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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 11, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

4:50 am
“i calmed down a little, although i don’t understand how you can calm down at all, i almost went crazy until my parents came for them, it would be interesting to see you crazy, what it’s like, pavlik, the humorous mood has returned, so what it’s impossible, it’s still good, but that’s the point, pasha, it’s not good, you at least understand that these teenagers, children still, in fact, who have their whole lives ahead of them, were seriously going to commit suicide, they were choosing... "place, time, just like that, i understand, even when love is some kind of unhappy, if i were for every unhappy love jumped from the roof, pash, stop, i just don’t understand how these parents could bring their child to this, this time everything worked out somehow, okay, well, they made at least some conclusions, in my opinion already done, i give you a picture, son, we promise, now everything will be different.
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how could it be otherwise, you won’t get back together, i understand, and we won’t all live together anymore, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t be able to communicate normally together, we were advised to have a good psychologist, the court, i heard how you threatened drag each other through the courts, nikita, i promise no more courts, no more courts, honestly, i give my word. “we will decide among ourselves who will spend time with you and how, that is, you, you will decide, and we are ready to listen to your suggestions, okay, i thought, oh, can i sleep, babe, i had such a long day today, yes, it really was a very long day, it actually seemed to me that it was endless, thank
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god that all this is already behind us, so let’s go home? yes, go home.
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holy shit, where did he go, just all was looming here, maybe he spotted it, i said, we should have taken it right away, now look for candles, quietly, you go there, i’ll go there, you stay here, that’s it, let’s go.
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stop, stop, stop, stop! our father, even if you are in heaven, hallowed be your name. hello thy kingdom,
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thy will be done, on earth in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and see into temptation, but deliver from the evil one, lord jesus christ, son of god , i leave us with your mercy, put away your weapons, you are in the temple of god, forgive me, father, forgive me, holy father, what’s wrong you? die, you're crazy, forgive me, excuse me, father, forgive me, yes, who, isaul davidov, the former isaul, is chasing you,
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chasing you, cops, but i'm coming to you on business, to convey one thing that you need here, now , holy father. you'll see for yourself , maybe take it, holy mother of god, where did you get it from, it doesn't matter, they asked me to give it to you, but you are obligated to keep it, who? it doesn't matter. “excuse me, i need to leave, wait, you’re wounded, i think it’s serious, let me move you, they shouldn’t know that i was with someone here,
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goodbye, tatayu virgin mary, save and save. well, it’s nowhere, the bastard has left. yes, now they’ll definitely take off the skin, i still have to unsubscribe for this. it’s okay, it’s not going anywhere. we definitely put a couple of spits into him. yeah. he 's hiding here somewhere, if he's not dead. okay, you're here, guard. i’ll go find a phone number, call our guys, they’ll be here in 2 hours. we'll dig through everything. let's find it, here it is.
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girth six 41, chest girth 100, how puny, i’ll take it once, nothing, oh, girls, you didn’t see me before the war, now life is just beginning. i’ll come back for six months, why? at according to the regulations, we are sewn once every 3 years, but what if the size changes, the size of what? my heart, you know, my heart is growing, just take it apart, it’s not measured on the heart, only
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the chest, hip circumference 100, yeah, okay, you can get dressed, i wrote it down, yeah. bazhen kabul says, i remember you had one stallion not from our stable for particularly delicate races, i want to see his personal file, now let’s try. leg in the knee, yourself, yourself, i'm just helping, okay, okay, come on, bend the other leg yourself, bend it, bend it, i'm just helping, so, come on, come on, come on, it hurts, it’s very good, well,
5:00 am
certain changes, as they say, are on the face, doctor, tell me when i can walk, but not all at once, young man, not all at once, excuse me, where can i wash my hands? in the same place as half an hour ago. doctor, please come in, i ’ll help you now. “now, doctor, doctor, well, well, how can i tell you, there are, of course, certain shifts, shifts, i want to tell you, are very encouraging, but in short, i’m not a magician, young people, if you were expecting a miracle from me , then in vain. that is, no there is no hope, there is always hope, but
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turning it into reality is not always possible, which means the guy will remain disabled for the rest of his life, so what? i think i asked a question, i did everything i could, listen, doctor, maybe you don’t have enough money? yura, please excuse me, tomorrow i will send you everything you paid by postal order, with the exception of travel expenses, of course, let me go somewhere, doctor, please forgive my husband, he is a front-line soldier, he cannot always hold my emotions, sorry, me too front-line soldier sudara. “i went through the whole war from smolensk to berlin
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, thousands of such front-line soldiers from the other world, i pulled them out of the other world with these very hands, wait, maybe something can be done, maybe you know, of course i know other specialists, i’m just afraid, in your case they will say the same thing, everyone, except one, who, last name, address. lord god, with the address, forgive me, i can’t help you, all the best to you, the capital also shined for me, but what does he understand, a charlatan, shut up! well then he said i will walk,
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of course, you will run, yes, but you still need to undergo a course of treatment from another specialist, mom, and uncle legal, please promise not to lie to me again, okay. but i can walk without a doctor, sooner or later, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that i will walk, it’s clear to you, now, here, i hear the voice of a real man. listen, guys, i have an idea, today is a regional boxing competition. how about, seryoga, maybe we can go and get sick? the level is certainly not high, but... it seems to me quite decent. who will we root for? well, yes, what's the difference, we'll figure it out, and then
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let's take mom to the cinema with ice cream, okay? accepted. is there something wrong? no, that’s exactly how it is. it’s even hard to believe that so many virtues can fit into one person. all its advantages are slightly offset by one drawback. it can get out of control. how do you keep him in line? well, while we have it, where will it go? and before, before fear, i successfully
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hooked him at one time, but time passes, where is he now in the internal prison, it’s better to keep such people close by, what do you think, he capable of completing one more task, confidential, depending on what to promise, i want to talk to him, let's go. and take this with you, i obey.
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come on, well, hit, it was open, defense, go away, go away, but you fell asleep, oleg, oleg, come on, come on, dance, attack, maybe show him to some old man, look, the champion will grow up, if he doesn’t leave earlier, it hurts,
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smart guy, but get dressed, with this one over there.
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oleg pitrilov won, boarding school number one, well, comrades, so that tomorrow it’s like bayonets, it’s clear, come on, commander, hold on, what is he, we'll find out tomorrow, okay, bye. tomorrow, i’ll go now, yeah, well, me and yes, i got it, i got it, i’ll have a conversation, just you home, we’ll take mom to the cinema, to the cinema, hurray, and ice cream, well, of course, i promised.
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on sunday 6 pm on ntv there is a big gathering of real boys. the authority of sofa, who has five codes and 16 years in the zone, scored a shot against the main boys in the country. guys, you are worthless. for the first time at the market they will answer: junior adidas, you are now a boy, coat, either you or you, turbo, dear brother, different from mother, winter,
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let’s make ourselves a beautiful swan, yes, experience there, experience versus youth, okay, okay, let's go. authority is against the boys, whoever is not with us is against us, whoever doesn’t come is not a boy, the arrow is shot at exactly 6 pm on ntb. listen to the riddle, a man returned, he had not been in the city for 10 years, he came to his mother’s grave, in its place the owner of the meat processing plant was buried, with a monument. the question is, who got the money? what kind of justice is this? zhenya murin, your mother won’t forgive you, but will you? i think i didn’t play it safe, i don’t like these dances on graves, they killed him with mine, he’s strong he pinned you down, he wants you to fight on his side, you are his, i told you the truth, then you can do what you want. arseny robok, hot spot, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv.
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smoke, i don’t smoke, my boss quit, it’s bad for your health. you expect to live a long time, that’s right, but you want to live, there’s an offer, you’ll do everything right, you’ll live as long as you can. and not as much as i want, why the hell do i need this, i’m on the hook for you, you won’t get off me alive, if
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you gave me that daddy over there, i’d still i thought, if you do it, i’ll give it as a gift, what are the guarantees, do you have another option? aren't you afraid that i won't come back this time? yes, where are you going? next is the border, you still can’t escape, but if you let this enter, you won’t get to it either, or is that right? okay, then tell me, you guys! shchu, look at that,
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hurray, great. if you say anything holy again, i will tear you from ear to ass, understand? and in general, take all your shit and get out of here, run, sorry,
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boss, didn’t acknowledge it, let’s go guys, they won’t let you rest in peace. wow, that's great, let me have a smoke, so what? cinema, great, great, here's a bad guy, he'll ruin the whole mass, you can't even watch the movie,
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and this movie is on its last showing today, when will they bring it again, so maybe we should go home, well, no, i'm still a guy today i’ll set him off, i won’t fall asleep, and how do you want to set him off, this is it, if you look hard enough, we’ll find it, you can’t shake it with gloves, so don’t worry about the wind, what kind of wind do you like, my name is oleg, this is what you’re shading, this now your driving force,
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the one who upholds the thieves' law, the thieves' suit, you know, she's not outside, she's inside, right here, right here, i understand, but i don’t want to sit, i want to compete for dynamo, i truly thank dynamo to perform like a bastard, but i’m not a bastard, there are better coaches from all over the union, i want to perform and i will, oh well , okay, don’t boil, if you want it, then you will. and we will help you, how can you help me, like a sidekick, a sidekick, look, you want to be a boxer, but you don’t even have a travel outfit, you can only buy it in moscow, you better tell me where to get money, yes that money, garbage, dust, the main thing is friendship, real.
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oh, come on, run in, send the wind.
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now the wind understands what a real criminal life means? for these same wrestling shoes, what's their name, yes, yes, thank you, a real thieves never say thank you, he says: thank you, i understand, i understand, wait, this is from me to you, as a souvenir, just like that, thank you, thank you, this is our way, but let’s run. otherwise these won’t wait, they will survive everything without us, well, this is where i work, this is our office, this is where we eradicate crime, fight the alien element, this is where our war horse stands, and this is a shooting range, you are there learn to shoot, of course, we learn to shoot accurately, great, and this is our pride, class, yes, this is an american all-terrain vehicle,
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willysny. it’s called, if you want to sit, come on, sit down, well done, oh, well, it’s comfortable, yes, but what is it? and this is everyday comfort. listen, pauline, i was thinking, he’s finished the judge, maybe you should go somewhere to a resort, to mineral waters, for example, you ’re not working yet anyway, so what are we going to do there, drink for a little money, so it’s his and so there is enough in the stores, all the shelves are littered,
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me. in the battalion there was a guy from pyatigorsk , seryoga efremenko, and so he said that in the mountains they have such specialists who can raise the dead to their feet. are you saying that your seryoga will find such a specialist for us? “unfortunately, seryoga won’t find anyone, the sniper shot him under the brislav, you suggest i jump through the mountains myself to look for them, there’s no need to jump anywhere, i have the address of his wife, he wrote to her about me, we’ll call her for telephone conversations, i think he won’t refuse help, how do we know what it is? man, why does she need someone else's grief?" "if a front-line friend of her deceased husband had approached you, you would have refused, i would not have refused, but my husband, thank god, is alive, and at least sometimes they spend the night at home, is that a reproach, no, yur, well, maybe
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you’ll change your job after all, but i see you off every day as if you’re going to the front, can’t you see, where am i going?” “yes, and i don’t know anything else except how to fight, well, before the war you i did something, but when it was in a past life, and i don’t know, i got attached to this work, you know, you can’t jail everyone either, okay, that’s it, come on, that’s enough, closed the topic, what do you have, otherwise i should run away , well, i wanted to go with you, but oh my god, how could i do this? okay, that’s it, it looks like it’s not my destiny to have breakfast today, i’ll go, wait, wait, i, i, i wanted to talk to you seryozha, let’s go in the evening, but there was no time, that’s it, he left like a cow, like a cow.
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thank you.
5:24 am
good morning, mom, good morning, why are you so early, something fell here, it was our mother who cooked an omelette here, so much so that uncle yura left without breakfast, and what did you exchange for him? i wanted to say, there is one idea, but what, eh like this, but first wash your face, brush your teeth, and at breakfast i’ll tell you, run. hello, comrades, we’re sunbathing, well, boss, i’m accepting work, i didn’t fix anything, it was only yesterday, but you weren’t there, so come on
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, show me, show me, what’s wrong?
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look who this guy is coming to us, what a bastard, well, he’s lost, well... if people don’t tell me, we’ll give you a hint, and you hear, kurich, you won’t have a couple of cheese torn to pieces, my head hurts, it’s terrible , i can’t save you. you know, on holidays on weekends i don’t serve, barzoi, bourgeois, there’s your car what, and you don’t like something, i like everything except you, let’s go, kolyan, it looks like there’s no oil here, oh well, what are you, i’m telling you, the guys are fresh, but the faces are still the same, we’ve dealt with him , that’s it, you figured it out yesterday, citizen, right? okay, can you tell me where your church is, yes, straight
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to the left, thank you, please, so what kind of branch do we have? fifth fifth? why only five people? so because the fifth in the sense? well, in the sense that in the sixth there are six, in the seventh, respectively, seven, and so on, it’s just that in our department there are only seven people, where are the other two? and one is on duty, and the other is the boss, of course, well then let’s warm up a little and get started, there’s a right, let’s run! comrade instructor, maybe we can start right away, otherwise we
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’ll have to warm up for the whole day, but he’ll have to sit in the duty room, we ’ll have to work, molof, come here, but it’s as you please, so, let’s take off our shoes, theory first, self-defense complex without weapons, abbreviated samba is the most effective type of hand-to-hand combat, created in the early thirties by specialists of the military... cultural department of the red army, oshchepkov and kharlampiev, allow you to confront one or more opponents without weapons without any improvised means, or maybe it would be better to show something, well, there is someone willing, but of course, of course, we have our own heroes, uh-huh, for example, poddubny’s nephew, yes, he will twist you and your sambo into a mutton rock, gennady. he is really very shy, but he is a beast in battle. malov, come here, don’t be shy,
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come on, come on, come on, i ask you, show your class, well gennady, come on, come on, please, less you’ll run, like that, runner, closer to me, but what should you do, guys, pain, what to do, knock him down, come on, that’s not bad, nothing, nothing, be patient, cossack, taman! how do we work as a couple, and did you say something about
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several opponents or weak? ok, you can take a weapon of your choice, a stick, a knife, hold it, come on, come on, don’t let us down, let’s get started, come on, horns, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, get up, get up! yes, convincingly, well, now maybe you, come on, come on, don’t body, i’d better study, study, study again, as comrade lenin, lenin said, well, it’s clear, but you have no desire, let's try, here. not bad, not bad, where did you learn in the army, yes,
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regimental reconnaissance, but you are great at receiving, you will succeed, twice a month i will conduct classes with you until you are assigned a full-time instructor, but for now i will show you a few techniques against the enemy armed with a knife, please take the knife, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, bilyasha, mom, are you sure? that this is right, what exactly, well, that we are going there, you and i have already decided everything, or have you changed your mind? no, well then forward.
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now, god, please forgive me that i don’t
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know a single prayer, but i really ask you, make it so that i can walk, it’s not at all difficult for you, really, but i really, really... want to walk , i am everything you want to do for you, honestly pioneer, seryozha, don’t touch, you can’t, you can’t with your hands. why can't this be done? you can touch and kiss the cocoon if you pray with a pure heart, so don’t be shy. what about him? she was wounded in the spine by a shrapnel.
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whoever they turned to, it seemed like there was money, all to no avail. yes. do icons really heal illness? icons don't heal, god heals. but through the icon you can turn to the lord so that he can help. here's the healing. when and where was the injury? in the lower back area 6 years ago. so, oh, it hurts, uh-huh, if it hurts, it’s good, that’s why i say that because time is not lost yet,
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but we need to hurry, i live here at the temple, come this evening at about 9:00, i’ll try to help your son. thank you, mom, shall we go to him again? let's go. so seryozha, well, stick around to help you, madam, and well, well, well, seryozha, hold on, oops, thank you
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very much, you are always welcome, yes, a strange man, he seemed to help, but somehow his eyes are somehow not the same, not the same, scary!
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young man, are you catholic? why? you apply the sign of the cross according to the catholic rite. i repent, holy father, i am a sinner. actually, i'm not a believer. then why are you here? i don’t know, i was walking past and felt something. yes, i think i'll come in. maybe it will help. what, is something bothering you? yes, too, that everyone is fed up, there is little money, there is no happiness in his personal life,
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maybe you can help with something, but you haven’t tried to work, try it, it seems to me that in your case it will help, i think life will improve, the rest will work out, thank you, i’ll take it into account. you’re not so simple, saint, but that doesn’t matter anymore, right, earring, you haven’t eaten anything, come on, come on, eat quickly. “i don’t want something, mom, seriously, what are you doing, mom, do you
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think this priest will help me, well, he’s not a priest, he’s a priest, is there any difference, i don’t know, but just somehow pop'. pop- laconic forehead, like in a fairy tale, the priest is still good, what do you think, this the priest will help me, he said that not everything is lost, there is hope, not all doctors said that, and where are they now.
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i'm afraid, i'm afraid that he won't succeed. every time it doesn’t work out for them, something bursts inside me, something breaks. no more, we, we won’t go to him anymore, seryozha, we ’ll go to the caucasus today, uncle yura promised to send us to the caucasus, you know what doctors there are, wow, what doctors are there, the best in the union, no, let’s go , let's go, for some reason i believe him. so let's go.


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