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tv   Prospekt oboroni  NTV  April 17, 2024 12:30am-1:21am MSK

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and how urgently do you think these medications are needed, how quickly do they relieve thirst? he needs water, of course, the sooner
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the better, of course, the medicines we give him, listen, doctor, i’ve been living for a long time, so you can talk to me directly, i understand, your salary is small, i understand everything, i’m ready to participate , but i want to know the truth, did you decide that i made it all up in order to embezzle your money, you know, go ahead, forgive me, doctor, don’t be offended, it’s just how life is, what life is like , normal, ordinary life, this is us we do it one way or another, i will get money for the medicine, just help dina, please, buy the medicine yourself, i can see him.
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how is he sleeping, is everything okay? yes, did you give him money? he doesn’t take it, he wants you and me to buy medicine, so let’s go, buy more. everything will be fine, for sure, well , you sat there for a long time on the bend near the ostakhovs’ house, until the shots were fired, for a long time, you hoped that lisky wanted to apologize, before the shots were fired.
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yes, i’m listening, yeah, okay, i’ll be there now, no, not a lawyer, but we’ll have to take a break, come on, i’ll take you to the cell, sanya, are you sure that the doctor isn’t tricking you, just don’t judge others by yourself, okay, what are you hinting at, and what am i hinting at if, by your grace, we didn’t rush in on our own catch banderas, now we would have money for medicine. maybe another time we’ll
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sort things out, okay, now i need to save dinya, i’ll try to keep chris and frol busy, i ’ll go to tanga, money isn’t a god, yeah, it’s not a god, if i have it, but what can i not have? acquaintances, i actually leave the garage sometimes, but no, just unexpectedly, listen, i need to leave here in one place, i’ll be there in an hour, but if anyone asks, yeah, okay. so,
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come on, yeah, it’s me, we should meet, we have a conversation. yeah, okay, well then , i’ll go, i’m listening to you, well, by the way, how’s your brother’s condition, okay, thank you.
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is covering for him, i’ll try to figure this out, stop soldier, i’ll tell you everything, i’m asking again since who sent you, a hot spot, or maybe... lured the grip to himself, you first figure out which of yours he lured to himself. new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year, tomorrow at 23:00. one for all, all for one, there are classics that you like more and more every time. classic grand burgers and new ones. grand piquant with spicy tomato sauce that you really want to repeat. the classics are already waiting. delicious period. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service
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our boy, from our yard, son, what did i do wrong, why do i need all this, hello, come in, travel, strangers, word boy, blood on the asphalt, premiere tomorrow at 23:00 on ntv dana, go, tangoist, and
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prepare documents for my share in the hall, i don’t want to know you anymore, you asshole, kostya wanted to make peace, he came, wrote to me, when i didn’t show up, he came himself, but how did he get into your house, through the window, we have a lot of balconies at home, it’s not possible to get to mine... and you let him in? yes, why you, because i love him. i wanted to ask why you didn't report this right away. afraid of whom? father and brothers. you don't know our family. they immediately decided that it was kostya, it was impossible to convince them if they found out that i was, but he was always with me until... they started shooting, when i ran out of the room, he was still lying in bed naked, well how do you explain that your brother
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valentin claims that bandera is lying, he hates him because he is jealous, he generally hates everyone, why? i don't know, he became like this, when katya left him, his wife, dad, and grandmother will now live in heaven? and she’ll never come back, no, and i ’ll never see her again, in general, sit down, i don’t want to go home, can i stay with you titani, i asked you a question, stop crying, you’re a man, you’re behaving like a woman, that’s it, i don’t want to be without my grandmother and i don’t want to be without my mother, everyone has a mother, i don’t belong to anyone there... who is aunt tanya who told you, hear it again, i
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’ll send you to a boarding school, and there you’ll understand that no one needs someone like that, quickly into the car. it’s me, well, i think i already have something, i can show me in the evening, okay, then we agreed tomorrow. yes, boris petrovich,
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it’s me, me, yes, i’m here in the hospital, waiting, did you buy the medicine? how? alexander petrovich said that i already called him, he doesn’t pick up the phone, i don’t understand anything anymore. that's it, okay, come on, i'll call you again. you’re sitting, sitting, you’d better go home before
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any of the bosses knock you down. calm down, i ’ve been working here for 20 years and no one has said a word against me, miron, why did the management flog you? zhen, go home, they say that you got rid of the killer, listen, i have to work, here you are not the main office, it doesn’t work out like that here. firstly, never stop me from thinking, secondly, never wander around here drunk, thirdly, my name is anton bogdanovich, for you just anton, you got it, got it, got it, knock-knock, can i come to you, yes, of course , guys, am i at the wrong time, no, everything is fine, we’re practicing samba techniques with a colleague, that’s it, he’s already leaving,
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come on, see you tomorrow. well, mironov, can we congratulate you? i assumed that you would find bandarchak, i didn’t think it would be so quickly, i think that your return to the main is just around the corner, something is wrong, maybe banderos didn’t kill ostakhov, now what’s the difference, what matters is that he was arrested for this, it’s easier for us, he’ll make a deal with us. and we are in prison, we will release an innocent person, and if he doesn’t go, and if he doesn’t go, then we will leave the bandit in prison, who has been walking free for an extra 10 years, so don’t disappoint me, start a song about this, everyone should sit in prison honestly for his own sake, as a comrade said there, a bandit should be imprisoned in
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our country; half the country has already served time as a pest and traitors. so mironov, so that i don’t hear any more of these intellectual things from you, are you an opera or where? the task has been set, complete it, the bandit should be in prison, that’s it, period, don’t you want to return to the headquarters on horseback, do you want to stay here, rot as a loser, until retirement, if, of course, i reach it, well... okay, what's your plan, okay, let's bring your gangster, let's give his little one a nightmare, what does the lawyer say?
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nothing good so far, they have 100% identification plus a motive, everyone knows that this... chastakhov banderos did it, hmm, he did it to you too, but i wasn’t in makrukha’s place, so really, tell me, banderos did it or didn’t do it, he says he didn’t do it, there’s something in your voice that i don’t find firmness in i heard and i’m sure that banderas has been going crazy lately because of this woman. blown away, i don’t know where it is and what she’s got on it, but this is the first time i’ve seen him like this, so if he decided that her brother really stood between them, he could have done this, this brother is a witness, do you think you can come to an agreement with him? , hardly, completely broken, and okay, brother,
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the mother is also there, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, with the woman. it didn’t work out well, such things excite everyone. listen, irik, you fulfilled my last request together with banderos, right? yes, then the questions concern you. tell me, please, if the cops put pressure on banderos, he won’t swim? i have enough strength to hold on as before, we’ve been with him for so many years, i don’t know. banderas has gone soft lately, business, the club, this girl. in general, i’ll say this, he won’t take a long time for the idea, it’s been a while since i heard from you, iryk, for
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spend it , where u... the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition, yes, well, what are you talking about, well, you know me, vasya, well, i , i’m not half a lemon of bucks, i’m asking you, yes , my daughter’s car
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costs twice as much, i have a son, okay, i understand, thanks for the help, bye, what’s this here, i thought you were in the hospital, what do i care there without drugs, watching denis die, it’s just a small delay, in short, money, well, i think we’ll decide everything tomorrow, that is, there is no money, yes, that reserve that you spoke about is... already no, we spent it to find the killer, i think this is a question of one day, not more, but only the question of whether denis has this day, how could you, or did you plan to solve all the problems in one fell swoop, yes , since there are no obstacles between us, what are you talking about, you fool, so that i would trade my son for you
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, sasha, you already traded me long ago when you climbed on me, you and i are both larvae, i’m sorry, i shouldn’t i should have, i asked for it myself. i’m just tired, anya, denya, that’s it,
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my brain is melting, i love the day, i love you, i don’t know what to do next, we have to... save him, we are so guilty before him, we simply have to do it, we will do it, we will definitely do it, kangi hasn’t given me any money over the years, but i’ll find it, i’ve already put the car up for sale, tomorrow in i'll try the jar.
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again, hello, hello, and i’m here for you with some papers, yeah, why are you here? bandera communicates with the gods, in what sense? the ministry of internal affairs brigade took it into circulation, and i was on guard to put them to rest, yes, i know, the boss had them, the investigator wanted to transfer the case to someone else, then he sent them, uh-huh. there's some kind of war there, it's ordered don’t be led by the cops, and this is a personal order for you, sign a copy, give me a pen, go ahead, but you ’ve never followed anyone’s lead, what do you think, astakhova is lying, i don’t know, their
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sms correspondence confirms it, testimony , i have some strange feeling, it seems to me that ostakhov is lying, but bondarchuk did not shoot, then everything turns out illogical. okay, listen, myronn. muscovites will seduce you with queens, don’t be fooled, please stay the way i like you, what? independent, a very rare quality nowadays, are those from whom nothing depends, i’ll give it to you, is this a gift from the investigator?
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remain forever, judge for yourself, yes, i will figure out my life myself, by the way, you are in trouble, men don’t like this, and you are brave, but so much the worse for you, be careful, why are you telling me this, i don’t
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know , what's the chip? dima, you need to call, it’s like a bone! but i can’t do anything, there are some people grazing here from moscow, the bosses are all treasonous, let’s set ourselves up, listen, dim, well, when i set you up, remember how you got 30 grand worth of booze for one fleet, minus 30 grand, well
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that i didn’t help you or something, and the bosses are already at home, come on, 2 minutes is enough for me, okay, wait, yeah, the room is clean, just let’s do it quickly. hello, kitten, it's me! kostya, have you been released? no, not yet, i know what you did, you just, i love you very much, well listen, you have to go now to take your testimony, say that you came up with everything, it’s dangerous for you, lisa, there are completely different situations here, it’s a long time explain.
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just try it. hello, tengis vakhtangovich. what do you want? i came to apologize. is it really like that for sasha? need money, why did he send you? i need money to save my husband, and if sasha finds out about this, he will kill both you and me, understand? you think that now i’ll feel like
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the last bastard, give you money and let you go, right? i remember everything, everything, i said, i came to apologize, and i know how to apologize very well, even lent you money for... something like a bonus, like in your business? ok, agreed, business, so business, sit down. i need to call, let's go!
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sixth first, the object arrived at the base, as understood, i understood you, sixth, continue observation. what is this, a bathhouse? and you thought i’d take you to vastoria, my web number has been removed here, relieve stress every wednesday. like this. that you don’t have to go, but then you yourself understand,
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well, undress, dear?
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maybe you'll take me with you to london? sorry, you don't have a visa. okay, while you're walking around london, find some evidence on this case, otherwise i 'll release it tomorrow. tengist, where are you going, we've already rolled on the second one. and i have a surprise for you, this. natasha, she agreed
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to reduce our male company, natasha, natasha, 3 rubles are ours, 600,000, a lot of money, honey, i’m the only one who won’t beat you to that amount, smile if you want to get it, business is business, well, where do they take you, and where did the money look for you, you met chris, yes? and you thought that we would live, you
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’re done with boxing, god grant him to improve his health, but we have a house, children, we can’t survive on car repairs alone, it’s just a pain for criminals , you thought, if they accept us, what’s going to happen? there will be children, or kreis’ competitors will set fire to it, remember the gypsy garage in the grove burst into flames, by the way, three people died there, but we ’ll be smarter, more careful, that’s not the point, borya, i’m not a thief, huh? what it was was a mistake, for which maybe now sanya is paying for it every day, and this is my cross, i have to bear it for the rest of my life, so don’t talk to me about it anymore, okay, we’re proud, yes. but you’ll trade your pride for your son, if we don’t find the grandmother, everything’s a mess, but if i had a son, i ’d kill anyone for him, i’d rob anyone, go to sleep out of
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sin, i’ll go, go, van, hello, what’s my request? ? that's it, thanks, i understand, go ahead, bye. great, what do you want, you should at least warn me when you stir up something in the case, i would have prepared the client, otherwise we look like idiots, what are you talking about,
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liz ostakhova’s testimony, wait, is this something, you didn’t prepare her, what? is it? what are the indications, let's start all over again, dad, what color should we paint the planes, dad, what color should we paint the planes with, black and green, is it possible? kim better, listen to me, i’m busy, you can’t disturb me, you understand, color it however you want, just silently, did you understand me or not, have you forgotten how to talk to me, well, you told me, silently, okay, i'm sorry, i'm just working, when
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i'm working i can't be disturbed, go ahead... and then show me, okay, hey, i have to leave in 10 minutes, turn off the lights and go to bed, okay, okay, so i came, were you already asleep?
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great, where did you go, what was going on with our business, come to the golf stream there at 3 o'clock tomorrow.
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so say, well, she’s alive, i’m sorry, i didn’t expect pashka to get so excited. money when the money is right now the bonus has earned, you promised to lend it, but i lied, you say business, in business sometimes they cheat. "i offered you i offered to become my woman with all my heart, but you grieved me, and now you’re just a bathhouse whore. but they don’t give them a loan, they are hard and sometimes they pay, so be glad that i’m paying,
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hurry up, the next visitors have arrived, they may think that you are included in the price. what bor, an acquaintance at the tank, didn’t think he’d seen somewhere, so we saw everyone here and tried it, let’s go already. listen, who is usually in front of us? so the tangi and theirs are eight, we are at 11, we went already and were already late. they
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made the dream of millions of girls come true, married football players. everyone who is already over 25 there, as a rule, they are all married, but is their life really cloudless? i was treated in a clinic, i had neuroses and psychoses.
1:19 am
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