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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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here the irishman growls, puts his beer aside, gets up, rolling up his sleeves, so this is what your friends were hinting at, this was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv broadcast, goodbye, you don’t belong here, the usa blocked the resolution on acceptance of palestine as a full country. a suspect in the murder of a muscovite was detained in the rostov region. the tragic events of history in rostov nadon recalls the mass executions of civilians carried out by the nazis in zmeevskaya balka. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. powerful a cyclone that came from the mediterranean sea hit central russia. snow covered st. petersburg. are calling on drivers in these
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regions to refuse to travel, and utility workers are scattering reagents again. bad weather is approaching moscow at this moment. a powerful storm wind is expected in the capital of the region; gusts can reach 25 m/s. there may be a sharp drop in temperature in the evening and sleet may fall over the weekend. a foreigner was detained in the rostov region and is suspected of murder for a remark about parking a car in moscow. crime was committed the day before right under cctv cameras in front of the residents of the house. twenty-one-year-old transcaucasian visitor shahin abbasov parked his car on the sidewalk right at the entrance. a twenty-four-year-old passerby reprimanded him. in response, the drivers and his accomplices attacked the young man and began beating him. abbasov hit the man with a knife. they managed to take him to the hospital, but he died from his wounds.
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the attackers and accomplices to the murder fled and were put on the federal wanted list. during during a search in abbasov's apartment, 44 million rubles and $3,000 were found. the suspect's uncle and father were detained in hot pursuit; the latter, according to the news agency, received russian citizenship through a fictitious marriage. abbasov himself is already being taken to moscow for interrogation. the criminal case will be conducted by the central office of the investigative committee. the situation in ukraine has become one of the central topics.
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zone 200 km wide, that’s everything else - food, energy security, nuclear security, humanitarian cooperation, exchange there.
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iran and israel at this stage do not plan to carry out any more direct attacks on each other, cnn reports, citing a source in regional intelligence services. in the morning, tel aviv launched a limited strike on the islamic republic, which was regarded as a response to the massive iranian attack on april 13. did not take part in the attack and did not approve it, but tel aviv notified washington in advance that it would take active action within 48 hours. explosions occurred near the airport in the iranian city of isfahan and a military airbase. eyewitnesses footage of the fire was posted online. it is clarified that the target of the attack was not nuclear. the air defense system was activated in several provinces of the islamic republic. sirens were heard. at the same time , tehran stated that only a few israeli drones were shot down. civil aircraft that were in iranian airspace. changed the trajectory
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of movement. iran attacked the jewish state late last week, firing hundreds of drones and dozens of missiles. tehran called it a response to israel's attack on the iranian consulate in the syrian capital. urgent news is now coming from paris, an unknown man has locked himself in the iranian consulate, threatening to blow himself up, according to a witness, a young man allegedly wearing a suicide vest entered the diplomatic mission building at 11 o'clock local time. consulate staff are still inside. the tracadaro area is now cordoned off and the nearest metro station is closed. by order of the paris police prefect , a special squad of security forces was involved in operations to neutralize the suspect. and the attackers know that he. barren an attempt to stop the inexorable course of history, as russian permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya called the failure of the vote in the security council on the palestinian issue.
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the resolution, prepared by algeria, recommended that the general assembly accept palestine into its ranks, thereby ensuring its official international recognition, but the united states used its veto. israel. did not vote because he is not a member of the security council, but his representative said that recognition of palestine as a state would be an endorsement of terror by hamas. wherein half of the delegation ignored the israeli’s speech and pointedly left the hall. the meeting was monitored by our us correspondent, alexey vasilovsky. this resolution had no chance. the united states, which in words advocates the creation of a full-fledged palestinian state, in reality is in every possible way hindering the recognition of palestine. several weeks before the security council vote , the biden administration tried to convince the palestinian authority authorities not to force the issue of accepting palestine as full-fledged member of the united nations. palestine refused to give up and washington warned in advance that it would use
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its veto. we don't think what's happening in new york, even though it's well-intentioned, is the best option. we believe the best way forward is direct negotiations.
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to palestine and the legitimate aspirations of its heroic people. however, our american colleagues think differently. having used the right to vet for the fifth time, first to aggravate the law in gaza, they again demonstrated their true attitude towards palestinians. to washington, they
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don't deserve to have their own state. they are only obstacles to the realization of israel's interests. this was already the second attempt. back in november 2012, and although palestine is already recognized as a state by 140 countries, for membership in the un, it needs the approval of the security council. accept us, this is an investment in peace, our membership does not take away the place of any other state, it does not threaten anyone and does not cancel anyone. we do not want. to replace anyone, we want to enter your club as equals. we are waiting with 1947, now it is already 2024. palestine promised that it would continue to apply for full membership in the un, especially since it clearly has more allies; the day before, spain and slovenia announced
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their readiness to recognize autonomy as a state; at the security council, france hinted that the time the state of palestine has long been achieved. alexey vasilovsky, maxim za. usa. in russia today they remember the victims of the genocide committed by the nazis and their accomplices during the great patriotic war. this year for the action on united nations day actions joined the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. the investigative committee of russia continues to investigate the facts of the extermination of civilians in the soviet union. this kind of work has been going on for more than 80 years. investigators are studying archives and identifying places of mass burials. in zmeevskaya balka alone, 27,000 people were shot. svyatoslav gordin reports from rostov-on-don. in august '42 it was paved. there were no roads here, people were driven to the zmeevskaya ravine to the place of execution on foot or transported in gas chambers through the grove,
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every year, remembering those killed , they bring flower wreaths to the memorial, the day of united action in memory of the genocide of the soviet people, it appeared on the calendar recently, in order to preserve historical memory, historians say that the germans killed 27.00 people in this gully in 3 days, possibly more, the punitive forces did not leave any documentary evidence, or rather , they destroyed them from... 5 years ago, valentina boards told us in an interview how her entire family was brought to zmeevskaya balka, she knows about this from the words of her older brother, a german saved us, ganus is here on zmeevskaya, four families saved, took the gardens there, that’s what my brother said, and then we were extradited again, sent to the ghetto, children were poisoned, this is how they saved cartridges, adults were shot, zmeevskaya balka is sometimes called the russian babi yar.
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2 years ago, the rostov regional court recognized the actions of the nazis during the occupation of the region
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as genocide; according to some sources, about 160 thousand people were killed, mostly civilians. klavdia ivanovna was a key witness at this trial. before her eyes, the germans shot rostov schoolchildren who they hid wounded red army soldiers in the attic of the house. it turns out that before death the child was forced to put his hands behind his head and hit him from above. annexing new territories to our country, one of these places is donetsk, where during the great patriotic war the nazis destroyed 7,500 soviets in the territory of the 4.4 biz mine. research projects are
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led by teachers and schoolchildren. the project helps preserve the memory of the tragedy of the civilian population during the war. our future will be peaceful and calm if we destroy fascism. a it will be mandatory. the concept of genocide appeared later. the murder of innocent victims in the occupied territories was assessed not only by politicians and historians; the courts of several russian regions came to the same decision, recognizing the actions of the nazis during the war years as genocide. svyatoslav gordin, maxim smagin, pavel felkovsky and alexander novikov, tv broadcaster. rostov-nadon. the state duma has developed a project to honor memory.
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primarily educational, which perpetuate the memory of the victims of the great genocide patriotic war, it is important to remember that more than half of all those killed...
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the world oil market ends the week with almost the same news that it started, with the only difference being that while on monday prices were rising in response to iran’s attack on israel, now they are moving they were led by explosions in the varan province of izfahan, where iran’s base state and nuclear facilities are located. but if after the first reports oil prices soared by $3.5, now the situation has completely calmed down, to such an extent that oil not only stopped growing, but even went to a drop of about half a dollar. there is no official confirmation of this, but investors believe that the attack on iran is israel's response to last weekend's iranian attack. and judging by the fact that oil has already become noticeably cheaper in the afternoon, investors consider this answer to be very limited. what also gives peace to world markets is the fact that on iranian state television they are showing in every possible way the insignificance
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of what happened, they say that the loud noises near the city of isfahan were caused only by the operation of the system. vo, who attacked like small suspicious object reported. iranian television also clarifies that it has no information about any damage to iranian facilities. a reflexive reaction to the middle eastern news was observed today in other markets, for example, the price of gold and the dollar, which investors traditionally buy during periods of instability, rose in price. but now growth there is also disappearing. and so, for example, against the ruble, the dollar at these minutes is becoming cheaper by 65 kopecks. and it costs 93. 13. the russian stock market is still in the black, even though that oil has already stopped growing, investors are likely to return to the story of buying shares before the dividend season. apple has withdrawn the app store, instant messengers, telegram, signal and whatsapp, as well as the social network
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trets, from its chinese application store. the last two applications belong to the meta corporation, which is recognized as extremist and banned in russia. knows the financial times. on saturday, the us congress will vote to block servisak unless it replaces its current chinese owner. but in between, the themeter adds that in chinese app store, for example, available facebook and instagram, blocked in russia, belonging to the same meta. you can also download other western services, such as youtube and x, which is former twitter.
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yandex, which already has a taxi service and food delivery from restaurants, seems to have decided to switch. as a logical continuation , create a brand of goods for adults, as the creative director of the title store vadim dunaev told the vedomosti newspaper, yandex submitted an application to rospatent to register the hinto brand. underneath it, like it is indicated that they are going to release a lot of products, including sex toys, erotic dolls, vibrating massagers, eye patches and other things, which if they show on tv, it’s definitely not now, somewhere closer to night. according to experts from newspapers surveyed. reports, the demand for goods for adults is now growing, over the past year the market has added about 40%. the ceo of a specialized company with the promising name supplier of happiness, dmitry karabitsin , says that the main share of buyers in this market are people from 30 to 45 years old, which there is a need, and money to buy essential goods.
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the yandexlav agency rionovosti confirmed that the company had indeed registered the hinto trademark. but what specific goods will be produced have not been specified about the economy, thank you denis talalaev with an economic review, ntv viewers in the capital are now waiting for the release of the program today in moscow, and we will continue our broadcast for other regions of the central part of the country. the water level in the tobol river in the kurgan area has updated the historical level maximum. the water has already risen...above the mark of 10 m, exceeding the record flood of thirty years ago and the water continues to remain on average per hour , the level is growing by 5-7 cm. so far it is relatively safe in the center of kurgan. bamba the dam coped, it was built with a large reserve, the right bank part of the city was already flooded. on the left side of the tobol, the authorities are evacuating three microdistricts with tens of thousands of residents. as
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the governor of the kurgan region reported to you in the telegram channel, due to the record volume of water, dams in the rivers in the regional center experiences enormous hydraulic load. in some areas , delaminations and leaks appeared in the protective embankments. repair crews are already on site. the flood arrived in the village downstream of the tabola from kurgan. in many, authorities have already removed residents during preventive evacuations. in the neighboring tyumen region, the water level of the ishim river increased by more than 2 m per day. due to the danger of flooding , an urgent evacuation was announced in five settlements. in the orenburg region, the level in the sakmara river is rising. floods have hit many regions our country. how to cope with floods in populated areas that took the brunt of the disaster. about this in the reports of our correspondents. in front of the entrance to the temple , a pump makes noise, streams of water are pumped out from the sokor. the church of st. elijah of morom
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is now being drained; when it began to drown, the icons were prudently raised up, but the iconostasis was badly damaged, and now it needs to be restored. the shrines were saved by the whole world. the parishioners came, the residents came, because the icons were heavy, so they lifted them up. there to the upper temple, here we had a tomb for raku reverend ilya of murom, oh, dad, listen, the water has practically gone here, the water is leaving, people are returning to their homes, the morozov family just finished renovations and bought new furniture, now the doors are knocked down, the tiles have fallen off, the beds and sofas have become unusable, things are it’s still in the closet, wet, it’s all laminate, the walls, doors, appliances were raised higher, it didn’t help, the tvs, the furniture, the armchair were destroyed, and the refrigerator, the stove, the kitchen itself, it ’s caused by the water, this house and parent's next door, they built it together with their father, according to documents everything is on him, the fat is not the only one, which means
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there is every chance of being left without compensation, we invested money here, we invested labor here, we have been building this house for 3 years, almost a lot of it with our own hands, because we do not come from a lot of wealth, we had very only 2 hours of time, they left the house as if on a military alert, a retired major, received it upon retirement. the water is gradually leaving the village, but on the outlying streets there is still a generation, their luck is their merit, the residents of neighboring perovsky built their chinese wall, how many kamaz trucks of clay can’t be counted,
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they still owe 4.5 million rubles. here they decided it would be better to chip in than to clean up the consequences, although the local head advised us to move away, he recommended that we all evacuate, but we decided to the entire village that we would still fight the elements, well... this is now a local landmark and walking area, thanks to a one and a half kilometer dam, the village of perovsky was defended, here you can clearly see how much the water has gone, whether the peak of the flood in the kurgan region has been passed, my colleague olga zenkova knows. if previously, mainly the private sector was flooded in kurgan, now large waters have begun to creep up to microdistricts with apartment buildings. to assess the water level, here you can look at the children's playground, sandboxes, carousels, swings, everything is flooded. the central square of the poplar district is deserted, the fountain season will probably not begin soon, and there are no people willing to relax in the park, which is more reminiscent of a water park, children were taken out as
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soon as the first reports of an impending flood appeared, adults left housing is not in a hurry, how much water is needed to get up here, i still have neighbors upstairs, i’ll go to the second floor, a new trend instead of parked cars, there are now tied boats in the courtyards, the current along the streets changes depth, so you... areas are turned off electricity, there were dumplings , dumplings, they had already thawed everything in the freezer, they cooked everything, they took away the rescuer, they are now folk heroes and day and night they help people get out of... water captivity. the rector of the city church, father vladimir , remained in the flooded monastery until the latter to save icons and church utensils. the clergy of the region asked the ministry of emergency situations to evacuate the priest. in the tyumen
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region, rescuers have completed work on the construction of a dam in the village of kazanskoye, and this is just the beginning; there are kilometers of river banks to be strengthened; there are no extra steps in this matter . and i arrived yesterday from labutnag , took time off from work to save my native village. we were already working last night, right or what? of course, we have been working since yesterday evening from 6:00. some people fill sandbags, some helps to collect and remove things to residents of areas prone to flooding. almost 200 people have already left their homes to escape the water. we are now actively monitoring our temporary accommodation centers. i must say that they are all ready, we have agreed on one single menu for everyone. the water in the ishim river has risen by centimeters in some places, and in others the level has already exceeded the historical maximum. according to forecasts, in the next 24 hours, flood flows will cut off the village of koshkaragai from the mainland. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, mikhail chernov,
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igor akimov and valeria proskurikova. ntv company. another 15 million homes will be provided with gas by the end of 2024 as part of the federal gasification program. this was stated today by the head of gazprom mezhregiongaz sergei gustov. he also recalled that by order of the president, the program was expanded this year to non-profit gardening partnerships. according to gustov, the request from snt is large, according to mergo's estimates. we can talk about one and a half million houses, mainly those located near large...
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our citizen living or having a house in gardening non-profit partnership has the right to apply for additional gasification. gas in snt, according to gustoy, as in the case of additional gasification of ordinary houses, will be supplied to the border of the land plot. people will have to purchase gas equipment inside the house on the site themselves. the key health goal by 2030 is to increase duration.
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the minister paid special attention to the development of medical infrastructure. murashka noted that 2024 is the final and most important year in the implementation of the national healthcare project. chapter menzdravu emphasized that all activities for the construction, overhaul and re-equipment of hospitals with modern equipment must be fully completed by the end of this year, no postponements or...
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his days in splendid isolation. tourists can only get here to the cape of the same name in the south of sakhalin by motor boats, but most of the year there are boat trips. the sakhalin region is sought after by travelers from all over the country. however, trip organizers strongly recommend that elderly children limit their external inspection. to get inside the lighthouse, you need to go through such a difficult obstacle course, let’s say so, and it’s all very dangerous, protruding fittings, and that’s still the case. since you have to climb like this, there used to be a staircase here, over time it collapsed, the lighthouse has not been working and has not been guarded since 2006, since then there have been high waves, harsh winds, where would the looters turn the graceful outside lighthouse into
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a classic abandoned place without them. in the published videos, tourists are warned to move around rooms that have long been uninhabited and office premises need extreme caution. look, the ceiling is collapsing, it might actually even be dangerous to be here, for those who are flogging, of course. it’s better not to touch it, because after many years it all turns into such dust that, oh, you see, this metal fell out of my hands to build. building a thirty-meter signal tower in a hard-to-reach place is akin to a feat in modern times, and how the japanese builders managed it in the thirty-ninth year of the last century is still a mystery. then the southern part sakhalin was under the rule of the land of the rising sun, and in order to illuminate the way for ships , a navigational landmark, nakkarytoku misaki, translated from japanese as a lighthouse at the edge of the earth, was erected right on the rock in just 2 years. however, even here, far from civilization, engineer miura shinobu strictly followed the canons. made the device rotate thanks to
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a clock mechanism hidden in the monolithic reinforced concrete, optical design. after the victory over japan in world war ii, soviet specialists began to maintain the lighthouse. according to the staffing table there were more than foreigners, so the existing extension was expanded with an additional floor. the consequences of such a rework have just come to fruition. already at the beginning of the 21st century, when it was taken out of service and stopped being regularly repaired, this superstructure made the structure heavier, it was essentially ruined, which is a source of moisture penetration, the spread of fungus, dirt, birds are now easily entering there, that is, all this needs to be eliminated in order to minimize, so to speak, the non-calculated impact, here b
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although it lost the competition with a modern navigation device, it could well have been preserved as a historical monument. this idea was eventually supported by president vladimir putin in the ministry of defense, he owns the majority of such structures, and agreed to transfer the retired lighthouse to the balance of the sakhalin region. the paperwork must be completed. this spring, meanwhile, at the local ministry of construction we are already planning to begin work on restoring the interior decoration, so they are preparing a plan for restoration work in the summer accordingly, we further plan, as soon as the design documentation is finalized, to begin external work. the lighthouse will have to be restored under the same difficult conditions in which the japanese pioneers worked almost 90 years ago; all necessary materials must be delivered by sea, and... the navigation season on sakhalin is quite short. according to local historians,
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a high-quality repair is not the final result of the meaning of restoration. on the basis of mike aniva, they proposed creating a museum with a staff of caretakers, which would be maintained keep the monument clean and conduct excursions for organized groups of tourists. sergey antsidin, maxim mintsev, ekaterina fedorova, ntv far eastern bureau. this year rosselkhoz has seriously strengthened control of flower imports, in particular ross from ecuador and the netherlands. violations of phytosanitary standards have been repeatedly recorded during deliveries. how many foreign goods are now in our flower shops, how the business will be affected by tightening the rules when our own roses and daisies begin to predominate on the shelves. alina repina figured it out. freesia, ranunculs, lisianthus - this is not a spell against voldemort, the name of the most popular flowers in the store of yegor and his mother. where is the product from? about 80%. we buy from large flower centers or from
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gardeners, why are there few russian flowers and is it possible to make sure that there are a lot of them, for example, like in holland, where it’s also not hot? we already filmed a story about this a year ago, where is the flower cart now? 20% domestic, 80 imported, and as i understand it, over the past year the situation has not changed much, the price has risen plus uncertainty in the market, plus a ban on planting material, this somehow... stopped investors, so very few hectares of greenhouse complexes have been built recently, a year ago we already talked with flower grower alexander litvinenko about import substitution, we looked into whether it was possible from everything russian to build a greenhouse, the short answer: no, there is no film in the required format, it is mainly from greece, the quality of the lamps is still poor, but there are domestic insects for pest control, substrates for pink roots and... tubes like this, so that the roses feed through them, these will be sent
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to greenhouses from production in voronezh, localization for some products is 100%, our range of production is quite different, this is a drip tube, and just a blind tube, a flexible liner tube, and an elbow, well, different products. the engineering system is important, but the problem with planting material is much more acute. russian frenchwoman florence has been supplying elite roses from kaluga to the moscow city area for 14 years.
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russian varieties, but for now on kaluga land propagates the dutch, here is a foreign yellow rose, variety allright. cuttings in this greenhouse, it’s not a tricky thing, that is, cut the stem of a rose and that means, put it in a cube there with mineral wool and root it, but firstly , completely different conditions are needed and certain infrastructure is needed, there from the point of view of areas there, in europe the production of planting material is a separate business, in russia the planting business is only developing to occupy not 20 but... 50% of the flower market, domestic greenhouse growers will need 35 years if the increase in area will happen at the same pace as now; there is no sign of ecuadorian roses leaving the market yet. alina repina, irina savateeva and maria popova, ntv. now about the weather, earlier
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forecasts reported that the capital region should be covered by a powerful cyclone with rain and stormy winds. the wind is really strong now, and a drop in atmospheric pressure is also recorded. what will happen on the weekend, rina polyakova will tell you, contact us from rina's meteo studio, what can you see in the forecasts? yes, i’ll tell you now, but the cyclone spared the capital itself a little. the heaviest rains occurred in the north the moscow region, even more so in the smolensk and kaluga regions, are now increasingly to the north, and the phase of precipitation there has changed to snowy, because the air there is too cold. in general, our aggressive cyclone reminded the leningrad, pskov, and novgorod regions that they are not just in the west, in the north-west of our country. these areas, together with the entire true north, do not reach the climatic norm of 5 to 10 °, that is, they are now at least in mid-march, and the cold will still fight for its rights, next night already in the central in areas, the temperature can drop to zero, and can also reach snowflakes. almost no precipitation will reach the volga region, but
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the temperature will drop slightly there, and in lipetsk, voronezh, tomorrow it will not be higher than +18. well , now about a new source of drama in our weather processes. another dangerous southern cyclone is about to burst into our atmosphere, heavy downpours with thunderstorms and stormy winds, tomorrow in the crimea and prizovoe, red level of weather danger, may affect the krasnodar region, storm warnings from the wind in the area of ​​anapa gelendzhik and the capital, in st. petersburg tomorrow there may still be more snow, at night up to -4, during the day the maximum air temperature is -1 hole, maybe lower, in moscow snowflakes are also quite possible, at night, during the day there is light rain and the maximum you can... it will be calculated +11:13 there will be gusty winds again and the nights in the moscow region may be near zero, i am the navigator and gardeners, thank you, this was the weather forecast from arina polyakova, that’s all for now, go to ntv. ru, see you later, he’s like a devil,
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