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tv   Pervaya peredacha  NTV  April 7, 2024 10:20am-11:00am MSK

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wet snow and the same weather in the urals. the rainy epic continues in the north of european territory. the frontal section will be marked by rain in the northwestern regions. in the north of the middle zone and the volga region, but the atlantic cyclones carry warm air, which means the temperature is rising again and will be above normal. the southern half remains under the supervision of the anticyclone; there are no hints of rain here and it is quite warm. and now the capital. in st. petersburg there is light rain at night and no precipitation during the day and +12. in moscow, cloudy with clearing.
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good morning, an accident on the road often turns into a conflict, on emotions the participants in the accident at best harass each other, provoke, but someone immediately goes overboard, i’ll break it for you now, clean it up, clean it up in your car, you’ve put it on the line ...
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the opponent is capable of action, he is dangerous, further clarification of the relationship and even trial in court will not be an easy walk. it’s a completely different matter if you don’t meet any resistance, the person in front of you is completely depressed and almost begs for mercy, this is a very insidious moment. the feeling of complete control over the situation weakens birdiness. perhaps this is just an illusion of your victory, they say. why are you drinking, i’m asking you how it happened , how did it even happen, yes, he’s drunk , they’ll beat someone now, as the classic wrote , maybe even with their feet, what are you doing there, okay, i agree, that’s it, stop here, kill me, stop.
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this one in a measured pose, a certain shishkin, a self-taught extreme sportsman, saw the headlights, realized that the car was driving in the oncoming lane towards me, and for a few seconds, that same shishkin was flying in the oncoming lane, sergei was lucky, more tangentially it hit his podger, kalina, who was driving behind him, was hit by shishkin like a torpedo, head-on, there i didn’t have time to react for 2 seconds, serious harm to health, on the left leg there was a fracture of the kneecap, the knee did not bend completely, the femur was broken, sister marina was traveling with evgeniy that evening, i had broken ribs from the sixth to the eleventh, a spinal injury in the abdominal area, serious harm to health, there was a fried smell, our shishkin seems to be fortified like port wine, why are you drinking, i ’m asking you ,
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shishkin has no time, his comrades know better who is drunk and who needs to be examined. as a result, shishkin was convicted on sober charges. the court sentenced the culprit. that means i can go out on the road, start hurting people, and then i’ll just come there periodically to check in somewhere, live at home and smile, well, shishkin is free, and he wasn’t deprived of his license for drunkenness, and you say the goyists laugh at him like they laugh at monkeys , retired
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major shishkin is not a monkey for you, he’s handsome, okay, that’s it, i agree, stop, you’ll pay the money,
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come on, keep your pocket wider. court creek set almost a million to pay us, you thought that i had factories and ships here, i know. and without steamships, he made a pretty good living, it seems, on a major’s salary. based on the response from the prosecutor's office, two cars, a trailer, and a share in five apartments were registered on it. in five apartments, just think, for example, the real estate collector shishkin owned this house next door. house, land. has already been sold, yeah, this one is nearby, we’ll put up the moskovsko 60 plot, it was actually sold at auction, the documents were submitted for registration, and now hold on to the stool, the house with the plot was sold at a fabulous price of 36. 36. for the plot with the house
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it’s only 36.00, and these are just flowers, if this property is jointly pressed, then half will be money. his wife leaves, that is, 3600 for the house with the plot is divided in half, therefore, to account for the debts, only 1800, but now the size of the mrod is larger, and the remaining 1800 remain in the shishkin family, the wife’s shares, it’s a pity, there is no chicken coop at this house, there is no one to laugh, but shishkin seemed to laugh, because what happened with the house, you need a plot in this village, no, i also no. someone bought it for that kind of money, was it shishkin himself who bought what he had acquired through a figurehead for next to nothing, the price was the same, it fell, fell, fell, fell, someone from the ulyanovsk region decided to buy it, and why one wonders? the price was falling, but it’s very simple: the property of bankrupts
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is sold by an arbitration manager, the sale is carried out through the unified federal register of bankruptcy information. the property is offered at market value; if no bidders are found, then with each subsequent attempt to sell the price drops by 10%. so, until a buyer is found, so it’s possible to buy the bankrupt’s property 10 times lower than the market value, or even cheaper, it’s quite possible, he’s broken so many cars, injured people, shishkin stands, ears are lowered over him like over a monkey, now shishkin is banking, whether you want to laugh at him or not, if you hadn’t listened to your advisers, i would have been ready to give you the money right away, in the bankruptcy manager’s office they sympathize with the victims, well, it’s unlikely that you will get the full amount, in general, bite
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elbows, injured citizens, grins shishkin, you won’t voluntarily compensate, no, it’s all because of my belt, he’s constantly drunk, well-fed, do you understand? i constantly hit him on the knee, he’s drunk, he walks around with a red nose, with such a face, well, there’s no conscience left at all, to whom i owe, i forgive everyone, with a cynical smile on his well-fed face some scoundrel boldly declares, everyone has probably met such self-satisfied characters, their success is based on vile deception, is bankruptcy really a legal way to forgive everyone to whom you owe, accumulated debts, went bankrupt, is it all that simple, or what? lawyer viktor skripchenko will now explain. victor, good morning, hello, why is it so simple? to declare oneself bankrupt, a person does not want to pay his debts, excuse me, i am
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bankrupt and free, this is not at all true, a court, an arbitration court declares a person bankrupt, but it is necessary to make a reservation that we are talking about cases when the amount of debt exceeds 500,000 rubles. if the amount is less, the procedure will be simpler. so, when the debt for utilities, loans, taxes, fines is more than half a million, the delay in payments exceeds 3 months, a person cannot pay, he applies to the court for bankruptcy and is usually declared bankrupt at the first hearings, but this does not mean that he is immediately released from debts, because the bankruptcy procedure is just beginning, the court appoints an arbitration manager, this is a kind of bailiff, his task is to find the debtor's property, sell it at auction, and distribute the proceeds to creditors, when a person owes everything to everyone, the bank, the state, housing and communal services, victims of road accidents, this is how our heroes have a chance to wait for theirs. will there be a turn? is she before them? those injured in an accident are the first in line, since according to the law, debts for
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compensation in the area of ​​life and health are paid in priority order. our debtor served in the ministry of internal affairs, the pension is decent, why isn’t money deducted from her? a bankrupt's pension, like any income, can be foreclosed on, but they must leave their mouth. minimum wage. in russia it is approximately 19.00 rubles. for the debtor himself, as well as for his dependents, children, and elderly parents. what else is left to the debtor? what can't be sold? the only housing the plot of land on which this housing stands, furniture, clothes, shoes, let’s say, household items. expensive smartphones, laptops, tvs will not be touched, since these are his personal belongings. well, if there is not enough money to pay off all the debts, then what? then the debtor is released from debt, and the bankruptcy procedure is completed. what if he goes bankrupt after a year or two? property appears, well, the person has become rich, is it possible to recover the missing amount then? no,
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since the decision of the arbitration court to complete the bankruptcy procedure applies to all stated and unstated claims of the creditor, that is , the case is closed, the debts are written off, and it is impossible to make claims against the bankrupt for his old debts, even if he gets rich, and bankruptcy may be due to malicious intent, where is this line between fraud? and acting in good faith, simulating bankruptcy and circumventing the law is quite difficult, since the arbitration court administrator carefully checks the financial position of the debtor and all transactions for 3 years before filing a bankruptcy petition. let's say 3 years ago, he had there was property worth 10 million. then he begins to re-register it in the name of his mother, father, brother, matchmaker , and at the same time collect loans; at the moment, from his property he has a small room, an expensive car. in this case, it is clear that. and the funds
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received from the sale of this property are transferred to creditors, well, creditors have the right to contact the police with a statement about the debtor’s fraud. victor, thank you for the interesting conversation. everyone, probably, knows from childhood that a debt is worth paying, but compromises with oneself, they say, i would pay, but to whom now... perhaps i was telling a lie, treat people the way you want to be treated. zinkov is car loans on the same day, fast processing of kaskai osaga, cashback when purchasing from the fuel service platform for purchasing new cars. tinkov. icon tires the world of bks investments is limitless, there are those who
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boldly open it, relying on the support of experts, strive further to get more, we have something to offer them. becks, the world of investments. prisoner moraine, article 222, part two, was released, which means he left his term and returned home. in general , somehow sort out life, son, i ask you, just don’t poke your nose in anywhere, but his hometown is again turning into a hot spot, a decision was made at the top to do it here in chernodol. and he will have to take up arms, the floss from the gotoshka shines, he knocks down everyone, why are you such a greyhound, arseny is timid, i’m not a greyhound, i just don’t give back, hot spot, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, word of the boy, blood on
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commander, dad, if we have such women, believe me, no enemy will ever break us, i serve the people . republic, for mom , for our victory, mommy is waiting for us, so that the dawns over donbass are quiet, mom, please don’t cry, today at 6 pm on ntv, take care the pennis, oh, you’ll break your tongue, and the bounds will take care. english proverb english decided to improve, well, the pronunciation is lame, oral folk creativity, by the way, was recommended to be translated by our columnist anastasia oldenburgskaya,
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who said: if you want something down right, do it yourself, it also turns out to be an english proverb, you’ve heard it, you probably want something done well, do it yourself. you can’t see a damn thing, i recently changed the light bulbs, the headlights are clean, but they don’t really shine, alas, my eyes are cloudy, buying new optics today is expensive, but driving a blind car is not an option. how to give headlights their former transparency? the internet is full of advice on this topic. in the top the most budgetary means are soda and lemon.
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we cut it, open it, pour it in and rub it. we wash it off. there seems to be no result. some kind of bullshit . maybe try some pasta? we take a toothpaste and masking tape, paste it over, because our toothpaste is abrasive, so it can easily damage the paint and varnish, we don’t need it, we apply it and rub it, it’s interesting, you have to wait, it’s hard, your hand gets tired, damn, well, in general manual polishing is apparently not an amateur, because after... 10 minutes, there is no result, so what? it seems to me not, but my hands are already tired, well
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, frankly speaking, i don’t like the result, i’ll try it with a sander and headlight polishing paste? don’t rush, improper polishing can completely kill the headlights, let me teach you how to do it correctly, vitaly petrov, without pretension, automotive ophthalmologist, there are several reasons why the color of the headlights fades: first of all, car enthusiasts themselves, wiping the headlights dry, leave a lot of scratches on headlight surfaces, also sandblasted, reagents, ultraviolet radiation in the form of solar light, and of course time. even 20 years ago, the lenses, that is, the front side of the headlight, were made of glass, then it was replaced with high-tech plastic. however, many people still call the transparent part of the headlight glass. an important disclaimer, so that the viewer does not get confused, all modern headlights are made from polycarbonate. the material becomes cloudy over time and becomes covered with scratches. you can restore the surface of the headlight by polishing
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yourself, if you have the desire and the right paste. any abrasive polishing paste contains aluminum oxide. if you see cerium oxide in the composition, this paste is not used for plastic headlights; it is intended for glass. when choosing a polishing paste, focus on professional compounds. they do not contain filling components, that is, polishing oils, which only mask defects for a short time. well, let's get started. the first stage is grinding. grinding is the process of leveling the surface, today you yourself will try to put the headlights in order, so for the initial leveling we will grind manually, because an amateur using a grinder can damage the surface of the headlight. under the guidance of a master, i sand the glass. this is done only when wet, without force. multidirectional movements. done, the glass has become frosted. the next stage is polishing. well , now we need a polishing
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machine. for polishing we use one-step paste. it will remove scratches and give the headlight a final shine and transparency. one-step polishing pastes can handle any task. for example, when using with a hard polishing wheel we can easily remove deep defects. when we apply a soft polishing wheel, we can easily achieve maximum shine on the surface. these pastes have a wide range of uses; they can be used to polish varnish or restore the transparency of a headlight. gently, also without pressing, at low speeds , rub the paste over the surface, control the temperature. if the headlight overheats, it may crack. final stage: change the polishing wheel to a softer one. and we complete our polishing. the final touches and now, as they say, feel the difference before and after. nature is rapidly awakening from
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don't go crazy with tariffs, get benefits of up to 60% with a package of digital services. we street fall in love according to the laws of the streets, do you want me i’ll sing you something about love, our hearts demand change, but i won’t tear it out, we’re stealing the bride, yeah, they fight according to the laws of the streets, the boys
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don’t kick, because the power is in the people, the hands are getting younger, not three musketeers have seen enough and you think there all for one and die according to the laws of the streets, so what?
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don’t accidentally drive under the sign, so go ahead and park, i saw a pocket, quickly got in, please be so kind, i parked 100%, paid and... what kind of appetite does brain parking have? i receive a fine of 5,000 rubles. allegedly she did not pay for parking. what the poltargist? this is you, yulia, that we would like to ask. eureka, retro mercury. she understands this. if the stars light up, then someone has to explain it. dwarf mercury is playing pranks, says the astrologer. already from april 2 to april 25 it will be in retromotion, now is the period when you need to be extremely careful, she fell under this extraterrestrial influence, automatically paid for parking, with an error, as it turned out,
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several cars were added to my application , it turns out that i paid for parking on a previous car, which has been around for a long time sold, is it possible? and appeal the decision, yes, is it possible to cancel this fine? and what is the lawyers' forecast? in the last year and a half, cassation courts have canceled decisions for non-payment of parking due to an error in one letter or digit of the license plate number, but when the license plate number of another car was entered during payment, i am not aware of such cancellations, however, it is worth appealing your fine, because you do not have there was intent to violate the rules of paid parking, you paid the money, acted in good faith, in the end, another year for...
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the car or, for example, to make repairs a car can also work well. even if the auto mechanic doesn’t have enough stars in the sky. well, no matter how the stars appear in the sky, we must remember that we ourselves bear responsibility for everything that happens. it is important to maintain presence of mind, think soberly, but hurry as much as possible. slowly, let me say goodbye at this point, we’ll see you next week on sunday on the ntv morning broadcast. bye bye.
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television is becoming a thing of the past, will the internet supplant it, i like to use some of these. what new opportunities do they provide? technology for those who are filming and watching: orthopedic insoles. and, unfortunately, the legs, back and other parts of the body fall apart. do they really help correct posture and bite? in the category miracle products. scrub for cleaning furniture and clothes from wool and long hair. it feels like it’s clinging, miracle or not miracle. and a new mystery has also been solved. ufo, russian scientists have created a system for quickly
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diagnosing cancer, working in the garden with wood causes a dangerous disease, this and something else, in the hot five amazing discoveries and inventions from all over the world. there is a miracle of technology on air, a program in which i, sergey malozyomov and my team test everything. on myself. lately i've been hearing this a lot and more. young people that television is dying, yes,
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of course, many now find it convenient to watch everything on the go from their phones, however, let’s be honest, a lot of things were originally produced for the blue screen, so our programs can be watched on the internet, plus the technologies for filming broadcasts are constantly being improved and developed , maybe it’s still too early to bury the old... good box, will he surprise us with anything else? if our program had been aired 70 years ago, in the days of television broadcasting, you would have seen it in such a small format, and yes, in black and white. even among the members of the miracle technology team , a whole generation has already grown up, as they say, for whom a trip to the television museum is a shock. it’s hard for me to imagine how anyone could watch this tv anywhere other than at a distance. meter, because here is a modern smartphone, the screen we are used to, here is
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a full-fledged tv screen. in fact, dasha, your smartphone, the old kinescope - everything, television, because its essence has not changed. this is the transmission of moving pictures; only the methods of delivering them to the viewer have been updated. once upon a time in the fifties, a tiny screen was a miracle, it gathered the whole family around it, and sometimes neighbors, these are often used. a solution in the form of a lens, which was filled with glycerin, made it possible to visually increase the size of the screen. this rarity, by the way, was not very reliable at one time, says konstantin bestrushkin, an expert at the museum of the moscow television institute. often was out of order, so its name kvn 49, made up of the first letters of the developers' last name, was given a comic interpretation among the people: bought it, turned it on, doesn't work, but gradually things got better. at the beginning of the sixties, 2 million televisions were already produced per year. by the end of the sixties , the issue was already approaching 7 million, that is
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, television stepped into the people, then color was added, screens were enlarged, picture quality increased, if soviet viewers had seen the current modern models, they would have gasped, thin, bright, even transparent for every taste and interior. by the way, some manufacturers make sure that the tv does not hang as a black square. in standby mode, you can display, for example, a picture. in general, the fashion is returning for the screen to be an element of the interior, as once the center of the room was a polished mahogany box with a napkin on top, manufacturers are offering more and more new, incredible design solutions, a revolution has occurred as a technique, analog signal transmission, due to which there might have been interference on the screen has almost disappeared. almost all residents of russia have opportunity to watch.


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