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tv   Chernoe solntse  NTV  April 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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good morning, i brought you breakfast, you need to eat, really, but why? in order
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to suffer longer in this fucking basement for 2 weeks already, how long do i have to sit here, well , let me bring you a book, i have a good library upstairs, what’s your name? gleb! are you serious, gleb? do you really think that i will lie on this stinking mattress and read your stupid books? well, do you want me to download movies for you? go to hell, you like it, right? what are you talking about? do you like watching me struggle on this bucket, trying to save it? you for why did you hang your crude camera here?
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so on the forty-first highway there are two cameras, one at the beginning of the road, the second after the turn to the village of kirillovskaya, last night and this morning only four cars did not pass the first camera, but were marked at the second.
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i'm ready, man, the suitcase needs to be left in the wardrobe, it's not a suitcase, it's a wallet, it's written in the wardrobe that no one is responsible for valuables, i'm serious, don't worry, you're so nice, i'm with the blacksmith, back and forth , hop-hop. you'll see hello, what kind of gush is this, again you ’ve decided to go somewhere, bagel, brother, come to me, my dear, come to me, i was also afraid that he would forget you completely, but he thinks that you threw it, yay.
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so excuse me, work, yes, honey, your photos are ready, you can take them, my golden one, that's it, that's it, i'm flying, i'm flying, okay, okay, that's it, the date is over, donut, well, run, that's it, another time , that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it
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, thank you, thank you, it doesn't rustle or gurgle, i got the hint, i'll fix it, what's wrong with the carp, he's in his room, well, he's locked himself in his office since yesterday day, asked not to disturb. good afternoon, good one, we’ve been here for a long time, what’s the matter, we don’t have nets, we don’t have electric fishing rods either, even if we had, i’m not interested, then what are you looking for here, a black van, it could have passed here late last night or early in the morning, they didn’t see it, no, but maybe they saw something else suspicious, you never know, nothing like that, okay, thank you. yes, something was burning there, it was burning, where, approximately in that direction there was black smoke above the forest, thank you,
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hello, hello, i didn’t wake you up, grigorina’s hole, the sun is at its zenith, the men are plowing, the women are sowing, and we are again on you... what not, how do you feel about poelia with seafood? categorically positive, with one caveat, depending on who’s cooking, i’m preparing, from your hands, madam, a cup of poison, then at eight, pinoblanc, chardanay or riesling, chardanay and don’t be late, i’m free. and where did they find it near vyborg, near
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vyborg, and why was the ring so burnt, well, the clasp from the purse and the ring were found at the site of the fire. oh my god, did they burn her? niku, i’m sorry that you were silent, egor, we found the body 2 weeks ago, the dna examination has not yet arrived, we don’t know what this body is, nika-nika, as she wanted a fairy tale, in the end. “i, i can pick it up, not today, it’s still forever, but maybe the fishermen made a mistake and there was no smoke, on the last camera you can see how the van turns towards the bay, then it doesn’t go out on this camera, well it
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’s not in the village, that’s 100%, chekin checked everything, then there must be another road that only he knows about, well, we won’t find it.” we need a copter, egor, please look at these photos, have you seen anyone from these people around nika? this is what i saw with him, are you sure, egor? yes, i'm sure, where and when did it happen? it was about a month before nika disappeared, my flight was canceled and i returned home without calling, i wanted to make a surprise, nika was not at home, about two hours later an expensive black car drove into our yard and out of it this man came out, then
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my nickname appeared, so what happened next, they exchanged a few phrases, he walked her to the entrance, kissed her hand and left. what he? she didn't say who this person was? said that there was an incident on board during the flight, two business class passengers got into a fight, this is the lawyer of one of the participants. incident, he turned to nika in order to clarify some details, this is really a lawyer and very influential, well , yes, of course, an expensive suit, a three-piece zapanki, good afternoon, fireworks, can i help you, slurp my soup, after all it is obvious that solovyov was familiar with all the victims, with bolshunova, with chernikova, with the ungureanu sisters, with
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the artist lens. in short, we need to take solovyov , twist anton on his nose, we need to go to him and press urgently before he goes anywhere. solovyov is an experienced lawyer, with such evidence he will simply smash us, but we need to start working closely with him. we also need the testimony of yegor bolshinov that he saw the solovyovs together with nika. there will be evidence for you. okay, what's wrong with your hole? invited to dinner today? should n’t i go with you for cognac? i got it, i ’ll buy you any cognac, just get to the pipe, try it, but it’s not a fact that this pipe is at her house, then, oh well, i’ll get there, then what, the pipe is probably locked on her face or imprint, this problem has already been solved, now the spokes will call you, they will bring you everything you need, they will give you instructions in st. petersburg, that's it, keep me posted, good, igor andrevich, the copter is on the way, they said it will be in an hour, great.
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sveta, yes, comrade lieutenant colonel, who has the sketch of lintulov’s killer, this is the one that the ambulance officer compiled, it was somewhere, if you please, i’ll find it. then i’ll send it to the post office, i’m waiting, that’s where it goes, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, what are you doing there? your mother!
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bug'. igor andreevich, come to me, it’s urgent, it won’t work out urgently, we’re at bay, we found the suspect’s car on fire, drop everything and immediately return to the department, i’m waiting for you in my office, they called you, have a seat. look, there are already more than 200,000 views,
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signed everyday life of the investigative committee, you will go right now and take this case to the prosecutor’s office, i will finish this case, i didn’t even start, but here it goes, you know where, what do you think, if she is your wife, all the committee should be busting their ass for her, good guys, what are you doing? they called me from st. petersburg, they ordered me to fire you yesterday, who called fiaktists, above, i'm afraid, now even of you. it won’t save you, but i believed that everything would work out for you, oh, i thought, suddenly luck will smile, i’ll come to st. petersburg from this damned hole, tomorrow morning you’ll hand over all the cases and all the documents,
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weapons now, there’s no option. "let's drink, the rich taste of princess nuri's tea gives warmth and warms hearts, uniting the whole family. princess nuri's tea is the magic of warmth. this is the show "stars", duels. today denis dorokhov and philip kirkorov will meet face to face. it will be. stars, why you did it this way very difficult decision, impossible, impossible, tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv.
8:17 pm
the general partner of the show, vtb bank, get everything. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. at bikfest you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank at a delicious point. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection. where can one go from this connection? nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because even here the megaphone is bursting. megafon, a mobile operator... one in terms of coverage and speed, this is it, spring chicken marathon in rostix, every week there are super discounts on your favorite hits only in the rostix app, and we are with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, vtb is retired, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% of the year, together everything will work out,
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8:19 pm
remember how i got to the hall, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it? also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works? what, i don’t think so, i know, you’re dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what’s there, how to take it, call, it’s all simple, when you order everything they'll explain in detail, just a second, wife. yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it , i’m off, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you again, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than 100 once you think about it, come on, meet the new golden
8:20 pm
prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold. this is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up women, hurry up and try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves. and women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15. at 23:00 entergel in a new convenient package, in nature, at work, in a restaurant, on the plane, always at hand now, faithful
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friend entersgel, in case of poisoning, hangover, allergies, sorry, there is no application for your car, head of the criminal investigation department. colonel karpov, you need an application, we have these rules, listen, soldier, i ’ll come here anyway, if you’re afraid of losing your job, you ’ll lose it anyway, i promise you, i have to write down in the log that you entered the territory , i must, write to filippov, gleb nikolaevich, you can tell me the house number, twenty-seventh. thank you.
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sorry, it won't be long commander, how are you here, why didn’t you call me? said that you would come, i would at least cover the clearing, i don’t offer tea, coffee, alcohol, i know that you’re driving, you’re alone, yes, it’s a beautiful
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house, and i got this from my brother, my brother never spared money for you, so the money is yours not interested, right, what is this about? a week ago in st. petersburg, a certain lintulov was killed in his apartment. does this last name mean something to you? no, this is the first time i've heard of it. lentulov's killer suffers from epilepsy. that evening he had a seizure. as fate would have it, it helped him hide. he was taken away in an ambulance, but the paramedic drew up an identikit. no, he looks like me,
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tell me, commander, do you really think that i killed? this is because i have epilepsy, well, i’m the only one, or something, but based on this shitty sketch. no, commander, well, you know me, if you didn’t know, you’d already be sitting in the isolation ward, what nonsense, i don’t know who this lintulov is, i want you here now to remember where you were and what did the moment of the murder do, it was the twelfth, at about 5:00 pm, think, who can confirm your alibi? if your answer suits me, i will leave, if not, i’ll call the squad and we won’t talk here anymore. no, no,
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commander, this is some kind of monstrous mistake. i really hope for it. now remember. the twelfth, right? yes. so on the twelfth, something got worse, i ’ll take the pills now, but i need 5-10 minutes. to come to your senses, you sit down, i’ll quickly, maybe? some water after all, come on,
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yes, mash, something happened, hi, nothing happened, i just decided... to call, when will you be there? i don’t know, it’s a lot right now work, i wanted to ask when she would leave. masha, for god’s sake, please, well, she ’s trying, masha, why can’t you be towards her, at least a little, be patient, why, masha, firstly, don’t you dare yell at me, and secondly, i thought , that you and i are at the same time, and you, mash, mom, are a subscriber.
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on the twelfth, yeah, yeah. i think
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it was friday, so i think i remembered, i was wandering around st. petersburg, and on my brother’s business, then, then i went to my parents’ apartment. "i needed to find some photographs, i spent the night there, can someone confirm this, well there was a girl with me, the girl's name and phone numbers? no, no, i can’t tell her last name, i promised vadik that i would never meet her again, and if he finds out that i deceived him, and then i was
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at my parents’ apartment, mikhaloch, do you really think that i could kill someone? maybe we can somehow resolve this issue? and how do we settle it? money? name the amount! okay, you don’t need money, then take my gelik, it’s new and practical, just don’t drag your brother into this story. i have a counter offer. you now you will tell me the whole truth, and i will decide what i can do for you, what truth? who ordered you to bug my office? who ordered lintulov for you? who killed and dismembered the girls' bodies? and finally, where is the body of cristina ungureanu and the body of her sister? but this is already too much. can you hear yourself? what
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wiretapping, what lintu. what kind of girls, i’m offering you money just so as not to drag my brother and me into this story, i could have spent this money on a lawyer, of course i understand what you need pin these girls on someone, but i didn’t think that i could become a scapegoat just because i have epilepsy or i look like that idiot from the identikit who failed this arthur lintulov of yours. but i didn’t say that lintulov’s name is arthur, fox against the wall, hands behind his head, but what?
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the fool did something. show me what you have there? in short, look, this sim card is a clone of the same number, it’s false, you need to replace it in the handset, no one will suspect anything, it will be detected on calls as the previous number, but now we we will hear it and the bool, oh, handsome men,
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when you manage to do everything, when they bend over, whoever is bent over gets stronger, all that remains is to find out whether there is a pipe in the apartment or not, so we do this, at exactly 22:00 you will make a call to this number, if there is a trumpet in the apartment, i can hear it. if not, then no, we’ll do it, give this folder to the beetle, and what’s here, he knows and is waiting, that’s it, be healthy, come on, come on, fantastic, i have a toast, beauty
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is already talent, and you with such beauty you might not be able to do anything in this life, so not only are you a beauty, you can’t see them, so you also cook simply divinely for your culinary genius. well, that's enough for me, let's do it for you, okay, i won't be modest, what do you say, in a moment, you said yesterday that a moment is unique, well, it's not me, comrade, my mother always said that there are no random people in life , if someone comes into your life, it means he will bring you either joy or sorrow, i don’t know what you will bring to me. but i really hope it will be a joy, thank you, good toast, in a hurry, no, sorry, bad habit,
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i look all the time, and my mother is alive, she died when i was 12 years old, my father worked as a chef in a restaurant, i often worked part-time for him, that’s where i learned to cook, after my mother’s death he began to cook. drink a lot, then he was fired from the restaurant and he began to openly sing, of course i tried to help him somehow, but i couldn’t, but how did you end up in st. petersburg, left for your boyfriend, we studied together in kirov, then he transferred to st. petersburg , i followed him, a year later he met another girl, fell in love with her, left me, and then institute, in general, something like this, excuse me, hello, hello, i’m listening to you, speak.
8:35 pm
enterosgel in a new convenient package, in nature, at work, in a restaurant, on an airplane, is always at hand - now, a faithful friend of enterosel. poisonings, hangovers, allergies, and why didn’t i start wandering around before, but i had this music, ruzil minikaev, although there will be a war soon, leon kemstach, i see in the area, i’ll bury you, nikita kologrivy,
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don’t you understand that they’re killing us all they will catch the individual now, anna peresilt, help, anton vasiliev, we now we are creating a new administration, the power is now behind us, i will hand over all of you. sergei burunov, why i became the father of a bandit, ivan yankovsky, they sharpen their teeth on us, no one likes the fact that we are a force in ourselves. then invest your money, open an account in
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tenkov investments and receive a starting 50,000 rubles from the bank. you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses. with tenek investments you quickly get the hang of it. tinkov. everyone wants to win millions, but not everyone, work where it is needed. instant lottery stoloto. super prize - 35 million. only in company stores. one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here, the megaphone is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed, and we are with gifts, where are we from? that’s all, you ’re retired, on vtb pension the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18%, together everything will work out, what’s wrong with your husband, it seems to me that there’s something wrong with you, you want to put me in prison for murder husband, did not commit, i'm on your side, if he found out about
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national lottery throughout april every second person who has not won the oak lottery wins the second chance only on the website your ticket register a super prize from 100 million an endless country over which the sun never sets the fascinating nature of russia now in your hands on the new tinkov black cards, have time to get a tinkov black debit card with a limited amount, your heart sank, did you really fall in love, she didn’t have her heart pounding at night, then suddenly she knew that an increased rhythm or a sinking heart at rest are signs of cardiovascular diseases , just get a medical examination for free. he's the fucking number in the apartment. sure? voznesenskaya
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picked up the phone. great. let's. vlad, hello. hello. you already know? yes. everyone already knows, the question is, which bitch filmed this, we need to talk, i’m in the shower.
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how are you feeling? i’m feeling great, there’s an indecent proposal, wow, wow, let’s continue, with pleasure, raise your hand, oh, i love it, the second one, yes, my lady. what does the lady want me to do? i will do everything, i am completely under your control, i am your slave, i am yours, this is what we have, you take this away,
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this is some kind of bad game, a hole, a knife, take it away, take it away, take it away, quietly, don’t twitch. who are you and why were you following me? what are you hanging? do you think i didn’t immediately understand that you and your bagel came to me for a reason? rolled up. first i sketched it for you near the modeling agency, then near the cafe. you think i came to look at your apartment for renovations? i needed the exact address, the real owner of the apartment, sarkisyan karen. but who the hell are you and why did you organize this whole masquerade, huh? i didn’t answer, zhenya, or are you not a zhenya at all? okay, okay, okay, okay, you burned me, i admit, now we ’ll figure it out, just don’t be nervous, yes, okay, put away the knife, put away, put away, put away the pen, if you lie, i’ll cut off your balls, i’m not kidding,
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it’s noticeable, the name is real, if you want the right , look in your trousers, the dog is real too, by the way, don’t twitch. you're a cop, a former, former cop, why were you watching, your boss ordered me, who ordered you, solovyov, eduard, god, i don't even remember iago's middle name, a week ago, he gave me a task, solovyov hired you to watch me, nonsense, i now i’m not in a position to lie at all, mink. “please put away the razor, otherwise your hand will tremble on purpose, our romance with you will become platonic, well, we have something of an affair, in my opinion yes, but if i understand at least something about female orgasms, yes, in my life i would not agree to such a job, not for any price, if i knew that such chemistry would flare up between us, yes, even now i want you, even on pain of death, so tell me everything
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from the very beginning in detail , two weeks ago i was kicked out of the cops, a bad habit against the backdrop of emotional burnout, then"? i went to all sorts of agencies, looked for work, the owner of one of these agencies invited me to work for him, his last name, my god, my god, how his last name is lyamov, lentov, lentulov, exactly, lentulov, he was then killed, he put me in touch with this same solovyov, the three of us first met in some tavern and he ordered me, promised a hundred dollars, ordered to keep an eye on you, in general, he gave me 20 in advance, so that’s what he told you nightingales, he is interested in everyone... why did you displease your boss so much that he stopped trusting you?
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little hand, please unfasten, my hands are already numb, everything is pressing on me, nothing, be patient, i’m not finished with you yet, what are you doing, who is this? alena, this is nora, what do you want, we have a conversation, not now, no. yes, it’s him, listen, noor, arthur didn’t leave me anything, i’m completely broke, maybe you have some work, i’ll call you, you actively
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called, called, he doesn’t pick up the phone, yes, i understand him, he you worked so hard with me, i really count on you, the case that you will receive is not particularly important, almost a wood grouse, so i don’t think that there is a queue for it. i didn’t understand
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what you know, wood grouse, you said that you dug up something, but no one knows about it, no one, neither the govorsky, nor the fektists, i confiscated all the most important documents from this case, i have them, confiscated, the killer had his own man with... to comment, the fact that the video of this fight has only appeared now, it means that they are trying to stop me, it means that i am going along the right path, but they can’t stop me, we are with together we will solve this case, for the sake of will, pour it. yeah, well,
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if you want, i’ll find out, i’ll promote your little bucket, i’ll understand what you have. yes, he ’s like you, he eats for breakfast, yeah, i ’ve been running around in uniform for 17 years, we’ve swallowed so much shit, you know, with a ladle, a table, your mound is certainly twisted, but not like that the animals were felled. “give me a week and i’ll find out what he has on you, you’ll take money from me too, it’s better from you in kind, in short,
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tomorrow we’ll go to the office in the morning, i’ll go in first, then you’ll understand from solovyov’s face that you ’re telling me the truth or are you hitting your ears, as you say, mink?” you will sleep on the enterosel sofa in a new convenient package, outdoors, at work, in a restaurant, on an airplane, always at hand - now, enterosel's faithful friend for poisoning, hangover, allergies, hello, i'm on the ad about a room, here's the deal, soldier, what kind of soldier, ex-military? sat for iron, he was going to move sacks until retirement, well, are you going to live until retirement, his life is like a battlefield. no damn
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turn, serious drift people were preparing, but he must win this fight, we need a rifle with night optics, what have you gotten yourself into again, either he us or we him, that’s it, there’s no turning back, hot spot, new season, normal like that action coming soon! on ntv. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account for purchasing any share you get another one as a gift. not just profitable, alpha profitable. sergey and marina realized that it was better
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we bread it. the restaurant has the legendary chicken in rostix. finding a job is good, finding a dream job is even better, one where you can work in the office, or right from home, where there are all the opportunities for career growth and career take-off, where you are confident in a reliable future and a reliable present, thousands of jobs and vacancies is good, but finding your place is even better. join the team. well, how did it happen, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, oh,
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the loan bonus has arrived, how do you deposit this? all payments are on time and tinkov recalculates the rate when you close the loan - it’s like a holiday, it’s customary to give gifts on a holiday, and tinkof gives you an excellent gift, money, apply for a loan with tinkof before the end of april, make all payments on time and we will return 5% in cash bets, we approve your plans, tenkov. “this is the main suspect, eduard valentinovich solovyov, lawyer, head of the solovyov company and partner, here is the testimony of witnesses who claim that solovyov knew lenz, this, this is a photograph of solovyov with the second victim, dina chernikova, the photograph was taken a year later after
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the sloth disappeared, and here is the testimony of the bartender, who claims to have seen." after work , chernikova got into solovyov’s car several times, look how similar they are. yes, there is a certain art. here is the testimony of the husband, niki. what do you say? yes, igor, you have changed a lot. i am an unemployed salesman with two children. the youngest doesn’t even know what
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happened to his mother, and i don’t know how to tell him about it, i don’t play by the rules anymore. tomorrow i'll go to my boss and wait for a call.
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what am i celebrating? i was fired, may i know why ?
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you now.


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