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tv   Prospekt oboroni  NTV  April 16, 2024 1:20am-2:11am MSK

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put everything in order in an hour, you saw it all and gave up your children in order to arrange your own happiness with a new man, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. how are you? fine. natasha, are you not jealous anymore? should i? let's go to the bedroom. natasha, natasha, i need to watch two more fights. it is very important. you go for now, i ’ll come over later, okay, i’ll sit a little longer. you are sure? i'm absolutely sure, come on, come on, come on, don't interfere, don't interfere.
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liska never showed up, leave him alone, the girl is young, she’ll have some fun and will come back, like dogs, this is the whole essence of a woman, i see this, a connoisseur woman has seen a lot, but good morning, hello, tea... porridge today, no mother is skipping today, so tomorrow she’s going to dry food, and as she’s skipping, she’s even on her birthday she cooks porridge, just like that, she’s not healthy, she’s healthy, she, her mother went to novorzhev, where some relative died suddenly, so she just left in the middle of the night, well, yes, right away they called , i took her to the station, right in novozhe? there seems to
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be no one left there, it’s been almost a year already, so enough talk, you forgot, you have a gym today, let’s quickly have breakfast and go to the gym, tebenich, tell me, i’ll come later, i have a meeting, that’s it, bon appetit, it turns out we have a direct train to navorzhev , okay, natasha, oh, excuse me, just a second, now. you don’t want to tell me anything, no, what are we going to do, you know what we ’ve gotten ourselves into, i’ll figure it out, it’s strange, mom, something is inaccessible. we
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agreed that i would call her back in the morning, well , maybe i just changed the phone number, uh-huh, you don’t know my mother, she never consults phone, that's it, baby, i ran, huh? please don’t forget that you have a group at six, yeah, when you’re leaving, check if the door has slammed, kiss everyone, yes, hello, wait, yes, ruslan, hello, listen, mom is unavailable for some reason, but she left for novorzhev, father said someone died, where are you? with sveta, everyone in novorzhiva has died a long time ago, only aunt kira is there, she hasn’t communicated with her for about 10 years. what’s going on with you, where’s dad? he left for some meeting. when you called,
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i didn't even believe it. how many years have passed? a lot of. did you call me to your office to show me how cool you are? not really. i wanted to show you how cool you could be if you weren’t such a stubborn ass, you wanted to say as a normal person, well, it’s normal, no matter how you look at it, what you call normal, in my opinion, is just stupidity, then what you, in my opinion, are mean spirited, okay, let's get down to business, i recognize you ostakhov, i came to ask, you read lectures yourself, how you were a commie, you stayed like that, nothing, but i can calmly face the children with...
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for you, boxing is money, but for me life, well, you haven’t won anything in this life of yours, because people like you ruined the country, the country was ruined by people like you with your equalization of the poor, and we survived at the expense of others, people like you dragged boys into sports, but when those didn’t work out, they threw away the box for you, that’s the main thing, you don’t care about people,
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“well, they need to re-equip something there, i promised, but now it’s your problem, you bring in the money by monday, we’ll organize a fight by the end of the month, i give you my word.” , if there is no money, borrow from our prize fund, if your son is so good, so he ’ll earn you even more
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money later? . i ask again, he did it. i’m asking about your mother , denis, denis, this is my problem, denis, this is my problem, i will solve it myself, sasha, i would be glad to help you, but now there is no cash. no, just in general, you said, things are going well at the club, not bad, but not great, they went a lot inexpensively, then three lemons - that’s it. not 100 rubles, well, listen, well, i can still get 1,250, but that’s all, okay, if i offer you to buy out my share in the hall, sasha, well
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, it’s not like i went to the store, it’s time, then i don’t think it’s there there are so many, we have a lot of property, a hall for rent, capitalization is low, i know, but you can borrow from someone at a percentage, well, you might think, but there is a more interesting option, the old method is more reliable, but i can’t. sergey is coming now, some big shot from kazakhstan, do you want to book a party for your daughter? bandera is with you came, whose name is mine i forgot? hello, here is alex sergeevich, my name is konstantin, very nice, very nice. i told you not to touch my sister,
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the winner of the clowns, as you say, we don’t have much time, so they start fighting tomorrow, the
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other day for the finals, negotiate, but the entrance costs 300 rubles. well, you’ll get almost that much, so bring it in, i’ll owe it, woman, i ’ll split any of these suckers into one or two, drop it. “firstly, for every professional there is a sucker, and secondly, you can’t fight, i mean you can’t, literally, wearing injury, in general, after any fight you have to start all the preparation again, they want to hold the fight with the wolf before the end of the month, dad, i said everything, you will fight, right?” well done,
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sergeevich, boxer, young, i’m already six years old no matter how she waved, well, don’t run after the trunk, don’t run, what’s the conflict? yes, nothing, i met this guy’s sister, messed with him, but he didn’t like him, why is that right, because families are all like that, father, brothers, you say, by chance? not ostakhov, what is the guy’s name, but ostakhov denis, of course, sergeevich, i’ll tell her god is sorry, i’ll go for now, let lenya come in. find me this wolf trainer of our khapov,
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wait here, okay, alone, yes. listen, borya, i wanted to ask you somehow, how did it happen that you have one black person in your family, he ’s not black, he’s my nephew, there’s something wrong with me , okay, i’m sorry, i don’t care, even if he’s green , even if it’s purple, it’s just somehow unusual, and life in general is an unusual thing, i dismantled everything, eliminated the guilt, everything was clean. it’s a pleasure to do business with you, contact me,
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listen, i have a conversation with you. want to earn more? continue. in general, the crisis played into our hands; people do not want to pay the price set by the dealer. orders in dadur and frol just increase the turnover. a day to drive, a serious proposal, think, everything is clean, i'm leaving,
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you think, i... i think, i think that such a show will gather enough spectators, you are positioning your club as a professional fight, so a meeting in the super final with a real boxer will initially be beneficial for the club's reputation. so let him not lose, because amateurs do too there are different ones, your interest, 50% of the prize fund, 30, 40, agreed.
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you heard everything, well, yes, the ax has already left the psychiatric hospital, just last month, find him for me. de dabor, ugh, you scared the five, you fixed my binoculars, now, yes, fight,
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come to the lake, we need to talk, yeah, because i said so, tengist, valentin, master of sports, took silver at city competitions, whatever they wanted so that i can bring tyson to this circus, or what? in short, i said everything, i don’t know how much is in the safe, i didn’t count it, but 1,600 today, christ is only a car for, taking into account kickback from fight club, problem with the federation. we’ll decide we’ll have to add, how much? almost everything, although i’m afraid this won’t be enough, well, actually, i had my own plans, but to hell with the plans, now the main thing is to get dinya out into battle, san, oh, the devil don’t need to send me, i bring more at a time, than your car service in a month, i’m not a fox to you,
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you don’t need to bark at me, i’m sorry, it’s just 13, there’s not enough money for anything at all, “i’m so ashamed to look the children in the eyes for this dirty money, are you expanding, that’s how it turns out interesting, it means that if i need money, then it’s dirty, but if we put it on boxing, then it’s clean, very good, very good, and you decided everything for us, yes, and
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maybe we’ll ask him, yes, let's tell him what kind of shit it is. his sports career is developing, and how do we pay for the gyms, massage therapists, nutritionists, let’s ask everyone how they live in this house, and don’t start talking, okay, i bought this house when i sold my share in the hall to tingiz, and the workshop brings, god willing, so don't come from here build a family to feed yourself, okay, yeah, you thought about me, i’ll continue to be in ironwork and poking around in the dirt until i’m old, fight, well, now the day will win the fight, you won’t need anything, i promise you, thank you, brother , but he was a benefactor, but i don’t need your handouts, even though i’m disabled, i can do something myself. it’s interesting to stand on the porch, i need to talk to you, not
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now, this is important, i want to know where mom is, why isn’t the phone turned off, i already told you, she left, then why didn’t she tell me nothing, leaf, you understand russian, not now, okay, so i’ll go the other way. fiancé, you want to become a lesson, guess where the ball is, i’m paying a fee, two where i used to screw up my boys, why are you presenting yourself to me during the training camp, the names of the elders? what do you know, do you know what to call those who collaborate with the cops, everything will change a lot here now, i should pay the money, i earned it, i taught you this, the word of the boy,
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a good boxer, trained, our wolf? also normal. can we lose? we can always lose, it's a sport. give me this nonsense, this is a business, the first loss in it may turn out to be the last, or should i, instead of you, maybe invest in the ostakhovs? well, what i mean is that anything can happen, i heard that the federation can disqualify ostakhov for a fight, maybe, but you can not disqualify him, so click, you can easily, i can, but i won’t, why, because you have to keep your word, come on insert the handle harder, harder, come on, come on, well, insert your hand harder,
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insert your hand harder. catch me, you see, i’m opening, here i am, here i am, here i go, so, so, stop, take off the perchets, we’re working, we’re working, work, what are you closing, work, come on, work, harder, harder, work, fuck, take it easy, well, come on, come on, come on, come on, here i am, here, here, here, well, what are you sleeping on, but good, work, rag, impotent, you yourself impotent, dead, you're like, normal, normal.
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“tell val, let him work harder with jeb, owners, is there anyone, yes, come out, good afternoon, could you look at my car, somehow the engine is running unevenly, well, drive into the yard, i ’ll come to you now, fine."
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a little air got into the car, the mixture became airy, well, everything is fine, how much do i tell you? must, not at all, i haven’t done anything, no, no, allah said, any work must be rewarded, keep it, i won’t have change, it doesn’t matter, i have a lot of friends with cars, i always need a good master, we’ll pay it off later, thank you, be hello, brother,
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all the best. forward, back, same thing and get ready, priskov, bakika, continue, continue, mira, get up, yeah, okay, girls, let's go, 3, 2, hi, hi, how are you, it would be nice if your sister came for training, i'm singing for her now, but she's having a bad time lately
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in general, basush can’t stand it, come on, come on, yes, i came to say thank you for warning me about her and this bandit, and why not, tell me what she owes me now, light, for you? i have a fight tomorrow, here’s the time, come, if you’re sick, okay, maybe i’ll come, or maybe i’ll come in, let’s take a walk, maybe come in, let’s take a walk, bye, pause, 3, 2, come on!
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well, as they say, her premonition did not deceive her, 4 weeks, the sun of may is 4 weeks, no more. sun, i ’ve been sitting in this office, as they say, all my life, if i say anything, then it’s exactly, as they say, like in a pharmacy, what did they make on the side, or something,
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give me a card. you're in charge, pay attention, because these amateurs can sometimes jump higher too. ladies and gentlemen, there will be a fight between a member of our club and master of sports, silver medalist of the st. petersburg championship valentin ostakhov. unfortunately, our today's winner was injured during
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the final battle, so the honor of the club will be defended by our multiple champion alexey kupych, nicknamed "tapor"? why the replacement? this club rule, such substitutions are possible. you yourself replaced denis with valentin. yes, such a valuable long player, i know him, he competed in fights without rules. this is a setup. listen, we’re not performing right now. what do you want from me? disagreements, withdraw. just keep in mind that you will have to pay a penalty. and this is half the prize fund.
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four, get up, five, son, come on, hold on, hold on, eight, nine, ready, look at me, you can fight, you can, ready, ready, come on, come on, stop, stop, stop, stop, in the corners!
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we still have english today, mom, i would like
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talk to you, why is this, for no reason, i have a problem, i’m confused, you didn’t ask me when you left home, you didn’t ask me when you married your athlete, now you show up out of the blue , i have enough problems of my own , i have to go, i’m sorry, mom, i was 18, and now i’m not sure that i have more brains, but i’m sure that i don’t, listen, you had everything, a house, food, clothes, prospects, and what prospects, mom, going to fucking college, not letting your kid listen to your husband yell at me, here again, doesn't mean much. yelled, listen, you know, i have a normal family, i have a good life, and i don’t want to start all this again, mom, i’m pregnant. congratulations, you just know, i feel sorry for this
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baby, with a mother like you, nothing good will come of him, now call us, it’s time for us, fedor, mom, let’s go home. got up, did it, you understand, just with one
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hand, that you didn’t go to boxing, but there’s a lot of work, oh, just don’t, you’d think i wouldn’t let you go, but why didn’t you go, and that’s not boxing, that’s circus, but i don’t like circuses, he also agrees. yes, wait, well we are agreed, i understood you, come over, yeah, i’ll be there now, come on.
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what's happened? nothing happened, things just happened, we got a big order, have you decided, will you expand? man, there’s real money, so the costs are real, people need to be hired, tools need to be purchased, that’s what we’re talking about, he wants to decide quickly, here’s one and a half. lyama is our share in the hardware, okay? we agreed, here’s the thing, konstantin, because of your machismo squabbles, our image suffered, i sent you a very respectable, a serious person, you
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were humiliated before his eyes, and humiliating my people is the same as humiliating me. bad conversations started, i would like you to correct this situation, we must prove that no one has the right to behave this way with members of our team, do you understand me, yes, i understand, that is, i can hope that you somehow influence the correction of this misunderstanding, of course, boss, okay. listen to the riddle, a man returned, he had not been in the city for 10 years, he came to his mother’s grave, in its place the owner of the meat processing plant was buried with a monument, question, to whom the money was brought, it’s like a boss, zhenya murina, your mother won’t forgive you, but do
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you really think that i didn’t take precautions, i don’t like these dances on the graves, they killed him with mine, he pressed you tightly, do you want you on his fought on the side? it’s you who will circle him, i told you the truth, then you can do what you want, arseniy robok, hot spot, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. ugh, i scared you, what are you doing here, it’s great, but
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i’ll jump into the company with a pickaxe, i didn’t take the car after yesterday, then i remembered that you'll be the boss today, maybe we'll come back together. are you back or what? let's go back, let's go home already, what are you going to do? no, at the intersection, slow down, i’ll go to the light, you don’t mind, do you ? i told you everything with her, dear god, that don’t do this, his brother, what don’t do,
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you know what, sergei, that he ordered you to deal with her brother, i ask you, use your head. if you want, take her, dump her somewhere for a couple of days, i’ll do everything, there will be no mistakes on you, i’m for it, come on, that’s it, she’s sleeping, the doctor said that for...
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870,000, here it’s 7460,000, that’s all there was v safe, thank you, borya, i have another hundred on my other card, well, tomorrow we’ll pay the money, and we’re back in the game, yes, thanks to the shaft, no, thanks to the fact that we’re a family, that’s it, it’s too late , right? go to sleep, sleep, okay, good night, uncle borya. listen, we had a bad conversation last time, maybe we can discuss chris's proposal again. there is nothing to discuss, we closed the topic, after the fight with the wolf we are reaching a new
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level, so we will work honestly, this is your final decision, there is nowhere more final, well, as you say, you are the boss here, think about it, when this fool thinks that everything is over, the battle is over, the shaft is just rushing like that. what is it? nothing, yes natasha, what
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’s wrong? nothing, everything is fine, go to bed, you have a routine, natasha, natasha! lisa, you’re here, i’m sleeping, i wanted to talk, we’ll talk tomorrow.
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why can’t you sleep, you can’t sleep, sir, today you didn’t see how he wiped that bastard off. oh, zalash, no one expected, i know everything about you and natasha, dad, where is mom, in novarzhevo, on the hikes, go to bed, it’s late.
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val, how he’s sleeping, let him sleep, he needs to come to his senses after yesterday, okay, that means you you're blowing my center towards olga palone. okay, i'll come, yeah, it's for you.


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