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tv   Voennaya politsiya  NTV  April 23, 2024 2:10am-3:01am MSK

2:10 am
we need to call mikhalchenko and let him stop the commission bus from entering the plant under any pretext. oh, this is mine, give me here, excuse me, the regulations. yes, what about beer and how much according to the navigator, 5 minutes is easier, well, let’s push on, you’ll plod along like a snail.
2:11 am
wait, where, wait, wait, stop, you, have you gone crazy, there are foreigners there, an international inspection, are you stunned, or what ? pantamimo is not your genre, open the gate, i can’t, what happened, emergency situation, a truck broke into the territory, driver of arab appearance, 20-25 years old, threatening blow yourself up, lieutenant colonel smetanikov.
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headquarters, let me pass, i can’t, comrade lieutenant colonel, listen, we are the only one who knows what is happening there, we can resolve this issue peacefully, let me pass, i can’t, code 18, these are the telephone numbers of those who were in on the bus, that's right, okay, look, don't let us pass, just give the phone to my man, here you go, guy. you can save their lives, i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you,
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at the russia exhibition. since childhood, the woman dreamed of finding out who her father was, when her mother admitted who she gave birth to, she decided to meet him personally. i don’t need anything from him, just so that my children and grandchildren know that they have a grandfather. however, the alleged father stated that he was not her mother’s only boyfriend. one, he says, don’t try it, not now. not you, as they say, this may be the last one, my brother was from another village, he didn’t know anything about her, but she decided to say that he is the father, another of his arguments is the discrepancy in the timing of pregnancy and childbirth, at 7 months it turns out that the alleged daughter found her biological father, i want to put an end to it for myself , even though he might be there for a while, dad will try, how would you like oksana to be your daughter now? dna tomorrow at 17:50
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on ntv. gentlemen, please remain calm, everything is under control. who's here, mikhalchenko? and who needed it? commander, waiting for a call. a where did you get the idea that this is mine? are there any here? also
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mikhalchenko, general ivanov, what ’s going on here anyway, give me the phone number, general ivanov, who i’m talking to, lieutenant colonel smetanikov, comrade general. there is my man on the bus with you, please pass the phone to him, i have important information for him, what kind of information, you are in command of the operation, comrade colonel general, what else, we have everything under control, there is a sniper on the roof waiting for the command, what is there no one to give the command, give me a walkie-talkie, i order you to give me a walkie-talkie, what’s your call sign? sniper, first, but we have orders to wait for the fsb to arrive. what a mess, can’t we press the trigger without the fsb? comrade colonel general, the bandit has a reverse detonator, if he lets go of his finger, what are you doing, hello, petrovich, thank god,
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listen, the general has gone away there, which means we don’t have much time, listen, i understand, you’re a civilian, but now you are the only one who can help, you must... get off the bus and give the phone to juma, i said that no one should go anywhere, otherwise i will get hurt yourself, show him that you are unarmed, what is in you, just without sudden movements, what do you want, to live until retirement, tell him that he wants to talk to him? obzdik, there is obzdik, he wants to talk, okay, come here,
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sit down. first, first to listen, says general ivanov. i take command, report the situation and what you see in detail. i see that a guest is getting into the object’s cabin. he is listening. hello juma. smiskander, alexander. my name is alexander, sasha, maybe you heard? i know your father, but do you know what's in the truck that you do you want to blow it up? what's in the truck? of course, you don’t know, in your truck there is death,
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inevitable, much more terrible than the one on your belt, the death of hundreds and thousands of people, peaceful people, everything within a radius of 10 km will be poisoned and die, if you? what's in my truck, a chemical warfare agent, a strong nerve agent, listen, juma, the people who put the suicide vest on you, they don't care about your place, they want you to kill as many people as possible, and then become a scapegoat, you know what you want you, what would your father want, an honest man? what would your mother, your dead brothers and sisters want, they wouldn't want you to become a murderer of a thousand people, i don't want to, let us help you, just give my man the fuse, the object gives
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the fuse to the guest. it seems to put it on safety, apparently there is no danger, the first one, so you hesitate, destroy the militant, there is destroy.
2:20 am
this is you, roshchin, i’m listening, sorry, son, an order from above, the operation is official. roll up, return to base. i tried to save juma, i swear i tried, i want to bury him in my native land, you know very well what will happen if you show up and ask for the body to be returned.
2:21 am
ministry of defense, government, i said everything today, as soon as you pick up jomo, contact me, that’s what all our problems are causing, is he actually an intelligence officer or a market sucker, he caught him like a ratan on an empty hook, do you think he he’s bluffing, but what can he do, have you already interrogated him? albakhridi left observation. unfortunately, we were unable to find out how lieutenant colonel smetannikov gets in touch with him. as i say,
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amateurs. okay, give him the puppy. and get caught red-handed if you try to cross the border. they will resist, fire to defeat, without doubt, without regret. he who negotiates with the enemy is the enemy himself. slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, in just a moment the scammer would have had access to the money according to you, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count took seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money could be sent to a safe bank the bank itself hung up, who are the scammers pretending to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking, did the defendant beat you up?
2:23 am
judged by a hero, that means you are alone, guess how many germans? six, it seems, or so the legendary soviet saboteur, the trains will not reach the destination station, the fate of the saboteur, complete forgiveness, i certainly don’t promise you, but extenuating circumstances will be taken into account, premiere on friday at 20:00 on ntv. look, i kept my end of the deal, now it's your turn.
2:24 am
i wanted to kill him myself and couldn’t get close, but it doesn’t matter, now you will avenge me, and why should i trust you, you understand, one name will not be enough for me, i have evidence, a video recording of his recruitment and much more, from the state border of the russian federation, stop, turn off the engine. lieutenant colonel smetnik, the senior major is speaking to you, stop
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immediately, if you disobey, i will be forced to open fire to kill, listen, this is not my game, yours, the two of you, but if they catch up, you lost, they won’t catch up. listen, they won't take us, give me a name, call it now, fire! this is albakhridi, smetannikov could not be found, i’m very sorry, sorry, shut up, okay? he left me no choice, it was you who killed him,
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you killed him, put your hands down! major of old age, why are you hanging your sad nose, you’re doing great, we should have someone like him at the ministry of defense, he’s exactly albakhridi, show him.
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you were with your dad, that’s where, no,
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it turns out, you didn’t see how he died, your dad died as a hero, don’t trust anyone, who? to put it another way, that is, you didn’t see it with your own eyes, because there’s no one there, i would like you reassure, but forgive me if you can, yes.
2:29 am
no, comrade colonel, i’ve had enough, first of all, i’m not a colonel. as a major general, we are now both majors, well, only i’m bigger, your memory fails you, comrade general, i was fired as a captain, but accepted as a major, so read, reserve captain roshchin, mikhail alekseevich accepted service in the internal support department of the ministry of defense, with assignment of a title. so that no one will guess what we will actually be doing, and what? let's catch a high-ranking spy, oh which al-bahridi did not have time to tell, this is
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a matter of counterintelligence, and what if he dug in there too? that’s why the minister and i came up with the idea of ​​​​creating such a department, it is not included in the army hierarchy, you report only to me, i directly report to the minister to no one else, in order to avoid leaks, don’t worry, without me, you want to find out who killed voron and smetannikov , and i know who killed smetannikov. do you think albakhridi was killed by a stray bullet? this is what they pulled out of his head. 408. so, a long-range sniper rifle, her elder people do not have such weapons had it, i checked, perhaps
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the same sniper got smetannikov, okay, i ’ll at least try to restore smetannikov’s good name. we will return, roshchin, no doubt about it. gentlemen, i now have a new department and i have been allowed to staff it with reserve officers. and i need a doctor. required. let's go to your new duty station. ask.
2:32 am
it seems like today is a day off, but i’m only here for 5 minutes, i want to look at some readings for homework, wow, there are a lot of spies around, mikhalych, whether you want to know or not, come on!
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well, 5 minutes, not 5 minutes, but there are rules, rules, no questions, mikhalych, please,
2:34 am
hold your back, little girl. that's good, timurchik, son, who do you like? bidhovin, who else, of course. bidhoven is fine . mom, let me go. timur, you remember your architecture classmate, khrustalev, with difficulty. i always knew that he was an upstart and a fool.
2:35 am
to the mountains with a machine gun, like a savage, i’m in my place, father, we’ve already discussed this 100 times, mom, now it’s definitely time for me, little bird, what’s wrong with you, well, come on, let’s start with the fort again, come on, well, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, ok, hold your back, hold your back, uh-huh.
2:36 am
you're late, timur. let this be the first and last time. dad, we're all assembled, we can start. this is a metal matrix composite, a laboratory sample. here's all the information on it. the lightest, strongest, absolute champion in all disciplines. nowadays, weapons operate beyond the limits of what is possible, so such new materials with unprecedented properties are something to be desired. well, this particular sample disappeared from this promising technology 10 days ago, and why were you silent, dear, we would have had it for 10 days already? found, managed without you, the composite was taken out by an employee of the nepoduba senior institute and sent to his brother, this handsome man, captain of the third rank of nepoduba vadim vladimirovich, chief mate on a research vessel, a seeker, now a seeker in...
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the baltic, but in 3 days he goes on a planned expedition in the barints sea with calls at the ports of bergan norway, stockholm, sweden. why is he in military uniform if the ship is a research vessel? do you think that research ships around the world are only engaged in science? the seeker is no exception. he it also monitors the movements of nato submarines. therefore, half the team are scientists, half are military. well, fighters, let's take the inappropriate for the sirloin?
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fly to severobaltiysk immediately to mannikova’s apartment, our new employee is already working there. what else is this new employee? there you will find out, you will be based in severobaltiysk, where the searcher is moored, and a house has been rented for you. for work?
2:39 am
i don’t like these planes, my ears are blocked from pressure changes, i’ll soon go completely deaf, why is that?
2:40 am
i didn’t tell you, i’m telling you, fifth, new department head. timurchik, calm down, why did you take the bear to take it off again, but what happened with the sour cream? arrived, hello, congratulations to roshchin on his relegation, he will not fly again, all this is in vain, a detachment that lost its commander in battle should be disbanded, bullshit.
2:41 am
it’s true, they need a composition, a formula, it’s dusted off, it’s nonsense. vadik, you cretin, what did you do with him? yes, i just bent it and accidentally began to unbend it, and it cracked. like a piece of clothing, it has a breaking point, but you can’t open a jar of cucumbers. it's a fake copy. someone outsider were you on the ship? no, we have a 24-hour watch. although a week ago, a woman was seconded to us from the bolt fleet headquarters. but no one has seen her since tuesday. “send me her data, calm down, everything can be solved, don’t call me again for now, completely understood, it seems that the inappropriate person was not involved in the disappearance of manikova, she
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has already replaced the dummy, this is bad, i think this is good, because now the spies will not get the sample , they are aware of the substitution, which means they won’t make contact, and accordingly we won’t pinch their tail, listen, the original is not..." do you know where? i really hope that mannikova has it, let’s find her, find the composite, okay, let’s go get the car. guys, why should everyone go, i'll go. oh, that's a good idea. in the meantime, i will partake in beauty. yeah.
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beauty is my passion. esthete. for you , all beauty is the price tag with six zeros. only lazy fools believe that money can ruin love. damn, there 's some guy there, i didn't give birth, i can't wait to miss your acquaintance with the commander, commander, the intercom isn't working, please, please. major roshin, captain chikovani, military police. there was a draft, a door or
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window was opened, the eighth floor, there is a fire escape. what do you want? i can’t understand which apartment is being renovated? over there, get down, dear, let's talk!
2:45 am
semyon, i thought, let me answer the order, no, i promised magutin that i wouldn’t give you the money, i’m sorry, sir, what a manager you are, well, look at you, here i am, yes, everyone behind the manager is vkhoz, give me at least half, we still won’t master it, what are you talking about, i’ll pay you back with interest, as it’s supposed to, you understand, only people can multiply like this, and money disappears, you read capital, money, goods, money, yeah, only in marx, goods, money, goods. your marx was wrong, by the way, because of his theory the economy of socialism collapsed. oh, so this is
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a beauty for you, but are you crazy, huh? let's find out who we'll catch up with! back, police operation, back, back, no witnesses needed, no, all the best.
2:47 am
svetlana alekseevna, this is major roshchin, i’m from general mogutin, i’ll get you up now, everything’s fine, everything. ok, unravel me, what are you doing here, the same as you, how many of them there were, one, i heard, went to the balcony, what did he want, composite, you’re not going to untie me, it’s fathermannikov, yes, alexey nikolaevich, wow, you took one, and i let mine in, very funny, you’re okay oh, i asked what are you doing here? roshchin, stop being a fool.
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didn't general magutin warn you? and here is the fifth element. cut me open at last! shut up! where to get sick? where does the chest hurt? is it hard to breathe? i got nervous! he didn’t know that his daughter was missing, he somehow obsessively rubbed his little finger, his left one? yes, damn it, senya, quickly grab the first aid kit, nitroglycerin, call an ambulance, we have a heart attack, quiet, quiet, hold on, it will be easier now, come on, come on, come on! now, now, yes, where are you, keep it quiet,
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father, everything will be fine, come on, that's it, well done, just like that, i performed a pericardial stroke, cardiopulmonary was not required, it now contains 2 mg of nitrate one hundred parts of aspirin, be careful, guys , i’m listening to you, roshchin, in st. petersburg i couldn’t say that the fifth was the elder, and what happened, tell me honestly, would you have gone if i had said? “no, and you know, i have reasons for this, and you still took her to the finishing line, you couldn’t help but take her, roshchin, he couldn’t, the order came from the ministry from the very top, don’t you think that she was slipped to us for a reason, are you sure that she can be trusted, i’m sure they vouched for her, and i trust these people as i trust myself, she will be for us useful, there is something to report on the case, there’s no way, then that’s it, the topic is closed, we’re working, roshchin!” well, what did he say,
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nothing good, that guys, maybe a petition, but a collective one, let’s say, we can’t work with this gazelle, and the reasons, and the reasons, if it weren’t for her, smetanikov would be alive, her guilt is indirect, and why are you standing up for her, i don’t understand, you’ve already quickly... arranged a position, but semyon vadimovich, yeah, i’m just for justice, but i don’t care about justice, i won’t work with it, so leave, they’ll find a replacement for you, and don’t roll your lips, you won’t be appointed, you’re a captain, but the senior major, the hierarchy, they’ll soon give me, while they’ll give you so much crap, you’ll eat so much shit with her and in general, a woman on a ship is fraught, and a woman is a commander, especially, mish, you’re in time with rapport, well, you understand, dad, in the heat of the moment , will disband the department and let us die, then guys, but the order was given, we are obliged to fulfill it, it is our duty. only out of respect for
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your debt. well, it looks like someone desperately needs this composite, they won’t stand on ceremony, which increases our chances of covering them. timur, did you see him? yes, and i even gave him a personal stamp, and i just remembered the number of the car. now that 's better. tell pashkkevich to let him look. semyon, my god!
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but it is not a mercedes that is registered under this number, you are a 21,011 sedan. petrovich, where could you have gone wrong? nowhere, with me phenomenal memory for numbers. the number is fake - that's clear. how it works? well, it 's based on gas-discharge indicating radiation. where is it written here that the composite is not and was not in the apartment. all samples are marked with radioactive floods. only employees with the highest level of clearance knew about this, everything that came into contact with the samples began to emit radiation on its own, it was safe, effective, so they looked inappropriately like a senior, in fact, there was no need to crawl around the apartment with a dosimeter, mannikova rented an apartment and did not show up my father has more than a month, but he can’t it was earlier to say, guys, let’s
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turn around, there’s no point, the father doesn’t know the address, all 4 days of the new service she lived in her cabin on the seeker, and why... a young girl, girl, there will be information, i
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ask you, help, after all, the person has disappeared, i’ll contact you, thank you. maybe i’ll run after him myself, but the sailor, before the trip on the ship, a special regime has been declared, outsiders are not allowed on board, captain of the second rank nazarov. i'll have to make an exception, it's not in my power, major, i also follow orders, something happened to you, mayur elder, you see, everything is as usual, first they imposed this, and women on the ship are an emergency, especially if they are awol, this is a disgrace for the commander,
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but i think it won’t come to that if because of the staff, what went on a spree, remove such people, st. petersburg naval. the navy with honors, the naval academy with honors, studied my business, with great pleasure and respect. knight of the order of st. george for the mission to protect russian foreign ships in the gulf of adon. okay, that was a long time ago. ok then, let's not waste time, i'll take you to the ship. i shouldn't come on board. let's respect the signs of the sea. show the whole of roshchina to major. please follow me, you need to press this button to save the data,
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please. that day, as usual, she went for a run and never appeared on the ship again. don't touch anything, i gave you permission to look at the cabin, not her personal belongings. manigault will return and raise his temple that i grossly violated the order. well, are you convinced that she is not here? yes, not here, but the ship is big. okay, let's go.
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they are doing something quickly, and misha is unhappy, apparently something went wrong, it is clear that nazarov did not let him inspect the ship, comrade general, this is the elder, the alikhovs seized the initiative. enough, but raised the land, lost, no one needs, we have problems here, calmly, freely, vadim vladimirovich, and it seems you were going to the shore, that’s right, the military police are looking for our self-propelled gun, i hope they find her, let me go , go, attention, says the ship’s commander, captain lieutenant, urgently climb to the bridge and in 20 seconds whether she will be here or not, it’s unlikely
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to prove anything, this is my ship, and it doesn’t follow my orders, it’s going to court, for some reason we can’t hear the heels, well, that’s it, time is up, and, by the way, so is yours .
2:59 am
well, it’s a bummer, don’t despair, commander, i’ve already contacted mogutin, great, guys, let’s move away. there is a weak background, which means the composite is in the cabin, the indicators would be higher, but this is just a background, the composite was there, now it’s not there, perhaps it returned to the cabin inappropriately, we need to get to the finder, if we go, now the team has gone to shore, what a couple there conscripts are a drunk midshipman. we'll knock it out for once, timur, these are our guys, not enemies, but we are gentle, magutin promised us access to the finder,
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he will of course need time, but for now we could inspect mannikova's apartment, we don't know the address, magutin has already received a printout of the calls mannikova with geolocation data and sent it to us, off we go. if you don’t mind, not at all, i ’ll drive, thank you, timur, otherwise i’m kind of tired. for an incoming call this.


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