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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 11, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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this can also be done through the court, a lawsuit there, the tenants are also already preparing. dinar usmanov, ilduslavin and oksana goncharenko, ntv television company. permian. more news on our website in the telegram channel chpn tv. that's all for today, thank you for. attention.
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today in our program. expensive pleasure. europe lifts sanctions against billionaires friedman and aven. how much did it cost russian businessmen? for what? what did we do wrong? the calm before the storm. air carriers are hastily canceling flights in anticipation of an iranian attack on israel. where will there be a retaliation strike? and why bother? they want to prohibit journalists from publishing incriminating evidence on the stars. why did the famous person need information immunity? and i live beautifully. watch it now.
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hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. of course, we will start with news about how the fight against the flood is going, but at the very, very beginning we want to show you footage from the vostochny cosmodrome, because there really is no exaggeration. roscosmos i was broadcasting live, now we will show you a fragment of the very start, please, there is an engine start, engines. once again, i
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will remind you that the angara is again a heavy rocket, our largest in the east , a launch pad was specially built for it, 12 minutes after the launch, the angara launched the arion upper stage with a test payload into orbit, the angara, i repeat once again, is the first entirely russian rocket in the future , it is with the help of this carrier that he plans to launch manned spacecraft into space and build. a new domestic orbital station. well, we continue to monitor the situation in the orenburg region, where the fight against spring leashes continues. we would be glad to say that the peak of this story has already been passed, but no, we cannot. the water level in the ural river in orenburg today rose by another 30 cm and this is only 1.75 cm, an absolute record in the entire history of observations. in orenburg, according to the mayor's office, more than 2.0 was flooded. from over 3500
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areas, in bird's eye shots, here they are in front of you, you can see that the water is already approaching orenburg high-rise buildings, to protect them, rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations are now deploying special water-filling dams, they also protect other vital facilities from flooding, including schools and hospitals. the ministry of emergency situations reports that in general , 12 thousand residential buildings are now flooded throughout the orenburg region, however, there are settlements where... the water is still draining, first of all, this is orsk, the level there decreased by 40 cm per day, and this freed from flooding more than 800 houses, in the areas freed from water, the removal of rubble has already begun and garbage removal, began the first restoration work, special attention to the sanitary treatment of houses in areas that were flooded, the head of the russian ministry of construction, irik faizulin, has already visited orsk with an inspection, according to his data, restoration in the city requires about 6 and a half. the minister
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also commented on the reason for the flooding in orsk; the minister called it funny , namely the breakthrough of a local dam, built 10 years ago, precisely to combat spring floods. with speed, a huge mass of water pressed not on a dam, but on an earthen rampart. it is reported that in total over 7,500 people were evacuated from the disaster zone, 2,000 of them were children, many of the victims are now in temporary accommodation centers. the authorities of the orenburg
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region issued a whole memo listing all the payments assigned to the victims, as well as information on how they can be received, where they can be received and where they can get basic necessities. in orski , additional workplaces are now being urgently equipped at the local mfc so that people can apply for registration without delaying queues documents, the unit will work seven days a week, humanitarian aid also continues to arrive in the region, in particular at night in orsk, more than 100 tons of food, water, medicine and even shoes were delivered by plane from the tula region, another 90 tons of humanitarian aid were sent to the flood zone by the ministry of defense . well, frightening footage is now being published.
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including some interesting accounting things, for example, there was an article on creativity, well, so much money was spent there on i don’t know, purchases there television cameras, and there are so many
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looks at the costumes, well, i’m just, and then it says creativity, the amount there is 10 thousand dollars, then more creativity, in general, i counted this creativity from our partners. there are several tens of thousands of dollars there, so the main thing is a creative approach, creative people, apparently there were, yes, there were very creative people, it’s true that fayzulin said a little differently, but it doesn’t matter, i’m just saying that of course it’s surprising that this hill spent a billion, i'm sure we did really a billion, but now i’ll look into it, i mean that yes, anton valerievich, it’s more expensive, we have a totalitarian sect here, so only at the command of the leaders, right, left, none, that’s right, and now let’s just go
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with the kremlin, a little bit too much effort, well, in my opinion, then we know that mikhail fridman, in general, returned to russia, everything is fine with him, he is now engaged in russian business, but even later in the evening yesterday an explanation came that , to be honest, i was confused, this means that the sanctions were lifted from them, but no matter how they were lifted, not completely, bublikov died, that is , the decision was made in the twenty- second year, when all our russian citizens and... those who were abroad and those who remained in the country, everyone began to be retaliated under the same sanction banner, these sort of sanctions have now been lifted, although as i understand it, they themselves have somehow lost their force, because the same avin and fridman are included in the new sanction every time list, now
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in the one in which they operate, they are still are, that is, sanctions are applied against them, i don’t really understand the meaning of this whole story, i hope these are our guests now. they will explain it to us, but there is one point, after all, if a russian citizen obtained a decision in an import court to lift sanctions from him, but this is not bad, we had such episodes, there are... not very many of them, but the story with avin and friedman, she is, of course, very loud and deserves special attention. the day before, the european union court in luxembourg upheld the claim of businessmen peter avin and mikhail fridman, who asked remove personal sanctions from them. billionaires came under eu restrictions in february 2022 immediately after the start of a special military operation, formally for the connection of entrepreneurs with vladimir putin through their support of the kremlin. now.
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friedman himself has already stated that he is satisfied with the court's decision. lawyers hope the legal victory will send a strong message heard throughout the west. but the fugitive russian position on the lifting of sanctions by savin and friedman is not happy. the director of the fbk recognized as extremist, terrorist ivan zhdanov , called the decision quote "an enchanting disgrace and the failure of the entire european sanctions policy." and navalny’s widow, along with his closest associate,
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medical and food projects, but on one condition, london must lift its sanctions on the businessman. along the way, they had to use heavy artillery, or rather liberal artillery. foreign agent alexey venediktov published an appeal russian oppositionists to the european authorities, with a request to lift sanctions from billionaires. there were already two such letters. the first in october 2022 addressed to the old fascist joseppe barel, another one already in february twenty -third...
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the institution of unilateral sanctions itself is an unfair and inherently flawed institution,
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by the way, this is the official russian position, russia does not support the introduction of unilateral sanctions, sanctions can only be imposed by the un security council, so i think that look what this decision made, it made the entire european sanctions regime laughable, they seem to have lifted it, it seems they didn’t finish it, one decision, the second decision is incomprehensible, secondly, it demonstrated that these decisions are made like this, that is, what is the difference between the sanctions process and the judicial process? supervision, that is, today the gentlemen of the european officials were confronted with their own generally stupid, illogical and incorrect policies, and the fact that sanctions are being lifted from our citizens, well, thank god, and it’s good that they are being lifted, this shows that this economic regime is a precedent i think it was not created here, because no matter how they were removed and not completed, a precedent was created demonstrating
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the idiotic nature of unilateral sanctions with side of europe, what our citizens can do.
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but once again, society has questions, it’s better to answer these questions, yes, the effectiveness of the sanctions regime, all this was removed, they didn’t finish it, andrei vladimirovich, what are your counterparties telling you there, well , first of all, let’s start with the fact that the court decision , which has been issued, it has no force of execution, it is not clear, please explain it very simply, it is just a court decision that cannot be executed until then. until the sanctions, these sanctions will not be lifted at the european union summit. for that, in order to lift sanctions from messrs. fredman and avin, we still need an eu summit. all 27 countries, the council of europe, not the summit, no, it was the summit in europe, the summit, who imposed sanctions, the summit imposes sanctions, sorry, not the council of europe, the council of europe
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does not impose sanctions at all, what is a summit, council, what is a summit, no, this is a summit of the european union, this is the council of europe, this is not the council of europe, these are different things, so on, let’s, accordingly, accordingly, this is the first, which means it is unknown whether this will be a vote unanimous or not, and that's the first thing, no, wait, please, are you saying what? in europe, the court decision must still be approved in this case, but why did they then cancel these two resolutions 337, but this should be approved by the european summit, the second most important thing is the council of europe, the most important thing is that ima friedma, first of all, remains under the sanctions of the uk and the usa and no one will lift these sanctions, all the main property. so to speak, frizman’s accounts and so on in england remain frozen, no, he’s done, that’s why it’s the decision does not solve anything, how we
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treat them, they are fighters gradually proving their innocence, they simply fought for their money, and they fought, they invested a lot of money in order, as they say, to achieve this result, a huge amount of money, where andrei vladimirovich tells us, the european court provides an excellent illustration.
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billionaire and owner of the rbc publication grigory in september, the eu authorities lifted sanctions against bereskin. a restriction was introduced against the businessman almost immediately after the start of the svo, calling him, quote: putin’s henchman. exactly this formulation helped the entrepreneur get rid of restrictions when he filed a lawsuit against the council of the eu.
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in march, the european union lifted the restriction on yandex co-founder arkady volysh in order to cajole brussels officials, volysh not only left his post and sold assets, but also spoke out against the special operation and vishenko declared himself on the cake to israeli entrepreneurs from kazakhstan. foreign agent oleg tinkov, a former banker, publicly severed ties with his homeland and came under british sanctions in march 22, as influential russian businessman. almost immediately after this, tenkov condemned russia’s actions in ukraine. sold a share in the bank, and at the same time renounced russian citizenship, my french friend told me, i said everything, i won’t go to russia again, he says: oleg, don’t rush, you’ll return as a hero then, and you’re
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like... i don’t want to, don’t invite me to be either the prime minister or the head of the central bank, yes, we were already planning on tomorrow, antonevich, businessmen are saving their money, but there are nuances, do we treat everyone who saves their money with respect? understanding and sympathy, well, you are absolutely right in showing that this also demonstrates that each story is individual, that means there are businessmen who... screwed up rhetorically, yes, by condemning either a special military operation or criticizing the russian government there, there are businessmen who secretly or not secretly gave money, but there are those to whom we cannot formally show anything, and if we are talking, for example, about the same fridman, who is in russia, i am sure that the osvr, which has, which has information, for example about the fact that the americans there are all sorts of colombians, that means in prisons, trying
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to send them to the front as mercenaries, then for sure... she has all the information, including on mr. friedman, the investigative committee and our other various departments there is information, if there really was something there, appropriate charges have been brought long ago, then let’s pay attention to the reaction, after all, this is our non-systemic opposition, there is a very important point there, that gentleman volkov from the extremist fbk, when he criticized this decision, he said the following, these are freaks of the european union, because they introduced sanctions incorrectly,
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who it turns out someone here is calling the prime minister or he just didn’t have any trial there, he started there, as far as i understand, shouting, talking, said a bunch of things, this is a different story, then we have a different, different attitude towards these people, i don’t understand why dmitry sergeevich said about 12 pieces of silver, well, because he said this is a new version some kind of budget reduction, yes, alexander, sequestration of silver coins, that means, from
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my point of view. absurdity, both. this means that if some people, under the conditions of a special operation, transferred significant money to ukraine, yeah, then this is a question for the investigative committee, the fsb, and so on, and for the russian criminal code. so. regardless, as it now turns out, whether they are here or there, because cases are filed regardless of this. so, this topic is closed. now.
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it is just as idiotic and hysterical, because that being there it is pointless to condemn, and being here it is also unsafe to condemn, although it is also pointless, i have an answer, people have the right not to support or support, this should not be a matter of sanctions, of course,
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they are trying to remove it somehow legally, that’s all anyway, now, i will finish, firstly, it is not clear by whom and how it is being introduced, but this very concept of sanctions, which is proximity to putin, what is it in general or participation in their income, these remaining sanctions, participation in their income, they create there , bring closer victory for russia, what kind of wording is this in general, that is, it has nothing to do with justice at all, first, second, well, the mechanism for introducing these.
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well, they kind of gently hint that your wording when imposing sanctions is so-so, so-so, so-so, but for us this situation is valuable because it shows everyone what this liberal regime in
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europe is all about now, what it is all about , this is the legality completely trampled upon, this is the denial of all democratic values, this is, well, in fact , this is orul’s world, only by and large account, this is shown to us. this is the first part, the second part, they correctly mentioned different ways of resolving issues of lifting sanctions, well, firstly, for businessmen, responsible businessmen in general, the issue of sanctions is also a matter of responsibility for business, for people, why? because getting on these sanction lists means blocking a business in many ways, and the first thing people tried to do was leave the boards of directors, leave the shareholders there, and so on, in order to sort of separate this business, because there are thousands of people. working like this, this is a responsibility, this is the first, second, well, somewhere it worked, somewhere it didn’t work, well, they go, in the legal field they try to, so to speak, resolve these issues, this is one side, the second side, the second side - an attempt to somehow
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, in various roundabout ways, at the political level, resolve this issue so that you are excluded from this at the political-financial level, well, maybe so, but call it something else. with the participation of certain lobbyists, connections there and so on and so forth, in order to somehow determine this, but this is the choice of that person, there is no talk of responsibility for the business or anything, it is about... the person somehow they went there to put our stamp on our relationship with them, because it ’s like, well, once the names were named, yes, here’s usmanov, he goes to court to sue, sue, sue, this is one side, he was here there hasn’t been any option yet, he says, please take a billion dollars for ukraine, which means it turns out that, well, a priori , i will treat friedman and his activities worse than it turns out.
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they drew wonderful people, they also chose such people for a reason here at one time, let’s continue the short break, the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives warmth and warms hearts, uniting the whole family, princess tea. don’t miss the central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week, big water, the most important thing i heard, it’s rising, it’s rising, it’s gone, the russian city has suffered from a flood, the likes of which have never happened in modern history, i didn’t have time to recover anything, everything remained there, why the catastrophe in the urals could be the first of many floods, and the entire 21st century, as scientists say, will be the century of great water, this is only a small fraction of the possible threats. which cities are at risk and where a dam needs to be built
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now, because tomorrow may be too late. this will be your central television, on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. mikhail shufutinsky, a million-dollar secret on saturday in 20:20 on ntv. peace of mind, it is priceless, it can be lost due to a lack of magnesium, but... magnelis b6 forta at an affordable price. magnelis b6 forta contains twice as much magnesium and is enhanced with vitamin b6. twice as many pills to take. magnelli zb6 forta - affordable magnesium for your peace of mind. the city of angarsk is under the influence of a maniac to buy. they were afraid of dogs, now they were afraid of people. the shadow chattered. the series premieres only in the okko online cinema. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. at any price. and the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be available before
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for such a small thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order. cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. and this part, let's start with urgent messages from the middle east. reuters speaks about the german decision. lufthansa airlines has temporarily suspended flights with iran due to tehran’s preparations for retaliation against israel for the airstrike on the iranian consulate in damascus. earlier , the iranian news agency mehr, citing the local ministry of defense, reported a temporary ban on flights for civilians
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airplanes in the iranian sky. later , this publication was deleted, the agency disowned the news, and vovd lufthansa decided to suspend air traffic. let me remind you that the last time this happened was in the winter of 2022 before the start of the russian northern military district in ukraine. bloomberg agency pumps up. they cite us and israeli intelligence data and say that iran's retaliatory strike on israel, and i quote the word here, is inevitable. allegedly, tehran plans to strike government and military targets. israel itself is now actively preparing for a possible escalation. that night an urgent meeting of the cabinet of ministers and forces was held. says that israel has already prepared a response to a possible attack by iran, what all this will look like, he did not specify, but the arab press believes that israel’s response may include strikes on iranian nuclear facilities, tel aviv is counting not
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only its own forces, it is known that the fifth fleet of the united states is in full readiness, it is now in the persian gulf, axios reports that the head of the central command of the united states armed forces is heading to israel states, this man's name is michael kurilo, and the general will coordinate israeli defense in the event of an iranian attack. president biden also decided to support israel, in words for now. they threaten to deal a serious blow to israel. as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment is to ensuring israel's security from these threats from iran and its proxies. is ironclad, let me say it again, ironclad, we intend to do everything possible to protect the security of israel. here you go, perhaps this night we can already see some kind of aggravation, judging by this wave of news. well, we'll find out tomorrow. so, it’s about the choice, what a difficult choice
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people who wanted to protect their big money had to make. let's give a few examples. to save her business, fashion designer coco chanel became friends with the nazis in 1940, when hitler occupied france, chanel began supplying perfume to the wives of german officers and spent evenings surrounded by nazis. rumor has it that she was even recruited as a secret agent. during the second global chanel significantly increased its capital, and then avoided accusations of collaboration, while the chanel brand became one of the most famous in the cosmetics market. the nazis are approaching... the operation was a complete failure. in january 1944, chanel and her entourage returned to paris, empty-handed
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. fashion designer cristabal balenciaga also collaborated with the fascists. before the war, he sewed a dress for the wife of the spanish dictator frank, and created a wedding dress for his daughter. times, already in our time, shuler was accused of economic political cooperation with hitler's regime, but was never
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found guilty, the granddaughter of the late businessman is now one of the richest women in the world. the loreal heiress became the first woman in the world whose fortune exceeded $100 billion. this is a serious achievement for a woman. the frenchwoman is 70 years old and leads a reclusive lifestyle. but she distinguished herself most of all. the german kwant family owns the bmw automobile concern, as well as the warta battery factories. under hitler , tens of thousands of concentration camp prisoners worked in quanto factories, their used in hazardous production and production of weapons and ammunition for the wehrmacht. in addition, the kwant family took over jewish businesses seized by the nazis. the descendants of the collaborators never considered it necessary to apologize. at the same time, the state of the business empire is now being assessed.
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hitler was the greatest deceiver in the world, he
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told them all: you know, the soviet union is so close to my borders, we could not help but attack, tomorrow they would attack us, we are here fighting for the entire western world, these people took advantage of this , with this one lies, that is, they, wait, no one seemed to twist their arms, or something, but not, you know, hitler turned to them with his beautiful country, said, i am a defender of western civilization, the hordes are coming.
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any purpose, get it on your ozone card and pay anywhere. a welder of the sixth category, georgy petrovich, was distinguished by iron discipline, respect for petrovich grew, and polyps grew. in 30 years he has never been late for a shift, i was late because... the fats of the intestines grow the bird, guys, go through medical examination, free of charge, health is important here now, who is hiding under this beautiful mask, i still can’t understand, amazing cosmic katya ava, brilliant katya ivanchikova, i don’t want, so that the cactus leaves the project, and the lead singer of the christmas tree group. katya ivanchikova! who will be next? mask - anniversary fifth season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the meeting place
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on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear and we continue. in general, in a sense, we will continue a little directly with this topic of choice. i agree, yes van. ah, but first, news about... wonderful, wonderful, one way or another connected with the upcoming olympics and the activities of the international olympic committee. yes, let's start with the footage published by our pranksters vavan and lexus. they show the epic, final part of the preparation for the conversation with the head of the international olympic committee, thomas bach. here you see lexus being made up to look like an african sports official. and then, then you just have to look, this african sports official, african politician, the proposals that...
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the african suddenly accused the officials of collusion, poured a glass of vodka and introduced his real friends, the skeleton yorick and the cheburashka, this is not my scene, i mean, the end of the broadcast. a spoke in the wheels of the russian
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ukraine is also trying to formulate sports, the local olympic committee announced the development of a special code of conduct for its own, for ukrainian athletes at the games in paris, it is aimed at isolating those few russian athletes. general recommendations. the olympics itself, until
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now we are resolving the last issues, which will continue to be haunted by adversity with just over 100 days left. it turned out that in addition to medals, athletes in paris can also be awarded with an intestinal disorder. why? all because of the feces of bacteria that swim in the seine. by the way, according to the regulations, triathlon and... open water swimming competitions should take place there. independent experts raised panic. they claim that billions of dollars of investment in river water purification have not yielded any results. and all 14 samples taken from the hay showed that it was full of intestinal.
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all of us, are you really ready to bathe in gray hair? i’m not in the habit of joking about such things, rats on sushi, feces in water, sports and peace will be great, but about the choice right away, we now want, as always, at such discussion topics to invite you to participate, dear tv viewers, guys, please show the qr code to our telegram channel, and join, there will be different options, and... answers, the question is: is it necessary, i still use the word force , i don’t know how it is, now the guys will write to force the press to remove, in general, from the public space all this jaundice, yes, yellowness, this seething information product, which causes insane interest in some, and terrible irritation in others . why did you pick this topic today?
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the council of bloggers, we mentioned it several times, it means that it initiates this discussion, if i understood their idea correctly, they want to protect our public people, famous, popular bad journalists from us, well, maybe i’m wrong, well how to protect this unnecessary interference in their private life, because they are still people, they have the right to behave as they see fit.
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or freedom of speech in some ideal form. let's watch the story and don't forget to vote. last friday in public representatives of the council of bloggers spoke in the chamber. they propose to amend the civil code. as planned, celebrity bloggers need to be given the opportunity of so -called information immunity. the scheme is this: if a public person has filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity, the press must hide compromising information during the proceedings.
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having personally destroyed her image and reputation, volochkova is making attempts to restore her honor through legal means. in and although similar scenes last january, the star filed a lawsuit against the assistant nikita dzhigurda for the fact that, according to volochkova, he deliberately leaked an intimate video to the network.
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she has honor and dignity, which angered her even more, this incredible original joke, ha ha ha, what a humiliation of honor and dignity if she has no dishonor. unworthiness, the channel was dragged to death, well , as if already in the first week after information about the lawsuit, but as in the old joke, they do not hesitate to dig up the dead stewardess over and over again in order to put her on the air again. for those who believe that their reputation has been unfairly smeared, in russia there is
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the so-called right to be forgotten. every citizen of our country can demand the removal of any posted materials about themselves if, in their opinion, they contain false, outdated or objectionable content. information about the person. by law, resources are required to remove information if it is untrue . another thing is that public resources are used extremely rarely for this, then a citizen can go to court. however, there are also professional cleaners. for a generous reward, they are ready to correct any reputation damaged online. take away negative, make a certain number of positive things about you, wait, you are falsifying reality, or what, then it turns out?
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for the sake of which journalists themselves distort information, the initiative was about ordinary citizens, there was no talk about any volochkova, this is a specific initiative aimed at protecting the honor and dignity of people who suffered, including from paid negative posts in anonymous telegram channels, when they have been suing for a year and a half, all this time the information is on the internet, people’s destinies are being ruined, their careers are being ruined from these anonymous telegram channels, i don’t know a cook in an ordinary person there? locksmiths. anonymous telegram channels do not write often. and if we’re honest, they don’t write at all. they write, they write about famous and rich people, because it attracts the attention of the audience who reads the telegram channel. therefore, of course, i understand your argument about ordinary people, but let’s
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talk to you honestly. this will primarily affect famous people who have the right to erase something about themselves in out of court. order is to satisfy: firstly, this is an accusation of a crime, this is when an interim measure is written about a person while the dispute is being considered in court, it is imposed only at the discretion of the court, and we propose to determine two criteria by which this measure will be necessary for a fraudster , he is a thief, and he has a certificate of no criminal record, the second is obscene language, when this is a controversial issue, which concerns linguistic examination, some kind of subjective assessment, this is in no way under the interim measure should not be taken.
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well, by god, this initiative is not about her, not about her, you are me, my there, i don’t know, grandmother, no, grandmother will probably love volochkova, well, i don’t know, my son -in-law’s nephew there, who will see this volochkova gets scared and falls into an epileptic seizure, so you can protect him in some way by forbidding anastasia valochkova from posting all this, then such an avalanche collapses, and we are forced to talk about all this, argue, what to do about it?
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intoxication bad thing about not very good a famous person, and this was published, but still a public person, you don’t know this person, don’t blurt it out now, don’t blurt it out again now. that means, and, well, of course, i immediately called, that means, in order for this
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information to be removed there, so, they told me, it’s more than a million rubles, there, there, one and a half million, in my opinion, rubles, i have for that moment there was no such money, then i agreed with this person, mutually, that i would pay him some money, what i did , i’m very guilty of him, i apologized, but i i didn’t know that when you just say something at the table, it... can get into the media simply because the catchers are sitting here, the catchers, it turns out, are for such information, and she was connected with famous people, although he himself an unknown person, they pay very good money there, so there are a lot of these catchers, that is, how scary it is to live, as agent galken said through the mouth of renat litvin, how scary it is to live, but what, but here i agree that such a person is not very famous.
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i agree with you, but if it’s a star, even if this information has just penetrated and is now vetoed on it, a terrible ban will be imposed, and it will spread even more, because the ban is sweet, and i immediately remember a wonderful story when i worked in a cultural magazine for the public in the early nineties, when old actors approached us, why are you even writing about my personal life, this is the ninety-second year, i explained, excuse me, please,
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we invited our viewers to talk, this is this jaundice that everyone is complaining about, with on the other hand, everyone is greedily consuming it, watching it all joyfully, maybe it really is somehow, i don’t know.
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look at the extent to which we have social networks, which are now actively developing, in social networks there is such a segment as comments, in these comments individuals, sometimes hiding their faces, sometimes not hiding them, directly insult.
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here, learn how to behave in the program, and quietly, quietly, i will answer, but in order to
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understand something, you need to understand something, i understand it very simply: there is a demand, there is...
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it’s not pleasant, but my friend, lena el, about whom they wrote so much at one time that she got caught, that in vain, i say, len, how offensive it is, she said: sha, don’t be indignant, this is the number of mentions, i don’t care it’s important that they write about me, the number of mentions gives me dividends, i make a profit from it,
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because my investors say, oh, they talk about her all the time, i’m silent, but that’s not true. this is not interesting to me, i hope my and andrey’s generation, so we need to dig in and spend money on advertising, let’s do nothing now again, arseny timidly returns, he said , i’ll decide, then i’ll decide to restore justice, there’s no turning back. new season from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. dmitry malikov vs. marina fedunkev. stars on saturday at 22:00 on ntv. alpha friday. supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on
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on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear, we continue, we remind you that voting continues in our telegram channel, we start from the proposal of the council of bloggers, so that anyone, maybe not even a public person, have an opportunity is the information on the internet somehow unpleasant for him?
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knows how to drive a car, just like she doesn’t know how to drive a car, she said so, she said so, i’m very convincing, in may of sixty-seven , teriverdiev and actress lyudmila maksakova were in a terrible accident, on their volga they hit a pedestrian to death, the young man was crossing leningradsky prospekt near the sovetskaya hotel , was officially found to be the culprit.
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i was driving when a person was injured. at the same time, there were many rumors about oleg dahl’s personal life and the circumstances of his death. according to the official version, he died of a heart attack in one of the hotels in kiev, where he came for a screen test, but gossips said otherwise. dahl once again overdid it with alcohol, and this became fatal, given his heart problems. and he and his friend were drinking, but for him to drink, you know, alcohol and pills are not compatible, because when they arrived at the ambulance, he was already... dying in his mouth, he had a heart pill in his mouth. allagacheva’s personal life has always been surrounded by rumors and even legends. a famous man or colleague
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who happens to be next to her in the photo is immediately enrolled in pugachev's cavaliers. for many years she was credited with an affair with raymond pauls, although the composer diligently denied the rumors, but in a recent interview he still hinted at a close relationship. even if it were, everything has long been forgotten. besides. czechoslovakia was there for a month and a half, then they moved to the gdr, they were hooligans, in general everything like that, you know, so cool, youthful , youthful, valeria, valerie aleksandrovich, am i right, i have information here that you are invited to such a program where they call they also called you to talk about your own secrets, and
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you don’t go, the third year they called you. why don’t you go, you understand, it’s a matter of principle, well , how can i tell you, as they said, prices are rising, morality is falling, this is the only thing a creative person can hold on to, you know, for me, my profession and personality as an actor should be like a woman’s secret , if there is no secret in me.
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then why be offended ? begins, so i had this, but what did i have to do with it, i think it’s unfair, one day in the carriage, in the compartment, we were traveling from the festival, and there were correspondents to whom i gave an interview, as if i had told everything, and
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then it means there was a conversation, they said, why? well, in general, that ’s what he said, they printed just this, yeah, what i didn’t sign up for, so i’m against it, you know, but here too, it’s my own fault, you need to know who you’re talking to, who you’re talking to, in this sense , you know, here we’re talking about what, well i ended up in one, i ended up in a stopham, i knew how it would end. that’s the end of it, it’s all true, but let’s separate, as they say, prostitution is good or bad, depending on who you want, this phenomenon is bad or good, you can defeat it, you can’t, you need to fight it, you need to at least explain that it’s bad, theft you can win, you can’t, you need to fight him, you need to, so here, you know, now you ’re showing footage
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on the internet, if it’s a lie, i’m ready to sue them, and if it’s not a lie, then it’s my own fault that it went away , that is, no you are not asking for exclusive rights, no exclusive rights, you understand, here who chose what, this is absolutely wonderful, you understand what it is, what an inconvenience, they named all sorts of words, i don’t perceive them, but i say a simple word, recognizability, in what is more difficult, when it is recognizable, is the absence of a public single. that i can walk down the street, no one will recognize me, no one, if i walk down the street without changing anything in my face, no one will recognize, no one will pay attention, but for this, well, i also need work, then yes, when i leave home i already start working, this is the difficulty of my profession, i chose it,
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i am happy in it, and i perceive the inconvenience that it gives me as a punishment, valeriyvich, should an artist still have the right ? something, because conventionally, you will be walking, everyone respects you , along the street, suddenly you start thinking and pick your nose, someone will take it off, but it probably won’t cause such a stir as if people’s artist arinov walked down the street and picked his nose in the nose, you know, you mentioned it here tariverdiev, and i remembered another composer who was directly slandered, his name was salier, and he was slandered in quotation marks by alexander sergeevichkin, apparently, antonio salieri never killed mosart, in the german newspapers, where pushkin came from, they say why, in general, everyone and pushkin were slandered too, poison and dawns, he was unlikely to put mozart’s in champagne, nevertheless, pushkin
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created a myth, and this, in my opinion, was his task, to show that he, too, can create a small, but tragedy, like byron, like shakespeare, like anyone, this is genius slander, we have little to do with it in everyday life. the same pushkin, it seems to me, gave everyone a very clear recipe: praise, praise, excuse me, blasphemous praise, accept it indifferently, and don’t challenge a fool, therefore, well, now they say about pushkin himself, in general, whatever they want, but he himself set the rules of the game are such that a great man agrees to publicity, pushkin has already gone through all the historical filters, everything is already clear with him, that’s it.
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these people are like, what else are they doing? andrey vladimirovich, you yourself just remember when you were sick, something happened here, what happened in 19, they wrote very different things there and then they wrote about you again, you yourself would have the opportunity
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to clear out all this nonsense, what you call nonsense, quickly, i told you a long time ago that this is pointless, because that the more you clean up and refute, the more nonsense is layered on top of it, so if you now have, well... a proposal from a council of bloggers, remember, if you have such leverage, well, i’ll waste time on it, i absolutely, i have just more in this story it’s interesting to know the opinion, otherwise it somehow turns out that the journalists, you are in this status, that you are already like pushkin, and you yourself are pushkin, that’s all, they confused me with a smart idea, i wanted to say, for the first time in the entire program, it is necessary to advertising go away. your favorite and long-awaited show "stars" in a duel. marina fedunki, i decided to be beautiful, i have the right to do so, cognac. against dmitry malikov. i apologize in advance for this mess.
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ay, i finally found the key to victory. dmitry, you know that i just love listening to the shaman while listening to your song. chaliapin for me prokhor smiles at the meeting. and i want to do something so that dzhigurda would be ashamed of me, such a mistress, not a speck of dust, not a speck, everything is in the pawnshop, i wake up in the morning, i have oprah in my soul, i also wake up in the morning and immediately turn on the drill, kill me, kill me me too, kill me, you are with a migratory bird, the soul flies into the sky, it’s not me... 0:0 on ntv. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt is
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energy consumption. call to order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. hot spot. new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes. once again i repeat my question, how can this be prohibited, if very often, maybe even almost always, these public people themselves talk about they start throwing all sorts of nonsense at themselves . 5 years ago, elderly producer bari alibasov forced literally the entire country to monitor their health. a truly detective story developed rapidly. alebasov
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allegedly drinks a pipe cleaner by mistake and immediately ends up in a hospital bed outside fosovsky’s room. a terrible one immediately appears in the press. photographs, rumors that the founder of the group, nana, was practically dying, but literally within 2 weeks alebasov, as if nothing had happened, was already starring in television shows. further the producer publicly disowned his son, scandalously divorced his wife, declared that he was secretly injected with psychotropic substances, and married his nurse for the eighth time. alibasov never stops complaining to journalists about his health; the same mole for cleaning the pipes is still to blame for everything. i was treated in three clinics in... when i completely um accidentally drank uh mole as a result um i lost consciousness and then i started having problems with memory and brain function, among other things there was a trial over the fact that
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this mole was framed as a food product , jar in 2010 scandal.
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about his unconventional orientation and amazing ability to live off pseudo-romantic relationships, and what can unite you with a svetlana fanasina, i say, damn it, her pension is good, hers is good, did you find out how much, well, she’s an honored artist, yeah, 50 plus , so vladimirich, the media has some
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rules, of course, of course, i want to say that these public people, they are protected by laws, in fact, here we are. lawyers, they don’t let materials through if there is any suspicion that it’s not true, slander, especially such words as criminal, thief, and so on, this is generally impossible, swearing is monitored by roskomnadzor, that is, in general, it’s just that such media swoop in on fines, which is simply impossible, so i don’t really understand, but for why this law, maybe, by the way, there’s also a wikipedia about me, and a wikipedia article, there are inaccuracies, so i would correct that. i don’t like to leave what i like, it turns out that if stars or public people get the opportunity, how to say, to recall what they like you, who follow the life of the stars, will not have
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the opportunity to dig into something there , conditionally expose the mole, because it was all removed by the will of the star who from... were at this event in public , explain it again, come on, because you too house, let's figure it out a little, because for some reason we are again discussing volochkov's
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dzhagurda and mr. alebasov, and the initiative is really necessary and useful, we put forward it together. and not only with those people whom we for some reason already discussed today, yes, with our civil servants, with figures of science, culture, art, and i’m not taking the educational aspect of the audience here, which my respected neighbor has already mentioned, i’m taking it here.
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an additional idea for you to pay attention to bot factories, no matter what, they continue to develop these
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comments that i already thought about today , the topic is mainly being produced somehow to figure it out here, i have nothing to do with me feeling sorry for decent people, decent people, i i don’t want to say that dzhigurda is not decent, otherwise he they will sue me, but i am defending the same officials, entrepreneurs, and leaders from education. yes, but before the trial the person must be given the opportunity, if a person does not like some facts about him, before the trial on this, on this
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initiative, he has the opportunity to hide it all, which means hiding it somewhere under the rug, and then the court will sort it out, in my opinion, in my opinion, freedom of speech is really suffering here, we’re not, i’m saying something about you, marya sergeevna, i’m sorry, we’ve run out of time, now we ’ll sum up the results of your vote, literally a few minutes. wait, the grandmother of five grandchildren sleeps in mountains of garbage under the ceiling of her own apartment and assures me that her house is clean, if everything is so good with you, then why do you have a bad reputation, because i’m alone, these are really necessary things, something needs to be thrown away , and what is this something? well, what is already outdated, the neighbors are afraid that the owner of the garbage mountain will burn down the whole house and take medicine because of complete... sanitation, there are exposed wires, the sockets are all littered, there is a short circuit, it will all flare up, my wife has problems with
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health, there is some kind of allergic reaction, why doesn’t the grandmother do the cleaning herself and doesn’t give it to her daughters, she doesn’t take anything out, on the contrary, she brings it in, we often see her at the garbage dumps, the younger sister categorically does not accept her mother, she already said: i don’t want about her hear nothing from her garbage, and how can the neighbors escape from the landfill on the fifth floor? only eviction, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. hot spot, new season from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandexgo, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and get a supercake on alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, he’s like a demon, he knows everything, he sees everything, it’s not for nothing that he made peace all the time,
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our various star people, i was. i am absolutely sure that you will say, yes, it should be banned, and you see, i was wrong, no, the country should know its heroes, 43% is the most popular answer, that is, you, dear friends, mean you are not tired of such information, i i actually thought that in the midst of all the prohibitive initiatives that we have, pop up there are two a week there, people will support us, but my best expectations are that this is the first time i have made such a serious mistake in the results of our voting, well, probably. tips: dear housewives, do not forget that the photograph of nikita dzhigurda helps to expel weaker evil spirits from the house. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv broadcast, goodbye.
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