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tv   Pyos-6  NTV  April 11, 2024 10:35am-1:00pm MSK

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liski 100 years ago maxim smagin, elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and andrey zubkevich, ntv television company, azov, novocherkask, london. and that’s it for now, stay on ntv. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphotransit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph, lymphotransit from the evalar company, yours spring update. good morning, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. after a surprisingly warm start, april is beginning to slow down, but the month of may is not the same, the most difficult situation is in the urals, the weather is stormy, there is rain in the sverdlovsk, chelyabinsk and kurgan regions, and wet snow to the north. on european territory.
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a cyclone funnel is spinning up in the center, and the northwestern volga region also falls into it, so it will rain in places and the temperature will drop by five degrees. in the north-west in the pskov and novgorod regions it will cost no precipitation, but it will be cloudy, around 13° during the day. the weather is similar on the shores of the baltic in the kaliningrad region. on the shores of the black sea, the weather is also almost summer, in crimea + 20-25, on the coast of the krasnodar territory it is a couple of degrees cooler. and now to the capital: in st. petersburg there is light rain, in the daytime it’s about eight degrees celsius, in moscow it’s too early to rule out rain, but during the day in the capital it’s much warmer, the air warms up to 15° celsius, and by this time i’m done, see you, oh-oh -oh, oh-oh-oh, i didn’t study well, we see, well done,
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uncle, help you, boy, my uncle , a professional, can’t handle this, but you help, well, help, uncle, what is needed here? say, you snot couldn’t come up earlier, but i let the bandit go for you, dad, dad, did my uncle offend me? yes, let's call, call your dad, i jackaled your dad, wake up and sing!
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okay, look, the box is missing, why did you kill your wife, who are you, hush, hush, hush, hush, how, i don’t know how you tell me, katya was killed, when, why are you setting me up here, they saw your car in her yard today, you know, on the day of the murder. when i the last time i saw her, she was alive, she was snoring so much that half the entrance should have been heard, and we agreed to meet with her in the morning, i came to her, i begged her to give me the painting, she doesn’t need it, for me it’s a memory about my grandmother, oh, the memory of my grandmother is good, commendable, well, in general, she mocked me, said that it would be better to cut this picture into pieces or give it to the homeless there for kindling, than... i would get it,
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this of course it was bad on her part, she killed me for that, yes, but i didn’t kill her, she went to the toilet and i added sleeping pills to the wine, so that she would surely die, but no, so that she would fall asleep, i waited an hour and rushed for the picture, of course, that is, i didn’t touch my wife with a finger, i just got the picture out of the frame, but i’m telling you, that’s what i was running away from you , what, what, i thought what?
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i woke up when he was hitting me with a hammer, like anyone woke up, no, when he was removing it with a dirty hammer, well, maybe she accidentally painted the picture, but you can’t argue, we managed to stop the exact time of death at 10:30, and vasiliev left the house by car at 10 , you see, leshenka, i’m showing off, we have dead end uh huh. how hard it is for me to get used to it, that’s why you didn’t put on the belt that i gave you, you don’t like it, no, i just, that’s simple, lesh, yes, i really don’t like it, after all, i’m a man, i can buy
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a belt for myself, that's how, what a horror, your school, god forbid, lyosha is impressed man, fuck you, i'm coming, wow, nestilov, i see, your head in the brain has again found problems with your ass, but put away the rake, do you hear, i found the brain, i by the way, he saved this boy, a boy, yes, a boy, five big guys wanted to sweep him away, failed. and you were the sixth, i scattered them to hell, yeah, well, of course, they resisted, well, they have cassette tapes, pistols, machine guns, machine guns, but what about me, i have one with bare hands and one bang, the second bang, the third bang , so, in general, while you were there fooling around with five big guys, i hacked vasiliev’s phone and found a clue, she left
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a request at the husband’s service for an hour, behold, what kind of people are they, which means she threw out her husband, and when she was in time to fool around, so she calls these boys, her husband, for an hour. by i’ll call these prostitutes, this is a service for small housework, yes, yeah, yeah, well , clean the pool, fix the faucet, my husband had to come to vasilyeva for an hour at 10:30, this is exactly the time of her death, give the address to the service, why , leonidov already knows where it is, though, lesh, well, i called them several times, yes, it happened, so now, well, by the way, i’m a busy man, yes, yes, i have... my hands out of assholes, busy with a pistol, or so, where are you going, for detention, body armor for the day, lenochka, by the way, i’m a man, you know,
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that i can manage without you, without your advice, your school, yours, apparently, is nearby.
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fedunki. and i decided to be beautiful. i have the right to cognac. against dmitry malikov. i apologize in advance for this confusion. ay, i finally found the key to victory. dmitry, you know that i just love listening to the shaman while listening to your song. chaliapin to me, prokhor smiles when we meet. and i want to do something so that dzhigurda would be ashamed of me, such a mistress, not a speck of dust, not a speck, everything is in the pawnshop, i wake up in the morning, i have oprah in my soul, i also wake up in the morning and immediately turn on the drill, kill me, kill me kill me too me, you are with a migratory bird, a soul is flying into the sky, it’s not me...
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but we are the police on business, and i understand, and you, we are also the police and also on business, yeah, sit, he, if anything, is also the police , i understand, it’s clear that we are slaughtering a goat, don’t you understand? i’m asking the goat, i’m killing him, as you just called us
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prostitutes, who are you, you’re call boys, you, whoever calls is you, and well , now i ’ll give you a second symmetry fan, but just be quiet, i ’ll shoot, oh, it’s broken, just a second, just a second, i can fix it, seriously? no problem 500 that 500, subdue 500, some water, yes also 500, no need. wait, how much do you get, well, 5.7 thousand, per month, per day,
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500, no, no need, no water, no need, guys, vacancies are available. there is, well, fill out the form, last name, there is passport information, for support, i don’t need to correct it, just hold it, give me a pen, yeah, varley, vasilenko, here’s your vasilyeva, i contacted you once, i was needed for technical work, which of these husbands to went to her - i sent the seeds to her, although he is new, the guy has golden hands, this semyon has a last name, or at least a photo of him, there is a profile, semyon olegovich karlov, born in 1982, just look at him, i took him 7 years
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ago, then i beat a client to death with a gas wrench, wait, 7 years old, this is the same for such an ordinary ten they give.
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phew, vindali, new thing, vindali, you said, only prostitutes work there, well , i was mistaken, normal louts work there, like that, i checked, normal dudes, they earn more than any prostitute, but who are our hands, what is this i'm a handyman i’m no one, on the contrary, i’m an asshole, oh, don’t confuse me! that ’s exactly what i can do, as an ordinary lout should be able to do, uh-huh, don’t believe me, if you want, i ’ll hammer a nail for you, hammer it for yourself, brain, maybe the smartest one, easily, come on, look what i didn’t see there, oh well, pay attention, oh, what is this,
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10:58 am
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gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. when ordering by phone on the screen. guaranteed to be protected from counterfeiting and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women order it for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. dmitry malikov vs. marine pedunkev. stars on saturday at 22:00 on ntv. each of us can change our future. sometimes for...
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we drive far, i woke up, that’s good, who are you?
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what you want from me? i don’t need anything from you, your husband should fix everything, what kind of husband? what husband? do you have a lot of them? maxim maximov? we have been divorced for a long time, my husband, alexey leonidov, is a police major, the same policeman, that’s good, although i don’t care who will help me, with what? will prove that i don’t care for anyone...
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she never turns off her phone, never, here, well, maybe it was i who offended her in some way , she didn’t hang up, well, dial again, but i’ve already dialed, a thousand times, well, let’s dial once again, damn battery, so take my phone, which one is yours, my phone is dead, oh, yes, damn socket, lyosha, phone, look, lyozhek, where were you before, here was how you wrote it down, wife, what kind of wife, ex, of course, what are you, what are you, well, look, here that’s it, we’re calling, well, hello, maksimov, karlov, listen, karlov, if you even touch her with a finger, i’ll tell you, leonidov is here, two husbands are a couple, no one has touched your lena and will not touch.
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you will prove that i didn’t kill anyone, you have 24 hours, well, you took him, you know where to look for him, there is, of course, one little thought, lyoshik, all the same, i subdued, i say, hand-assed, asshole. gun, i didn’t understand, and what it was, well, i gave myself here, uh, give it here, give it here, give it, give it,
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they began to suck, nothing, i can’t handle it myself, hello, boy, girl, what difference does it make to you, a boorish juvenile, well, lads, let's remember fate, he was a good thief, a correct one, an old one, a sack, so which one of you is here, thunderous, oblique, crooked, well, let's say it's me, but i didn't call anyone, i didn't i have to call myself. i volunteered, i’m from
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the sub-police, back in bratva, how behind the times we are, look at the uniform the garbage has now, it means the station is like that, you’re crooked, i’m the captain of the nest, you rent karlovo to me, and i quietly leave and don’t bother anyone, why am i leaving quietly? it’s not like i handed over anyone to you, but now you just called me a trash rat, yes, no, i didn’t crash, i didn’t piss, you’re lucky, it’s garbage, what are you talking about, i’m a jack of all trades, i’m now hung up, by the way, at our company this kind of work costs 50 bucks, so if you tell me where karlov, you and i will be
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even. yes, oh, that's it, garbage, now you 're gone, this is the mirror, the last one. i had a memory of soroka, now you will hang in his place, hello, citizen bandits, sorry for interrupting, but i’ll have to let go of the wretched one, yes, let go, yeah, yes, easy, oh, spectacular, listen, trash, yes, ah maybe you too want to swim, huh? thank you, i’m somehow afraid, come here, lie down, it’s clear, if anything happens, i’m a policeman, come on here, oh, come on, give him
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here, come on, i’m the one behind him, come on, come on, come on, not at me, why the hell did you leave him? you came, go, i need karlov, but i don’t know where he is, i give you a tooth, you give me a tooth, well, let’s go to the department, we’ll register with the teeth, find the plug. he knows, he and karlovo kicked back one day, i punished him for the pokes so that he wouldn’t let karlovo go free, sharpening means for the poke, okay, off him
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stay, max, wait, i’m with you, and you go there, and mom, max, he again, hear, “this husband broke the antique mirror, let him work, fair, fair, well, crap, come out, the toilet is i’m clogged, i came here with a friend, i’ll leave with a friend, so you clean the toilet and get out of here, at least we can deal with this”? and the last thing i told her was that i can do without you, yeah, but i can’t do it, but it’s all
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crazy, you already said, if anything happens to her, i’ll never forgive myself for it, myself it's here, let me in for god's sake, really, oh, here's the plug, huh? well, he said, where is this karlov, that’s it, go ahead, honestly, shut up, shut up, that means you’ll go as an accomplice, i’ll personally
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arrange for you the toughest zone, i understand, if you decide to play good bad trash, then at least switch roles, this one over there in a suit, out of spite... it doesn’t suit you, you haven’t had a lot of arrests, well, honestly, well, you’re going too far, oh, captain dermilov, get out of here, on your side, stand up, on the other side, this is all from -for you, by the way, he left me with this freak, lesha, he left me with this goat, and he forced me to the toilet honor, i was like a hedgehog there, and there was shit, how the hell he fell in my face, he took it in my face, through him or something he left, where i dived on the wave, came out, that's enough , take away this piece of shit, i’ll tell you what , well, i left here, i left here, i told you, there’s no time to work here, so now
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you’re telling everything, then i’ll wave it, well, i helped karlovo buy a black minibus without registration, and the license plates y... i've already twisted it myself from other cars every week, well done, sorry, phew, sorry, tell me the address. an abandoned house on the outskirts, they 've been wanting to demolish it for 3 years now, but they still can't, i know where it is, come on, lord, uh, uh, and i, well, at least try the hood, great guys, i came to get sewed up, i'm tired of being a dud, kid, now with us, who's the eldest? i’m the boy’s word: there’s blood on
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help not only restore liver cells, but also fight their cause destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. you are my basket, favorite chicken for 199 rubles in rostix restaurants. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. guardian angel, spiritual patron of each of us. introducing a medal with an image of an angel, covered with clean. 999 silver. the guardian angel cannot be seen with the eyes, but his presence is always felt. give yourself or your loved ones a guardian angel medal as a symbol of connection with your heavenly patron. phone number for ordering: 8 800 600 68 05. the medal is especially valuable due to its unique characteristics, plating made of pure 999 sterling silver, color image of a praying angel on a. a brightly shining crystal and a prayer
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to the guardian angel minted on the reverse. enlighten me today and save me from all evil. order your guardian angel medal, plated with pure silver, for only 499 rubles by calling the toll-free number: 8 800 600 68 05 or on the website angelchrani.rf. hot spot. new season from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. five she sleeps in mountains of garbage under the ceiling of her own apartment and assures her grandchildren that her house is clean: if everything is so good with you, then why is there a bad reputation about you? because i am alone. these are really necessary things, some need to be thrown away, but what is this? well, that's already outdated. the neighbors are afraid that the owner of the garbage mountain will burn down the whole house and take medicine because of the complete unsanitary conditions, there are exposed wires, the sockets are all littered, there is a short circuit, it will all flare up, my wife has health problems, there is some kind of allergic reaction, why
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grandma doesn’t do the cleaning herself and doesn’t let her daughters do it, she doesn’t take anything out, on the contrary , she brings it in, we often see her at the garbage dumps. categorically doesn’t accept my mother already said: i don’t want to hear anything about her, from her garbage, and how can the neighbors escape from the landfill in a five-story building, only eviction, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, you promise not to scream, then gags some more. untie me, please, i won’t run away, for sure, i promise, we’ll let it happen, we came to vasilyeva’s call, she was already dead, and 7 years
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ago, what happened, well, i was in trouble then i worked as a plumber, and... from the thirty-second house, every day they called me for little things, well, think about it, every other day i went to see her, i really broke something every time, who knows, maybe she broke it herself, klinia, she she egged me on, but she wasn’t my type at all, well, people saw that i went to see her every day, on the day of the murder, on the day of the murder, the boss called me to his place, he said, run away, the troublemaker missed you. the skatina itself is neighing, but i took the tool and went, we found her already dead, i go in, and she’s in lying on the floor in the corridor, on the roof in the sea, my adjustable wrench is already in this one, well, about 3 days later
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, someone from my closet grabbed it, they ran away, why that time, i just came out of the entrance, your maximov is here something... and for the first time too.
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it’s for me, or for me, you need to run, only the whole country is already looking for me, you need to buy time, i believe you, it’s yours, bet, i’ll call you back as needed for... proof of your innocence, run, what you're waiting, i'll hold them back, don't go, and where the door is, there's behind me,
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well, where are these two idiots, yeah, now it's on the master is afraid. lena, we are here, lena, where are you? max, lesh, lena, i’m here, forgive me,
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forgive me, forgive me, i really can’t live without you, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine.
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oh, by the way, friends, pay attention to my new belt, i didn’t put it on because i’m some kind of henpecked, because i really like it, impressive, lesh, i lost weight from stress, yes, apparently, by the way, this karlov of yours you they put him on the wanted list, so he won’t leave, we need to prove that he’s not guilty, do you have stockholm syndrome, or what? maksimov, judge for yourself, karlov not a fool at all, if he were a murderer, he would n’t have set himself up like that, especially twice, just don’t forget that it was he who kidnapped you, he didn’t lay a finger on me the whole time, he was clearly set up for...
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well, well... half price, thank you, i can handle it myself, why the hell will you take it with an awl, i’ll take it, i’ll take it, yes, yes, there is one proven method, look, i’m showing you, don’t be stupid, oh, you saw it, you degenerate, when will you shoot already? did you shoot the nest or something? yes, he himself will cope wonderfully. i understood the information on karlov, as you asked, i think he
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they really could have been framed. the fact is that a couple of days before he was arrested for murder for the first time, his uncle died and left him an impressive inheritance. i wonder if karlov could have found out about this? i should ask him, when he has already escaped through your efforts, i can contact him, please give me your phone number, what do you tell me? groscope? here, in our country, female meanness knows no bounds, but i only recently found out, now i know who set me up, no, i ’ll go to the police myself, right?
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while karlov was in prison, the inheritance allegedly received by his cousin voronov, by proxy. if there’s that kind of money at stake, you don’t have to pay a notary, anything is possible. so he set him up, where did this raven even come from? well, that's a good question. 7 years ago he was also a plumber, but somewhere completely on the outskirts, now he has a large mansion in a prestigious area. does that mean i need to visit him? no, max, the key word is prestigious, there’s nothing to do there without a warrant. let's send our husband there for an hour, oh, she won't need any more. igor, tell me, don’t you want to earn extra money on your own? main specialty, especially husband, what
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area, the most elite. double tariff, you have beautiful fingers, then take triple, what are you wasting on trifles, thank you, well, no, well, no, the crow’s wife will immediately understand that she is being scammed, well, first of all, she didn’t call anyone, so that means we have to do it so that she needs it, just like us, i’ll finish it now,
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who are you? uh, i’ll take your husband’s place for an hour, what? husband for an hour, well, well, at least you could be enough for 7 minutes, which is 7, i might be enough for eight, listen, let's get out of here, y i have such a head, wait, you misunderstood, i’m a mr. jack of all trades, i can do everything, we’re currently running a promotion: one service is free, if you want one service without money, well , since it’s free. come in, i’m already getting such a headache from this squeal, well, thank you, yes, yes, that means, here’s the remote control, it’s for the alarm system, it’s responsible for the smart home system, i understand, yes, we worked with this one, oh, yes, i don’t like that five times apiece, that’s it, figure it out, don’t worry, i’ll deal with it now, how else
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can i figure out where you’re opening the bastard? okay, we let's go the other way, oh, old acquaintance, what a foyro, she urged the soldiers, call murin evgeniy, this murin again, he's a damn guy, he was in the war, he trampled the zone, arseny robok is returning, the smart guy in the city is taking up... the weapon again, i expected something like this from you to restore justice, the hero plays alone, i know people like him, hot spot, new season, soldier, i'm done, i'll tell you everything, i ask again, who is your ambassador, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv, all methods are good!
11:30 am
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of energy required. call and order a cordless chainsaw forever and get a reliable and faithful assistant. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. on sunday. 6 pm on ntv, a large gathering of real boys, the authority of sofu, who has five moves and 16 years in the zone, has scored the arrow of the main boys of the country, boys, you have no price, for the first time they will answer for the market, junior adidas, you are now boy, coat, either you or you, turbo, dear brother, different from mom, winter. let's make ourselves a beautiful swan, but we have experience, experience against youth, okay, okay, let's go, authority is against the boys, whoever is not with us is against us, whoever doesn't come is not a kid,
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the arrow is shot at exactly 6 pm on ntb. so well, well, god bless you.
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free, pay money, right? i’m listening, hello, it’s me, my phone is still on, i managed to track him, he’s in
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the same abandoned house, you’re my brother, and unfortunately my cousin, that’s all grandfather's inheritance should... have gone to you, is that fair? no, but since childhood i love justice, but you set me up, and... that you will die in prison, what a bitch you are, who knew that the crooked thief in law would begin to punish you, and you were afraid that i would get out from prison i will begin to take revenge on you, but you can’t imagine how exhausting it is to follow you, choose a victim, pretend to be you, kill, call the police, finally. you need to have respect for
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my work, and you fled the scene of the crime because i didn’t kill like this i didn’t kill you, here’s a hammer with vasilyeva’s blood on it, so everyone will think that you repented and committed suicide. no, i can’t come now, but if your socket is broken, you pour water on it, it will definitely work, well, of course, i’m the master, i don’t want to work for my uncle anymore, you know why, i’m not interested, absolutely, so , opened a company for myself, without doing it for an hour, i now threw everything on the internet.
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no, shut up, that's it, brother, it's time for you to go to the wat, and no one will know about it, but why did i find out, here i am, by the way, you shouldn't have come here garbage, you're addressed, now the legend is changing, come on, karlov killed you, and i'll kill him anyway, in self-defense, of course, great plan, and, by the way, not a bad one, you're a moron, nerdy, man, come on , max, max, i’ll save you now, lie down,
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and man, man, live me, how can i deceive me, how can i deceive you, i see, mos, what do you need, what kind of sibilin, well, you’re a policeman, igor, you must have a gun, how exactly, i forgot, oh? oh, man, why have you already flogged him? goronov, don’t even think about it, stop it, don’t, raven, me! i didn't do it on purpose, i
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by chance, maksimov, i lost my way again, oh-oh, oh, hush, hush, what is it again, i came to thank you, right? somewhere a wolf died, come on, i’m listening to you, thank you very much for believing me, helping to acquit karlovo, innocent people shouldn’t sit behind bars, i agree, by the way, i also completely agree with you, you know, lesh, you i don’t at all have to go along with everything, i even really like it when you contradict me, you’re able to stand up for yourself, well then...
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well done, you’ve prepared, come on, knyazdilov for an hour, come in already. come on show what you can do there, but actually it’s not
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about these matters, i ’m cleaning it back and forth behind the port, i won’t even dance. if you clear the constipation back and forth, then i can do it, no doubt about it, what are you doing?
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tell me how it ended? quiet, do you know how my dream ended, lyosh, are you right in the box, those are probably there, come on, your health is in the game. yes, what do you think about the version, the guy went to the post office and sent it to himself? yes, that’s great, unfortunately, a birthday is only once in a coffin, yoborok, well, it’s more like a birthday, a sad holiday, guess the melody, yes, when it’s in a box of
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pencils, uh-huh, well, it’s clear and demobil is a samba in murder, man, well, just a rebednik gave himself a gift, well, this. how interesting is that? lyosha, well, how, a man lived with himself, felt great, then he got tired of it and, as maksimov said, that he took them himself, sent them to himself, that he taught them on his own head, yeah, better tell me what kind of book he has , there is a gravmanterist dumas, and uh, revenge or not revenge, that is the question, yes, yes, yes, it’s ptushkin, that’s it. look what happens to those who during his lifetime, igor nikolaevich didn’t read pushkin, what does that have to do with it, it’s just that i was often locked in a coffin as a child, but you don’t really read it there, no, in the closet, you know, you don’t read it there either, but i grew up there, he has signs of claustrophobia, nothing, yes, yes, yes, igor, i’m
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just a little hot, oh-oh, get into the coffin, where did you go, vodka, or what? the wound to the heart was fatal, the impact was enormous. thank you, what a strange knife you are? looks like a butcher, doesn't it? well, yes, this is a knife for cutting veins. well, i lived in the cutting lane, we we'll leave you, happily.
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let's not talk about hatred, let's talk about love, our anniversary is coming soon, do you remember? of course i remember. maybe you want something special as a gift? no, leonidov, we will not consider a set of kitchen knives as a gift. and we won't use a deep fryer either. and an iron. and forget about the kebab maker altogether. i want some surprise. something romantic, there is one butcher who arouses my particular suspicion, this is vasily rudz, that this is one, we have you know how many of them there are in the city, you will hesitate in shasta refrigerators, you say, yes, but before working at the market, he was an entrepreneur.
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your favorite and long-awaited show stars in a duel marina fedunki, and i decided to be
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beautiful, i have the right to this cognac, against dmitry malikov, i apologize in advance for this mess, i still found the key to victory, dmitry, you know that i just love listening to the shaman while listening to your songs, chaliapin prokhor smiles at me when i meet him, and i want this. to do something to make dzhigurda ashamed of me, such a mistress, not a speck of dust, not a speck, everything is in the pawnshop, i wake up in the morning, i have an apres in my soul, i also wake up in the morning, immediately turn on the drill, kill me, kill me, atosha, kill me, you and the migratory bird are flying into the sky with my soul, i didn’t give my grandmother the medicine. the apartment is now mine. stars. today
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marina fedunkev and dmitry malikov will fight to reach the finals. on saturday at 22:00 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank. everything will work out. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. peace of mind, it is priceless, it can be lost due to a lack of magnesium, but there is magneles b6 forta for affordable price. magneles b6 forta contains twice as much magnesium and is enhanced with vitamin b6. twice as many pills to take. magneles b6 forta - affordable magnesium for your peace of mind. try investing in walls and continue if you like it. open an account with tenkop investments and receive a starting rub 50,000 from the bank. you take the income from this amount for yourself, as well. if it does not exist, then there is no need to compensate for losses. a zinc investment is just tinks.
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what are you doing, well, i told you that everything will be fine, today at 20... don’t stay here, thank you, igor, i can still count, come on! i'm into sugar, yeah, listen, igor, can i ask you a question, as a police captain, how do you drive with your claustrophobia ? , no, it’s terrible, but there’s something
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to see here, you come in, no, you’re the first, so i’m already here, let’s go here, it’s more spacious than in the car, there’s light, yes, turn it on, oh, well, okay, it ’s clear, the cave of the dish, cannibal, and as i said, figures, i don’t know why, you said that you pestered me, like that, damn it, you bastard, what have you got doesn’t work, look, igor, a golden tooth, how much, idiot, but i understood, yes, that means, look, the butcher knocked out his teeth, why himself,
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no, the developer, yeah, then he cut, chopped, himself, no, developer, again developers and sent to myself for my birthday, that ’s where for myself, yes, yes, as i understand it, you’re here and without snot, we’ll sort them out as developers, yes, i’ll figure it out, i’ll look for teeth here, look , of course. and don’t say, uh, stuffed animals, did you forget your teeth here, that’s right, you lost your teeth here, huh!
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and there, yeah, come on, be careful, legs, here so, yes, that's it, wait, let's get in with him. and who are you? and on occasion i deliver the poor to the department, but why are your teeth churning too? no, why, oh, it’s completely in vain, i would have quit,
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no, it’s out of rage, out of rage, what blind rage you have igor, you shit your little swallow inside, why, no way, dude, it happened artistically, no matter how many times i tell you, i’m nobody i didn’t kill you, but you killed me, the bastard, but there was a warrant, so why the hell don’t you wander around the corners with a flashlight, over the coals? to the coals, he says, to the coals, close the door, we have witnesses,
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who saw, heard how you threatened to kill this korniyov, and get a life sentence for this horseradish nit, i’m not going to climb into a 2x2 meter stone bag for the rest of my life, yagai, close the door. close the door, where is this tooth? i found it on the street, i found it on the street, my mother taught me to watch my step, are you all sick here or only half of them, everything, everything, everything?
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a little out of our profile, i understand, your profile is sewing dismemberment to a butcher, right? yes, we’ll sew it on, we’ll look, we’ll check, maybe we’ll let it go, take it. no, just tell me, leave it alone at least a crack, i don’t promise a bay, it cracked in your stupid head at once, what is it, i practically split it with a draft, split it, you’re our unfinished claustrophobe, well, say nothing like that here, i’m not not i’m not claustrophobic, do you hear, yes i am grew up in a closet, it’s clear that you grew up in a closet, igor, in a small one or what? yes, in a small one, okay, yes, like a box, yes, like a box, let 's check this thing now, let's check it, look, moron,
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thanks, friend, here i got the box, moron, these are excellent, wonderful swiss candies , you know what he’s shouting, lyosha, it’s not the topic, now your box is not the topic for you, deer are even very much on topic for the anniversary, huh? a gift, well, let’s go see her, then i’ll also give her a sleeve as a bonus, don’t even look at this one. so where do we have it, i wonder, return it to its place, there are the results of the examination, the blood on the sleeve does not belong to a person.
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moreover, the ore was at the collective farm market at the time of the murder, and the sellers were witnesses to this, animal blood, or what? well, i don’t play like that, but what should we do with this flayer, understand, forgive, or something, apologize and let go, but there is better light in the dark kingdom, but this , of course, is the golden tooth and... well, there is dna analysis, and this is roman lazebnik. previously charged with assault, here is the address. lenechka, well, you, you, you’re just a genius, while he’s alive, you’re lying temporarily, temporarily alive or temporarily to your husband, it’s up to you to decide, nearby.
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which floor, sixth, sixth, great, lots of oxygen, few people, i’m sure that’s it, bye, bye, what, no food, stuck, yes, that’s what you need, max, let me out, he wanted it that way. mas, max, squeeze, squeeze, why the hell are you doing this? did, oh, no, no, no, that's it, that's it, that's it, let's kick it, let's go, he had a second chance, that's it, let's, bye, bye, bye, what, ah, max, yes, he's not going, i i know, i'm shocked, you're in the elevator, igor, burn the water, goats, people, and...
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move away, hello, what do you need? roman lazebnikov, let’s say, let’s say, we need to talk to you, well, the two of you are talking to each other, you’re crazy, these are dogs, who’s talking to her? vasya, if you please, i’ll take my dog ​​to the zone. looked like vasya, what kind of nonsense, well, take it, what kind of nonsense are you hospitable to the police, a lasimnik, you would immediately say that the police, take the dog away, okay, don’t scare your uncle, move away, move away,
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that’s it, the dog is gone, give it back to the student, come on, so, yes, here, whose, mine, how, in short, my friend and i ran into a butcher, the respected man got his money, yeah, just as we ran into him, we left, and what’s more, this bully.
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well, you're going, no, which floor to go to, sixth, sixth, come on, leave. what about rosino? works as director of florian bank, partner of the murdered korneev, yeah, he was involved in several cases, but each once i got away with it, well, that’s right, but as you wanted, bankers should get away with it, yes, stop, i’m getting up,
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what is this? wrappers, you’re collecting, what , it can’t be, what, how, how, who , how, where, what, for us with cheese, with sausage, if you hid it, let’s go, i’ll show you, come here, you! where don’t you hide from us that you ’re staring at me, it’s not me, it’s your mouth, it ’s not chocolate, it’s okay, you’re already eating it, i don’t mean, lyosha, well, there was one stinking
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candy, what was it? leave it and i sharpened it, but why not just like that candy, well, who gives this, oh, it’s a pity, i can’t kill, why before the anniversary, and this... very good, lyusha. okay, i, i'm going to the bank, sort it out. pepper. come here. i have to go buy a new gift. yes, what, what to look for there? buy me another one, yes, oh, but he says he didn’t eat it. and they mean, lenki? here you buy them for me. lyosha. great, guys, i'm getting sewn on.
12:11 pm
what are we going to do when the batch starts? here you are, stronger than tears! you've driven your mother crazy! i'm sorry, the boys don't apologize, but what the hell are you doing? them all into the ground tramp, boy's word, blood! on the asphalt, let's boys, let's give the word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the most anticipated television premiere of the year from monday at 23:00 on ntv,
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12:14 pm
alfabank is the best bank for business. dmitriy malikov vs. marina fedunkev. stars on saturday at 22:00 on ntv. sinoden. ease of movement. oh, our terminator is running. petrovna , wait, where are you going this time? my grandson took me to music. i’ll pop home now, feed the cat and go back to pick up my grandson. look, he's setting a record, in the morning the grandson goes to the garden, then to social services, then to the post office, the grandson from the garden to music, evening nordic walking, and she also got this cat, you know what she called it, sinoden, these are the kind of joints you need to have so that living on the fifth floor without an elevator, you can run so briskly, an accurate terminator, liquid, in an ordinary legs were long ago. from the back, and i’m telling you,
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her funds are from the future, there’s no other way to explain it. sinaten - ease of movement. call right now to quickly get detailed advice on the drug sinaden. everyone who calls our line when ordering a course, in addition to a detailed consultation, will also receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge. in this case, you don’t even have to pay for delivery. yes, yes, you heard right, delivery is also free. ok. they were scrambling home, oh, petrovna is already back for her grandson, the girls are on the ski track, by the way, and you’re like that with her in between, ask what kind of sinoden this is, call now, find out detailed information about the drug sinoden, because today anyone can receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, as a gift, and you won’t have to pay for... delivery, order the sinaden course
12:16 pm
directly from the manufacturer right now using the number on your screen, without any extra charges or commissions, remember, delivery is also for our сnaden - ease of movement meeting place today at 14:00 on ntv. as teenagers , brother and sister learned that their father had there is a legitimate eldest daughter, but he is not at all interested in her fate. stayed, she was born on sakhalin, her surname is the same as ours, they tried to find her sister, but their search led to nothing, well, where, he says, i’ll find her for you, dad was offended by his previous wife, after after the death of her father and the death of her brother, the woman still hopes to meet her older sister, my brother has passed away and i am this search, that is, i continue alone on my own, will the daughters of the same father still manage to get to know each other, i was not divorced with his first wife. left for pre-training, she
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got together with another man, he left me a baby, dad’s gait, what are we going to do about the fact that there is a discrepancy with the date of birth, and a serious one at that, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv, tina, where are you? yeah, so girls, let's go to the steam room.
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vano, i’m glad to hear this kazim, he lost his tongue, your time is glass, listen, zaremba, well, you yourself understand what time it is, next week i’ll give you every penny, your pennies don’t matter anymore, you can’t cheat me, this is the main thing, but why throw it away, i’m selling the house, the servants, he licks all the corners for show, i give 7 days and tell the servants that it’s better to scrub the jacuzzi before... and not with bare asses, yeah, now he’s in full swing, menacing, like a dung beetle ,
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a coincidence, i don’t think so, well, every fool knows her, her, you managed to accidentally read dumas, than i didn’t read about the book, i didn’t read the book, but i encourage you, what do you think, who saw the corpse
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igor, but in the phones? there the phone drowned, let me rephrase, lyosha, whose phone, well, go get it, it will be yours, yeah, what if it’s there camp, that means there would be steam, yeah, and if it’s wildly cold there, it would be logical to have ice, you ’ll get hydrophobia, igoryosha, and besides, i grew up in the water, well, you see how, well, let’s dive in, yeah, and you, well they found max and me in the cabbage, don’t tell everyone they’ve eaten me. why should anyone fly, who should crawl, and who lost their phones, let’s go,
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i didn’t even imagine that, dumas, alexander, he doesn’t even look like dumas’ son, but don’t worry, it’s... i’ll check it in the database of juvenile delinquents, so you uncle, watchman, protect you from vandals protect everyone, you yourself are a vandal, i lived on
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the phone, a drowned man, you know who the last call was from, son of dumas. is this some kind of joke? no, these are mice, len, who was the call from? someone called ivan zaremba, he is listed in our database, specializing in debt collection. ah, collector, place of residence unknown, cunning bastard. that's it, i ran. come on, come on, thank you, thank you. guess what it is? zaremba address. take it higher. placido domingo. his address? front row tickets to the plassido domingo concert. congratulations, well done, lyoshenka, it’s not fun, i’m not i understand, but there is no my ticket, and there won’t be, that’s it, that’s why it’s not fun,
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for fear it will ruin everything for us, stand, listen, go over there, i won’t go there, it’s crowded there, there cats are annoying, but i love fresh nature, look how many puddles there are, look, everyone there wants you dead, but the cats don’t, don’t, don’t scare the cats, be quiet. nest, are you completely screwed or something, that i’m shooting at the door, i noticed, one hole for breathing, the second for seeing, the third, well, just in case, that’s it, forget it, igor, there are children walking around here, be careful, what did you blurt out?
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good morning, comrade maksimov, good morning, and i thought that i no longer owe you anything, no account, nothing, you don’t owe me, you just see how... “i need the region for it, but i don’t know it , and you know him, he’ll kill me, comrades, let’s go, let’s go, where, i understand, he flew off, can you imagine, he said that..." this sally cat went into the basement to hunt them, and what is this, it’s him whether? yes, he shot, one hole says to look,
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the second says to sniff them out, and the third, yes, i ’d better show you, yes the bastard, oh, i’ll come out, i i’ll squeeze you out, as i say, he’s completely gone, how are you going to go see him, or has he quietly gone crazy here, or what, are you, second floor, comrade maksimov? i have information pozarimbi, how are you on time, come on, let's climb already. neat, hey, impressive, god help, doesn’t want to repay a debt
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that he didn’t take, horror, you’re ours, yours, yours, what do you want, that’s it, come here, don’t step on me, i just didn’t know that as soon as ? will sweep him away, but if he brushed you away, but i don’t want the trunk, i can’t, say keyboards, keyboard, listen
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riddle, a man returned, he hadn’t been in the city for 10 years, he came to his mother’s grave, in its place the owner of the meat processing plant was buried with a monument, the question is who the money brought to, what kind of justice is this, murin’s wife won’t forgive your mother, but do you really think that i... didn’t play it safe, i don’t like these dances on the graves, they killed him with this, he pressed you tightly, you want you to fight on his side, you’re his baby, i told you the truth, you can do the rest, whatever you want, arseniy robok, hot spot, new season, co tuesday at 20:00 on ntv, the boy's word, blood on the asphalt - the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00, for headaches there is askafenp at an affordable price. and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. at bikfest you definitely choose,
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you are now from the street, there are enemies all around. monday at 23:00 on ntv. i ran the photograph through the database of youngsters, everything was clear. it’s a pity, i ’ll show you such a gift now, waktan, it will be cooler than any candy. cupcake, yes, well, no , well, yes, no, guys, what, well, yes, well, it’s, well, it’s, well, it’s a domingo plastid, why don’t you even glue it together now, what are you?
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i came to the performance, i sit and eat candy, i don’t touch anyone, and then the phone starts playing for me, cultured people turn off their phone igor during a performance, i’m cultured, i would have turned it off, but suddenly klava would call me, and by the way, klava called, and if i hadn’t picked it up, she would have turned my head away, in short, and there on my ringtone there’s a fire alarm, well, that’s a damn thing, that’s not the right word, you should have seen what started there, it’s the women screaming, the children screaming, we’re being crushed along with them... they’re just putting pressure on everyone, well, i broke through, of course , where did you break through, well, where did i break through, you’re stupid, well, the fire alarm started playing, they announced it, yes you're stupid, it's your phone, come on, let's go, sit down here, sit down, let's start
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talking, come on, why are you bothering me, and i 'm collecting debts carefully, without corpses, i don't need crime, i can, i can answer, now you will answer, you saw your mug , the murderer, the murderer, why did you strangle the victims in the trunk, no one there was suffocating, well , before you arrived, both of them calmed down, without suffocating, do you know who it is? i haven’t seen it for ages, i haven’t seen it for ages, only this was found at the crime scene, the scene of rozin’s murder and korneev, oh well, they killed him, they would have started with this right away, this is his wife. are you kidding me or what? look, this is his wife? yes, no, this, this is not his wife, it was his wife who killed him, this is what i meant, why such thoughts, why did she
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come to me to splurge, well, after the divorce, both halves wanted to dry out, well, i said, under no circumstances , first get a divorce, then we’ll talk, well, i don’t need crime, i’m saying that it’s logical, everything is after death. she will get it, well, of course, the husbands of fools are crushed during life, and after death they are flattened, so you, you're a complete bastard, you murderer, you're a bastard, you 're a murderer, quietly, wakhan, come on, help me, i need to take him away, i'm afraid of something, yes, that's what i'm saying, that i'll crush him just in the corridor, wakhan, keep me from the north, help, come on, go, go, bastard, hold me down, hush,
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noptic, hello, what are you upset about, yes, everyday matters, and i was going to see you, i found the banker rozin in the phone a lot of interesting things, i found them, i use them, very funny, you knew that rozin and korneeva were there. lovers, no, now i know, but i found correspondence about divorce and division of property, the banker gave recommendations on how to leave her husband without pants, well, in a figurative sense, oddly enough, i
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thought in this figurative sense, look, these are their photographs from the funeral, what happy faces, yes, they look more like a holiday, apparently it's their holiday, so what? let's go and visit this inconsolable victim. elizaveta alexandrovna, they gave it to you. what is this, from whom? incognito, delivery service. interesting. i'll put flowers, no, no, go, i'll do it myself.
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what kind of joke is this? wow, mother, wow, so neat, wow,
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well done, if you are so smart, come quickly they called, do you hear? what does he say, what is it, lenka, what is there, impressive, and where is leonida actually, he is busy with lyosha’s business, uh-huh, the flower stems contained a concentrate of aluminum phosphide, when interacting with water it releases a toxic gas, here, there, and i was goymaril it's all about the evil in the water, why? why do you need it, lena? lena, well, you're funny, because, because without water and not here, not here, not there, gave you this information, something, oh, no, igor, listen, maybe you have rabies? i mean, well
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, hydrophobia is one of the symptoms of rabies, right? that you will rush at people, it doesn’t matter, that i will bite the water, maksimov, you miraculously survived, and it turned out miraculously, this is my middle name, well , the dog helped a little, that you helped a little, that’s it, glenka, in short, the case is a complete mess, they soaked everyone with water, they soaked them, it’s okay, igor, we still have the third book. well , it’s not okay there from this photo of butina, the bloody boy is up to his knees in water, and he’s not a maniac, not a serial maniac, but he behaves like a serial maniac, the question is why who’s next, i hope you’re igor, well, what piptoon under your tongue, and for you, for you, and for me.
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an exotic bouquet, damn it, that's right, we stole the flowers from the mermaids' wines, ugh, water again, mermaids, water, lyasha, did you notice, the first murder, the corpse in igor's box, claustrophobia, no, the second corpse, yes, yes, yes, in the water, drowned, igor has hydrophobia, now there are flowers. what will igor have? fear of thets, antophobia, right? i'm not afraid of antonov. you’re in vain, igor, look how big this anton will be. oh, don't scare the bald hedgehog with your prickly ass. good news guys, elizaveta korneeva has come to her senses, she conscious, so i can interrogate, or i won’t go, go there. they’ll probably
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put some flowers on, but i have an allegory for yes to the felt, so come on, come here, you’re calling me, not klava, but klavochka, the pipe burst, in the toilet, well, call the service chu, no, no, i i i can’t, i can’t, what are you, what are you, what... and i have a corpse on a corpse, a corpse on a corpse, a corpse on a corpse, that’s all, no, i’ll be there tomorrow, thank you, alexey, for what is this interesting, for everything, go, hello, hello, "hello,
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you fucking idiot, thank you, get out of here, how are you you feel much better, i heard that the policeman saved my life, thank you very much, and don’t pay attention, this is my job, it’s a bit tight in your palate, it doesn’t squeeze anything, doesn’t rub, like in i feel like a grave, it’s good that there are no flowers, they were standing there, i asked to throw them out, yes, i feel like shit, that’s it, shut up already, igor, it’s impossible, tell me, monte cristo roman is telling you something, i have no idea i have no idea what this means, and i can’t imagine who bothered the poor widow, no, no, don’t apply it, but here it’s either the husband who kills, or the lover, here they were both killed, here either the husband has a lover, or... the lover
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has a fly, who? listen, you completely confused me, you’re not the only one, here’s a young man you know, but shut up, wait, what? this is sashka romanov, my classmate, and my god, so much water has flown under the bridge since then, we met, wanted to get married, but then korneev appeared, a rich man with connections, in general, you understand, of course, i myself would have married fortunately it is rich. what's wrong with romanov? as far as i know, he ended up in prison a long time ago, that’s all, after korneev i lost all interest in him, well, that’s right, the grist of novels, novels, logical, thanks for the help, you can sit down, thank you, for the help, inheritance, kusti, kusti , an ass, in this sense... alexander romanov, education
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in architecture, studied together with the deceased gorneev and rozin. romanov received 15 years with confiscation, a scam in the construction business, stunned, a tag in a cell, i’m baking in a cramped cell, i probably wouldn’t be surprised if he worked for a developer, more moreover, in addition to koroneyev, the injured party was also rozin’s bank, this handsome romanov, and he cheated all his school friends, here’s igor, a summary of monte christa, in the place of unfaithful friends, we are not the same... yes, this is a structured version, but there is one thing but, a year ago, romanov died in prison, he was buried there, oh, i would probably die in a coffin, exhumation, urgent shift, you hear, exhumation, come on, come on,
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work, go, go, go, don’t drag me down , go,
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only with you, tell us, who did this? i don’t eat flowers, so what should i do now, look for the criminal, well, let’s throw a corpse and catch it, no, let him fall, romanov will come to swap bodies, well, to restore his good name, that’s where we’ll kill him, oh god, no , well... in general, the idea is good, but no, of course we won’t throw up a corpse, how, but we will organize a funeral for the roots, well, lyosha, lyosha, well, you called, oh my god, don’t
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be upset, brest-litovsk, the traditions of the through, once upon a time, grocery stores had large iron... mixers, who noisily made the dream of soviet children, a sweet milkshake. it won't stick together, how much sugar is actually in milkshakes. it’s probably time to think about this now, when such drinks are widely represented in cafes and stores, and whether there is at least something useful in them is the topic of investigation of the week. crabs, how they are caught, cooked. and eat, an ordinary day in kamchatka, an ordinary day in kamchatka, an ordinary evening in kamchatka, went, caught, went, cooked, ate, and also how sweets and baked goods affect on our attractiveness, the creators of the world's best croissants and baguettes,
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on sunday 20:20 on ntv, i’m sick of allegry, huh?
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excuse me, you knew elizabeth, not a damn thing i knew that the devils would fuck me off, i mean, in the reception room, i'm crazy, roman! you're under arrest, can't wait, prosecutor, huh?
12:56 pm
why does the watchman forbid the dead people to be dragged
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? torn tickets or a tattered bouquet, but it seems that we have guests, lying, uninvited, for sure. so he’s an uninvited pest, shame on you, leshenka, and you, leshenka, thought for each of us that we were him, yes, chocolate mouth, you still small, so what should we
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do with it now, give it to lenka? why would it be three in one, i can’t give lena a rat, no, lesha, what a rat, the rat is in the basement, look how cute the little mouse is, lena will like it, 100%, i’m telling you, this is my gift, no, lenochka, don’t pay attention, yes, lenochka, i’m paying attention, your gift, leonidov, what a charm, pretty, i had the same mouse as a child, white, small, you are the best, what a delight, what a delight, how did you guess, one alone, lesh, what, happy holiday, alyosha, happy holiday, happy birthday, alexey, moron, why are you doing this, alyosha, look
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into my eyes, closer. banderlog, damn it, yes , screw you, said the moron,
1:00 pm
the launch vehicle engine has started, the engines have reached the main thrust mode, the ascent contact has passed, the heavy launch vehicle angara a5 was launched for the first time at the vostochny cosmodrome, the flood has reached kuzbass, all the fences, everything has gone downhill, the cattle are also drowning, inserts. ice jams are blown up on the rivers to allow the water to drain away. suitcase mood about how the flood in orenburg broke another record. call new flooding mikhail chernov.


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