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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 17, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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a story from the rostov region, where a caring local resident may have saved the life of a three-year-old girl and a one-and-a-half-year-old boy, the children were wandering along a country road, alone, at first glance it became clear that quite a long time ago, the woman took them home, and then handed them over to the guardianship authorities, there we found the mother of the kids, daria visava has details. frightened and shivering from the cold, the kids were almost completely undressed; they clearly did not understand where they were and where to look for their mother. filming everything on video, i tried to find out who their parents and where they live, but the baby, her younger brother only cried in response, look at the car driving along the road, whose are you, here he is completely naked, one small second, where are you going, wait, come here, from the permanent residents of this area of ​​​​the kids no one found out, apparently, like that, they had already gone very far from their family... from home, then irina put them in
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the car, decided to take them home to warm them up, bathe them, feed them, they called the police there, they told them to go to the store to find out, maybe they know them, no one knows them, guys, here i am taking them now to my home, oh, what a wonderful morning i had, only at the home of a caring woman, a well-fed and clean brother and sister were able to calm down and even play a little, all this time the pdn employees were looking for the parents, but they soon came to irina’s home, instead of words of gratitude, because she essentially saved the...
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by accident, supposedly the mother went to the store in the morning, leaving her son and daughter under the supervision of her husband, who was so tired after the night shift that he fell asleep and did not notice how the kids left the house, so attention to yourself, about what happened, now all the residents of the village are saying, the spouses are clearly dissatisfied, after that ask you, it is possible that such aggression is caused by fear, judging by the neighbors’ words, these parents have something to hide, no one called them exemplary and caring, some people are tortious, not i know. that year , a girl came out here, naked, without panties, small, very tiny, probably a year and a half, like two, that is , they often have things like this, yes, often, you’re not surprised, yeah, i’m not surprised anymore, it’s ugly , diapers lying around, dogs they take them away, valya scolds them, he says, you look a little, well, there are dogs on the street, we collect diapers, while the family, according to preliminary data, was registered as dysfunctional by the guardianship authorities, there were never any questions to the parents, but to the social protection staff themselves now have
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questions that investigators intend to ask in the near future, with the aim of establishing all the circumstances of children being outside the home and giving a legal assessment of the actions and inaction of parents and preventive authorities, the investigative department of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the rostov region organized a pre-investigation check. now the brother and sister are safe under the supervision of a doctor in a medical facility; whether they will return to their mother and father will be decided based on the results of the check. how will this family be monitored? what decision will the court make in the end to deprive the parental rights of the mother who left the children in danger or will she be forgiven for this and her rights will be limited for the first time? we'll see to it we will tell you how events will develop and the final result in our telegram channel chpntv. to subscribe, point your gadget at the qr code you see. on your screen or in
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the application itself, enter the name of the chpntv channel. and another story about the salvation of a person, thanks to caring. at the right time, in the right place, the director of the ufa gymnasium turned out to be. svetlana mikheeva was walking home, hesitated at the entrance, was looking for the keys, when she finally opened the door, she heard screams and saw a terrible picture: a man was getting ready commit violence against a schoolgirl. the teacher scared him away. she didn’t stop there, she gave chase, saved another person, removed evidence of his guilt for the police, and thanks to her footage, they managed to detain a dangerous criminal. perhaps, it’s hard to imagine a happier set of circumstances for this ufa fourth-grader; here on the surveillance camera , a schoolgirl approaches the house after school, opens the door to the entrance, and a strange man rushes behind her, who has clearly been stalking the girl for some time. in the next moment is approaching the high-rise building. this
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woman is the director of the local gymnasium, the door slams in front of her while svetlana mikheeva is looking for the keys in her bag, the soul-rending screams of children are heard from the stairwell. what 's happened? what's happened? it is unclear how it would have ended for the child, but the stranger chose to retreat at the sight of witnesses. svetlana mikheeva threatened him after the police and for some time watched in confusion as to where the potential pedophile went. when the shock subsided, the teacher realized the criminal still needs to be traced. i had this picture in my head that if this is not a completed attempt, he definitely will. he will show himself somewhere else, well, this made me run, take it off, in order to prevent his further illegal actions. and the premonition did not let the experienced teacher down, says svetlana mikheeva. she followed the criminal for some time, then followed him in a car, and
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she turned out to be right, she saw how he began to pester a passerby, spread his arms, and tried to drag the woman into the gateway. svetlana mikheeva again managed to scare off the sexual maniac, for evidence the director of the gymnasium. i started recording everything on my mobile camera, this man just attacked a girl on international 193/1, that’s it, i filmed him. it is clear that stopping a maniac who, like a robot, continued to search for another victim, is not easy, but dangerous for a fragile woman, so teacher mikheeva decided to continue surveillance of the criminal and set off in pursuit of him, all in order to collect the clearest possible portrait for law enforcement officers. turn around, turn around to me, quickly! “turn around, i got you, man.” and this plan worked according to the clear description and amateur footage of the director of the gymnasium , the police very quickly detained the criminal, and although there were difficulties: the attacker turned out to be homeless, which means he does not have an address, but he has a criminal past, he was previously convicted of theft.
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a criminal case has been initiated against a fifty-two-year-old person of no fixed abode with a previous conviction on suspicion of attempted rape and committing violent acts of a sexual nature. in relation to a person under fourteen years of age, initial investigative actions are currently being carried out with him, the issue of choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention is being decided. it is clear that for the schoolgirl’s parents, and for herself, everything that happened is a shock; sharing something like this outside the family circle is very difficult, but the girl’s mother has already thanked the director of the gymnasium, because if it weren’t for the teacher who happened to be nearby, the worst could have happened. i i personally talked to her, i thanked her as best i could.
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watch the zenit spartak russian football cup fund match on april 17. maybe you should go somewhere else for now, it’s dangerous here. help! the grip is either crazy or someone
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is covering it. i'll try to figure this out. soldier, stop it, i'll tell you everything. i ask again, who sent you? hot spot. maybe the grip lured you away? first you figure out which of yours he lured over to him. new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. there will be no money to be spent, with a card, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 3000 rubles for any purpose, anywhere, and also withdraw cash, the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 3000 rubles for any purpose, get a un card and pay anywhere, asia roll with shrimp, juicy shrimp, bright tasty food and spicy asian sauce, new asian menu with
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when they suspected that the owner of the apartment was living in unsanitary conditions and the dirt began to spread outside her house. aleftina marchenko knows how events developed further. no one believed that the owner of this apartment, nicknamed by the neighbors as a torturer, would open the doors voluntarily, the judicial the bailiffs were already preparing for the assault, and the animal rights activists put on a special suit. only the locksmith cherished hope, but their persuasion to surrender in an amicable way only aggravated the situation. open up, hostess, a stream of pepper spray made any further diplomacy impossible, the grinder was used.
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frightened dogs and cats in complete unsanitary conditions and became the reason for the storming of bulygina’s apartment, however, it took several years to achieve this in the courts, while the litigation went on, mountains of garbage, a population of selected strays, as well as a friend. and the fur skin, well... this woman refused to do this when it all started, it’s hard to say, but for a long time, bulygina lived with her elderly mother, who also loved to pick up animals on the street, at some point love sent the pensioner to other relatives, she began
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to live alone, what then went wrong it’s unclear, as well as how a woman generally...
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holds on, because they don’t let me live, that’s why i live like this, who doesn’t give love, so explain, i couldn’t, after opening the apartment , she was taken to the hospital, a few days later, if doctors do not see an exacerbation mental health, she will be able to return to a clean and empty apartment, although the court decision was forcibly executed, all the garbage was thrown out and the rooms were processed, the animals were seized, but there are no guarantees that they will not appear in this apartment again. in nizhny novgorod, the verdict was announced for former policeman alexander gutov, during his duty he beat a detainee right in the pre-trial detention cell, i know for sure that surveillance is working, and his actions will not go
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unnoticed, which is what the former was counting on law enforcement officer, it is unclear, but then, now during the trial, he was sure of... the man was taken to the department for petty hooliganism, alexander sherafutov was returning home after celebrating his birthday, having had too much alcohol, he caught the eye of the police, they locked him in a temporary detention center cell, where shrafutov began to complain about the cold, and the employees’ reaction to the complaints was captured on camera: alexander gutov first punched the detainee, and then began to mock him, using a stun gun.
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there's a scar left here in my right eye. victim alexander sharafutov recalls that there was snow on the street in the isolation ward.
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the course of his illegal actions, and how should i act, what measures to take so that the police on duty can work calmly, but this only speaks of the lack of professionalism of the operative, confidently the country of the prosecution, by law the policeman is obliged to ensure.
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what is it like to be in prison, not to watch from the outside, not to mock people, but what to do from another country, behind bars. finding himself on the wrong side of the law, alexander gutov intends to appeal the verdict, he says soon. will become a father of many children, he is not allowed to go to a colony, he has two children at home, eight and nine years old, his wife is now nine months pregnant. yulia oblitsova, oksana gonchurenko and anna samburova, ntv television company. that's not all, see below. an acute moment, a man with a knife threatened passers-by in the center of ufa, attacked police officers and injured himself. scary footage after the ad. a vacation at sea unexpectedly turned into a search for biological relatives; you were invited to vacation in the tupse region, not far from my place
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of birth. the only thing she knew about names of the native family, mothers and grandmothers and the village of kholmskaya, krasnodar territory. my biological mother’s name is lena, my grandmother, and she worked as a nurse at the kholm hospital. residents of the village remembered that 32 years ago one of the families was mourning the loss of a child. and that i have a relative who lives in kholmskaya, that is, masha was very surprised, they were told that the child was born dead, is thirty-two-year-old irina really the girl who allegedly did not survive, aunt masha called me, you know that your sister , lena, she says, was pregnant, i say, she had there was an abortion, what an abortion, this abortion was 32 years old, they did an artificial birth, but the baby turned out to be alive, i open the envelope, dna, today... at 17:50 on ntv. there
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for a while, the law enforcement officers did not react, shouted something incomprehensible, suggesting that in front of them was either a patient of a mental hospital during an exacerbation period, or a person under the influence of drugs, the police decided to disarm him before he harmed either himself or others, the man ran, he was caught up the police, here's another one pinning him down, here they are they pushed him, he came to the ground, he caught him with a knife, it looks like he was running and cut himself in the throat with a knife. the police had to use their service weapons. mananov managed to wound law enforcement officers. one of them was hospitalized. he is now in the hospital. his partner was treated at the scene. the wounds did not prevent the operatives from detaining the armed man and handing him over to his colleagues. mananov was also first taken to the clinic, and then to the court to select preventive measures, where he stated that he was trying to defend himself from some people who he was followed for more than one day, and he mistook the police for pursuers. who is ruslan
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mananov? investigators established without any problems that he has a higher economic education, has not been previously convicted, and is described positively by friends and acquaintances. there is information that the man managed to work as an operator at the post office, as a laborer in a hotel, and eventually got a job in a bank, but at some point he got involved with a bad company in which they used drugs and against this background... problems arose in his personal life, he was the moment when monanov seemed to come to his senses, i climbed the career ladder and was planning to move to moscow, but another breakdown occurred. based on the results of a medical examination, the accused was found to be intoxicated with narcotic drugs of synthetic origin. during the investigation, he will also undergo a forensic psychological and psychiatric examination to assess his sanity at the time of the crime. the only person who came to support ruslan
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monanov in... the trial was his grandmother, she had nothing to say in his defense, the woman was simply she cried quietly while her grandson was taken into custody, the prospects are serious, if experts consider that he is sane under the article of encroachment on the life of a law enforcement officer, he faces up to 20 years in prison. tamara simonova, oksana goncharenko and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. a new laboratory building has opened in moscow today for conducting various tests. now the entire range of research is concentrated in one place, which means that the time to obtain results will be greatly reduced and the necessary investigators and the court will receive data much faster. our correspondent ivan gubin also visited this laboratory. dozens of examinations of completely different profiles, from ballistic to handwriting, all at the same time in one place, the new russian federal forensic center under the ministry of justice of russia, a real flagship in
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domestic forensics. each office here is equipped with the latest technology; by the way, it is all russian-belarusian production, unlike imported analogues, manufacturers say, it can do more and performs the same functions much faster, for example, searching... with a higher magnification we will see exactly what kind of image is here, in this case these are tigers, we see the image of a tiger and the microtext cb, rf, but here it is missing, it turns out that the banknote is not the state sign corresponds to the production, and you can also compare fake genuine excise stamps, seal impressions and signatures on documents, in general, make out each one.
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the image, emblems and text already appear,
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if we change the lighting, then you see that uh-huh, uh-huh, that is, like this, and me the lighting angle is gradually, you can analyze the hologram, they built a modern examination center in just 2 years according to a special project, now... this laboratory complex will become the head one, requests for complex examinations from all over the country will flock here, the volumes are impressive, but they are ready for them, this is very important and for us it is a very pleasant event, because we understand that a new life begins for the experts of the ministry of justice, about 350-400 experts will work in this building, and this is a very serious intellectual and professional potential. there are immediate plans for the future launch.
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another action plan on the most basic areas of activity of the prosecutor’s office; we will exchange modern practices on a variety of issues that are of mutual interest to us. during his working visit, igor krasnov also met with
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a colleague from the cuban prosecutor general’s office and the minister of justice of cuba and took part in a flower-laying ceremony at the monument to the local national hero. that's all for now, thank you for your attention. today in our program it is a disgrace to the world a disgrace for democracy, fear and hatred in the banking system, kiev may find itself without american money because of israel, just as iran’s retaliatory strikes are destroying ukrainian statehood. different conflicts, different airspace, different threat picture. venice in dubai. arab cities in the desert are washed away by rain and hail. what other surprises can we expect from nature in 2024? i
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have never seen anything like this in my life. russia is for the sad. lovers of holidays and parties.


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