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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the fsbb prevented sabotage on the trans-siberian railway. escape from floods, like in the kurgan region.
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the likelihood of a dump breaking or overflowing is growing , so we are starting an urgent evacuation of the population. our specialists visited all the houses in the areas threatened by high water in advance, notified everyone personally, some were informed more than once. you all know about the danger, collect valuables, immediately go to a safe place to visit your relatives or to the temporary detention center. at temporary accommodation points.
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meter. the head of the ministry of emergency situations has again arrived in the emergency zone. alexander kurenkov, together with the governor, assessed the situation from the air. according to the regional authorities , a colossal volume of water of up to 1.5 billion cubic meters is approaching kurgan. large-scale flooding threatens more than fifty settlements; emergency evacuations have been announced. report from kurgan region by olga zenkova. the entire suburb of kurgan, the village of menshikovo, a 20-minute drive from the regional center, was flooded. there are several streets in the water.
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cars groan, hay bales float into the abyss, it was farm of a bull family, the cows were taken higher, they themselves save the house from the flood. we remove the doors, put the doors at the level of the window sill, then put all the things and everything else there. an upside-down interior is now in almost every home, a chair is under the ceiling, the covering has been removed from the floor, so there is a chance to survive the flood with minimal losses. the water came and went, then people had to change all the wallpaper, linoleum, parquet, laminate flooring, it was all thrown away. this gardening partnership is already part of. snt in the water ring, rubber boots are no longer enough to leave home. authorities ask to evacuate in advance. water approaches populated areas and neighborhoods, rapidly flooding roads, overflowing bridges, and it may happen that escape routes will be cut off. this is how , in the middle of the night, emergencies ministry employees have to launch boats to rescue those who refused to leave on time from captivity in the water. this is footage of the evacuation from the topol microdistrict. people and animals are saved in pitch darkness. during the day , volunteers patrol. the courtyards, they say, people
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sometimes hide so as not to be persuaded to leave the house, the streets are empty, only abandoned the dog obediently got into the boat and went to the mainland, hungry and frightened, it scoured the territory in search of its owners, firstly , its paw was broken and secondly, it was blind, the dog couldn’t see it at all, where should it go now, most likely to an animal shelter, volunteers ask not to abandon animals during evacuation ; small pets will be accepted at temporary accommodation centers, and for larger ones, five care sites have been organized in the city, along with the animals you need to bring a supply of food to which they are accustomed, there is enough attention and care here for everyone. the cat's name is phil, three years old, we came to live in one place, we were kicked out of there, we can't go with the cat, we came to a friend's house and brought the cat, and there the wild cat didn't give in, it fought, so we were forced to take it to a shelter, we hope everything will pass soon, we'll take the pet home loved ones, those who are waiting for everything to end soon dream of... this is a difficult period
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for them, they are worried about their housing, about their property, so we support them all here as best we can, we try to be close, and we encourage them. 13,000 people now live in temporary accommodation centers; three hundred residential buildings and more than 600 household plots are flooded in the region. the city embankment is submerged in water, and walking areas are closed to pedestrians. flows have already captured the tyunin highway, this is a major street leading to suburban villages and the road to kazakhstan. a former sbu officer suspected of blowing up a car was detained in moscow. the operational footage was presented by the russian special services. as the fsb reported, the detainee russian citizen born in eighty-third. acted on instructions from the ukrainian
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special services. he was lied to last fall in ukraine, where the man went after the start of a special operation. to blow up the car , the saboteur used radio-controlled explosives, the component of which he received from before. i had been watching the victim for a long time, i was given the task of just monitoring the car, which i did, then the task changed, and i was told to assemble a bomb, he helped me with this my supervisor, using instructions, explained, so i assembled and... on the ninth, at approximately 2:00 a.m., i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car, the homemade bomb went off on april 12 on the karovenskoe highway in moscow, ex- sbov employee vasily prozurov received a minor injury, a case was opened under
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articles of attempted murder and illegal acquisition of explosives devices, detainees may be charged with terrorism and treason. russia provides everything necessary to maintain the safe operation of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, this was stated by general director magathe, speaking at the un security council meeting. rafael grossi confirmed that russia does not deploy heavy weapons at the nuclear power plant, but added that the largest plant in europe is operating under very difficult conditions. the head of magat condemned any attempts to attack an attack on a nuclear facility, but did not indicate the side from which the shelling was being conducted. our permanent representative to the un, vasil nebenze, called on director magath after all.
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this is not a political issue, now it is simply a matter of plant safety and nuclear and radiation safety in europe. the diplomat added that moscow hopes that europe still has the instinct of self-preservation and reaffirmed that russia, from its own country
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, will continue to protect the zaporozhye station from any provocations and attacks. relations between china and germany will continue to develop under the conditions of mutual respect. this was stated by the chairman of the knrrpin following the results. negotiations with chancellor olaf scholz. the german leader is on a visit to china, where he is negotiating economic cooperation. he has already visited the industrial areas of shanghai and chongqing, where leading german companies operate companies. the task for peresholsk residents is not easy. on the one hand, washington demands to turn away from china, while german businessmen, on the contrary, call for work with the eastern economic giant. also, before his trip to china, the chancellor opened an account on tiktok. why - ksenia nikrasova found out. the german chancellor decided to preface his visit to china with a debut on the social network tiktok, registering an official account just before leaving for china. scholz dedicated his first video to analyzing his briefcase. inside, surprisingly, there are documents, there are quite a few of them a lot, for example, i have to read everything.
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here are some more glasses that i need, i need them for reading. on social networks , scholz’s appearance on the chinese platform was associated with the chancellor’s desire to show his openness and trust in beijing, which is very important for the development of our business. for us, china is one of the largest and fastest growing markets and we see further
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potential for growth. taking into account the difficulties that berlin is experiencing from the consequences of sanctions imposed against russia without china, according to experts, the future for germany will be difficult, especially since the german economy is already virtually paralyzed. despite expectations, the forecast for gdp growth has been worsened to 2%. the indicators for exports, imports and high ones are in the negative. energy prices, industrial production fell by 5.5%. scholz invites china to unite. german modern technologies are in demand and are actively used in china. this speaks not only about economic cooperation, but also about the fact that the serious challenges facing humanity can only be solved together. but brussels continues to insist on reducing risks and calls on the eu to introduce additional tariffs on chinese imports.
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the first ever strategy on china, indicating that he sees beijing as both a partner and a systemic rival. the new document emphasizes the course towards competition, but as this visit of the chancellor to china showed , berlin is not ready to make economic sacrifices for the sake of political goals. ksenia nekrasova, maxim zaichenko and alexander gusev, especially for ntv china. the court placed a blogger and business coach under house arrest for almost 2 months dmitry portnyagin, he is accused of tax evasion and partnyagin somehow
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comments on this case against himself. yes, he announced in court that now he is probably no longer just a businessman, but a future politician. the court placed blogger, founder of the business club club 500 and author of the book transformer dmitry portnyagin under house arrest until june 10. previously, he was accused of tax evasion and money laundering. the damage was compensated in full, dmitry
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, and although the investigative committee confirmed that portnyagin was still detained. the day before, on during the court hearing on the election of preventive measures, the investigator said that dmitry portnyagin supported ukraine. the blogger replied that he stood for peace and friendly relations, but a quote from the tas agency: this was before the start of the northern military district. end of quote. and dmitry portnyagin also said that he is now leaving the courtroom. not just an entrepreneur, perhaps a future politician who, another quote: will be for his president. during the meeting, the investigator indicated that dmitry portnyagin and his family members have a residence permit in united arab emirates. the russian stock market was growing yesterday, even despite the cheapest oil, investors obviously bought shares for the dividend season, but today this momentum has weakened. good statistics on retail sales in the us in march are even greater. strengthened investors' opinion that the federal reserve will not rush to lower the key rate, so today the dollar
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is becoming more expensive compared to other currencies, it has risen above the level of 94 against the ruble, the euro is now becoming more expensive than the dollar, but still this was enough to overcome the bar of 100. the interstate aviation committee considered that the past year was the safest in russian aviation since the fourteenth year, in the annual report mak, quoted by the kommersant newspaper, says that last year 21 air accidents were recorded in russia, including 11 disasters and death of 20 people. the statistics were influenced, as stated in the report, by the fact that in russia it decreased significantly. number of flights, reasons for closure and international destinations; closure of a dozen airports within the country. disasters with there were no long-haul aircraft; more than half of the problems, mack writes, arose in general aviation; this includes, among other things, light and amateur sport aviation. the issue of flight safety hung in the air after the imposition
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of sanctions, when russian airlines lost access to direct purchases of spare parts for boeings and airbuses. in the middle of the twenty- second year, the international civil aviation organization announced significant concerns about aviation safety in russia, but the ministry of transport then responded that such fears are not confirmed. ilya is all about economics. thank you, dnistolaev for your economic review. in russia, the procedure for registering housing redevelopment has changed, and the corresponding federal law has entered into force. he defined the concept of redevelopment and reconstruction, outlined the time frame within which... the housing inspectorate must accept the project, and part of the registration responsibility was assigned to local governments. well, alina repina found out what all this looks like in practice now. if it seems to you that coordinating redevelopment is hell, then we have good news. on april 1 , amendments to the housing code came into force, which seem to facilitate the approval process. the technical standards are the same as before. no,
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you cannot attach a balcony to the apartment, move the kitchen into the room, or remove the load-bearing wall. it was not necessary to register with the russian register, so there were easily apartments on the market where, in fact, there was one layout, it was agreed upon, and extracts from the unified state register in the drawings and diagrams had a different layout, this could confuse the buyer during the sale, now all updates will be extracts from the unified state register will also be displayed. thus, if you are thinking about combining a toilet with a bathroom, building a dressing room in the bedroom, or
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carrying out other improvements permitted by law, then you need to develop a redevelopment project and get it. or local government authority permission to carry out the work, order a new technical plan, send the documents to the housing inspectorate or local government authority, wait for the commission’s act and here is the main difference: order an extract from the unified state register of real estate to make sure that the drawings there are correct. the applicant must submit an application through website mayor of moscow, in the other documents section, upload the technical plan, and after drawing up the act, the mozhelinspectorate will send it independently. rosreestr, and after making the necessary changes, will send the appropriate information to the owner that everything is registered and he can sleep peacefully. it has also become easier to combine apartments. previously, according to the law, this took place as a reconstruction, an architectural project was needed, the consent of all owners in the house, in general, morocco is terrible, now the unification is considered
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a variation of the usual layout. for example, now we are in a building with 400 apartments. i need to go and talk to everyone, say, are you guys okay with me uniting my apartments here? there are some neighbors who will say, i don’t care at all, and some who will say, no, wait, i mean, and at least one voice disagrees, that’s it, your history is essentially destroyed, there’s no need to do this now, it turns out, you don’t need to agree with your neighbors on what is not yet necessary, and you don’t need to prepare a draft of architectural solutions, because that’s also there, well, roughly speaking, there is a redevelopment project, it’s 30 sheets long, roughly speaking, but depending on the object, and if we went through reconstruction, then there was a completely different project, it with... how the new norms will work, we’ll see , fines for uncoordinated redevelopment remain the same, 2,500 rubles for individuals and 40-50 for legal entities, and either the redevelopment must be approved within one date, or the apartment must be returned to its original state. alina reipina and irina savateeva, ntv. now my colleague, valeria
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gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program incident. lera, what's on air today? ilya, today there is a resonance. a story about the death of a newborn child; his father, blogger maxim lyuty, was sentenced. the man promoted the refusal of normal food under the guise of a healthy lifestyle. in fact, it was exclusively raw food and meditation as a way to recover from any ailments. rosmladenets was brought up according to the same rules. the father seemed not to notice or did not want to notice that something was wrong with his son. and when the baby got to the pediatricians, it was already too late. by the way, lyuty's wife was not tried under such a serious charge. investigators found out that she was in this... that's all for now, go to, see you! every success
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the best bank for business. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. hello, get rich by 730 million rubles. a gang tried to pay at the expense of a capital construction company extortionists, however , employees of the moscow department of the fsb intervened in the plans of the criminal group. they were detained in one of the restaurants, just at the moment of transferring money to the head of a large organization; the attackers got out thanks to the offended deputy general director of the company. in addition to the salary, he demanded the promised 25% of the profit from the contract, which had not yet... having received a refusal , the man began to sabotage the construction site, he was fired, then the former subordinate turned to the so-called decision-maker addressed to the manager.


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