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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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a meeting that cannot be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv broadcast, all the best to you, goodbye. evacuation continues, additional temporary accommodation centers are opening, volunteers are delivering humanitarian aid, about the flood in orsk, alexandra tankikh. preparing for the arrival of floods in the trans-urals, the main thing is to collect documents, personal belongings, food, the child is small, the second one also goes to kindergarten, well, there is no point in staying here, robots are going into battle about what smart machines help the russian fighters the army to clear mines from the suburbs of avdeevka, amar-magomedov, new chains on leishen, as i understand it, their own positions.
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the head of the federal fisheries agency is developing and reported to the president about the record catch despite the sanctions. in mines of nature, we are again thinking about completely abandoning paper checks and switching to electronic ones. how to do this and what is stopping you alina repina. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. the current flood in the urals and volga region is a record in scale in history. these are the estimates. emergencies in the number of regions, where the situation is especially difficult, the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. the governors of these regions and the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , reported to vladimir putin in the morning on how the situation was developing and what measures had been taken. and today, the head of the ministry of emergency situations called on citizens to take the forecasts seriously and not ignore calls to evacuate. it is better to leave dangerous places in advance. all necessary.
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instructions were given to interested federal authorities and subjects, including by the decision of the operational meeting of the council security of the russian federation. at the same time, it is important to note that today , on the territory of a number of subjects of the siberian, ural and volga federal districts, as a result of the spring flood, dozens of settlements have already found themselves in the flood zone. the orenburg region is in a special attention zone; flooding in the region has been declared an emergency. federal scale. the wave is now moving towards orenburg itself. the city's mayor said the flooding was expected to be unprecedented. level the ural river is already 893 cm, with a dangerous mark of 930. the main influx of water is predicted to occur within three days. the authorities do not rule out stopping the operation of the water intake, which provides drinking water for a third of the townspeople, and are asking residents to evacuate. what does it look like? the orenburg
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big water clearly demonstrates these shots from orsk. meltwater has been flooding the city since friday. the number of flooded houses by mid -monday approached 7. this morning a dam broke in the village of lesotorgovye, this is part of orsk. from dangerous areas urgently people are being taken out; more than ten temporary accommodation centers have been set up for them. from flooded neighborhoods, reporting by alexandra tankikh. shops and, of course, residential buildings, the water reached the attics, the old city was the first to take the blow when the dam broke, the situation is still difficult, the water does not go away, but even in this area there are still islands, dry land and people cut off from the mainland. using special equipment, all-terrain vehicles, volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations brought water, food, and a generator blanket to the old city. the church must be carried, the church we need to take it. people settled in the orthodox gymnasium at the temple, they live without light and heat, they cook food on... in a fire
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it turned out that we need to help, the dishonest people are bringing people here, we took it, found a grill from someone who stayed to live here, someone has some dishes, we receive people, feed them, where to go, we have to live somehow, well, there are a lot of people, last night there were 30 people here, apartment buildings on the streets were flooded, boats everywhere, rescuers go around the yards, taking away those who were unable to leave their apartments earlier, they pull people out of the canopies of the entrances , help them get to land, they carry people... help is often required in the arms of disabled elderly people, there are no words, no words to describe anything, first of all, since 4 in the morning we can’t get through to anyone or anything by phone, mom lying down, it’s just terrible, i’m on these, god, it’s like i’m on sedatives, this is a new city area, cars are flooded here, entrances are flooded, the first floors of houses are flooded, but some people still remain in their apartments and do not evacuate , according to rescuers, many do not pay attention attention to the alarm, ignore calls to evacuate, stay at home in the hope... that
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the water will not reach them, if they tell you to evacuate, you please evacuate, thereby you will leave us with less work, or leave us with the work that is actually people who need us are sedentary people.
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they bring food and distribute it to those who go out on calls, evacuations do not stop, the threat spreads to new territories, people take the most necessary things and get out of dangerous places, i can tell you about my mom, she naively thought that she could ask me for 2 weeks. after all, at home, even if the water is suitable, but when the power and water were now turned off, it became clear that this was a bad idea. additional temporary accommodation centers have been opened, where psychologists are on duty. three meals a day are provided, and here people can take the most necessary things: clothes, hygiene products, bed linen, food and water are brought by volunteers. alexander tankikh, sergey skvartsov, vladimir khazov, ntv, orsk, orenburg region. in the trans-ural region at risk more than 60 settlements. in the kurgan region, according to forecasts, the level. water in rivers may exceed historical highs, several destructive waves are expected at once, the peak of the flood is ahead, along with the roar of advancing water, the sounds of sirens are heard over cities and villages, residents are calling for evacuation about the surging problems olga zenkova. the peak of the flood in kurgan is expected by
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the middle of the week, but preparations for the flood have been going on here for several days now, the banks are being strengthened, dams are being built, local residents are coming to the aid of rescuers and the military so that together withstand the elements. the classes ran out, i decided... to take a walk along the embankment, i saw that the guys were working, well, i didn’t think for long, i went up, took the bag and started carrying it, something like that, what else to do, we need to help, the problem is the same for everyone, they are preparing for a flood and city ​​bridges, traffic on them will be blocked in the coming days, we still have one bridge in the village of malocheusovo, it is expected that it will be located, well, below the water level and in order for water to pass freely, ice floes... about that how unpredictable big water can be here they know firsthand: 30 years ago , one of the largest and most destructive floods occurred in the region, this year the forecasts are also disappointing, literally 2 days
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ago we held a regional survey and the territorial roshydromet data was that a major flood is not expected, that the standard discharge 70. the water level is low, but people can no longer leave their houses on their own. authorities urge residents not to wait for trouble and to evacuate in advance. you need
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to collect documents, personal belongings, food, water, turn off the gas and electricity. many agree, taking with them the most expensive and necessary things, they leave home. rebok is small. the second one also goes to kindergarten, well, there’s no point in staying here, you think a lot of water will come, but well, you never know, it’ll come no matter what, so then i ’ll run with them in my underpants at night. nadezhda fomyacheva’s mother of many children says that before leaving , they lifted everything they could into the attic, furniture, equipment, she cries all the time, worries about the house, about the property, but says the main thing is that she and the children are now safe when i i noticed how quickly the water came, i didn’t... sleep at night, because god forbid, i was afraid that suddenly i wouldn’t have time to get the children out of the house, and during the day we just moved out, it’s better to evacuate in advance, it’s better to protect ourselves, children, especially children,
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because once the water is here, there is nowhere to run, according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations , about a hundred yards are flooded, those along the uy and tobol rivers, while the water level rises... gradually, but somehow -where a state of emergency is already in effect, the flood can develop rapidly, so all services work in high alert mode. artemiyfanov, valeria proskuryakova, ntv television company. on other topics, the russian military shot down almost 300 ukrainian drones in one day, intercepted guided bombs, rockets made in france and the usa, the situation in its zone was reported by the ministry of defense. the enemy suffered the biggest losses in the donetsk direction, more than 450 military personnel. several ukrainian tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, artillery installations, as well as radar stations supplied to kiev were destroyed from usa. russian units are pushing back the enemy. in other directions , five counterattacks in the mtr were repulsed on avdeevsky. and in
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avdeevka itself, russian sappers began searching for mines left by the enemy during the retreat. report by amar magomedov. we are driving to avdeevka in a heavy army truck from the international mine action squad of the russian ministry of defense. the interior of the vehicle is a solid armored capsule, providing reliable protection from possible attacks by enemy drones and artillery fragments. we stop at a road junction. before filming starts the sapper on... urgently asks all journalists not to touch anything. during the liberation of avdeevka, there was a known case when a seemingly harmless book detonated in the hands of a curious local resident. a lot of work. there is a lot of work for sappers. engineering reconnaissance reports that the fields around the avdeevskaya overpass are mined, with different types of mines. the most dangerous ones are made in france. they have a plastic body, which means the metal detectors are powerless. this type of ammunition is prohibited by many international regulations. among the signatory countries ukraine and france,
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there is a robot precisely for such cases. pdv caterpillars, one explosion follows another, but it doesn’t matter to him. before us is the latest robotic complex stalker. this is his first combat trip. the minefields near avdeevka are a serious test for any experienced equipment. the vehicle is capable of withstanding explosions of anti-tank ammunition. the robot's task is to clear a huge area of ​​mines in the shortest possible time. at the heart of all robotic complexes, demined, despite their different names and obvious visual differences, lie the same and the same ideas. the main goal of all these machines is to successfully complete a combat mission without risks to the person himself. the task of this nimble, thirty-kilogram robot is to remove trip wires, inspect explosive objects, and reconnaissance of terrain at a distance of up to 300 m from the operator. retreating from avdievka, the enemy mined everything...
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following the results of last year, russian fishermen achieved a record catch for three decades - 5.3000 tons. the head of the federal fisheries agency, ilya shostakov, reported this to the president today. meeting took place in the kremlin. the fishermen caught the most traditionally mentai, as well as salmon. new chains have been established, as i understand it, our own production is developing, yes,
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the fishermen, of course, before the sanctions, they actively used western technologies, the partners acted very badly towards, of course, our fishing producers, because they simply stopped supplying these products and did not even have returned the advances that were paid, now supplies have been established either from friendly countries, somewhere... our industrialists have actually paid attention for domestic production and the head of the federal fisheries agency also emphasized that the economic indicators of the industry have increased significantly, in particular, income from... from auctions for the sale of crabs amounted to almost 400 billion rubles. federal budget profits from tax revenues increased 10 times, and part of these funds were directed to the regions. russian companies have new problems with international payments. money began to flow to kazakhstan much more slowly, the time frame reaches 3 weeks. business news and denis
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talalaev. denis, what is this connected with? that's it they are facing secondary sanctions, and these are not only the banks of kazakhstan, but also... turkey, the emirates and even china. payments from russia to kazakhstan have become much slower. the deadlines stretched to 2-3 weeks, the izvestia newspaper learned about this. nikolai dunaev, vice-president of the business association opora russia, adds: some local banks refused to work with russia altogether, for example, the largest bank in kazakhstan, halyk bank. according to nikolai dunaev, dollar payments have been around for a long time, but now problems have begun with drives in national currencies. and the reason is that the bank. kazakhstan is trying to protect itself as much as possible from secondary sanctions. oleg abelev, head of the analytical department and investment company ricom trust, says: because of the sanctions, many russian companies began to open accounts and representative offices in kazakhstan, well, in order to make payments with the rest of the world, but now kazakh banks are conducting in-depth checks. at the end of december , us president joe biden signed a decree according to
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which banks that help circumvent restrictions against russia may be subject to sanctions. or. involved in operations for its military industry and after that news that news began to arrive that payments from russia were having problems, among other things, in banks in turkey, the emirates and china. the russian stock market today is trying to continue its growth, which paused on friday; norilsk nickel shares are rising in price by 1.5% these minutes, trading in which resumed after the company split its shares, and now one costs not 15,000 rubles, as it was, but costs ... 50 rub. it is believed that this will make shares more attractive to private investors. investors. the ruble is now getting a little cheaper, reflecting the downward movement in oil prices, the dollar is 92.65, the euro is 100 rubles. 36 kopecks pobeda airlines, which has been in existence for almost 10 years, is going to offer passengers food on board for the first time in its history
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. this was announced by the airline's general director dmitry tyshchuk. according to him, food on board will be sold separately. and these will be packaged snacks and drinks. this limited assortment should not have a large impact on the weight of the aircraft and should not complicate cabin cleaning. from the past since 2010, pobeda has been operating a service called food at the gate. this is when a passenger orders food in advance when purchasing a ticket on the internet or during online check-in, and then picks it up at the gate. but the service only works for those departing from sheremetyevo and vnukovo airports. last year. in an interview with rbc, dmitry tyshchuk said that he does not plan to offer alcohol on board the victory, because there are enough air rowdies without it. this year, more russians are going to spend the may holidays abroad. the calculations were provided by the yandex service journey. according to him, demand for non-cis countries for early bookings has increased by 30%. the most popular destination
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is istanbul for a round trip flight, according to yandex travel data. on average, pay almost 52 thousand rubles, also in the top three yerevan and tbilisi, but tickets there are significantly cheaper than to istanbul. of the most popular destinations on maysk, the cheapest is the minsk voyage, round trip for 14.00 rubles. but the most expensive of the popular destinations is belgrade. fly there from moscow and fly back - 110,000 rub. russian tourists also use the capital of serbia as a transfer point for further travel. egor is all about economics. yes, thank you, denis talalaev with business news. ntv viewers in the capital will next receive an episode today in moscow. and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. the investigation has published
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footage of another interrogation of the accused in the case of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. there are more than ten defendants in the case, including four. direct implementers, they named the name of the coordinator, who outlined the goal for attacks, equipped with weapons and indicated escape routes. what were your group's plans after the terrorist attack? who gave you instructions? that we were going to ukraine, kiev. and total 1 million rubles. not far from the border, leave your car and take me, i told you further on what you will have there... wait for the ukraine border for the guys who will help us cross the border and get to kiev. for this fee of a million
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rubles each, the terrorists immediately after the attack set off along the moscow-kiev highway. security forces intercepted the car at about 140 km from the border. the terrorists received instructions from their curator until the last moment, this is confirmed by data from their mobile phones. the smartphones, although damaged , fell into the hands of investigators. preventing a repetition of the terrorist attack in crocus is the main motivation of the russians, who these days are declaring their desire to go under contract to the northern military district zone. recently, the number of volunteers has increased sharply. evgeniy golovanov listened to the point of view of future counter-conspirators. if in the first days after the terrorist attack in crocus, tens of thousands of caring people all over the country they came to blood transfusion centers to share theirs to help the wounded victims, and now in all cities, from kaliningrad to vladivostok , queues are lining up at the collection sites. points of volunteers intending to join participants in a special military operation. evgeniy used to work as a rescuer. 2 years ago i had to change my peaceful profession. this is the second time they have been sent to the svo zone. our
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ancestors, yes, grandfathers, fathers, there, helped their neighbors, and then stood shoulder to shoulder against the common enemy. and it’s about the same here. a terrorist who destroys peaceful people, civilians. i just can't stay. side and indifferent, and people like him, and active volunteers , up to 1,700 people a day now come to selection points throughout the country. over the past week and a half, the flow of candidates for military service under contract has increased significantly. the main motive is the desire to protect their loved ones and prevent a repetition of the events in the moscow region. the largest number of volunteers is in moscow and the region; many lost relatives, loved ones or friends in the terrorist attack. we've arrived.
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from here to the war zone in donbass it is only a few hours by car, but now
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for many the starting point is the events that happened 100 km away in the capital. the extreme point of choice was the event in crocus city, this terrorist attack, and i understand that i have a family, children, and so that... all this does not reach my family, i decided to accept a contract. recruits are not immediately sent to a special operation zone, even if they have combat experience behind them. they first undergo training at training centers at military training grounds. i believe, that everyone who is capable, who is able to protest against evil, a threat to the security of our country, must do the same. in russia , since the beginning of the year , over 100 thousand people have been sent to serve under contract in the special military operation zone. there is, as they say, in one film such a profession as defending the homeland.
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it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on get an additional 15% discount for fashionable transformations. choose clothes, shoes, accessories for ozone, use the promotional code spring. it even applies to promotional items. everything for your looks at even more attractive prices with a promotional code. you have a uniform, for baking, for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but you have a vtb savings account on the subscription, replenish it regularly , you will save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, we’ve been spinning for a long time, we'll buy it quickly, open
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the savings account. calculate and calculate, is this premium, but you can discover all the best and profitable right away in rosbank, this is what i call real premium, rosbank - real opportunities, for fresh products we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs (freshness) from the garden in
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half a bite. the speed of freshness is only online magnet, there will be no money to be made, there will be money with a card, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, with a card, there will always be money, sixth-grade welder georgy petrovich was distinguished by iron discipline, grew respect for petrovich, polyps grew in 30 years he was never late for a shift, even late. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. yes, i myself did not think that i would become a driver. a friend called me. the schedule is free, there are orders. and for the money it works out decently. at first i thought this one wouldn't last long. i haven’t had time to look back for three years now. passengers thank you.
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i’m doing a good job, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine, just like that, the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro, this night our friend has already had to get up several times to admire stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night.
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the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00. we're back on the air, let's continue. the government is extending the program of synchatron and neutron research until the end of the decade and is allocating 450 billion rubles for it. we are talking about a program within which a network of unique mega science class installations is being created in russia.
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modernization of research infrastructure, which in its characteristics surpasses both existing and projected international sources synchrotron and neutron radiation, and also for grant support for projects for training scientific personnel in this important area. more mundane topics are on the government's agenda, such as the idea of ​​completely eliminating paper cash receipts. the main reason is to cut back. waste, because recycling them is not at all as easy as ordinary waste paper, all because of the chemicals that cash register paper contains, and about 10,000 tons of such paper are used annually, this is approximately
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a truckload of receipts per day, what is needed to completely switch to electronic analogues, alina repina looked into it, this is a pnd canister bottle, it is very well recycled, there are recyclers for it, a pet bottle, a very... prominent material, specialist in collecting recycled materials sergei drokov shows us what kind of garbage is profitable, for a kilogram of bottles they give from 40 rubles. for a kilogram of washing gel containers from thirty, they don’t want to take the containers for free. this raw material is not accepted due to the fact that little of it is collected, and secondly, what it contains there is plastic inside, and thirdly, there is very little cellulose in it. in numbers, it turns out that in order for us to accumulate a commercial shipment, that is, to recapture a car. to receive some funds for these raw materials, we report about 15 rubles so that we can hand over these checks, no one wants to take the long white one, it’s about a cashier’s paper check, checks are harmful, only one enterprise processes them in russia now, and officials
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have long been talking about abandoning them completely. thermal paper, it contains bespheno, this is a special substance that allows you to print a receipt, but at the same time it... we have an excellent public service that allows you to order a huge number of services and receive them in the form of electronic documents, so we hope that with the development of trade we too we will simply receive checks on your phone in the form of a message. in mid-march, the ministry of natural resources held another meeting with retailers and tax experts on how to get rid of paper receipts. do not issue a receipt to the buyer. he has a right to it by law, therefore, it is necessary to create an infrastructure in which it will be more convenient for the buyer to receive an electronic check rather than a paper one. large retail chains have been dealing with the issue since 2020. in 2020 , we gave customers the opportunity
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to voluntarily disable the printing of paper receipts, but in 2022 we decided to change the policy and disable the printing of paper receipts for all loyalty card holders. there was literally resistance for the first 3-4 weeks. all buyers are used to those who wanted to return paper checks, but such units are literally 1.5-2%. to get an email check, you need e-mail, according to various estimates, 80% of russians have it, so experts predict that in 3, 5, 10 years, paper checks will finally become a thing of the past, but in the meantime , environmental activists are still finding ways to recycle them, like entrepreneur yuri from moscow, you’ve been socializing for a long time, well, about three years, it’s cool... i’m tired of throwing away glass, any candy wrappers and the trash, and i came to the conclusion that i need to hand over the driver myself, cool, and collect receipts there too, from receipts too, yes , and the artist anastasia cooks from checks, oh my god,
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what is this, is it really a check smoothie, the good thing is that you don’t have to drink it, the frame consists of two parts, one forms a leaf, the other actually acts as a sieve. the water goes away, we lift the frame and we get a piece of paper like this, you can even see pieces of receipts. from such leaves, anastasia makes postcards and menus for organic food restaurants in the center of moscow. when paper checks disappear from the retail menu, we will be on the lookout and will definitely tell you as soon as we find out. nalina repina, ekaterina katileevskaya, ntv. in moscow awarded the laureates of the first national phoenix prize. prizes went to bloggers and russian state channels that were blocked on western sites, but continued to operate on the domestic video hosting platform. in category.
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what kind of award is this, and who is awarded it for what? the phoenix award from rutheu is being played out for the first time, it is for those whose channels were blocked on another site, the one whose name also has the word “tube”, and the authors managed to successfully revive, and there are many of them, just listen to the numbers, when more than 2.5 years back video hosting was consolidated in the gazprom media holding, you know, this platform was in a rather sad state, suffice it to say that the daily audience fluctuated around 60 thousand users, the monthly audience slightly
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exceeded 6,000 users, today the hosting has more than 7 million daily visitors and more 48 million monthly audience. the award ceremony, as befits a serious award, was bright and rich in music. let's move on to the winners. as such nominations in phoenix no, the organizers rather noted the authors of the directions, from information media, here the statuette went to our tv channel, to humorous ones. brutup, which we switched to two years ago, just provided us with great help, all the content that we had on foreign platforms is now posted there, a complete archive, so you can listen, see, i was cunning, i’ve been here for a year and a half before... something bad happened, i ran away to the rutup, it’s good that it exists, it’s good that there are
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people who can lend a strong shoulder, if we can’t do it there, we’ll do it here; in the end, we should have everything of our own. in addition, it is also freer, and also more loyal to bloggers, everything that western video hosting platforms have become famous for in the bad sense of the word, this is an absolutely groundless shutdown, these are some community rules that no one can...
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irina after after a short cold snap , it seems that the warmth is returning, and the forecast is warm for the next 3 days, generally very warm. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. lymphotransit: lymphotransit helps cleanse the body by introducing
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toxins, as well as reducing swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company - your spring renewal. so, in most of the russian plain the weather will again be well ahead of the calendar, the target, the may or even june temperature. i’ll warn you right away that the highs this time will be short, but bright and memorable. another heat wave will overwhelm this this week we will have to travel through the middle south again. these records, and as for precipitation, rain will still be observed in the volgovyad region, in some places in the middle volga in the northern half of the central region, including the moscow region, but they will be short and small, and will not affect the temperature too much. which is increasingly higher, well, in the north it’s still a little march, tomorrow it’s just above zero snow, and it’s already may, at least until friday, even further south, it’s black soil to the south + 20-25, more modest on the coast, the cold sea holds back, but about there are no rains here, so the great dry land and extreme fire danger, in st. petersburg
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tomorrow it will be +14, sunny, in moscow there is a chance of light rain and +19:21, on wednesday it will be a little warmer. weather forecast. from irina polyakova, well, these are the main news for this hour, thank you for being with us and see you soon, an endless country on which the sun never sets, the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands, on the new teinkov black cards, have time to issue a debit card get a teinco black card with a limited design until april 14 for free... paid service forever tinkov, it happens you expect one thing, but you get something completely different, you dream of something wonderful, but you get something completely wrong, and it happens that you are just expecting a convenient office, but you get the best, alfabank,
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