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tv   Ti ne poverish  NTV  April 6, 2024 8:20pm-9:21pm MSK

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the annual temperature is normal for moscow, moreover, not this year, but next year, the moscow weather will reach the figure of 8°. yeah, this map tells us what, very briefly, this map says that for now it’s quite cool in moscow, but we can already see masses of warm air in the southwest that will flow into the capital region, starting from sunday afternoon. and the last thing, you just used all sorts of words, some temperature gradients. and so on, you can say in human terms, here are the weather forecasters they say the summer will be hot, do you confirm this or not? no, the summer will not be hot, the summer will be average, close to its climatic norm, a little warmer, the main factor of the upcoming summer is the word instability, we will often see 2-3-4 days of hot weather, then they will change again with such a short period of colder weather, there will be no prolonged rain this summer, at least in the central part of european russia. they will be volley and sharp, well
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at least they calmed down in this, thank you very much, thank you, i wish us all good weather, mikhail leus, a leading specialist at the phobos weather center, was in our studio, well, this is where our time on the air ends, in a few seconds you won’t believe the program, and it will tell you this, it will tell you about who robbed alexei buldakov completely and when tatyana bulanova will become a mother again. well, we will see you in exactly a week on saturday at 19:00, stay with us, stay on your central television, see you, bye, bulanova will become a mother, why the star of the house 2 libershes was dying alone? don’t remember why the right people weren’t nearby who would lend a hand in those moments? how her friends on the tv set
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turned the mournful farewell ceremony into a show, there was only carrion, alone, everyone understood perfectly well that the liberation was disappearing. on the day of farewell to the ex-participant of house 2, nature itself arranges a reality show. there is a storm warning in moscow and the moscow region. at the morgue building, a strong wind blows the roof off the parking lot. journalists close to liber miraculously manage to dodge. our correspondent. to the injured girl, and the newspapers are full of the program immediately rushes to the rescue with headlines, a participant in house 2 was found dead, her body lay in the apartment for more than a month, she died alone, the body of the liberals lay in the apartment for 40 days to the scum, i love everyone, i kiss everyone, honestly, there is no anger towards anyone, this is a prophetic message.
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neighbor anastasia reports: the owner of the apartment sounded the alarm; he was alerted by an open window. in addition, libersch had not paid rent for several months; police officers found numerous notifications on her phone. from credit
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organizations, calls from banks, text messages, that is, she got a loan, well, as i understand it, yes, on march 8 i sent her a postcard, the phone was turned off, i think, well, maybe i’m on her black list, the door was closed from the inside, the owner apartment, with the help of the ministry of emergency situations , i broke the lock and found a dead liber, a phone in my hand, and a bed, according to the owner, the body was in normal condition, there was water in the bathroom and the water did not bloom, the water was fresh, two or three days ago. the body did not decompose. the newspapers write that empty alcohol bottles were found in the apartment. the neighbor doesn’t hide that the libersch drank without drying out. a year and a half ago, a participant in a reality show fell out of a window. the first floor, but she received serious injuries, but she said, drunk, swollen, drunk, fell out, yes, she took a selfie and with her head down , her brain was affected, her vision then fell, the hernia became inflamed, it started with this hernia, there were more.
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according to rumors, ulibersh was diagnosed with closed form of tuberculosis, so she constantly wore a mask, and from the hospital she allegedly kicked out for drunkenness. at the anti-tuberosis dispensary where the participant in the reality show was treated, they report that no operations were performed on liberge to podon here. she didn’t
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have an operation, she just said that the operation didn’t mean she didn’t get to him. she was treated with us in 1923, then she was admitted. on january 2 and february 13, she was discharged; she was no longer admitted to our hospital. from reliable sources we learned that the body lay in the apartment for more than a week. the star of the house of two is buried in a closed coffin. but why did libersh to podon die alone? and the only person who was worried about her health was her neighbor. ex-participant of house 2 ilya yabarov does not understand why the parents did not sound the alarm. mother nadezhda father oddah gilbert, because their daughter had not been in touch for a long time. i won’t go out there for a day or two or three. yes, my mother will ring the bells, she will turn moscow upside down. when libersch was on set. she talked to her mother every day, they
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called on the phone every day. but it's very strange to me why mom didn’t ring the bell because her daughter hasn’t rung for a month. i’m sure that they could reach out to her, like parents, and keep an eye on her. to the hospital to take by the hand, libersh’s parents live in ufa, they learned about the death of their only daughter from her friends the very next day they flew to moscow, please accept my condolences, they’re calling already, excuse me, let’s call tomorrow, tomorrow morning, libersh’s mother assures me on the phone, she didn’t know that her daughter was seriously ill, the star of house 2 died of cardiac arrest, she hid everything, she was afraid that we would be upset, this is with disease is connected, that's what she died or. that is, she simply became sharply worse at home, and they were supposed to have an operation, they didn’t have time, did she really not ask for anything at all, no, no, we ourselves offered her a thousand times, she yes no, no, everything is fine, i coped with it, on at the farewell , berg's parents are heartbroken,
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friends, nadezhda iermakova and ilina kameren, flew in from sochi for the funeral, maria kakhno is choking on sobs, i'm actually dying, i'm nothing at all, i can't survive this, it's simple. for unbearable pain, and the last time when have you seen each other? before the new year, i can’t forgive the fact that i called so much, and i thought that she would answer me. ilya yabarov does not believe crocodile tears, because libersh’s friends turned a blind eye to her problems with alcohol for many years. these are such shameful, dirty, corrupt people, i can’t even find another word, friends, in quotes, everyone is grieving , everyone is crying. are you organizing a circus? did she contact you? for help, maybe she was depressed, we know that she was on antidepressants, i can’t talk, i can’t it’s all easy to survive, where is everyone, and it was a passion for alcohol from the age of fifteen, everyone was just silent about it, absolutely no one
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extended a helping hand, she usually drank vinishka, whiskey, whiskey, we proposed with vanya barzikov to put her in a clinic, pay for this clinic, but, unfortunately, libersch took it all with hostility. due to her addiction to alcohol , libersh’s marriage to evgeniy rudnev, whom she married on the project, broke up. zhenya said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with her because he smelled of alcohol. i have seen, how it hurt her, how she screamed in pain when she was getting divorced by zhenya rudnev. she's just choking. look what 's happening to her. 10 years ago. fate dealt libersh another blow; she lost a child from house 2 member ivan barzikov. regarding the miscarriage, yes, she didn’t hide it, she wanted to become a full-fledged mother and adopt a child, she’s really a good girl, it’s just a tragedy. libersch had a jewelry store
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that her parents gave her. the tv star also opened her own laser hair removal salon, but the business did not take off. recently, she made a living playing in online casinos. and... she just played some specific bets, bet money, won something somewhere, lost something somewhere. i know that she allegedly offered to invest money there for two, three and open some kind of business. this is what i found out last night, a person literally called me, i said, why didn’t you invest, she just didn’t have money, the ex-participant of house 2 doesn’t hide, having heard after, and we are happy, not all the heroes of the show find something the happiest thing in in real life, when you are on a film set, you shovel money outside the perimeter, it doesn’t just pour in for you, here you need to pay for an apartment, pay for a car, you want to go to a restaurant, clothes... you want to wear good branded clothes and fit in. this public life, but not everyone succeeds,
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you think, it wasn’t hard for me, i understand that i need to feed my family today, i ’ll shove it, i’m sorry, infection in the butt all this - let’s call it show business, i’ll go, as it were to plow and work, that’s how polibersh and her friends from the tv set mourn, they take selfies in the funeral hearse right next to the coffin, at the wake there is only one person... the smooth former participants of house two, as people say, completely broke three button accordions while sitting on their mobile phones , they publish posts earning likes for the death of a friend, and how can we do without a joint photo with half-face smiles? nadezhda ermakova states that she was not hired as a mourner, especially since the stars of the reality show chipped in with money in order to honorably escort liberge to podon in last way. she didn’t ask for any money, roughly speaking, it was 10,000 rubles. there for food, a rented apartment, she didn’t need anything, she needed expensive clothes, she needed
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a car there. ex-participants of house 2 assure that libersh had no problems, and her death was a tragic accident. there was no operation at all, they just had the operation, now i’ll say that yesterday nastya volochkova washed my socks, you will believe it, but someone will believe it, in general , it’s starting to rain, let’s all go home, libersh to she was cremated, her relatives will bury her ashes in ufa, participants in the reality show. was only 36 years old, who left the seriously ill widow of alexei buldakov with nothing. for me, this is all very bad, terrible. this is what lyudmila andreevna looked like a year and a half ago. buldakova's widow appeared at the troekurovsky cemetery at the unveiling of a monument to her famous husband. how are you doing in general? i live, i live, and then how can i laugh? you probably remember alexei ivanovich? i don't remember him, i don't forget him. buldakov's widow was killed by to her husband, but at the same time she did not hint with her eyes that she was seriously ill; on the contrary, she enjoyed
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life. you feel so cheerful, as if i were 20 years old. widow buldakova never appeared in public again, but during these one and a half years, as they write in the newspapers, the eighty-two-year-old pensioner managed to acquire dementia, alzheimer’s and parkinson’s disease in addition. buldakov’s nephews, sergei and denis, allegedly took advantage of this, taking it all away. they made a monument, it’s him, his nephews, thank you guys, denis buldakov assures me, aunt
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lucy, out of the kindness of her heart, gave him a country house and an apartment in moscow; the total value of the property, according to realtor estimates , is 40 million rubles. lyudmila andreevna gave me real estate, everything that i can explain to you, she now wants it back, lyudmila andreevna doesn’t want anything back, and buldakova, for obvious reasons, cannot say her weighty word, so her interests are at trial. it’s edward who wants to return the property to himself, and you think he has his own goals for this property, but you think, no, there,
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my uncle is probably turning over in his grave with all these events, can you imagine what it is? buldakov’s nephew reports that smooth withdrew 30 million rubles from his widow’s accounts , drove around moscow in the people ’s artist’s car and lived comfortably, knowing that buldakov’s widow included him in her will. in the end they will attract eduard, you said he uses accounts, well, i hope they will attract him, he processes it, or what?
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baldak will remain in the will, his brother will remain, and kutsankina anna will remain, and will remain smooth, god forbid, what happens to lyudmila andreevna, they can share everything, it’s her will,
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with her friend, he was very friendly, it’s true, with alexey ivanovich, in good hands, in my opinion, in honest hands, and you called , at least talked to him, and he congratulated me on march 8, both from lucia and from himself. buldakov’s nephew assures him that he is an honest man, and no one is going to throw aunt lucy out onto the street. lyudmila andrevna and i are already friends. and how he lives, he lives there, because he uses the money, he receives money with the rent of the house, so receives. september twenty-third. a sick person, she moves to the property of her husband's relatives. she is in a wheelchair, and has dementia, and a bunch of other diseases. there are documents in the case materials confirming her
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state of health, which is why an examination is now being carried out. only. in our program, who quarreled leonid agutin, the singer shaman? what, leonid, you said that, it turns out that they will answer each other’s direct questions about personal troubles? in fact , they physically turned their backs on me, stage, you we saw this. when ice will fly to tatyana bulanova again. srumama can be found, we'll see you in just a couple of minutes. calcium detrinic for healthy hair, nails and teeth. well, you did such a thing here, i was torn from the first seconds, i’m delighted, i’m simply, i’m simply delighted, mask, anniversary fifth season, that’s the end of the songs, everyone for the crack, lollipop, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv,
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stars , premieres today at 21:20 on ntv. six-month-old vanechka suffers from a serious illness. immediately after birth, my mother noticed that vanya had an unusual head shape. after lengthy examinations, all fears were confirmed. doctors diagnosed: synostosis of the sagittal suture with kaphacephaly. the bones of the baby's skull fused together ahead of time. vanya needs urgent surgery to correct the bones of the skull, otherwise the boy will become visually and hearing impaired. neurological abnormalities will begin. and epilepsy: an operation using titanium plates, the cost of which is almost 600,000 rubles, will help correct the pathology. from the bottom of my heart, i ask you to help. my son, vanya, really needs this operation, please help to save my son's health, to help
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tinkov, why didn’t he start wandering around earlier? yes it was a musical for me. ruzil minikaev. although there will be war soon. leon kemstach, i see it in the area, i’ll bury it. nikita kologrivy. don’t you understand that they will take us all one by one now? catch it, anna peresilt, help, anton vasiliev, we are now creating a new department, the power is now behind us, we will hand over all of you in 2 weeks, sergei burunov, for which i became the father of a bandit, ivan yankovsky, they are sharpening their teeth on us, no one likes it, that we are a force in ourselves, a boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, a boy’s word is only for boys.
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sparks between spouses fly even on stage. well, congratulations on the next concert, don’t you get tired of a lot of touring? i constantly tell myself two things. first, i dreamed about it, come on, second, there are so many people on earth who are much more tired than me that there’s no point in complaining, and meanwhile
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... on the internet for several years now they have been actively discussing what kind of cat ran between agutin’s singer shaman, we decided to find out once and for all whether there is real enmity or agutin’s quarrel between the stars of show business and the shaman is fake and hype? no, i can’t help but ask about the history of the shamans? i ’m usually not happy with such questions, but it’s good that you asked, because in fact it was a case of drinking, i read a lot about myself on the internet, then i killed someone at the military registration and enlistment office, escaped, lay drunk on the stage, i was arrested in israel . usually concerns only me, well, okay, then it ’s about a song for a year, just about a specific day, there were a lot of people there, rumors that agutin pointedly did not talk to the shaman spread for another 2 years back after the pop songs festival, our film crew also worked behind the scenes of that song of the year, here leonit agutin poses for a photographer, asks the musician to go further, he politely refuses, because at this time his
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colleague, the singer shaman, is giving an interview. and the place is occupied by him, won’t agutin move his colleague for the sake of a successful shot? and the very next day scandalous headlines flew: singer agutin refused to be in the same frame with the shaman on the set of the song of the year festival. according to rumors, leonid agutin refused to perform with the shaman on the same stage. i don’t even ask who did this, well, it’s useless to look for all these articles, reading, looking at this, i understand. we are like famous people, we are like participants in comics. what did you fight for, antonsia, that is , some things are simply, i think, beyond the bounds, which should not be allowed, it is simply ugly. a year later, history repeated itself. leonid agutin allegedly again did not want to stand on the same stage with the performer of the song i am russian. they also attributed to agutin the phrase, we quote, singing with a shaman is like smelling whitewash from the kremlin canteen. how did you react? i was in the hospital these days, when i came out, i had an operation, i
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suddenly showed up in the morning, completely out of the ordinary. rarely get sick, this is nonsense for me, so i was a little busy with this, after a couple of weeks i say, but what is this constantly being talked about, my guys, those who are involved in the press there, keep saying, what are you leonid, you said that, it turns out, i say, what a horror, while i was away, here i didn’t say anything, to the direct question, what did leonid agutin really say on the song of the year, the singer answers, firstly, i never in my life have i allowed myself to make any statements about my colleagues, everyone who could. the audience, everyone who does this, and from the audience they chant songs together with him, this is in any case a talented person, plus, probably, his upbringing does not allow it, and most importantly , i was not there at all , the final song of the year, i haven’t sung the final song for a long time song, here is that very concert: leonid agutin is really not on stage, let’s see for ourselves, here is lev leshchenko, singer valeria, nikolai baskov, dima bilan, philip joins them
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kirkorov, followed by a singer-shaman. and polina gagarina. according to the script, the celebrities approach the ramp, only the shaman suddenly runs backstage. as one of the belarusian bloggers later stated, the pop metro allegedly hatched a conspiracy and almost forced the young artist yaroslav dronov out of the stage. yuri antonov was also at this concert and calls this version absurd. you probably know, yes, the musician shaman, the whole show business is now up in arms against him. i don’t know, i don’t get into such squabbles. i have a positive attitude towards him. well boy. sings, looks decent. leonid agutin, who in fact was not filmed, thanks to the light hand of the yellow press, also fell into the category of opponents of the shaman along with other colleagues, a person watches this material, thinks, wow, now i’ll say that they turned away, but this is not enough for reportage, what else is this, oh, agutin, he ’s not there at all, that’s cool, that means he didn’t go on stage, that’s great, he’s creative, i ’ve seen the video, how many times have i been at such
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rehearsals... i took part myself, that’s quite it’s a formal thing, you have to go out and sing your line, they put you in, they told you where who is stands as you come out, you sang, and then everyone is rushing about their business somewhere, no one looks at anyone at all, not at the shaman, but at anyone in general, he ran away somewhere, maybe he has the next number, for example, he came out in a different costume, you won’t believe it, but it turns out that’s what happened, the shaman ran to the rattle room to have time to change for the next number, because filming with a large number of stars has tight timing. everyone wants to go on stage, no, but in fact , physically they turned away from me, not on stage, it’s inflated that they turned away from you, not you saw it. yaroslav dronov, realizing that everyone is just waiting for the scandalous details of his quarrel with the entire show business, is clearly flirting with the press. if you just take it all like this and tell it, it will probably be a little boring, that is, after all, it was, i, uh, well, guys, why are you putting pressure on the patient, okay, let’s box, we’re working, everything is fine. the most
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important thing is that the people support me with oleg mikhailovich gazmanov, with grigory it’s great. already in the village, in an interview with our program, the shaman explains that he has no grudges against his older colleagues. respect, regardless age and rank. by the way, today our guitarist will be wearing grigory lepson glasses, we sometimes congratulate each other, today they are here with us, please, white gold, excitement, fictitious quarrels with colleagues around, the shamyn explains simply: this is normal, an absolutely new one appears a person, as is natural, this is in any team, someone treats it normally, someone doesn’t really like it, and even more so , this bright appearance was enough and until now... now it’s already the third year of creative life. as for the specific situation with leonid agutin, the shaman assures: there was and cannot be any personal conflict between them. the artists do not believe that the intelligent agutin is slandering him behind his
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back. i personally have not heard this. by the way, after this incident we have not crossed paths yet. it was not possible. i also don’t force things, we’ll calmly cross paths, meet, say hello, and tell jokes. do you know him personally? on the voice, we saw each other, he was on the pilagea team, i praised him, said that he had a powerful voice. your position regarding leonid agutin even posted the fictitious scandal with the shaman on his personal website. the singer is outraged by how modern bloggers distort information. the musician has already won a lawsuit with one of them. a blogger from the oryol region allegedly saw agutin in the video for the song “turn on the lights.” masonic signs. something about freemasonry. in general, i almost never react to idiots. but then it really offended me, i’m happy with the result, yes, he has already started paying, no, he fled abroad altogether, yes, yes, god bless him, it’s not about the money, also now a lot, so much about us, now about me, about my wife, about the two of us,
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so many different fakes, life is not enough to sue everyone, but you will have to, in the age of the internet and fakes, leonid agutin recommends trusting only the direct speech of artists , the singer will personally tell you next saturday. what does tatyana bulanova feed her young husband? valery, tell me, you’ve recovered, i’m older than you, come here! who showers singer maxim with diamonds? only a loved one can give such gifts! we'll see for ourselves
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in a few minutes. this is a star show! duels. today denis dorokhov and philip kirkorov will meet face to face. this will be a very interesting duel. pop king. stars, why did you do this, this is a very difficult decision, impossible, impossible, today at 21:20 on ntv. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt - the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open up! investment account for the purchase of any share you get another one as a gift, not just profitable, alpha profitable, mirox motor oil, liter as a gift when purchasing a 4 liter canister, up to 80% discount on
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going to raise an heir if she is not even my husband listens, well, can you just wait a second, you’re not listening to me, i’m older than you, come here, five-year-old tatyana bulanova at her anniversary concert, the singer is congratulated by irina solttykova, kaymetov and the audience, but her husband valery is staying on the sidelines and doesn’t want to join in any way to my wife. journalists joke kindly, my husband looks more like a bun, tennis player valery rudniv has gained noticeable weight, is it really possible that his beloved wife fattened him up like that, i’m not even worth the stove, i’m working, valery will say, you ’ve gained weight, of course, now i’m... on diet, diet, fasting, he fasts
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every year, so everything is fine, he’s relaxed a little, where can you not gain weight if valery rudniv runs the restaurant that gave bulanova a wedding present, and there are continuous tastings, the singer feeds her guests as if for slaughter, cooks we even make pasta ourselves, albura pasta, with albura sauce with crabs, the crabs are not just some kind of pieces , but just really two pieces of cut crabs. in the same restaurant in the historical center of st. petersburg, tatyana bulanova celebrated her fifty-fifth birthday. here her husband did not mince words. i am very happy. i have this day marked as a red day on the calendar, when i met. this is my lucky day. from the first day i realized that this is my woman, this is my beloved, and this is my wife. before meeting the star of the nineties, valery rudnev was an ardent opponent of marriage, but bulanova turned his whole life upside down. the main thing is that you are healthy. and for the rest, for everything, i am responsible, i love you very much, and you are mine
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in general, what was your most expensive gift, well, if we say the most expensive from the point of view in terms of monetary equivalent, then my husband gave it to me, maybe it’s a new car, no, it’s a ring, i didn’t take it today, it’s very beautiful, well, she just knows what i love, i was prepared, a lot of diamonds, gold, well, beautiful, bulanova is joking valery is broke, because her sons have birthdays in march, my children are generally not spoiled, children who understand that not everything is so simple in this life, my husband helps support me, now we are organizing a concert in st. petersburg, it is very expensive. energy costs by financial expenses and it's all on it that your backpack is falling apart, this heavy housekeeping is just like this is a football player tatyana bulanova, next to her husband 19 years younger than her, she feels like a girl and the difference in your age is not felt at all, please answer, i don’t feel it
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, i can honestly say that’s the truth in general, the difference at age such garbage if a man loves you , what difference does it make? financially he will be able to put together and organize all this, i leave it all to him, he will do everything, he will be ready, please, i don’t mind, so i can become a grandmother to tatyana bulanova is not threatening yet, her thirty-one-year-old son sasha was going to get married last year, he made an application with his girlfriend, she is a bride, it was 4 years ago, but they
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haven’t gone to the legislative office yet, so i really hope that all this will happen soon, the famous mother made a fuss and took out a mortgage for her son’s apartment, but alexander... never built a family nest, bulanova’s heir broke up with his fiancée, he has a little bit of such a personal drama there, so now he is free, unfortunately, he needs to go through this in order , probably in the soul, something like that there is some lesson left, there is no recipe for broken hearts, for unborn love, for some kind of betrayal, it’s all sad, but you need to understand this, he is an absolutely normal guy, he is smart, cool, good, kind, thinking, therefore i am sure that everything will be fine, tatyana bulanova hopes that her son will be able to patch up the heart wound, because... the singer herself has more than once experienced her personal dramas with her head held high, and now she is happy again. i’m behind my husband, here’s my husband, his shoulder and i’m behind him, well, in short, he’s my other half. what part of alexander sirov's body the whole show business is jealous. they call me a downed pilot. no, i'm a dive
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bomber. for more than a month now , a video from the concert of alexandra, who beat her, has been circulating on the internet. all records for popularity, in these shots the singer loves every spectator in the hall to tears, and the shocked fans, meanwhile, do not take their eyes off the trousers of the star of the nineties and wonder what is sticking out there on sirov, maybe he has a gun in his pocket, i would be upset and would take my eyes away from there. shy anita tsoi understands at first glance that her colleague got into an awkward situation because his trousers were too tight and exposed his manhood. everything is good with him there, no, everything is not bad with him, i think that these are masculine virtues that always evoke a lot of sympathy from women, natalya gulkina also blushes, and this is sasha, i can’t see well without glasses, but now i see, yes, what a horror, yes, one time i ran out, didn’t have time to put on my underwear,
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i changed clothes very quickly, managed to put on a sgalter, pulled on a dress, but nisa didn’t have time and just ran and i thought, my god, a nightmare, but it’s good that i have a long dress, but it’s true that it had a slit, but i sang all the time and thought, well, what is the audience in the first row in general, the audience is sunny and not only from the first row, they are choking in comments, these are the most decent of them , we quote, sirov cured the whole of russia from the spring blues with one movement of his trouser leg, so that’s why he was a sex symbol of that era, maybe it’s a bag of gold, what do you think is in sirov’s pocket, in sirov’s pocket in advance , right? i shoved the advance payment here right into my underpants, that's where this very thing should be, apparently good no, do you think that it’s not there, it’s an advance, it’s money, so i’ll talk to the director that i have an advance especially in both pockets so that there are more views, that’s how it should be, yes, that’s it, yes, i understand that the stars of show business
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stand behind alexander like a mountain serova, well, who doesn’t happen to you, take care, no, the microphones didn’t break, dropped and beat anything, it’s normal, your shirt. came out naked torso, race, muscle, abs, yes, my pants were torn, i always had a guitar, you know, so i covered myself up like that, and then like that like that like that like that he went, he went, the sirov had nothing to cover himself with, in this form he performed for an hour, besides, the people's artist did not notice what happened, very often during a performance my underwear unfastens, of course, when does your underwear unfasten?
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it’s so wonderful that alexander selov is an adult, at a respectable age, a most powerful man, may god grant us at his age
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to be as powerful, who showers the singer maxim from head to toe with diamonds, such gifts can only be given by a loved one man, forty-year-old marina obrosimova, aka singer maxim, shares that the courier delivered her a luxurious bouquet of white roses, a cake and a velvet case, which the pop star opened. yourself from this. maxims used to be given expensive jewelry; one of her former lovers, anton petrov, is a co-owner of a large jewelry chain, but the singer admits
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that she doesn’t wear this jewelry and doesn’t dare take it to a pawnshop. what kind of gifts did i accept from a very close person? it seemed to me that he was thanking me in this way for my love for him. i had i have a feeling that all these gifts, even though i don’t wear them, i’m giving something to charity. everyone knows about maxim’s life’s ups and downs. the newspapers write that marina obrosimova decided to put her career on pause. allegedly,
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the pop star performs only at closed private parties for 3 million rubles. and then to the soundtrack. the artist assures that she sings live, no matter what condition she is in. we have gathered today. the song we will sing is dedicated to her. true friends, i tried, yes, to go on tour again, i caught myself thoughts that i need time to exhale, maybe even start all over again, because after all, a concert is not working as a butcher, especially in my case, because i wrote these lyrics, wrote this music, every time i live it, and in order to give, give away my energy, i have to accumulate it, now i ’m doing this, going to some closed places and spending time there just alone with myself and reading a lot. maxim spends a lot of time at
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his art school, which he opened 3 more years ago. years ago. i often attend classes, conduct master classes, and invite other celebrities. your children also take part in reporting concerts, they participate, but the fact is that i have loaded them up, they are very busy with sports, including languages. maxima didn’t even have time to look back when her daughters sasha and masha grew up. sasha is already 15, thank god she’s not like me, i was just a disaster, i drank in nightclubs, wore a tattoo, generally dyed my hair, wore dreadlocks. sasha is clearly focused on learning and her future. sometimes i'm told that it means so, i won’t go there and you won’t go there, which means, you know, she’s taller than me. tells me how to do it, the eldest daughter maxim has already tried herself as a model, her photos adorn the cover of one of the glossy publications, well, she was invited as the daughter
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of a star, in general, and sasha at first... wanted to be an actress, we go with her every weekend to different performances, but now she has already expressed a desire to be a journalist. marya, who does she want to become? she sings beautifully, she sings better than me, she decided, unfortunately, to give up her musical education, she attended school donoevsky, a very serious program, she decided to devote herself to aerial gymnastics, i think this is also an age thing, she used to want to be a barrier operator, but i am her... installations, the famous mother is glad that she has more time for her daughters, but maxim declares that it’s too early to write her off as a singer, it turns out that now the school will be developing so much, but there will be no concerts, you know, and if i wish, i won’t set myself any plans, any schedules, maybe i’ll sing somewhere , it will depend on
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as far as my heart is ready to give it, i have already... moved towards such a status when i can afford it, just like the actress ekaterina volkova ended up in a maternity hospital straight from her fiftieth birthday, i’m already right in a maternity home , she’s already giving birth, well, yes, why doesn’t the star of the emergency series want to hear about another marriage, what do i want, what is the secret of youth, already twice grandmothers, and i still have a massage on my face, you know , this hole, we’ll find out in just a little while a few minutes. this is a show duel star denis dorokhov, let go let me go, against philip kirkorov, so i’m actually a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, deceitful nature bent me and deprived me of beauty and height, i’m ugly and distorted, and before the deadline i sent into the
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giving birth to me right here in the maternity hospital? well, yes, that ’s how ekaterina volkova worried about her eldest daughter valeria before her anniversary concert in one of the moscow clubs. the actress sat on pins and needles during her make-up. i don’t want to say anything at all, god, everything. so, yes, let's keep our fingers crossed. we leaked in silence, agreed, all volkova’s guests kept their fingers crossed, including gosha kutsenko and vklit kyurzidey. happy birthday to mekanika, happiness is now, she deserves it like no one else. katyusha, i even, you can’t even see how little i know about you, i didn’t even know what it was, you’ll be a grandmother, how beautiful, how sexy. ekaterina volkova did not take her eyes off the phone, in case her daughter was impatient to give birth at the very moment when she went on stage to fulfill her lifelong dream. yes, i write songs, they turn out beautiful, but for me it’s soulful, you know, as a child, i dreamed of being a singer, in general, so for me this concert and music
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is also the fulfillment of my childhood dream, the heiress of volkova is not let us down, the famous mother performed on stage to thunderous applause, and only then flew at full speed to the maternity home, where her second grandson was born, weighing 3 kg 820 g, the boy was named, i treat other people’s work, i don’t hit hands, although i have seen some young actresses who are just beginning.


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