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tv   Zvezdi  NTV  April 20, 2024 9:20pm-11:11pm MSK

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depanol suppositories, which combine antimicrobial and healing effects, help fight infection. deponantol from the number one manufacturer of vaginal medications, when i realized that i did not have thrush. are you sure that you chose this profession yourself, or were you simply born into a family of musicians? at bikfest you definitely choose. chicken premiere for 109 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank and it’s delicious, period.
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“i drive to you like i’m going to work, i start shaking every time, am i a girl or something? to be humiliated, if even now you say, tomorrow i’ll transfer it to your card, i won’t leave, i won’t leave, because it’s already happened eight times, i came, they told me, okay, the money will be there on friday, we’ll deposit it on friday, this friday came, employees the pawnshop, realizing that boris’s jokes are bad with this one, immediately agree to return her 350,000 rubles. what money will he take? we don’t have it any other way and
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a bottle of champagne, why did it have to bring everything to this point? they’d do nothing for you to do, but here we are, i can’t, my hands are shaking, girls, give me a trash bag, so that everything fits, with shaking hands borisova puts the cash in a bag and swears that she will get home with a large sum of money without spending a penny along the way, this happens to her all the time, once a tv presenter went to a plastic medicine clinic, then that’s it. .. like in a dream, i don’t remember this, i’m inadequate, complete, i got threads, spent all the money, a million, i’m bipolar, what to expect from me, it’s one thing or another, i have an official diagnosis with a certificate with a stamp, a diagnosis of bipolar borisova's disorder was diagnosed several times years ago, one of the symptoms of this disease is thoughtless spending of money, a person makes purchases without caring about how much money he has in his accounts, bought tickets
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to thailand, and then they told me, missed the plane, went for a hundred, bought another ticket , consciousness began to come, i was sitting in bangkok on a transfer, i was thinking where i was, what i was, but it was the most severe mania that i had in my life, because it lasted a month, and there was a specific memory loss, most often exacerbation of the disease occurs in the fall in the spring, here’s a specific example, 2 weeks ago... she suddenly ran out of the cinema, where she had stayed for about 10 minutes, it turns out that she was overcome by an attack of bipolar, now even when it starts, i don’t leave the house, i stop talking at all , i can say a day, words and it’s scary
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to leave the house in the second half, or the second state is mania, when borisova’s talkativeness, energy, especially talkativeness, because of her illness , borisova loses friends. comedian alexander morozov still does not understand what is happening to the tv presenter. i feel very warm towards her related, how many years have we known each other? i kind of walked up to her, well, as usual, we all hug, i hugged her like that, and she threw it away from me like that, i wasn’t offended, i was taken aback, that is, just like, get out of here, just like that, i think, what only medications help borisova’s bad tone. i don’t really have any thoughts of suicide, sometimes it flashes by, i won’t lie, i ’m on pills, strong ones, so i bring all this easier, and that’s all,
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if the night lights up the stars in the sky again, it means someone needs it, life is a game, voice sequence, just do what you have to do in it, we accepted the challenge and will become the motto, we are already behind the scenes, all the roles are written, we came out again , entered this hour, the stars in the darkness are only shining brightly, stars, stars, stars, stars, stars, stars, stars, stars, stars, stars , stars, stars, stars, convolutions, serts, convolutions, convolutions, convolutions, convolutions, convolutions. hello everyone, friends, my name is azamat
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musakaliev and this show is stars, you definitely won’t miss us, because we are airing on the tv channel.
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don’t get tired, i’m zamatmusaliev, it’s me, there’s no one else like me, and astana, of course, it’s difficult, difficult remain unbiased in this duel, but i will try, who, who will evaluate. fantastic five arbiters of destinies, good evening to you, friends, i’ll introduce everyone, a living legend of pop music, the person with the most performances of the participants, here she is, here she is with our dry armpits, because she always holds her hands up, sergei zhukov, seryozha, you already.
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i feel comfortable, good, dry, dry, rakhmat, brother, well, maybe some parting words to the audience, the jury, the teams, i want to tell the audience, come on, today there will be just a break, take care tummies, you have prepared something, a new album, as always, while i was walking, i wrote, listen, 50cent answered me, no, thank you, azamat, so today my favorite rap artist is with us, timothy, how are you, how are
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you feeling , you like everything, great mood, i’m excited, in terms of speed, in terms of juice, the teams are very strong, we get to see their performance, i’m looking forward to something great. humor, i'm more than sure that today there will be a stomp - at least, at least, heard our intro, here's the initial track of the stars? stars, stars, stars, i remember it by rote already, there are stars, stars, stars, stars, stars, stars, i don’t want to influence your final decision in any way, but i wrote this, okay, timothy, you’re like the king of rhyme, tell us the rhyme for the word stars, i can, that’s why i’m not talking to you, i’ll provide it , maybe, you know, in any case, whatever you say, rhymes with the word stars, we ’ll squeal in any way. so, in principle, you have a great rhyme for the word stars, stars,
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perfect rhyme, pink stars, i can say this, dzhigan couldn’t have come up with an even better idea and pushkin, thank you, thank you, scatter, of course, almost 300 years, thanks to her, my children began to watch the program that i host as a vk ambassador. carnival, val, hello, hello, share the positive, please, oh, i’m in a super cool mood, i’m sitting like a flower in the company of the coolest men, incredibly talented people will take the stage and give us smiles, laughter, cool jokes, in short, a dream job, guys, a thrill , super, everything he says is always funny, not the best guest. at the wake, garik kharlamov, thank you,
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here he is, here he is, ours, thank you, how, how good, you are handsome, just like you, you i have a haircut, you’re gorgeous, they washed me here, i’ve lost weight or something, they removed something, come on, come out, come out here to the people before i, first of all, it’s strange that i i’ll go out, but okay, after all, they let me turn blue, sit, look, i have a question: to you, machine gun, to you, you are now, mr. presenter, yes, here you are now, contact me, your lordship, your lordship, of course, now you are mr. presenter, and you are playing with the astana team, maybe you should sit on the jury, well, i took care of my friends, you are in this time, what are you going to do, you want to be lazy like this, like that again, in a cunning way, but no, why i’ll spend it, what’s so complicated about it, come here, spend it.
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artemy, light up, light up the crowd, light up the crowd, artemy, rakhmat, i’m with you, azamat musagaliev, and this, i saw your teeth for the first time, this is artemy’s first smile, friends, how’s the mood, tyom, and here i made his smile turn red book. yes, at least together, come on, otherwise, well, come on in unison, come on, his smile is listed in the red
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book, like a rare endangered species, artemy lebedev, artemy lebedev, our show is about humor, and 20 million rubles is not a joke money, so we transferred our entire bank to a vtb savings account with an annual rate of 16% with interest accrued daily. the rest, it’s very easy to do, thanks to vtb online, jokes are joked, and money is spinning, with vtb bank the prize will reach the winner intact and multiply, vtb, everything will work out, well, now humor, humor, humor, humor, we let's move on to the most important part of this evening, the duel, meet alexey chumakov and the napoleons. how do you like it, are we
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going on vacation? class, and we're going, third year, and you haven’t started saving, so open a vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up faster and transfer your salary to vtb, it will be even more profitable, go to the bank, mountains, skiing, speed, you saved up faster than you go down, vtb , all together. it turns out that everything that interests you is collected in vk video, even the show, what happened next, even exclusives , your own show, everything that interests you is now in the vk video application.
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definitely one of the best numbers in all five seasons of the mask show. semi-final according to tradition we have guests. i will never be able to unsee it and hear it. mask, mask. i was more surprised only by how handsome he was. mask: first semi-final. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year. from monday at 23:00. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. one of my
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friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection. where can one go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here. megafon is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. buy ashen red bird products and thousands of other barbecue products at amazing prices. this is not necessary. i see, i understand. that's it, choose to buy with free delivery at the megamarket. you are my basket, favorite chicken for 199 rubles. in rostix restaurants. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just make cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, but give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you,
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this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us. it can be found in every moment and easily shared. holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. millions of people choose phytolax, fruit-based, laxative chewable tablets. try a new product: phytolax gummy berries, just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning, does not cause bloating cramps. phytolax from evalar. try soshi, try all the salads, try soup, soup, everyone needs it, they need it, again it seems to me that
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i’m dizzy, cashback from alpha in yanda. receive 20% cashback in yandex food when ordering with any alfabank card, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card! repairs for the summer season on ozone, everything in the house is on sale, hurry up! smart speaker vk for 2.699, denzel mini sink for 6.299, set of appetite pots for 1.199. meet new limited designs of savings cards and stickers, order them on the website.
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follow me, i would like them to think that i don’t understand who i’m walking with, what you’re talking about, it’s great, guys, the salon has opened, it’s normal, come on in, guys, drive, everything will be fine, we’ll defeat everyone, who’s the eldest, me , come on, i'm sorry, forgive me, boy's word, blood on the asphalt, premiere on monday at 23:00 on ntv, you can perform in single skating, but in football you can play... together with the team, you can put out fires at work and burn on the field, dress heavily in the right colors, you can get tired after... training, but you will never get tired of football, you may be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals, because you have real football, a real
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cup, fonbet - the russian football cup, meet alexander sirov. not everyone can compete now, some left on their own, some had to, some got hurt from parties? and for those who have just started, i love you to the point of tears now, i love you
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to tears now, every day there’s a new order, a tocast of prom poses. what's going on? well, i’m alexander serov, the favorite of all the women in our country, well , like alexei chumakov, of course, i’m a little offended, but not as offended as mark tishman, on the other hand, i’m not so offended by my silence about the sloppiness there, well, that’s all, i understand , you have some kind of list and you can continue like this indefinitely. you know, after prokhr sharamin there is no one on the list, this is already exactly, i understood, but that’s not the point, we agreed, you come out dressed as a raspberry, sing a song, raspberry, oop-op-op, the perfect song for our victory,
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bring on the carnival, i like such a high level of poetry, you’re in full size kharlamov respects the doll azam comedy on ntv, yeah. everyone claps and laughs, timothy thinks it’s fashionable and also starts laughing and applauding, listen, that’s it, victory, go change, please wait, i ’ll change into myself, just a second, that’s it, yes, listen, i didn’t tell you guys, well i don’t communicate with you behind the scenes, i’m the same, i won’t do this, well, really, well, i’m a serious artist,
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i can earn money like an azamat, in short, you don’t want to sing, we have a zheka, zheka, you’ll sing, but no matter do it, that's it, come on, get into the lard tattoo,
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one day the queen, the queen, came and asked to draw a bunny for her, and a little lower than the lower back, the needle-maker swam and got stuffed. two at once, sitting, shy, standing, kissing, well , that's it, that's it, that's it, and what, and where is the raspberry, and you said malinka, and i thought i heard it, it’s not like i’ll be jumping around in this bullshit for 5 years, i won’t this, you see, even not very normal people refuse this, okay, okay, let's do it your way, a solo concert by alexei chumakov, just imagine, a huge hall, live broadcast, all the women gather. earth, except for katya lel, and that’s because she’s on another planet that day, uh-huh, people are waiting, then i go out, early, people whisper, well, when is lesha already, when, when, i’m already, now,
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now, now , a little more, the stage rises. there is applause for 20 minutes, all of alexei’s existing parade dancers come out on stage chamakova, the three of you are singing a song, people are delighted, there is karaoke on the screen and you can order absolutely any song, well, except for leps, vaenga, stas mikhailov, hands up, the zveri group, presnyakov and agutin, everyone is screaming, well then of course the chumakovs. the whole hall begins to sing all the most popular songs of alexei chumakov, people are in ecstasy, these were the best 6 minutes of their lives, it won’t get better, you say it will, you go out in a raspberry costume and yes, you ’ve fucked me up, i won’t wear this costume, you just do that you humiliate me, fuck you fuck it, i’ll go and sit in the jury, and you can take the rap without me, you cheese. oh, they forgot the cheese, it’s good that
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we have each other, what will show us on tv? tell your wife that you caught it, as long as we can remember, we are always together, a magnet, 30 years next to you, superstar, will press your names onto your names names names. for all times, for all times, superstar, the whole country will remember you, the whole country will remember you, if you are among us, that means you, that means you, that means you are a superstar, i am a superstar from may 11 at 20:20 on ntv. hot spot, new season. go out to
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improves skin condition and protects. feel free to look your expenses in the eye, your money won’t fly away, we return rubles for the remaining minutes. for 109 rubles and other offers at a very favorable price, there will be no money to be spent, with a card, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash and receive cashback, there will always be money up to 3,000 rubles for any purpose, get it on your ozone card and pay anywhere. the show is airing mask, the first semi-final of the grand anniversary season. i'm shocked,
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just. they tell me you're crazy, but i say, i'll figure it out myself. will i somehow manage without military execution? definitely one of the best numbers in all five seasons of the mask show, in the semi-finals, according to tradition , guests come to us, and i don’t need anyone, i’ll never be able to unsee it and hear it, mask, mask, i was more surprised only by prigogine, mask, first semi-final. and tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv, every time you do nothing but humiliate me, go to hell, i’ll go sit in the jury, and you
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can take the rap without me, look, the tables we got over it, apparently i didn’t come up with this just now, thank you, come on, come on, we can handle it without you, let’s present the show, our game, boring, very boring show, lesh, let me show you the number, and on the air of the show, our game, by the way, the password for wifa 4.0, as much as the stage is now. let's listen to the topics from the first round. guys, i'm not bothering you, am i? are you disturbing? great, i really like it. do you have a phone? hello,
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wife's second cousin, good evening. how are you, what are you, who are you, what is your name? oh, listen, no, well, there wasn’t time, now it’s appeared, i’ve gained some time, now there’s no distractions at all, we can chat, please. let's listen to a question from the category of dogs over 200, shall we?
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it’s much more difficult for modern teachers, because in addition to checking homework, they also
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have to listen to the parent chat, elizaveta rifatovna, we have a question about the task, two girls dina and masha went to buloshnaya, they found it on the way. rub. dina took 30 for herself, masha - 70. how much money would masha find if she went alone? what kind of question is this? ah, good evening, dear! parents, if anything, this is a logic problem, well if it’s logical, then masha is a rat, i apologize, if it’s my daughter now, artyom stanislavich, good evening to you, well, firstly, masha is your daughter, and secondly, the problem is simple, please re-read the conditions, here i re-read it, and my answer was that she would n’t have found a damn thing, she would have been staring at her phone the whole way. “great, listen, i’m listening to you now and
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i’m just in shock, two girls, alone went somewhere, took other people’s money, and you just sit here and do nothing, who would such a school raise, mothers, what 100 rubles, go to room, clean up, this is dina’s grandmother, she didn’t find any money, why are you talking about her like that?” “i don’t know her friend, but if they found her sneaker, return it, so what, now i’m on the street with my daughters, there’s no money, dear parents, answer 100 rub. wow, they are already charging money for answers, we won’t come tomorrow, don’t come, don’t come, please, and after 35 years
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a man has to visit new male doctors. so, after visiting one of the most humiliating procedures. that is, i went through all this for him to simply say: that’s it. fine. you see, tyumochka, everything is fine. nothing’s normal, i’m now like an uncorked bottle of champagne that’s been plugged with a napkin. now they’ll just forget everything, my dear, calm down, he’s still the main thing, during all this they called him, and he picked up the phone, from the outside it looked as if he was dialing a number on a rotary telephone, i used to think that dentists are the worst doctors, but they even if they give you painkillers, but they don’t stick your hand in your ass, my dear, really, calm down, it’s all over, but you can hand i can't even look at my fingers yet. and don’t tell this to anyone, otherwise if at the factory
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they recognize me like such an avalanche, they’ll cover me with jokes, the dog will dig me out, dating at 35 is a little different from dating at 20, hello, hello, i’m dima, i’m lisa, it’s very nice, me too, that maybe we shouldn’t waste time, straight to weirdness, straight to weirdness, i bite my nails, i still sing carols, i laugh at the word cabbage roll, i pretend to be burly, i acted as a cadet, i always carry a knife, my beard isn’t real, i believe in gypsies, i read poetry in arbate, i’m corresponding with the dictator, mason i’m waiting, i didn’t watch the boy’s word, you didn’t watch the boy’s word, i was in slavery, i cooked a parrot, there was something with a watermelon, i love watching it again. video with fireworks, i laugh at alexei chumakov's jokes, i like
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to correct everyone, i clap on the plane, i speak correctly, i applaud, i love when people fall, i don't shave my legs, i shave my legs, i pee in the pool, i say the edges, ugh, i fought with a child, an informer, i adore i set things on fire, i draw two-liter jars, i gave birth to strangers, do you have an apiary? i don’t know how to read, i’m responding here here, well, this is a class, it’s not like they start where you work, where you live and don’t say, well , somehow you don’t want to see each other anymore, no, of course , they’re still divisible in half. as each of us has experienced late-night cooking. hello,
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hello, can i have a mimosa salad? yes, we’ll do it now, i need 100 grams, yes, please hold it, there’s a kilogram and a half here, we’ll remake it now, do you have sausages in the dough? yes, yes, should you warm it up? yes, then there are no sausages here. listen, why are all the salads so fancy and winded? plopped down winded? what are you even carrying? man, you came to the deli at 3:00 in the morning in a down jacket and shorts, you need a salad, 28 bottles of beer, please. in short, in short, i didn’t agree, but what did you do? nothing, i just knocked on the dressing room for a long time, he didn’t open it, then it turned out he left immediately, didn’t even change his clothes, but don’t be upset, i have this, iphone 7, yes, it has the number of his
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wife, yulia kovalchuk, where from you have kovalchuk’s number, but i have a guy at sberbank, well, he worked in prison, and he actually has all the numbers, in short, we call. julia, hello, hi guys, lyosha doesn’t want to sing in malinka, well, that’s logical, well, he’s a serious artist, listen, he simply won’t do such nonsense, here the prize is 20 million, just 20 million, yeah, nice, malinka, actually very funny song, come on, get up and go quickly, guys, now everything will be, thank you very much, thank you, thank you for coming up with everything guys, now i ’m going to sing malinka’s song in this costume, it will be a bomb, it will be very bright, it will be entertaining , but i ’ll do it my own way, of course, it’s a cool idea, well, i’m cool, okay, number alone, girl crush, i haven’t eaten for a day, i haven’t slept
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for two, number one, my fairy tale, where is my genie, i could figure you out, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, you’re with me, now we’re in daddy, tra-la-la, let's go to the cinema with me, but if you don't want to go to the cinema, yes, yes, even to the moon, i don't care, raspberry, oops, oops, turns your head and flies into something, you're so sad, cold as din. he blinks his eyes, left, right, at the ceiling, raspberries,
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how, how, normal, good. well , to be honest, it was funnier in my head, you look so stupid, bullshit, guys, symphonic orchestra, an artist like me should perform in the kremlin hall, you know, and i’m a raspberry, well, give me a people’s artist like this, give me, give, give, give me a people’s artist, give me a people’s artist, a disgusting costume, i’ll even get angry like- it's awkward. lek, okay, don’t be angry, but you don’t understand, we are a small city of tyumen, you got a small star, alexey chmakov, we are playing against the huge country of kazakhstan, and stars with a huge face, azamat musakaleev, we only have one
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chance , earn 20 million, which, which, the most verified. this is when you can enter my house without calling and into my love, i know that you’re always there, even when i’m not waiting for you , i love you, alexey chumakov’s concert tour, 76 cities throughout 2024, don’t miss it, come too, that’s how i just earned another 20 million, not cool, cool, but we guys, well, i don’t leave my people, so what if i leave you or something, you also come to the concert, of course, thank you, lesh, alexey chumakov and napoleons,
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thank you, thank you, they’re watching our show in various parts of the country from the arctic to dagestan, you know that what also unites our entire large country is magnet stores, where you will always find quality products, go out, look around and be sure to see it, magnet is more than just a store, it is a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee. jardin. a medallion made from selected arabica beans, which have revealed their aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion, a pleasure to feel, genuine jardin. columbia medalin you will have to travel with us, your husband has taken hostages,
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where to go, stand there, grenade, let's do it, you let the women go, and i’ll sit in her place, you ’ll have problems, big ones, hot spot, new season, i didn’t shoot anyone, you ’ll have to prove that. monday at 20:00 on ntv. mask. new season. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, but give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers
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and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. vacation is a pleasure to the point of tears. and yandex. travel is also profitable. yandex travel. book and receive tourist cashback up to 20% points plus. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us. it can be found in every moment and easily shared. holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. my new invention for cleaning the toilet. but with bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for purity and freshness.
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i'm crazy. i laughed at the parent chat, because, because i have three of these, you also said, well, that’s why this, this is right to the point, very cool, thank you, okay, let’s listen to timothy, well, for me, alexey appeared for the first time like this role and it’s not worth it at all, there were a lot of jokes about the fact that there is an unfamiliar repertoire, few people know it, three people came to the concert and so on, it seems to me that a completely new role is opening up for you, you can easily pull it up , be captain of any comedy team, and this is very cool, i’ll explain why, because there are a huge number of artists on the market, but humor is a completely different challenge, and i think that 80% of artists simply could not even joke, but you it works out great, and you look super organic in the role of a comedian, you speak so intelligently , stop singing dude, carefully, stop, everything
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you said is true, you can be the captain of the team, you yourself abandoned everyone now you’re pulling, 100%, uh, you always have a great one bakup, it works for you, and you can be an actor, a comedian, a showman, a presenter, a singer, in general it’s very cool, thank you very much, thank you, garik kharlamov, and lech, you are beautiful, you understand how you envelop how -immediately, that is, you have an amber, you come out right away, somehow once i have enveloped and enveloped all of us, and somehow you know how to do something like this. did he wrapped us up , as it were, he wrapped us up, well, now i’m all, he wrapped us all up a little, he somehow knows how to do that, it turns out that something is difficult for you to wrap up in the first place, i agree, i agree, but he directly enveloped, directly enveloped, and wherever he was on the stage, there was a man sitting next to him who had read ozhigov’s entire dictionary, well, now we will hear him all, let’s turn to him, there is such a word enveloped, and excuse me, there is such a word oboloknu , if it’s optical fiber, but he
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’s not kidding with us. in general, just like that, lyosha came out, enveloped you, enveloped everyone, lyosha, yeah, not only is he a wonderful artist, a wonderful comedian and writer, he could be a great taxi driver, pilot, a pilot, a fashion model, no matter where you put it, it will envelop you everywhere, guys, it’s cool, i liked it, thank you, thank you, valya. i have a little mixed emotions, because at the festival you were so very, very, very loud, but i can’t say that this performance was weaker, you keep your set bar very well, malinka is just top, the parent chat was completely destroyed, although i don’t have a parent’s chat yet, i really felt this vibe and in general i would like to mention alexey’s voice, very cool, well, you just noted his voice alexey, well, it’s just very, very, very cool
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in general, your... camp looks very cozy, cute and friendly, continue at the same pace, it was funny, it was cool, thank you for the emotions, guys, thank you, valya, how did you like the performance, guys, i would like to give a detailed answer, it can’t be, it didn’t suit me, it’s good, big, it’s like you underdeveloped it, that’s all, but how’s the performance for you, how do you feel in general... experience with the guys, well, okay, no, well, this is this kind of thing, here is mr. lebedev, and you are very cool, thank you, please, you too, thank you, maybe we should leave, goodbye, i just wanted to say, why are you
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shitting on everyone, we really just imagine, i... i just sang and left, and the guys they put their lives into this, they really rehearse, they really worry, like this, but why can’t they say something, get out of themselves, say that , like, guys, well done, just like that, just flatter, like all the other jury members do , why is there poop right away, why is everything bad right away, why is it so, so, why, so the eleventh will not appear, will appear, no, i understand, i understand. but seriously, but guys, i ’m beaten, i’m beaten, i don’t really care anymore, no, i’m pleased to look at you, but that’s all i can do regarding you, but just, well, tell them warm words, this is very important to them, please, well, at least one warm word, i’ll leave you alone, you ’ll just get tired now, no, seriously, that’s it, tell the boys something warm, guys, we need to learn to accept, i’m here for a little while , everything is clear, thank you very much, guys, see you
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dates, let me finish, let me finish. i here personify, in a sense, armchair expertise from the internet, where, as you know, in the comments, when you open it, this is the most valuable thing, it can be more valuable than the content for which comments are written, comments are the most... the main thing, and there, usually right from the first line, it’s just everyone in a row, so you just need to get used to it , learn to accept criticism, if they spent time on you in comments, it’s a like, you just have to accept it, if someone sat down wrote you at least one word, even sent you a poop emoji, it means you already have attention, it means you have this same energy, you just need to learn how i don’t remember mathematics beyond the third grade, we had modulo numbers, it doesn’t matter this is a plus or minus sign, the main thing is that you like...
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or order on our website hot spot. new season from monday to 20:00 on ntv. cheese. oh, they forgot the cheese. it's good that we have each other. will they show us on tv? tell your wife you caught it. for as long as we can remember, we have always been together. magnit, 30 years old. this is a star show, a project in which the presenter can become a star, but not vice versa, on the stage of azamat musagaliev and astana. guy, when the voices sound clear, that’s it. get a kick,
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ostana will finally sound, but it’s really a thrill when the voices sound clear, you all get a kick, astana will sound, but it’s a great thrill when the voices sound clear. everything you get kai, in wichitana, show stars, hello everyone, i'm a star of the kazakhs, azamaticaliev show stars, show stars, where are you going, we've already sang three times ... i mean, wherever you want, i
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can also have things to do, right , what now, if the star, what now, the stars don’t matter, or something, okay, so, who are we playing with, who are the rivals, napoleons, bonopartes, don’t make fun of them, don’t make fun of them, napoleons, hmm, i know how to beat them, how , i’ll just take it, when the jury announces the points, i won’t announce them all. aza, no, well, we honestly want everything, brother. it was fair, look, to be honest, then i shouldn’t be with you, and well, it’s not fair, you know, it turns out that the presenter cannot be on the side of one of the players, it’s not fair, it’s the same as if yakubovich , so he would say, spin the reel for you, 250 points on the reel, he calls it. letter b, this
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is strange, look, i propose that in order to equalize the chances, i need to quarrel a little with the jury, but how do you quarrel with the jury, your friend is sitting there, garik, what a friend he is, i hate him, friend for no reason, for no reason, according to him it’s not clear, he’s farting or talking, he’s a narrow-minded person, i want to go touch the antenna so that all this will stop wheezing, take off your glasses, please, garik, take off your glasses, yes, when he takes off his glasses, look, he looks like a weak-minded person, look, uh-huh, put them back on, please, well, when he puts on his glasses , he’s a moron with glasses, well, what is this, well, he got himself two dogs, you know, two dogs, so that he wouldn’t be the dumbest one at home, that is, he first got one, so, he took a very hard shit according to her intellect, yes. then i started the second one,
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uh-huh, now he wants to get a third one, uh-huh, and you say, well, or it’s a carnival, well, well, just a carrot with eyelashes, what, kharlamov wants to get her as a third dog, oh well, so you quarreled with them, but how you will quarrel with sergei zhukov, he is a normal person. what are you talking about, are you even normal, what are you driving or something, a person in the thirteenth century or whatever the damn century wrote these two moderately recognizable hits and that now we should fart with joy when we see i... i beg you, it’s the same as i drew some kind of drawing there at the age of five and my mother ran around like sick , look how talented i am, no, what is this and timothy, and what is timothy, this is lebedev with a green head sitting, look what i
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say to timothy, what timothy , lebedev is sitting there with a green head. why have you come up with so little about lebedev? well, why doesn’t he spend his imagination on his work? am i going to waste my imagination on it, or what? that's it, now i've evened out the chances a little, we're even sucking it up a little, now that we're on equal terms, let's go, kazakhs forward, show stars, forward kazakhs!
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it’s right to say, elders must be respected, oh you cunning tamara stepanovna, that’s what you came out with, and what do you need, i have an appeal to the audience, come on, dear friends, friends, please raise your right hand, raise, raise, raise, if you don’t lift it, lift it, please, put it on the head of the neighbor who... is sitting on the right, and now everyone raise your left hand, lift it, lift it, take it by the chin with this hand, at the count of 3:4 we tear off the head, drive or something, well the same thing happened, oh my, what are you doing, why are you spoiling our performance, and
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what, why are you clinking glasses, what is it, ah, i don’t understand, uh, what are you doing, ah, uh, well, tree- neka, uh, you’ll do that again, don’t do that again, weakling, what did you say, weakling, annat, listen, you’re in vain, because daniar is the most athlete on our team, in vain he said, i ’ll do 40 pull-ups now, we’ll see , which of us is weak, ready, look, here's one, calmly, look, without straining, two, here's three. here are four, look, five, calm, six, here behold, eight, i even count myself, i strain myself, i pull myself up, somewhere around 11 already, 12, but i’m kidding, 13, look, 14, i understand, like that
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40 times, well, he’s great, but this fat one can do it. what does he say to me, do it bro, bitch, come here, well, first of all, imagine, sergey zhukov decided to add one second of artistry to his song. what, what else happened ? friends, they say that you miss me, here, here are the girls, this is how a soldier always waits, we continue the incident at the mfc, so i have a32, oh,
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a little bit left, a30, there, two people already, and 31, oh, so fast, c17. how is it? ts18. it’s like it’s gone now, or what? a 02. we started first, right? a33. i have 32, how did they jump, huh? lyokha, i mean names. a777 kv region 176 car 747 flight moscow.
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voice, quieter, more respectful, song to ryan, i want to hear, where was the button, song?
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let's go back to childhood, the hardest thing as a child was doing homework, but it was even more difficult to do homework with my father, son, look, you see this in alphabetical order, here is f, like a cheburashka, you see the ears, f, f, yes, remember f, f, then it goes crosswise in alphabetical order, this is x , x, yes, x, x. doh, what happened? f, f, remember, after f, what happened, just said, x, x, remember, x, dox.
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gidat, so, dear, why are you shouting at our son, so you think, in this way, you will teach him something, yes, but what is just elementary, f, h, f. ok, let's do this, when is my birthday, uh, the fifteenth, the fifteenth, yes, yes, our wedding day, when on the fifth, fifth, now let's do it again, when is my birthday, yours,
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yes, yes, my mother's birthday, when such a one did not pass here, dear friends, when...
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ram , now you will sing, yes, come on, i will rise outside to him, and i will fall behind him.
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eh, horse, what are you neighing? will the three of you sing now? come on, i’ll go to him, i’ll lift him outside, yes, i ’ll fall into the pro after him, i’ll follow him, excuse me, mountains, i’ll follow him alone, i’ll go to him, alone, uh, horse, why aren’t you singing, something from backstreet boys there is?
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garik, he doesn’t even know any of you, garik doesn’t know us, let’s fix it, no problem, garik, look, here is our team, you see, yes, in the middle in the vest, this is erquiblan, morzabec, at the beginning erquiblan, then morzabec , before morzobek, what happened? geh! iirlan, before irkiblan, what happened? marzabek, what are you explaining to him? what? he doesn’t even remember his name, his name is igor, he introduces himself everywhere as garik, seriously, or what? nezamat,
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well, why are you quarreling with everyone? today we just need to find out who makes the funniest jokes: azamat musagaliev or alexey chumakov? yes, are you serious? yes, who jokes funnier, azamat musagaliev or alexey chumakov? yes, how long ago has this question arisen? okay, who has this question? chumakov, probably. hm. well, let's find out. what are chumakov’s weak points? napoleon. uh, for what? hmm, well then you just need to sing better than all the chumakovs. oh my, what are you doing, how are you going to sing better than chumak, it’s impossible, do you know how he sings? kratchevo begins briefly, but you can hear that his voice is strong, when
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he lifts his head, you can see that his teeth are beautiful. he removes the microphone, then starts a little late, how great he sings, the bitch himself knows it, the missing air, inhales something else, we’re just girls next to him, we can’t cope with him at all, then... now for three voices we kick our asses, loudly, a little louder, generally yelling, he does it so easily, god kissed him right on the mouth, so let’s go, we can’t do this, this little guy is
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very, very talented. but it’s very difficult, here is the most difficult moment, this moment, it’s better than it in general , so as not to happen later. well, yes, i agree, timothy has all complex songs light, yes. then we need to defeat the napoleons with what they don’t have, with humor, and hesitation, you say this correctly, let’s
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just show the number, come on, somewhere in a kazakh school, so, who is ready to tell your homework, yerkevlan marzobek, come on alexander sergeevichkin, ruslan and lyudmila, there is a green oak near lukomor. just look, it seems to me, erkalan, a little bit, a little bit wrong, yes, no, a little bit right, but the rest is wrong, come here, come here, just look from the outside how best to do it, yes this number , just look from the outside, now instead of you
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you know, like a young man, here you are, you you, you, this number, show me instead , yes, yes, you, you, you, here, oh, fly , come on faster, it will take a long time to find out what you need, now a fly will show you, okay, a little bit, just look at the countries, you too, daniar, you are a teacher, let me just show you how a teacher will be, come on. and what are you guys doing in this room, just sitting, not doing anything, so, you know, who is great just sitting, not doing anything, so two, yes, yes, yes, you guys are in the same uniform, yes, come here, well, just look from the outside, just look from the outside, that’s it, that’s perfect, that’s it, so, to the kamyzyak school, who will reply? i, come on, kukomorya has a green oak tree, a golden chain on that oak tree, can
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we do it again, it’s funny, he has a green oak tree near lukomorye, a golden chain on his oak tree, see how funny he does it, but you can do it again, you can, of course, look, near lukomorye green oak, inflated golden chain, look how it worked, look, can you repeat it, as you say, golden chain inflated, look how it worked out. no wait, where are we in this room? no, you are, there are in this room, there are, yes, of course, knock-knock, hello, sorry for interrupting your lesson, there are stronger boys, yes, of course, boys, let's go, of course, here you are in this number, there is, here you go, and at lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden tsei, uh, wait, wait, stop, guys, did you just take our number about the school and call it? kamyzyak school and shoving people? i didn’t understand, guys, that in order for us to win napoleon, we first need to win the kamyzyak, i don’t i understand, yes, what’s going on, damn it, well, i’m
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more comfortable with them, i won everything with them , they’re better than you, whatever, uh, let’s do it this way, azamat, look, whoever sings better stays on stage, go to to hell with yours, whoever sings, let’s do it, whoever says more words starting with the letter a stays, are you shot in the forehead, or what? what are you talking about, what kind of game are you suggesting, in general, now we ’re just going to lose to them completely, and zamate, i ’ll unwind them now, come on, who’s there, come on, come on, cucumber, orange, no, no, play , play,
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you are him, you are confusing him, you are him, this is our fly, here, here are the kazakhs standing. listen, don’t the kazakhs have a lot of complaints lately against the komyzyaks, and what did you want, that’s it, that’s it, aza, himself further, himself, aza, further, my head hurts, that’s all. crazy, my, what
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did you do, what did you do, do n’t you understand, don’t you understand, guys, are you going to mess with me? do you really not understand? it’s hard to understand, we ’re doing all this for your sake, well, yes, i didn’t just pull the boys in, they’re on the first call they jumped up right away, they arrived right away, the fly gave up all his business, he gave up rehearsing plays, he gave up filming a tv series, he gave up his wife and children, well, this is unnecessary, bro, why should he now, he’s unemployed and lonely, why don’t you at least think a little bit, out of the blue look, look, where is he going with this mustache, he ’s a poor guy in general, his wife even
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gives it to him with words, danik, i see, he doesn’t even have a winter jacket, to be honest, he’s wearing an accordion that walks around, you’d think his stomach wouldn’t prolong, you see, mader, i’m generally silent, i’m just it’s not a joke, you understand that we are here for a reason, well, we came for all this for you, you know, and you guys are like these, well , i’ll tell you honestly, bro, well, we didn’t know that you were just like that have there been any casualties? in general, we thought that kamyzyaks were successful, rich, yes, yes, well, on average yes, but you see, by accepting our help, you help us more, yes, yes, yes, so it’s better together, together, of course, well then let’s a sign of trying on, let’s dance a kazakh dance, no, bro, we’re in russia,
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let’s maybe... what’s the shame, then let’s do what we can, song, it’s our way, it doesn’t matter who you’re in a battle with, it’s all a trifle, when you’re on stage, brotherly bastard, more than one country is watching you, my family is with me, the astana team and
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the stars aligned for us all, glassy handsome funny tandem, the ground disappeared from under our feet when the kazakhs chose me as a star, why did they decide to perform together and conquer new heights, it’s not at all difficult for us to tell the truth, we play for money, we play for money, 10 lyams where? here, to be honest, we are not friends at all, we play for money, i'm already dreaming about the head of perez, take him off and forget each other, don't communicate separately while you run, we're playing for money, well done.
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i didn’t see it myself, but i’m sure it was fantastically funny as always, we are for humor to always be with us, information partner of the show stars, radio humor fm, listen to bright shows with superstars on the air of the funniest radio. fm: song jokes. well, let's invite the guys here to the stage. tim, let's start with you. with pleasure. with pleasure. by the way, this is so interesting, a small note. now, if you hadn’t shown three-voice at the very start, i probably would have been even more surprised, but i bought your three-voice, right at the start, when you laid it out, it was clear that you sing very well. i’ll applaud you again , you sing amazingly, and the most interesting thing
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is that in the field of chumakov, in general, you performed no worse, that’s what, which is very cool, and after such things, of course, less and less leave the chances to that team, but everything you have together is some kind of symbiosis of eclecticism. v for a moment i actually thought that i was watching some kind of artaus, but it’s all funny, it all works very cool, you have your own approach to humor, in some places kazakh, it’s very cool, because it’s yours own direction, no one else will be able to enter this field, this clearing, in general, i think that you have the most corrupt team on the project, i agree, but i agree, and this is in kazakh, this is good, but what if. aside, then of course you
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are probably one of the favorites in this project, and i’m extremely interested in watching development of the final, when all the most powerful teams will come together, for some reason i am internally sure that you will be present there, i had great pleasure and the range of my pleasure was not limited solely to humor, that is, there are vocal performances and some performances and guest stars from dorokhov, where did he come from? he’s like a completely different team , so why did he lie here in full size, but again, to dorokhov, if i were handing out an oscar, a supporting actor for the best role, 3 seconds would have flown to dorokhov instantly, here he is, by the way, also the person who can appear and do nothing, but will be super funny, in general, in general, a very well-equipped condensed show, as i understand it, each team has the same time, right, hosting me, of course , here, but...
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last time there were panthers, and cheetahs, cheetahs, now there are dogs, rams, why are you pointing at me, the ram was brilliant, magnificent, they laughed themselves now, with this saying about adults, we must please, i 'll remember now and use it. at concerts, this is also true, but about
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musical talents timur said correctly, because in kazakhstan, it seems to me, everyone sings, and you sing even better, so it’s very beautiful, thank you, wonderful speech, probably hiding something, best friend, garry horlanov, hello, hello! what do you want to say, guys, first of all, daniyar is the best dog i’ve ever seen, i swear, i laughed to tears, sincerely, to tears, thank you, talent, just bravo, you understand me very well about dogs, of course, yes, of course, but nevertheless, what happened when you they split, this one, when the baral started, were you just laughing or was there something inside you, no, it was played out, played out, clearly, a horse, just, yes, it should. well, initially i fucked up, i fucked up,
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fucked up everyone, i fucked up everyone on this team, no, no, i initially gave a point to the astana team, so, solely because this humor is very close to me, i love it, that is, it’s incredibly funny when it’s funny comes from it would be distorted in general, well, that is, go tell someone this that i just saw, there is no need to retell it, you just need to turn on. tv and watch the vk video, that’s what i ’m saying, yes, it’s very cool, it’s very cool , i really liked it, i think you feel it too, that we all really liked it, congratulations, thank you, gar, artemy lebedev, listen, this it’s really very cool, and initially my expectations were a little crumpled, because you, as it were, are the presenter , it’s like fierce corruption, but this is such well-deserved cool corruption and you are so in your place , you have such a class team that there’s just mega respect for
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that's it, thank you, thank you, thank you, valechka, carrot with eyelashes. it’s amazing how from the very first second you take all the attention to yourself, and it’s impossible to tear yourself away when your voices sounded, i really got high, every joke is insanely funny, the animal parodies are simply brilliant, but you know what really melted my heart , when you sang a song about chumakov, azamat stood a little further, you had such a micro-micro smile, and you looked and thought how cool the guys were doing, that’s exactly what melted my heart, i didn’t i know, thank you, thank you very much, valya,
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before we start voting, i invite the stage of our rivals alexey chumakov. and napoleons, now, my dear judges, you must make the most important decision of your life, at the same time decide which of the stars and teams deserves to become the finalist of our show, and let the host, oh, the host, the strongest, win. so said, so, astana had a point after the festival, let's start with artemy lebedev, this is a new product of our program, we start with artemy lebedev, i'll give my vote to napoleon, you're not messing around at all, i
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i understand, you’re not thinking at all, thank you, thank you, sergey zhukov. i will give my voice to the guys who said that they would try to sing just like lesha chumakov, beautifully with a wonderful voice, surprisingly, not being professional singers or professional people who sang on stage for as many years as lesha, i for a moment felt that that the stage is lyosha, not daniyar, so my score will remain.
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your dominance in this corruption scheme, i myself somehow plunged into this bullshit of some kind, yes, makes you accept me very it’s not an easy decision and you still have to give your point. 3:2, what's going on? garik kharlamov, what about astana?
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we congratulate the astana team on reaching the finals. churi made her choice, we thank you! alexey chumakov's team and the napoleon team, thank you, thank you, thank you, guys, congratulations, friends, today we witnessed a laugh-out-loud duel, the fight for 20 million is in full swing, this is a show of stars and azamat musagaliev, see you in exactly a week, bye. this is a star show! second stage of the duel. miguel! do we have a work permit? i'm actually miguel
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istantsev? fine. mr. istantsev miguel has a work permit. against dzhigan. i thought that. well, dumpling, now you’re going to get me started on liberation, we thought it was a club, at least strongly, i didn’t learn it, let’s continue, brothers, let’s continue, let’s fry, let’s burn until the morning, i can still do tricks, tricks final, bro, stars, miguel and the ussr national team against those who do not understand anything. dzhekan and krasnoyarsk. next saturday at 21:20 on ntv.
11:10 pm
hello fellow citizens. today we will tell you how emmanuel macron did a somersault, bending over to washington. the weapons remained in nato warehouses after aid to ukraine.


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