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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 18, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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to arrest! korgan, tyumen and orenburg region. latest news about spring floods in russian regions. lethal outcome. how kamikaze drones changed the course and tactics of military operations in the northern military district zone. but also why insurers refuse to compensate the nord stream operator for damages. what is the mood at the informal summit of eu leaders? and from microgreens to livestock. how did a saransk schoolboy become a farmer? this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoystey. hello. water level in the tabol river. in the kurgan area today reached
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value of 970 cm, within a day it has grown by more than a meter, local authorities report, dangerous indicators have been greatly exceeded and the water continues to rise. fluctuations in tabola are now the most important information for residents: the river has occupied the right bank part of the city, where more than a hundred gardening associations are located, all of them are either flooded or completely flooded. rescuers are on duty around the clock , almost 14.00 people have been evacuated. volunteers who persuade kurgan residents to temporarily leave dangerous work territories, not everyone agrees, but in case of direct danger the police come into action, their task is to explain when the water comes directly to the houses, to escape from it, it may be too late, there are the most recent examples, when the water came, they are all...
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they are just preparing, but forecasts for the situation in the tyumen region for the peaks of the flood are also alarming, the flood could become one of the most powerful in history, especially since the same tabol connects the region with kurgan, but the first tyumen residents have already begun to worry about ishim, according to almost three dozen villages along the banks of this river are subject to evacuation. sappers began blowing up ice jams on rivers to allow water to pass through the riverbed faster. the regional governor said that elderly tyumen residents will be given a pension for april in advance. how a large-scale flood can turn out is now increasingly clear from the example of the orenburg region, in villages and cities, the water, although slowly, recedes, but after it the problems for local residents only increase to help in eliminating the consequences of the flood in...
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370 residential buildings, rescuers are pumping water out of basements with the help of fire engines, while almost 2,500 buildings and household plots remain flooded. our correspondent, mikhail chernov, visited one of the villages in the orenburg region. what difficulties will residents have to overcome after the water recedes? on the way from sorakatash to the flooded village there is a clay embankment everywhere, spilled water threatens to cut off the road, the only connection with neighboring villages. bikhtemirov was flooded, from outskirts to outskirts, there was only one exit left. paradox, in the urals the level decreases, in its tributary sakmara it rises, villagers say this is water from neighboring bashkiria, or rather from tributaries, water.
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he misses not school, but football training. the rural team reached the semi-finals of the regional championship, but training was stopped due to high water. what kind of football is it if you stand on the street from bump to bump near the garage? you can see from the fence how the water is receding. it is not clear how to restore housing. culinary specialist urazovni kudaigulova, 70 years old, lives
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alone, in a month she’s going to the hospital, lung cancer, here all property was also lost. i’ve lived here for 50 years, many times already, but there’s never been anything like this before. villagers are only now raising refrigerators and furniture higher; they did not have time to do this at the time of evacuation. ramil's uncle and father-in-law came to the rescue from orenburg today, the tv was just now raised, the freezer was only just raised, there was still a refrigerator there. they don’t say prayers here yet, and it’s not even that the water has come close to the mosque, it’s just that the imam lives on the outskirts, and there’s no way to get out deep there. the village store is closed for the same reason; the saleswoman cannot get there by water. let's jump like this. let's skip the wrap around normally. the villagers are used to getting out of it, there are no swampers, they wrap the hills with tape to make it higher, or wear boots. i put on other boots inside. it’s okay, i ’m used to it, it’s just a joy, the water has stopped rising and started flowing to the neighbors; soon,
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perhaps, it will be time for them to evacuate. this is how the water flows in rapid streams towards neighboring villages, spreading across the fields. residents say the level is gradually goes down. the water is gradually leaving the school stadium, a little more and ramis will be able to ride a bike, play his favorite football, he can’t wait. mikhail chernov, iger akimov, nikolay datson, ntv, orenburg region. now , drones have long become indispensable for the work of our military in the special operation zone on the line of combat contact; these include reconnaissance aircraft, attack drones, and uavs are widely used by the enemy. air duels happen almost every day. the captured drones are our fighters. carefully dissected and studied, often electronic the filling after flashing can be used again for the benefit of a special military operation, copters are made in field laboratories, how they create new birds, what they are capable of, omar magomedov saw. a swarm of drones
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attacks an armored column of the retreating ukrainian army. nato equipment is the priority goal of our operators, the drones were harvested by two bradley infantry fighting vehicles, total cost. studies the vulnerabilities of nato equipment, in battle it is necessary to make a decision in a split second, the operator’s task is on the first try hit the target, despite the fact that the drone is flying at a speed of 90 km/h.
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is it really possible that now this little drone can lift such a blank, yes, yes, absolutely right, this little drone can easily lift 3.5 kg, their mass use has radically changed the course and tactics of combat operations on the battlefield, they are much cheaper, when compared with... for example, with the cost of precision artillery shells or guided missiles, the effect is the same. drone kamica or as it is here, it is also called fpivedron, publishes very unpleasant buzzing sound. the enemy, who is on the line of combat contact, knows, heard, run away and hide. and this is already a laboratory for the production of drones, here they are modernized and new technologies and materials are used, including experimental ones. made from aircraft grade plywood, it's just as durable. it’s elastic, it behaves normally in flight, and what’s most interesting is that it’s two or even three times cheaper. the cost of this copter is less than 10,000 rubles. a significant help when compared with throwing fiberglass or carbon. there is an enemy drone on the lab employee's desk. the attention of specialists
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was attracted by the electronic filling, some components were made in western countries, the car was gutted down to the screw and carefully studied. every day everything is different. limits of the premises, electronics, equipment are tested right at the workplace, prototypes are already being tested in combat, drones successfully resist enemy electronic warfare systems, a new camera with a thermal imager has shown excellent results, as well as a communication system with automatic switching frequencies, now we are assembling the throne ahead for work, for the work of our guys, well, it will be attached to it later, as a result, a projectile. will fly towards the enemy, the desired goal of, perhaps, all drone operators - nato
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abrams tanks, leopards, self-propelled artillery mounts and howitzers, the myth of the invincibility of the vaunted western equipment is debunked by our fighters almost daily, and marmagomedov, rabadam bagomedov, the ntv donetsk television company in the direction of special military operations. well, about the mood on the other side of the line contact was told by a ukrainian prisoner of war. the group was thrown into the forest near the harvest, but they were not really provided with. aviation, at the first opportunity, the militant surrendered, i saw that the drone had dropped a note, i took it, read it, it said soldier , surrender, or we guarantee your safety, or otherwise you will be killed, so i went out, the drone met me russian federation and i
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followed him, went out to voluntarily surrender, boys, there is nothing to die for, nothing to fight for, give up, you will live, otherwise you will all die, the story is around nord stream takes a rather interesting turn, insurers explained why they do not want to pay compensation... this company is the operator of undermined gas pipelines, we are talking about an amount of more than 400 million dollars. the payout case is now before the high court in london, as the defendants are british insurance conglomerates loyds and arch. in response to norgay’s claim, they responded that they would not pay because, i quote, the explosion was carried out by the government or on the orders of the government, which excludes an insured event. in addition, the justification states that the damage from the explosion was last.
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the government, the court will have to find out what the northern streams were blown up by some mysterious government, the countries of the so -called group of seven intend to obtain compensation from russia for damages. ukraine, this follows from a statement published by the heads of central banks and ministries of finance of the seven countries following a meeting in washington. the us, canada, uk, france, germany, italy and japan intend to hold frozen russian sovereign assets in their jurisdictions until moscow will fork out. the seven also welcomed the recent initiative of the european union to use the proceeds from these amounts in the interests of ukraine, and they are going to do this, as stated in the statement in accordance. with international law and its own legal systems, but it is still unclear on the basis
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of which international legal norms russian assets are generally held by western governments, the russian foreign ministry directly called the freezing of about 300 billion dollars theft. help for ukraine, new sanctions against russia, supporting their economy, these are the topics that are now being discussed in brussels, where an informal summit of leaders of the european union countries has opened. it was overshadowed by a loud scandal, the city police were actually... scraping the bottom of the barrel in search of extra patriot systems. the germans have already handed over two batteries to kiev, and are preparing to send another one, but
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their partners are somehow in no hurry to follow their example. we want to encourage others to do the same, to once again check what opportunities exist to improve ukraine's defensive capabilities. at the same time, the leaders of espri were thinking about a new aggravation in the middle east. the head of the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs, lansbergis, accused his colleagues of using double standards. to say, you are already helping israel, and leaving ukraine to the mercy of fate. macron hinted that israel is not quite ukraine and threatened new sanctions on iran, which probably made the iranians themselves laugh. well, ursula fonder was even called a criminal by caring viewers. you are responsible for the genocide in gaza, it was you who expressed your full support for israel. the blood of palestinian children is on yours hands. you are a criminal, mrs. vonberlein, you are a war criminal. however, not a single muscle moved on the face of this iron woman; she had heard nothing like the blood of palestinian
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children. meanwhile, a conference of national conservatism was held in parallel in brussels. and where the hungarian prime minister viktor orban clearly and clearly stated: the eu leadership must be driven to hell. if management turns out to be bad, it needs to be changed. it’s so simple, but the current leadership of the european union is simply disgusting. orban recalled to fondelaien how she blocked the allocation of money to hungary for allegedly incorrect migration and gender policies, and how they are rushing around with what is left of ukraine. ukraine is no longer a sovereign state. it is now simply a protectorate of the west, without arms money from the eu and the usa, ukraine as a state could hardly survive. by the way, the conference of conservatives in brussels itself was in jeopardy when local authorities banned its holding 2 hours before the start. the authorities decided to stop the conference, so i here. the brussels bastion of democracy nevertheless
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fell. conservatives were allowed into the hall at the last moment, but a residue remained. and even the innocent proposal of belgium and the czech republic to impose sanctions against russia for harmful activities of allegedly interfering in the work of european institutions was not supported. russian banks asked to postpone the refusal of foreign software, since they do not have time to do it on time, business news marina piminova, marina developers, how do they look at this? they are on the side of the banks and say that the planned deadlines and deadlines are simply not feasible.
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the association of russian banks wants to extend the transition period from foreign software . on the domestic side, she sent such a letter to deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko at the central bank and several other relevant departments, forbes writes about this, citing sources. in march twenty -two, vladimir putin signed decrees according to which banks must abandon software from so-called unfriendly countries from january 1, twenty- fifth. and now banks indicate russia does not yet have domestic it solutions that can ensure the protection of banking system data. for example, there are no intrusion detection systems. banks are added. existing russian developments are low-productive, designed for small medium-sized businesses, and are also 5-7 times more expensive than their western counterparts. some developers agree with banks and say that it is simply impossible to completely switch to domestic software by the beginning of next year. at the same time, nubes notes that banks simply do not want to get used to imported solutions and review established processes.
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the russian stock market has fallen for 2 days in a row and is also starting its third, but... they call this a logical correction and assume that there will not be a deep decline, because private investors will continue to buy shares for the dividend season. after statistics that inflation in the eurozone has slowed, the euro began to rise in price against the dollar, this is noticeable on the russian foreign exchange market. the dollar is 94.25, and the euro is 100.71. the russian division of the pharmaceutical company astrazenesa complained to the investigative committee about domestic company akrikhin. is going to release the drug fordiglyf into circulation, this is an analogue of astrazenikov's diabetes drug forsiga, rbc writes about the conflict. farsiga is prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes; according to the analytical company dsm group, about 5 million packages were sold in russia last year; sales of this drug have grown sharply over the past 2 years. astrazeneca says its original
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drug is protected by a patent in russia until 2028 . as rbc notes, the initial validity period of the patent. got caught at twenty third, but astrazeneca was able to extend it. the akrikhin company believes that they did not violate anything, referring to the decision of the intellectual property court, which decided that the patent was extended illegally. this is a decision, rbc clarifies. astrazenika is now trying to challenge it in the supreme court. vakrekhina emphasizes that the domestic generic is 26% cheaper than the original drug, which means savings for the state budget. dima, that's all for me. thank you, marina pimenova with business news. next is a short advertisement, after that we will tell you who and how will re-educate difficult teenagers in russia, as well as the path of a saransk schoolchild to farming.
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the project on mentors for difficult teenagers, a document developed on behalf of the president, prescribes the creation of a list of those who will be admitted to such educational work. the government, meanwhile, supported another initiative to send difficult children to a temporary detention center for a month and a half. all these steps are caused by a difficult situation. more than 400,000 adolescents are under preventive care in the country. nikita korabenko found out how they plan to re-educate them all. the mafia is waking up, these guys are still far from real crime, although they have already taken the first step on the slippery slope, they got registered with the pdn, and how did you get registered with
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the pdn. is it stolen? nikolai is one of those 420 thousand teenagers in russia who are called difficult. every year the number of repeated crimes in this environment is growing, but nikolai lucky for him, he is unlikely to face a relapse. mentors from the st. petersburg contact center took on him. kolya broke up with bad companies, and now he has other goals in his life: football and study. did you want to go here? initially , it’s not like that at all, but why? i didn’t know what kind of center it was at all, i didn’t want to, that is , i think i’ll sit there quietly at home for a year. everything and i will be deregistered, that is, but they told me, like, you will be until the age of 18, that is, if you don’t go to this contact center, that is, that’s why i had to go here, and it’s not in vain that psychologists and social workers work with such children in the st. petersburg center on a daily basis; they return teenagers to society, help with their studies, discover talents, find new hobbies and even get them jobs; as a rule, they are involved in cleaning rooms and polyoming flowers.
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or they are going through some kind of archive, but the work of the contact is not only office work, the employees of the contact center go into the fields every day, these are the social patrol cars that drive around the streets of the northern capital in search of teenagers at risk, in the summer they can be found in parks near ponds, now they usually live in abandoned buildings in shopping centers, especially after sunset, usually what time do you go home? well, nine o'clock? well, now i look at your honest face and understand that sometimes you are late. the state duma proposes to scale up the institute of mentoring for troubled teenagers throughout the country, so that not only pdn inspectors, but also those who can inspire and guide them, work with children in other regions. the dobro mentoring platform will be created on behalf of the president. rрf on the internet. it is just for those willing citizens or organizations who
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want to become mentors who want to. show up, they will be able to submit an application, undergo testing, undergo verification, they will check you to see whether you have a criminal record or not, whether you are a foreign agent, there are competencies in the contact center, they are ready to respond to share their experience, we understand that this practice does not exist in all regions , so for other regions this will be an impetus for development, and for us an additional resource and work tool with the guys, there is a work experience similar to that in st. petersburg in moscow, here such centers are designed as...
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the birth of light, the teenage indicator is a natural improvement in studies, we began to hear each other, we talk more, we spend more time together. juvenile delinquency is decreasing every year in our country, but this does not mean that it does not exist, but there is an understanding that in order to defeat juvenile delinquency we need not a system of punishments, but attention to the teenagers themselves. nikita korabenkov, susanna pruchikova, valerian kushnir, ivan nikonov, pavel baidalov
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and sergey dronov. a young resident of saransk opened an unusual business, organized a mini-farm within the city, owned by a teenager, sheep, rabbits, chickens and even a microgreen plantation. the farm brings in a small but stable income; the student talks about his successes in his own blog, which constantly attracts new subscribers. andrey shamin visited farmer dimka. so, hello everyone. yes, he’s trying to keep it short, hello everyone, here you go again dimka is a farmer, and today i want to show you these wonderful little rabbits, eleventh grader dima has rabbits, chickens, muscovy ducks, sheep, guinea fowl, and of course, quail, good morning everyone, and today i ’m working on quails, the surname of the rural quail blogger is me i always wanted
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to breed quails. they only kept chickens, but dima, while still an eighth-grader, convinced the whole family that he could handle it. tell me how you came to this, at what point, at what point, yes, there was quarantine, there was nothing to do at home, at that moment i somehow woke up early, that is about 5:00 in the morning, so i decided, the neighbor had rabbits, and my grandfather had chickens, my grandfather fed the chickens there, fed them, i somehow started going with him to feed them, and... then - i bought them, i had them somehow pocket money, i bought myself my first rabbit, so he approached work in the barnyard as a business project, his blog is now his own community, subscribers know and trust, and some consult on highly specialized
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issues, say, how to prevent death of rabbits? now, in general, this is the time of digital technology, everything is somehow on the phone they’re trying to earn something, but i’m trying to make money from livestock, with my amount... i can definitely make 30 thousand just by selling eggs or selling a live rabbit, or you can literally say, chopping cabbage, growing ordinary greens, so long ago i didn’t show you my microgreens, broccoli, these are two mustards, this is all a series of radishes of different types, i once bought 5,000 worth of seeds, i paid for it in half a month, yeah, and i also have these seeds...
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you have time to study ? i have time, well, there are also tutors, somewhere i’m not catching up with the program, i i learn what i need, what i need, what interests me. the young farmer is convinced that it’s easy to make money, you just need to figure out how. so dima came up with the idea and even made the aquarium part of his business model. i have fish swimming here, they pay for themselves, i have a bunch of moss there, i sell it on vito and pay 50 rubles. bunch, take two there at once. three bundles each, and that is, in a month they pay for the food, he doesn’t take or ask for pocket money from his parents, he buys everything for himself, keeps track of expenses and income in excel spreadsheets and at the same time, he writes down all the investments in the business in a notebook, he bought all his clothes, he bought himself a watch, and
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so what, it’s just for some pocket expenses, and now he brings in some budget after the eleventh grade, dimka the farmer decided to enroll as a veterinarian. south of the far east, rain tomorrow in the amur region in the south of the khabarovsk territory, in primorye, on sakhalin, in the kuril islands, the strip of precipitation will stretch all the way to kamchatka, in transbaikalia and in the north of the khabarovsk territory the sun will still be able to break through the clouds. the irkutsk region is also away from bad weather,
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there is little precipitation there, unfortunately, this is the calm before the storm. the cyclone is already circling very close in the south of western siberia. tomorrow it will rain everywhere, but it will not be so cold, from irkutsk to novosibirsk it will be above 10°. in the urals there is already no precipitation in uferenburg up to +27, in yugorsk it is no higher than five degrees celsius. on the other side of the ural mountains in the volga region there is also summer warmth, mostly +23-25. but on the upper volga there will be quite heavy rains, and they will be carried by the southern, balkan cyclone, it rises from the south to the northeast, so the rains will first pour in the central region, in the afternoon in the northwest, and then in the north of the volga region, in the pskov novgorod region, as well as in kareli, in the arkhangelsk region in... coma will pass snow and sleet, rain on the shores of the baltic in kaliningrad, the southern region and the balkan cyclone will pass tangently, the rain will not be significant, but it will get colder to 20-25°. and about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be wet snow and no higher than 2°, in moscow there will be light rain and
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up to 17°c.


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