments for the development of the troubles. it is very important to us today, with the help of the development of the gaming ecosystem, we can leave our talented it specialists here so that they can create here, and for this, of course, we need to enter the markets of friendly countries.
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the flood situation is worsening in the regions, the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region, where a state of emergency has been introduced. record box office receipts and audience delight. more than 2 million russians have already seen the flying ship in cinema. alpha friday. every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5th, we are giving 30% cashback on your purchase air tickets to any city in russia. just everything.
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, alexander kurenkov, today ordered two advanced rescue teams to be sent to the orenburg region from moscow to combat the spring flood. more than 100 specialists will strengthen the emercom group in the region. the situation there is the most difficult. a state of emergency has been introduced throughout the entire territory. in some villages you can now only travel by boat. rescuers evacuated flooded houses. more than 2 thousand people to temporary accommodation centers. the authorities are compiling lists of victims to pay compensation. big water came to the samara region. hundreds of private houses were flooded there. the ministry of emergency situations cites sudden warming as the cause. the melting of a huge mass of snow caused a rapid rise in water in the rivers. rescuers and volunteers driving around private farmsteads on all-terrain vehicles. people are being evacuated. in the city of troysk, chelyabinsk region, an embankment built a year ago was flooded. they left the bench under the water. the fanari was demolished by the suspension bridge, and these are pictures from the altai region, where the water is gradually receding and people are trying
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to quickly put their houses in order. specialists brought motor pumps and heat guns to pump out the water and dry the room. rescuers patrol disaster zones using drones. according to the ministry of emergency situations, there is a period of flood in the moscow region has already been completed. warmth is returning to central russia next week. as reported by the hydromidcenter, daytime temperatures will rise to the mark. 20° and above. evgenia neronskaya joins us. evgeniya, should we expect that the temperature will begin to rise this coming weekend? yes, but first we have to endure another night of frost. yes, and during the day on saturday it is still restrained + 5:10. well, then again a warm , sunny spring. but in northern european territory, spring changes are in no hurry. there mild frosts, it snows every day. but the baltic shores are covered with the warmth of the atlantic. in kaliningrad tomorrow. until 15 and rain, and then +22 sun. the southern regions do not yet have such warm prospects. in sochi and sevastopol it is no
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higher than 16, but there are no clouds in the sky. the main thing is that while sunbathing in the center , the sun came out today, but tomorrow there will be light rains to the west of the capital, in smolensk it will warm up to +13, in the east there is still no precipitation and a cold wind, in vladimir no higher than seven, in yaroslavl only +4. about the weather in st. petersburg to moscow a little later. relevance, reliability, confidence in the future. the criteria are important both in weather forecasting and in choosing a bank for business. bank ural sip, operational solution. issues, individual approach and financial stability. 3 months of free service when opening a business account as a gift. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. your spring update. stagnation
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of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps. according to the results of the coming weekend, the box office of the new russian film the flying ship may approach a billion, such forecasts are made by film distributors. the musical fairy tale, which was based on the plot of the soviet cartoon of the same name, is today rapidly gaining popularity, the colorful film has already been watched by more than 2.5 million viewers in two weeks, entire families and school classes go to the cinema, and young actors aleksandkin and ksenia traister, who performed
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the main roles instantly became famous, about the impressions of the audience ksenia ignatova. and i give the floor to my closest teacher, hello, hello, hello, i see you, i hear you on the four, black sea connections, one city of the actor alexander metelkin, the local cinema has just held a screening of the film the flying ship, and its main character is in a hurry to see his fellow countrymen , viewers of their beloved sasha praise and crave details about the filming. i am 8 months old. i auditioned for this role, more than 150 artists auditioned for the role of ivan, great, brother, great, masha, look, i see you, we filmed it for a year and a half, only a year and a half ago it was filmed, all these year and a half it was edited, only 3 and a half years for the film, plus or minus 4 years, this is the story, it took 4 years for you to come today and have a good evening, while
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meetings with childhood friends take place like this, with the help of high technology, after... your fellow countrymen are still delighted, both from sasha, and, of course, from herself films. we really liked the scene with the arrow, because we were worried about the main character, there were songs too wonderful, when they played the guitar, when they played the guitar, well, these are not all the surprises that the team of the fabulous film prepared for the audience. so, together with a large shopping center in moscow, the creators of the flying ship
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held a promotion, everyone who made purchases there before the premiere could go to the cinema. completely free, we wanted to get in, we were lucky here, we played the lottery, won two tickets, really liked the film, and i watched an old cartoon, so it has now been very modernized, well, i really liked it impression, bright colors, bright costumes, colorful and musical flying ship of director ilya uchitel has been conquering russian screens for the third week, and audience interest is only growing, according to the cinema owners... this is exactly the film that the entire industry has been waiting for - the locomotive of spring distribution, i want the film to stay in the box office for as long as possible, because , as we understand, there are literally one or two or three more notable russian releases coming out before the beginning of summer; in the summer, unfortunately, there will be no major russian cinema at all, we don’t have enough films like this, we need at least twice as many of them at this level,
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with similar box office potential. from the point of view of a family movie, probably,
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come in, let me show your profile, artur valerievich, i have a job for you, help, they are killing, and he seems to be pyleptic, well, where do you think he went, christina unguryan’s body should be looked for in in this area, we need to start tomorrow morning, two objects were found, a gold ring, the demon was erased, it seems only bolshinova was married, he was ahead of us, judging by the distance between the wheels, this is a van, i found out, that we will look for him and...
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good morning, and i brought you breakfast, you need to eat, really, but why, in order to
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suffer longer, in this...


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