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tv   ChP  NTV  April 20, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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clone there is precipitation again, but the north will turn out to be barricaded by an area of ​​​​high atmospheric pressure, so the weather is calm for now, and once again we will move to the south, talk about local details, here there will be no precipitation down the south-volga, in the rostov region there will be short-term rain, with thunderstorms in places, in the krasnodar region in the sochi region, in the stavropol region, in kabordino-balkaria in ingushetia in the chechen republic, local heavy rains, hail and capitals are not excluded. in st. petersburg tomorrow there should be no precipitation and the temperature will rise slightly during the day. maximum + 4-6, in moscow it will warm up to 15-17 with intermittent rain and strong wind. that's all i have for now, watch the weather on ntv. who wants the war? and to whom the mother is dear, this expression
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is just about maxim pokrovsky. the musician, long forgotten by everyone, rose up like a phoenix immediately after the start of a special operation in ukraine. we didn’t die of hunger, we didn’t get sick, just like in february of 1922 he started his anti-russian organ, and he still can’t stop. screwed everything up. agent pokrovsky is much better at making money from russophobia, instead of just being creative, hits from the hands of a musician have not been heard for 20 years. all these years, the artist continued to do what he really mastered to perfection, fooling around and singing all sorts of ridiculous nonsense. and in the moscow region there are mushrooms, gleam berries, in fact, this useless merry fellow would have been lying around idle, dreaming without...
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the united states of america, my taxes go to the treasury of the united states, which supports.
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the musician restrains himself in his expressions , but he has not yet so openly poured mud on russia stopped already being outside the country in america, like a wild dog, he tried to bite everyone around him, the russian authorities, russian society and even former colleagues, but the singer finally burned all the bridges with his native country after the start of the northern military district. over the past couple of years, pokrovsky has clearly demonstrated that for money he is ready to commit any meanness against his homeland. maxim pokrovsky began his treacherous tour with russophobic songs. first, special operations, the author of his only hit, haru mamburu, churns out clip after clip of anti-russian subject. caravans leave for the western cordon. but low-grade songs, without any hint of talent, apparently were not enough for pokrovsky, and he switched to prose. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory
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to the great ukrainian people, who showed the whole world what democracy is, what love for the motherland is and what laudatory patriotism is. his words to the kiev regime were highly appreciated in the west, which is why the musician regularly distributes lizablyud interviews to russophobic media. i can say that vladimir zelensky will forever remain in the history of ukraine as a person who was currently in the leadership of this country at a time when it proved to the whole world that it is in many ways... standing at the forefront of world democracy, recently the musician has been fulfilling a new mission, he is now a fighter for human rights and planting democracy. pokrovsky became an ardent supporter of western values ​​after a meeting with fugitive liberals, those who had been discrediting russia for years, but
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as soon as the smell of frying began, they relocated closer to foreign curators. it will become pancakes and tales of freedom fighters later, your grandchildren will admire their resilience. by willpower. pokrovsky's new friend is oppositionist vladimir milov. for many years now, he has been pushing through anti-russian sanctions as best he can and receiving substantial fees straight from gazdep funds. a very good article in the new york times, where it was said directly: russia is a fascist state, and we should not be shy and speak openly about it. in between russophobic statements , pokrovsky’s newly made friends stop by his few concerts. you just look what wonderful people came to our concert in vilnius, and also meet over a glass of red, discussing their anti-russian fuss. we had a friendly dinner with vladimir milov, he told me that a huge number of the opposition public do not know about our activities at all. i
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say my leg is cramped. after ten, at that time ten, at the moment eleven songs, they don’t know anti-war songs? taking into account the fact that maxim pokrovsky was not so popular in russia, yes, that is, he went abroad and began to disgrace, but of course he wants to be in demand, i want to imagine that he understands politics like i don’t know who else. the musician was clearly explained that you can make good money by chatting about democratic freedoms and human rights, heavily seasoned with russophobia. no wonder that. pokrovsky immediately took up this closely. i, maxim pokrovsky, am a citizen of the free world, a citizen not only of russia, but also a citizen of the united states of america, taking advantage of the freedom of speech that is given to me in
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a democratic society. and also a citizen the united states of america, in every interview, lezits at its president biden and the democratic party, as they say, ready to do anything for the sake of a ghostly one. this is a purely pragmatic calculation: in the united states , there is no demand for pokrovsky’s work, to put it mildly, and never has been, but somehow you have to pay for your life overseas. we live much more modestly, not that we live many times more modestly than we lived when we had a job in russia, but we live more modestly, so we have enough, we are not
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hungry, as if yes, so the russian emigrant has to praise everything american and hight everything is russian, russians, or rather those who taught and supported all this. congratulations, you have made it into history, and not only because the children of your children, their children, for many generations to come, will use your example to study the fascism of the 21st century, but also because you have become one of the most striking examples of barlovism in the entire history of mankind. it is not surprising that the russian ministry of justice included the american citizen pokrovsky in the register of foreign agents. the singer, like other escaped artists, at first tried to joke about his new status. and i've waited so long at this point, the everyday life of a foreign agent began, and later he tried to challenge his status by filing lawsuits in court, but he could not prove anything. even those who swore allegiance to the regime, i probably won’t give them
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a hand; i definitely condemn those who went to z-concerts, because this is finally, this is complicity. this is partly why maxim pokrovsky openly hates his homeland itself, and its citizens, and former colleagues in the shop, and even his classmates, to his very... or rather, probably, souls, of course, this is all unpleasantly offensive, so i really regret that what is it for chose such a social position for himself, it is inexplicable to me, for many reasons, and even somewhere i am ashamed of him. dmitry kurashov grew up in the same yard with pokrovsky and ended up at the same desk with him at school. the friends maintained their relationship in all subsequent years, until the singer moved to america and... by the way, classmates repeatedly crossed paths along professional lines. pokrovsky became a musician, and kurashov became
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a concert director. according to dmitry, he saw with his own eyes how rapidly the spread of russophobia. i met ukrainians who don’t like us back when i served in the army. yes, it was the eighty-eighth year, so when in 2001 i came on tour to the city of lvov. the organizers warned us not to go far from the hotel. go just in case, therefore, but here - to drive, and there is no other way to call it to your country, to your homeland, well, this, this is the bottom for me, however, pokrovsky does not want to hear the truth either from classmates or former colleagues, musician's main censors of his work now he only considers residents of ukraine, i feel like a person who provides russia and russian society with an invaluable service. now, if it is invaluable in the literal sense of the word, that is, remains unappreciated, it’s okay, because for
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me in this case it is much more important, for example, the assessment by the ukrainian people of what we do, for the sake of a high assessment, pokrovsky even now selects the appropriate menu , and then describes in vivid colors how he will consume the dish, traditional ukrainian cuisine, ukrainian borscht. divine smell so we will all sit down and eat together, glory to ukraine, well, first of all, promoting ukrainian borscht, which is the best dish in ukraine, is at the very least stupid, and to make a whole benefit out of it, i think, is not from great intelligence, but at the very least, you need to be just a complete person, well, the apotheosis of pokrovsky’s ukranization has become. his statement that ukrainians became brothers for him not only in spirit, but in blood. officially
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, i have 50% ukrainian, 25 russian and 25 jewish blood. yes. i don't think i know yet what jewish blood, probably still a little more, because among ukrainians, well, jewish facial features were also noticed in my ancestors. the funny thing is that despite all the flirting. pokrovsky did not give in to the independence of the ukrainians themselves, and no matter how much the musician repented, never ceasing to sing about ukraine and its people, his name has long been on the lists on the peacemaker website, where the kiev authorities include everyone who poses a threat to national security, i think that max pokrovsky, if he betrayed russia, then there ukraine, like america, will definitely not need him, so it all depends on what they do with him there, the most important thing is that he remained alive there. actually, pokrovsky was on the stop list because he gladly gave concerts in the now russian
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crimea, receiving substantial fees. now he is making absurd excuses, both to the ukrainians and to the new western sponsors who pay him for spreading russophobia. in my biography there are facts, well, such as, say, a performance cramped my leg in the already annexed crimea, when i just, well, i just didn’t deal with the issue, i went, played, wherever i was called, the game, i think that... my activities over the past, say, 15 months, this is to some extent an attempt, well, everything... it’s still interesting to turn the situation in the other direction, but pokrovsky is silent about how much he earned during the crimean tour, but former colleagues who remained in russia remember very well how the musician first performed on the peninsula and then spent the money he earned there, i’m interested , he returned the money for crimea, aka there, in my opinion, he apologized, the performance was
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full-scale, i mean, he did not appear in ukraine only for the reason that only for reasons of delicacy, he immediately convinces that he is ready to visit square. without a group, with music without, so that it is absolutely pure and it is done from the heart, it looks, and as it would be, so i will come with pleasure, for
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absolutely peaceful purposes, i would like to say personally about maxim that he has always been looking for, will be looking for search. benefit where it is profitable for him, he will definitely appear if he is offered some significant fee or some goodies, he will leave everything and go there. in order for him to be invited to kiev, the musician is ready to even speak his language, and throw mud at his native language, which he speaks and sings, i have always positioned myself as not a fan of russian-language music, this is how russian-language music is, well, in my opinion to me. not particularly worthy of attention, the runaway rocker has fewer and fewer opportunities to attract the attention of his compatriots every day, so he doesn’t disdain anything, meeting at tallinn airport with the scandalous actor alexei panin, there ’s no reason: we didn’t die of hunger, we didn’t get sick, we’re spending time, i repeat
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to you, you hear, everything is fine with us, the video message to the russians turned out to be unconvincing, but the main thing is the hype, in pursuit of him for his adam’s apples friends never tire of convincing russians that they have a great life away from their homeland. to us in america, in america, glory to ukraine, viva israel, no to war, wake up russia, these are now panin pokrovsky’s close friends, but in russia they never really crossed paths, and to put it bluntly, they openly disliked each other, but fate brought them together in a foreign country, not a traitor. of all the bridges, collecting on agents in the west is now in fashion, i remember, i didn’t like the teenager so much, pogrovsky looked at me so arrogantly, who is it and i remember, this was our first date, max pokrovsky and lyosha panin are here in russia they were the worst enemies, that is, they
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teased each other, couldn’t stand each other, because max pokrovsky told lesha panina that he was not natural... and i’m stupid on two lines, stop it, nothing, nothing goes away, everything goes away, sex changes like rain, everything comes and goes, we came, we go, and what about the video clip filmed by the musician at the very beginning of the anti-russian hysteria, the main roles in it were played by fugitive artists, artur smolyaninov and chelpan khamatova, the actress, it seems, has never fallen so low, but to pokrovsky, what kind of pr,
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happy new year, happy new year, we don’t sit down... like a freak. in a word, rokker is friends with all relocants, from liberals to actors, they don’t hesitate to hang out, even with fugitive rappers. naturally, all new friends pokrovsky, like him, are russophobes and lovers of european values. the musician even attracted an elderly prima donna to self-promotion. by the way, alla borisovna has long become a walking advertisement for all the so-called downed pilots and unwanted artists in a foreign land. meeting pugachev. pokrovsky has not yet taken place, but the singer is bringing this day closer with all his might. i communicate with her, in fact, it is correct and respectful to say that she communicates with me, since she is still a little different, to put it mildly, i would so he said that this is the pride of the nation, this is the grace of the nation and this, oddly enough, is the modesty of the nation. pokrovsky cannot understand that over the past 2 years life
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has changed a lot; for him and other foreign agents who betrayed the country, allagachev is still a source of pride. nation, for those who supported their homeland during a difficult period, the authorities are completely different, and besides, alla borisovna has recently completely discredited herself. it’s me, the voiceless singer, old ala pugacheva. however, no matter how hard the musician tries to please everyone, it is unlikely pugacheva, escaped liberals or anyone else can help him conquer the world stage. not a small cap, as they say. in his dreams, the singer has already become a superstar, however, even he understands that such creativity is a dead end, but here pokrovsky found a way out of the situation, this is forced, but creativity. and we are responsible for every word, every line, every frame, every chord, every note. actually, through forced creativity , pokrovsky intends to break into the ranks of fashionable
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american rock bands; who can somehow attract a non -russian-speaking audience, so i really hope that we will be these handsome guys, right after the advertisement, how much is max pokrovsky? to his former colleagues in russia, how he begs for money for new anti-russian songs, why he secretly sold his apartment in the capital. acid attack. i can’t see, but i know that my eye doesn’t close. the court arrested a chemist who doused random passers-by with a reactive substance, causing them chemical burns to various parts of the body and face. how an ordinary engineer turned into a toxic threat how many victims does the city maniac count? mom, are you just not in pain at all? i say, no, not much. says: you have a similar chemical burn. why does he hate women so much? just a nervous breakdown, the guy was not himself. how can those who have lost their beauty and health live now? i would like to live with the
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the existence of russian-speaking groups in the non -russian market, but i’ve said it 300 times, this doesn’t mean that i have some kind of decadent mood, it’s just that life will be very, very difficult, very difficult life, but it is possible. it is curious that pokrovsky voices his future creative plans exclusively in a noble light, allegedly, he did what he could do for ukraine. we won't stop playing.
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yes, he was worried, worried about his wide, so-called pocket, he will never be on anyone’s side, not on the american, not on the russian, not on the ukrainian, because we see, we understand perfectly well that maxim pokrovsky is a corrupt skin, pokrovsky’s music , of course, not for everyone, even for the russian viewer, and even more so for the american one, with taking into account the fact that the group does not have a single decent song in english.
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sells phonograms, the rights to which i also have, and they don’t pay me money, i was asked quite often, especially by musician friends, well, something is dripping from your creativity, i say, you won’t believe it, no, not a penny, it’s all maxim, he just doesn’t want to give it to me, the claims from pokrovsky’s former colleagues infuriate him, but he doesn’t
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answer direct questions from the group members. is simply looking for an absurd excuse, from the collective that is generally considered to be there original, although i really don’t like these words, so i don’t communicate with anyone, but since one of the ghouls publicly stated that he is a ghoul, well, at least that i am a ghoul on his part, i once again understood , that 15, 16, 17 years before that i did the right thing, i simply made the correct decision, simply realizing that i could not be in the same space with this person, these are strangers. a musician can collect money and does it all the time, of any size denomination, this is a good tradition, this not so much about money, but about tradition, and it is customary for us to give money to the following songs : moscow romance, if this is not for you, if it’s not a shame, then please, pokrovsky has absolutely no shame in taking money, and it doesn’t matter from whom, as they say, as long as you pay , i collect money very carefully all the time, i even count it sometimes, if
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possible. begging for money, then asking for money for a new song, apparently the muse doesn’t come without a dollar, then for a new video. we are coping, everything is very good, but in order to make this work absolutely gorgeous, we could use your participation. now it’s called that, but in fact pokrovsky, according to his own words, collected $8,500, and of course, spent almost all of it on his anti-russian work. dear friends, we consider it our duty to report on the collection on video. it was spent on the production of the video. 7,557 dollars 98 cents, we promised that we would transfer the rest for humanitarian purposes in ukraine. altruist and philanthropist, neither give nor take. by the way, pokrovsky can talk endlessly about how he helps ukraine. i gave concerts last year, and we
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collected money and sent it for humanitarian purposes in ukraine. and for greater persuasiveness, the musician periodically. maxim was always hypocritical, maxim always worked only for himself, everything that he specifically needs, everything that he needs to be content with some, well, some moments, yes, accordingly, he does everything first of all for himself, and then already for others. in the final part of the program, pokrovsky became puzzled by the fate of the russians.
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you can hit him over the head and take away the evidence and what what did the detectives do in the palace of pioneers? on that day , an extremely strange operation took place in the palace of pioneers in one of the capital's districts; the investigation was conducted with leonid konevsky, today at 17:00 on ntv. stars of the premiere. today at 21:20 on ntv. every success starts with. dreams, to do something of your own, the desire to stand out, the desire to act and not
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the fact that he was selling his real estate in moscow, of course he did it on the sly, the information was not leaked, he is afraid of it, he was afraid and is afraid of every step, because he is the kind of person who can say something here, he will shit himself in another place, so maxim , there is no way back for you and there won’t be, even now with... remembering his native places, pokrovsky sprays poison, when they just tell me moscow, i immediately imagine this slushy road, this exit from mikin to mkat, this traffic jam, that’s how if that's all that comes up, the musician kept the sale a secret his apartment, for which he planned to earn about 25 million rubles, but as soon as the buyers found out who the owner was, they refused the deal, so pokrovsky resorted to a trick and re-registered it. her to his wife, so that his name would not appear in
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the documents, and then completely hid the apartment in closed real estate databases, and as it now turns out, he finally got rid of the property, they say max pokrovsky wanted it earlier, but there. pokrovsky was so happy that he had not lost money on sales that he decided to inform his hated friends about the deal. compatriots, in his usual boorish manner. hear me scoops. we sold the house normally. pokrovsky’s former neighbors admit that they used to respect the musician, but after all his anti-russian attacks, they don’t even want to remember his name. of course, this is unpleasant for me, well, i think that even if you left, you’re welcome to live your life in a new country, but it seems to me that this is tactless. however, what can we take from a person who, in addition to idiotic antics, we are warriors of goodness, we are warriors of kindness, insults. home address, i recently i received a brand new, fresh russian
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passport, instead of wiping one place with the old one, i received a new one, i’m no longer capable of anything else, the rocker’s work is no longer about life or love, every new song becomes a mouthpiece of pro-western propaganda, in my opinion taste, subjective, in my opinion, this is just some kind of emotional rant, that is... splashing poisonous saliva in all directions, it seems to me that this is something that a musician should not do. pokrovsky is ready for any meanness, just to please his new friends in the west, so to say, he is pursuing an anti-russian agenda on all fronts. the escaped liberals, their handlers overseas , even pulled him into yet another anti-russian action. the song is still the same, russia is evil. there's a great event happening in new york today. it 's called the letter of freedom, and...


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