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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 19, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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what is all this for, it’s all simple, kozyrev, once again i offer you friendship, you’re a sausage that has stuck to me so much since this friendship, but tell me, why the hell do you need me, you need kuzarev, you need it, with your talents we can do such a lot of things here, you can’t even imagine what kind of things these are that the mgb colonel is wagging his tail in front of the usual opera. “well, you’re lying, you ’re unusual, you’re unique, strong, brave, arrogant, unpredictable, daring, and most importantly, you and i have the same blood type, we’re for we’ll tear the matter to anyone’s throat and at no price, we won’t stand, but we’re in different business, but i know, kuzarev, i know, the officer’s honor, conscience, shame, everything. this is chatter, bullshit for
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the popular masses, well, you know all this yourself, but what do the popular masses want, everyone wants two things, to live better and eat better, but they don’t understand that not everyone is given this, only the chosen ones, but we the chosen trump card is with you, and if i don’t agree. this is an arrest warrant signed by the prosecutor, i’m entering your name here, but i haven’t forgotten anything, i don’t remember the date i put it in, well done, but without a date this order is such a worthless piece of paper, so should i give you some more time to think?
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yes, i emptied everything in the camp, when the people around me from hunger were plump in the permafrost in stacks , these chosen ones ate from the body. you and i have different blood types colonel in color, taste, put a date, well, free will, only if you change your mind, you hiss at me, i’m patient, i’ll wait, sasha!
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citizen kozyrev, for aiding the traitor to the motherland and english spy lavrenta iberia, you are under arrest, stand up, just one request, may i? come on, i have a son at home, just one call to get him taken care of. can you really explain who arrested you and why? well, give it here, hello, hello, yura, these are gaps, what happened? well, well, well, i understand everything, i’ll do everything, i’ll convey everything, hang in there, excuse me, what do you have? kozalev was arrested,
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arrested, what again? well, explain how he was arrested by whom? he called the duty desk and said that he had been arrested by the state security service, but did not give any reasons. i do not understand anything. if he was arrested, then how could he call the duty station, is this some kind of nonsense? he said he was arrested a person named pavlinov, pavlikov, maybe pavlivker? that's right, pavlivker. lord, where is this one from? is he sitting? yes, he’s definitely sitting, and in a good place. recently , colonel. livker, the head of the operational department of the regional gb, did not care, okay, with this later, now is the most important event, start, go, eat, zones on the wire, everyone take their starting positions, start exactly at 22:00, carry out.
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but they won’t come here for garbage, hear martvin, and if the chalas find out how much this saska costs, he won’t break his share, he won’t break it, there’s a rumor that i learned his cool graters, maybe
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there won’t be any need to share at all. well, it seems like it’s here, well, since it’s here, let’s go, wait, wait, chens, you me. even when i’m definitely going to get in the way, only if they start extinguishing me through lawlessness, although this is unlikely, in my memory this hasn’t happened for a long time, and gangrene is not stupid, according to the law they will put pressure on me, so if it’s still out of lawlessness, then extinguish
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everyone , who is rushing at me, gangrene first of all, god bless. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, sunny, bright, russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition,
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don’t miss it, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week, when a hollywood star brutally deals with his wife and her lover, when a world producer... hit is poisoned by an exotic fish, his more successful competitor, when a famous politician commits murder at gunpoint of dozens of television cameras, he continued to beat her until the morning, when the main suspect is the person from the cover, even an ordinary everyday life resembles the crime of the century, what pushes the stars of cinema, politics or show business onto the criminal path, and how such crimes change the fate of millions of people and even history, this will be... your central television tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. a piece of joy for the entire honest company. and you're in trouble, chaloy. come on, have a seat. thank you. well, gentlemen, after praying,
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let's get started. well, challai, i hope you can guess why you all gathered here bisermi. give, yes, what's there to guess? knowing, ask if you are guilty of anything, i will answer. then tell us how it could happen that on your land the obshchikovsky redhead disappeared, and the boys who were with him died in the same land. well, tell me. “citizen kozyrev, how did you manage to get into an anti-soviet conspiracy of an enemy of the people, a traitor, an english spy beria, and what tasks did you carry out for him, i did not receive or
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carry out any tasks from beria, that is, you do not deny participation in the anti-soviet conspiracy, listen , comrade to follow, citizen-investigator, and even the pope, where you are not the pope, but citizen-investigator, you understand, contra, listen, you, citizen-investigator. leave these things of yours for snotty students who tell jokes out of stupidity, but these tricks won’t work with me, back in 1945 i overcooked three people like you while they were giving me a sentence, so you can at least break a bug on this table, i understand me, well, you won’t deny that you met with the traitor to beria’s homeland, whether he’s a traitor or not, that’s clearer to you, and the fact that he met, yes he met, he
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awarded me the order of the red star in the kremlin, even a hundred people like me, if you're interested, in other meetings, and the other two meetings were purely for official reasons, and what kind of general official needs could beria have with an ordinary opera from the backwater town of ugrozovsk, but okay. that's enough, let's write it all down on paper, then write it down, tell me first, no, i'll tell you now , tell me again again, again, until your brain starts to boil, i'm telling you, it won't work with me, you 're probably forgetting where you are, citizen kozyrev, but rather the opposite, i understand perfectly well, so let’s finish this concert, i’m afraid that the concert hasn’t even started for you yet, as an overture i have prepared a surprise for you, start up, come in!
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it means that you don’t want to ease your fate with a sincere confession, i understood you correctly, citizens under investigation, yes, that’s right, that’s right, i myself am not tired of this performance, honestly, i’m tired of it, but i feel sorry for you, i understand that the enemy was simply using you for our own selfish purposes, well, to be completely frank, it’s more likely that we are his used, even twice, but i emphasize once again, solely out of official necessity, it happened, so what? “i’ll give you more time to think, i won’t even put
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you in different cells, as required by the instructions, one head is good, as they say, the answer is even better, so think, think, think, and tomorrow we’ll talk, take me away, then i sent semyon to meet the couriers at the station with the boar, “ nobody saw him again, these guys were found cold, but without the redhead, i said everything, maybe someone, uh, roan, yakut, can confirm your words. shanghai, mustache, here’s rasp, it’s all your codla, they ’ll sign anything for you.” ivanichka, i’ll plant shanghai, i know, but i’m tired and the market will never sign, and my son won’t sign, for me he’s like
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a brother, i’m laying my head down for him, but if they ’ve been rubbed in the face, so they unknowingly signed up, dear, let’s not get into the water of the talach, people signed up, i’m not in my right, but for now let’s listen to gangrene “i think that the obshchikovsky redhead. skrysilchaly, but this is a serious presentation, gangrn, you can’t prove it, so the roan has a right from you ask, i know, whether my evidence will pierce or not, you should deprive arshin, come on!" tell people where you got it from?
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good night everyone, who are they? prisoners? and more specifically, if it’s time for strangers or masters to fall?
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we’ve laid it out , ah, well done, so here’s what you’re doing, marinate them in the punishment cell for now, yes, let them go straight to the mill in the morning, and not to some mongrels, straight to the wolves, do everything, and so, kozarev, you’re going nowhere. can’t you get away from me or will you die?
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hands, now turn around, like this, so i can die. well, hello, expensive! in short, we agreed with this mazurik, i gave him money, he got me a redhead, the appointed time was silence, i got through the gang, the address, we arrived, there were three blind people, and orshin found a redhead in his nychki, who can confirm, i can, i’m with gangrene and arshin
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was at kosov’s house, i was there too, everything is just like... says gangrene, listen, gangrene, what makes you think that the roan is in the subject, and korshin, this little guy i’m at one of the blind people in i found your number, roan, what do you say, my number, i gave this little thing to semyon when he went to meet the courier with a wild boar so that he always has connections, who can confirm this? except for you and semyon, yes, everything is clear, the scythe killed the guys, took the red one, and the roan slammed the kosovo and covered the gold, who else thinks like that, i don’t agree, this could be
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a setup, whose setup, you never know, is masarsky, for example. someone else thinks so, i don’t agree either, i decided this way: give time to return the redhead, and while he’s looking for it, talk to the people, let every respected rukhan have his say, and once we’ve listened to everyone, then we’ll decide how treat him like a lawyer or as with a reptile, that’s all, expense. oh yes, why are we
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going to be treated like this every day now, it’s called a mill, yura. when they want to break it, they start throwing it into different cells, first to the bottles, like today’s ones, then to someone more serious. so, as the physical pressure increases, each time you think that it can’t get any worse, the next day is definitely psychological, brother. well, there are thoughts on what we will do next, well, there are a couple of options, let’s go ahead, first, sign everything that is suggested. and i also accept
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pavlivker’s proposal and we leave here and what kind of proposal he has to be friends and the milk rivers of jelly are on the banks of the streets, but i’m afraid this milk has turned sour. you'll have bloody diarrhea, then you'll give up on the world, you're afraid of death, you didn't want a stupid death, well, let me sign everything, but i'll set conditions for you to be released. in the end , pavlivker needs me, and you are just a tool of pressure, you yourself are a tool, let’s better
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sleep, yes, samson alrionovich, you did a deed, not only did you take my woman away, but you i also put her under a bullet, it’s not like a man... “i’m sorry, it happened this way, if you can, i’m sorry, i can’t forgive you, i declare blood feud on you, according to the laws of the mountains, we will slaughter you, all your relatives up to the seventh generation in the sun magadan that’s it, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, calm down, let’s remember her,
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take the tomatoes, come on, tell me how you are, it means that after the camp at the sea you rested with new strength, you’re starting new things, but you need to look around, meet people, understand what’s going on . why, and maybe i’ll come and visit kozyrev, kozyrev has no time right now guests, he himself is visiting, by the way, there ’s a bottle nearby, and what happened, he’s involved in an anti-soviet conspiracy, with your fellow countryman, by the way, time is more important, do you want to arrange a date, but no, thank you, and what will happen to him now, well, the tower are they unlikely to give it? well , they’ll leave for 15 years, don’t go to grandma, well , tell me what your business is, what you’ve got up to or what, again you’ll start wearing your bras like cowards,
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but i told you, you need to look around, understand, you’re such a horseman, you’re on business - in time, until everything above calms down, settles down, there will be an iron broom of revenge so that ... so that the people do not i was relaxing, well, when one owner sits in the kremlin, then it will be possible to think about your clothes, but how long should we wait? a year, maximum two, in 2 years, i understand, i’ll go, you won’t go, you’ll work for me, beat me! snacks.
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so they took kozyrevo again, why is the guy so unlucky, and how many times for no reason, for nothing, then why did you take it, that for nothing, for nothing, i know, kozyrev, a man, is sacrificial, of course, but with such a life you turn into a wolf, one woman left, she didn’t wait, the other, they’ll sort it out and let her go, maybe
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will be released. i just sense that he’s not feeling well right now, and i feel sorry for the kid, he’s the only one left, thank you, he didn’t even go, somehow, just like that, he ended up in a massacre under a bomb, some kind of nerve was broken, kozyrev took him to different doctors , and to all sorts of resorts, even though he wasn’t his own, he got him back on his feet. “don’t worry about the kid, kozyrev asked me to look after him, i live with him, the kid is really good, that’s right, albert, what do you have, well, when will my life be ready, i can also erase my legs to my ears, tomorrow i’ll make a citizen of mine, well give me this, citizen, you found a citizen, what are you now, a civilian
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employee of the authorities, so now i’m not a citizen major? come on, let’s quickly have something to do with me and make sure the car is running tomorrow, otherwise i’ll lose my bonus, is there a job for you, what kind of work? i need help from him, call the boss, we’ll talk, what ’s wrong, i killed him, you ’ll kill him anyway, and let him out, he’s out of business, hot spot, new season. , today at 20:00 on ntv, alexey chumakov vs. azamat musagaliev, stars, tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv, you can alarm
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in the far east there is only a cyclone, in the kuril islands, it is rainy and cool there, even from sakhalin to... in yakutia, precipitation is caused by an atmospheric front, but the temperature lags behind the norm in the north of yakutia in chukotka, in the south , although it is above normal, it is not particularly warm yet, mostly around 10°. in siberia, spring competes simultaneously with winter and summer, in yamal, intrusions of the arctic frost are already down to -15, from irkutsk to omsk 10-15°c, in some places the rains closer to krasnoyarsk are quite strong and now about summer, it is ripening in the urals, today it will reach +27 in orenburg, ufa, and tomorrow almost everywhere. even in tyumen, and there is still a lot of sun, the weather seems to want to help those in distress in the flood zone. on european territory, a bright, violent southern cyclone in all its glory follows a classic trajectory, rushing north, causing heavy rainfall.
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today , the north-west suffers the most from it, there are snowstorms there, snow will even cover the ground. in the center the rains will weaken, but a very strong wind will remain, which will not give much feel the warming up to +17. in the south it will be rainy in places with thunderstorms and the heat will subside. even up to +25, in crimea no higher than twenty. there is heavy wet snow in st. petersburg today, the snowstorm is only +1, in moscow +16. the rains are light, but the wind is dangerous; the atmospheric pressure will rise by 20 units in just 24 hours. such tests are too much not only for those dependent on menstruation, take care of yourself. what do you think, those villains who surrounded the library and museum in the city? well, if you're not stupid, then no, after the murder it's time to leave. well, if i were to guess, they might have a reason to stay, huh? damn, well, purely theoretically, maybe, well, that’s the question, another thing, well, i was really weighing up possible options here, it turns out that besides the library museum, we don’t have any worthy objects, but they won’t take the cultural center , well, this is not
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too much, cranberry growers are always interested in private owners, collectors of antiques, you have such, but the devil knows, maybe there are, you go to the regional department tomorrow, go to the wanted department and ask the guys there for these antiquities. and so on, i understand, uh-huh, that's it, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. well, what have you got here, it’s quiet, how quiet it is, mardvin with his people, the museums have been destroyed by hundreds of dollars, some kind of creepy tsatskaya dragging, where is it from
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in our museum that there’s only junk, you know, junk isn’t junk, but because of this yesterday the whole city was left with garbage and soldiers on dad, there are a lot of younger ones... get rid of him like a bastard, from snakes, who else stripped the grazing? storm, misha tverskoy, but they themselves have krylov, you know, that’s why i know you too, the gangrene of these mazurks found
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that the redhead was picked up, cold, from one little guy with my number, which semyon gave for contact, and red mark, but magadan, as always, both yours and ours. i decided that whoever has a voice should have his say on this topic, but without a meeting, well, then it’s completely sour. what we shall do? like what? think while you have time. well think so think. do you know who got it? trump? what is this? just ask him yourself. but no, it won’t work. the secret police took him yesterday. why does the dog know him? i'll find out.
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if i could find out who started this carousel, i would tear the bastard apart with my teeth, ah. i can’t, yurg, ah, the roof in my head is semolina with comgs, hey, condo, take that breakfast, i say, nothing is so thick, what is supposed to be done, listen, lad, you’re not from petrovka, but grunin, sergey, right?
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i think we won’t need anything until tomorrow, what to order, it’s a change, i’ve never eaten it, it’s tasteless. i tried it in the far east
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; stop, what if romka bozhenin informs us that we are here, yurka, this is a chance, well, but you say it’s a mess in your head, write, we’ll give it back tomorrow, don’t twitch, it’s a lot. why is it there, everything seems to be quiet, only the dogs are barking here and there, it’s more for the sake of order, that’s good, that means it’s a joke ended, apparently they thought that we were no longer in the city, salmon, at about three o’clock you’ll rush into the city, sniff one address, or maybe wait until tomorrow, there’s nothing to wait for, this time they won’t think of us as garbage, that’s why, because the apartment . work, but we work
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quietly or at a gopstop, you’ll see there, well , at least we’ll take something, you’ll find out how we’ll drop off the goods, i’ll go to leningrad first, i’ll sew a suit from alik singer, a silk shirt, a herring under it, put in black sea, from odessa to batum. oh, our citizen for you with a tassel has begun, soon i’ll stick this tassel and butt-tail in, whatever i need, but never mind, i’ll find out what the trump card is.
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ay-yay ah!
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you don’t want to read, but no, why, we take people’s word for it, we’re so gullible, yes yur, yes, that’s right, we need to trust people, how can we live without faith, that means you don’t deny what you did to your cellmates severe beatings and injuries, but what about this, you slipped and fell, you say it yourself? by the way, everything is recorded here, every word you say will be added to the case, but not every word, well, almost after appropriate processing, so you yourself understand that this is another article, 144 of the criminal code, that’s right, you understand everything yourself, but this can
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be avoided, you offer yourself to sign the tower, in exchange for the removal of the article on bodily harm. very funny, i suggest not to persist, but to look at what is happening with common sense, you have no other choice, only with a sincere confession, okay, that’s enough, it’s written down, you say, yes, then listen carefully, you disgusting nit, there will be no dishonesty, because we innocent, do you hear, innocent, if we are destined to get the tower, then we will get it too we won’t give birth, and you save your eloquence until the moment you take our place, and the wait won’t be long, believe me, you bastard, i’ll drive you away, you ’ll lie at my feet, hey, whoever is there, come here, fix them until they confess,
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you give it to me, i’ve been looking for you since the evening, and i ’ve been sitting here since the evening, darling, make us a couple more beers, yes, i haven’t seen you like this for a long time, yeah, i haven’t seen myself like this for a long time i saw, well, what happened, i found out who from... and what took the trump card, in short, the geshniks packed him up, he shared the obiria, he’s sitting in a bottle, oh, this it’s okay, if they took it for something else, i might not believe it, it’s exactly his size, sit, so take a couple, well, well, well, well, it’s good to eat a hanka, otherwise you’ll completely drink your brains
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away, it’s okay that you the bottles are looking at us, the bottles are pissing, uh-huh, little bastard, uh-huh, listen, kut, you should have taken him, i ’ll get it from the bosses for not closing at night, okay, now we’ll get out, now, we’ll have a drink, we’ll get out, darling, organize it for us a little one, maybe it’s good, pass it on, come on, now you sleep, and i’ll personally take it so that he can get it today, otherwise will muzzle. he'll mug, yakut,
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i said, let's go have a drink, hello? yuri, are you here? yuri, are you here? yes, here, what do you have? yes, the department called, they told me to wait there, what’s wrong with you? look, this guy shot at this guy, he has a pistol on his chest, and then he asked the neighbors with his knife, but he didn’t have time yet. what do you think? yes, i think it's very simple. two or three people broke in, knocked out the owner, worked on the hut, were about to leave, but then the owner
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woke up, took out a barrel and knocked one of them down. they, of course, finished him right away. left because they couldn’t leave quietly. logical. it has knitting. the main one from where the terpilay came from suddenly showed up on the city pistol. is it really possible that he doesn’t part with it even at home? well, yes, it’s a problem, and while you were running to call, i counted a dozen such problems. okay, go ask your neighbors and i'll do some digging here. ok.
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hold it, put it in an envelope, remember the address, i forgot the street, work, yes, five apartment two, put it in the mailbox, yeah, as soon as i change, i’ll do it right away, and these are moms, be a little sad here. and this, i heard, is how your follower he told our corps members that in the evening i’ll transfer you
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to another house, again with the trigger, i understood, the main thing is that romka has time. we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of an emergency, listen to funny auto stories in the first program, on ntv the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, the dental business was too tough for the director of the clinic. and now this fact has been recognized by the court, this day victims through the efforts of dentist valeria klochko were left without teeth.


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