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tv   DNK  NTV  April 8, 2024 5:50pm-7:00pm MSK

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watch tomorrow in the program beyond, while the man was in service, his nine-month-old son tragically died, and as soon as i got in touch, i immediately called my wife, she said that he had fallen, that it was an accident, there is a very murky story here, after funeral, the man's wife was detained on suspicion of murdering their baby, but the woman's adoptive mother is sure that her daughter is not... and a mother, you just need to see what happened on that fateful day, his whole face was in shadows, his lips were broken , this is for brink, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. she had no doubt that she was the eldest child, but at the age of 27 she was surprised to learn that... her mother
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gave birth to her not first, but third in a row. oksana kireeva contacted us for dna tests. hello. hello, oksan. how did you find out that you are not the firstborn? in general, the following story turned out: i had copies in my hands from boarding school, and they gave them to us upon graduation. and then my husband and i decided. wasn’t fulfilled at all, we went to the internet to pick up the originals, in general, while reading these originals, i then came across this one a piece of paper that, it turns out, i am, after all , the third born, you were surprised by this fact, i was terribly surprised by this, of course, the document indicated who these older children were, no, this document, of course, did not indicate, that is, boys , girls it’s unclear.
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it’s unclear, i just turned to find out who they are, what kind of people they are, you were brought up in an orphanage, that’s right, i was brought up in an orphanage, but how did it happen, it turned out like this, it means, my mother, we were traveling from moscow , we stopped at the station, there was a stop there, she had a fight with my father, which means she is taking me and my two brothers, fyodor and vladimir. there were younger brothers, younger ones, one is middle-aged, and the other one is the smallest, which means we get on the train with her and go, while my brother and i played, played, that’s it, you know, um, that’s it, when, when we arrive , once upon a time, a man sat down next to her, which means that she was already having fun, you know, this is it, maybe it’s her there for this man.
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this man didn’t like something about us, he stood up and you know, not just for laundering, but how it would have been like this, well, well, not very hard, but he hit his brother in the nose, his nose began to bleed, well , this didn’t bother my mother, we moved to another trailer, uh, while i was raising his head there, well, that blood helped restore, it was just the two of you, yes, we arrived at... in the end, at the final station in oryol, we got out at the station, well, mom, mom, mom, mom, but mom’s gone, where is she, where did she go? ? in general, then from the documents i found out that she got off at the greasy horse station before reaching the eagle, that is, she i left with one child and left two behind, yes, that’s how it turns out. that’s right, the youngest one,
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who stayed with his mother, she took him with her, how old were you and your brother then? oh, at that time i was already seven, my middle brother is six, we are a year apart from him, oksan, it’s really scary to imagine how you felt when you realized that your mother was gone. at that moment it was scary, of course, as if for some time everything was still with my mother, but then they seemed to go out, but she was not there, they were looking, yes, they were looking, they called, when they realized that my mother was not there, we went there like that
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there was a bridge, we stood there, well, we waited, maybe it will appear after all, no, that means, i say, something needs to be done. somehow they decided to go through the railway tracks, these, you know, i of course don’t remember this moment, how i was dressed, i already read that, then the month of april was, we were in rubber boots, without outerwear, this is in some kind of dress, there’s a cap that’s cut off, it’s a total nightmare, someone might have tried it for you. mom's name is what our name is, in general, after the police we were sent home to the baby, the babies were sent, which means
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they bathed us there, gave us something to eat, oksana, we have a report drawn up after you were found, let’s look at it together, april 19... orel, after the arrival of the electric train from kuratovo , the eagle. signs of a child, approximately 7 years old, able to speak, named herself oksana kireeva. the child is dressed: a yellow cap, a blue dress, gray tights, rubber boots, without outerwear. it was possible to establish that the mother abandoned the children in the train.
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i don’t know, it wasn’t long for a while, uh, that means they brought him there too, yeah, they brought him, and then, taking into account what i read, he was lying exhausted in the hospital, but he was very little, 3 years old, she simply abandoned him, just like us, only very little, and you... we immediately realized that they had brought your younger brother, yes, yes, we ran, of course, we were delighted, the teacher of this orphanage came up to us and said, they brought your brother there, kiriev vladimir, he, yes, he, well, we ran, he
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i was just at the first aid station, they weighed him there, well , naturally, we immediately recognized him, in the nursery at home, the three of you were all together until graduation , in the orphanage, you know, we... were older, we were already a preparatory group, my younger brother is 4 years older, we were already in preparatory school, in august we already left for the naryshkin school - boarding school, which means i already studied there for four years and then he came to first grade, none of you ever had a foster family, but you know, once upon a time, while we were in the orphanage, we wanted here's the youngest... son, but when they found out that there were two more of us, it was like, well no, you changed your mind, you changed your mind, yes, now you and your brothers maintain relations, now, unfortunately, in general, such a moment, my
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youngest brother passed away that year, he led such a lifestyle. immoral, so to speak, perhaps, all this influenced, the average one, it turns out, he ’s been in prison all his life, but you know something about your mother now, nothing is known to your mother, you know, back when i was brought up on the internet, i had teachers, teacher, as soon as they gave the address, where my mother was imprisoned in the shakhovskaya colony, it turns out, i’m writing to her letter, i get an answer back, unfortunately, i was not able to communicate with her, because she was released, she was never found,
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and if you saw her, what would you say, you know, such a childhood dream, just spit in the face, well, why did you do that, april 6, 1964, i know that i am the third
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child in a row, and there were, well, how can i say, there was a brother who is no longer there, and another is in prison, that is, your mother, according to your calculations that turns out to be five children, five, yes oksana, during our investigation, we found a man who married a citizen u.s.a. it turned out that an adoptive family took her to america; she was born in russia in 1984, to a woman named tatyana grivennikova. in the studio vladimir ivanov. hello, vladimir. hello. tell us how you met your american wife. i originally.
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it was on this basis that communication began, she told me at some point in the conversation that she was originally from moscow, that is, she was adopted, and that is, she ended up in a foster family in america, and what does your wife know about her biological family? at some point in her life, maria found out that her mother’s name was tatyana grevenikova, well, i tried there like...
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oksana found out that her mother had two more children before her, whom she dreamed of finding. take a closer look, perhaps someone will remind you of your wife in some way, well , it seems to me that this is a girl, that is, she is very similar, that is, i can find similar features, cheekbones, probably eyes, a sort of nose, chin , for some reason. the features are really 100% similar, but what do you think, and
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your wife will be glad if oksana turns out to be hers i think she will be very happy with her younger sister, until she was 6 years old she lived in an orphanage, and then flew to america to live with her adoptive parents, in the maria gail ivanov studio. hello maria, vladimir said that he interested you because he was russian, when i met vladimir, i was very interested in him, because he really was russian, i spent some time with him, we became friends, we got married, we have children what do you remember, maria, about your childhood in russia?
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tatiana grivinkova. when i was 12 years old, i found these documents at my receptions parents. it stated that i was about one and a half years old.
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well, it’s true, you could be wrong, but if they said that these were two sisters, i would say yes. alena, you also think that the sisters, this meekness and kindness, i think this is a family trait, but in this they are very similar more than anything else, oksana, i have no words, yet, i can’t come to my senses yet , otherwise
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you heard, maria, tell me how you became an adopted daughter, how... i was in an orphanage, they showed me a photograph, a photograph of my adoptive parents, there were mom, dad, and they told me about my situation, about my future, and i remember that i was flying on a plane, there were other children from russia with me, we arrived at the new york airport, and there we met our adoptive parents, you immediately accepted these people as your parents? or was there still a little bit of fear left? i was afraid, it was difficult to get into the car, because i probably remembered some russian fairy tale, something about baba yaga, and i thought that they, like baba yaga , would drag me somewhere, i didn’t want to get into the car, and for about an hour they tried
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to put me in this car, you quickly got used to the new life, i really liked the bows.
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my sister was not adopted with me, but then i would have had a sister, i, i could have grown up with my sister, we would have had a connection, instead, well, i grew up, formed around people who could not understand me, accept me , oksana, you understand what this can mean, i understand that there is still
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a child, there is still a child, but according to your information there should be two. so it turns out that it’s kind of like two sisters, what do you think? as if there were two brothers, these boys, here’s a sister, especially two, it’s super. maria, your husband vladimir said that you were looking for your biological mother, but were you looking for your sister yulia? yes, we were looking, we were looking. my sister, we also found her with the help of vladimir, we found a girl who had, well, the same first name, the same last name, the same year of birth, and i immediately noticed, as if... on her face, on her features face, that is, from my point of view, she was very similar to maria, that is, i told maria that we had probably found
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your sister, this same girl, she immediately believed that your wife was her sister, in the process of communication, that is, i kind of felt that, well, yulia, perhaps treats with caution, that is, the fact that someone contacted her there, perhaps she had doubts. yes, but do you, maria, have any doubts that julia is your sister? no, i have no doubt. i am absolutely sure that julia is my sister. maria, but i understand that you, like your husband, saw your supposed sister only in photographs or video calling, right? yes, that's right. ready to see each other live in person. yes, of course, i'm ready. she already suggested that maria do a test. dna, since she has doubts about their relationship. in the studio of yulia grevennikova.
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hello. hello. well, here's your supposed sister, maria. what can you say, in life it is the same as online. yes, the same. do you remember how maria’s husband approached you? yes i remember. introduced himself to the machines as a husband and said, in general, asked, are you yuli grivennikova, i say, yes, he says, your sister is looking for you, i i didn’t believe it, i thought, well , some kind of scammers, but vladimir insisted, he still called and convinced me, well, in general, you knew that you had a younger sister, you knew, well, it’s like she’s in america and she lives there.
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or go for a walk, how did you break up? in general, i turned 7 years old, and they told me that i had to leave, to school, well, to
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a boarding school, to go to first grade to study, i wanted maria to go with me, but they told me that maria was 6 years old , she can’t go with you, she’ll come next year, a year has passed, and she’s also arrived bus, they also brought the children from... i looked for maria among these children, but i didn’t find her, in general, i burst into tears and ran away, i didn’t see my sister again, then it turned out that in the eighth grade the teacher who was leading me came up to me and said : i read in your personal file that it was written that your sister was taken away, your sister lives in america, and i was surprised how this could be so. and your mother never visited you during all this time? it was once in the sixth or seventh grade, and my mother showed up
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and said that she seemed to come to me, but she didn’t care about me she wasn’t allowed in because she behaved inappropriately, and everyone escorted her out, and that was just one time, just one time, she didn’t show up again, and they tried to find her? well, i tried for a while, here ’s my kind of partner, she helped me, we went to the police, they told us that the mother was imprisoned, for which i don’t know, now her fate is unknown to you, i don’t know, life is in the end in the end or not, well, i don’t know, i was somehow always angry with her for the fact that she kind of abandoned us. julia, i would like to introduce you to oksana. oksana is looking for her older children mother, tatyana grivennikova. look at this woman, take a closer look. she
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doesn’t remind you of you, well, there is something, eyes, i don’t know, there are some, definitely, i sat and really watched how the girls behave, because in order to be sisters, you don’t have to be present twins, but when they were worried, everyone was about the same, they folded their hands like this, thumbs, at some point they put them in the same way. you didn't expect another supposed sister to appear? no, but nevertheless, opposite you, your supposed sister oksana, she and her two younger brothers, just like you, grew up in an orphanage, she is also offended by her mother, well, at first we lived well, i will say, then it all started.
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drinking, fighting. please show us the decision to deprive oksana’s mother of parental rights. the commission for minors' affairs of the mtsensky district filed a lawsuit against tatyana borisovna grivennikova for deprivation of parental rights in relation to her three children, oksana fedor, vladimir, on the grounds that she is not involved in raising her children, regularly drinks alcohol, does not work, and cannot provide his children with everything they need. for normal life. at the court hearing , the representative of the plaintiff, as well as a representative of the mtsensk district department of public education, supported the claim, explaining that the defendant’s children walk around dirty, hungry, steal, beg, their actions are not controlled by anyone. oksana and fedor were abandoned by the defendant at the railway station in the city of orel. the defendant admitted, explaining that she objects to the deprivation of her parental
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she was right, but she admitted it. that they were unable to raise children, the people's court decided to deprive tatyana borisovna grivennikova of parental rights in relation to her children oksana nikolaevna kireeva, fyodor nikolaevich kireev, vladimir nikolaevich kireev, and transfer the children to the guardianship and trusteeship authority. maria, can you imagine how lucky you are that your adoptive parents took you in? yes, i imagine, i think about it.
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i don’t think so, i just kind of knew that well, like maria, that’s all, i didn’t know about the other children and didn’t imagine that at all this one might even have more children, who else is looking for the ten-kopeck family, and how many envelopes with dna test results will we open today, continue immediately after a very short advertisement, for as long as we can remember? we are always together. magnit, 30 years by your side. your favorite and long-awaited show "stars". and i decided to be beautiful. i have the right to cognac. against little dmitry. i apologize in advance for this confusion. ay, i finally found the key to victory. dmitry, you know that i simply adore the shaman to your songs
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19:00 on ntv. dna program studio oksana from the village of volkovo, oryol region, met her supposed relatives. as an adult, he learned that he lived in a reception area family, and his real name is grivennikov. in the studio, a resident of the moscow region, gleb maslov. hello hello.
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at home, well, my grandfather’s document, my father came into the room, his face immediately changed, and he put these documents away, it so happened that i was left alone at home, my parents moved away. i was looking for this document for a long time, i looked for it in many places, that is, basically they were all lying in one place in the safe, after this document it was no longer there, it disappeared, yes, it disappeared, in fact, when it was already in adulthood, when it was on civil service managed to do request to a colleague, and i received an electronic file, where i saw the data on... a young man, the data is not mine, that is, on
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the birth certificate, on another person, and i also asked a question, i say, who is this about, it’s like, i don’t know who it is, to which i was given information that this is simply my initial data, and the year of birth, the ninety-third year, which is what you have, no, the current year of birth is mine, it’s 250194, the date. .. which was about that young man, it was the end of ninety-three, and completely different surname and first name, patronymic, remember the name, how they were called originally, i remember that this is the surname - like grevennikov, something like this, in this regard it was yes grevennikov, did you discuss this point with your parents? well, by that time my mother was no longer alive, my father and i
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had not communicated for the last five years, why? we became very distant after my mother’s death; in general, for me, he became a completely different person, unrecognizable to me. now, if it weren’t for these documents, would you ever have doubted that you were not son of his parents? yes, i talked to my aunt and yes i received. information that your mother had serious health problems, that she could not bear a child, that she had an operation to remove the uterus, i also communicated from relatives, namely on my father’s side, with his cousin, who also said that he i couldn’t have children, there was no such opportunity, that is, it turns out gleb, you found complete confirmation for yourself that i am not my own child. family. why do you think you were not raised in your natural family?
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there were actually different thoughts, perhaps there were some financial issues, or perhaps they wanted to abandon me, maybe the doctors gave some incorrect information about me, that i might not be a completely healthy child, which could theories to scare, that is, you were abandoned at birth, well, in theory, yes, basically the thoughts converged on this. gleb, today you are... in the dna program studio. yes. do you understand what this could mean? yes, i assume that my biological blood people, relatives, may be here. now in the studio there are three daughters of tatyana grivennikova. yes. today they met together for the first time in their lives. what? can you tell who i'm talking about? here's the girl. there is a girl, most likely, yes, here is the second girl, here it
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is more difficult, here it is more difficult, maybe it is a girl, indeed, all these girls are united by the fact that their mother’s name was tatyana grivenkova, she once abandoned each one, oksana. yulia you, maria, oksana’s mother left her brother on the train . grimennikova tatyana borisovna, on april 26, 1964, later to the same orphanage that third brother, whom your mother took with her, also ended up. yulia, how did your mother abandon what was indicated in your documents? the fact that my mother drank and... and maria and i were
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together, we lived with her, we were generally the first children, in general they called special people to look after her, it was as if we were taken away from her. maria, can you tell me why you didn’t grow up in a biological family? i ended up in an orphanage when i was about a year and a half old, only from what i read in my documents. my mother abused alcohol, you look questioningly at maria, no, i’m listening carefully, the language of communication doesn’t bother you, no, i understand, i’ve passed. says maria ended up in a foster family in america, in america, didn’t you expect it, gleb? no, somehow, how could i have imagined that he would scatter us all so much, scatter. gleb, we filmed a story for you about supposed sisters, would you like to watch it? yes, of course,
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pay attention to the screen. the usual favorite job of a cook and a friendly, strong family. this is the happiness of yulia grivennikova. she lives in moscow, in a one-room apartment and is raising two daughters, i am very lucky that i have daughters, they help me a lot with everything, especially in cooking, well, in general, i won’t ask, they do everything, in gratitude, a loving mother treats her daughters with gifts, for example, for the eldest anna on her birthday gave her a guitar that she had long dreamed of, i’ve been playing the guitar for about a year now, i’m learning it myself, do i get anything? something is wrong, i look on the internet how to pinch chords correctly, how to do what in general, but my daughter oksana kireeva, who lives in the village of volkovo, oryol region, had a different desire: eleven-year-old zhenya dreamed of transforming her room, and her parents happily fulfilled this dream. we went shopping together,
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cleaned up her wallpaper, they did a small renovation for her, and a bed too. they drank, so she asked, the family’s favorite place is the kitchen, because there is always something tasty here, oksana often cooks golden brown pancakes for breakfast, because it’s quick and simple, she leaves more complex dishes for dinner. what i like to cook most for my family is borscht olivier salad, my son loves olivier very much, he loves it madly, in general, my daughter absolutely adores it, of course she loves the crab salad. borscht and olivier are often on maria gail ivanov’s table. her childhood was spent in the small town of becket, bergen county, massachusetts. and now she lives with her husband and three children in the village of proshivalovka, kursk region. a great help for the family, having your own garden. i love
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to turn out. i have pepper. these are sweets. it is very nutritious and tasty, i like to mix it with onions, it allows you to make the dish sweeter, i cook it either steamed or i make mashed potatoes. vladimir is rejoicing, this year he and his wife will have a rich harvest, but they cannot boast of good living conditions, the wallpaper is peeling off, the walls are cracked, their house has been in their house for 5 years already. the repairs do not stop, we, in principle, have big plans for the repairs, that is, we are gradually resolving the issues, as it were, one by one, but there is not enough time for everything, as they say, or strength, we would like to restore the walls, as i would like to paste wallpaper, repair the floor there, for example, replace the floor, that is, bring it into
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some kind of divine human species. maria, it turns out your wish came true? gleb, what do you think of the story about the supposed sisters? it’s amazing, i’m still trying to understand how it is that she scattered us all? marvelous. but for now we only know that all of you were born to a woman named
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grivennikova. but we don’t know yet whether you have the same biological mother. we 'll find out. would you like? so that you have such sisters, yes, if this is a family, of course, oksana met her own older sisters and younger brother today, through we'll take a few minutes to open the envelopes with the dna test results. greenfield club where good taste is always rewarded. the more tea, the more gifts. greenfield club, you are invited. everything, but his hometown is turning into a hot spot again, the decision was made at the top here in chernodoley to make a southern gaming zone,
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this is the dna program. oksana from the oryol region found out that she was not the first child in the family, but the third. in the studio she met with her supposed older sisters and younger brother, who didn’t even know that their mother had other children. drinking, lack of work and inability to provide their children with everything they need for a normal life. this is what is stated in the court decision to deprive oksana kireeva’s mother of parental rights. oksana ended up in an orphanage at the age of 7 after her mother. i left her with her three-year-old brother on the train, naturally there were tears, i immediately started to cry, fedor and i, i think, what should we do next, what is
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natural here, how we were dressed. sorry, the month of april, these are rubber boots, without jackets in some kind of dress, i had my hair cut brazenly there, without a hat. yulia grivennikova also cannot say anything good about her mother; she and her sister were always dirty and hungry, and then ended up in an orphanage. in our family, i only know that i have a sister, maria, who was adopted and taken to america at the age of 6. gail ivanov was adopted by a family from the usa at just this age. over time, she forgot her native russian language, but always dreamed of returning to her homeland. in 2004 , fate brought her together with russian vladimir ivanov, who came overseas on a student exchange program. they moved to the kursk region, got married, now live in a private house, raise three children and garden. usually at the end of the season
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we cook. some pickles that we can use in winter, that is, something healthy, maybe tasty, here’s an example, that is, soaked cabbage, as if we regularly have it on our table all winter, and well, maria and i are ready treat our relatives, there brothers, sisters, if someone is someone for us will come and visit, we always have everything in abundance, in our studio: maria, yulia and oksana met with gleb maslov. he was raised in a foster family, knows that his real name is grivennikov and dreams of finding relatives. soul mates are those people, probably, with whom you go in this life, you, this is your blood, your relatives, your, your, tree, your history, i would, well, let's say
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so, if it seemed so, that. .. now it is under construction, we are waiting while we are temporarily staying here, the family receives guests in the most spacious room with a fireplace, a grandfather clock and antique furniture, everything is done in a classic style, here are chests of drawers, cabinets, classic, classic porcelain, dishes and quite old dishes, yes, that is, made quite
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a long time ago, which is passed down from generation to generation, here ... the owners of the house prefer to eat simply without any frills, the main thing is that it is tasty, we are quite simple, unpretentious people, yes, the classic favorite dish is probably baked potatoes in the oven with chicken, er, that is, greenfinch, everything is so... simple, nothing special, well, salads, yes, there, with vegetables, bread is recognized, sometimes after the next portion of your favorite potatoes you have to pick up dumbbells or sit on an exercise machine to lose extra pounds, fortunately you don’t have to go far, everything you need is right in the house, speaking , one of the simulators, yes, it is quite universal, there is a lot in it that you can do what kind of exercises, but i try to do only two exercises on it that are needed specifically for me, yes, this is work on
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the chest on the legs, not lags behind dad five-year-old... gleb smiles, but for now the girl is learning english with pleasure and excels in mathematics. we have a kind of kindergarten, it is a specialized kindergarten, that is , montasori is already underway there, yes, preparing children immediately for school, that is, children are already learning english in kindergarten, children are already learning the alphabet in kindergarten, and mathematics is being studied in kindergarten, in dance she still wants to, but is shy, they invited her to the theater club. oksana, yulia, maria, how do you like this supposed brother? great, i liked everything. maria, would you like to have more than just a sister? appeared, or rather two sisters, but brother, i’m going with mine, it would be great, it’s great when you have a brother. have you heard that gleb’s daughter is now actively studying english? yes, i heard it. but if your relationship with gleb
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and, of course, with everyone else is confirmed, will you help your niece? in front of you are your dear sisters, at least in character, it seems, yes, i look at them, they are united by one thing, that with their love they created those families and showed that the impossible does not happen, and i think that this is what unites them, that they are kindred spirits, no matter where they were, 99 percent, brother, three sisters, oksana, do you think today you will become a sister three times? i would be glad. are you ready to find out if your siblings are sitting around you? yes, are you ready? ready. i invite daria popova, our
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dna specialist, to the studio. daria to you. a resident of the village of volkovo, oryol region, oksana kireeva, asked for a dna test. the woman grew up in an orphanage because her morally-minded mother once forgot her on the train. from her personal file, oksana learned that tatyana's mother grivennikova, before her there were two more children, but it is not known who: boys or girls. in the studio, oksana met her supposed older sisters, yulia grivennikova and maria gail ivanov, who grew up together in an orphanage until maria was taken to
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america by an adoptive family. maria, do you agree to find out who you are with yulia and oksana? yes, i agree. julia, are you ready to find out the result of the dna test? yes. oksana, we... can we open the envelope? yes. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged sister, oksana kireeva. on the other hand, her supposed elders sisters, yulia grivennikova and maria gail ivanov. the probability of your blood relationship is. 99.99.
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oksana, next to you are your two real, blood sisters, happy, yes, very, i’m very happy, i’m very nervous, but the sensations are completely different now, i would like you, sisters, to have a brother join you if your sisters have a younger one brother gleb, or is he just a namesake and... mother. in a couple of minutes we will find out the whole truth. look, today at 19:00 there is a federal threat. vladimir putin heard reports on the situation with floods and
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ordered the creation of a special commission, which will be headed by the head of the ministry of emergency situations. meanwhile, in the orenburg region there is an active evacuation of people from flooded areas. where is the most critical situation now? the state duma proposes to abandon paper payments for... where does this need come from and how quickly will it be possible to completely switch to electronic payment documents? watch tonight at 19:00, on the website and app now. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00. all methods are good when you want. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications
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in life, we underwent a genetic examination with thirty-year-old gleb from the moscow region, who saw each other for the first time today in to find out if he really is their little brother they never knew existed. daria, second envelope, please. three sisters, separated in childhood due to their mother’s immoral behavior, met in the studio. until today, oksana kirieva didn’t even suspect.
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grivennikov, the result of the examination is in this envelope. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged brother, gleb maslov, on the other, his alleged older sisters, yulia grimennikova, maria gail ivanov and oksana kireeva. the probability of your blood affinity is 99.99. it’s true, it’s possible, it’s possible, it’s a big shock, i can’t, it’s a shock, it’s a shock for me too, nastrum. gleb, you and
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your sisters have a new status, you are now your own, younger brother, well, it doesn’t matter anymore, an adult, younger brother. therefore , there is a family, there must be care, we were separated for various reasons, and let’s say, fate gave us the opportunity to reunite. maria, will you be able to become a real family? we will try. dna testing reunites families, even after many years.
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evacuation continues, reopening additional temporary accommodation points, volunteers delivering humanitarian aid, flooding in orsk, alexander tankikh. olga zenkova will tell you about the evacuation of villages, strengthening the banks, building a dam, and how kurgan is preparing to face the flood. fierce battles continue for belogorovka, interactions between advanced assault detachments and artillery of the seversky direction, report by alexey. ibleeva. at selection points for contract service throughout the country, queues are formed of those wishing to go to the north military district zone. in what is the reason for the sharp increase in the number of volunteers and what about the bear?


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