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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 9, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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you found it, not yet. you call this clean work? i will try to fix everything, you will try, you will try, i will fix everything, i pay you to solve problems, not create them.
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denis yuryevich, i hope you have already made an expert request regarding, regarding traces of limova’s dna on the suitcase in which my client allegedly kept it, no. i’m not going to say that you are his friend, how can you say that, you understand, there is dna, there is no dna, there is a body, there is no body, it doesn’t matter anymore, there is a criminal and a confession is all, you what are you kidding? you have a chance to save your
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friend, and i, as a lawyer, not a single lawyer will win this case, it’s impossible, you won’t dare, just don’t teach me morals, i beg you, please leave, this is disgusting and vile , and you, what am i, what am i?
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that’s it, i asked for time off, they gave me the day off for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, i can’t, i don’t have any strength anymore. did you tell seryozha? no. i thought you
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would say it yourself. yes, i don’t know, i’m afraid of something. well, if you want, i'll tell you. i’m no better, oh, my god, go ahead, bring the herring, i’ll be right back, hello to the students, hello to the police, what are we reading, lev shinin, notes from the investigator, oh, well, interesting, but he talks very simply about the work of the police, in reality everything is much more.
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they also call ushenina, did you read that? no, he only wrote that before the revolution the moscow criminal investigation department was called the moscow criminal investigation department, abbreviated as mus. well, then i thought about it myself. i see, oh, we 're already waiting, now, now i'm ready. so, oh, beauty, so, lilac, come on, my dear, so, yura, thank you.
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“seryozhenka, something happened, son, i, i don’t know how to tell you, i, the thing is that we uncle yura and i decided to get married when." tomorrow, don't you mind? no, it's high time,
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great, have a beer, little bastard, what do you need, yes, i would like to splurge, but you didn't come out to splurge, but with you i went out, if you open up again for something unrelated, i'll, i'll bury this in your throat.
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but i drive it alone, i'm unguarded at night, but what's wrong? well, this product isn't listed anywhere, and what if there's anything wrong with it on the road? happens, then no one will especially look for him, well, continue, well, come on, come on, tell me, well , everything is fine, normal.
5:00 am
you allow brotherly conversations, but i can at least cover breakfast, you think you bought it for me, why are you swearing dear, let’s not scold. “let’s be friends, what did you come up with, what’s that, i wanted to have dinner with you, but you’re fighting, so you’ll have dinner at home with your wife, take it, i don’t have a restaurant here and stop going here anyway.” there will be a need, call. okay, whatever you say, dear. goodbye. goodbye.
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skylimai, did you say something? i say all the best, beautiful. goodbye. hello, rayechka. hello. at home. at yourself, what are you really doing, what if someone comes in, so what, i’m not an ordinary visitor, i’m your wife, why can’t you stand it, i can’t, again at 2:00 in the morning you show up at the side, well, you know how i’m tired, so we’ll go to gagra, everything will make up there... “here we go again, well, you know how much work i have,
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god willing, i’ll make it before midnight, well then i’ll go to my friend’s house, spend the night, let’s sit and chat, you just need some bones wash it, okay, but so that breakfast is ready in the morning, there is my general, pine trees, i adore you" sister is looking for the younger brother vasya, who was adopted when their mother was deprived of parental rights to four children, we were sent to orphanages, but he was adopted by other children who learned about vasya’s existence only from the document about the apartment they were entitled to, this document means that me and my two brothers they claim the house as an orphan, that is, your name was indicated there, the names of your brothers, dmitry and vasily, but does the mother herself remember about her son vasya.
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the boy's word changes, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, from monday at 23:00 on ntv. well, here i am, my little bunny, so, did he let you go to your girlfriend? i still wouldn't let him go. well, kiss me, my girlfriend. then first there is secrecy, as the great lenin said, well
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, where are we going to secrecy, my little bunny, we’ll go to me, and you call him a bunny too, no, he’s a jerk to me, he’s a goat, well, the next trip is on schedule, so it wasn’t like the last time to deliver the goods, but i was going to moscow, because the cargo... you don’t tell me about moscow, you’re stuck in the woman’s hands , but you don’t know what to say, but i’m talking about everything and everyone i know, so improve your personal life without doing any harm. but as comrade beria says, we don’t have any irreplaceable people, we’ll quickly find a replacement, yeah, he’ll take your goods straight to petrovka 38, damn, they’ll take everything here,
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now to... you’ll take it where you took it last time, we’ll make a samson, so we’re working, why are we standing, schnele, schnele, put him aside, he’s settled in nicely with you, no state control, no taxes, just know how to cut your money, and don’t forget to share, but you better bring your broom, otherwise they’ll shorten it too much or they'll cut you off, what am i said? don’t stop on the route, and if you feel the urge, go for yourself, for yourself.
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well, they took it that you are staring, they took it and drag the garbage, demur, demur, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, garbage, del, come on, los, los, los, you’ll take the body to the quarry tomorrow. just tie the load well so that it doesn’t float, understand? i understand, okay, yes, so that you can walk around on your own all your life, they
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will rake there with shovels, and that means i pick up the crumbs, no, crap for you. i've already been stuck here for another three hours, uncle, and uncle, well, tell me your future wife before the wedding i’ve been walking around for a long time, for a long time, the whole night, oh, you’re painfully fast, yes, how fast can it be? “i tried to persuade her from the evening to the morning dawn, she’s not into anything, you say, either a hero or a soldier, look for someone else, well, that’s how the chairman of the village council screwed us the next day, right in the field country, so
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what’s going on with you, there wasn't even a wedding"? when the shusheita, the civil war ended, hunger, devastation, the sizlebeds stole in half, it was probably terrible, it was normal, but then we had children, a bear with a wolf, a bear he was funny, he teaches, they respect him, uncle, it seems like the car was driving towards us, and then turned, so what, it’s stupid, what am i
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doing there at night, and that’s right, let’s check it out. well, what did you bring? it’s a top-quality product, not some factory-made consumer goods, but made-to-measure, good market, crucian carp, check, uh-huh. order, well, money. yes, don’t be too fussy, you’ll get shares when we dump the goods, there will be more, only after we’ve paid for it, tie me up tightly now so that everything is natural, and then hit me in the head, just not too much, well
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this can be done, that those, we’ll figure it out, yeah, good night, garage guys, good ones, that you’re here and with friends, you’ve stopped to scribble, and it’s a good place for a conversation, but what are you bringing, you have documents, and you’re taking this to the factory, documents, everything, chechinar, well, sanya, look what they have there, uncle god, look, they lived, women’s bras began to be translated into branches, but i’ll explain everything now, listen, maybe
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we can agree, we’ll agree at the department, nix, tear your claws, this one is killed, you are alive, alive, alive, look, you shot one, there, yeah, hands, shoot, boss, i’m empty, let me bandage something, god willing, uncle, hold on, be patient a little, there’s a first aid kit in the cabin, come on quickly, run here, be patient
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. be patient with the guys, come on, i’m holding on, hold on, i’m holding on, i’m holding on, i’m holding on, let’s go , doctor, is there anyone alive, sister, anyone? is there anyone, where is the doctor? what do you have? live wound, how long ago was that? well, about 40 minutes ago. i'll help you, let's go, can you? andrey
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vasilyevich, there’s another one there. well, phillin, if i take what happens, i myself understood you, but what am i, i’m not involved, and there is no such law that without a trial like this, and in general i am wounded, allow me to call, yes, please, sergei vadimrovich, this is belyashen, yes, urgently. ekhim he was cut at the ninth kilometer, an attack on a truck with textiles, one was taken, one was killed, and one got away, the truck was confiscated, i
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called from the hospital, i understood, the doctor, how is he doing, don’t you worry, thank god, there was a blow tangent, well, of course, he lost a lot of blood, but he will live, everything is fine, eagle owl, this is the second one, yes, a bandit, it’s more serious there, by the way, we are cooperative now we're preparing it because,
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samsung. it’s a dream itself, wake up, have you gone crazy or something, the phone is ringing, i’m listening, gonta, you saw how a car with goods was covered, this can’t be, because the documents are in order, what kind of corpses are you carrying, a? now i’m walking, something happened,
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yes, things appeared, at 6 in the morning, and don’t bother me, by the way, i have a gift for you. the dream itself, you’re lovely, i know, you’re worried, yeah, well , don’t worry, you’re so beautiful, thank you, son, you’re my dear, oh, well, let’s get ready,
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no, you can’t yet, yes you can, you can, well how many you can get ready, come on, why should i get ready, am i getting married, well, brother, you know, getting married is such a thing, it concerns all of us, and you too. are you worried? there is a little, why? could something happen? what can happen? nothing can happen? well, that's what i'm saying, so there's nothing to worry about. you know, when you get married, then you will understand what to worry about. and i will never get married. and why is that? because
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there are no more people like mom. here you are right, but this is not yet a reason, although it’s too early for you to think about it, yur, can i ask you something ask, well, in general, somehow i’m not used to it yet, can i call you uncle yura as before, i just need to get used to it, no, of course, no problem, but just let’s agree from today on you , he’s coming, he’s coming, but you’re coming soon, why are you roan, why were you driving him, this is not moscow, where every day the cops bang, like hello, there’s an emergency here, you know what it’s like, this is when our
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brother is being dragged away. who's the buddy, well, come on, tell me who's the buddy, who, well, in short, they 've knocked them down, they've taken the bottlenose squirrel in the legs, now the musar doesn’t stab, but the cop, the cop in the hospital, who is this, uncle vova, god bless your soul, well, rasp, pray that he doesn’t die, that he regrets the frog, yes, yes, if this frog
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throw away... these you the cops will pull it out of the ground into pieces, chop it up, then put it back in the ground, that’s for sure, because uncle vova has great authority among them, but what about that? with a load, the car is parked in the yard of the department, but they also took it to the department, okay, we’ll sort this out later, that you’re lying down like a slut on the beach, let’s go, and what about where to atone for sins, so yakut, collect us a wild boar, if you don’t have enough of something, go to the store, got it, let’s go, let’s go. you go, i’ll wait here for you, sure, yeah, don’t be boring, we’ll be quick,
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aunty and... excuse me, please, but could you buy me a newspaper, otherwise i can’t do it myself, of course, boy, of course, i’ll buy what kind of pioneer truth for you, for me, here’s the money, okay, who do you want, truth and pioneer truth, but i don’t have change, here’s a boy, you need the press, and this is change, a lottery ticket, tomorrow’s circulation, really, maybe... i'm lucky, i'm already lucky, there's never too much luck, put it, please, your signatures here,
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here, and where are your witnesses, and we , so to speak, appeared without witnesses? confess, or this is not possible, you can, dear yuri sergeevich and polina nikolaevna, i declare you husband and wife, you can, wait, please come in, mom, congratulate each other, your union is sealed with a kiss, maybe continue in another
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place, and then you are enviable to god, please, thank you. so, now to you, oh, lord, yes, yes, andrei ilvich, you have a visitor, rachka, i asked everyone for the afternoon, yes, but they insisted, excuse me, dear, you again, i’m at wait a minute, i told you. forget the way here, sorry, dear, i had to remember, hello, it’s an urgent matter, but what was the cargo
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taken, how was it taken, who, where, the police, i don’t know the details, but they’re already interrogating the driver, so there was no need to save them. i said, we need to be more careful, let’s not figure out who is right and who is wrong, we need to save the cargo, everything, but you think it’s so simple, i’m doing the job, but you should think about things like these, i’ll give you money for it i’m crying, what, you just came to sanction me, come on, get out, let’s not quarrel if necessary pay someone extra money, i’ll pay extra, you know? well, that goes without saying, torizonov, supyanov, there’s a case, no, you can’t use the phone,
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come to me as quickly as possible, so, let’s do it, so what? let's prepare the wedding dinner, yeah, i'll cut it, chop the onions and potatoes, come on, yura! let's go, you and i need to resolve one issue, and you go to the kitchen, this is your question, exactly. in general, i don’t want these, this, in general, it reminds
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us of a past life, we don’t need them, we may not need them, but earrings would be great useful, no, legal, this money was earned from someone else’s misfortune, it will not bring us happiness, i feel, so what are you suggesting, take it out of sight, out of sight, where, well, i don’t know where, to the police? think of something, you’re a man, you’re probably right, that we have no arms, legs, it hurts, but nothing, just right, your hand is light, daughter, i’m talking about the wound, and you’re talking about this? yes, it happened worse, you know, i
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had a case at the front, we went on a counterattack, well, the fritz grappled hand-to-hand, and so my friend had a bayonet, his belly like that and ripped open, you don’t need to show it to yourself, but it’s nonsense to me, just imagine, his intestines fell out on the ground just like that, he collected them with his hands, stuffed them back into the empty space, straight into the battalion, let me tell you that you need peace, yes, yes , i know,
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listen, boy, go for a walk, so... and the arlys, that means they cut me off, uncle, a sword doesn’t cut off a guilty head, and you ’re going to tell the prosecutor this, understand? well, you know me, i won’t drive empty, rasp, show off, here you are, what have you done, son of a bitch, and what have you done, what if i i gave my soul to god, you should have a tower.
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just think with your head and then on whom to raise your tail, cormorant, i understand, thank you, and for you to chew it faster, i’ve been doing this for a long time. well, have a drink with me, bear, well, why
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not have a drink with a good person, of course, rasp, let’s pour it, good evening, neighbor, good evening, the pan is new, old, i rarely use it, it’s too big. how long are you preparing for this today? for three persons. the guy is good. wow. “you hold on to him, you won’t find such men in our time with someone else’s child, thank you for advice, andreevna, i’ll think about it, don’t be fussy, i shook it, i know what i’m saying, but i’m not here, something i andrey ilyevich
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didn’t understand anything, and what’s incomprehensible here, evgeny adamovich, the car belongs.
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” have already drawn conclusions, evgeniy adamovich, i am personally grateful to you. for the prompt actions of your employees, it would always be like this, after all , not everything is clear to me in this matter, andreevich, i am ready to satisfy your curiosity, evgeniy adamovich, but let it be, now what is required of you urgent measures, what exactly, well, what, send the cargo to moscow, that’s all, but the cargo is evidence, material evidence. my detainee is already silent, and without the cargo my case will fall apart like a short house, don’t exaggerate, the bandit was caught red-handed, there are witnesses, a protocol has been drawn up, after all, in court it is not necessary to present the entire cargo, but in the morning i have the phone was cut off with one single question: where is the cargo, where
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did it go, we don’t have the right to detain it any longer, okay, take your property, i ’ll make the arrangements. “that’s good, we will definitely recognize and reward your employees, thank you, success. " "varvara andreevna, my chicken didn’t see where it went, it saw,
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well, look, well, i took it for 5 minutes for navara, but i’m being a neighbor, i’m okay, next time just warn me, i thought, that she flew away, but - isn’t it a little, oh, it suits you, i’m choosing this for my wife. i just can’t decide, come on, come on, show me, pleasant to the touch, listen, well, of course, i don’t know much about women’s clothes, yeah, but judging by the texture, it’s a decent thing, you think,
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where did it come from, sashka belyashin , the whole car was taken away, with shooting, they really cut my uncle, badly, no, scratch. but one of them died, another is in the hospital, the third vorozhkov with the bone department was taken to heaven, things are hard here, yes, but i, you know, got married today, well, congratulations, thank you, but there is no gift for the young wife, lech , maybe you’ll give in, but it’ll be too big for her, but you know the size, but a blind man can see that it’s too big? a blind man can see it, but the bastard, no, he’s in the roomers, we have a warehouse there now. yes, come on, damn it, it’s great, it’s great,
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you were supposed to get married today, changed your mind or what? why, i'm already fast, huh that he came to the rescue, or that the young woman rushed into service right from the crown, something like that, what is this? yes, i go to myself, i look, it’s lying, you’re lying, that’s right, i ’m lying, it’s the treasury running wild, and where did you dig it up, an agent’s report, you’re lying again, and what do you order to do with it, i want to hand it over, and that’s what i have to do with it, the matter is running wild to the order , this is a chi to the one who led me to heaven, dressed markov, i understand,
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but can i do the same, well, for my wife, for god’s sake, comrade mayra, maybe two pairs, or at least 10, we have a whole lot of this stuff.
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i'll go, my comrade, come on, listen, dakukin, do you hear, it’s a waste of course to sing with garbage, but it’s not a waste to sing for him, so... you think he doesn’t understand that i would never rat out to you, of course he understands, and that he still has to live here, he also understands, but we showed him respect, and he pretended to appreciate it, in the end everyone is happy, diplomacy, next time we’ll throw something else in, what’s your share... come on, yes, yes, yes, i understand , no market,
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earring, don’t grab it, lunch is coming! what are you doing? can you answer one question for me? i can, don’t you think uncle yura was right? what are you talking about? do you know what? about the money you forced uncle yura to give away!


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