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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 22, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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so after you, what happened, well, you yourself asked not to find out about you, but come to me and tell me, you’ll definitely tell me that he’s a naru, let’s sit down. and while the ligavyh jerboa was holding with his zinger, we splashed from the washing machine in different directions, in general, the buzhenka saved him, what kind of garbage, the windows weren’t left, or something, they didn’t look like them, why did they, i ran into one, but he either the trunk, or my brains were jammed, in general, i went into a breakaway, there was no one on my side at all, they were full of garbage, it’s a pity for the jerboa, we are with him... we still have to look for such a schnifer
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let's remember the side shower for which we drink, bro, i remind you your share for your share wait with his share a minute. buddies, it’s a sacred thing, well, tell us, erase, how the kut sent you to me, and how yesterday he turned the boys over to the cops, that you’re silent, well, what did you dig up there, let’s tell, that’s how it is. unconfirmed
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rumors, basovo has a lover, he comes to her only late in the evening, when it’s already dark, leaves early in the morning, when it’s still dark, always when her husband is away, and why is it unconfirmed, well, i haven’t seen him myself, whoever saw it, well, read it, yeah, well, they’re unlikely to come forward as a witness, but from the descriptions only one thing is clear: this is a man, why is he rich? wait a minute, i wrote down all the similar raids over the past 2 months, there were six of them in total, and the last two we had, you never know how many of them are similar to the flights, they are all somehow connected with trade, look, so, so, sherpukhov, store, naginsk, promotional warehouse, armory, goryevsk. all of them were until mid-
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october, our lover was noticed by vigilant neighbors at the end of october, so it turns out that the bass gunner is not a fact, especially since he he himself said that he has no secrets from his wife, so you need to go to him right now and interrogate him, no, you don’t need to interrogate him, just talk and ask a few questions, this can be done, for example, when he goes on a business trip next time, here’s the head, great nikot, it’s not time for you, tershin, why did you hire yourself as a cab driver, yes, yes, i drive all sorts of carrion, i haven’t seen you for a long time, but the lads have questions for you, what are they? well,
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it’s like you’re not up to speed, so you’re doing things, you’re not sending your share to the common fund, you tell your boss that i live on my pension, personally, well, go, go, pensioner, there’s just a present for you from your sub.
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still, i don’t understand what my colleagues have to do with it. well, yes, i know some directors of gortorg, serpukhov, yegoryevsko, naginsk. but this is a purely working relationship, however, we sometimes meet at some events, holiday banquets, of course, with wives, sometimes with wives, and your wives meet without you, and what does our wives have to do with it, we just have to consider all versions, after all, your wives they communicate besides you, of course, they communicate, so they introduced me to my colleague, but what? “the children have grown up, moved away, whoever goes where, it will be here until old age, who should i give a glass of water to, you have everything, just one more question, tell me, you often go on business trips, often, tomorrow i’ll go to the regional trade, they’ll
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take the shavings off me , when you return, in two days, well, that’s it, there are no more questions, well, i think you understand perfectly well that..." in our conversation, it’s better for no one, especially colleagues, what good will you scare off the criminal, and the wife shouldn’t either, why bother a woman in vain, well, i’m not a child, i understand, that ’s fine, then that’s it, goodbye, goodbye, all the best, goodbye, i don’t know, how ’s the glass? brought it up, do you even understand that now you almost ruined everything, and if he tells his wife about our conversation, and she tells it to her lover, and he turns out to be everyone we need, somehow i didn’t think about it, i didn’t think about it , okay, tomorrow night we will try
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to meet this mysterious casanova, young man, if you would be so kind. could you please take your hands out of your pockets? for what? but because i have a wild suspicion that you have everything there, but not seeds. well, i knew it, so you came to rob me? and what about you, yuri mikhailovich? no one is going to rob you, just a precaution. what were the precedents? not yet, but god protects the best. how exactly are you? said samson and larionich, imagine, here recently the zaverskys killed our little violin and with her arthur and alek, and what kind of guys were there, have you heard anything about it, we just returned from my historical
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homeland immediately comes to you, but you are right about one thing, the guys were really good, i knew them a little, you are lucky to have your historical homeland. everything is in order, well, you will think, well , why squeeze out such a respected person, all the best, all the best, samson
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ilarionovich. after all, he probed us, it means you and i killed serious wolves, why didn’t we go to him right away, and his exchange rate is lower, what’s wrong with you, you can’t forget this girl, he has eyes like a beaten dog, i was only in childhood i picked it up, everyone beat me, they kicked her, she pressed herself so close and her eyes. the eyes are the same as you think, the owner will allow us to come to them again, well, if you want, i ’ll talk to him, but no, no, i ’ll talk to him myself today, which means you’re sure that this
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lover of basov’s wife is our client, yes i’m not sure of anything, but... belyashina and zazuli, zazuli is wounded, but it will do as cover, well, if you screw up again, well , we can’t swaddle four of us alone, well, if the fidots are not the same, yur, can you imagine, what a howl will arise, the police are driven by the moral character of the wife of a member of the gorkom bureau, they are with us they'll mix it up with shit, vadimych, we 'll take him carefully, bring him here and talk, even if it's not our client, but he won't run to complain, that's also true, well , look, kozrik. so that everything happens and decide what
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now comrade there, comrade kozyrevo, some yakut asks who is a yakut, come on. great, great, what happened? let's go, show me what, who? styra? damn, i'm dead, so, will you accept him here, or maybe take him somewhere? so it's me!
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hold yours, and kuzarev is good, he bravely cut through where the wind comes from, uh-huh, you’re laughing in vain, kozylev is a worthy opponent, we’re with you true, it’s also not done with a finger, but still, be extremely careful, great things await us, not for... do you even understand what we’ve gotten ourselves into? yes
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, i understand, and i also understand that we had a mole, how many people knew about stira, you, me, zazulya, kostin, sofiulin, izonov, izonov, by all indications, stira was killed no earlier than noon, by this time we had already everything was reported. i just want to say that any of us could become an unwitting source of information, including him, yeah. you, as i say, anyone, but when and where this happened, i don’t know, we we are dealing with a very smart, dangerous enemy, he has been with us for quite a long time, a long time ago, and listen to what uncle vova recently told me, that’s it, read it, sign it. so,
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citizen efimov, i will officially inform you that the day after tomorrow the case will be transferred to the prosecutor's office for further investigation. so, it’s too much to imprison me. i'm just collecting preliminary material. according to him, i am your main suspect. the investigation will draw conclusions, and you are an experienced person, uncle vova, and must understand that the matter is even not in the murder of your comrades, in the fact that 2000 rubles of people’s money disappeared, you need to push this matter aside as quickly as possible, yes, listen, wait, but if you didn’t lose the money, then they wouldn’t blame marinka and me, you see, that’s all you know, “hello, how are things going, how are you feeling, well
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, well-being, well-being, just business, okay, i’ll fix it somehow, goodbye, where are you going, i’ve recovered, that’s it, i’ll go, what do you mean, what if it’s early it will fester, and gangrene is also not far away, so i’ll cut it out and what happens, colonel of state security . hangs out with bandits, why? i think pavliv is playing some kind of his next game, he is a master at such things, yura, what can be played in our swamp, in troubled waters, comrade major is the fish, when gangrene chalov was taken down, i was sure that someone would help him helped, this whole combination with gold was played out painfully beautifully, now everything
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fits, that is, you think that pav livker put gangrene in chalov’s place, exactly, and we also know. that gangrene has his own person in the city who supplies him with information, it is quite possible that this person a police officer, well, probably also connected with a publiker, yura, that this is too tricky, why the hell should an mgb colonel dance such lace in our squalor, this is what i want to find out, and how, just don’t tell me , that we need to send gangreni another booster, stira was killed because too many people knew about him, we need a person about whom only you and i will know, the bosses, but what about the bosses?
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needed to show that the local lads are walking under him, and you understand that they are testing you there will be, the stump is clear, until gangarina checks with blood, he won’t let him get close to him, which means with blood, will you have to
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kill someone, or what? no, guys, things won’t work out that way, wait, vadimych, do you have an idea? you will have to travel with us, your husband has taken hostages, where is it, stand there, grenade, let’s do this, you let the woman go, and i will sit in her place, you will have problems, big ones, hot spot, new season, i don’t like anyone didn't shoot.
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they gave you a job to do, you might think you live on one salary, but stop, stand there, i he said, well, take it, you think, they’ll give you a lot for a lousy 20 liters, it’s not 1937, this is who lives on more than one salary, but you’re all that i don’t know your business, picking through the pockets of drunks, but old women knock down three rubles at the market, no one has ever said such words to me, i’ll kill you, well, thank you, citizen-boss, for your kindness and affection, bow to the ground, nothing, we’ll get together , i’ll shoot you, then you’ll sort it out, sort it out among yourselves, that’s enough for me i played and it will be, but let me go, i grabbed it like a milkmaid in the udder, and what happened, comrade may, yes this the turk drained 20 liters of gasoline and pushed it to someone, but
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it rubs into me that the consumption of cars is as if i don’t know how much gasoline is winning. what are you rubbing here? do you want me to be vilified because i kick the wounded out of the service? yes, it’s fine, it doesn’t even hurt, then tomorrow without delay, free, stinks of the damn law, yeah, maybe for a hundred, but i don’t mind at all. oh, great, grandpa, great, great, are you
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discharged or something, there’s a case, well, tell me, let’s leave, let’s go? my dear zhenya, i’m sorry that i haven’t written for a long time, i just arrived at the camp yesterday, from the letters phase they don’t accept, besides, you know that i never knew how and didn’t like to write letters, so i’ll be brief, i love you very much, and there is no obstacle that can prevent us from being together, you’ll soon get over it, i understand, that now it’s much harder for you than for me, but nevertheless, please wait, and if you feel really sad, read about... goodbye, zhenya, your andrey, it’s late, it’s
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too late, who for what reason, wet business, happiness , go. let's go find out, but let's go, let's go, sit down, i don't suggest, since you for us it’s a dark horse that he came, what do you want from us, yes it’s me, gangrene, take me to you, i’m tired of hunching over garbage, bastard, believe me, no, why do you think that i ’ll take you, i’ll give you a couple of arshins since he offered, you have to agree, it’s clear that you won’t take it, well, okay, whatever you think, but
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you know best, but the strawberry at least got into trouble by leaning on his back to his leg, but he never knocked, so he got along with the laundry , but you never know who made friends with whom? what's going on with the elk, with the ohata in the hut, where the nail with the khalgan goes sour, and what about the lads, and what about the lads, altai from all over caudly will definitely be there, they’re scratching in the urals now, they’ll show up in two weeks, but the gypsy didn’t give an answer, but i think he’ll also agree, that’s what i’m saying i think we still need to find out that you were strawberries with garbage, and if this is a setup, anyone is a cop. he’s concocting a legend, it needs to be tested with blood, and the best blood is the cop’s, what are you, uncle wuv,
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you’ve gone completely off the rails, you’re a player with the coils, everything ’s fine with me, if i don’t bring the money, they ’ll bake us with a smarinka for our dear soul, so at i have no other choice but to try to return this money, but not in the same way, but in what way, take the store, break the cash register, and so you are proposing approximately the same thing? maybe he doesn’t have that kind of money with him, he wants to live, he’ll find it, and if he doesn’t find it, i ’ll kill him first, and then i’ll know myself, let
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him do whatever he wants with it, oh, you’ll take me to a monastery.
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quiet, quiet, where's the money? what kind of money did your wolves take from the city store, 2000, where? who are you? i'm telling you, where is the money? clear the table.
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what's next, well, next, yes, dyailov, you and i gave it. fucking country, eight years each, and are you used to always following the law, or what? and if it doesn’t work out any other way, and oh, we had to end this bastard, and what if you and i were ordinary robbers, murderers, then we didn’t take all the money correctly, but what kind of an excuse is that, to whom, and at least to yourself, and now you have nothing to show for it, but...
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i won’t argue with you, i helped, thank you for that, but where did you get the money, what do you say? i have one thought: to take you away, but there’s no need, i have legs, i’ll get there, okay. come on, i see, he gave in noriically, he took the gangrene himself to the gop-stop, well done, roan, you,
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where are you from, where is it left? well, let's talk? went.
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i’ll find out who it is, i’ll cut it in strips, but you just tell me who to look for, tomorrow we’ll turn everything right, we’ll turn everything around, we’ll put it all on our ears , with whom we’ll put it on our long-haired belly, with our lice, we need a serious codla here, where is it, that’s what altai said , i don’t give a damn what altai said? tomorrow to tsinkanim, who was scratching all his kagals here, and to the gypsy with her scumbags from the simofor, yes, i understand, i understand, let's do it now, get some vodka, are you deaf, get some vodka, but where can i get it at night, tell you the address, right?
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we need to decide with the strawberries, or is he with us or what is up? but i found out something, you want me to share, and i don’t know anyway, but i don’t have proof either, after all, gangrin doesn’t go to work himself, he likes to grab everything with someone else’s hands, however, like you, once, but he didn’t create lawlessness , i agree, our bosses still
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remember you with kind words, well, when i found out that they were finished with teru, i thought that was it. the thread broke, i took the barrel and went to cut down the gangaren, i thought, i’ll kill the nit, come what may, there was a war in sight, well , ask why i didn’t finish it, why do i know, well, kusar, maybe we’ll work like before, you’re in the bright, i’m in the dark, but you and i have different goals, your task is to dump the gangrene in its place and sit back down. but i want to dig deeper, much deeper, i put him here, our common old friend, comrade pavlifker, oh well, it can’t be serious, but why does he need this, so i want to find out,
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so let me think, well, think, think, where to find me, you know? i'm glad to see you , darling, i'm glad to see you too, mishyan, how could we not have found them earlier, they searched every corner there, well, they were just not in the house, apparently the bandit who left took them with him along the way and threw them into the bushes, probably, he was not sure that he would be able to hide, that’s where i found them, it turns out it was a waste of time to throw them away, but why didn’t this guy of yours say anything about them, well, he was only attracted to the jewelry store, and he might not have said anything at all about the kasugorga know, it’s logical, but why it then
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removed, apparently they suspected, or in order not to share, well, even a tuft of wool from a black sheep, we will assume that the case of the robbery of the city trade has been solved, which means efimov and... drill a hole for himself for the order, we will do everything possible, decide go, go, go, comrade general, zoning, the case of the robbery of the city trade cash register has been solved, the stolen property has been found. the criminals were destroyed during arrest, did you always understand what you want, what you are capable of? today do you
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frosts. in the north of siberia there are also frosts, but at the same time there is no precipitation, the arctic air is closely confined to the arctic, it is actively moving south in novosibirsk, after hot records, today it is +10, and tomorrow it will be slightly above zero. in the omsk region in the south of tyumen there is another sunny, relatively warm day (+15-17), in yekaterinburg there is still 18 without precipitation. the volga region will get a warm wind, but atmospheric fronts will add to it. sustainability there thunderstorms will thunder. the summer warmth will last a couple of days, and then everything will return to april levels. the northern regions are still in february, it is cold there, there is sleet, and the north-west is also noticeably behind schedule. these +16 in veliky novgorod are just for one day. the frontal section stretches through the center, from +11 in smolensk to 20 in yaroslavl. in the south it rains only in the crimea, the lower reaches of the don and the kuban, it is sunny and not hot. in rostov-on-don +22, in yalta 16. in st. petersburg. today +10 and short rains, light rain in moscow
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+18:20, but tomorrow it will become cooler, god help me, comrade mayor, great, back, well, comrade zone, i believed in your fairy tale, where would he go, well, tell me where the money comes from, so i already said, i found it, you don’t trust it, you need it and that’s right, i don’t need it, suspicion has been removed from innocent people, okay, what are you doing, it won’t start. from alberta, cool, by the way, he called and called, our messenger, as we expected, gangren decided to test him with blood, preferably police blood, i thought so, seryoga grunin is already doing this, we just need to instruct albert to supply him with weapons, yeah, what’s with
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basov’s wife, and what’s with basov’s wife, we’re waiting for a lover tonight, i feel like this is our client, it’s all too much coming together, well, cool. ignition, but the number is dead, you need to call a mechanic, yuri sergeevich, you need to be careful there, you yourself understand how this eraser can turn everything around if you mess up, yes, i understand, vadimych, we’ll do it, the main thing is that he shows up, okay, i’ll go get the earrings i’ll call and find out which one it is, come on, what’s the point without a mechanic? start up, almost 2 hours, the light is on, you checked the bass, it’s clear he left, yes, that’s right, i personally didn’t accompany him to the station for the evening, and i couldn’t return, we would have noticed him, he’s probably waiting, he’s not sleeping, you
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said that he’s usually late he comes in the evening, but it looks like he’s about to leave. oh, it’s you, my love, well, take off your clothes, come in, i’ll be there in a minute. “i wasn’t expecting you so early, oh, something is hitting me, oh well, don’t be afraid, he’ll come, we won’t miss you, but i’m not afraid, and
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i’m not afraid of anything at all, so nothing, well, maybe just management more and more no one"? well, as a child, i was afraid of nikodim tsatskin, who? who is this? brownie, my grandmother used to scare me with him, she said, if you behave badly , nikodim tsatskin will come and take you away, i was so scared of him, nikodim tsatskin, well, you’re just not for the peasants tell me, otherwise they’ll laugh, okay, okay, our people , it’s quiet here, it’s quiet here too, soon we’ll turn into penguins, i think kustin froze his finger
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even with the bass guy in order to return the money . , well, which you found, the hammer is thinking, only you are with us, little guy, don’t go, you’re telling me, she’s breathing nervously for you, we ’ll check the sled, okay, go ahead, let’s go, sanya, look, the door is open. it’s cold already, don’t touch anything , i’ll call the guys.
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where is your motto to the left, yeah, gen, the bell, wait, gen, yur, this is not our territory, and what, well, now this is going to happen, we won’t sign off for ages, but tomorrow they will find her anyway, okay, let’s do it that way, you leave with sasha, we ’ll stay, come on, agent, call, yeah, let’s go. hello, duty officer, this is kostin from the fifth, make a note. lenin street 17, apartment 29, a tramp was discovered, come on, what's the replacement?
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the district police officer, he gave me my first term, he used to work for us, but now he has moved here, i have long wanted to get even with him, at least i drew him for the job. “if, otherwise , out of lawlessness, someone had cut someone while drunk, and i got hit in the arm, he didn’t even bother to understand the bastard, he’s far off, he just ticked the box, here, here, here you go, thank you, no need , i have my own, the technician sometimes jams, but this machine is trouble-free, and you are prudent, otherwise, look, it’s him, he’s a bastard, he was, uh, trash, i told you that
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you and i are still covered, you idiot , he ready! hello, i'm sorry that i'm like that, yes, everything is fine, you
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look bad, well, it's good that i look anything at all, you're tired, a little, you need to rest, they'll rip me out of the organs, then i'll rest, let's get out of here. where will we go?
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program. let's clarify. a millionaire blogger from the irkutsk region, subscribers nicknamed the sixty-year-old may remain on the street, he is kicked out of his workshop house, where he lives with his disabled wife and earns money for her treatment. subscribers, and irkutsk dad karl is so popular as the simple woodworker was affectionately nicknamed by his fans.


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