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tv   Pyos-6  NTV  April 12, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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only in the okko online cinema. every success begins with a dream: to do something of your own, the desire to stand out, the desire to act and not be distracted by the hustle and bustle. business works to make your cherished dream come true. start the path to your dream with sber. free business account sberbusiness card with 10% cashback, sberbusiness bonuses. thank you, sberbusiness. good morning, in the studio of evgenia neronskaya, and i will tell you about the weather for today. if the day before all attention was focused on the stormy weather in kamchatka, now the focus is on cold snap in yakutia. it's already below zero there today, tomorrow the frosts will get even stronger. in verkhoyansk -1, in yakutsk -3. and...
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getting ready to meet the wave of cold, on sunday the temperature will drop by 10° , wet snow will begin, and the southern regions are still in good weather, it’s only getting warmer here, in khabarovsk today it’s +20, in siberia the cold snap is gaining strength, it’s coming... according to the classic scenario, the cold comes from the north, in nanarilsk -15, in tomsk and kemerovo it will freeze to -2. this is not even a rollback to march, but straight to february. in altai to all this wet snow adds to the delights. in the urals, in the south of the tyumen region. rains, gusty winds in orenburg +20 and thunderstorms without precipitation only in the north of the urals in perm +1. in european territory the weather is returning to normal spring conditions. in the northwest , the cooling is accompanied by stormy winds; in the center it is also windy, but here the temperature decreases gradually. during the day it will be +12-15 with light rain. the south has hot, sunny summers. in rostov-on-don -27. but at the resorts , the wind from the sea is still holding back the warming. in sochi +17 and cloudy. in st. petersburg it is windy with rain
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and +8, in moscow on the day of astronautics it is about 15° c, cloudy and also gusty wind.
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dogs can copy the anxious and negative behavior of their owners, which often leads to conflict between pet and owner. some kind of nonsense, right? on the other hand, friendly and cheerful pets are able to infect people with these qualities, helping their owners cope with stress. but this is almost about us, yes, tell me, more than 100 dogs of their owners took part in various tests, during which they they measured the heartbeat and reaction, well, dude, tell me. one of the main problems in relation to
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humans and dogs, unfortunately, do not speak our language, and alas, you see, i’m ready for us, sometimes you get the feeling that dogs are smarter than us, because they understand us better than we understand them, yeah, currently, more than 700 names of minerals are known, more than 200 of them are related, not a bad try, of course, let's do it again, come on, come on, well, here you are, in my opinion, you and i have eaten, call leonidov already, yes, yes, leshenka , what do you tell me, mm, uh-huh, you know what i’ll tell you about this, lyoshenka is burning, water and send me a text message, please, where to go, come on. that's it, okay,
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i'll warm it up in the evening, and you have 2 minutes of what kind of cap, on... time has passed, excuse me, why are you late, wow , what does it mean to be late, what does it mean to be late, you're not on time.
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what does it mean to earn money, and what do you earn from beer caps? 2 months ago i found a dagger, so it will be more expensive than your gelding, oh well, not the stars, but my grandfather, well, it’s our family, at one time i found a treasure, a treasure i found, so you know, during borodin’s time, my grandfather crushed fascists like you with his bare hands along with tanks, i understood why, by the way, i helped. i found some trash , i found it with this, with this, well, that’s it, i’ll confiscate it, evidence, that’s it, get out of here, come on , come on, what are you doing, come on, shura, i told you, apparently the corpse of a young girl, frozen, a black digger found, and what, the nest over there
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is talking to him, the body was very frozen until the time of death could be established, very similar to the work of a maniac, amazing. what you you say straight up somehow perked up? well, i’m just reading a book about maniacs right now. what is your motoleg telling you to run away from criminals? you yourself are a leg, it’s a past finder, you ’ll see how it works, which i already know , just like you, it’s all clear to me and dembil, grandpa was walking in the park, grandpas have this tendency to walk in the park at night, and then the frost hit . suddenly it froze, the weather forecasters did not warn that there would be fences, so who is to blame? morons, her cookie, her, here is the seeker, and this is your
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motorized leg, calm down, oh, it’s working, hello, do you hear? well, it’s clearly a truck, it looks like it’s been standing for a long time, you can see how much oil has leaked out, you know, as i understand it, they killed her here, they dragged her there, listen, maybe it really was the maniac’s truck, well, where did he kill his victims, i’m just wondering how they'll call it in the newspapers, and the truck is clearly hell on wheels, you're really scaring me, you're lying, what about me? i like it, continue, lyusha, i’m just considering different versions, and you reject it, and offer it, that’s it, i reject it, i suggest you look at that camera, did you crack it?
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what is it? beautiful, right? get acquainted, this is zhenya, before his just soldiers. you’re so young, i imagined you differently. the quad decided to take over the entire business in the cemetery, not yours either. let's do it like the good old days. no, the old days are over. ivan makhovikov. where did you take us? nikolai kozak. are you planning to fight? vladislav kotlyarsky. i'll kill you, you bastard. arseny robot. give me one
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day. hot spot, new season. from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. mask, new season. sunday at 20:20 on ntv. enhanced probiotic for intestinal microflora. meet new product acipol forte. 10 billion bacteria of two types. provides zinc, acipol forte is stored without refrigeration, only one capsule per day. ocepol forte - a new level of probiotics. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, the desire to stand out, the desire to act and not be distracted by the hustle and bustle, the business works to make your cherished dream come true. start the path to your dream with sber: free business account sber business card with
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detective drama valeria geiger manika, mutual consent, look now only at kion, from dreams to home, one click home, dad , you’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t stay late now, there are many vacancies on avito , there will be not just a job, but... your place, i’m already flying to you, flying, i want, i’m flying, i want, i want you for lunch, pyaterochka cafe , and i pay inexpensively, i want, i want, five coffee, fly, at least, pyaterochka helps out, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we’re at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, like this, don’t, you need to like this, like that, like that, i understand , i realized, like this at the megamarket there are landcom brand products at a discount of up to 35%,
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somewhere nearby, always nearby, looking at us laughing, looking at us laughing, i won’t be able to live if i don’t catch him, the day was ticking, the premiere of the series only in the okko online cinema, i 've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally she came. spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, they have given, i looked. recordings from surveillance cameras, over the last 12 hours only
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one car, a truck, passed there, yes, and it has now been cleared in the same area, i will send you the coordinates, please tell me, have you noticed leonidov’s, there hasn’t been any recent unhealthy interest in maniacs, maybe, but sometimes there is a healthy interest in maniacs, what are you talking about? ok, nothing i mean, here you go for detention, come on! so we talked, here it is.
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take! well, well, the thing is right, i’m choosing the lesser of two evils, come here, like that, let’s go.
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“let’s get it out of the way, it’s not my fault, i didn’t do anything, honestly, look, there ’s a camera hanging there that recorded everything, you know what i’m talking about, okay, that ’s good, it’s a corpse, i celebrated the holy day in the park , but i didn’t kill her, yeah, well, then, come on, what’s next, i didn’t kill her, honestly, well , honestly, i found the body in my garage, six months ago i rented out the garage? and the last 2 rent hasn't been paid for a month, well, i decided to pay a visit, and there we find a body in the freezer, and the only sensible thought that came to your head was to bury her, yes, first of all, you'd be lucky to find a corpse in the garage like this what the hell am i, i’ve already served time for an unintentional crime, it’s easier for you to pin it on me than for me
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to be hanged, we’ll sort it out with you, but secondly, what are you doing? and it’s better for you to see for yourself, okay, and i have nothing to do with this either, what’s in your back there, i have no idea, you have no idea, you have some kind of pathological hatred of physical education, perhaps since childhood, but you got two, and you’re laughing in vain, this is a vindal, it’s relegated to a jewel, but it... i understand , i won’t even share the chips with you, it’s clear, don’t waste your precious time on me either, yes, meet me, this is our world champion in weights, you still have to work with him, we’ll work together, hello, well, let’s look for the key or as usual we’ll ask makarov, no
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need, don’t ask for limonides, a new era has arrived, you saw what kind of device i have, now it’s for us will find everything quickly. oh, i heard, i heard, the key is on the roof, who will climb, who suggested the version, someone will climb, i won’t climb, and igor should have been scrapped long ago along with the device, but calm down, he was in a bad mood, probably, yeah, but no touch you, wait here, do you? you can’t come here, where are you, what are you, heaven, well, it’s clear that the driver didn’t call the cops, look, it’s you, look, this is where they kept the body, i was just looking for a freezer, like that, yes, well, what about you, did you just
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want it or right away with the corpse? what are you doing, igoryonya? my drug told me that there was treasure there, and one means that the maniac is crazy, the hammers are already talking to the other, you hear, fuck you, that’s right, i’ll go, bastard, i’ll put the owner in prison, right away, i’ll put him in prison, i wanted to kill the bastard, huh? well done, well done, hello, hello, this is all yours, well, don’t worry, it’s ours, they
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’ll fix the hole later, by the way, how are you in your relationship with your neighbors, and in what kind of relationship, you know, i’m in someone else’s garage, but i’m carrying it, this is it, that means this is all yours, this is nothing. on sale, all for yourself, yes, no, this is a big family, a big family, well, let me believe in the family, and what do you give me in return? i know that they have something shady there, so come on, well, they guys are uncommunicative, nothing connects me with them except the cable, by the way, isn’t it scary to steal electricity from people who are into drugs? nothing will become poorer, i’m generally against drugs, i make my own classic moonshine with ball electricity, you know, you saw her, yes, yes, yes,
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i saw her a couple of times, god, poor girl, what a creature, what kind of creature do you have to be to to do something like that, okay, be careful with your family, no matter how bad it gets, it’s with you, but what, the holidays are coming soon, the new year? i can give you a little treat, it’s enough for me that this time i caught some kind of signal. was it possible to find out something? yes, tenant, some garage, arkash, the client didn’t show up here? showed up, but she’s not a client, and she
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didn’t bring clients here, so why did she go to the department? guessed right? come on, yes, it's up to the family to be in trouble, as my grandfather said, drug dealers always have to hide their millions somewhere, yeah, then the drug dealer will leave, no, no, he just knew where you were coming from, yes, uh-huh, oh, it worked, yes, let's move away, come here, na, na! and the truck driver gave us a psychocopy
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of the tenant’s passport, the passport, of course, is fake, but from our database we were able to establish the necessary identity, this is arkasha michurin, a grass dealer, the sun scorched , scorched, lyoshenka, scorched! and our body thawed, the person was identified by fingerprints, ivkina, svetlana, passed through the base for storing narcotic substances, a month ago they put on the wanted list as a missing person, i wonder what kind of investigator this is demobilized, who did not complete the job, someone, the captain nested, oh, i would kick such scoundrels to hell,
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i apologize for this mess, oh, i still found the key to victory, dmitry, you know that i’m under yours i just love
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listening to the shaman’s songs. “chaliapin prokhor smiles at me when he meets me, and i want to do something so that dzhigurda would be ashamed of me, such a mistress, not a speck of dust, not a speck, everything is in the pawnshop, i wake up in the morning, april is in my soul, i also wake up in the morning i immediately turn on the drill, kill me, kill me, atosha, kill me me, you are like migratory birds? the soul flies into the sky, it was i who did not give my grandmother the medicine, the apartment is now mine, the stars, today marina fedunkev and dmitry malikov will fight for reaching the finals, tomorrow at 22:00 on ntv. hot spot, new season, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet,
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order on our website leamax. spring has come, we rejoice in the sun and the ringing of the pile, we are playing for free houses, cars, laptops, spring streams, cash prizes await you, catch your bird of luck, because they win with us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv, opochki, and how did you end up here, well, how did you originally come from mom and dad, quietly, give it here, anatomy will also ask, teach how i showed up, get up, let's go, this is not my house, this is the correct answer, yana is a worker, this is
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the wrong answer, you are detained, come on, you bastard, admit it, quickly, i can hear you right through, what cartoon did you come out of, a consequence of the great? yeah, this explains a lot, stop it, what are you doing, have you gone crazy or something, i’m sorry, what, for example, should i explain, your conspiracy theories about leonid, but no, this, this is ours from arkasha’s house, i’m her
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accepted to compare whether you will stop or not, you are like that, sorry, please compare it with the one who was from the garage, about lionidov, until now, stop it, what... or each other, they lived, soul to soul, it’s just that he didn’t want souls, who didn’t want what, in arkasha in our souls, let's go, let's talk, leshenka, now,
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let's go, let's go, leshenka, that's it, bye, that's it, just like that, lying down, just like that, that's what you wanted, you see, not one of me... it seems what a strange thing, how lately, again for his own, what am i, leshenka, lena is already saying, yes, you, you, you, you’re crazy, that we agreed with her that you will remain strictly between us, now you’re flying in there like that, and how you put me, can you imagine what she told you, are you sure you want to hear this, she’s uncomfortable with you, you know, with me she’s somehow more confident? is she feeling like something, she told you this, just not in her voice, i say it sweetly, it’s all because of insomnia, i became kind of anxious, nervous after,
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especially, you hear voices, now in general, but go you know where, i know, leshenka, they were waiting for alexey, igor, max, well, well, that’s it, that’s all, that’s it, it’s all for the house, it’s all for the family, or something, defector g, if you want, i’ll check you, god forbid, i’ll take care of less important matters there, interrogation, and you have fun, but come on, poke around, and when i get bloated, how he works, i’ll catch you up. you are probably interested in your hose, what kind of wonderful device is under my table, i
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am not at all interested in what kind of device you have, especially under the table, that’s good, so that you understand where the bastard is turning on. this defector g of my grandfather-uncle was a concrete nonsense, so i came up with this and invented it for myself. that don't envy how you see, i’m not jealous, i’ve also collected this, right now, well, well, well, blurt out something now, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, the nest is in a good owl, oh, vindal, he works, this is not my house and grass, but he himself is a poor fellow, what was he doing there near the house?
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well, she also disappeared a month ago, as if through the ground, somehow everything is falling through the ground, and he doesn’t have your employers either, you didn’t accidentally fill everyone up, what did you do at arkash’s house, take your things, what are you saying, that you’re lying , do you understand which ones? you may have things in arkasha’s house, okay, i understand,
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i understand, say, come on, in short, it turns out i worked in idle for some time, transfer it to me, well, they didn’t pay me the wage, they don’t answer the phone, but i decided to pick up the goods, well, you see, look, how it doesn’t hurt the truth at all -what to say, right? everyone to go to their places, i 've all sorted out, well done, a professional is getting down to business, you killed her, like her, like her, sanu koror, what sanu koror, i've resolved myself, what are you talking about, in short, you killed her, i'm telling you, i i didn’t kill anyone, but my device says that you?
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that the harness from his lies stretches, he broke, fell, you'll kill her, and for now i'll continue the interrogation, come on, well, wait, come back, come to us, definitely, i'm quick now, don't rush, i'm going to get a soldering iron, it's better to tell me what happens, arkasha disappeared after his wife a month ago, that is, he killed her, he
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laid low, i contacted his bank, there was no activity on the account for a month, even before the disappearance of large sums he did not withdraw, here is lyoshenka, at the bottom, and if you of course read, the money is for him would be needed, yes, what would you do in his place, what would you prompts, again you are on your own, i will never be in his place, you would never be better. i didn’t renounce, you see, there’s even a moron here, it’s clear that arkash and his wife killed a competitor, so yes, by the way, i was bullshitting about this from the very beginning, uh-huh, ah, what a bastard you’re making me look at, but it’s better if you move away, a miniature from love to hate, look how
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you feel better? well, did i just trust him like a family member? ark’s house is left full of grass, i think we need a place there, plus he must have hiding places with money, so i’ll take a look. if anything, he call nearby. yes, listen, after our conversation i started thinking, i promise that leonidov will not find out about our conversation, but about which one, in the laboratory or this very second, about the one that at this very moment, i promise, you know,
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leonidov is really behaving strangely in lately, what am i talking about, don’t interrupt me, he has insomnia, he’s been reading books about serial killers, he suggests watching movies. mazik and in general, i think work has an adverse effect on him, so i have a request to you, please look after him, okay, that’s it, until it’s time for me to work, but it’s not time for me, am i a babysitter for him or something, what are you doing here, not from here, get out of here, why are you wearing this night vision device, where are you going? igor is driving with his device and i’m like a tiger yelling, i’m going to drive away and burst out. at night i’m now playing like this, everything is quiet and calm , yes i’m a secret operation, what are you yelling about, what are you
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going to, where are you going, asshole, you’re crazy, we have a secret operation here, let’s go there, go there! oops, stand there, wet dream, wet dream, you say, asshole!
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well done, it seems to me you’re not arkash, yes, well maybe arkadia, come on, move, let’s go, what kind of relationship you and arkasha michurin, i’m his sister, and the last time you saw your brother was a month ago, and that’s all, after that they didn’t communicate, of course not, i don’t know that, i only know that arkasha is not a bastard, why are you like that decided? arkasha had a business partner with whom they were friends, well, as far as it is possible
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to be friends in this business, and this is a bitch, his brother’s wife, svetlana, with his brother’s partner, but arkasha did not forgive her for this, he killed her, drawing a conclusion from how the partner brother took over the entire business within a month, i can say one thing, arkasha dead, they killed him because of business or for this socialite, i don’t know, i know for sure that they killed his brother, partner, partner, partner, but can you tell me more about this partner? i don’t know anything about him, i don’t even know his name, well... okay, let’s say in my brother’s garage, what are you looking for, i wanted to pick up the money that he hid in a cache. listen, i have nothing to do with my brother’s business, but it seems that i know where his warehouse may be located, write
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the address, and where did you get this information from? one day , arkasha and i were driving in a car, they called him. he he said that he urgently needed to go to one place on business, he was there for about 15 minutes, and i was waiting for him in the car, you are fearless, you take risks, you are a very brave person, it’s just terrible, how scary it was, but it’s so amazing, just absolutely wonderful. every year from monday at 23:00 compivit to support health, performance and well-being. complivit is
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sunday at 20:20 on ntv. i stand here for this street. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt. from monday at 23:00 on ntv. check this out, arkasha has been found, i see, they have a family affair, what are we going to do, well, look, if you set this on fire, probably not the fireman will come, no one will be displaced, everyone will run. hands up in the building of the nesters, trunk in the shade, nesters in the building, don’t be smart, look, you poor thing, how
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it works... come on, comb everything there, i don’t think the fire started because of the drought, the boss understood, by me, cut it out this crap, so, artyom, max, comb the perimeter from this side, everyone else is with me, yes. oh my,
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hello, if you decided to milk us, then this bad idea, come on, praise, come on, come on, come on, move, kneel down, throw down the weapon, go there, are you awesome, crazy, it’s us in the department, well, i know, which of us is the funnier clown, guys, yeah we ’re not busy, we’re hunters, we were on our way to hunt, we heard a siren, we decided to check, look, lying down, what kind of guns the hunters are driving with now, we all stay in our places, damn it, i don’t see a damn thing,
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you’re wearing ice cream. well, i don’t know, just, i saw him, hendekoh, what a hendekoh, you have some kind of crap in your hands, and i said, hyundai koch, huh?
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at least so, excuse me here, here it is for me, this is also for me, one sharp movement, i’ll put a hole in your friend’s head, here you go, what?
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our moonshine is no longer the same, but you switched to dope, thank you for demonstrating to me the professional incompetence of my staff, but please, let’s act reasonably, i won’t hurt you with money, this is how you do it so that this place doesn’t come up anywhere else, yeah , then everyone will remain unharmed, interesting, well , almost... persuaded, bonuses are possible, svetlano, you failed, arkasha, and i him, because we’ll get out of the situation, how can we get out, you don’t know, stand, everyone, the nest is working, are you? killed, yes, igor, killed, lemonidov,
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i saved your life through max, you owe me 100 bucks, okay, 50 each. okay, you don’t need anything, how quickly we agreed, screw him, you can take him myself, i don’t see a damn thing from him, lyosha’s work is stressful, you know, but yours is different, i’m a different person, obviously. max, i want to say thank you for saving my life, come on, it’s true,
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it’s true, but i would like you to know that you a true friend, and the doors of our house are always open for you, but why are there doors, live with us, right? look, even the dog understands that we are joking. i believed in your insinuations, as you say yourself, i’m more precise with a polygraph, not with time, and don’t go plowing.
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i don’t understand, uncle, what is this, as my grandfather said, you can’t defeat the enemy, tame him, i have a dog whistle here, i understand, come on, knock him out, otherwise i ’ll knock you out now, right? jumped up,
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concentrate, the spirits will help us. we present to your attention a mystical necklace on woven leather with twelve signs of the zodiac, this wonderful decoration
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will protect you from everything bad, buy it and be happy, right now, what you are telling me, you want to say that there are superstitious dogs. come on, get out of here, get out, i bought you a toy last week, i bought it, what did you do with it, that’s all, you’ll buy the next one for yourself, i don’t even understand where you get such a craving for all this disgrace. we waited, yes, alex,
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oh, well, send me your address via sms, and then i’ll have some coffee and greetings, alex, i can’t hear you, you’re disappearing somewhere, yeah, yes, yes, yes, bye, ah-ay. okay, the corpses won’t go away without us. here, yes, yes, with us too, the humanids, check it out, resourceful, igor, the seance was not in vain, yeah, and these? there was something here,
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this is a vakhtank, not the same, he asked me to look after him, even - we still didn’t have enough fish, igor, what do you think about the version, well, well, well, come on, well, look, the neighbors were so afraid of the witch that they solved it to burn straight from the apartment, like you, well, that’s normal, working stuff, for... the century, of course yes, but it’s immediately clear to me, a moron, that this is a household thing, i wanted smoke, lit a cigarette, forgot to put it out, i guess i don’t understand what we’re doing here at all, well, or the candelabra fell, everything caught fire, kandy, what a bastard, i’m not polluting my memory, igor, there will be a stroke, but what a bastard, i i’m telling you, she didn’t put out the cigarette, look, her fingertips are blue, probably signs of a struggle, here’s five for observation,
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it fits here, why practically, look, two cups on the carpet, well, i practically licked lemonade off of this from the tongue, what is it, ugh, yes, look, cool, what did you do that you took the damned knife from under the carpet, well now you’re cursed too? yes, still cursed, and now you
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are cursed, oh, igor, what? okay, what does this tell us? about what, what, what, what, am i going to die, or what? no, igorit, we will all die, even you, well, you don’t want any crap, i will never die, i’m a character, igor. give it here, even you will die, as a character, suggests that she had ill-wisher.
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look what he did again? what did i do again? you drank dead water, igor? what dead water? from the lake to the suicidal prisoner infused in the crypt with the suicide. whoever drinks such water can consider himself damned forever? even the children know, igor, do you drink? yes, i don’t believe in this, that you are scratching me, a normal, ordinary vanda in an ordinary base. you know how to check, igor.
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the victim’s record is uninteresting, she wasn’t involved, there are no criminal connections, there are no scandals, there are no lawsuits, so igor, i don’t understand
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why you’re still alive, the peepul is under your tongue, to spite you, i understand, i don’t believe in everything these spiritualistic seances, all this mysticism, but it works, very in vain, some people think there is something in this, oh, you might think, elena nikolaevna, you often communicate with ganders, i communicate, and what did she tell you, wrote a man with whom i will be happy, and as she described him to you, let’s not specify what, but what, are you a third husband, or what? look,
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was just so scared, that’s why i ran away, fire, smoke, karinka was screaming, it was so creepy, you know, i understand, karina was eating something, drinking, maybe, well, yes, she drank from the cup so that summon the spirit, how about you? you were basically at the session, what did you do? so what? you see, i love one man very much, but you wouldn’t think, he loves me very much too, he just doesn’t understand it yet, on our expressive side, well, yes, no, well, he’s a comrade, well, some kind of comshar, well, in his right mind , well, what superstitions, what fascination, this is all bullshit nonsense, what are you leading to all this? go away, get out of here, excuse me, please, he, he will work, he will give everything, yeah, you can’t wait, and you know, my
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grandmother bewitched my grandfather, they lived soulfully in soul is 50 years old, and a neighbor once cursed my aunt, so who was unlucky enough that she almost died until this curse was lifted, and my grandfather, uncle, your aunt, what 50 years, in what, in what, and you generally shut your mouth when it’s scary, i’m talking, igor, scary, you, no, you can’t do anything, back off, yes, yes, with karina, maybe there were some quarrels, there were scandals, yes, i think not , and karinka somehow knew how to find a common language with everyone, although maybe angela, that angela, who, who is angela, she works in the same salon, she is a fortuneteller, when karina came, she she lured away a lot of clients, well, angeli, of course, didn’t like it... she still works in this salon every other day, and the rest of the time where, well, once every other day, and
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she, she seems to be near the central library, karina is like - she said that she loves reading so much, no, rather readers, uh-huh, thanks for helping the investigation, so we need to... talk to this angelo and she had a motive, i agree, poisoning is a pure bopsley method, well, this is a curse at the same time take it off, oh, you hesitated, fade away, do you hear, but i don’t have any curses, i stand there calmly, that’s how igor is, what a barbarian you are, maksimov, asia? i understand, don’t bother me, girls,
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don’t pass by, look what i have. do you think fortune-telling right on the street is a crime, let’s now approach her head-on and ask all the questions that interest us, sometimes women need to be more delicate, to teach me how to behave with women, or what? well, why not, you have a photograph of lena, of course, a photograph of lena, she always sa, well, yes, he ran away now, why do you need lena's photo, how's it going? i’ll take it, go up to her, start from afar, like you love on the forehead, which man is most suitable for this woman? well, you yourself have always been interested, come on, this will come, this is not lena, yes, well, yes, that will do too, okay, look,
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turn your back on me now don’t look at me, i’ll clean you, go , buy light water, come, i’ll clean it, go buy hello, my friend and i saw that you were guessing, we became terribly interested, maybe you can tell me what kind of man he will have this girl, wow, didn't think that the police? we are so superstitious, or are you coming from so far away, how insightful you are, or were you just sitting already, and this does not concern you, everyone has their own bread, what did you do this morning? i was here, working with potential clients, a marketing ploy, this is not a crime,
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no, of course, just this morning your colleague, karina, was killed right during a session, how do you like that? marketing ploy, karinka, yes, it won’t scare away clients here, well, clients are the last thing i need now to think, we found a photograph of karina with her eyes gouged out, many people didn’t like her, what have i got to do with it, with the photograph with your prints, it doesn’t prove anything, in my opinion, it proves everything, yes, i wanted to intimidate her into killing her, i look like a murderer to you, well, just like that, i generally look like that, you know, that i did magic a couple of times, but
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against her, well, i wouldn’t kill, she would soon go on maternity leave anyway, where? i was on maternity leave, i was in my second month, i was in my third month, yeah, i’m a beast to you, maybe i’m poisoning a pregnant woman, and you how did they find out about the pregnancy, but she didn’t hide it, do you think, karina had enemies, well, except for you, of course, no, dear hailstone, god forgive me, everything settled down peacefully, i’m not leaving the city, where can i go? ? lyoshka for a second, well done, you started brilliantly from afar, yes, by the way, how did you guess that there are her fingerprints in the photo , yes, you are called a scientific poke,
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leshnik, wow, but seriously, seriously, you deceived her, she fell for it, dude, it’s them. i was wondering, wait a second, you can literally hold him back for a minute, lesh, i really need it, i really need it, wait, wait, babe, you want it, i don’t want yours, wait, what is it? one more little question: a man in a black hat, in a black coat, all in black with a black rotten soul will come up to you and ask: is he cursed? could these fears be confirmed? for what? in interest in the investigation? well, if it’s in the interests of the investigation, then of course,
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this will happen to you, but not every fortune teller will tell you about the girl. and i’ll say, her husband will be caring, cheerful, handsome, and bald or hairy? the cards don’t say anything about that, you look strange today, what is it like, is there a burning fire in my forehead? me, please, i beg you, listen, wait, now your fate is being decided, look, you can...
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don’t say anything, i see everything myself, i see, everything, i see, do you work in a government house? captain, your position is right, you drive a mercedes, yeah, your colleagues respect you very much, and i also see
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the clouds have thickened with you, so i came to talk about these kidneys, you know, comrade gander, i have such a mischief here happened, i drank dead water, well , i drank it, a couple of sips, and also... the witch woke up on me, but i’m not sure, it still seems to me that it’s farting, they tell you that you’re cursed, yes, brud, in you the demon has taken over, this is much worse, how is this, how the demon was having fun, but you can somehow get him out of me, salvation will find you itself, get out, get out, i say, get out, get out, go ahead, that's it, lord, god , oh, old acquaintance, what
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monday. i'm hi, oh, hi, and i brought you coffee, you'll have it, thank you, that's how you like it, that's all even gnyazdilovo was cursed by someone, do you think so or does he think so, well, here our thoughts agree with his, you saw how the tractor hit him, hard, hard, it was me who laughed,
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but he was right... why all this fun and why this coffee? i’m just a cheerful , caring person in life, lenochka, this is for you, thank you, you are also a cheerful, caring person today, yes, yeah, well, tell me about gnezdilov, or what? yes, the tractor splashed gnezdilov today, hard, right there, well, yes, i can see right away, a real friend, a real friend - that’s who, that’s the one who a friend won’t throw himself into trouble, won’t ask too much, maybe you can continue the discussion about friendship outside this office, or let me tell you the news, there are autopsy results, the victim was pregnant, so what, i’m sure that this has nothing to do with the case, why do you wish, karina was not married? we don’t know the father,
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it turns out that if we find him, then maybe something will be revealed, have a nice time, thank you. what are you doing, bastard, this is more like a bastard, a moron, or so it’s a screw.
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divorce and gene b by phone number i easily them i’ll figure out whether you’ll quit or not, holy father, listen, let’s burn him at the stake, i agree, you know that you all go away on your own, look at you, but repent, sinners, bye, forgive me, vakhtank, what...
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gotcha , maksimov, i'm glad to see you, i know. vladimir putin held a meeting with alexander lukashenko, says that we refuse negotiations, we are not invited, they say that we refuse, the presidents discussed the ukrainian conflict, prospects for a peaceful settlement and topics that are especially relevant on cosmonautics day, read more edmund zhulbunov.


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