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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 22, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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guests from baku: negotiations between the presidents of russia and azerbaijan took place in moscow. vladimir putin and ilham aliyev discussed regional security and economic cooperation. details in the report by nahid babayev. in kurgan, the water is decreasing, in the tyumin region it is increasing, olga zenkova will tell you how it helps people survive the flood. air defense systems and ammunition for ukraine are being sought throughout europe; they had to scrape together the bottom of the barrel after the house of representatives of the us congress approved assistance to kiev in the amount of 61 billion dollars, but whether ukraine will get everything and what will affect it at all, nikita korzun looked into it. they issue passports, pensions, even...
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get a job about how life is returning to avdeevka, omar magomedov. turning is allowed. kaliningrad widely celebrates the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of emmanuel kant alekseevich motarev, about why a philosopher is much more than a philosopher for the city. hello, welcome from the information service of the ntv television company, this is today’s program, its host is vladimir chernyshov. the kremlin today talked about security in the caucasus, strong ties between moscow and baku and the baikal-amur mainline. all these topics were on the agenda of vladimir putin’s meeting with ilham aliyev. opening negotiations with the president of azerbaijan, putin especially... noted the contribution of his father heydar
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aliyev to the construction of bam, and the leader of azerbaijan thanked putin for the invitation to the celebrations dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the legendary railway . well, from the conversation with obama we moved on to new paths in the broadest sense, in relation to the economy, this is international north-south transport corridor, which russia is currently building. according to the plan, it should connect europe and asia. this is a grandiose project, in fact, a whole network of sea, railway and road routes from the baltic to. then to iran, india. there are other promising areas of cooperation. nahid babayev reports. russia and azerbaijan are strategic partners. because of this seemingly purely political formulation, a whole range of areas of interaction is hidden, from security issues to economic cooperation. ours is growing turnover has already reached more than 4 billion dollars, 6 billion in dollar terms . russian investments are in
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the economy of azerbaijan, there is an active intergovernmental commission, and there are many interesting areas of cooperation in the real sector of the economy, in cooperation in infrastructure. among the main infrastructure projects is the north-south transport corridor, which should unite the baltic ports of russia, the caspian ports of azerbaijan and the arabian ports of iran. international transport project.
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the presidents first discussed topical issues of bilateral cooperation, but there was also a second, non-working part on the agenda. the leaders of the countries met with veterans of the construction of the baikal amur mainline. the great construction began exactly 50 years ago, one of its organizers was first deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr heydar aliyev, the father of the current president of azerbaijan. all the effort, work, years of work.
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which your father invested in the implementation of this huge project, they still play a significant role today, and not only for russia, but also for everything... the commonwealth, independent states, i mean that one way or another many of our partners use this transport artery. according to the presidents, bam is not only an excellent example of cooperation in the past, but a contribution to the future. joint projects, of which there are now hundreds between countries , will also be able to bring benefits for many years. nahid babaev, alexander aniskov, alexander mikhailov, ntv. in the zone of a special military operation, ukrainian formations were covered. hurricane, this is the name of a powerful jet volley fire systems in the kupinsky direction, our artillerymen received the target coordinates from aerial reconnaissance, which discovered the systematic movements of groups of militants and military equipment, having received a command, the hurricane crew left the shelter and promptly prepared the combat vehicle for firing, as
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a result, the ukrainian nationalists were destroyed, civilians are returning to liberated avdiivka, while there are still many difficulties in the city after the fighting. to supply generators, bring food and restore normal life as soon as possible basic necessities, social assistance centers are opened. omar magomedov talked to local residents and those who help them. it was not after fierce battles and sabotage by the ukrainian armed forces that the city lost communications. residents of avdeevka cook food over fires for votive ears. four-year-old larisa nikolaevna fried potatoes with breadcrumbs, the shop became an impromptu kitchen, if shelling or a drone attack starts, there is a chance to escape at the entrance, there were arrivals, but our doors were knocked out, and if a person is upstairs there, then his it was thrown back in general, well, it’s like a blast
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wave, an elderly woman was sheltered by relatives, her apartment building was completely destroyed, the headquarters of ukrainian drone operators was located there, this is what it looks like... almost all the houses in the city of avdievka, you can’t see people on the street, even if they appear , then only to prepare food. there are no souls on the streets, but it is desolate, deceptive, no one leaves the basements of the shelter unless there is a need, with the exception of trips to social assistance centers. people flock to the noise of the engine, gasoline generators are now the only source of electricity; you can charge phones and portable batteries in different parts of the city. eight social assistance points were opened, the residents of avdeevka were left without a central water supply, so all drinking water is delivered only in this way, and this is bottled water, which is distributed to all residents. these points also became a meeting place for avdeevka residents; many of them
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saw their neighbors on the street for the first time in the last six months of living in basements. this is where we have our place, like they say, get together, talk, get humanitarian aid with people... every day , essential products, medicines, drinking water, hygiene products, a towel, wet wipes, toilet paper are delivered to the city, you can now get a passport or apply for benefits right in avdeevka, two once a week, employees from the labor department, social security , pension fund and employment center come from the city of sinovataya, the reception resembles a conveyor belt, the visitor goes through... all the specialists, pensions need to be paid, documents must be accepted necessary, that’s why we are always ready to help, that’s why in any conditions, let’s say, it’s scary, of course, scary, unsafe, but we have to do our job,
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there were so many people wanting to make an appointment that a line formed in the corridor , at the end of april, more than 600 avdeevites obtained citizenship and received russian passports, dozens of townspeople officially found employment in the first commune. what do people think, is there a desire for city order , an enterprise for cleaning city roads and streets, to bring, also what everyone strives for, of course it is necessary, and they will rebuild it, you hear, but if the wall is scraped and crashed here, the problems with personal hygiene should be solved by public baths, it was decided to convert the former dentistry to the needs of the townspeople, marina oseeva left avdeevka in the fourteenth year, when the first detachments of ukrainian nationalist battalions came here cleaned up. disagree, recently the head of the now former forot villages of the dpr is responsible for this city. the most important task is for the front to move a little so that it is possible to begin builders to restore this city, and so all the services here have already
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carried out an inspection, everyone already roughly understands the scope of work. without waiting for the builders to arrive, the residents began cleaning the local areas, did not forget about the good city tradition, planted tulips and irises in the gardens, flowers became unspoken symbols of revival, they believe here that the deyvka will rise from the ruins and become even more beautiful. omar magomedov. magomedov, ntv television company, donetsk people's republic, avdiekti. today in luxembourg the head of diplomatic and the defense departments of the european union discussed military assistance to the kiev regime, but behind one another there was already the fourteenth package of sanctions against russia. and things didn’t go well with either one. the proposed sanctions do not suit all members of the european union. calls to give the last shirt, that is, the last weapon , to the ukrainian front are also met without unanimity. perhaps only the balts. ready to do anything to annoy russia, even send the notorious american patriot air defense system to kiev, which,
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by the way, the baltic countries have not enjoyed at all it was, nikita korzin is watching all this unfunny farce. and yet, to the last ukrainian, the west decided to complete a unique experiment in strategic, if not defeat, then at least containment of russia with the help of its geographical neighbors. following the american promise of assistance to kiev , barel gathered the ministers of foreign affairs and defense in luxembourg to... in ukraine, let’s see what you can offer, because we don’t have this in brussels, the member states have it. and he knows what he's talking about even before the meeting in luxembourg, european officials complained to the financial times that brussels had long been putting pressure on romania and poland, and even more so on greece and spain, so that they would give their patriot systems to kiev. they are needed. spain will continue to do
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everything it can, but i don't think we 're helping anyone if everyone is constantly advertising what they're giving, when they're giving it, and where it's coming from. against this background, it is not surprising that the head of the finnish foreign ministry, with some peasant simplicity, tried to forestall brussels’ surplus appropriation of its arsenals. so what is left is now just a question of political will, and we have the will in europe and now we need to achieve results even faster. the baltic states are traditionally in the vanguard; there is no patriot, but there are other short-range air defense systems, the latvian ministry of defense said, promising to send them to kiev, recalling riga’s contribution. a quarter of latvia’s gdp goes to military aid to ukraine. in 2023 , more than 400 ukrainian military personnel were trained in latvia. latvia is an active participant in the coalition of drones and...
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an atmosphere of military psychosis, more supplies of weapons and billions to ukraine, petr szijart shared his impressions of the meeting in luxembourg, according to the minister of foreign affairs of foreign economic relations of hungary , brussels wants budapest to agree to the eu allocating one and a half billion dollars for ukraine.
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of the republican majority of the house , only 101 people voted for ukraine’s money, 112 were against, for example, the georgia congresswoman, this is a betrayal of america when congressmen wave ukrainian flags in house of representatives and yet do nothing to secure their country's borders, i think every american should be furious. on tuesday, the new aid package for ukraine will be considered by the senate and there is no reason to think that president biden will not sign it later, although if you think about it, the structure of the package is reminiscent of zhivanetsky’s sketch. performance by arkady raikin, we write two, seven came to mind, but it would be funny if these numbers did not
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mean that the blood business suits everyone. in any case, more than 50 billion, according to essentially remain in the usa. these are the costs of replenishing arsenals, reimbursement of equipment and ammunition already sent to ukraine. these are funds for state department programs to train ukrainians and resources for intelligence cooperation. and only $8 billion will fall directly into the hands of the ukrainian authorities. will they pay for salaries or is it a fee for the former comedian to perform? the western press today, again in unison, reflects that this money will not change anything, given the difficult situation of ukraine on the battlefield, the successes of russian troops and russian military-industrial complex. the new york times, in particular , believes that ukraine will not be able to return to its pre-war borders; the country will become slightly smaller, but will be able to retain most of its territory; this is better than complete defeat. the press secretary of the russian president also warned not to wait for changes on the battlefield, even if money and weapons are supplied to kiev, they will lead to new casualties among ukrainians, america will become richer and will earn additional
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dividends. and on smolensk square they noted that the key sponsors of the kiev regime are three western nuclear states, are and... on their territory, if nato allies decide so, according to duda, strengthening the eastern flank of the alliance, quote, has been the topic of negotiations with the united states for some time, nato exercises started in lithuania today, the brave griffin on defense suwalki corridor, the only land route connecting the baltic states with continental europe, that is, the emphasis is smoothly shifting from ukraine, from there the expectations are very modest, but
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no matter how anyone tries to change the rules of the game, the outcome is known to be strategic defeat inflict on a nuclear power.
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change, but popularize its great representatives, well, perhaps the most famous european philosopher has a big anniversary, as one of the heroes of master margarita used to say, take this kantadalovka, then even the devil himself is so disrespectful... he condemned disrespect for the great philosopher in that famous conversation at patriarch, but the homeland of emmanul kant shows complete respect to his fellow countryman: the 300th anniversary of
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his birth is widely celebrated in kaliningrad, the city that was konexberg under kant opens exhibitions dedicated to fellow countryman, is holding a kantian congress, but conversations about the categorical imperative and other tricky philosophical matters can be held in a variety of sometimes unexpected places in the city. alexey chabataryov was convinced of this. the baltic federal university is a kind of successor to the same albertina university, where emmanuel kant taught for decades, and what kant learned there and taught his students does not lose relevance today. 500 scientists from five continents, 300 reports, 17 scientific sections came to the kant congress. kant was one of the greatest thinkers and always called for living with your own mind. this is especially relevant for us now. the country really must live by its own wits, leadership. with its own national interests, and also, of course, the cant is an integral part of russian history, it is the main symbol of kaliningrad. for kaliningraders, the founder of classical
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german philosophy, although his boyfriend, during the seven-year war, kant earns good money by giving lectures to russian officers, and accepts russian taxes. in 1758 emmanuel kant writes a letter to the russian empress elizabeth petrovna with a request to appoint him as a professor in the department of logic and metaphysics at the university of könecksberg. thinker, in such a way that i can’t even repeat it by heart, i’ll read it: i’m ready to die in my deepest devotion to your imperial majesty, most faithful slave, immanuel kant, just like that, no more, no less, the kant museum in the cathedral was closed in recent years 8 months for a large-scale renovation in all nine halls, changes affecting 200 exhibits, now you can even virtually walk along the same streets where kant took his daily walk. in general , not everyone in kaliningrad... knows what a categorical imperative is, but almost everyone is aware of the philosopher’s immutable everyday rules, a special gait, like he went to bed, his hyperpunctuality shocked his contemporaries, foreign kant scholars
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admire precisely this feature, in russia the philosopher’s personality is studied and loved no less than his legacy. nowhere else in the world is kant interested, both in man and like here. in russia they are always interested in how he lived, they know his habits, it’s such a touching attitude, like treating a loved one. kant's grave kinatav, literally from greek, is an empty coffin, that is , a symbolic burial; the sarcophagus here is also a purely architectural attribute. this entire colonnade was erected exactly 100 years ago, on the bicentenary of the philosopher and even then the author of the construction was accused of the fact that its architecture was very dissonant with the cathedral. nevertheless, it was kant’s grave that saved him from destruction after the great domestic. on the floor. the ruined cathedral was then looked at by the scythe, they even saw in it a symbol of german militarism, it would have repeated the fate of the blown-up demolished royal castle, but the news came to the newspaper from a letter from a concerned citizen, after all,
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kant is buried there near the wall, and even engels spoke highly of him, the grave of the philosopher regional committee is here he took it under protection, and so did the cathedral, which today has become the main attraction of the region. look, these are these places, all these places, they are all connected with the kant brand, then how cleverly and not... the name of the great philosopher in kaliningrad is being discussed at a lecture performance in the regional drama theater in the city where the thinker was born, his name is thrown around in bakery supermarkets, cosmetics and coffee sellers, even developers, but such a rebranding of the genius of the place in a trademark is still good for kant, the modern philosopher is sure, the idea is, yes, that a brand in this sense, such a brand is needed so that ideas do not pass us by when we want or pass by them, but by the ideas of the philosopher in kaliningrad.. .pass in principle impossible, especially since the plaques with his sayings are part of the architectural design of kant’s island, this territory around which könecksberg was formed under the germans was called kneiph, that the island would be renamed in his
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honor, emmanuel kant could not even dream that they would do this in russia, i couldn’t even imagine. in kaliningrad, the event dedicated to kant’s anniversary will last for another 3 days, the tercentenary of the german world -scale thinker, in his hometown, is celebrated on a russian scale. alexey tibataryov, dmitry sitnikov, ntv, kaliningrad. now a short advertisement, and further in our issue. the russian tricolor over novomikhailovka, a strategic settlement in the ugledar direction of the special operation, is completely under the control of the russian army. about the progress of the battles in the report by sergei pikulin. in kurgan the water decreases, in the temen region it remains. olga zenkova will tell you how she helps people survive the flood. to technological sovereignty. countries , scientists of the future festeha valley ilya are already working among large scientific clusters lyadvin about what developments were shown to mikhail mishustin at the university. alfabank for
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the tactical position along the front. in this area and we have just received a report from the dpr by sergei pikulin. these are the first shots from completely liberated novomikhailovka. our soldiers move calmly around the populated area.
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always supports his colleagues in a positive way, this is an artist, the call sign was given because he and another fighter are always here, just got out of battle, didn’t sleep for several days, his groups took the center of novomikhailovka, lies on vamikhailovka, there we have the west, here. .. stock, everything is clean, we move freely, everything is under control. according to the artist, when retreating to the ukrainian armed forces, they blew up all buildings, mined all roads, abandoned their wounded in one of the basements, our soldiers found a civilian. at first
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, the civilian was generally intimidated, he was afraid to leave there, he didn’t understand what was happening, he told me, i’m afraid to go out, because ukrainian soldiers are walking everywhere here, they will see me, they will kill me, he said there for about two months that he lived there. in the basement, but my guys evacuated him, he was all skinny, he also had a dog, a small spitz, this is only a small amount of trophies that were taken out of novomikhailovka, from it you can easily understand what kind of arsenal the armed forces of ukraine have, this to for example, and the swedish grenade, this is the ammunition for them, jewellins, nato jammers, in fact, they have practically no soviet or ukrainian weapons left, despite the fact that... mikhailovka, the settlement itself is small, this is a strategic victory, now our army controls the road to ugledar, this will cut off the military supply of the ukrainian armed forces in this city. sergey pikulin and olyanov, ntv. south donetsk direction, special operations.
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the wildfire season has begun in russia. a special regime has been declared in twenty-three regions, providing for special measures, including a ban on visiting forests. well, of course, you can’t light fires or make fires. the ban also applies to various devices using open fire, in particular to barbecues and even at dachas, and as the ministry of emergency situations reported, the most difficult situation is now in primorye, in the trans-baikal territory, in buryat in the astrakhan region. drones are used to monitor the situation; in addition, a special mobile application , thermal points, has been created. national center management of the situation usmanov, a thermal point was discovered in the trans-baikal territory in the karymsky region. please, take me to work. timely identification of hotspots of landscape wildfires using the thermal spots mobile application allows responding units to immediately begin extinguishing these fires. well, old proven methods
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of fire prevention are used. emergency situations ministry employees patrol fire-hazardous areas and conduct raids. today the water level on the ishim river in the area of ​​the city of the same name in tyumen area began to decline slightly. but it is too early to say that the peak of the flood has passed. the water has flowed east, to the neighboring obbat district, additional forces are being sent there to strengthen protective structures, the water in the tabol river is also rising, and more than 300 people have already been evacuated from settlements that are at risk of flooding. as for kurgan, the situation there is stabilizing. olga zenkova is reporting. the small village of chencher is surrounded by water on all sides, the elements have arrived. cut off the settlement from the mainland, 168 people live here, the least fortunate are those whose houses are on the outskirts. the flood came suddenly, it flooded up to the window sill overnight, and the water rises every day, every day does not decrease, it comes, people were not left in trouble,
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the popular front volunteers immediately set off on the road, it was not easy, the team spent 10 hours on the road, at first we got there by car, then by boat, but we brought everything the residents needed, water, food, essentials. unexpectedly, pleasantly. thank you very much to the guys who came
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they are helping from everywhere, god bless them! the experience of bank protection has proven itself well in kurgan, here it continues to strengthen weak points along the tobol, even veterans of the northern military district have joined the work, ilya ponomarev recently recovered from injury, but is already working for the safety of his hometown. we fight the water, just like we fight the enemy, because it has come. our territory, destroy our property, fields, etc., we protect people, we protect the land in order to continue to live here in peace. this dam protects from the onslaught of the elements, three microdistricts and an airport, it is located literally a few kilometers away, tons of soil have already been brought here , rescuers are monitoring around the clock to ensure that there are no leaks, because the protective structure is constantly experiencing hydraulic loads, behind it is a flooded snt locomotive, and the water on the streets is rising. in 2 weeks, almost 5,500 houses and settlements fell into the flood zone. temporary accommodation had to be deployed not only for people, but also for
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their pets. volunteers have put together thousands of booths so that four-legged refugees can have during the flood there was a roof over your head. you want to go home, you want to go home. it’s okay, you’ll be going home soon. the owners themselves bring their pets to the shelters, because temporary accommodation centers only accept small pets and volunteers. sometimes animals have to be rescued directly from the water. there's a little left, let's have a good one. here they are fed, watered, groomed, and cleaned.
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the use of information technology, and of course, resistance to western pressure. in our country today, life itself forces everyone to work in very close contact interacting structures, because the west has never calmed down and will never calm down in its desire for security. the meeting, which will be held in
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st. petersburg, was organized by the russian security council. now there’s a short advertisement, that’s what we’ll talk about after it. scientists from the future festekh valley, ilya lyadlin, are already working on the technological sovereignty of the country, among large scientific clusters, about what developments were shown to mikhail mishustin at the university.
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we approve your plans. tinkov. this is the program today, we continue our release. mikhail mishustin today got acquainted with new russian developments that confidently compete with foreign models. the prime minister visited the moscow institute of physics and technology, as well as the roshydromet observatory. speaking at a meeting of the department's board, mishustin said that the organization is one of the top five world leaders in weather forecast accuracy. ilya lyadvin, about domestic development. both in various fields. scientists from the future festeh valley are already working for the technological sovereignty of the country, among large scientific clusters. one of the ready-made developments of the moscow university is a production line for energy carriers. here they design and most importantly, they are already producing batteries for spacecraft vehicles. we recently
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designed batteries for a new generation russian reentry vehicle, which is just about to go into production. its energy sources are 10%. in terms of capacity-to -weight ratio, they are superior to western analogues from spacex. they plan to at least double this difference over the next year and a half. mikhail mishustin inspected the promising production today. the developers showed the entire technological process and shared with the prime minister the idea of ​​​​building a full-fledged battery plant in dolgoprudno. our industrial science is the institute of electric propulsion, and the industrial plant from which the industry will grow, where the succession of generations will be ensured on an industrial scale.
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two chips are replaced by one, there is no need to cool the device, that is, it becomes simpler, and thanks to the design and technological advantages, the entire photoreceiving matrix device turns out to be an order of magnitude, that is , about 10 times cheaper than what is being produced today to provide breakthrough transmission quality data, the number of pixels in the new matrix will be increased to one million, development is already at the finish line, they expect to transfer it to production within the next two. years old, and according to scientists, this invention of phistech is months away from a major series; the premiere is demonstrated by a device for analyzing pore gases. this completely
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domestic development can measure the level of carbon dioxide and methane vertically from the ground to the stratosphere. previously, the examination of the absorption of greenhouse gas emissions was carried out only by foreign instruments, which gave our geopolitical opponents leverage in the global energy sector. a good example is the so-called karilian question. which was widely discussed several years ago. for quite a long time, international reports have shown the same forest, which is located here in finland and nearby across the border in korea. but for some reason, the finnish forest absorbed this carbon, and for some reason the korean forest emitted it. and so, so to speak, the international group of experts decided, there was no one to check. if we're leaning on ours devices we will be able to organize our national examination, it is important, of course, that... it was accepted by the international professional community, then we will at least be able to defend our national interests. this installation currently only has a ground version,
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but in the future they want to use it in conjunction with drones. the development of the device is part of the joint work of fistekh and roshydromet, where mikhail mishustin also visited today. during the conference, he noted that more work needs to be done on natural disasters. priority to continue international cooperation, even despite sanctions. despite the sanctions pressure on our country, the service must continue to interact with other states, joint research, exchange of experience and resources, allowing us to obtain more accurate and reliable results for the security of each country. over the past year, roshydromed identified up to 96% of dangerous phenomena in advance, according to mikhail mishustin, of course, we need to strive for absolute indicators, and this is precisely where new developments of russian scientists. ilya lyadvin,
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knaov announced that he would transfer russian business to local management. the press release, as quoted by the german media, states that the company, in light of current events, has decided to part with its assets in russia after more than 30 years of operation in this country. but through the transfer of the business it hopes to save 4.0 jobs. knaof's russian website says that it has 20 of its own enterprises here. the company produces plasterboard, insulation, plaster, putty, and glue. self-leveling floor, primers, profiles, fasteners, however, on the main website of german, in the list of countries where it works, russia is not indicated at all. it’s also
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interesting that nikolaos knaov, the son of the company’s founder, who now at 88 is no longer involved in management, has been the honorary consul of russia in nuremberg since 1999. in 1922, he seemed to have left this position. at the beginning of april, german media wrote that knaof products are being used to restore mariupol. knau answered that since february in the twenty-second year, they do not supply products from the eu to russia, and that the company’s products reach end consumers through many dealers independent of knauf, as the rionovosti agency adds, the german prosecutor’s office has already decided to check the work of the knauf company in mariupol. the family mortgage rate for those with children over 6 years old can be doubled to 12%. the izvestia newspaper writes about this, citing sources close to us. for now, the rate on family mortgages is 6% for everyone and is valid until july 1 of this year. and here on last week, deputy finance minister ivan
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chebeskov reminded that there was an order from the president. for families with children under 6 years old, conditions after july 1st should remain the same. but for families where children are over 6 years old, as ivanichkov said, different options are being discussed. and on july 1 of this year , the mass preferential mortgage program should finally end. the rate is according to it. 8%. and on this issue, unlike the family mortgage, the authorities seem to have already made their final decision. at least, as ivan chebeskov said, there is a consensus that this program will not be extended will. mass preferential mortgages on novostroika were launched in russia in april 1920. one of the main goals was to support the construction industry during the pandemic; since then, the program has been extended several times, even despite calls from the ministry of finance and the central bank to stop it. according to the head of the central bank elvira nabiulina, precisely because of the mass. kompaniya plans to transfer
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the smelting capacity of the copper plant from norilsk to china, company president vladimir potanin said in an interview with interfax. calling such a move non-standard, he explained everything with sanctions. norilsk nickel itself is not included in the sanctions list, but the company is faced with a voluntary refusal of russian goods in europe, and this is a third of its revenue, interfax clarifies. vladimir potanin noted that the transfer of part of production to the direct market. it, the head of nurnickel continued, is more difficult to subject to sanctions, the problem of mutual settlements also goes away, and the transfer of smelting capacities to china solves the environmental problem, to further reduce emissions from the copper plant, according to vladimir potanin, you cannot do without western technologies and software, but there is no access to them. the russian stock market today
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could not formulate anything intelligible. oil is getting cheaper, as... investors continue to buy some shares, expecting dividends, there is no big news, but, for example, the real estate advertisement service cian announced today that it will re-register from cyprus through the seychelles to russia. the dollar is becoming more expensive compared to other currencies. this week, investors are waiting for reports from several large american companies. i chop the american at the end of the day the price increased by 32 kopecks. the euro dropped by 9 kopecks. sportsmaster. is going to launch a separate chain of stores to sell there the goods of the italian brand capa, as rbc writes, citing sources, now sportmaster is looking for suitable sites for this, and they plan to open the first stores in the spring of twenty -fifth, now sportmaster, along with other sports brands, is already selling capa products, clothing, sneakers, bags, backpacks, sunglasses, regional director of the retail real estate department company nf group, evgenia khakberdieva
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says that the mouthguard brand is already quite popular in russia. therefore, individual stores with a wider range will increase demand among customers. in addition, according to her, there is a shortage of sporting goods in large shopping centers. but the director of nicolers’ retail real estate department, irina tsarkova, believes that capa may face a shortage of necessary space, because now, due to the development of russian and new foreign brands , there are fewer and fewer places in shopping centers. about economics all. thank you. with an economic overview, well , now it’s time for the weather forecast in our weather studio evgenia neronskaya, in moscow, in general, it’s an ordinary spring, sometimes rain, sometimes sun, what does the end of april promise us? there is a short respite from precipitation ahead, but from thursday the rain will return with renewed vigor. in european territory, the weather has recently been determined by stormy southern cyclones, but now
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they have taken a short break, just one old whirlwind. is taken to the northern regions, the kola peninsula will be covered by heavy precipitation, in murmansk there will be -1 snowfall, on in the northwest, rains, another round of cooling, from pskov to veliky novgorod +5 +7. and in the center, atmospheric pressure is increasing, there is light rain only in the black earth region and in the west of the central district, and the temperature here will drop noticeably. in smolensk it is only +9, but in the east of the sun it is warmer up to 15. in the volga region there is a warm wind and summer thunderstorms against a hot background. the weather in samara is +24, in kazan it’s a little more modest +21. there is a lot of sun in the south, but the air is cool, in sochi and stavropol it is also +21, in crimea it doesn’t even reach 20. and only in the astrakhan region the temperature stays above 25. more on capitals in a few seconds. tomorrow the weather will change, reliability, responsibility and an individual approach to each client of uralsip bank
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will remain unchanged. prompt resolution of issues and favorable offers. when opening an account for a business, free service for 3 months as a gift. in st. petersburg +6 short-term rains, in moscow tomorrow no precipitation during the day 12:14, on wednesday night in the capital region overseas up to -2 are not excluded, and during the day in the capital it is already +15 the sun is even warmer from thursday, but already with rains. thank you, evgenia neronskaya with the weather forecast. this is the main news for this hour, i’m vladimir. chernyshov, i wish you all the best, goodbye, whoever wants to take over the veteran’s council could do it, no one wants to, and
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what kind of guy is this, also from the sculpted assistant. it will be mine, i can help you solve all your problems with boris kimbich, for our cooperation, borya, you can take izototov with all the fucking, what happened, right? it looks like your warrior friends were offended by the student, what? look, the main thing is that how they say, not a single spot on momir. i don’t understand something, alexey kirillovich, what are you talking about? no, page, only we, the prosecutor’s office, knew about the records, i can’t go, do you want to hand over your relative? give me the cassettes, they are of no use to you. first we will listen, then we will decide. forward, thank you, if in the field i wake up healthy, if i fall again, touching
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my head high, all the strength of spirit that carries my brain forward. i go on the road in fear, i believe that i’m ready, i believe that i’m ready, i’ll be lucky, just give me the strength to understand neither tomorrow nor yesterday, i am a beast inside, to be able to lay siege to the violent king.
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hello, hello, vladimir ivanovich on the signature, why are you all upset? why did i shed blood so that i could be penalized here like a dog, what are you allowing yourself to do, i ’ll call the guards now, call whoever you want, scarecrow, fuck you all, parasites, khan, i
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’ll be right up, but excuse me, please wait, what’s wrong with me? name is zhenya, i am... assistant to the chairman of the veterans council, and what do you need, well, if you have any problems, we can try to solve them, i was on your council, they sent me there assistant, where are you from just got out, assistants, deputies, deputy assistants, i’ll figure it out myself. where did you go?


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