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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 23, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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the streets and gleno came together unexpectedly, and this meeting turned into a battlefield, on one side of the ring on the side of the ring there was a group of teenagers who were noisily and cheerfully returning to celebrate their birthday, on the other, local businessman rauf gabdulin with his family and a combat support group in an suv, someone one of the schoolchildren, apparently, jumped out in front of the businessman’s foreign car and shouted something, gabdulin could not stand it, stopped and gave the command to his sons to fight. gabdulin, authoritative by local standards, decided to talk to the teenagers personally, so to speak, in an understandable way. language, explain who is in charge here, why he, a businessman, needs to be treated with the utmost respect, you tell me, then more and more new participants began to join in the beating of teenagers, they say everything from the local wrestling section, which, by the way, is sponsored by gabdulin, here in the frame for some reason he appears naked. an enraged man,
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someone named islom, he, as it later turned out, hit carefully, but forcefully. egor filippov suffered the most from his group of friends . limping, he now spends time in a hospital bed, hematomas, abrasions on his face, drunk teeth. grown men did not count on strength. they beat me not only in the face, in principle, on the head, on the temples, they beat me, they beat me on the back of my head, i just had bruises all over my head, they also kicked me while i was lying on my back. a couple of times he tried to kick me in the groin area, he hit me once, then i couldn’t give in. yegor says the beating was captured on a mobile phone, this was only the first part, then he and his lover were put in a car and taken to search for his friends who had run away. along the way , the businessman’s son allegedly struck, and gabdulin, the eldest, explained on his fingers why it's better not to mess with him. he started showing some photos of us with some deputies, and he said that i have a lot of connections.
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i started to hide behind this, saying that i won’t be able to live like a needle anymore, i won’t be able to walk peacefully after this, and i ran into that. rauf gabdulin vigleno, a well-known, one might say, honored man, declares himself, is engaged in the construction of houses, wood processing, heads the association of timber industry and glinsky district and develops boxing, raises two daughters , three sons, at least one of them as since he took part in the beating of teenagers, yegor filippov’s girlfriend also got it, she is the only one of his friends who did not run away and did not abandon the young man.
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now all parties to the conflict have simultaneously reported, they are receiving threats, teenagers are allegedly receiving messages from strangers, surprisingly, the family of a reputable entrepreneur also reported bullying. investigators will also check all these arguments. pavel kuznetsov, valentin lyubimov and nikita zabrodin, ntv, bashkiria. erik khanumyan was detained in the moscow region; the migrant is suspected of attacking hero of russia evgeny chernyaev. chernyaev tried to move with a tractor, but...
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the north pole to the titanic, now the underwater world explorer has a man who dived to the bottom to study a new area, legislative, all after he was attacked by twenty- one-year-old erik khanumyan, a tractor driver working for the nearest construction site. evgeny chernyaev tried to film him on his phone, which the man really didn’t like. khanumyan first knocked him down, and then ran out of the cabin and tried to snatch the phone from his hands. now i’ll take the phone away and break it.
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everything goes on in such an authoritative tone, but he tries to turn me by the leg on the asphalt , face down to the asphalt, in order to knock me out of the problematic construction site, work on which, according to the man, has never been stopped. unfolded right across the street from his house, constant noise, dust and conflicts of numerous migrants who began to live in the nearest hostel. previously, recalls evgeniy chernyaev, there was an agricultural field here where wheat, barley, peas and other crops were grown, and then a completely different one arrived special equipment. after evgeny churnyaev turned to law enforcement, the construction was temporarily suspended, all the equipment was taken out, the workers were dismissed, only concrete supports remained, and judging by them, they planned to build a large-scale structure here... the villagers have been fighting the construction, according to evgeniy, for the last 3 years, wherever they turned, they reached the regional state construction supervision, where at first they did not attach importance to construction trailers in the field, when piles began to grow on it instead of wheat, they confirmed that
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these works are still illegal. a capital construction project is being constructed on the land plot in the absence of a building permit. the administration decided to go to court with a claim for demolition. unauthorized construction or its bringing into compliance with established requirements. the attack on the hero of russia, it seems, was the last straw in this protracted story of confrontation between local residents and construction workers. investigators got involved in the case and a criminal case was opened. currently the suspect is under a written undertaking not to leave for proper behavior within the framework of a criminal case of beatings initiated by the internal affairs bodies. investigators conduct interrogations, as well as other investigative actions. all the circumstances of what happened are being established, now in the village, according to evgeniy chernyaev, it has become quietly calm again, he does not want to say anything bad to his offender, although khanumyan, under the article of hooliganism, can no longer engage in construction, but correctional work, or even go to a colony for up to 5 years . tamara
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simonova, alexey labachev, dmitry smirnov, nadezhda zypkina and anton lukyanov, ntv television company, moscow region. in bryansk, fsb officers prevented. he drove up to the hiding place, from where he was supposed to pick up a package with homemade explosives, go to the next point to organize a terrorist attack, during interrogation the saboteur admitted that he was recruited by ukrainian nationalists, all his actions were supervised through messengers, he also received the coordinates of the task there, but the task to pick up was not received. cooperated substance will prepare a festastic act in one of public places, after its seizure a russian fsb officer was detained. the detainee will soon be arrested and faces up to 20 years in prison. a shocking video,
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which was posted online by one of the students of the forty-second school in nizhny novgorod, became the reason for the prosecutor's investigative check on mobile footage; teenagers were filmed bullying their peers. the boy has some health problems, he cannot stand up for himself, this is what the offenders take advantage of, who will now most likely be punished, we still need to understand, they knew whether teachers are aware of what is happening in the educational institution, whether similar incidents have happened before. for this ninth grade student , recess is the most hated time, a time of humiliation, ridicule, bullying, classmates and everyone who takes pleasure in mocking the weak are surrounded. for this nizhny novgorod school, judging by the indifference of those passing by, such public bullying is the norm, the worst thing is that
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sixteen-year-old slava, we have changed his name, perceives this attitude towards himself partly as a game due to health problems, but instead of sympathy, he is an informal leader, he is years younger than his victim. shows cynicism and aggression, strikes, then a chokehold, everyone is having fun, not even me, i have been bullied for many years now by a ninth-grader, and this has long gone beyond the classroom and became the property of the whole school, the students confirm that the teenager is ridiculed, sometimes very cruelly, waiting for a reaction, filming it on the phone and posting it in general groups. for fun, the teacher is aware of what is happening, but what can you do, these are children, he had problems with a defect, resha and he were because of this, his they just put him on the floor and knocked him down, in fact, the whole school is hurting this boy, you can
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say he always gets offended by this and leaves, like, everyone calls him a kid, a video where the son is being attacked and is being led by his peers, the mother saw it, for her ... caused bodily harm to a peer. based on this fact, the investigative bodies of the investigative committee of russia for the nizhny novgorod region are conducting a procedural check. to understand how a person who is so morally bullied feels, you need to be in his place. preventive conversations with pdn inspectors and even the father's belt are unlikely to help. empathy, unfortunately, is not an innate feeling; it needs to be nurtured. transferring her son to another school is not an option, says the mother. new team means new stress. and the boy is not entitled to a special school, so slava is forced to complete his studies here. daria masalova, valentin
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lyubimov and mikhail odinokov, ntv. airtime does not allow us to fully show what is happening at the nizhny novgorod school. however, this video is available in our telegram channel and to find it you need type chpnttv in the search bar of the messenger. you can also use the qr code that you now see on the screen in publications. telegram channel chpntv has the opportunity to leave comments. and then in kirov , a former paratrooper saved a schoolgirl who was standing on the ledge of a balcony, how she ended up there and what she told the rescuers who arrived at the scene of the emergency, you will learn about this immediately after the advertisement. detain murin urgently, why should i detain you, you will find out there. on the way out, we need to drive them all away, damn mothers, it’s a hot spot,
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new season, maybe i should just kill you here and end the day, today at 20:00 on ntv. port and turbidity, poisoning swirls, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need filtrumsti, rather, filtrumsti - a sorbent in a convenient tablet form, helps eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea, at an average price of 123 rubles for 10 tablets, filtrumsti, to restore order in the stomach, reduce there will be no money, sazon cards, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 3000 rubles for...
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1:40 pm
what kind of joints do you need to have in order to live on the fifth floor without an elevator, to run so briskly, the exact terminator is liquid, an ordinary person’s legs would have broken long ago, his back, and i’ll tell you i say, her remedies are from the future, there ’s no other way to explain it, sinoten - ease of movement, call right now to quickly get a detailed consultation on the drug sinaden. everyone who calls our line when ordering a course, in addition to a detailed consultation, will also receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge.
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anyone can receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, as a gift, and you do not have to pay for delivery; order the sinaden course directly from the manufacturer right now using the number on your screen, without any markups and commissions and remember, delivery is also at our expense, sinaden - ease of movement, the word of a boy, blood on the asphalt - the most anticipated premiere of the year, today at 23:00, a woman since childhood. dreamed of finding out who her father was, when her mother admitted who she gave birth to, she decided to meet him personally, i don’t need anything from him, just so that my children and grandchildren know that they have a grandfather, but the alleged father said that he was her mother is not the only suitor, one says, no idea, you are not the first, not you, as they say, this may be the last, brother i was from another village, he
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didn’t know anything about her, but she decided to do what he was his father, another one of his... there is another emergency on the air and we continue our broadcast: the malaysian authorities are finding out the causes of the plane crash that occurred in during the parade rehearsal, two military helicopters collided, killing 10 people, the tragedy was caught on camera, an eyewitness saw
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how one of the helicopters, the one flying a little lower, rammed the other, the cars lost control. one of the helicopters fell at the entrance to the lumut air base stadium, the other into the swimming pool sports complex. the crew had no chance of survival; it is reported that the parade of combat vehicles was supposed to be part of the celebration of the ninetieth anniversary of the royal malaysian navy. in kirov, a former paratrooper saved an eight-year-old girl.
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everyone called emergency services, one man from the crowd realized there was little time left, in general i was scared for the girl, mikhail polikov should not have been in this area at all, he was driving with a friend from a hardware store, we decided to park at a grocery store to buy water, we stopped at the same one became home fateful, quickly assessing the situation, mikhail rushed into the entrance, then another coincidence for a relative. i went up to the fifth floor, knocked on the door, no one could open it, well, no one opened it there. there wasn’t, the same girl came out from the third floor, said that i had the keys to this apartment, opened it, i went out onto the balcony, respectively, from the balcony i went down to the fourth floor, covered the girl, well, the girl, so that she wouldn’t, well, there was no chance for her to fall. descent from the fifth floor to the fourth - the rescue operation itself took less than a minute. mikhail opened
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the balcony window, pushed the girl through it, and it seemed that the worst was over, the child was home again. only the apartment turned out to be someone else’s, she said that i don’t live on the fourth floor at all, on the fifth, i say, but how did you come down, she says, mom and dad left on business, i went for a walk, i said, why didn’t you have your parents? you obey, she, well, is silent, understands her guilt, but as if a child is a child, that is, the girl got onto the ledge the same way as her savior, as she went down from the fifth floor to the fourth, was able to stand on the canopy of cornices, and even in rubber boots, a mystery? which the neighbors are now fighting over, they say, even if you take into account that the eight-year-old schoolgirl has been doing gymnastics for a long time, it’s still hard to believe that this is possible, another question, where does such zeal come from to... at any cost, a normal family, they don’t drink anything, mom works, he works too, the girl goes to school, they just wouldn’t tell her
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to keep an eye on her, girl, she’s, of course, fast among them, very smart, i’m like that i looked, such a nimble girl, the parents, who arrived at the scene when the rescuers were already lowering their daughter to the ground, along the fire escape, were themselves in shock, promised to hold an educational conversation, but she was waiting for them... adults, despite the fact that the couple was always considered safe and was not registered; law enforcement officers became interested in the incident. the investigative bodies of the investigative committee of russia for the kirov region are conducting a pre-investigation check on this fact, within the framework of which all the circumstances and reasons are established what happened. they want to reward mikhail in the local administration for his concern, but he replies that he did not save laurels. my own three-year-old daughter understands everything, but asks not to forget that this is just a matter of chance.
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who did the swindlers pretend to be, when the woman realized that she had become a victim of criminals and how not to fall for the tricks of such scammers, more about this after the advertisement, take your igul, you failed, you scum, we all failed. they sharpen their teeth on us, no one likes the fact that we are our own strength, that’s how it is it turns out that a person grows up in abundance, with
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tape recorders, with carpets, and then he kills, it’s like that and a criminal rapist is closer than a normal person, that you came here, your choice, hello, princess, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, premiere, today at 23:00 on ntv. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, the desire to stand out, the desire to act and not be distracted by the hustle and bustle, business works so that for...
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we know if there is life at the checkout, get space craps and pullers for every 600 rubles. win a tour to baikan and other prizes, pyaterochka helps out, there will be no money to be made, with a card, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose , spend it anywhere, with an azon card, money there will always be, these are the hands of masha petrova, they think that next spring they will introduce a new crop in a large agricultural complex. and they think correctly, because masha is a professional graduate, we will teach you to think with your own hands, leading employers are waiting for our graduates who know how to both think and do. professional, you're in good company. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast. an eighty-one-year-old muscovite
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became a victim. put it to yourself, here's how not to fall for their tricks, how to protect your loved ones from them, about this is aleftina marchenko. while sorting out boxes of things, larisa viktorovna tries not to cry, in the eighty-first year of her life , the pensioner lost her only home, she was forced to move to the dacha, at least there is somewhere - the woman sighs, she could have stayed on the street, all that she managed to save were books family library, antique trinkets, bed linen,
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some furniture, chairs, a nightstand, the story is this: criminals laid their paws on the apartment, he introduced himself, he introduced himself via video link, he was sitting in the uniform of a colonel in the gvd, this is how he introduced himself, showed his id, he is from the economic department, which is now fighting criminals, so in order for your apartment not to go away, you need to get ahead of them and sell the apartment, we will transfer the money to you.
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the courier from them arrived immediately, he didn’t come himself, the courier arrived and gave me these papers, i first looked at them, leafed through them, everything, everything is fine, there is a contract, there is a photograph of him, the pensioner knows for sure the subsequent reaction of people, because on every corner they say , how telephone swindlers operate, but so far you won’t fall for their bait, you won’t understand what it’s like to be at their gunpoint, they’ll put pressure on where it hurts the most,” the woman says, so unexpectedly for her, the voice on the phone insisted that there were
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methods of manipulation can be very diverse. according to psychologists, swindlers gain trust once or twice. a confident, calm voice has a hypnotic effect on the victim. during the conversation, as if inadvertently, he finds out. who he lives with, where he works, what his income is and whether he has any savings, while they sternly warn, or rather, it will be say, they are intimidating, this phone call is strictly secret, you will go under investigation for disclosing the secret. a person can be hypnotized even through the telephone, using certain techniques in conversational speech, a certain intonation, relaxing, putting a person in a state of trance, that is , a person hears what he wants to hear, of course he falls under the influence and so a resident of moscow was convinced that he was acting in the interests of an allegedly operational group that identifies swindlers on the internet, they have almost taken over his apartment, and in order for them to catch, you need to reach the entire chain of members of a criminal gang, to do this you need to act
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according to the instructions, strictly follow the plan, go everywhere alone, be in contact around the clock, write down all the names and surnames of the bank employees where you need to make a loan, sell the apartment within the prescribed time frame , and not admit it to anyone. for the purpose of the operation, the phone, if anything, during the fsb wiretapping, i had one earphone in my mustache, the phone was in my pocket inside, the earpiece was in my ear and with a microphone, i ask where, where are you go, what are you going to do now, they controlled every step, every step constantly, and not only lonely pensioners, but middle -aged people, moreover, engaged in intellectual work, obey the dodgers, so olga, who works in a state corporation... shows that they wrote to her from named after the secretary of the state services portal, allegedly her personal data was hacked and something needs to be done, there are already five loans, the scammers managed to apply for it, do not contact the bank employees at the branch, they also tell me these: do not
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write, and do not call when scammers they understand that they have survived everything they can, they abruptly disappear, and the person begins to gradually return to reality, and this does not happen immediately, as if waking up from the foundation starts slowly... realize the scale of the consequences of deception, the main thing here is not to fall into despair, and go straight to the police, remember all the details, help describe the attacker, this will make the search easier and increase the chances of finding telephone scammers. aleftina marchenko, nadezhda zybkina, andrei tikhanov and erika ovagyan, ntv television company. they will check in the sins of russia information about complaints from prisoners about conditions of detention in the black dolphin colony. about this. today, the head of the federal penitentiary service arkady gostiev said at a meeting with journalists, information that the rights of those serving a life sentence could be violated was published the day before, according to arkady gostiev, the department immediately took measures. reacted, sent
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a commission there from the central office in order to objectively look on the spot to see whether it was true or not, in order to simply evaluate and react how once we get the results, i assure you, you will... during a meeting with federal smerk employees, kadiy gostiev noted their role in objective reporting of information. the head of the vsin thanked the journalists for their work and presented awards. the departmental medal was received by our colleague, deputy director of the ntv information directorate, andrey kunitsin. that's all for today, more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. let me remind you that the opposite also works there.
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today in our program. i have never been afraid to admit mistakes to our intelligence. consumables. the nord stream bomber disappeared in ukraine, and the russian transport pilot was killed by a thirst for glory. why is kiev leaking its agents? they cheated, it turns out, and deceived him like cannon fodder. cyber ​​makhnovshchina. ukrainian call centers rip off russians, israelis, canadians and germans. how did ukraine become the world's nest of telephone scammers? just now they were malicious, look, they even posted my video, and a muddy story: popua new guinea was offended by biden’s story about being eaten...


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