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tv   DNK  NTV  April 19, 2024 4:50pm-5:56pm MSK

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up to 300,000 rub. for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere. unexpectedly, the man found out that he had been divorced for 3 years and owed almost a million rubles in alimony to a child he had never acknowledged. alexey fedorov contacted us for a dna test. hello. hello, alexey! how did it turn out that you are a single person? well, a month and a half ago , bailiffs came to me and said that i have 800 there with a small debt, although we have not lived with our ex-wife for 3 years, that is, when we we disagreed, we had an agreement,
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she files for divorce on elements, she tells me, it turns out that she divorced you without your knowledge, filed for divorce without your knowledge? yes, i immediately thought that naturally she filed for divorce, naturally alimony, i went here in moscow to the mfc, they confirmed to me that yes, i really was getting a divorce, but i always hoped, if something, if she even ... gives alimony for the divorce, she will tell me, but she didn’t tell me. alexey, well, maybe it turned out that you disappeared after your separation, she couldn’t find you to file for divorce, to inform you of the agreement, firstly, i didn’t disappear anywhere, the first year when we broke up, she and i both corresponded and communicated via video conference, basically this situation happened when she needed money, 3.00 each, when she asked, i always sent three more.
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to her requests, that is, i responded, i responded, i wanted to see the children, because i treated her eldest boy very well and loved him, that’s why i asked always communicate, that is, she told me, i will let you communicate in that case, well, with the children, if you send me money, nevertheless, you participated in the life of your child, well, the first year there, almost... half a year somewhere so. then she asked me for 10,000, as if for food and clothes for the children. here. i responded again, i sent her these 10,000, but i became curious about how she would continue to live without me. i found a neighbor. i started asking her, she answered me, like, why are you sending money? you sent her 10.00, she added more and bought, either for... 17 or 17 thousand
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, a phone, in short, that is, not children's clothes, for my own needs, yes, after that i called her, we had scandals on the phone, i told her that either file for divorce for alimony so that i already know that, well, officially, no matter how much it takes, i don’t refuse to pay for dna, if the child turns out to be... mine, i’ll pay, if it’s not mine, then i won’t pay, and what were doubts that the child is yours, yes, from the first days, please tell us in more detail, i met her through on the internet, for a month and a half we talked to her on the internet, i went there to lugansk, to her, near the house, i don’t deny, she met me, we went into the house, i had a snack, drank tea, gave her a ring, a child,
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a toy, she she suggested that i go to her friend’s friend’s house, natasha’s, we went to her friend’s, natasha’s house to drink tea, her phone rang, she rejected the first call, rejected the second call, rejected the third call, then natasha started talking to her right in front of me , why the hell are you rejecting calls , it’s too late, then i already guessed that well... someone, well, firstly, she had an ex-husband, or one of her exes was calling, i immediately began to have doubts, we had a small scandal, i even told her there that she should delete the number, she told me , that’s it, yes, i deleted the number, but in the end, when they woke up, she went out into the yard, the phone remained lying on her chair, i decided to see if she really deleted the number or not, text messages. as they walked she answered them, then
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an even worse scandal occurred, that is, i was even, well, getting ready to leave, she sat down in the bedroom on the bed, burst into tears and the child began to cry. i felt sorry for the child, that’s why i couldn’t leave, leave, this man didn’t appear in her life anymore, well, i stayed there until the fourteenth, i went on shift, that is, when i arrived, he didn’t appear with me, i i’ll say this, the fact that she constantly went there herself, she has this roller, it turns out who i’m constantly thinking about, who on the first day... called, it’s he who is this person, the roller, that’s her girlfriend , a very good friend, this is his sister anya, so she always goes there went, constantly, because of this there were always scandals, that is, you think that they saw each other, well, yes, but you
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never met this person, we met, we were walking from the store, we were walking along a straight road, and you he came out just, well, it turns out from the turn, she, when we started to... when we started getting closer to him, she took me by the hand and said: please, just don’t touch him, his eyes looked like they were tear-stained, but the person could see that they had a relationship, i immediately asked her, that is, this is this person, she says, yes, this is this person, that is, i had a relationship with him before, you then began to live in lugansk, for about a year and a half, you probably lived there ... how did you live? well, i won't say it's good. the scandals were mostly when she visited that particular family, that particular anna. have you introduced inna to your family? yes, a year later we went, we had already lived for a year, we went to
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moldova to sign. the painting took place at, well, that is, my parents. mom received her very well. and my sister, yulia, treated me very well. to her, in general, well, family treated them well, we had a wedding, no, there was no wedding, we just sat in the family circle, there were flowers, a dress and wedding rings , everything was there, on july 6 we went back to lugansk, during your family life, your wife’s behavior no longer bothered you there were no questions or suspicions, firstly, when we arrived there from mordovia, it was the seventh, and then my friend anya came. and anya tells her what i clearly heard is that as she tells her, when you left for moldova, valik was going to follow you to get a job, when anya left, i told her i even asked a question, i said, why was the roller going to get ready, if you
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didn’t seem to have anything with him, as you tell me, to go after you, and to which she answered me that it was not the roller that she said, but or... i started asking her, i said, you lived with him, she began to tell me, no , although, when i first came to her, she told me about her ex-husband, and the fact that they had an official marriage, that’s it, she lived with dima, it didn’t work out, they separated, there was an older lover, she was talking about him... too she told me about this lover, that is, she didn’t hide it, it was about him that she constantly denied me, that is, i didn’t live with him, he just came to me to help. some time passed, i was leaving for a shift, i
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had a windbreaker hanging in my coat, i began to pick it up and saw two shirts and these bluish trousers, well, trousers. were hanging, if they were her brother, vitalikova, then they would be like things for my height, but they were much larger, these things, i paid attention, didn’t say anything to anyone, went on shift, then when i arrived from the shift, i also went into this closet and one shirt was missing, then i raised a scandal, at first i asked her a question in a good way: i said, so i was leaving for a shift, there were two shirts and trousers hanging, now i came with watch, i say, one shirt is missing, but that means you have someone, she doesn’t, i don’t have anyone, i started this, but we had a scandal, in the end i grabbed these things, i say, these are his things, she yes him, well, that is
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, this is valik, she herself admitted, i threw them into the yard when i was not there, that is, he was in this house, when, at what moment did your wife tell you about her interesting polo? it was august 27th, how long did you live, did you live for more than a year, were you with your wife at that moment? no, i was here in moscow, on duty, it took me on august 27th. she called and said that she was pregnant, but what she said was that she was pregnant, no matter how happy i was about this, well, i was not, that is, i had my suspicions, because from the very beginning, i was not happy about it, i was almost sure, that the child was not mine, she began to tell me that it happened just when we were in mordovia before, like, the sixth, so, but the fact is that when... on the sixth we left, we had nothing, it was until , say, the fourth, third, that’s
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it, it turns out, according to your calculations, something doesn’t add up, yes, darina was born on april 2, and that is, if you count july, august, september, october, november, december, january, february, march, april, 10 months, that is, conception occurred. without your participation without your presence, well, i think so, but have you told your wife about this? no, i didn’t tell her at first, but then there were scandals there were us, and she even said that if we let the child be red-haired, i say, but how will he be red-haired, if in my family everyone in my family is dark, in yours, i say, well, there are no redheads in your family either, not even still at like 100%. i’m sure that the child will be exactly this man, from valentin, yes, and he is red,
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but yes, his hair is such a horny color, and you met a wife and child from the maternity hospital, from the family home, yes, i bought a bouquet of flowers, like as it should be, i bought a box of chocolates, but a little over, as if we had moved with a friend, in i came, gave... her a bouquet, a bouquet of flowers, well, a box of chocolates, in the end she kicked me out of there, hit me with a bouquet of flowers, escorted me back, and you saw the child, so far away, yes, you saw the kind of hair darina was born with, but ... first, she was wrapped up, i only saw, well, already at home, that her hair was blond, i accepted her as mine, but i doubted it, yes, even when there were, say, some kind of litter, she herself... told me that that the child is not yours, and you did not ask your wife to confess, well, if you are not
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the father, then who? no, it’s a step away from dna refused, even when i proposed to her, she refused, oh well, let’s say, she’s angry with me, yes, there, okay, i, my mother suggested, my sister suggested, even when the bailiffs had already arrived, her brother called her, i have a brother, he... called her, inna says, let’s do dna, we say, we’ll come there by car to you, because well , we understand that you have children, if you can’t do dna in lugansk, we’ll go to rostov, well, do tsdc, we’ll officially know whose child it is, that is, if it turns out to be our child, i won’t refuse to pay, neither i nor my relatives, no one is against it, they, too, i understand, had doubts, but my mother, yes... had doubts based on what? well, firstly, as she
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told me, she heard some conversations there, well, on the phone, and secondly, even i, when i was talking to my wife living in lugansk, i was talking when, for example , with my mother, she constantly asked me, where is ina? she wasn’t even pregnant yet, i said, well, she left, so i said, take a walk there, they’re at this friend’s place. well, naturally i told her what i found there are things, this is it, since you broke up, you haven’t seen each other, as soon as i stopped, after 10,000, when i sent her and stopped giving money, that’s all, she forbade it, well, that is in general, i was blocked everywhere on all sites, but my sister and my mother communicated with her all these years, your ex-wife says that she kept her promise and informed: just your family, that she is filing for divorce for alimony. in the studio of inna fedorova.
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hello ina. hello. tell us how it happened that alexey became the one unknowingly, a divorced debtor. he knew very well that i filed for divorce for alimony. i told him this on social networks by phone. nobody told me anything, to be honest. i reach out before god, i have proof, correspondence on social networks, that he knew about this, no one told me anything, show me the correspondence, that i will not pay you anything else, these are the words i said.
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what to feed the children, okay, i’ll send it, well, if it happens, i’ll send it to you, but it was like this, and that was the last time before i filed for alimony, when i filed for alimony, i i didn’t ask anymore, but once in november i wrote, give me money, i won’t send you anything, i don’t say a word, but alexey is worried that you violated the agreements that were between you, between us, yes, says that... there was an agreement to inform about the divorce, about filing for alimony, he could have filed for divorce himself for alimony, it would have saved me a little money, so i suggested that she file for dna, file for divorce, file for alimony, well, i didn’t offer it to you, i did it myself, why didn’t you do it yourself, you refused to go for dna testing, you anton to go to moldova with two children for dna testing, no, my friend, i don’t have such
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finances, to rostov, i agreed, and i said, i’ll go to rostov, but... his daughter, this was said in anger, in aggression, when he just tells me every day, she’s not mine, she’s not mine, these are his every rant, he insisted to me that she’s not his, i ’m tired of proving it, it was name-calling, it
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was a scandal, i said yes, she not yours, that’s it, don’t write, don’t call, she’s not yours... i, this was said in our hearts out of anger, but after that he said, well, darina is mine, i say, well of course yours, she can’t be different, why did you then tell alexey that the child could be born red, we went for a walk with him, i remember that we were walking hand in hand, and i said, i wonder what she is like, what her personality is like hair, what her eyes are like, what she’s like, he says, like what, like me, black, with blue eyes, i say, what’s like you, and if she’s red, well, all... it’s not special, well, i don’t understand , yes, that’s it, she’s not mine, why isn’t she mine, she doesn’t look like me, what do you want to see, copier, well, excuse me, i’m a woman, but not a photocopier, among your fans there really is a red-haired man, i have no fans, i live with two children, alone, on my first visit there were calls, three
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of them, which you rejected, as you told me, you will delete this number when we. .. build a relationship, but nothing worked out for us, within a month we stopped communicating, some things remained, yes, there was a shirt and pants, that’s all, but what was the name of this person, there was a relationship, yes, we broke up in january, i started living and communicating with alexey in february, why are you talking about dima about your ex?
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i told her on the first day of my arrival about something, because dima meant a lot to me. i liked him, i liked him, in the course of communication he took me by the fact that he began to communicate well with my child, pasha was like... he was attracted to him, pasha, almost from the first days he began to call him dad, although the child there was 7 months old, and the first words were mom, dad and dad , the first word was, yes, pashka loved him very much, he
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didn’t let go of pashka, he was with pashka everywhere, he walked with pashka, so when he asked me to marry him and asked me to go to mordovia sign, i didn’t think twice, i saw him as a responsible father, and i didn’t even think when i... according to alexey’s accounts, we were pregnant for 10 months, 40 weeks, well, consider it, lesh, we were with you for an ultrasound, for everyone three together, there were, i don’t argue
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that i told a lie, what the doctor said every pregnancy, oh, every examination, how they looked at me on the ultrasound, he set the dates for the pregnancy, well, he set the dates, wait, he said, you're such and such a week, that's right, i don't remember this. how can you not remember this, what the hell are you, a red-haired bastard, do you remember, and which one, what terms about your child you don’t remember, and the fact that your daughter is red, you remember that, no, but i have to remember everything, you went on shift on the twentieth, remember, we signed with you on june 19, on the twentieth you left for a shift, i still went to meet him, i signed, i became pregnant, i thought things would work out for us. we will be fine, but when we found out about the pregnancy, things only got worse, worse, worse and worse, because of doubts, well, because of doubts, i don’t know
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what happened to him, he’s just a very i often started to rest, when i found out about the pregnancy, he was on shift, then after this shift he disappeared, i call, say where, i call my relatives, i don’t know where, oh, he was sent to some other base, there is no connection there, nothing, he... it’s there, sometimes text messages arrived, how are you, everything is fine, that’s it, no connection, nothing, and no matter how much alexey didn’t get in touch, exactly two weeks, after 2 weeks he came home , so i came from my shift, here you go, here’s my money, i came from my shift, but then over time i found out that it wasn’t a shift, he was hanging out at his mother’s house, they gave him money, go ahead, take him home, as if you had arrived on... this was before pregnancy, this was before pregnancy, it was just august, you worked one watch, the second watch you disappeared, i called your
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mother, i said, i don’t know what to do, he disappeared, he’s gone, i’m pregnant, it’s an abortion, i say, i don’t know what to do, she doesn’t, inochka, wait, no abortion, everything will be fine, i will help you, i will send you 500 every month, no abortion, now, when... a day, two, three, four, for a week he walked, then he came to his senses, called his mother, money came out, i need to go on duty, my mother sent
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money, he went on duty, no, well this happened several times, i don’t deny it, almost every time it happened, after i got pregnant, when i became pregnant, it started happening all the time, no, more than once, i gave chances, i forgave, i didn’t want to have one child without a father , pashka is drawn to him, i didn’t want to leave his daughter without a father, i forgave, i thought everything would work out, everything would be fine ok, he came, sober, everything is fine, he fell to his knees, forgive me, everything will be, everything will change, everything will work out, i forgave him, he came with me to mordovia, i will be different there, there are girlfriends here, you have friends here , here you have communication, they interfere with us, they went with me to mordovia, i went with him... we left everything in mordovia, we planned to go for four or five months, well , somehow we left for the whole winter in november and we were thinking about going for the whole winter when we left in
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november. he went on shift once, december shift, the twenty-seventh, we are waiting for him home, alyosha is not there, the phone is turned off, that’s it, alexey has been gone since the 27th, i say, i need to go home, i see how tired of people i am, that i live at their expense, at the expense of my mother, at the expense of yulia, well, they buy a lot what do we need, and i didn’t want to be a burden, i say, send me home, please, i want to go home, on the eleventh, my mother says: you’re going, well, she said on the tenth, she says, you ’re going home tomorrow, on the eleventh, yulia is sending me, they i was taken all the way to ryazan, sent home by train, i left when alexey showed up, i saw on social networks that he was online, i started writing to him, he didn’t answer, i wrote to yulia, where, how come,
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lyosha is online, why? how, what is happening, explain, no one gives me an explanation, i’m already calling yulia, yulia, i say, explain what ’s happening, why lyosha is online, he doesn’t answer me, someone else is on his page, she’s not, he says lyosha, i say, he appeared, yes, she did, i say, why doesn’t anyone tell me, she, well, you said that you broke up, and you don’t need him anymore, yul, wait, i’ve been worried for so long that he no, i didn’t find a place for myself until february, then it turns out that he is at home, and almost everything is fine with him there. but no one knows to my knowledge, it wasn’t even as she claims 228 we were leaving, that is, from the shift with the guys, there was a conflict with people for a week and a half after that, due to my condition, i couldn’t come, the phone was broken, the screen was broken the whole time you didn’t have the physical opportunity. there are
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people from whom you can ask for a phone number and let them know, i’m alive, i breastfed darina, my children are sick, he’s not there, i just went crazy, i’m far from home, i didn’t understand what to do, this was the reason for your separation, that you are alone with the children, darina alekseevna fedorova, or the girl should bear the last and patronymic name of another man, test result.
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your mind, and i say, i'll figure it out myself. i'll somehow manage without you. execution definitely one of the best numbers in all five seasons of the mask show. traditionally , guests come to us for the semi-finals. i will never be able to unsee it and hear it. mask, smear. only prigogine musk was surprised by the first semi-final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. in the studio of the dna program, the former spouses
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find out who the biological father of their four-year-old daughter darina is. inna, when did alexei start abandoning his daughter? he constantly told me that she was not mine. the maternity hospital is basically me. another girl gave birth with me and also gave birth from our city, we together with her, they came to meet her, she immediately gets up, says, he must have come to you, he says, yours has come, he says, he has a little fun in his bosom, they bring him darina, he sleeps on a bench and there is a bouquet of flowers lying there on another table, the nurse hands him a child, i say where are you giving her, he’s drunk, he looked like that, he says, especially since she’s not mine, i don’t need her, the bouquet of flowers was made from daisies, this bouquet of flowers flew across his face, i said, he went out so that i wouldn’t see you, so alexei’s family accepted him, yes, alexey’s family accepted both me and darina,
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everything seemed to be fine, well, we were on excellent terms before they found out that there was arrears in alimony, then calls and threats began, i was threatened with courts, lawyers... . suggested inna conduct a genetic examination. in the studio of yulia kuznetsova. hello. you are your brother, you knew that inna filed for alimony. she told me after she filed it. how did you feel about your brother’s wife? well, when we got to know her, we treated her very well. and up to the last one. they came to us, the bailiffs, about a month and a half ago, they came,
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we didn’t even understand what was the matter, then she sat down, the girl sat down, began to explain to us that alexey had a debt of 847,000, i immediately asked the question, where from, they said that for 4 years of alimony, every month he must pay 25,000, this adds up in a year, that means 300,000, for all these years... just about 9,000 and from that day on we began to go to the courts, hired a lawyer and all the alimony the child has a debt and now, we didn’t sue, we filed an order, don’t shout at me, there is no need to shout at me, you stopped alimony for the time being, alimony while you do the dna, we suggested that you do it three times, three times?
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we asked him why you think it’s not mine, because inna was pregnant and said that i’m giving birth to a redhead, what kind of husband are we, what kind of husband can endure it, if i had told mine, they would have torn my head off and thrown it away, you disowned the child, but you are unscrupulous, you disowned the child, how can a godmother do that? i didn’t disown her, i disowned her, you said.
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believe me, a very big fantasy, well firstly, she didn’t have to lie, how do you know that she was lying, it’s your fantasy, it’s possible that you fantasized about a friend, brother, matchmaker, but if now it shows that this is your daughter, you understand what will happen , oh, yes, i’ll accept, you won’t be ashamed in front of this child yourself, you, the whole family, the money, now the money is for you, why didn’t you pay, why didn’t you walk, didn’t pay, pay, no one ever refused.
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without her pension there is well 5,000 bu, why should an elderly woman pay me money, when there is a healthy boar, damn it, that sits on the mother’s neck, done, let’s do why, you are written down in the birth certificate, child, you went and signed yourself up, i arrived, i was already registered, i just signed, excuse me, how you are just registering, why go to moldova, why, yulia, and for what reason does your brother not pay? elements, if you file a lawsuit, as i understand it,
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a summons comes to both the husband and wife, i myself was getting divorced, and i received a summons to him, he didn’t have this summons, to us here at ryazan region, there was no summons, not a single one, the fact that the summons came this time when we had already filed for suspension, for a temporary suspension of alimony, that is, your brother did not receive a summons, did not receive a summons, there was no divorce. alimony, when the bailiffs came they left us the phone number of the sverlov bailiffs, these bailiffs said that the summonses were all according to registration. inna, when i filed for divorce for alimony, i did not know lyoshiny’s exact address, and i forgot that i had photocopies and kept them with a neighbor, and i have my the lawyer says, well, indicate where you know, where you lived recently, i say, well, it’s wonderful, where we are together, yes,
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how can you indicate the address, i say, can you hear me, what am i talking about, let me tell you, tell me, when my summonses came to the krasnopartisan... my summonses arrived, i accepted them, when the leshins arrived, they came as if they were registered, which he could only do with a signature, well, how can i get it if i’m not alexey, the postwoman took these summonses and took them back, she did not give them to me, they told me that the summonses were signed, as if he had received them, he simply did not receive a summons and a decision because the court did not know the address where he actually lived, and the address was indicated. there is no court decision, since the court did not know where and where they lived with their son, we even sent it to you, he could have sent it to the address known to him, the person is considered notified of the court hearing, if the summons arrived, he will have it for some time i didn’t receive it, she went back to court, that’s it, the notification means there is, it’s not necessary to receive it for this, all these years there was nothing, it’s out of the blue 2 months ago,
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debt in divorce, well, until the bailiffs came , that’s when i found out, oh well... this is a show of stars, we continue the second stage of the duel, alexey chumakov, a raspberry berry, turns his head, flies up, disgusting costume, even gets angry like- then it’s not lub, against azamat
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musagaliev, today we need to find out who jokes funnier, azamat musagaliev or alexey chumakov? are you serious? tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. alfa friday - supercake every week on alfa bank cards. friday, april 19, we give 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other
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this is a dna program, the man claims that
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he cannot in any way be the biological father of his official daughter born in marriage. new alexei's chosen one is not against helping him pay off his debt, but only if a dna test confirms his paternity. in the studio olga arzumanova. hello olga. hello, tell me, how seriously are you ready to share the burden of this debt burden with alexey? well, if the child turns out to be his, i will be happy to help him with everything. what attracted you to alexey? i saw in him that he is a serious person, he is kind, firstly, he is hardworking, and he is not afraid of any work, he agrees to any job, that is... so that he can earn money. him, so that the family would be provided for, he is very responsible and is responsible for his words.
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how then could such a responsible man owe his child almost a million rubles in alimony? first of all, he has self-conceit, right? that it is his child. secondly, and this was all hidden, he did not know that these alimony payments were filed for him. he found out literally 2 months ago, and before those same... bailiffs arrived, alexey immediately informed you that he was still married, yes, initially he said that they had not been divorced yet, but they did not live, that he has a child, and that inna had her first child, a boy whom he loved madly, yes, he considered him his own , like his child, and i knew all this from the beginning, yes, about his ex-wife, what he told alexey, oh, honestly, i didn’t hear anything bad, that there... well , he didn’t shower her with the last words, he just said what, well, how can i say it, well, when he was working on
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shift, yes, she’s there with her friends constantly sat somewhere, and alexey told you about his doubts, for sure, yes, he told you, i asked the question why you you doubt that this is your child, you seemed to live there, you started a family there, you wanted children, he said that when she became pregnant, whatever the timing was, plus the fact that she started telling him that lyosha, if a red-haired girl is born, let’s say, well, just like that, yes, that’s what i know, he seemed to have closed his doubts about it, the cat has already gone crazy, and why did you turn away, i don’t want to see that circus and how she talks about my family, about me, about the children, that i... they told me, you know, i’m not against that, what if it’s his child, but for god’s sake, i ’ll be glad, i’m not asking you, children
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have anything to do with it. you probably didn’t expect to hear that olga agreed to help alexey extinguish the dock, i don’t really care about that, i don’t care, the main thing for me is that he pays, but not mom and not yulia, but he, nina, it’s hard for you to support two children alone, it’s not easy for me, naturally, i have a salary of 17 thousand, i have two children, it’s very difficult for me, there is someone who helps you, who supports you, yes, friends, girlfriends, inna’s friends,
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why you, why didn’t you take the dna test , initially, explain, i mean, to the 4-year-old child, vera, why you don’t like alexey so much, you can’t just rely on such a person, well, there’s no way, he doesn’t support her, now the child is 4 years old, he never asked, didn’t call, what, you have to beg, this is no good, lesh, this is your blood, natalya, let’s talk about your impressions of... my first impression was immediately formed about him: he was unreliable, he immediately showed himself that he was so exemplary , all so positive, just such pluses, pluses, pluses, just an example for price increases, well, as it turned out, no, absolutely, no, this is not so, we told our friend, we talked, we convinced her, but alas, she, like any normal woman,
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dreamed of a full-fledged family, of a reliable , caring man.. if he had shown himself the way darina did to pasha, this wouldn’t have happened, but he loved pasha, pasha loved him, any woman, what to do, they love my child, that means that i, i will give everything, lesh, or this. not like that, well, yes, i really loved pasha, vera, and your friend inna gave alexei reasons for jealousy, no, vera, come on, look, she hid until the last, until the last, yes, she hid the fact that she didn’t live with valik, she admitted to me herself in the kitchen.
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somehow, well, well, life is difficult for her now. ina tries to do everything so that her daughter does not worry about the fact that her dad abandoned them. let's see, we have a plot. having received her salary, inna fedorova doesn’t even have time to blink an eye before she doesn’t have a penny left. but six-year-old pasha and four-year-old darina now have new warm clothes in their wardrobe, just in time for the cold weather. well of course, the mother didn’t buy anything for herself, everything was just for the children. i bought pasha a tracksuit, pants with a t-shirt, these are darinushki, a blouse, warm, pretty, raising children is not a cheap pleasure, brother and sister go to classes to prepare for school, darina won’t turn gray soon, inna is going to send her to dance, pasha too i voiced my wishes to my mother: pashka asks to go to football, but for now it’s a little expensive for me,
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these are boots, these are uniforms. i have a lot, it all comes down to money, i have a lot that i would like to give to my children right away stop, because money, sometimes inna even on holidays cannot please the children as she should, she also tells her friends that the most pleasant and useful gift for them now is money, this year they gave pashka money for her birthday, there are few gifts, i asked for money, and i bought linoleum for their room, it wouldn’t cost... - inna sighs, although the conditions in which they live are far from comfortable, the apartment is cold, the children are constantly sick, before making repairs, i need to install gas
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because they will be drilling, boiler, heating necessary. what to do, we heat ourselves with fireplaces in the winter with the children, it’s very expensive, and it happens that the light turns off for a day, in half, then... it gets cold, the apartment quickly cools down, there’s no food to cook, no tea, friends are worried about inna, there would be a lot of problems less if there was a reliable male shoulder nearby, but a woman doesn’t need advice, she decided everything for herself a long time ago, i’m very scared to believe someone, trust someone, open up to someone, i’m scared not only for myself, i’m scared for the children, that the children will get used to it... the children will believe it, i’m scared, how will he treat children, because there are few, many parents who don’t need their children, very few who will love strangers,
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but little darina really wants her to finally have a dad, she constantly portrays him on her drawings, next to him, with his mother, his brother, this is my dad , such a head, alexey, you saw a girl, once in 3 years, they don’t look like you at all, it seems to me, no, my child will show, i will pay child support, inna , continue to insist that darin’s dad is alexey, yes, yes, 100%. alexey, are you ready? to find out the result, whether you are a father or not, yes, i invite daria popova, our dna specialist, to the studio. a natural father or a childless man in his forties? we will find out the result of the dna test together in just a few minutes. some people make
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a lot of efforts to find their loved ones on their own. 20 years ago, tatyana's father went missing. we all crossed ourselves, he was so violent, he was chasing us with an ax, before he left for azerbaijan, everything was fine, when he returned, everything. my whole life just went upside down, it was hell, but years later she decided to find him, it’s some kind of terrible picture, tanya, then why are you going to find him out, worked with a psychologist, looked at the whole situation from a completely different perspective, as well as the incredible story of nina stepanovna, who has been looking for her own son for 30 years. the guardianship suggested a boarding school in kabardino balkaria, there was no boarding school closer to home, no, they offered it to me, we didn’t go anymore, tickets became expensive, of course. it’s difficult to understand how such a situation could even happen, that you lost contact with your son for 30 years, wait for me, today at 17:55 on ntv. mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on
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if anything goes wrong, i’ll kill him, you ’ll kill him anyway, his forests, he’s not in the aisles, hot spot, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, this is a dna program, the man has undergone a genetic examination. official
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four-year-old daughter, to prove that he is not a father, which means he will not pay child support and a debt of almost a million rubles daria, you have the floor. a positive dna test result will mean that thirty-five-year-old alexei fedorov actually has a daughter born in marriage with inna fedorova, four-year-old darina fedorova. the man himself insisted. to conduct a genetic examination, after a month and a half ago, i unexpectedly learned that inna filed not only for divorce, but for alimony, and the alimony debt currently amounts to almost a million rubles. alexey claims that he never hid atyn, that because of her frivolous behavior and lack of intimacy for...


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